thesheel · 11 months
The topic of cyberbullying is a sensitive one, but still, many people have some severe misconceptions about it: Let’s delve deeper into what misconceptions might some people have about cyberbullying. Misconceptions People Might Have About Cyberbullying Here are the common myths about cyberbullying Cyberbullying isn't as serious as physical bullying Some people believe that cyberbullying happens online and not in a physical space so it's less serious or damaging than traditional physical bullying. In reality, cyberbullying can be equally, if not more, harmful due to its potential reach and permanence. It can lead to significant emotional distress and serious consequences such as depression, anxiety, and even suicide. In fact, cyberbullying is so serious that it leads to people landing in long-lasting depression. The severity of cyberbullying against children is also forcing schools to take much-needed steps to stop this menace. Ignoring cyberbullying makes it go away.  The Misconception that "Ignoring cyberbullying makes it go away" is a prevalent misunderstanding. The idea is rooted in the belief that cyberbullies are merely seeking attention, and if they don't get it, they will stop. However, this is often not the case. For instance, consider the scenario of different celebrities who are the victim of cyberbullying. Most of them receive anonymous derogatory messages on social media as well as face this bullying in the general online sphere. Even though they ignore most of the cyberbullying, the bullies do not stop at all. They believe that the sender will lose interest and stop. However, instead of stopping, the messages become more frequent and hateful. The bully, not receiving any response from these celebrities, decides to escalate, posting humiliating posts about them publicly. Ignoring the bully doesn't address the root of the problem, which is the bully's behavior. It may also make the victim feel more isolated and helpless. Instead of ignoring the problem, it's crucial to take proactive steps. This can include reporting the bully to the platform's administrators or, in severe cases, the authorities, collecting evidence of the bullying, and seeking support from trusted adults or friends. It's also important for platforms and institutions to have robust anti-bullying measures and support systems in place to help victims. Remember, cyberbullying is not a problem that victims should have to solve alone. The onus should be on societies, communities, and platforms to ensure that such behavior is not tolerated and that victims are supported. Only kids and teenagers experience cyberbullying While young people are particularly vulnerable due to their extensive use of technology, anyone can be a victim of cyberbullying, including adults. In the digital age, harassment online can affect individuals of all ages. Once again, the case studies of celebrities stand true here. An overwhelming majority of them who are the victims of cyberbullying are adults who face this kind of behavior from the masses. [caption id="attachment_14353" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Cyberbullying is being experienced by people of all ages[/caption] People who cyberbully are strangers While it's true that the anonymity of the internet can facilitate bullying by strangers, a significant proportion of cyberbullying is carried out by people the victim knows personally, such as classmates or acquaintances. The Misconception that "People who cyberbully are strangers" is a common misperception that exists in society. The idea suggests that online bullies are unknown individuals hiding behind the anonymity of the internet to perpetrate their harmful acts. However, this belief is not entirely accurate and can potentially obscure the real problem, leading to ineffective solutions. Firstly, the Misconception implies that cyberbullying is primarily an issue of strangers' attacks, which is not entirely the case. While it's true
that the internet does enable anonymity, which can facilitate harmful behavior by individuals who may not be personally known to the victim, research has shown that a significant proportion of cyberbullying incidents are carried out by peers known to the victim. These can include classmates, colleagues, acquaintances, friends, or even family members. This misbelief can also create a false sense of security. If people believe that only strangers are potential online bullies, they may overlook or underestimate the risk posed by people in their immediate social circles. This can lead to a lack of vigilance, especially among younger internet users, who may be more likely to share sensitive information or engage in risky online behaviors. In addition, this Misconception can hamper prevention and intervention efforts. If the focus is solely on protecting individuals from unknown online predators, interventions might miss addressing the attitudes and behaviors within peer groups and communities that can foster cyberbullying. It's important to promote digital citizenship and respectful online communication in all contexts, not just when dealing with strangers. The belief that "People who cyberbully are strangers" also ignores the complexity of online relationships. Online and offline worlds often intertwine, and a 'stranger' in the online context could be a known individual in the offline world. It also discounts the possibility of 'familiar strangers,' people who are not personally known to the victim but are part of their extended online social networks. If you haven't done anything wrong, you won't be bullied Many people might think that bullying is a result of the victim's actions or behavior, but this is a misunderstanding. Bullying reflects the character of the bully, not the victim. It can happen to anyone, regardless of their actions, behavior, or personality. The Misconception that "If you haven't done anything wrong, you won't be bullied" is a pervasive misconception about cyberbullying and bullying in general. This belief is fundamentally flawed and harmful because it implicitly victim-blames, suggesting that the victims of bullying are somehow at fault for the actions of the bullies. Firstly, it's important to understand that bullying, including cyberbullying, is never the fault of the victim. It is a form of aggressive behavior characterized by the intent to harm or discomfort, an imbalance of power, and repetition. These actions reflect the choices and attitudes of the bully, not the characteristics or behaviors of the person being bullied. The Misconception also overlooks the fact that bullies often target others based on perceived differences, not wrongdoings. These differences can be anything from physical appearance, hobbies, interests, social status, race, sexuality, or simply standing out from the norm in some way. Cyberbullying can also occur due to jealousy, misunderstanding, or prejudice. The target's 'wrongdoing' is often only in the mind of the bully, not a reflection of any actual inappropriate behavior. Furthermore, the idea that "if you haven't done anything wrong, you won't be bullied" is misleading as it implies that behaving in a certain way can guarantee immunity from cyberbullying. This is not the case. Anyone can become a victim of cyberbullying, regardless of their behavior. It's the bully who makes the choice to act harmfully, and that choice often has more to do with the bully's issues than with the person they target. In fact, believing in this Misconception can make it harder for victims of cyberbullying to seek help. If they blame themselves, believing they must have done something wrong to deserve the bullying, they may feel ashamed or embarrassed. This can prevent them from reporting the bullying or reaching out to others for support, prolonging their suffering and possibly leading to more severe emotional consequences. Therefore, it's crucial to debunk this Misconception and stress that bullying is the responsibility of the bully, not the victim.
Everyone has the right to live, work, and play in environments that are free of harassment and aggression, both offline and online. Education about the true nature and causes of cyberbullying is a vital step in promoting a safer, more respectful digital culture. Cyberbullying is easy to spot Cyberbullying can take many forms, from overt actions like public shaming or spreading rumors to more subtle behaviors such as exclusion, manipulation, or gaslighting. It's not always obvious, and it may require close attention and understanding to identify. The idea that "Cyberbullying is easy to spot" is a common misconception. Cyberbullying can often be subtle, complex, and difficult to identify, especially without a clear understanding and awareness of its various forms. Free speech protects cyberbullying While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it doesn't include the right to harm others. Laws and policies are in place in many jurisdictions to protect individuals from harassment and bullying, including online. The notion that "Free speech protects cyberbullying" is a common and dangerous misconception. While the principle of free speech is crucial in democratic societies and supports the right to express one's opinions openly, it does not provide protection for harmful, abusive, or threatening behavior, including cyberbullying. The principle of free speech is not absolute and does not excuse or protect behavior that infringes upon the rights of others, including their right to safety and dignity. Harassment, threats, hate speech, and slander, which often characterize cyberbullying, typically fall outside the boundaries of protected speech. Moreover, many countries and jurisdictions, as well as social media platforms and schools, have laws and policies in place specifically to address cyberbullying and online harassment. These rules often include sanctions and penalties for such behavior, showing that such actions are not protected by free speech. While it's crucial to maintain the right to express differing opinions and ideas, it's equally important to ensure that this right doesn't turn into a tool for harm or harassment. Freedom of speech comes with responsibilities and limits, especially when it infringes upon the rights and well-being of others. It's Impossible to Trace and Punish Cyberbullies Although it can be more difficult to identify and discipline cyberbullies, it's not impossible. Laws and regulations regarding cyberbullying are becoming more robust. Schools, workplaces, and social media platforms are also taking more steps to handle cyberbullying effectively. The Misconception that "It's Impossible to Trace and Punish Cyberbullies" is another common misconception that needs to be addressed. While there are certainly challenges involved in identifying and dealing with cyberbullies, to say it's entirely impossible is misleading. Firstly, the nature of the internet, including the use of pseudonyms, VPNs, and the general vastness of the digital space, can sometimes make it difficult to identify cyberbullies. They might hide behind a cloak of anonymity, making it a challenge to trace their real identity. However, this doesn't mean it's impossible. There are technological methods and tools that can assist in tracing online activities. Also, law enforcement agencies and digital platforms often have ways to trace the source of cyberbullying incidents, especially when these incidents are severe and persistent. Secondly, the punishment of cyberbullies is not an impossible task. In many countries, cyberbullying is taken seriously by the law, and there are legal consequences for such actions. These can include criminal charges, fines, and even imprisonment in severe cases. In schools and workplaces, policies often exist that can lead to punitive measures like suspension, expulsion, or termination of employment. However, the enforcement of these punishments can be challenging due to jurisdictional issues, especially when the bully and the victim are in different countries.
The legal systems in place also vary from one country to another, and not all countries have explicit laws against cyberbullying. Additionally, there can be difficulty in gathering sufficient evidence to meet the legal thresholds for prosecution. While it can be complicated, social media platforms, internet service providers, and other online services also have an important role to play in tracing and punishing cyberbullies. They can use their policies and reporting mechanisms to sanction users who engage in cyberbullying, including suspending or banning their accounts, and can cooperate with law enforcement investigations. Furthermore, the notion that it's impossible to trace and punish cyberbullies can contribute to a sense of helplessness and hopelessness among victims. It's important to clarify that there are indeed resources and measures in place to deal with cyberbullying. Victims should be encouraged to report incidents to relevant authorities, whether that's school officials, employers, platform administrators, or law enforcement.
0 notes
thesheel · 1 year
The rise of cyberbullying has increased the role of schools in tackling this important issue. Cyberbullying has also urged parents to investigate whether schools are responsible for cyberbullying. Schools are generally not responsible for cyberbuylling. Nowadays, most schools are adopting modern day techniques like running educational campaigns, starting student-led drives, promoting empathy, partnering with law enforcement, among other things to stop cyberbullying. Why is Cyberbullying a problem in schools today The emergence of technology has brought about many benefits, from information access to efficient communication. However, with its numerous advantages come unintended consequences, one of which is cyber bullying. Cyberbullying is becoming a growing problem in schools today because of its ability to occur anonymously and 24/7 through social media, texts, and emails. Unlike traditional bullying, it can be tough to track down and solve. Cyberbullying affects children and adolescents alike, causing depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, leading to truancy, poor academic performance, and behavioral problems, among other consequences. This problem underlines the need for collective action among parents, school administrators, and social media companies to address cyberbullying and ensure that every child has access to a safe environment to learn and grow. [caption id="attachment_14323" align="aligncenter" width="475"] Students in schools can face severe cyberbullying due to the continous exposure to technology[/caption]   The Impact of Cyberbullying on Students' mental health and academic performance Cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue in today's digital age, with students being the most vulnerable to its harmful effects. The impact of cyberbullying on students' mental health and academic performance cannot be overstated. It can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and in some extreme cases, suicide. The constant fear of being bullied online creates an environment of stress and fear, which negatively affects students' academic performance. Victims of cyberbullying often experience a decline in their grades, lack of concentration, and poor attendance in school. Furthermore, cyberbullying can leave long-lasting emotional scars that can affect the overall wellbeing of the students for years to come. Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue and create a safe and supportive environment for all students to thrive academically and socially. How Can Schools Prevent Cyberbullying? Schools have multiple ways to combat cyberbullying. Here are some of the ways schools can stop this menace. Education and awareness campaigns Education and awareness campaigns can increase students' understanding of what cyberbullying is, how it affects people, and what they can do to stop it. Schools can initiate discussions, workshops, and training sessions on ethical and responsible online behavior. By creating a safe space for students to explore these issues, we can empower them to take action, seek help and support each other. We must remember that prevention is always better than cure, and education and awareness programs can help create a more empathic, less aggressive, and supportive online culture for our future generations. Teaching students about cyberbullying and its consequences As technology advances, so does the risk of cyberbullying among students. It's essential for schools to teach students about this growing issue to help them stay safe and prevent any potential harm. Educating students on the different types of cyberbullying and their consequences is crucial. Students need to understand that cyberbullying can have severe emotional impacts on the victims, causing them to feel isolated, anxious, and depressed, sometimes leading to tragic consequences such as suicide. Schools can conduct workshops, invite speakers, and offer resources to help students recognize and report cyberbull
ying. They can also teach them how to stand up against it, be respectful online, and create a safe and welcoming online environment for everyone. By teaching students about cyberbullying and its consequences, schools can play a critical role in protecting their students' emotional wellbeing and preventing harm to themselves and others. [caption id="attachment_14320" align="aligncenter" width="567"] Cyberbullying is easy to stop if schools take all the recommended measures[/caption] Encouraging empathy and responsible online behavior Schools play a crucial role in preventing and addressing cyberbullying. By encouraging empathy and responsible online behavior, they can help create a safe and supportive environment for all students. Here are some ways schools can promote empathy and responsible online behavior to combat cyberbullying: Develop a comprehensive cyberbullying policy: Schools should establish clear guidelines on what constitutes cyberbullying, its consequences, and the reporting process. This policy should be communicated to students, staff, and parents. Integrate empathy and digital citizenship education: Include lessons on empathy, digital citizenship, and responsible online behavior in the curriculum. Teach students about the impact of their words and actions on others, both online and offline. Encourage open communication: Foster a culture of open communication where students feel comfortable discussing cyberbullying incidents with their teachers, counselors, or other trusted adults. Host workshops and seminars: Organize workshops and seminars for students, parents, and teachers on topics like empathy, online safety, and responsible internet use. This will help build awareness and understanding of the issues. Promote positive online behavior: Highlight examples of positive online interactions and encourage students to be kind and respectful to others on social media and other digital platforms. Implement peer support programs: Establish peer support groups or buddy systems where students can help each other navigate the digital world and offer emotional support in case of cyberbullying incidents. Offer counseling services: Provide access to counseling services for students who have experienced cyberbullying or need help managing their emotions and developing empathy. Monitor online activities: While respecting students' privacy, schools can implement measures to monitor online activities on school-issued devices and report any instances of cyberbullying. Partner with parents: Collaborate with parents to reinforce messages about empathy and responsible online behavior. Offer resources and guidance to help parents support their children in navigating the digital world. Evaluate and adapt: Regularly assess the effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying initiatives and modify them as needed to better address the changing landscape of digital interactions. Schools Can Stop Cyberbullying by Monitoring and reporting systems Schools can play a significant role in stopping cyberbullying by establishing proper monitoring and reporting systems. Such systems can help detect instances of cyberbullying early on, provide support to victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. Here are some steps schools can take to establish effective monitoring and reporting systems: Develop clear guidelines and policies: Schools should create comprehensive cyberbullying policies that outline the definition of cyberbullying, the reporting process, and the consequences for offenders. These policies should be communicated to students, parents, and staff. Designate a point person or team: Assign a designated staff member or a team to handle cyberbullying reports and coordinate the school's response to such incidents. This person or team should be trained in handling cyberbullying cases and be knowledgeable about the school's policies and procedures. Implement reporting mechanisms: Establish a user-friendly and confide
ntial reporting system that allows students, parents, and staff to report incidents of cyberbullying. This may include an online form, a designated email address, or a hotline. Monitor online activity: Schools can monitor online activities on school-issued devices and networks to detect instances of cyberbullying while respecting students' privacy rights. This may involve using content filters, monitoring software, or working with technology providers to flag inappropriate content. Provide training and resources: Train teachers, counselors, and other staff members to recognize the signs of cyberbullying and how to respond effectively. Offer resources and guidance for students and parents on how to identify and report cyberbullying incidents. Collaborate with parents and the community: Encourage parents to monitor their children's online activities and report any instances of cyberbullying. Engage with the wider community to raise awareness about the issue and the importance of a collaborative approach to addressing it. Support victims: Ensure that victims of cyberbullying receive appropriate support, such as counseling services or academic accommodations, to help them recover from the experience and feel safe at school. Hold perpetrators accountable: Take appropriate disciplinary actions against students who engage in cyberbullying in accordance with the school's policies and procedures. This may include counseling, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the incident. Evaluate and adjust: Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of the monitoring and reporting systems, making adjustments as needed to better respond to cyberbullying incidents and the evolving digital landscape. Schools’ Counseling and Support Services Can Stop Cyberbullying Schools can play a vital role in addressing cyberbullying by providing counseling and support services to students who have been affected by it. These services can help students cope with the emotional impact of cyberbullying and prevent its negative effects from escalating. Here are some ways schools can establish effective counseling and support services. Designate trained staff: Ensure that counselors, psychologists, or social workers on staff are trained in addressing cyberbullying and its effects on students. They should be knowledgeable about the school's policies and procedures for handling cyberbullying incidents and able to offer appropriate support to affected students. Create a safe and confidential environment: Provide a safe and confidential space where students can feel comfortable discussing their experiences with cyberbullying without fear of judgment or retaliation. Offer individual counseling: Offer one-on-one counseling sessions to students who have been affected by cyberbullying, where they can discuss their feelings and develop strategies for coping with the situation. Develop group support programs: Establish group support programs or workshops where students can come together to share their experiences and learn from each other. This can help create a sense of community and foster resilience among students who have been targeted by cyberbullying. Provide resources and materials: Offer resources and educational materials on cyberbullying, its effects, and coping strategies for students, parents, and staff members. This can include brochures, posters, or online resources. Teach coping skills and resilience: Incorporate lessons on coping skills and resilience into the school's curriculum, which can help students develop the tools they need to handle cyberbullying and other challenges they may face in their lives. Coordinate with other services: Collaborate with other school services, such as academic support, to ensure that students affected by cyberbullying receive comprehensive assistance. This may include providing academic accommodations or additional support to help them maintain their school performance. E
ngage parents and families: Encourage open communication with parents and families about cyberbullying and its effects on their children. Offer resources and support to help parents address cyberbullying incidents and support their children through the recovery process. Promote a positive school climate: Foster a supportive and inclusive school environment that promotes respect, empathy, and kindness among students. This can help reduce the prevalence of cyberbullying and create a safe space for all students. Evaluate and adapt: Regularly assess the effectiveness of counseling and support services and make adjustments as needed to better meet the needs of students affected by cyberbullying. [caption id="attachment_14321" align="aligncenter" width="638"] Cyberbullying can have long lasting implications for students which means that schools must treat them with much care.[/caption] What Are the Moral and Ethical Responsibilities of Schools in Stopping Cyberbullying Schools have moral and ethical responsibilities to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students, including: Protecting student wellbeing Promoting a positive school climate Educating students on responsible online behavior Implementing effective policies and procedures Providing support and counseling services Ensuring privacy and confidentiality Encouraging open communication Engaging parents and the community Holding perpetrators accountable Regularly evaluating and adapting strategies   Schools Can Provide Resources for Victims of Cyberbullying to Stop the Menace Schools can provide the following resources to students combat the menace of cyberbullying Designated support staff Confidential reporting mechanisms Safe spaces for discussions Individual counseling services Group support programs Educational materials and resources Coping skills and resilience training Parental involvement and guidance Coordination with other services Online safety workshops   Schools Can Include Parents In Combating Cyberbullying Against Students Schools can also play a significant role in stopping cyberbullying by collaborating with parents. A joint effort between schools and parents can create a more comprehensive approach to addressing cyberbullying and fostering a safe environment for students. Here are some ways schools can collaborate with parents to stop cyberbullying:   Open communication: Encourage open communication between parents and school staff, allowing for the sharing of concerns and insights related to cyberbullying incidents or potential issues. Parent education: Organize workshops, seminars, or meetings for parents to discuss cyberbullying, its effects, and strategies for prevention and intervention. This can help parents understand the issue and support their children effectively. Share resources: Provide parents with resources and educational materials about cyberbullying, online safety, and responsible digital behavior, enabling them to guide their children in navigating the online world. Establish clear guidelines: Develop and communicate a clear cyberbullying policy, ensuring that both parents and students are aware of the school's expectations, reporting procedures, and consequences for cyberbullying incidents. Encourage parental monitoring: Encourage parents to be proactive in monitoring their children's online activities, helping them identify potential issues and promoting responsible online behavior. Parent-teacher collaboration: Foster strong relationships between parents and teachers, creating a united front in addressing cyberbullying and supporting students who may be affected. Support networks: Develop support networks for parents to share experiences, advice, and resources related to cyberbullying and online safety, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Joint events: Organize joint school-parent events
focusing on digital citizenship, empathy, and responsible online behavior, creating a unified message for students and strengthening the collaboration between schools and families. Feedback loop: Maintain an ongoing dialogue with parents about the effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying initiatives, gathering feedback and insights to improve and adapt strategies as needed. Community involvement: Extend the collaboration beyond the school and parents, engaging the wider community in creating a safe and supportive environment for all students, both online and offline.   Student-led initiatives Can Also Stop Cyberbullying in Schools Student-led initiatives can be a powerful way to address and prevent cyberbullying in schools, as they empower students to take ownership of the issue and become active participants in creating a positive environment. Here are some ways student-led initiatives can help stop cyberbullying: Peer mentoring programs: Students can establish peer mentoring or buddy systems, providing guidance and support to one another in navigating the digital world and coping with cyberbullying incidents. Student-led workshops: Students can organize and lead workshops on topics like digital citizenship, online safety, and responsible internet use, sharing their perspectives and experiences with their peers. Social media campaigns: Students can create social media campaigns to raise awareness about cyberbullying, promote kindness, and encourage responsible online behavior among their peers. Student support groups: Students can form support groups where they can discuss their experiences with cyberbullying, share coping strategies, and offer emotional support to one another. Student advisory boards: Schools can establish student advisory boards that contribute to the development and implementation of anti-cyberbullying policies and initiatives, ensuring that student voices are heard and considered. Creative projects: Students can develop creative projects, such as videos, posters, or performances, to raise awareness about cyberbullying and encourage empathy and understanding among their peers. School-wide events: Students can organize school-wide events, such as assemblies or awareness days, that focus on promoting a positive school culture and addressing cyberbullying. Collaboration with school staff: Student-led initiatives can work closely with school staff to identify and address cyberbullying incidents, ensuring that student perspectives are considered in the school's response. Promote positive online behavior: Students can model and encourage positive online behavior by creating and sharing uplifting content on social media, supporting their peers, and standing up against cyberbullying. Evaluate and improve: Student-led initiatives can regularly assess their effectiveness and gather feedback from their peers to make necessary improvements and ensure that their efforts have a meaningful impact.   Final Words Schools can effectively stop cyberbullying by implementing a multifaceted approach that involves various stakeholders. Initiating peer mentorship programs empowers students to support one another and promote responsible online behavior. Establishing student clubs and organizations dedicated to kindness and inclusivity fosters a positive school climate, while community partnerships enable schools to leverage local resources and expertise. Collaborating with law enforcement and mental health organizations helps schools address cyberbullying more comprehensively and ensures the wellbeing of students. Lastly, engaging in public awareness campaigns raises the visibility of the issue and encourages a broader commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students. But many stakeholders are even questioning if schools are doing enough to prevent bullying. For this we have written some powerful poems about cyberbullying that will help you unders
tand the menace in more depth.
0 notes
thesheel · 1 year
The rise of cyberbullying has increased the role of schools in tackling this important issue. Cyberbullying has also urged parents to investigate whether schools are doing enough to prevent cyberbullying. Most schools are doing enough for cyberbullying, but the rising challenges in the digital world is forcing schools to adopt modern day techniques like running educational campaigns, starting student-led drives, promoting empathy, partnering with law enforcement, among other things to stop cyberbullying. Why is Cyberbullying a problem in schools today The emergence of technology has brought about many benefits, from information access to efficient communication. However, with its numerous advantages come unintended consequences, one of which is cyber bullying. Cyberbullying is becoming a growing problem in schools today because of its ability to occur anonymously and 24/7 through social media, texts, and emails. Unlike traditional bullying, it can be tough to track down and solve. Cyberbullying affects children and adolescents alike, causing depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, leading to truancy, poor academic performance, and behavioral problems, among other consequences. This problem underlines the need for collective action among parents, school administrators, and social media companies to address cyberbullying and ensure that every child has access to a safe environment to learn and grow. [caption id="attachment_14323" align="aligncenter" width="475"] Students in schools can face severe cyberbullying due to the continous exposure to technology[/caption]   The Impact of Cyberbullying on Students' mental health and academic performance Cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue in today's digital age, with students being the most vulnerable to its harmful effects. The impact of cyberbullying on students' mental health and academic performance cannot be overstated. It can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and in some extreme cases, suicide. The constant fear of being bullied online creates an environment of stress and fear, which negatively affects students' academic performance. Victims of cyberbullying often experience a decline in their grades, lack of concentration, and poor attendance in school. Furthermore, cyberbullying can leave long-lasting emotional scars that can affect the overall wellbeing of the students for years to come. Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue and create a safe and supportive environment for all students to thrive academically and socially. How Can Schools Prevent Cyberbullying? Schools have multiple ways to combat cyberbullying. Here are some of the ways schools can stop this menace. Education and awareness campaigns Education and awareness campaigns can increase students' understanding of what cyberbullying is, how it affects people, and what they can do to stop it. Schools can initiate discussions, workshops, and training sessions on ethical and responsible online behavior. By creating a safe space for students to explore these issues, we can empower them to take action, seek help and support each other. We must remember that prevention is always better than cure, and education and awareness programs can help create a more empathic, less aggressive, and supportive online culture for our future generations. Teaching students about cyberbullying and its consequences As technology advances, so does the risk of cyberbullying among students. It's essential for schools to teach students about this growing issue to help them stay safe and prevent any potential harm. Educating students on the different types of cyberbullying and their consequences is crucial. Students need to understand that cyberbullying can have severe emotional impacts on the victims, causing them to feel isolated, anxious, and depressed, sometimes leading to tragic consequences such as suicide. Schools can conduct workshops, invite speakers, and offer resources to help students recognize and report cyberbull
ying. They can also teach them how to stand up against it, be respectful online, and create a safe and welcoming online environment for everyone. By teaching students about cyberbullying and its consequences, schools can play a critical role in protecting their students' emotional wellbeing and preventing harm to themselves and others. [caption id="attachment_14320" align="aligncenter" width="567"] Cyberbullying is easy to stop if schools take all the recommended measures[/caption] Encouraging empathy and responsible online behavior Schools play a crucial role in preventing and addressing cyberbullying. By encouraging empathy and responsible online behavior, they can help create a safe and supportive environment for all students. Here are some ways schools can promote empathy and responsible online behavior to combat cyberbullying: Develop a comprehensive cyberbullying policy: Schools should establish clear guidelines on what constitutes cyberbullying, its consequences, and the reporting process. This policy should be communicated to students, staff, and parents. Integrate empathy and digital citizenship education: Include lessons on empathy, digital citizenship, and responsible online behavior in the curriculum. Teach students about the impact of their words and actions on others, both online and offline. Encourage open communication: Foster a culture of open communication where students feel comfortable discussing cyberbullying incidents with their teachers, counselors, or other trusted adults. Host workshops and seminars: Organize workshops and seminars for students, parents, and teachers on topics like empathy, online safety, and responsible internet use. This will help build awareness and understanding of the issues. Promote positive online behavior: Highlight examples of positive online interactions and encourage students to be kind and respectful to others on social media and other digital platforms. Implement peer support programs: Establish peer support groups or buddy systems where students can help each other navigate the digital world and offer emotional support in case of cyberbullying incidents. Offer counseling services: Provide access to counseling services for students who have experienced cyberbullying or need help managing their emotions and developing empathy. Monitor online activities: While respecting students' privacy, schools can implement measures to monitor online activities on school-issued devices and report any instances of cyberbullying. Partner with parents: Collaborate with parents to reinforce messages about empathy and responsible online behavior. Offer resources and guidance to help parents support their children in navigating the digital world. Evaluate and adapt: Regularly assess the effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying initiatives and modify them as needed to better address the changing landscape of digital interactions. Schools Can Stop Cyberbullying by Monitoring and reporting systems Schools can play a significant role in stopping cyberbullying by establishing proper monitoring and reporting systems. Such systems can help detect instances of cyberbullying early on, provide support to victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. Here are some steps schools can take to establish effective monitoring and reporting systems: Develop clear guidelines and policies: Schools should create comprehensive cyberbullying policies that outline the definition of cyberbullying, the reporting process, and the consequences for offenders. These policies should be communicated to students, parents, and staff. Designate a point person or team: Assign a designated staff member or a team to handle cyberbullying reports and coordinate the school's response to such incidents. This person or team should be trained in handling cyberbullying cases and be knowledgeable about the school's policies and procedures. Implement reporting mechanisms: Establish a user-friendly and confide
ntial reporting system that allows students, parents, and staff to report incidents of cyberbullying. This may include an online form, a designated email address, or a hotline. Monitor online activity: Schools can monitor online activities on school-issued devices and networks to detect instances of cyberbullying while respecting students' privacy rights. This may involve using content filters, monitoring software, or working with technology providers to flag inappropriate content. Provide training and resources: Train teachers, counselors, and other staff members to recognize the signs of cyberbullying and how to respond effectively. Offer resources and guidance for students and parents on how to identify and report cyberbullying incidents. Collaborate with parents and the community: Encourage parents to monitor their children's online activities and report any instances of cyberbullying. Engage with the wider community to raise awareness about the issue and the importance of a collaborative approach to addressing it. Support victims: Ensure that victims of cyberbullying receive appropriate support, such as counseling services or academic accommodations, to help them recover from the experience and feel safe at school. Hold perpetrators accountable: Take appropriate disciplinary actions against students who engage in cyberbullying in accordance with the school's policies and procedures. This may include counseling, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the incident. Evaluate and adjust: Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of the monitoring and reporting systems, making adjustments as needed to better respond to cyberbullying incidents and the evolving digital landscape. Schools’ Counseling and Support Services Can Stop Cyberbullying Schools can play a vital role in addressing cyberbullying by providing counseling and support services to students who have been affected by it. These services can help students cope with the emotional impact of cyberbullying and prevent its negative effects from escalating. Here are some ways schools can establish effective counseling and support services. Designate trained staff: Ensure that counselors, psychologists, or social workers on staff are trained in addressing cyberbullying and its effects on students. They should be knowledgeable about the school's policies and procedures for handling cyberbullying incidents and able to offer appropriate support to affected students. Create a safe and confidential environment: Provide a safe and confidential space where students can feel comfortable discussing their experiences with cyberbullying without fear of judgment or retaliation. Offer individual counseling: Offer one-on-one counseling sessions to students who have been affected by cyberbullying, where they can discuss their feelings and develop strategies for coping with the situation. Develop group support programs: Establish group support programs or workshops where students can come together to share their experiences and learn from each other. This can help create a sense of community and foster resilience among students who have been targeted by cyberbullying. Provide resources and materials: Offer resources and educational materials on cyberbullying, its effects, and coping strategies for students, parents, and staff members. This can include brochures, posters, or online resources. Teach coping skills and resilience: Incorporate lessons on coping skills and resilience into the school's curriculum, which can help students develop the tools they need to handle cyberbullying and other challenges they may face in their lives. Coordinate with other services: Collaborate with other school services, such as academic support, to ensure that students affected by cyberbullying receive comprehensive assistance. This may include providing academic accommodations or additional support to help them maintain their school performance. E
ngage parents and families: Encourage open communication with parents and families about cyberbullying and its effects on their children. Offer resources and support to help parents address cyberbullying incidents and support their children through the recovery process. Promote a positive school climate: Foster a supportive and inclusive school environment that promotes respect, empathy, and kindness among students. This can help reduce the prevalence of cyberbullying and create a safe space for all students. Evaluate and adapt: Regularly assess the effectiveness of counseling and support services and make adjustments as needed to better meet the needs of students affected by cyberbullying. [caption id="attachment_14321" align="aligncenter" width="638"] Cyberbullying can have long lasting implications for students which means that schools must treat them with much care.[/caption] What Are the Moral and Ethical Responsibilities of Schools in Stopping Cyberbullying Schools have moral and ethical responsibilities to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students, including: Protecting student wellbeing Promoting a positive school climate Educating students on responsible online behavior Implementing effective policies and procedures Providing support and counseling services Ensuring privacy and confidentiality Encouraging open communication Engaging parents and the community Holding perpetrators accountable Regularly evaluating and adapting strategies   Schools Can Provide Resources for Victims of Cyberbullying to Stop the Menace Schools can provide the following resources to students combat the menace of cyberbullying Designated support staff Confidential reporting mechanisms Safe spaces for discussions Individual counseling services Group support programs Educational materials and resources Coping skills and resilience training Parental involvement and guidance Coordination with other services Online safety workshops   Schools Can Include Parents In Combating Cyberbullying Against Students Schools can also play a significant role in stopping cyberbullying by collaborating with parents. A joint effort between schools and parents can create a more comprehensive approach to addressing cyberbullying and fostering a safe environment for students. Here are some ways schools can collaborate with parents to stop cyberbullying:   Open communication: Encourage open communication between parents and school staff, allowing for the sharing of concerns and insights related to cyberbullying incidents or potential issues. Parent education: Organize workshops, seminars, or meetings for parents to discuss cyberbullying, its effects, and strategies for prevention and intervention. This can help parents understand the issue and support their children effectively. Share resources: Provide parents with resources and educational materials about cyberbullying, online safety, and responsible digital behavior, enabling them to guide their children in navigating the online world. Establish clear guidelines: Develop and communicate a clear cyberbullying policy, ensuring that both parents and students are aware of the school's expectations, reporting procedures, and consequences for cyberbullying incidents. Encourage parental monitoring: Encourage parents to be proactive in monitoring their children's online activities, helping them identify potential issues and promoting responsible online behavior. Parent-teacher collaboration: Foster strong relationships between parents and teachers, creating a united front in addressing cyberbullying and supporting students who may be affected. Support networks: Develop support networks for parents to share experiences, advice, and resources related to cyberbullying and online safety, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Joint events: Organize joint school-parent events
focusing on digital citizenship, empathy, and responsible online behavior, creating a unified message for students and strengthening the collaboration between schools and families. Feedback loop: Maintain an ongoing dialogue with parents about the effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying initiatives, gathering feedback and insights to improve and adapt strategies as needed. Community involvement: Extend the collaboration beyond the school and parents, engaging the wider community in creating a safe and supportive environment for all students, both online and offline.   Student-led initiatives Can Also Stop Cyberbullying in Schools Student-led initiatives can be a powerful way to address and prevent cyberbullying in schools, as they empower students to take ownership of the issue and become active participants in creating a positive environment. Here are some ways student-led initiatives can help stop cyberbullying: Peer mentoring programs: Students can establish peer mentoring or buddy systems, providing guidance and support to one another in navigating the digital world and coping with cyberbullying incidents. Student-led workshops: Students can organize and lead workshops on topics like digital citizenship, online safety, and responsible internet use, sharing their perspectives and experiences with their peers. Social media campaigns: Students can create social media campaigns to raise awareness about cyberbullying, promote kindness, and encourage responsible online behavior among their peers. Student support groups: Students can form support groups where they can discuss their experiences with cyberbullying, share coping strategies, and offer emotional support to one another. Student advisory boards: Schools can establish student advisory boards that contribute to the development and implementation of anti-cyberbullying policies and initiatives, ensuring that student voices are heard and considered. Creative projects: Students can develop creative projects, such as videos, posters, or performances, to raise awareness about cyberbullying and encourage empathy and understanding among their peers. School-wide events: Students can organize school-wide events, such as assemblies or awareness days, that focus on promoting a positive school culture and addressing cyberbullying. Collaboration with school staff: Student-led initiatives can work closely with school staff to identify and address cyberbullying incidents, ensuring that student perspectives are considered in the school's response. Promote positive online behavior: Students can model and encourage positive online behavior by creating and sharing uplifting content on social media, supporting their peers, and standing up against cyberbullying. Evaluate and improve: Student-led initiatives can regularly assess their effectiveness and gather feedback from their peers to make necessary improvements and ensure that their efforts have a meaningful impact.   Final Words Schools can effectively stop cyberbullying by implementing a multifaceted approach that involves various stakeholders. Initiating peer mentorship programs empowers students to support one another and promote responsible online behavior. Establishing student clubs and organizations dedicated to kindness and inclusivity fosters a positive school climate, while community partnerships enable schools to leverage local resources and expertise. Collaborating with law enforcement and mental health organizations helps schools address cyberbullying more comprehensively and ensures the wellbeing of students. Lastly, engaging in public awareness campaigns raises the visibility of the issue and encourages a broader commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students. But many stakeholders are even questioning if schools are doing enough to prevent bullying. For this we have written some powerful poems about cyberbullying that will help you unders
tand the menace in more depth.
0 notes
thesheel · 1 year
Here are the 5 cyberbullying poems that will help you the gist of the problem and how to solve the menace. Conquering Shadows: A Stand Against Cyberbullying In the shadows of the digital realm, Where words take flight, both sharp and calm, There lies a beast, an unseen foe, A cyber-bully, striking low.   With venomous keystrokes, they attack, Hiding behind screens, hearts black, Their victims suffer, souls in pain, Yet this dark force, feels no shame.   Minds once bright, now riddled with fear, As venomous words, they must hear, The heartache, the torment, the tears they shed, For some, it's a battle inside their head.   A faceless aggressor, an invisible fight, Each hurtful comment, a vicious bite, They prey upon, the young and old, Their words like ice, so bitter and cold.   But we must remember, we have a choice, To drown out the noise, and give them no voice, Together we stand, a united front, To silence the bully, and end their hunt.   For love and kindness, will always prevail, Against the cyber-bully, so weak and frail, In the end, their power will fade, And we'll rise above, the darkness they've made.   So when faced with hatred, don't hesitate, To shine your light, and eradicate, The cruelty and malice, that lurks in the night, Together we'll conquer, and take back our light.   Digital Defenders: United for Compassion In the digital realm where spirits intertwine, Where words and images race through the line, A force malignant, lurking, unconfined, Weaves its venom through the hearts of humankind.   Cyberbullying, a plague that knows no bounds, Its fangs sunk deep in our virtual grounds, A torrent of hate, an unyielding cascade, The innocent victim, cornered and afraid.   Behind the mask of anonymity, The coward unfurls, their identity concealed, With keystrokes of malice, they tear and berate, A life once vibrant, now shattered and frayed.   Oh, how the faceless tormentor thrives, Feeding on pain, as hope takes a dive, The screen aglow with their loathsome display, No refuge in sight, just an endless fray.   But hark, dear friend, for hope is not lost, For we, the united, can bear the cost, To fight and defend, with courage we stand, A beacon of light in this digital land.   Let kindness be the balm to heal, The wounds inflicted, the pain surreal, Together we rise, resilience our call, To conquer this scourge, and let love befall.   For every heart that aches and yearns, A new resolve in us must burn, To quench the fire of cyber hate, And build a world compassionate.   Allied Hearts: A Stand Against Digital Shadows" In digital realms where shadows creep, Where faceless whispers haunt and seep, A venom brewed by souls unkind, A plague upon the fragile mind.   In cyber seas, where hate resides, The faceless bully lurks and hides, Behind a screen, they cast their stones, Wreaking havoc, breaking bones.   The pixel playground, once so fair, Now filled with taunts and spiteful glare, Anonymity their vicious guise, Their words like daggers, truth or lies.   A torrent of abuse rains down, The quiet and timid, they shall drown, No shelter from this ceaseless storm, The pain immense, a heart deformed.   But we can stand, unite as one, Against the darkness, bring the sun, To heal the wounds, to mend the fray, To push the shadowed foe away.   With love and kindness, we shall rise, Against the faceless, cruel disguise, For every word of hate they spew, We'll send tenfold of love anew.   So let our voices join and sing, A chorus strong, a message bring, To drown the venom, quell the tide, Together, hand in hand, allied.   For in the end, love conquers all, The cyber-bully's reign shall fall,
United, we will stand and fight, Till kindness wins, and all is right.   Embracing Light: A Battle Against Cyber Shadows   In the digital realm where voices blend, A virtual world where time we spend, We encounter a darkness, a lurking fiend, Cyberbullying—its malice unseen.   With clicks and taps, words cut like knives, Behind these screens, they shatter lives, Yet in the shadows, we know them not, Their faces veiled, their conscience rot.   The venomous whispers, the whispered lies, The onslaught of taunts, the heaving sighs, A barrage of hate, a torrent of fear, A soul left wounded, a heart in tears.   In cyberspace, where anonymity reigns, A bully thrives, unbridled, unrestrained, A hidden serpent, a poison seed, Beneath the guise of a harmless tweet.   The faceless menace, a scourge of the weak, Seeks only to harm, to torment, to wreak, Yet we can stand tall, united as one, To halt their advance, their damage undone.   Let empathy bloom, let kindness prevail, For in compassion, we shall not fail, With open hearts, together we'll strive, To halt cyberbullying and let love survive.   For in our hands, the power to mend, To offer support, to help, to defend, Against the darkness, a collective light, To foster hope and make things right.   United Hearts: Rising Above Digital Shadows A digital age, a world connected, Countless hearts with hope injected, Yet in this realm of bits and bytes, A somber shadow creeps and lies.   An unseen foe, it strikes with guile, The wicked spawn of an insidious smile, In cyberspace, this villain thrives, Its power drawn from shattered lives.   Harsh words, they wound as arrows cast, The hurtful taunts, a biting blast, Innocent souls, like glass, they break, In the wake of scorn, a mournful quake.   No face, no form, just hurtful prose, The nameless bully, concealed, enclosed, A cruel master, of misery sown, In our digital world, a cancer grown.   But as we face this darkened cloud, We raise our voices, strong and loud, With kindness, love, and empathy, We'll fight the scourge of enmity.   United, we stand, a force untold, In our quest to heal the hearts of gold, To quench the flames of hatred's fire, And lift each other ever higher.   For in this battle, we've just begun, Our unity, the war to be won, Through love and care, we will transcend, The pain of cyberbullying's bitter end.
0 notes
thesheel · 1 year
Here are the 5 cyberbullying poems that will help you the gist of the problem and how to solve the menace. Conquering Shadows: A Stand Against Cyberbullying In the shadows of the digital realm, Where words take flight, both sharp and calm, There lies a beast, an unseen foe, A cyber-bully, striking low.   With venomous keystrokes, they attack, Hiding behind screens, hearts black, Their victims suffer, souls in pain, Yet this dark force, feels no shame.   Minds once bright, now riddled with fear, As venomous words, they must hear, The heartache, the torment, the tears they shed, For some, it's a battle inside their head.   A faceless aggressor, an invisible fight, Each hurtful comment, a vicious bite, They prey upon, the young and old, Their words like ice, so bitter and cold.   But we must remember, we have a choice, To drown out the noise, and give them no voice, Together we stand, a united front, To silence the bully, and end their hunt.   For love and kindness, will always prevail, Against the cyber-bully, so weak and frail, In the end, their power will fade, And we'll rise above, the darkness they've made.   So when faced with hatred, don't hesitate, To shine your light, and eradicate, The cruelty and malice, that lurks in the night, Together we'll conquer, and take back our light.   Digital Defenders: United for Compassion In the digital realm where spirits intertwine, Where words and images race through the line, A force malignant, lurking, unconfined, Weaves its venom through the hearts of humankind.   Cyberbullying, a plague that knows no bounds, Its fangs sunk deep in our virtual grounds, A torrent of hate, an unyielding cascade, The innocent victim, cornered and afraid.   Behind the mask of anonymity, The coward unfurls, their identity concealed, With keystrokes of malice, they tear and berate, A life once vibrant, now shattered and frayed.   Oh, how the faceless tormentor thrives, Feeding on pain, as hope takes a dive, The screen aglow with their loathsome display, No refuge in sight, just an endless fray.   But hark, dear friend, for hope is not lost, For we, the united, can bear the cost, To fight and defend, with courage we stand, A beacon of light in this digital land.   Let kindness be the balm to heal, The wounds inflicted, the pain surreal, Together we rise, resilience our call, To conquer this scourge, and let love befall.   For every heart that aches and yearns, A new resolve in us must burn, To quench the fire of cyber hate, And build a world compassionate.   Allied Hearts: A Stand Against Digital Shadows" In digital realms where shadows creep, Where faceless whispers haunt and seep, A venom brewed by souls unkind, A plague upon the fragile mind.   In cyber seas, where hate resides, The faceless bully lurks and hides, Behind a screen, they cast their stones, Wreaking havoc, breaking bones.   The pixel playground, once so fair, Now filled with taunts and spiteful glare, Anonymity their vicious guise, Their words like daggers, truth or lies.   A torrent of abuse rains down, The quiet and timid, they shall drown, No shelter from this ceaseless storm, The pain immense, a heart deformed.   But we can stand, unite as one, Against the darkness, bring the sun, To heal the wounds, to mend the fray, To push the shadowed foe away.   With love and kindness, we shall rise, Against the faceless, cruel disguise, For every word of hate they spew, We'll send tenfold of love anew.   So let our voices join and sing, A chorus strong, a message bring, To drown the venom, quell the tide, Together, hand in hand, allied.   For in the end, love conquers all, The cyber-bully's reign shall fall,
United, we will stand and fight, Till kindness wins, and all is right.   Embracing Light: A Battle Against Cyber Shadows   In the digital realm where voices blend, A virtual world where time we spend, We encounter a darkness, a lurking fiend, Cyberbullying—its malice unseen.   With clicks and taps, words cut like knives, Behind these screens, they shatter lives, Yet in the shadows, we know them not, Their faces veiled, their conscience rot.   The venomous whispers, the whispered lies, The onslaught of taunts, the heaving sighs, A barrage of hate, a torrent of fear, A soul left wounded, a heart in tears.   In cyberspace, where anonymity reigns, A bully thrives, unbridled, unrestrained, A hidden serpent, a poison seed, Beneath the guise of a harmless tweet.   The faceless menace, a scourge of the weak, Seeks only to harm, to torment, to wreak, Yet we can stand tall, united as one, To halt their advance, their damage undone.   Let empathy bloom, let kindness prevail, For in compassion, we shall not fail, With open hearts, together we'll strive, To halt cyberbullying and let love survive.   For in our hands, the power to mend, To offer support, to help, to defend, Against the darkness, a collective light, To foster hope and make things right.   United Hearts: Rising Above Digital Shadows A digital age, a world connected, Countless hearts with hope injected, Yet in this realm of bits and bytes, A somber shadow creeps and lies.   An unseen foe, it strikes with guile, The wicked spawn of an insidious smile, In cyberspace, this villain thrives, Its power drawn from shattered lives.   Harsh words, they wound as arrows cast, The hurtful taunts, a biting blast, Innocent souls, like glass, they break, In the wake of scorn, a mournful quake.   No face, no form, just hurtful prose, The nameless bully, concealed, enclosed, A cruel master, of misery sown, In our digital world, a cancer grown.   But as we face this darkened cloud, We raise our voices, strong and loud, With kindness, love, and empathy, We'll fight the scourge of enmity.   United, we stand, a force untold, In our quest to heal the hearts of gold, To quench the flames of hatred's fire, And lift each other ever higher.   For in this battle, we've just begun, Our unity, the war to be won, Through love and care, we will transcend, The pain of cyberbullying's bitter end.
0 notes
thesheel · 1 year
Here are the 5 cyberbullying poems that will help you the gist of the problem and how to solve the menace. Conquering Shadows: A Stand Against Cyberbullying In the shadows of the digital realm, Where words take flight, both sharp and calm, There lies a beast, an unseen foe, A cyber-bully, striking low.   With venomous keystrokes, they attack, Hiding behind screens, hearts black, Their victims suffer, souls in pain, Yet this dark force, feels no shame.   Minds once bright, now riddled with fear, As venomous words, they must hear, The heartache, the torment, the tears they shed, For some, it's a battle inside their head.   A faceless aggressor, an invisible fight, Each hurtful comment, a vicious bite, They prey upon, the young and old, Their words like ice, so bitter and cold.   But we must remember, we have a choice, To drown out the noise, and give them no voice, Together we stand, a united front, To silence the bully, and end their hunt.   For love and kindness, will always prevail, Against the cyber-bully, so weak and frail, In the end, their power will fade, And we'll rise above, the darkness they've made.   So when faced with hatred, don't hesitate, To shine your light, and eradicate, The cruelty and malice, that lurks in the night, Together we'll conquer, and take back our light.   Digital Defenders: United for Compassion In the digital realm where spirits intertwine, Where words and images race through the line, A force malignant, lurking, unconfined, Weaves its venom through the hearts of humankind.   Cyberbullying, a plague that knows no bounds, Its fangs sunk deep in our virtual grounds, A torrent of hate, an unyielding cascade, The innocent victim, cornered and afraid.   Behind the mask of anonymity, The coward unfurls, their identity concealed, With keystrokes of malice, they tear and berate, A life once vibrant, now shattered and frayed.   Oh, how the faceless tormentor thrives, Feeding on pain, as hope takes a dive, The screen aglow with their loathsome display, No refuge in sight, just an endless fray.   But hark, dear friend, for hope is not lost, For we, the united, can bear the cost, To fight and defend, with courage we stand, A beacon of light in this digital land.   Let kindness be the balm to heal, The wounds inflicted, the pain surreal, Together we rise, resilience our call, To conquer this scourge, and let love befall.   For every heart that aches and yearns, A new resolve in us must burn, To quench the fire of cyber hate, And build a world compassionate.   Allied Hearts: A Stand Against Digital Shadows" In digital realms where shadows creep, Where faceless whispers haunt and seep, A venom brewed by souls unkind, A plague upon the fragile mind.   In cyber seas, where hate resides, The faceless bully lurks and hides, Behind a screen, they cast their stones, Wreaking havoc, breaking bones.   The pixel playground, once so fair, Now filled with taunts and spiteful glare, Anonymity their vicious guise, Their words like daggers, truth or lies.   A torrent of abuse rains down, The quiet and timid, they shall drown, No shelter from this ceaseless storm, The pain immense, a heart deformed.   But we can stand, unite as one, Against the darkness, bring the sun, To heal the wounds, to mend the fray, To push the shadowed foe away.   With love and kindness, we shall rise, Against the faceless, cruel disguise, For every word of hate they spew, We'll send tenfold of love anew.   So let our voices join and sing, A chorus strong, a message bring, To drown the venom, quell the tide, Together, hand in hand, allied.   For in the end, love conquers all, The cyber-bully's reign shall fall,
United, we will stand and fight, Till kindness wins, and all is right.   Embracing Light: A Battle Against Cyber Shadows   In the digital realm where voices blend, A virtual world where time we spend, We encounter a darkness, a lurking fiend, Cyberbullying—its malice unseen.   With clicks and taps, words cut like knives, Behind these screens, they shatter lives, Yet in the shadows, we know them not, Their faces veiled, their conscience rot.   The venomous whispers, the whispered lies, The onslaught of taunts, the heaving sighs, A barrage of hate, a torrent of fear, A soul left wounded, a heart in tears.   In cyberspace, where anonymity reigns, A bully thrives, unbridled, unrestrained, A hidden serpent, a poison seed, Beneath the guise of a harmless tweet.   The faceless menace, a scourge of the weak, Seeks only to harm, to torment, to wreak, Yet we can stand tall, united as one, To halt their advance, their damage undone.   Let empathy bloom, let kindness prevail, For in compassion, we shall not fail, With open hearts, together we'll strive, To halt cyberbullying and let love survive.   For in our hands, the power to mend, To offer support, to help, to defend, Against the darkness, a collective light, To foster hope and make things right.   United Hearts: Rising Above Digital Shadows A digital age, a world connected, Countless hearts with hope injected, Yet in this realm of bits and bytes, A somber shadow creeps and lies.   An unseen foe, it strikes with guile, The wicked spawn of an insidious smile, In cyberspace, this villain thrives, Its power drawn from shattered lives.   Harsh words, they wound as arrows cast, The hurtful taunts, a biting blast, Innocent souls, like glass, they break, In the wake of scorn, a mournful quake.   No face, no form, just hurtful prose, The nameless bully, concealed, enclosed, A cruel master, of misery sown, In our digital world, a cancer grown.   But as we face this darkened cloud, We raise our voices, strong and loud, With kindness, love, and empathy, We'll fight the scourge of enmity.   United, we stand, a force untold, In our quest to heal the hearts of gold, To quench the flames of hatred's fire, And lift each other ever higher.   For in this battle, we've just begun, Our unity, the war to be won, Through love and care, we will transcend, The pain of cyberbullying's bitter end.
0 notes
thesheel · 1 year
The election of Rashida Tlaib in both the 2018 and 2020 contests was based on her promise of extending the civil rights laws in the United States.  As she is progressive in her approach, being vocal about civil rights is not surprising at all from her side. She championed the civil rights debate, and this was one of the reasons for her to get into the House. Sticking with her claims, Rep. Rashida Tlaib recognized the need for change in the civil rights saws and therefore introduced the Justice for All Act just before the elections. Democrats should make sure to act on this legislation as soon as possible to make it a law. Once it is made a law, it will widen the scope of civil rights in the United States. This will help people to uplift their standard of living by dodging the prejudices present in the system.  How Rashida Tlaib Envisions Helping the Unheard in the United States The Justice for All Act is historic legislation, sponsored by Rep. Rashida Tlaib and co-sponsored by Joseph P. Kennedy III and Debra Haaland, intended to reassure the integrity of civil rights law.  The problem with civil rights in the United States is that the conservative-dominated court often curtails civil rights, despite having legislation on those rights. The Justice for All Act will push back against the decades-old conservative rulings against restoring the original intent of the civil rights law.  The Justice for All Act by Rashida Tlaib includes a private right to action, along with a prohibition on forced arbitration. This will allow the victims of discrimination of any kind to not only take legal action against the harasser but also receive an award and attorney’s fee as compensation. At its core, the Justice for All act is seeking to expand the rights under the following laws including:  Civil Rights Act of 1964 Fair Housing Act of 1968 Age Discrimination Act of 1975 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972    The Justice for All Act by Rashida Tlaib could be summarized in the following points:   Amending previous civil rights laws to prohibit discriminatory actions while also providing tools to fight intentional and unintentional discrimination Protection from discrimination in all aspects, including schooling, housing, accommodation, employment, federally funded programs, etc. Stopping the use of compelled arbitration clauses that are often used to extinguish consumer and employee rights. Prohibiting immunity for government employees and holding relevant government units responsible for the actions of their employees. Holding employers accountable for the actions of their employees. Providing victims of desperate discrimination with compensation, along with attorney fees. Clarification of definition of sex when it comes to civil rights, including orientation, pregnancy, gender identity, sex stereotypes, and any other related terms and traits. The main aim of the Justice for All Act is to safeguard minority communities against discrimination. Justice for All Act: A Bill of Utmost Urgency For decades, many important civil rights laws have been compromised in the United States. An example is the elimination of the availability of civil rights claims on the disparities rather than the discriminatory intent that is more difficult to prove. The last bill on civil rights was enacted about fifty years ago, and since then, the concept of fundamental human rights has been changed to a great extent.  The civil rights in Donald Trump’s era even eroded further amid the rising disparities against people of color and religious minorities. For instance, Donald Trump extended the immigration ban on many Muslim countries, a move which was decried by many stakeholders. The rising difference among the minimum pay gap between different races, the variation in jails' occupation by the various ethnicities, and the d
istinctive behavior of the police officers toward people of different races speak volumes about the inequality that kicked off this bill. For this very reason, Rashida Tlaib said,   “I will fight back against every racist and oppressive structure that needs to be dismantled.” (Rashida Tlaib) Final Thoughts The inclination of Rashida Tlaib towards these types of acts is no surprise considering she is progressive, and progressives as a whole are very vocal about civil rights.  Biden should prioritize these types of bills and get them passed from Congress at the earliest possible convenience.  The shattered economy in the times of the COVID-19 crisis decry that the government should incentivize those in need, and passing these acts is the only way out to lessen the burden on the already strained individuals.  Not only this but, there is no room in the country itself for the practices that aim to uplift a specific faction of the society by ignoring others.
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thesheel · 1 year
Senator Maggie Hassan, the former Governor of New Hampshire, has decided to run once again for the US Senate. With Democrats defending 20 of the 34 contested seats in the 2022 Senate elections, they need to protect every bit of it to be on the safer side after the elections. As Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan faces tough reelection ahead, New Hampshire could be hard to defend for Democrats, and a defeat here could make matters worse for them.  Senator Maggie Hassan has frequently gone against her own party and voted against the Democratic agenda in Congress, so many ideological Democratic voters may stay away from voting for her. However, Vice-president Kamala Harris has endorsed Maggie Hassan’s ticket to get popular support from the residents of the Granite State, as a win here would be a sigh of relief for Democrats. How has the 2022 New Hampshire Senate race turned into one of the most contested seats, and what are the challenges faced by Democrats amid the rising popularity of Republicans? Let’s see. Maggie Hassan: A Weak Link in the Democratic Chain: She announced her reelection campaign during her interview in a TV show, CloseUP. With an aim to completely recover the state from the pandemic, Hassan announced her reelection campaign. Even the 2016 win did not come easy for Maggie Hassan, as she won the race with a mere margin of 1,017 votes. The good news for Democrats is that no other Senator is up for reelection from the state which Donald Trump won in the 2020 elections; however, Maggie Hassan is probably the most vulnerable Democratic Senator facing reelection.  The popularity indicators are against Hassan, and if the business goes, as usual, Democrats are bound to bite the dust. The approval rating for Hassan is standing at 42 percent currently, which indicates the severity of the situation. Republicans could have averted even the 2016 win of Hassan had they played smart. Maggie Hassan successfully mobilized voters at the last moment, resulting in her success. Not only this, but ex-Senator Kelly Ayotte’s criticism of Donald Trump forced many Republican voters not to vote in her favor. This way, Hassan stood victorious at the end of the day. So now Democrats have to make a solid bid in order to defeat the Republicans. By raising almost $3 million in the first quarter of the fundraising efforts, along with having $4.4 million in the bank for campaign spending, Maggie is trying to avert the Republican threat. Hassan is also trying to establish her independent bona fides in the Democratic party by promoting the most popular aspects of Biden’s agenda of vaccine funds and a COVID-19 relief package. She drifted away from Biden’s plan of withdrawing US forces from Afghanistan and voted against raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour. So having the rising Republicans on one side and some of the ideological Democratic voters going against the Senator, Maggie Hassan’s seat is in real danger. Governor Sununu: The Real Threat to Maggie Hassan in the 2022 New Hampshire Senate Race New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is enjoying the support of national Republicans to challenge Maggie Hassan for the 2022 New Hampshire Senate race. Despite Joe Biden’s win in the presidential election, Sununu won the gubernatorial election in the state by a large margin of almost seven percentage points. National Republicans believe that the high approval rating of Chris Sununu will provide them a much-needed win in the state. As a governor, Sununu has a 72 percent job approval rating and 55 percent favorability, a pattern that shows that he can win the state quite easily. Sununu also served as the Executive Council of New Hampshire and has a background of working in engineering and business. Sununu also comes from a political dynasty of New Hampshire, as his father served as the State Governor for most of the 1980s, and his brother also served as a Senator and Congressman.
The New Hampshire Governor received applause from certain sectors for his handling of the pandemic and high rate of vaccine rollout in the state. Recently, Sununu told a local radio station that he is still considering the idea of running for Senate and has not completely shut the doors of this assignment.   Read More: Pennsylvania Senate Race: Dark Horses in Action Senator Kelly Ayotte: Another Possible Republican Nomination Former Senator Kelly Ayotte is also looking for a rematch with Senator Maggie Hassan in the 2022 Senate race. Ayotte served as the state's Attorney General and was elected to the United States Senate in 2010. After losing to Maggie Hassan until she made a reentry in January 2021, Ayotte remained out of politics when she testified in support of Attorney General Gordon MacDonald’s nomination to serve as the Chief Justice of the Granite State. Kelly Ayotte has not made any official announcement of contesting in the 2022 Senate race yet, but she will be the probable Republican choice if Governor Sununu does not run. She can also seek a gubernatorial ticket if Sununu chooses to run for the Senate seat.   Final Thoughts A recent survey conducted by the University of New Hampshire concluded that Chris Sununu is currently the strongest New Hampshire Republican for the 2022 Senate election. The polls show that 48 percent of the participants will vote for Sununu, 46 percent will vote for Hassan, 2 percent will favor any other candidate, while 5 percent are yet to decide. Democrats need to devise an impenetrable strategy if they want to defend their turf in the 2022 New Hampshire Senate race. Otherwise, this weak link in the Democratic chain can cost them their Senate majority in times to come.
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thesheel · 1 year
The partisan tussle is putting the United States economy into a tailspin that can strangle the US government funding in days to come. As the US government reaches the debt ceiling, the government is about to face the scarcity of cash at a time when the country just started healing from the COVID crisis.  The debt limit is the upper limit of money that the government of the United States can borrow for the proper functioning of the country. The government has already reached the magical number of $28.4 trillion, which is the current debt limit of the government. The US spends more than it generates through taxes, which is why the government needs to borrow money again and again. After days of political tussle, Republicans finally succumbed down and voted in favor of funding the government for the time being. This has averted the debt limit crisis because not doing so would have shut down the government. The House passed the bill to fund the government after 15 Senate Republicans voted in its favor. Thursday night, Joe Biden has signed the bill into the law. [caption id="attachment_9451" align="aligncenter" width="1014"] Biden's economic agenda is in jeopardy these days as the government shutdown looms. Due to the internal rift of Democrats, they are unable to pursue any economic legislation.[/caption]   Debt Limit and Partisan Politics: Biden's Envisioned Republican Unity Can Make Him Pay the Price Partisan problems are making matters worse for the Biden administration. While House Democrats passed a bill to fund the government temporarily and suspend the debt limit by December 2022, the Senate Republicans' refusal to vote in its favor brought Democrats back to square one. If the lawmakers fail to nip the evil in the bud, the economic drain could be felt by average Americans soon, as most social security programs will be halted while salaries to many government employees could be stopped. This is not the first time that the Democratic agenda is becoming the victim of the legislative roadblock filibuster. Democrats right now have two options to raise or suspend the debt limit on their own, even without requiring a single vote from Republican ranks. The first one is ending the filibuster and voting across party lines to fund the government. However,  this is where Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema put roadblocks. The second way, and the easiest way, is to achieve this goal using another legislative process called "budget reconciliation." Democrats know both of these tactics; however, they are trying to incorporate bipartisan voices in the process for Biden's envisioned so-called Republican unity. Senate majority leaders called the use of the reconciliation process a "non-starter" for funding the government. However, experts believe that Democrats will avert the shutdown at the end of the day if Republicans continue to block their path in Congress. This is the reason why President Biden has already discussed the use of the reconciliation process with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority leader. Biden's economic agenda is the only asset of Democrats which they will take in the 2022 elections. So a government shutdown is the last thing they can imagine, as it will hurt their only possession before the next elections. Democrats are likely to use budget reconciliation as a last resort to escape these crises. [caption id="attachment_9452" align="aligncenter" width="621"] Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin are likely not to vote for social spending bill in the Senate which puts Biden's social safety package at risk of being destroyed.[/caption] Democrats Do not Need an External Enemy But here comes the hack which is troubling Democrats. Republicans are not the only enemies of Biden's economic agenda these days. Progressive and moderate Democrats are also trying hard to kill Biden's economic policies in one way or another. As the government shutdown looms, the disagreements between both the political factions are at an all-time h
igh. Progressives are lobbying for passing the infrastructure bill and the big social spending bill at the same time. However, moderates are walking the opposite line, as they want to get the infrastructure bills passed before anything else. This puts the hopes of Biden's economic agenda in jeopardy, as the long-negotiated bill is about to face a vote in Congress. But the bigger social spending bill is yet to be negotiated within the Democrats. Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema have already indicated that they cannot vote for the bill in its entirety right now. So any negotiation will take time, which is also putting the other bills in the doldrums.   Final Thoughts Republicans explicitly said that as Democrats are controlling the whole Congress and the White House, they need to suspend the debt limit on their own. This is a clear indication from them that they are not going to vote for any Democratic legislation for the suspension of the debt limit. It is time for the Biden administration to assess this situation and initiate the budget reconciliation process as soon as possible. Although the process is long and can take a couple of weeks to complete, it is better late than never. Because if Republicans stick to their rigidity, it is only a matter of time before the Democratic economic agenda will be exposed to the faulty lines amid the government shutdown.
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thesheel · 1 year
Biden has finally gotten an opportunity to nominate his first pick of a Supreme Court justice. As promised by Biden during his campaign, it is going to be a Black woman who can serve the court for decades. Liberals were continuously encouraging Stephen Breyer to retire from the Supreme Court during Biden's tenure so that Democrats could maintain their three liberal justices in the top court. As Biden has already reiterated his ambition to nominate a Black woman to the top bench, the three possible nominees for the position are: [caption id="attachment_12777" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] (Photo Courtesy: courts.ca.gov)[/caption] Leondra Kruger: A Black Woman with Experience in Solicitor General Office A California Supreme Court justice, Leondra Kruger is the top contender for the Supreme Court pick. She remained as a deputy solicitor general in the US Department of Justice, a position which is the federal government's second-ranking representative during arguments in the Supreme Court. When she was nominated for the high court in California, Kruger was one of the youngest people ever nominated to the position. While serving in the solicitor general office, Kruger argued twelve cases in front of the Supreme Court. Although she had rejected the White House offer to serve in the administration previously, she is likely to accept the nomination for the top court. After attending Harvard as an undergraduate, she became a law student at Yale University, where she served as an editor in chief of the Yale Law Journal. She worked with the former Justice of the Supreme Court, John Paul Stevens, and then for a judge in the US Appeals Court, certainly enough credentials on her resume to get a call from Biden. [caption id="attachment_12778" align="aligncenter" width="2500"] (Photo by Kevin Lamarque-Pool/Getty Images)[/caption] Ketanji Brown Jackson: Justice of US Courts of Appeal Another Black woman who is capable enough to impress Biden is a US Court of Appeals justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson. While speaking last year, she reiterated her struggle being a woman of color and how she sent her daughters to Black colleges and instilled in them the sense of competition in a predominately white society. When Merrick Garland moved to be the Secretary of the Justice Department, Biden nominated her to fill his post in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. This act by Joe Biden created speculation that she is in the good books of the president as the Court of Appeals is considered the second most powerful judiciary in the United States. And more often than not, the US Supreme Court justices are selected from this bench. By working with the outgoing justice Stephen Breyer, Jackson has enough experience to serve the top bench. Similarly, she worked with two other federal justices as well and is one of the most liberal candidates which Biden could find. With her service experience working as an editor for the Harvard Law Review during her Harvard tenure, she has ample insight to promote a liberal agenda in the conservative packed Supreme Court. Michelle Childs: Favorite of Biden's Favorite By serving over a decade on the US District Court for the District of South Carolina, J. Michelle Childs is one of the top contenders to be Biden's nominee for the Supreme court vacancy. When Biden nominated her for the high profile DC court vacancy, it was considered an unexpected move by the president, as she had little to no local ties.   By working on the Workers' Compensation Commission and deputy director of South Carolina's Department of Labor, she has the potential to win the nomination for Biden's Supreme Court pick. Childs has a slight advantage in the sense that she is a favorite nominee of one of Biden's top allies in the House, James E. Clyburn, who is serving as House Majority Whip. He has often touted Child's ability to bridge the racial gap created in the judicial setup of America.
  Final Thoughts Whoever Biden nominates, the welcoming point for Democrats is that they do not need a supermajority of 60 votes this time. Thanks to Republicans, who eliminated the need for the filibuster for the Supreme Court justices back in 2017, helping conservatives pack the court. Thus Democrats can bring their nominee easily, should the two troubling senators comply.
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thesheel · 1 year
“The two-party system has given this country the war of Lyndon Johnson, the Watergate of Nixon, and the incompetence of Carter. Saying we should keep the two-party system simply because it is working is like saying the Titanic voyage was a success because a few people survived on life rafts.” (Eugene J. McCarthy, former Senator of the USA)   The pervasive political challenges faced by the United States are an aggregate of all the failures of the two major political parties of the country. Whether it is the economic doldrum, homeless people, dwindling healthcare infrastructure, deteriorating climate, or the tearing of international relations, the two-party system has infused the notion of monopoly in politics in the United States of America. Amid all of these challenges, the need for independent candidates today is more than ever. Only a vibrant and visionary independent leader, not inclined towards any persisting ideology, will serve the best interests of the United States, both in and out of America. The era of progressivism demands more minds to make any decision in the 21st century. The time is flying so rapidly that any delay in this will cost America in the long run. The bipartisan political system is bound to serve the elite of society, and no average American can seek and attain the highest office of the country. Not only in the presidential elections, America currently needs more independent candidates as the Congressmen, Senators, Governors, and Mayors to bring the leadership talent up at every stage possible. The dominance of Democrats and Republicans is hindering the progress of the country at the micro-level. While they may portray the notion of  “all is well” to the masses, the reality is far away from this in most cases. Currently, only two independent candidates are serving in the United States Senate. However, they still side with Democrats, killing the purpose of the third party or independent candidates. Why is it a dire necessity to introduce a third party or an independent candidate in the United States? How will it change the course of history in times to come? Let’s dig deep to see further. The Urgency and Need of Independent Candidates and a Third Party in the USA   Infusing Pluralism in Opposition The opposition is one of the main characteristics of democracy. Gone are the days when politicians used to take authoritative decisions without facing any opposition. However, the need for multi-faceted opposition is also necessary for democracy.  Pluralism within the opposition is also one of the principal features of democracy. If all the opposition aligns with one specific opinion, they end up serving their political parties, rather than their constituency, which is happening in the United States right now. The point of view of the opposition members is not the personal opinion of the leader, but the policy dictated by the party. This, in turn, undermines the whole purpose of democracy.  Most of the time, the compromise made in the two-party system, which is in the worst interest of the people.    Forcing the Major Parties Toward the Needs of Average American Under the two-party system, the focus of the political parties is often bifurcated. Both political parties know that they have strongholds in the form of red states and blue states. This will push them not to focus on the states which are dominated by the opposite party.  For instance, California is a stronghold of Democrats. This alienates Republicans from California, as they know that they will not win the state in any case. The same goes for Democrats who do not focus on the Red States during canvassing. So, logically, this two-party system turns into one party in the already decided states.  The rise of independent candidates will reduce the so-called “confirmed votes” of the political parties in their stronghold states. As their likelihood to win these states reduces, it will ultimately push them to focus on the other s
tates as well.   To Increase the Voter Turnout Independent candidates are more likely to pull out voters who would waste their vote otherwise. The vote is one of the fundamental human rights given by the Constitution of the United States. However, the two-party system is hijacking this right for Americans. For instance, look at the turnout for the previous five presidential elections.   Elections Alarming Turnout 2000 51.2% 2004 56.7% 2008 58.2% 2012 54.9% 2016 55.6% 2020 66.7 %   While it is true that the turnout in the 2020 presidential election was greater than the previous years, on average, the two-party system has sabotaged the vote for an extended period.  Most of the time, people don’t want to vote for either candidate, as no one fits their criteria of leading the nation. As they look for other options, they end up disappointed because they see few independent candidates.  While they may see a couple of parties, they believe that their vote will be wasted because the two major parties monopolize the system. Hence, the introduction of the third-party or independent candidate will motivate people to exercise their right to vote, ultimately increasing the voter turnout.   Parties within the Major Parties: A Death of Democracy Another reason to encourage the growth of the independent candidates is the clear bifurcation in the two major political parties themselves.  The power structure of these major political parties is so flawed that not even the average party member can imagine getting the party’s nomination.  Consider the example of Donald Trump, for instance. He is the wealthiest president in the history of the United States. Not only this, but Donald Trump is also the wealthiest politician in the United States. This helps him in incentivizing people to support him in the Republican primaries. Most of the Republicans perceive him as God; therefore, they support him even in the illogical things.  A recent example in this regard is the baseless support that Republicans extended to Donald Trump in the Texas lawsuit in general, and all the post-election lawsuits, in particular.    Suppressing the Softer Voices in Political Parties in the USA The introduction of third parties and independent candidates will also reduce the evil in the political spectrum of the United States. Most of the time, both the major political parties flood the hard-earned money of their supporters in defaming the other party.  The two-party system encouraged Trump to defame his only competitor. Joe Biden, in the elections. For instance, Republicans labelled Democrats as sponsoring socialism, favoring police defunding, etc., which they never supported. With multiple parties in competition, politicians are expected to focus on their own campaigns instead of stabbing and speaking ill of the other. They know that canvassing against too many competitors simultaneously will just backfire. The two-party system in the United States is also discouraging people of varying opinions from joining different parties. For example, Republicans are mostly divided into conservatives and moderates.  Similarly, Democrats either support progressivism and liberalism. However, the problem arises when, despite having multiple opinions in the party, there can only be a single official party’s response in each case.  For instance, Democrats, in general, do not promote socialism but the progressive “squad” perceives socialism as good. So, at the end of the day, the Democratic party has to denounce socialism, ultimately suppressing the voices of the smaller faction in the party.  Whether socialism should be promoted or not in the United States is an entirely separate debate, but pressing one specific voice in the party creates dysfunctional democracy. Similarly, if we look at the Republican party, anyone speaking against Donald Trump f
aces his wrath in one form or another.  Trump fired the CISA director for saying the elections were transparent and the Attorney General for not politicizing the Hunter Biden investigation. Similarly, he criticized various governors for not supporting him in the post-election lawsuits. In a recent interview, Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said that if they were in any other country, she and Joe Biden would have been in a different party. AOC and Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Party represent a progressive faction of the party, while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent a liberal faction.  In a nutshell, there are various segmentations in both the Republicans and Democrats. However, the wealthiest and the most prominent voices destroy the voices of the other circles, ultimately crushing democracy. [caption id="attachment_5112" align="alignnone" width="1962"] President William J. Clinton[/caption] The Need of Independent Candidates and a Third Party: A Historical Perspective The emergence of the third party and the independent candidates lately in the United States is a positive indicator for the democratic system. If we look at the recent past, the third-party candidates won a significant number of votes, and at times impacted the results of the presidential elections to a great extent. Consider the following elections in this regard.   Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992 by defeating George H.W. Bush by a margin of 5.6%. In this election, an independent candidate, Ross Perot, won a mammoth 18.9% votes, equivalent to almost 19.7 million. This is believed to be one of the reasons why Bush did not win the presidency again. Similarly, Ross Perot once again portrayed the importance of the independent candidates, as he won almost 8.4% of votes in his second campaign. The need for independent candidates was seen in these two elections as Americans saw bifurcated politics in the cold war. The State of Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, witnessed third-party candidates getting 138,063 votes. Out of these, 97,488 were acquired by the Green Party candidate Ralph Nader. Had it not been for the third party, Democrats would have won the presidency again as the 21st century began. This election also depicts the need for independent candidates. In 2016, the candidates other than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton won almost 4.9% votes from all over the United States. Political experts also believe that this many votes going to the third party ended up with Hillary Clinton on the losing side. This presidential election also portrayed the need for independent candidates. The 2020 presidential election also witnessed a huge number of independent or third-party candidates. Third parties and independent candidates managed to win almost 2.8 million votes in total. Out of these votes, most of them were won by the Libertarian Party’s candidate Jo Jogensen and the Green Party’s candidate Howie Hawkins.  The need for independent candidates in modern times has reached a level where ignoring it can have drastic consequences. The two-party system is the Achilles’ heel for the United States; while it may seem too fancy on the surface, it is against the very basics of democracy. This is why Americans have already started to tilt in favor of third parties or independent candidates, which can be seen clearly in recent elections. It is about time now that we propagate the tickets of independent candidates as much as possible.  Only then can America become the democratic emblem in the world where the decisions of the only two men will not dictate the lives of 328 million people living all over the United States.
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thesheel · 1 year
Amid the pervasiveness of the coronavirus devastating global infrastructure, where some countries tried to exercise vaccine diplomacy, vaccine nationalism was also rising up. The extreme form of vaccine nationalism is vaccine apartheid, where the discrimination regarding vaccination is posing a severe threat to the masses across the globe. Those who are in full control of promoting vaccine apartheid have already forgotten that nobody is safe from this pandemic until everyone is safe. Answering the popular demand, the United States has already announced that it will ensure the vaccine is available for the whole world once the US population is vaccinated. This is a significant development considering the rampant vaccine apartheid in the world, pushing the world into a new crisis. Realizing the potential threat of the persisting variants of the virus endangering the world right now, Antony Blinken said,   “Until the vast majority of people in the world are vaccinated, it’s still going to be a problem for us.” (Antony Blinken)   Although Blinken did not specify the timeline of extending the helping hand to the outer world, he asked the people to “stay tuned” for the latest developments. So, all eyes are on the Biden administration to take the driver’s seat in pulling the world out of the pervasive crisis. Nine months ago, when the global leaders vowed to fight the pandemic together with a universal supply of vaccines, vaccine apartheid was just a fear. However, the monopolies of the pharmaceutical companies on the vaccination are making it impossible for the poor countries to acquire these vaccines at an affordable price, resulting in imminent chaos. This hoarding of vaccinations put the vulnerable African countries at risk when the poor health infrastructure was already in the doldrums in these countries. The US must perceive the damage beforehand and try to crackdown against the vaccine hoarders so that the medicine does not get concentrated in a few hands. As the US is the country having the most rapid vaccination drive, the United States should also try to export more and more vaccines at an affordable price without seeking business avenues in this field, as it will not only increase the US intangible power but also help the needy countries to escape the virus crisis. How is vaccine apartheid affecting the world? And what are the possible options for the US to tackle this menace? Let’s see. Profit Before People: The Only Reason for Vaccine Apartheid Many organizations around the world are calling for unconditional equity in the distribution of vaccines. People living in first-world countries have the privilege of vaccination, while those in poor regions will not be vaccinated for several years if the business goes as usual. The pursuit of profit at the expense of human life results in lobbying the big pharmaceutical companies hoarding the vaccination, resulting in the prevailing crisis. While the richer countries acquire herd immunity, this vaccine apartheid remains a core hurdle in achieving global herd immunity. At this time, it might seem like a hyperbolic assumption, but it is already turning into reality. Recently protestors in the southeastern region of France wore yellow badges labeled “‘unvaccinated.” This protest could be considered as a beginning of a new wave against discrimination in the vaccination process, which will grow in the coming times. The Big Pharma companies have deliberately hampered the vaccine production process to increase the demand-supply gap and price of COVID-19 vaccines. Meanwhile, rich countries, including the United Kingdom and America, have hoarded the limited supply of vaccines for themselves. According to Global Justice Now, a campaign organization working in the United Kingdom, more than 75% of the total vaccine supply currently resides in ten countries, while around 200 countries across the globe are still struggling to get their hands on the COVID-19
vaccines. Artificial scarcity is being created to increase the prices of the vaccines while COVID-19 grows and mutates, risking millions of lives.  Despite the pledges of world leaders for equal distribution of vaccines under the banner of the World Health Organization, this vaccine apartheid is nonetheless a worrying sign.   African Nations: Most Vulnerable to Vaccine Apartheid African countries are the most vulnerable on the receiving end, as Kenya has already sounded alarms over the probable vaccine apartheid after the United Kingdom imposed a travel ban to East African Nations.  Vaccine manufacturer countries are practicing vaccine nationalism and possessiveness, according to the Kenyan Foreign Minister. He also said that issuing vaccine passports without ensuring vaccine access will make it nearly impossible for the world to conquer the pandemic. The United Kingdom is taking vibrant measures after the spread of new variants in the country. This is a necessary step, but people from other European countries with a rising infection rate, such as France, are allowed to enter the UK, making it controversial and discriminatory. The United Kingdom is currently administrating Oxford AstraZeneca and BioNtech Pfizer vaccines. With long ties with the UK, Kenya has asked the nation to share its vaccine, but the UK administration has taken no commendable steps, as the vaccine apartheid remains omnipresent. The even more alarming aspect is that this very same phenomenon has been seen in the recent past in South Africa. South Africa is one of those countries that is expected to suffer from vaccine apartheid, but this is not a new thing for the nation. In 2001, organizations in South Africa called for a global protest against pharmaceutical companies that barred the nation from importing low-cost HIV medication. As a result, nearly 40 percent of deaths in South Africa by the start of the century occurred due to HIV and Aids-related illnesses. Now, as the confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa are nearing 1.5 million, the nation is once again suffering from the same denial for the COVID-19 vaccine.   Final Thoughts Being the global leader and supporting the biggest vaccine manufacturer, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the Biden administration.  President Joe Biden holds the responsibility for ending the vaccine apartheid before it reaches an unbearable extent. However, the real problem is that apartheid must not be ended on the terms of Big Pharma companies. The Biden administration can start by ending the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) waiver and urging the European countries to follow suit. The United States can also use the power vested by the Defense Production Act to bring vaccine production companies to the bargaining table. With these powers, Big Pharma could be compelled to join the COVID-19 technology pool of the World Health Organization and ensure cooperation among different vaccine manufacturers. The United States, along with other rich countries, could invest in expanding the repurposing vaccine manufacturer facilities in Africa and the other developed nations.
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thesheel · 1 year
The practice of slavery may be considered abolished in modern-day democracies. Even so, slavery in the contemporary era is an act of taking advantage of people's vulnerability, discrimination, and legal illiteracy. As a matter of fact, only seven of the G20 economies regulate the importation and manufacturing of goods sourced from forced labor. Especially at lower tiers, organizations lack visibility into the supply chain. When we consider the products that are linked to forced labor, it is hard to guarantee that our entire supply chain is free of forced labor.  This introduces the school of thought that the consumption of products made from forced labor is also a form of supporting slavery. Modern-day slavery manifests itself in a variety of ways, some of which are too common while others are not omnipresent. Like many other countries, the United States is affected by modern slavery. Ranging from child's school to the nursing homes to restaurants, to the most famous malls, America is a country where slavery exists, and it is often hidden in plain sight. Lack of Proper Framework is Endangering Freedom of Many in the USA When we think about slavery in the United States, we may recall the Atlantic Slave Trade, a horrible period for our country and most of the rest of the world. Between 1526 and 1867, more than twelve million slaves were forced onto ships in Africa and transported to the United States.  Slavery began in America when Blacks arrived on its shores, and their liberation became a struggle. They fought for the unseen freedom, but they fought anyway because they knew someone would one day see it.  Economy and slavery went hand in hand. During the 1860s, more than four million Black people were enslaved. However, even today, when the constitution defies all these things, slavery persists in the US in various forms. Officials in the American government are aware that workers are subject to modern-day slavery. Yet, the country doesn't protect these workers from threats by its own economic or military interests. There is a lack of adequate oversight mechanisms and accountable systems, resulting in a large number of foreign nationals working on US military bases and diplomatic missions around the world due to labor trafficking schemes. People are often trafficked into jobs that pay much less than they expected and are not in the countries they were supposed to be in. In these occupations, the conditions are often hazardous and unsanitary. America still has human and sex trafficking and forced labor, as the State Department acknowledged. In addition, there is bonded labor, such as the abuse of visitors and temporary workers, as well as domestic workers working under horrific conditions for diplomats. Some groups are more vulnerable to being targeted than others, even though anyone can be enslaved. People who lack experience, are young and naive, or who are in need of food, shelter, or work are easier to manipulate and control. Often, these people have also experienced discrimination and abuse. In the US, people of color, LGBTQ+ members, and migrants are particularly vulnerable to modern-day slavery. In America, over four hundred thousand people are living in conditions of modern slavery as per the Global Slavery Index report.   Groups Most Vulnerable to Slavery in the USA Migrants An immigrant's insecure immigration status or unfamiliarity with the environment can make him or her a target of modern-day slavery. Many of these individuals work in secret, out of sight of the public, without the government monitoring them. Some of the immigrants are illiterate, do not speak English fluently, and do not have educational credentials. All of these factors make immigrants vulnerable to various threats. LGBTQ+  Many children and adults in this community have been rejected by their families, and are subjected to emotional or physical abuse, have been homeless, or aband
oned. LGBTQ+ people face discrimination in the legal, healthcare, and education sectors. As a result of their social isolation, LGBT+ people are often targeted by human traffickers.   Children and Teenagers Modern-day slavery targets children and teenagers who are living in abusive environments. A youth who has fled their homes, experienced homelessness, or has been involved in child welfare is the most at risk. US Promoting Slavery by Supporting Forced Labor Markets According to research from the Walk Free Foundation, the US imports the highest percentage of goods produced through bonded labor. According to the group, one out of every 800 Americans may be a victim of modern slavery. The Global Slavery Index 2017, an Australian organization aiming to end slavery, contains these and other findings. Based on surveys conducted in 48 countries with over 71,000 respondents, the study includes cases occurring from 2012 to 2016. Over four hundred thousand Americans live under slavery that includes coerced labor, forced labor, and forced marriage, according to the organization. Globally, around 25 million people are forced into labor, for a total of 40.3 million. According to the group, the US imports $144 billion worth of products made by forced labor in 2016. Clothing, fish, cocoa, lumber, and laptops, computers, and mobile phones are among the commodities available. Modern-day slavery can be exercised in various forms, on top of which are human trafficking, forced labor, child slavery, debt bondage, and descent-based slavery.   Final Thoughts  Many times, poor and excluded people are exploited and tricked into becoming modern slaves even in the most advanced countries. Normally, external circumstances force people into taking risks to provide for their families or into jobs with exploitative working conditions. How could modern-day slavery be prevented? First, workers need to be able to move out of abusive employers in the United States to pursue employment elsewhere. It is also necessary to establish a mechanism for overseeing labor conditions and allowing workers to report violations. American companies could combat slavery more effectively if they kept track of the conditions of workers producing the products they import. The provision of increased victim support, the increase of data coordination, and the strengthening of legislation can all help facilitate this. People cannot be bound to their abusers under any circumstances.  To protect workers' basic rights, the government must now take measures against modern-day slavery.
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thesheel · 1 year
There are anti-millennial voices once again in America for the prevailing housing crisis. Early in the COVID days, many people considered if the surge in remote working activities would help revitalize smaller and cheaper cities as people sought more homes. Thus it was wondered that white-collar millennials would be the ones to populate those areas where the population does not prefer to live otherwise.  So, it raised the avenues for the government to collect more taxes. This made the millennials relevant in the country after the great recession. Housing Prices are Raising and Millennials Are Facing the Backlash Now prices and rents of properties have surged significantly, and available homes for sale are touching a new low. As this supply-side disruption increases, bidding becomes fierce further. If the news of the mainstream media is to be believed, "Zoom towns'' of millennials are to be blamed for these crises, especially in low-cost areas.  Ostensibly, the mess is created due to the underinvestment in the housing sector in the last decade. Similarly, exclusionary zones have also played their part in worsening the crisis.  Many state laws favor boomers who are living in their many-bedroom houses alone after their retirement, which is one of the reasons for the crisis. There is a school of thought on the side of millennials that decries that this community should not be blamed for this mess created by the inefficient policies of the government. They claim that they cannot afford to live with their parents as many of them get backlash from communities for doing it. Likewise, according to them, millennials graduated in a terrible job market, which means that these people are still not spending enough to get their own spaces, which they were supposed to do. In the upcoming years, as the market eases, these crises of housing can get worsen when even more millennials enter a sustainable market. But some of them own houses, the median price of which is $375,000 in the country.   Housing Crisis Will Only Worsen Overtime Those who accuse millennials claim that they should seek new homes in alternate and underdeveloped areas. However, even if some of them start buying houses in one specific community, they are likely to trigger a gentrification crisis, as bars, restaurants, and modern facilities would be forced to come to those areas. This will eventually push vulnerable populations out of these areas. Millennials believe that they cannot afford to move to idyllic towns, and locals there would be forced to be moved elsewhere, as suggested by the data. The opposition to these claims portrays that millennials can construct their new housing societies. But most of the cities are out, and they are not allowing it to do so for various reasons. Firstly, many major cities fix some quotas for housing schemes, including fixing the residential space for those who earn less than 60 percent of the media houses.   So the possibility of these sorts of housing schemes will be an outright imagination. Final Thoughts It is true that millennials are occupying most of the new houses in modern-day America. But it has much to suggest about the changing family dynamics of America, which suggests that the trend is shifting from nuclear families to independent residences. Now more millennials prefer to live alone or with their spouses due to the rising social differences triggered by the generational gap. However, these are the same people who are the most affected by these crises. This is due to the fact that while some of them can afford to house, a big lot of them still cannot afford it, which makes them the biggest receiver of the prevailing housing crisis. This means that governments have to step in to solve the crisis before more people move forward to get their own homes.
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thesheel · 1 year
President Joe Biden’s announcement of the infrastructure plan created a mess in Congress, as mshomi.com initially predicted.  After a series of talks, we are not done yet. As both the parties reached a bipartisan spending plan of $1.2 trillion, Democrats tried to pass another reconciliation bill with the infrastructure plan, but after facing backlash, it just backtracked. The agreed-upon infrastructure package only includes the funding of the power infrastructure, roads and bridges, internet services, and rail services to catch up with the developing pace of the world. Despite having the ability to pass the bill single-handedly, Biden pursued bipartisanship talks to trim down the infrastructure plan. As President Biden announced, “We have a deal,” signaling towards his new reconciliation package, Republicans went all bonkers now. [caption id="attachment_7971" align="aligncenter" width="494"] Lindsey Graham: One of the GOP Senator responsible to make Biden backtrack from his initial promise of not signing the infrastructure bill alone.[/caption] Biden played his trump card, saying that he would veto the infrastructure bill if it comes to him without the reconciliation package. However, a bit of backlash forced him to drift away from his plan. As Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said that Biden made Republicans look like “fucking idiots,” Biden backtracked saying,   “My comments also created the impression that I was issuing a veto threat on the very plan I had just agreed to, which was certainly not my intent.” (Joe Biden)   What is this two-track bill of Democrats, and is it likely to be passed from Congress? Let’s see. [caption id="attachment_7969" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Despite announcing that he will veto the infrastructure bill if it comes without the reconciliation bill, Biden's U-turn depicts a weak leadership.[/caption] Bipartisan Talks on Infrastructure Bill: Ecstasy for Republicans, Agony for Democrats Coupled with the traditional infrastructure, Democrats have presented a “human infrastructure” bill as well. Both Republicans and Democrats negotiated for a long to settle the definition of the term infrastructure. The bipartisan talks are a major victory for the Republicans, as they have successfully forced Biden to cut down the bill to half of the initial worth. One of the bones of contention between both parties was the funding of the projects. Biden had an election manifesto to increase the taxes on Americans earning more than $400,000 per year. He did try to achieve this through an infrastructure plan, but Republicans put a roadblock in his path. The only thing Republicans envision is protecting the 2017 tax cuts, which are considered a significant favor from Donald Trump to the corporate sector. Now the bill will be sponsored by a relatively smaller tax increase, unused money from COVID relief programs, the leftover unemployment insurance funds, and oil sales. It was a significant loss at the end for Democrats as well, considering that Biden failed to convince Republicans on schools, climate, and caregivers funding. Similarly, he has often decried to bring wealthy Americans onboard to enforce them to pay their fair share in the US economy. Now, he has comprised on these provisions just for the sake of Republican unity.   Human Infrastructure Bill: A Beginning of Another Congressional Tussle: But Biden did play his trump card, a “human infrastructure” reconciliation bill, and linked it with the main bill. Biden has straightforwardly said that he will veto the bill if it comes without the approval of the reconciliation bill. Calling them a “tandem,” initially, the message was, no doubt, depicting his will to pass the infrastructure plan only with the reconciliation bill. But he is unable to sustain even a slight backlash from Republican ranks who can exploit the president anytime. Now, Republicans’ pressure groups have once again made Biden not walk the talk. He has already said that he has no intent to
veto the bill. Republicans are highly unlikely to support him in passing the reconciliation bill now without any imminent threat of veto. Lindsey Graham, one of the senators involved in the bipartisan talks, and the opposition minority leader Mitch McConnell have indicated Republicans are not planning to entertain the Democratic presented bill. While on the other hand, progressives in Democrats have also called not to vote for the infrastructure package if the reconciliation bill fails to attract votes. But even without progressives’ votes, the infrastructure bill can now be passed from the Senate, considering that Republicans would support it.   Final Thoughts Biden’s bid to engage with Republicans was a faulty policy in the first place. Anticipating the imminent mistrust and Republicans’ denial of the bill, Biden should have pursued the alternate option to pass the bill without Republicans’ votes through budget reconciliation. It would have allowed him to chase his all-inclusive plan of $2.3 trillion without compromising on even a single cent. Now he has already compromised on his election manifesto just because of achieving bipartisanship. It’s still not too late for Biden to go that route of dodging Republicans. Biden has already made a lot of compromises with Republicans. He even failed to bring Republicans on a $1.7 trillion infrastructure package. It seems that the possession of the White House by the Democrats has become useless, with little to no effectiveness of Biden’s executive authority and the senatorial majority of Democrats who could get the bill passed with no worries through budget reconciliation. He needed to safeguard the $4 trillion human infrastructure bill with other measures because now, he will once again pursue bipartisan talks with Republicans to trim this reconciliation bill with funding for health care and child care.
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thesheel · 1 year
I feel sorry to see the widespread discrimination in America pushing the legacy of racial trauma in Black Americans forward. While I was at the JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America as a guest, a recent event triggered some racial prejudicial memories, which I usually encounter when I visit establishments that are supposed to be “whites.” While working on a space designated for hotel guests, a staff member came and asked me if I was a guest since they don’t allow non-guests to use that area. I immediately told him that, “I don’t have to answer that.” Because I knew exactly what his racially driven undertone was; i.e., “You are black; you can’t afford the place.” I complained to one of the staff members, who told the manager. Surprisingly the manager came to defend the worker’s action rather than issuing an apology.   [caption id="attachment_7536" align="alignnone" width="768"] Eli Mshomi working in JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America, a place where a staff member inquired him whether he is a guest or not. These behaviors of staff are the primary reasons of racial trauma in Black Americans.[/caption]   I gave the hotel the benefit of the doubt, and I said I would do my observations while still being the guest. The next day's groups of whites kept on coming to work, and I saw nobody coming and asking them if they were hotel guests.  This was not the first event of its type against me. The same thing happened to me in prior years while I was a guest at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in DC.  Back then, the only difference was that the manager came and apologized to me, and the staff member was moved out of that area. The problem is that most people don’t even consider bullying as an instrument of racial discrimination, and end up defending it in one way or another. Some people will say that the hotel staff must inquire about the attendees, but why do they question Black people only? Where is their duty after seeing the white people in the exact circumstances? My experience was not only isolated to hotel establishments. While I was trying to open a startup, I did not have an office, so I worked in different coffee places. I had a white business partner, and we were working together. He suggested Lunds & Byerlys in Eden Prairie to use as an office location since it was close to his house. We started working there, and I was comfortable with the place until I decided to go alone one day.  Soon, a manager came and told me I am not supposed to work there, as it’s not a place to work. I was shocked, as I used to work there daily. As expected, I could see many “white” people using it as a working place at the same time when the manager asked me to leave the establishment. The incident was purely driven by the racism embedded in the manager’s head against people of color. I told my business partner about the incident and said that I couldn’t go there anymore. He suggested a new place called Bobby & Steve’s Auto World, also in Eden Prairie. We started working there, but one day I came earlier in the morning since I was meeting a friend who I referred to get her car fixed. I was in the same spot where I usually sit with my business partner, while she was at the counter paying for the service. She heard one of the staff members telling the boss, “Are you aware there is somebody there who uses this as a working place?” On hearing that, she came and told me, which I related to my business partner. Seeing this much discrimination at almost every place, I started feeling racial trauma. From that point onward, I decided not to go to any establishment again and work without him being there before I arrived.  So, I used to call him and make sure he is had arrived before I arrived, but if he was late someday by chance, I used to hang out in a nearby Caribou Coffee until I made sure he was already in. These types of racial discrimination and white evangelicals’ actions are catalyzing the racial trauma in Black A
mericans. Racial Trauma in Black Americans: A Curse that Needs to be Cured These days, it is almost impossible to find a Black American who has not encountered some type of discrimination. In fact, all Black, Indigenous, and people of color, commonly combinedly known as BIPOC, have to face this racial trauma on a daily basis, which is fostering the mental health crisis in these communities. For the perpetrators of this discrimination, these types of behaviors are independent events, but the receivers of this discrimination are exposed to this behavior daily, resulting in racial trauma in Black Americans. The perpetrators fail to comprehend that their behaviors promote long-term damage, the results of which are anxiety, depression, nightmares, and flashbacks. While going out of their houses, many Black Americans think it could be their last drive, just like George Floyd or Daunte Wright. Looking at the unemployment numbers, Black students often think about whether their higher education would go to waste, believing that a white American would be preferred over them in the job interview. They fear they will be exploited in the job market by lower salaries compared to their white counterparts. Or that they can be jailed for a crime they never committed. Perhaps they will fail to own a house in the United States or be bullied by their neighbors just because of their color if they own a home. While casting their vote, many wonder whether their voice matters amid the laws specifically made to silence them? When Black Americans see the pervasiveness of the injustice directed towards their community in all these forms, they rightfully assume themselves as the next victim of that brutality. When they see hopelessness all around, they become the victims of racial trauma, hindering their progress in the country. The sense of terror, insecurity, and depreciation is being fostered this way in the Black community, adding fuel to the fire to the already marginalized community. Many end up consuming drugs trying to evade this systematic persecution; others keep on, fighting the building pressure and stress in their minds.   Final Thoughts The need of the hour is to criminalize bullying in all the US states, punishing the perpetrators of this discrimination hard without any biases.  The biased narratives against the people of color are embedded in the educational systems that enable the children to drive their mentality by color after growing up. Solving these crises is not an overnight process, but a constant struggle that needs a dedicated effort by both the government and civil society.  Seeing the ineffectiveness of the government in addressing the severity of the issue, civil society has to lead the effort. No one deserves racial trauma, as it drives hatred in society, pushing people into mental distress and taking drastic decisions, including suicides.
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thesheel · 1 year
Trump is back with his conspiracy theories once again. Six months down the line of his conclusive defeat in the 2020 presidential election, Trump conspiracy theories are now claiming that he will be back in the White House in August after the completion of the election audit. Qanon, a conspiracy group, claimed some time ago that Trump would be installed as a President on March 4, a claim which was buried with the passing of the date. However, this time, Trump himself is perpetuating the nonsense, which can not only inspire his hardcore supporters to believe these claims but could also spark an insurgency after the demise of these claims. How is Trump feeding lies into the minds of many people just to retain relevancy in American politics? Let's see. Trump Goes Mad: Claiming to Regain Power is Building Castles in the Air According to Maggie Haberman, The New York Times correspondent, Trump is misleading people he is in contact with that he would be "reinstated" as  President by August. These types of baseless Trump conspiracy theories sponsored by the former president are also responsible for the widespread political unrest in the country. Many QAnon supporters have been seen recently endorsing the idea of the Myanmar-style coup in the United States. The situation worsened as Michael Flynn, the former National Security Advisor, also appreciated the idea of the Myanmar-style coup recorded in a video in a protest attended by a score of Qanon believers. It is pertinent to note here that Michael Flynn was the right-hand man of the former president Donald Trump in the pre-election era, who also advised Trump for the military coup in the US before receding the power. These verbal attacks on democracy, coupled with Trump's baseless election theories, are feeding lies in the minds of Republican supporters who can even imagine staging another attack like the January 6 Capitol riots. Republican-led States: Helping to Cook Trump Conspiracy Theories Despite having two complete recounts, Arizona is currently having another election audit by a GOP-led firm. When the firm started work, it was widely anticipated that it would bring some controversy, which is precisely the case. This pro-GOP firm has started mentioning irregularities in the Arizona elections. Many stakeholders believe that this recount is just another effort to sabotage the democratic practices in the United States and to cast a dark shadow on the electoral process. With these allegations, Trump would have a reason to mobilize the Republican voters in his favor for the nationwide campaign. It is also pertinent to note here that Trump's statements are signaling toward broader planning. He is closely following all the developments in the different states to devise a rebellious strategy against Democrats in the near future. Whatever outcomes they derive from the ongoing audit, the Republican-led Arizona senate has successfully facilitated the former president to promote Trump conspiracy theories. Republicans activists are even more hungry to reinstate Trump back in the White House by hook or by crook. They are pushing the relevant authorities for a full-scale audit in the different states, including Georgia, New Hampshire, California, and Michigan. The controversial Arizona audit is also inspiring other states to initiate a new wave of election investigations. For instance, the Republican speaker of the Wisconsin House of Representatives has hired former police officers to investigate the 2020 elections. But, unfortunately, one of these officers has already supported Donald Trump's election fraud claims. So the ambitions of the GOP are evident here. Recruit pro-Trump investigators to raise fingers on elections so that Trump can use these investigations for cooking his conspiracy theories.   Final Thoughts Republicans are busy writing a plot to bring Trump back in power. Now, when they have fallen short of legal ways, playing foul is the only way for them, which they are doing in full f
low. Whether it is a military coup, using staged protests to demand Trump's comeback, or hiring election audit firms after more than six months since the elections, everything is driven by a Trumpist mindset. The pro-Trump majority in the US Senate is making the matter worse. Trump knows he has deep connections within the Senate, and his friends in the chamber won't push him in danger if something goes against the planning. The killing of the January 6 commission by the GOP Senators is a classic example in this regard. Ending the filibuster to make Trump accountable is the only way Democrats can handle Trump conspiracy theories before the water goes above their heads.
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