#copper chloride
sciencesolutions · 6 months
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short666bread · 11 months
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ravs6709 · 8 months
I dont like chemistry that much BUT copper (II) sulphate is everything to me. Beloved
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carriershoukaku · 2 years
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alenaalenaalena · 6 months
Nutriplus Kokteil - náhrada jedla s čokoládovou príchuťou 540 g - Farmasi | Farmasi Slovakia
https://www.farmasi.sk/ua000007/product/detail/nutriplus-kokteil-nhrada-jedla-s-okoldovou-prchuou-540-g?pid=1001483 Náhrada jedla vo forme kokteilu obsahuje všetky základné nutričné zložky, ktoré je potrebné prijímať v strave. Každá porcia obsahuje: 20 g rastlinných bielkovín, 27 vitamínov a minerálov a vysoký obsah vlákniny (prebiotikum). Produkt neobsahuje lepok a konzervačné látky. Ľahko sa…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
We will illustrate this using the equilibrium:
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[Cu(H2O)4]²+ is blue and [CuCl4]²- is yellow; mixtures of the two have an intermediate colour and, therefore, appear blue-green, as illustrated in figure 9.12. (...) The pronounced green colour of the solution at the right of figure 9.12 shows that this is in fact what happens; there is more yellow [CuCl4]²- and less blue [Cu(OH2)4]²+ present in the solution after the system re-establishes equilibrium following addition of concentrated HCl(aq). (...) Again, figure 9.12 shows that the colour of the solution becomes more blue following removal of some Cl- as insoluble AgCl (and subsequent filtering), consistent with the production of more [Cu(OH2)4]²+.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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educritter · 9 months
Why This Ingredient 3: Minerals
Part three of the ingredients and their uses series, minerals! Take care of your body: lick a rock today!
Very few of these are the minerals described in the article, but they look cool so here we are.Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash Minerals are underrated. For a lot of minerals, only a tiny amount is needed for them to take an immense part in the body’s ability to stay alive and well. Many come from rocks, but often those rocky mineral sources are broken up and modified by plants, or simply mixed…
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snufkins-boot · 1 year
Everything’s edible at least once.
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superconductivebean · 11 days
#994: Hogwarts Inquires - 117
Did you know? - 18
The text on the Boards from the Undercroft:
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appears before the In the Shadow of the Estate quest.
Few attempts on text legibility were made here and in the reblogs of that post. And no, these notes do not belong to Sebastian -- it is a headcanon.
We do not know the author. Howevor, Isidora is the most probable candidate for the authorship due to the name 'Percival' appearing but the what is likely a timestamp, 1632, veils on that probability, if to assume it is a timestamp, of course. It might be not. We don't know.
Interestingly, the artist tasked to fill up the boards wrote the spellings of the Middle English words: weter, strem, ston, chaungeable.
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Diacritical marks were not widely used in the writings done in this language, if at all. You can read about it in more detail here.
These symbols are the triskelion and the valknut:
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The latter although predates the Viking era, may not be as old as the former; the former is common in many of ancient art, going as far deep into the ancient history as Helladic and Mycenaean eras of the Ancient Greece and the neolithic mound in Meath, Ireland. Weirdly, the stone objects MC can throw with magic have blue-ish carved symbols on their surface; the carvings look somewhat distinctly Pictish, the choose for colour therefore sounds… like it's Let's Throw Everything Ancient To The Region To The Greater Mix Of Things.
This knot:
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is the doire / dara knot; symbolises the oak tree, perhaps the most sacred among Celtic people.
This bit could be important to remember: according to this website, Oak's astrological period starts at June 10 and ends at July 7.
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are half Alchemy symbols for basic elements (tin, lead, silver, gold, mercury, etc), half transfiguration alphabet as seen from this image:
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This little fella is Saturn/lead:
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The congregation of the points at the lower left eludes me but the number of points is 7 and the number 7 appears on the end point of the dimensional door aka the wall MC and Sebastian appear at after they are teleported back to the Undercroft from the Isidora's estate:
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Perhaps it tells us Isidora had 7 hideouts and not 3? Besides, the number 7 is the number of the planets corresponding to the 7 metals:
Sun - Gold - ☉
Moon - Silver - ☽
Mercury - Quicksilver - ☿
Venus - Copper - ♀
Mars - Iron - ♂
Jupiter - Tin - ♃
Saturn - Lead - ♄
Uranus, Nepture, and Pluto aren't a part of Alchemy due to a very simple reason: by the time Uranus was officially discovered in the 1781, Robert Boyle had already published the book The Sceptical Chymist: or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, in 1661. He'd effectively removed the word 'Alchemy' from the use and replaced it with the word 'Chemistry', thus also avoiding the confusion between branches of Alchemy that did research on various materials (that includes spagyric teachings; Paracelsian physicians were the people turning poisons into cures and remedy) -- and what people inspired by Hermes Trismegistus developed smooshing many different things together, such as philosophy, alchemy, astrology, etc, creating a wtf.
I'd say it gives geodesy but may also be a weird depiction of the sal commune err common salt:
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What to say about these I can't decide, but they look like ~compound names for various alchemical substances, from left to right: Spiritus Fumans (Stannic Chloride), Aqua Tofana (the infamous tasteless belladonna poison), and Verdigris (Carbonate of Copper, once used as a green pigment; was mildly toxic):
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What it's supposed to mean eludes me, besides, it is an assumption.
What I suppose it should mean: something Isidora, if that belongs to her, found; all things besides Verdigris were discovered after her death in the late 1400s, however, there is a person who could've been trying to decipher… these things.
In the In the Shadow of the Undercroft quest Sebastian mentions:
No, someone in his family knew about it [the Undercroft]. The Gaunts are full of secrets.
That Gaunt should've been alive in 1632, assuming it is a timestamp. They also needed to be at school at the time, so could be a professor, a member of the staff (a gamekeeper, for example), a Headmaster; unlikely it was Corvinus Gaunt, who was a student by the time the castle would receive plumbing update (late 17th--early 18th century).
'Aura? Ancient Magik' has to become my favourite kind of explaining things to meself because I, too, have no idea what this means:
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I can only tell some text is in Greek. An attempt to type after this bit yielded some results:
Ιαεω is probably Ιασω, recovering&recuperation;
ΒαθρεμονΝΟΝΙΛα is probably βαθμολογία, a degree of smth or a grade;
ρπδ is a greek numerical for 184;
φ, a golden ration mention?;
πδ has to do with the Ptolemy's table of chords?
May not be linked to the much speculated Ancient Magic's capability of healing anything but more so of a celestial body's movement, tied, anyhow, to the Magic's power. Probably.
Speaking of which, Is this the constellation of Lacerta? The number of stars doesn't match, however. Lacerta has 9, this one appears to have 10 or 11; likely 11 + it has a satellite constellation of just 3 stars. I summon astronomy nerds to solve this one + the text and the table below is likely have something to do with Astronomy. I might also suggest: weirdly drawn Draco.
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pigeonox · 5 months
tango doesn't use hair dye for decked out 2 or secret life. he adds copper to his hair to create the blue flame and lithium chloride to make it pink
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sciencesolutions · 4 months
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alithographica · 1 year
I lied it's not actually new art. Is it new art if it's old art in a new medium? idk but let's do some science to our art, welcome to
Here's a horseshoe crab I drew in ballpoint pen a while back. I took a short etching class and wanted to use this as my image—I've done a little etching before but not this much detail, so it was a bit of an experiment.
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Quick etching explanation: You first cover a flat metal plate in a waxy substance called "ground", then use a sharp tool to carve through the ground to reveal your plate. You then dunk that into an acid bath for like 30 seconds to an hour, depending on how deep/bold you want the line to be. The ground protects most of the plate, but the acid will eat away at anything you exposed. When you put ink on your plate to print it, the ink will sit in those grooves and then transfer to the paper, producing a print!
(If you're interested in the specific chemistry: We used copper plates and a ferric chloride solution (aka iron (III) chloride, or FeCl3). Ferric chloride is an acid with a pH around 2 (strong!) and it reacts with the copper to produce copper chloride. Copper (II) chloride is soluble, so as the copper gets eaten away from the plate, the copper chloride floats away in the solution.)
You can also do multiple passes in the acid to get different line strengths. The next photos are some WIPs of the different rounds of scratching and/or etching I went through. The dark stuff is the ground, and the bright lines are the copper plate I've exposed—in the first photo you can also see where I've transferred lines from my original drawing to the ground that I haven't scratched yet.
(Printmaking reverses the image, so I had to flip the image while I was working so that it would print normally at the end—that's why it's backwards here.)
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I ultimately did 4 rounds in the acid—I exposed the darkest lines first and put it in for 40 minutes, then scratched the medium-dark lines and bathed it for 15 minutes, then two rounds of light lines at 5 minutes. However, it's cumulative because the prior lines stay exposed (unless you specifically cover them with new ground) so the darkest lines actually received just over an hour of etch time.
And then here's what the plate looks like once the ground is removed! This is ready to be inked and printed.
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Typically you have to re-ink between each print. This involves smearing the ink on, then using a cloth to buff it off of the surface of the plate while it sits in the etched grooves. Takes a few minutes and you can also control how clean or inky your plate is. I personally prefer more ink for a more shadowy print area and darker darks—left-hand is one where I polished it more, right-hand is one where I left more ink.
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And there's the print!
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(okay they're not a real crab but that's the only emoji we've got rn, sue me)
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nardo-headcanons · 6 months
Iwagakure Worldbuilding Headcanon
yes, it is time. i have been planning to do this ever since i wrote the suna ones. what inspired me to write these? my chem analytics lab practical
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People and Culture
Iwagakure is a rather densely populated village, with its country having a rather large population. The citizens of Iwa are often times brutally honest with each other and often work as one big union. The language spoken in Iwagakure sounds similar to Konoha's language, but not quite (Almost like Dutch sounds compared to German). There are many different dialects across different valleys, every one sounding slightly different from the other. This sometimes leads to interesting dialoagues, but they manage. Many foreigners think Iwa citizens don't have a sense of humor, but they do. It's just that it's rather dry compared to what most foreigners are used to.
A lot of the infrastructure in Iwagakure is made of stone and their architecture is very immaculate and they like using earth style to accentuate their homes. Despite their economy not being the strongest, Iwagakure has a homeless rate of 0% since housing is easy to construct there.
In the Iwa academy, genin are not only taught ninja skills, but basic geology and chemistry as well. Despite Iwa nin being regarded as 'stupid' by outsiders due to their funny accents, they have an extensive education system.
Fireworks in Iwagakure are a special good, and they are very proud of the fact that they invented it. No one really knows how, but the story says that one shinobi of Iwagakure's explosion corps added copper sulphate, rubidium acetate, strontiom sulphate and lithium chloride into their explosive clay, creating a prototype of the fireworks they use nowadays. Using their knowledge of the different minerals and their flame test colors, the earth country's pyrotechnicians are able to create elaborate artworks out of thin scraps.
Most clothes are dyed with either natural colorants or colorful chemicals. Most older people prefer the natural dyes from plants, such as ube, purple and orange carrots, etc. The youngsters are more adventurous.
Much like Suna shinobi, Iwa ninjas had more trust in their tsuchikage than in their own daimyo, however this recently changed due to Oonoki, the third tsuchi-kage hiring mercenaries like the Akatsuki to work behind the other big villages backs. Since the economy of Iwagakure was not the strongest, they often relied on imperialism as well as colonialism to build their economy. In the modern era, this has changed, however, since Iwa and the Earth country in general is the biggest exporter of rare minerals such as, diamonds, pottery, glassware and fireworks.
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The Earth country is a cold and rocky place, with many gushes of wind carrying rock and debris throughout the country, even beyond its borders. The winters of Iwagakure are very cold and harsh and the summers are only mild compared to the fire country, where Konoha is located. There is little to no vegetation, and the vegetation that exists is used for agriculture which has led to many native animals being driven out of their natural habitat.
The mountains of Iwagakure are populated by ewes, goats and sheep, which, much like in our world, could not care less about gravity. Another animal that can be found in such large heights is the snow leopard, a symbol of bravery and strength to Iwagakure shinobi. Wolves are also native to Iwagakure, however its citizens have an ambiguous relationship to the canines, as they frequently pillage livestock from the people. It would also be a crime to not mention yaks, the national animal of Iwagakure. Their meat, tar and fur are all highly prized and yak meat serves as a protein source to many Iwa shinobi. When looking up into the sky, eagles, kites, vultures and hawks are no rarity, feasting on any small mammal they might find. Fortunately for all arachno- and insectophobes, Iwagakure's insect and spider population is rather small, the only ones that survive living in such high altitudes either minding their own business or even being useful to its citizens, the iwagakure mountain bees, coming to mind.
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Tubers and Root vegetables
The main component of any Iwagakure dish are tubers and root vegetables. Iwa nin actually prefer them over grains as their main source of carbohydrates. The most popular ones are potatoes, purple carrots, parsnips and onions. Often times, ube and ube extract is used as a flavoring agent and colorant for food.
Another important stable of Iwa cuisine are beans, which are imported from Sunagakure. The most popular variety are kidney beans, mainly due to their color matching the iwagakure shinobi uniform. In the past there used to be many lectin and cyanide poisonings, until the government stepped in and implemented 'how to properly cook beans' into the education system.
Most meat comes from either yaks, goats, dear or sheep. Unlike their close allies, Sunagakure, Iwa nin rarely dry their meat and prefer it marinated or jarred.
Similarly to Kirigakure, not many manufactured sweets can be found here, however, crispy rice cakes (Iwagakure rock mochi) are a specialty. The most popular filling for these rice cakes is, of course, red bean paste.
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wayfayrr · 10 months
Gonna ask this RIGHT this time lets GOOO
I’m a bit of a nut when it comes to pyromaniac and explosion obsessed characters, just going absolutely manic with numerous explosions going off around them type of stuff
Can I maybe ask for a reader like that with Time? Just an absolutely tired man who loves seeing them happy, but by god please put the gunpowder down for five minutes
Thank you, and once again bc you deserve it, congratulations :>
thank you again for all the congratulations 🥹💖💖 I swear everyone on here is so sweet. 💖 for this one I hope you don't mind I went with a calmer moment for that type of reader where they're sitting by the fire making explosives relaxing, I hope you like it!!!🔥✨✨
“[name], what are you making over there? Please don’t tell me it’s more explosives…”
“Look you don’t have to mutter under your breath like that.”
“You didn’t answer my question [name].”
“I thought you didn’t want me to tell you.”
The old man seems to be looking his age for once, granted I'm one of the main reasons he's been pushed to his limits like this. Really though, it's in my nature I can't just hold myself back. He should know this with how clear it is that I'm not the most civil when things like this are involved.
"Please stop making explosives from your own world, at least use normal bombs."
"'Normal bombs' don't have the same effect though Time... Look it's not like I'm making the dangerous ones."
Maybe I should stop doing stuff like this, it seems Time really is more stressed than he ever was before I arrived. The chain are taking care of me here, I shouldn't be adding to their stress, well time’s stress more than anything. It’s hard not to feel at least a little guilty about acting like this when he sounds so exhausted. Planting himself down next to me with a sigh, it really feels like I’m about to be given a lecture about my personal safety. It takes a moment to remove my current project away from the heat and to make sure that it’s stable, meaning I can leave it unattended for a while. Better to be over-cautious than the reason Hyrule needs to tire himself out or drain their already low supplies. Nothing would make me feel worse than that after a lecture.
“Just be careful dear, I love you more than anything so I don’t want to lose you.”
“You’re not going to lecture me?”
“No, I love seeing how happy you are. Even if I wish I was the one making you happy rather than the explosives.”
That was unexpected? I swear if Wild was the one in my place he’d have been trapped here for hours while Time went on about his safety, but for me just a simple admission and a blush? Time’s blushing!? Because of me?? How long will it take him to realise how I’m looking at him like he’s both amazing and acting utterly unlike the Time I know? Barely a second it seems.
“Don’t let me sitting here distract you [name].”
“RIGHT. Yes alright. Um… would you like me to show you some really cool things you can do with fire? There are some safer things in my world that are beautiful.”
“Do you have it recorded on your ‘phone’?”
Rolling my eyes at him with a genuine laugh while reaching for a couple of containers within my bag, he seems a bit scared of what I’m about to pull out of my bag. Like he’s expecting another outburst like the first fight I got into, It's a good thing Hyrule can treat burns. 
“They’re different metal oxides, they change the colours of the fire. And no I’m not going to set the forest alight again not at the moment anyway.”
“[name] I love you but please.”
“...Fine. I promise I won't set the forest alight at all. Now can I show you what these do?”
I didn’t even let him answer this time, preferring to just toss some of the copper chloride powder into the fire waiting for his response to the apple-green flames. He looks stunning with how they reflect off of his armour, and how they highlight his face. Which colours would light him up the most beautifully I wonder, red, green, pink, cutting the colours completely and having him silhouetted by an explosion perhaps? 
“Do you keep things related to all of this on you at all times?”
“Why would you ever assume otherwise?”
“Please hold back from burning entire woods from now on.”
“...I’ll try.”
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alenaalenaalena · 6 months
Nutriplus Kokteil - náhrada jedla s čokoládovou príchuťou 540 g - Farmasi | Farmasi Slovakia
https://www.farmasi.sk/ua000007/product/detail/nutriplus-kokteil-nhrada-jedla-s-okoldovou-prchuou-540-g?pid=1001483 Náhrada jedla vo forme kokteilu obsahuje všetky základné nutričné zložky, ktoré je potrebné prijímať v strave. Každá porcia obsahuje: 20 g rastlinných bielkovín, 27 vitamínov a minerálov a vysoký obsah vlákniny (prebiotikum). Produkt neobsahuje lepok a konzervačné látky. Ľahko sa…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 10 months
However, because atoms are so incredibly small, a mole of atoms, molecules, or ions takes up comparatively little space (see figures 3.5 and 3.6).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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