#context is addams family
Stage Manager: [Director], I understand that you want to get this scene perfect, but there is a child trapped in this coffin.
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franken-shits · 2 years
Watched the jenna oretga Wednesday addams show. Loved her but her two love interests reminded me of this meme
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lilisouless · 1 year
Wylan: Jesper can't see you right now, he was awake until 3 am and he is sleeping now, let him rest
Kaz: you have enslaved him-
Wylan: no, when he wakes up i-
Kaz: you have placed Jesper until some strange sexual spell
Wylan: oh man
Kaz: I respect that
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robotpussy · 3 months
having to turn the colours off/put my TV on black and white setting to watch rob zombie's the munsters to even slightly enjoy this 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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natalinova · 2 years
The popularity of Enid x Wednesday really proves that people always want to see romance in media at any cost. I get the appeal of the goth girlfriend x rainbow girlfriend thing but there's no other reason to ship them. The whole point of their relationship is for Wednesday to make friends for the first time, they don't show any romantic interest in each other. In fact, Wednesday doesn't show romantic interest in anyone at all, she even goes as far as saying that she never wants to get married. She seems uncomfortable whenever the topic of romance is brought up concerning her. Actually, considering Wednesday's behaviour throughout the show and her attitude towards romance, it would be much more reasonable to imagine her as aromantic than to ship her with anyone.
Regardless, it seems like almost everyone who watched the show ships them. That's not exactly a surprise, and given that people have been shipping them since before the show even came out it's pretty clear that the ship isn't based on anything other than aesthetics, but it's crazy to see how far people will go to find romance in media. Especially when Wednesday could so easily be interpreted as aromantic (I think it'd be canon if it wasn't for aphobia and amatonormativity but it is what it is).
It's just kinda sad to see that most people would rather grasp at straws to find some romantic content in media than accept that not all characters need a love interest. Funny how the same people who criticised the show for that terrible love triangle are supporting a ship that has just as little chemistry as Wednesday did with Xavier or Tyler, because apparently Wednesday simply not wanting a romantic relationship and being happy with her friends and family is inconceivable.
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batsbolts-andfangs · 3 months
Physically I am in my living room, mentally I am in the Addams Family mansion
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ghostinapool · 9 days
my addams family obsessed ass who has headcanoned wednesday as aro since i was a child sadly watching every single adaptation of the addams family be her falling in love and rebelling against the family
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tearlessrain · 1 year
straight up did a double take while watching the old Addams Family series because there's an episode where they just casually decide to ask Pablo Picasso to teach them to paint and I like. thought the bit was that Picasso is dead for the first 1/3 of the episode because I fully forgot that Picasso was actually very much alive in the 60s. Which even having double checked on wikipedia feels very incorrect.
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tchaikovskaya · 2 years
Is there a term for people liking the idea of liking something more than they like the thing itself? Cuz I keep referring to certain examples of that (casually/with friends who get what I mean) as “pick me” shit even tho I know that’s not accurate (just vibe-adjacent) (and its #problematique sry) and its a useful concept as far as pop culture commentary goes yknow so like… I would like to stop sounding like a giant bitch*
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rainbow-filmnerd · 1 year
Wednesday (s1) Out of Context spoilers
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Crew member: "[Director] you have that. sad look in your eyes. You already seem done with spring musical."
Director: "Already?? Auditions haven't even started yet"
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niconebula · 2 years
Well.. Burton may be an exec producer but he was only invited to Wednesday to direct though. It's not *his* project, never has been, so he is by no means the one to call the shots here..
I forget they love to plaster that man’s name on everything he’s even marginally involved with. Though directing is still a major position and he wouldn’t have taken it if he didn’t like the material. I’m just being cynical, I don’t trust him lol. He makes good work, he’s just not… you know what I said.
Enid is featured pretty heavily in the promotional material and trailers as Wednesday’s metaphorical other half, so as an outsider I am like “oohhh maybe they could make it actually sapphic”. And then I saw the Wednes-Gay post from Variety so I will absolutely jump on board with y’all even if it doesn’t make it.
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mesosauridae · 1 year
On ep 5 of wednesday and all i can say is that i kinda like it but its surprisingly... mid, and honestly a bit overrated, its not that i think its bad i actually enjoy some parts of it, but i cant help but think it feels too much like Riverdale and like theres something Off about the characterizations that i cant just identify
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isingonly4myangel · 9 months
Another unsolicited Addams post!
Tonight a guest walking past me on their way out said “have a good evening, Mrs Addams” and I had an… almost visceral reaction? It’s only ever happened to me twice, tonight included, that someone’s called me Mrs Addams but uhhh I think I like it a lot more than I should lmao
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getaway-green · 2 years
Does Thing is gay?
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