#considering idk how to draw young children
shxtodxroki · 8 months
Summary: Tsumiki and Megumi are too sick on Halloween to trick-or-treat (and are understandably devastated) so you and Satoru team up to give them the most perfect, exciting Halloween night you possibly can in order to cheer them up.
Flufftober Day 2 Prompt: Family, Friends, Loved Ones
Warnings: Reader is considered a parent (not biologically) to Tsumiki and Megumi, so I would recommend not reading this if that makes you uncomfortable! Also idk if this needs a warning but Gojo (and subsequently reader) are pretty rich and have a super fancy house
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Check out my full Flufftober masterlist here!
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The sound of a pitiful, sad sneeze draws your attention to the young girl sitting beside you on the couch, your heart squeezing at the crestfallen expression painted so clearly across her face as she snuggles further into your side. One glance towards your other child, begrudgingly wrapped up in your husband’s arms as he sits atop his lap, tells you that he’s just as disappointed about how this evening has turned out, and you desperately find yourself wishing that you could push tonight's internationally celebrated holiday back just a few days so that your precious children could celebrate alongside their peers.
Poor Megumi and Tsumiki had, unfortunately, fallen very sick the day before Halloween, leaving both of them heartbreakingly out of commission for trick-or-treating and forced to spend the spookiest day of the year stuck inside, cuddled up to their parents as they nursed their poor, sickly bodies. Satoru had been almost as devastated as the kids when he realized their fate, knowing just how much this tradition meant to both of them (and having been looking forward to sneaking a few handfuls from their candy stashes as “parent tax” to satiate his undeniable sweet tooth) as the two of you desperately tried to come up with a last-minute plan to salvage as much of the holiday as you could for your beloved children.
Unfortunately, it seems that the last-minute plan the two of you came up with is a bit of a dud, as while both kids tried to enjoy the movie you had turned on for them (The Nightmare Before Christmas, their favorite Halloween movie) and the candy you had bought especially for them (catered to each of their tastes and favorites), you could both easily see that their hearts weren’t in it, and they were still feeling down about having to miss out on such an exciting holiday celebration. You were itching to come up with a new idea, some way to lift their spirits and give them the truly wonderful Halloween the two deserved even from the comfort of your own home.
After a few minutes of stewing anxiously in your own head with no success as you pretend to watch the movie, you eventually shoot your husband a glance of concern as you pick up the half-empty popcorn bowl on the table and rise to your feet, gently removing yourself from Tsumiki’s hold as your husband did the same with your other child.
“You two keep enjoying the movie, the two of us are gonna go warm up some more popcorn for you!” You try to keep your voice light and cheerful as your husband hits both kids with his best, most authentic enthusiastic grin, and both kids attempt to give you small smiles in return, though it's clear you’re all just dancing around one another in a masquerade of happiness with your pitiful attempts to hide your feelings. Still, you make your way to the kitchen as nonchalantly as you can, with Satoru following close behind you as you begin speaking to one another in hushed voices the moment you’re certain the children can’t hear or see you.
“Satoru, this isn’t working at all. We have to come up with something else, I hate seeing the two of them so heartbroken.” Your eyes plead with him for a solution to this problem, your heart aching at the sight of your babies unable to participate in the typical annual holiday fun of Halloween night. The pout on your husband’s face makes it clear he feels just the same, his hand coming up to card through his hair as you both rack your brains for ideas.
“I know, I know. I just…. I dunno what will make them happy. We already bought them all the candy they could possibly ask for…” He mumbles, thinking to himself. Satoru’s mind always went to sweets first, but because it was Halloween, you had hoped that buying the kids all their favorite sweet treats would help mitigate the loss of the trick-or-treating experience at least somewhat. You could see now, though, that the candy was no match for the experience itself (despite the kids’ attempts to be grateful for what the two of you had done and to not seem upset). 
Your thoughts are brought to a sudden, screeching halt by a sharp gasp from your husband, his face suddenly lighting up with a bright, genuine grin you've come to both love and dread. You hold your breath hopefully as you wait to see if he has an answer, some way to fix this lackluster Halloween and raise your childrens’ spirits.
“I have the perfect idea.” He brags as his bright blue eyes light up with joy, peering past the kitchen entrance to glance at the nearly full bowl of candy sitting by the children on the couch. “Why don’t we let them trick-or-treat in here?”
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The two of you had gotten lucky, it had only taken about half an hour for Satoru to set everything up while you kept the kids distracted with the movie, wanting to surprise them with an idea that you prayed would work in boosting their spirits. You don’t mention a word of your plan until Satoru has everything set up, biting back the hopeful grin on your face as you watch him run down the stairs and stumble to a stop in front of the children. Their confused faces, accompanied by soft sniffles and sneezes, cause your heart to clench for what feels like the hundredth time this evening, hoping and praying that this is what they need right now.
“I need you two to go get your costumes on right now!” He exclaims once he comes to a stop, sporting a genuinely enthusiastic grin. “Y/n and I have a surprise for you!”
The kids glance at one other, seemingly hesitantly hopeful at his words, as he pulls out the hangers holding each of their costumes from behind his back. You both knew that one of the biggest disappointments they had faced when getting sick was the fact that they were unable to wear and show off the costumes they had been so excited for, and you can see the way their eyes instantly light up as they're told that they'll get to wear them after all. The genuine smiles that brighten their faces as they rush to him to grab the costumes nearly cause your eyes to water, feeling so incredibly thankful that you had found a way to make this up to them after all.
“Now, obviously we can’t take you guys trick-or-treating outside, since we can’t let you spread your cooties around to anyone else.” Satoru teases the kids, as Tsumiki giggles at his remarks. “But…. luckily for the two of you, I happen to have a huge house and plenty of extra candy, so why don’t you just trick-or-treat in here?”
You can see the confusion on the childrens’ faces at the offer, so you jump in as your husband wraps an arm around your waist and lets you explain the new plan for the evening. “We were thinking we could put this giant house to good use, so that the two of you can still trick-or-treat! Satoru and I can pretend to be people handing out candy, and you two can go through the hallways and trick-or-treat from us!” You smile softly at them as you speak, hoping they’ll be excited about this idea as you lean in to your husband’s warmth beside you to avoid the anxious habit of picking at your nails. “I know it’s not the same as actual trick-or-treating, but we still want to give you guys the best night possible even if you’re stuck inside, so what do you say?”
For a second, the room is silent, and you feel your heart plummet into your stomach as the children stare at you with expressions you can’t begin to decipher. When they run up to hug the two of you, however, your fears are immediately relinquished and you pull the two into a warm embrace. “Sounds like fun!” Tsumiki grins as her small arms attempt to wrap around you and Satoru simultaneously, sounding brighter and more full of energy than she has ever since she first fell ill.
Megumi’s always been quieter and more reserved than his sister, but you can see the small, genuine smile he wears on his face as well as he joins in on the family hug. “Thank you guys for doing this for us.” He mumbles, burying his face into your chest for a moment as you pat his head gently.
After taking a moment to enjoy this embrace from your two children, Satoru sends them off to their rooms to change into their costumes as you lean in to press a soft peck to his cheek, attempting to convey how thankful you are to him for saving the night for all for of you. “You’re so smart sometimes, babe. You really have a way with those two.”
You know your praise will go straight to his ego, and his prideful smirk only confirms that, but you can let him have the boost just this once. He manages to sneak in one small, quick kiss to your lips as the two of you make your way up the stairs, momentarily hidden away from the prying eyes of your children as you prepare for a long and busy evening. “What can I say, baby? I've been telling you, I’m the greatest man you’ll ever meet.”
Before you can begin to chastise him for his cockiness you hear the small pitter-patter of your children running up the stairs, and the two of you give each other one last loving glance as you make your way down to the end of the hallway and split off to enter into two of the many unoccupied rooms of your home. Satoru already has small collections of candy set up in each room, ready to hand out when your children come knocking, and you feel like you can finally breathe easy as you hear the soft sound of knocking echo from the other side of your door. 
The rest of the evening is filled with smiles, candy and a chorus of “trick-or-treat”s from your two adorably dressed babies, sending you and Satoru flying throughout the house as you answer each door over and over until they’re finally satisfied with the amount of candy they’ve each amassed in their pillow-cases. When the chaos has finally settled and the two are sat down on the living room floor, participating in the classic tradition of candy trading (alongside Satoru, using some spare candy of his own he had bought and hidden from the two in your shared closed) you set the spare candy aside for a later date, before returning to the couch to watch the three of them with a fond gaze.
Their trading continues for some time, as Tsumiki clammers for anything with peanut butter in it while Megumi opts for any of the fruity or sour candies, and your husband just takes whatever sugar he can weasel out of the kids (despite the fact that he bought the candy himself, and could’ve chosen whatever he wanted to keep. And once the three are finally finished exchanging for their desired candy, you decide to let the kids enjoy as much of their Halloween loot as they’d like just for tonight, knowing that they probably won’t eat much anyways considering their poor health and weak stomachs.
It doesn’t take long after that for both children to wind up passed out on the floor, intense sugar crashes and the realization of the amount of energy they spent throughout the evening crashing down onto them all at once and knocking them out cold as they snore softly. Satoru takes this moment of quiet as his chance to finally cuddle up to you, sneaking up to join you on the couch and pulling you into his side as he makes quick work of peppering kisses along your neck.
“I’d say this was a pretty successful Halloween after all, wouldn’t you, beautiful?” He asks with a cheeky grin, clearly listening for more praise for his efforts and ideas. Though, for once, you don’t roll your eyes or push your husband away as a result of your cheeky antics. Just this once, you’re willing to allow him to be just a bit cocky, turning your head so his lips meet yours instead of your neck in a quick sneak attack before tucking your head into the crook of his neck. 
“Yeah, you did an amazing job Toru. Really.” You nod happily, thankful that the two of you had found a way to brighten up the day for the sake of the kids. “You could tell they had an absolute blast….. Though I’m pretty sure they’ll be sore tomorrow morning if they sleep on the floor like that, so we should probably get them to bed.”
Rather than heeding your advice, however, Satoru pulls away from you for only a moment as he picks up your children one at a time, moving them carefully as if they’re made of glass as he’s unusually careful not to wake them. He rests little Megumi next to you, his head immediately falling into your lap as Tsumiki’s head rests on your husband’s. And once the children are settled, he quickly makes his way back to you, leaning back to let you rest your head on his chest and snuggle up to him as well. “I think I like this a lot better, actually.” He grins, content as he snuggles with his three favorite people in the universe. 
“Happy Halloween, love.” You mumble, ghosting your lips over his jaw in a feather-light kiss before allowing your eyes to drift closed as you find yourself completely at peace in his warm, soothing hold. “I love you.”
And Satoru has an absolutely foolish, lovestruck grin on his face as he watches you fall asleep alongside your children, holding you close to his heart as he kisses your head in return and allows his own eyes to flutter closed with a heart full of love for all three of you. “I love you more, baby. Happy Halloween.”
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Request - Anonymous said: hello! for flufftober, please consider writing something for gojou (jjk), saeyoung (mysme) or keigo (bnha) ):
Anonymous said: after what happened, i need something of satoru gojou for your flufftober, would you mind writing something for him???
A/N: Y’all I have essentially been fixated on this man ALONE (plus a tiiiiny bit of Rengoku from KNY here and there but that’ll come later lol) for over a month at this point lol so I knew I was gonna write about him from the moment I started planning this event, but I was happy to see so many requests for him as well! Literally the first two requests I got for this event were both for Gojo which made me very happy lol :] Also
After what’s happened recently, I definitely agree that some fluffy Gojo was necessary :( I was so distraught when I saw what happened on TikTok, I got home from school and literally cried lol but now I am in denial and convincing myself that he is actually fine and definitely not dead! 😃🙃 Plus it’s just been devastating to me to know what’s happening to Megumi and their whole little family rn too, so I’ve just been in need of some cute family bonding to ease the pain :’) I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it, I look forward to posting for the rest of Flufftober and my requests are currently open right now, so feel free to send any requests you may have my way! :)
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yhuckloop · 1 year
Why so much hate towards Wendy?
I need to vent somewhere other than twitter I REALLY wanted to be the kind of person who had the courage to express my opinion like this by answering and facing it but I care too much about my image lol stan kinnie (and also because I think it's a silly reason to fight over a fictional character idk)
Unfortunately I had the displeasure of seeing a twitter account hating on Wendy (I won't divulge it here, but it's basically an account calling her a whore and other stuff) and unfortunately, one of the owners of the account was someone I liked and followed her drawings, fanfictions, etc.
I followed this person even though I knew how much she hated Stendy (which is my otp) and anyway, anything involving Wendy
Wendy is a very special character to me. I liked her from the first episode. I like how South Park portrays all the characters as flawed, they are human, they make mistakes and they learn from mistakes. Same with Wendy. She's made mistakes many times, but she's always learned from them. She is an inspiration to me, like the breast cancer episode, where she fought to defend a cause that was important to her. And then these people come to me and call her manipulative, selfish and mean? For God's sake! No one is forced to like her, of course, but it's good to know that the reason they hate her is just one reason that would be enough to hate all the other characters.
"Wendy is a manipulator! She blackmailed Stan in Season 1 Episode 7"
- She is a child. Her blackmail about combining fantasy with stan (or whatever the fuck she did, I can't remember) is no big deal. Also, Wendy apologized to Stan, acknowledging that she hadn't taken his feelings into account.
"Wendy never takes Stan's feelings into consideration. He's already treated her very badly but nothing compared to what she did to him"
- I really can't see all this harm that Wendy did to Stan in the relationship. She "cheated" on him with Tolkien because she clearly felt lonely. In the scene, Stan himself said he hadn't spoken to her in weeks! BOTH ARE CHILDREN they don't have maturity for a relationship, it's obvious that this would end up happening. It wasn't right for Wendy to do that, of course, but it's kind of understandable considering how old she is. Same with Stan. Wendy was a great girlfriend. She worried about Stan when he was depressed, inviting Kyle to visit him together (which Kyle himself refused to do 😱) and even hired specialists to deal with Stan's hoarding problem. She was worried about him and in the recent episode, we could see how much she loves and cares for him. The problem is that they both have different love languages, something they won't identify with being a problem with their age.
"Wendy is stupid, the only good thing she did was in the list episode" and "she didn't even help with the list episode, stan did everything himself" (I swear it was stuff like that on this account) The owners of this account swear to have watched the series and say that those who defend Wendy are those who have not seen the series. Like... really?
- 1: Absolutely in all episodes starring her, she is the heroine of the day.
Wendy showed the importance of fighting against childhood erotization, the importance of breast cancer, criticized the standard imposed on young girls and women by the media, in addition to which she has an irreparable critical sense. She is the real girlboss! Of course, Wendy has done things VERY wrong, like sending Miss Ellen into space, but come on? this is part of the humor of the series. Characters will always act stupid at some point because that's where the fun is. Like, when Kyle does stupid things and acts on impulse, in anger, to champion a cause, he's considered a boss. But when it's Wendy, they call her an "insufferable feminist". When Kyle does stupid things and acts on impulse, in anger, to champion a cause, he's considered a boss. But when it's Wendy, they call her an "insufferable feminist". When Kyle blew up Canada causing death to thousands of people because of his belief that Canada was a bad influence, he is considered a human with flaws, but when Wendy went on a TV show to talk about the importance of stopping the pattern of feminine beauty in young women, she is called a "dumb bitch"
- 2: Wendy who discovered the hoax on the list; she analyzed all the data and discovered that something was wrong, she faced her friends even though she knew that this could cause her harm. Stan did absolutely nothing but stand and watch, he didn't even know what to say when he got in front of the girls to argue. Wendy is the one who saved Kyle from burning down the school. SHE SAVED THE FUCKING SCHOOL
Anyway, other horrible things were said that at the moment I can't remember to rebut them and idk I don't want to waste my time on that. Sorry for the very very long text, I really needed to dump this somewhere
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ringdabel · 5 months
My thoughts on OP ships except I’m being 100% honest (P.3)
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- I don’t know about you but to me I’m neutral about it, if you ship this, good for you! If you don’t then okay!
- I do think it’s a cute ship though with their interactions, relationship between the two, etc..
- And it actually MAKE SENSE
- Like hear me out, Law would actually marry a polar bear because of how much of a freak he is and considering he’s a pirate, he wouldn’t care if other people think it’s weird, at least he has his fluffy boyfriend.
- I draw these two a lot in my sketchbooks, like every single one just HAD to have Law and Bepo together or else those sketchbooks are not mine
- he has a soft spot for Bepo, definitely Bepo. He hates everyone and everyone but his crew, Corazon and BEPO.
-In the SBS, Oda did tell us about how Law met Bepo (with Penguin and Shachi), at that time Law was a kid along with the three others so that means Law and Bepo knew each other since they were children and are super close.
- FUNFACT : You know how Law hates Umeboshi right? Well Bepo likes eating it with onigiri pretty much! I like to imagine that if someone ever gift Law some onigiri with umeboshi inside, he will give them to Bepo.
- Small girl with her gigantic DILF (idk what that means but I think it’s fitting).
- it’s the size difference isn’t it?
- I like their chemistry a lot! It’s pretty cute in my opinion.
- for some people, a 10 year age gap is too much (Shigi is 23, Smoky is 36, so that means it’s 13 year age gap then) but they’re both adults so I guess it’s legal? I mean Rayleigh and his wife has a 10 year age gap and they’re old now-
- this might be controversial but… Smoshigi is better than Zoshigi or Lawshigi in my PERSONAL OPINION.
Zoro is confirmed to have no interest in women by Oda and for Law i don’t think he’d date her or even taken interest in her in general.
(I telling all this like a hater I’m so sorry I don’t mean to sound like one DDDX!! If you ship Zoshigi or Lawshigi it’s totally fine and valid! It’s just my opinion!)
- MY FAV SHIP!!!!! I love them so much they’re so cute!!! <3333333333
- Theres this one part of the OP stage actors and actresses like an event or something?? And I saw a video of these two where basically Sanji is being a simp as always, drops on one knee and like hold out his hand to Nami
- They’re the DEFINITION of GIRLBOSS MALEWIFE FRFR!!! No 🧢!!!!!!
- wait did I already put this ship in part 1 or part 2? Man idc anymore I just genuinely LOVE this ship!! If it becomes canon I will become happy! (Even though it’s highly unlikely it’s fine!)
- I just love their moments together you know? When I was young I always wanted the two of them to kiss a lot, I have never change at all 😈
- Like look at the sad French man! How can you not kiss him!?!?!?! He makes you desserts you really like, compliments and swoons at you everyday, cooks for you, loves you for who you are, patient and will listen to you whenever you have a bad day, shows affection to you, a gentleman, IN A SUIT, ALSO WEARS AN APRON AS WELL, Respects you, etc… etc… he’s the only French I like <333/j
- They’re also both good with kids and have a soft spot for them! Oda stated that if Nami is ever kind to someone it’s women and Children, for Sanji he always has a motherly nature surrounding him, his interactions with the DK crew proves this!!!
- a HUGGGGEEE fan of childhood friends to lovers trope <3333333333
- I love these two a lot, I ship them a lot TOO! I want them to have more interactions!
- in the Heroines novel, I just love Vivi’s episode with Koza and the love letter (NO CONTEXT HEHEHE 😈) it’s so so so SOOO sweet it’s giving me diabetes
Like it’s so funny, full of sweetness and wholesomeness! I love them!
- I wish these two would be canon… if not it’s fine as well… because I have another ship up my sleeve… *takes out hand*
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microraptorreactor · 2 months
I feel like dumping out my box of OCs like one would do a box of lps so very long post filled with very many doodles ahead!
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Reference for my Rainworld oc, Lost! He's an idiot kid I made for one joke but now he lives in my brain. I think I made this reference for him last year? Idk I don't remember. I'm just now realizing that Lost snuck into my V2 characterization lmao.
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Elysium art of various ages! Made between 2021-2023 I believe. This is the oc I made before I knew what Ultrakill was and everyone thought I was making an Ultrakill joke. Tbh if it wasn't for the fact that I MADE Elysium and have their early sketches I wouldn't believe they weren't an Ultrakill reference either. Speaking of which, here's some animations from when Elysium was both a quadruped and a model of robot instead of an individual. These were both made for a class in 2021.
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VERY old art (2020 I think? I wasn't using my screen tablet yet) that I normally wouldn't include if it weren't for the fact my friends would explode me if I mentioned Elysium and Lost without mentioning Nerve. She was an anxiety-ridden warforged cleric who got tragically sent to the vampire realm. Whenever Nerve comes up in discussion one of my friends brings up how I made him cry with her final speech. I don't remember tf I said lmao.
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Art of my His Dark Materials OC, Zurial! Art would have been made 2022 onwards. I made her WAY back in 2019 before Hazbin Hotel even had a pilot but unfortunately now she looks like a Hazbin angel and I feel weird drawing her. Which is really unfortunate because I love her dearly, she's one of my favorite OCs. She's also the only oc I have who I've made a plushie for. Why did my character design have to accidentally look like the works of famous youtube animator Vivian Medrano T-T
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(here's her plushie btw. I'm really proud of it lol.)
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Here's Niphit, one of my Warframe OCs! Some of y'all might recognize her as my AO3 pfp, but her design has changed since then. The bottom reference sheet is her most recent design. She's kind of conceptually similar to Baeri/Sleet/-31 from SftBT, in terms of hacking shit and having a snout and teeth. Biggest difference is that she is a whole ass hivemind, usually pretty harmless, and also considered pretty young.
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Shameless CR:K fanchild OC. Her name is Golden Parmesan Cheese Cookie (Parm or Parmesan for short) and she's also, like, an AI copy of a dead person. Or a dead person's soul trapped inside an eternal simulation? Either way she's got SO many issues. I have a massive chatfic wip from when I decided to try writeing something with her.
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Okay I know technically this is a Homestuck OC but I like to say she's a Hiveswap OC. Because I played Hiveswap and loved it but never read Homestuck. Anyways her name is Vintan she's a yellowblood.
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Whoa an original character! Yeah this is Corion, they come from my brain. I have a whole story concept about post-apocalyptic robot cowboys (and human cowboys) that I've done a couple doodles from but never written down. Corion serves as a sort of living taxi, guiding or carrying people across the wasteland. They are a secondary protagonist, I don't think I have art of Pike and Amelia, the actual protagonists. One funny fact about this universe is it contains a character named V1 (pronounced Vi, still written as V1) who I can no longer use for obvious reasons.
But yeah! Ramble over! Not anywere near all of them I just wanted to talk about my brain children XD
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spicy-cannoli · 2 years
The Dehumanisation of the Saiki Brothers
Sooo since y’all seemed to like it last time, here’s part two of late night rambles by Lia!! This time we’ll be focusing on the self dehumanisation both Saiki brothers seem to have and where exactly it came from!!
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(Drawing I drew earlier today to break the monotony)
So, I’m sure all of us have notices Saiki constantly calls himself not human. The way he does it vary, either saying he’s so different he’s a different species, or saying he no longer counts as human. Whatever the way, our boy does not see himself as a normal human.
He uses this lack of humanity as an excuse for his lack of friends, but tbh I feel like there’s more to that than a simple coping mechanism.
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(Example of Saiki calling himself a different species)
Like before, we’re gonna dig deep to their childhood to see where it started. Let’s start with Kuusuke.
I thinkkk Kuusuke is only two years older than Kusuo. Two years is probably young enough that he never realised just how smart he was.
In Kuusuke’s eyes, he’s a normal person. Then Kusuo gets born. Kusuo is anything but normal. Psychic powers aside, his early development happened at a rapid pace, so of course a young Kuuske couldn’t help but feel threatened.
As fast as he developed however, Kusuo was still a child, so before he even got to primary school, in both of the brother’s head, Kuusuke was a normal child, and Kusuo was abnormal.
This ended up affecting both children differently. In Kuusuke’s case, he developed an inferiority complex, seeing Kusuo as the superior being. Sure he found out other people weren’t as smart as him, but instead of seeing himself as superior to them, he saw them as inferior to him. To him, he was the norm, and they where less than human (I think he calls them ants?? But that might be from a fanfic idk).
This, of course, doesn’t make them worthless. While he doesn’t tend to care for random people, from where I see things he’s never put people in mortal peril, the few times he did he was sure Kusuo would save the day. To him, people are like, say, dogs. Another species all together, not necessarily bad not good.
Kusuo on the other hand, took it on a different way. He sees himself as different from others, so he can’t help but to feel as if he doesn’t fit in. His only equal (or close to) would be his super genius brother, but because Kuusuke doesn’t consider them as equals and keeps forcing Kusuo into “battles” and games he doesn’t want to play, Kusuo doesn’t see it that way.
Since a very young age, Kusuo has felt as if he doesn't belong. Not only that but the only time Kusuo made a friend, a lot of kids ended up hurt, so past the Akechi(?) incident he not only sees himself as a different species, but also a dangerous one that hurts people.
He dreams of being average (fitting in) to the point of obsession (seriously that ain't healthy) wishes to lose his very useful powers because in his eyes, they're what make him different. tbh i see Kusuo's rejection of his powers the same way internalised homophobia works. (at least in my case) you feel different, like no one in your life gets you, and feel like you'll never get the happy ending you want unless you change, but you cant change.
Saiki feels like he’s different, he doesn’t fit in, he hurts people, and also is hiding a HUGE secret from everyone.
All of that said, at the beginning of the manga, this scene happened.
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And Kusuo had a lightbulb moment. That entire chapter he’s been saying how it’s impossible for him to make friends, since they’re not even the same species, yet when that little girl mentions how her best friend is a dog, the idea gets past his defences.
Oh yeah, people can have friends of different species huh?
Sure it doesn’t fix all of his problems, but one of the biggest walls was knocked down right there.
(Also have you noticed how most of the people Saiki let’s hang out with him all have some sort of double life? He relates to Kaidou’s chunnibyo-ness, even his his powers are real. Aaren’s secret past is like how Saiki also has a secret he ain’t telling his friends. Even Nendou’s and Teruhashi personality vs looks thing, none of his friends are what they seem at first glance (except perhaps Yumehara…). Idk it’s probably a gag but I like how he surrounds himself with similar kinds of people. )
Then come Aiura and Toritsuka! Saiki finally finds people like him. Sure they’re not exactly the same, but it’s people he doesn’t have to keep a secret from, who unlike his dad and brother, aren’t obsessed with using/beating him. (Well… Aiura isn’t).
Tbh I consider Aiura Kusuo’s most important friend, they both have something they relate to and seem to enjoy each other’s company without his typical tsundere double speak. Tbh the only thing setting her back is the insistence that they’re soulmates. Maybe it’s bc I hate lack of choice but the idea I cant make my own future kinda pisses me off and I think being told who he’ll end up with annoys Saiki. If it weren’t for that I’d probably hella ship it, but for now it’s my #3 ship. (After #1 aro/ace saiki and #2 Satou/Saiki) Platonic soulmates ftw.
Ugh I kinda got way out of topic but am too lazy to edit it… I’m sorry, have a Saiki bros interaction as an apology, byeeee!!
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aureiki · 11 months
show us the sexy accountant shuffle
thank you to the people who asked god bless anyways
The theme is surprisingly not as dark as the shuffle name implies, it's basically all of them dressed as Little Red Riding Hood characters ... 'but aiki, that's not how a shuffle unit works-' I dont CARE if this is how I want it to be then so be it.
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Unlike the drawing I do still want them to have similar outfits, but each keeping an aspect of the character they portray..
- keito > red riding hood (the hood duh)
- mitsuru > wolf (wolf ears, claws, fangs etc)
- rei & tsumugi > grandma and mom (not too sure ab accessories for them)
- hinata > huntsman (hat and bow + arrows)
They all (except hinata) should wear skirts/dresses too bc ofc they should why shouldn't they!
overall gist is that they are performing for a school event (middle school or even a kindergarten) and is kinda putting on a hashtag dramatica and acting the story out (then dancing singing afterwards)
I think there probably wouldve been a lot of planning (on tsumugi and keitos part) as to who would be who and at first they probably decided that hinata would be red riding hood and rei as the wolf (father son bonding) but then hinata goes 'actually hasumi you've worn a dress before right :3 why dont you become red riding hood' 'what. no. why should I.' And hinata somehow turns the tables around and now KEITO is rrh and he just deals with it because hey this is for children after all!
A lot of blunders happen, considering they're idols and not actors, and even if it's for a bunch of young kids they still want to do their best to entertain them. Idk what else I have planned other than that but maybe it's just a chance for all of them esp keito to kinda let loose and have fun mitsukeito friendship should be real methinks
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light-wynd · 4 months
Rambling About Menthe and Elphane
(Alternatively: My Exams Got Postponed But I'm Still In Too Much Pain to Draw, So Here I Am, Going On About My Favorite Melusines For Entirely Too Long)
Yeah. I think about these two in particular a lot, and just wanted to talk about... basically everything I could think of that I felt was worth mentioning regarding them (and a bit about Aeval too) to take my mind off of feeling like shit, along with a few general thoughts and speculations based on what we know about them.
Putting this under the cut, not because it's got story spoilers or anything (I don't think it does anyway), but because it's longer than anything I've posted before.
Does this qualify as a character analysis? Idk man I'm not a writer, I'm not confident enough to call it that.
Think I'll just begin with Menthe since I have the biggest soft spot for her - I honestly relate to her a lot more than I like to admit, and just... really want to give her a hug, she could probably use one. All we ever really see her do is stand there sighing to herself at Arouet's café, drinking tea and coffee just to keep herself awake. It's a stark contrast from how we see the other Melusines act, to say the least - not to mention how much trouble she seems to be having with adjusting to human society in comparison to them too. She's really bothered by how large everything in the city is (and that everything that is actually her size was made for young children). She's struggling with her job in the Gardiennage and thinking about finding a different one, even if there aren't a lot of options she's suited for when it comes to "human work". She even wishes her body was more humanoid like Sigewinne's if it could make these things any easier, and there's just something heartbreaking about that - not to mention her constant exhaustion. Yeah, poor thing's not doing great. The fact that she says she was initially very enthusiastic to integrate into human society makes it all even sadder - all these difficulties must have hit her particularly hard.
For this next point, I feel like I should include this screenshot from the café's message board (there's a couple more entries about her, but this is the most relevant one):
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The thing about that is, all the other Melusines working for the Gardiennage must've encountered pretty similarly disturbing things just by the nature of the job, investigating crime scenes and all that - and yet only Menthe seems to be affected by it this deeply, judging by how cheerful the others act and how casually they talk about their work. This makes me think that she's either had some sort of traumatic experience that's unique to her (especially from the wording of "unfathomable darkness"), or that it all just gets to her more than the others for some reason. Either way, it would certainly explain why she'd like to change jobs - and I genuinely hope she manages to one day, for the sake of her well-being. Maybe she really will end up working in the infirmary together with Sigewinne despite her worries about the inmates not taking kindly to her, who knows. (Also I gotta say, when I first saw her "maybe I should just go underwater" line, I thought she meant she was thinking about giving up on human society and going back to Merusea Village - but of course she's talking about the infirmary in the Fortress of Meropide. Still, it does kind of sound like that is the last option she can think of when it comes to work she could do, which is a bit worrying in its own way.)
As for the adorably grumpy Elphane... can't really talk about her without bringing up Aeval too, they're a package deal after all. Most folks seem to assume that Aeval is the newer tour guide of the two, considering how enthusiastic she is, but funnily enough it's actually the opposite! (Probably just by a few days at most, but still.) It's easy to miss this since their aquabus dialogues seem pretty randomized and there's a lot of them, but these two both used to work for the Gardiennage as well - and apparently, Elphane was "the ace up the Marechaussee Phantom's sleeve", while Aeval on the other hand presumably didn't do so great (according to Talochard's quest, being assigned as a tour guide is what happens to a Melusine who's bad at being an investigator - and yeah, honestly I can see how that would be the case here). So first, Aeval got "promoted" to the aquabus (in her own words... guess nobody had the heart to tell her otherwise), which upset Elphane so much that she just quit her job - while on track to a high-paying promotion to the Opera Epiclese, mind you -, put on a new uniform and got on the aquabus with Aeval. Of course, they ultimately ended up assigned to separate lines, but at least they're colleagues again. It's pretty clear that Elphane isn't enjoying this job whatsoever, but she keeps doing it anyway for Aeval, and is still fairly skilled at it in her own way.
So yeah, Elphane is actually incredibly sweet and caring... when it comes to Aeval anyway. Hell, she even recommends that you visit Aeval's line at any chance she gets - whether it's for better commentary, a friendlier guide or just a more photo-ready aquabus, she directs you there. She genuinely seems to look up to her, and maybe even wishes she could do a better job as a guide like her deep down. Something that could point to this is that she gets very flustered by compliments, which might indicate that - unlike Aeval - she doesn't get a lot of positive feedback, so she's not quite sure how to handle it. Aeval looks up to her quite a lot too, and they seem to do pretty much everything together when they're off work (including shopping for cute clothes, which Elphane vehemently denies her interest in, ahahah) - I'm not sure what their relationship is, they just refer to each other as colleagues and Elphane being Aeval's senior, but they're clearly very close and it's absolutely precious. This is even reflected in their designs: they both have a very similar pink-blue color scheme too, just with Elphane being predominantly pink with blue accents and Aeval being the other way around - their uniforms included - and even their eyes are complementary colors to each other. Really cute way to show both their connection while also highlighting their personalities being pretty much opposites.
One last thing I want to point out is that both Menthe and Elphane struggle with their jobs in their own way, and seem to be among the few Melusines to really do so to this extent in the current time - but probably the biggest difference is that while Elphane doesn't show all that much enthusiasm or effort towards her work, it's kind of implied that Menthe on the other hand is overworking herself, judging by Arouet's comments on her constant mental and physical exhaustion. Of course, it could also be that she just has no energy because of how depressed she is - but in any case, she's doing her best to keep it together and power through it despite everything.
Aaand that would be all for... whatever this was. If even a single soul has actually read this whole thing, thank you so much, that alone makes having posted this feel worth it! And if anyone wants to talk Melusines, I'd be more than happy to ^^
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voicestm · 2 months
I don’t know what’s good for me. -Feyd for Usagi (Idk i think them interacting is funny so I'm gonna keep this joke going)
The Hounds of Love - Accepting - @impercre
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"Does anyone know what's good for them, Na-Baron?"
Her heart bleeds for him, a quiet sob that perhaps if he stopped his pacing to listen, he could hear. She's always felt a sort of.. Softness for him. He was an ant under his uncle's thumb, a victim to this awful world they had been born into, but where she had loving parents he had.. Horrors.
She recalls their first meeting, they had both been young, children who should be dancing and laughing and playing.. But he had stood by so still and silent, stern of face with a frown that broke her happiness to pieces.. Where had they met? Some silly dinner on Kaitain she seems to remember. He had been handsome even then, harsh and sharp, but handsome. That hasn't changed other than he's now a young man. Patting the space beside her on the bed, she watches him, drawing his attention to her as best she can. He's so..worked up and she's worried for him. She comes to whenever she can, running from her own moon palace to seek him out. He's one of her oldest friends, one of those always in her thoughts and prayers. She wonders if he knew how dear, if he knew she escapes her own kingdom, where she's safe, just to be able to spend a day with him. She doubts he bothers to consider it.. He has so much more weighting him down than the trouble and chaos a princess brings to her parents and her people. "I think.. Some food and perhaps some sleep might do the trick for now though."
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
"Makeup is an artform" yea, it can be. Except this is an incredibly lacking analysis and justification for why this shit aint just a misogynistic part of performative femininity. Femininity which in and of itself is the misogynistic and stereotyped expectation placed on the female sex in a patriarchal system. Which isnt to shame women who do makeup (especially bc so much of it has to do with shame and thinking they have to etc) - but to say that again choice feminism is bullshit. and just because a woman chooses to do something, apparently in a vaccum, doesn't make it feminism - which is about the good of women as a class and class liberation, not indiviualistic "choice" and "empowerment"
Makeup which is crazy is an artform but doesnt seek to change your entire bone structure and make you look like a perfect plastic inhuman doll isnt harmful. Making your eyelids crazy colours and drawing stars on your face isnt. Crazy goth makeup or like idk juggolo face makeup lmao isnt. Those women who do craaazyy full face and neck makeup turning themselves into surreal paintings - thats an artform. Very impressive. though -- even about this there Is something to be kept in mind. Purchesing makeup in and of itself puts money into the hands of makeup companies which are owned and run by men, and which make money off of womens insecurities and societal expectations. makeup is also known to be harmful for the skin and body as many contain many chemicals and etc. Please at least buy something bioorganic and safe
Day to day makeup may take artistic talent indeed, it may take years to learn well, but that doesn't somehow make it. not misogynistic.
I is not normal, at all, that society expects women to wear makeup - that youre told youre not taking care of yourself if you dont, you get asked if youre sick, you may even lose job opportunities (i know in places like south korea this is even worse than america). its not normal that so many women who do makeup will genuinely have a mental breakdown if they leave the house without it, that they cry when they see themselves without it, that theyre afraid to take it off before having sex. its not normal that so many women will spend 2+ hours on makeup before they go out and start sobbing if it looks bad and saying they can't go out because they look "bad" "unpresentable" "old" etc etc. that women will spend time putting on makeup when they go into labour and have to get to the hospital.
these things dont exist in a vaccum. society shoves the idea down your throat since youre a little girl that you should be wearing makeup and one day you will. its basically inescapable in the west. your female family members do it, its everywhere on tv, its in every magazine - to see a women without makeup is a raririty frankly, like how seeing a woman who isnt shaved is a raririty (another nonbehavior considered "not taking care of yourself")
its not normal that women are expected to cake their skin with so many layers of shit it cant even breathe so that God forbid, someone doesn't see their pores, the change in skintone, the blemishes, the scars, the "imperfections". So that someone doesnt see signs of ageing, which society hates so so much (makeup along with the expectation to shave have to do with women having to look like prepubecent children or young women forever to have any worth). Change your nose to be smaller, your eyes to be a nicer shape, slim your chin, get rid of those unruly eyebrows, conture those cheekbones till you look vaguely anorexic, spend thousands on antiaging creams and procedures.
Lets not forget that makeup and beauty culture is very often tied into racism or western euro-centric concepions of beauty too (which do change over time), which has spread all over the world. The preference for light skin also comes historically, outside of racism, because it was associated w/ the higher classes who'd spend less time in the sun, this is known. And lately this has also lead to a back and forth where white girls will try to get ethnic features and ethnic women will try to look like white women. Make your skin lighter if you can, bleach it if you can, shave your face and liphair and trim your eyebrows and shave your arms if you have dark hair, make your nose look straighter or smaller or thinner or get nose surgery, make your eyes look different, straighten your hair if its curly. Or, get lip filler, get ass filler, get ariana grande eye surgery bc thats trendy now, cake yourself in spray tan or get cancer from tan beds. Whatever you do, whoever you are, you're not good enough as you naturally are. Spend hours and thousands and put your health at risk to be "your true self"
The woman is not perfect because she is human. The woman does not have to be perfect, it is normal that you have pores and skin tone differences and you look tired. its normal that you have wrinkels. there's nothing wrong with it, there's nothing shameful about it. The woman does not have to fit some fabricated "standard" of woman or femininity. Makeup attempts to dehumanize the woman - to turn her nonhuman, removed from her natural human self, into a "perfect" plastic doll, into a forever young female, which she is not. It constraints her, for she cannot run or cry or rub her face or live as a human does, because she has to worry of her perfect makeup being ruined.
It is a tool to control women.
Fatima Mernissi wrote about this - how western women are forced to veil as well, but it is a different veil from the islamic one. Makeup is one part of the western women's veil.
The purpose of the womans life is not to be beautiful. Listen, im a lesbian, i sure as hell think women are beautiful. But this is not the womans purpose, this is not the womans worth. Not only should beauty not matter that much, but you do not have to change yourself to be beautiful.
"Femininity" is not a neutral thing. In a patriarchal society, it is a sexist expectation placed on the female sex.
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godstrain · 1 year
augheheue also hey guys does anyone else ever think about how wesker never seems to administer the shots of PG67A/W to himself? excella seems to be the one giving him the doses, and assuming he relied on it before RE5, then the responsibility probably was also on someone else who wesker was certain wouldn't try to fuck him up with it- but it raises the question of why he never just self administers.
there's a cutscene where excella is seen giving wesker his dose and she just sorta jabs him in the arm and he flinches like ok theres so much to be said about that, and most of it is WHO INJECTS ANYTHING LIKE THAT (from the healthcare perspective what the actual fuck sort of angle is that to jab someone with a needle??? no prep??? yikes) but the other part is if wesker thinks he's going to be a god why the heck is he reacting like that
my guess is it's the very human PTSD that he has from his childhood. as noted, project w started with like 100+ children from all over the world, but only 13 lived to adulthood. if we're using 18+ as adulthood, then that's a massive yikes- it's also said that dr. marcus had the students in spencer's school infect themselves if they were deemed unfit- and that's also massively fucked up. but even before that, there's the matter of the actual wesker children and what happened to the majority of them.
i'm no expert on literally anything related to genetics, but i know that just because someone has a gene doesn't mean it's expressed??? that's why there are dominant and recessive genes??? per the RE info on wesker:
Prior to his exposure to Progenitor Virus, like the other Project W test subjects, Albert had certain special genes considered "superior" in his blood that made him immune to viral infections symptoms.
idk if there's a way to test for that being an expressed gene in like. a lab via blood draws, but if there isn't, and also knowing how massively fucked up the entire project w was, i'll bet the way this was figured out was by just trying to get wesker sick by various means. and some of those might've been through injections. there's also this in the concept art of the S.T.A.R.S team- saying "believe it or not, wesker is the same age as barry, 38" idk why that's not believable necessarily, some people age with grace, but that implies some OTHER things.
so, let's say something's funky with how wesker ages on a DEEPER biological level- maybe he looks young because he's uhh been experimented on! spencer wanted to be a god and was using the kids in project w so that they would also be able to withstand the virus- and it's said that albert got weird superpowers whereas alex didn't and this may have been due to the fact that alex was sick and albert wasn't! so that means i wouldn't put it past spencer to be doing a bunch of funky experiments on the kids that involved like. slowing down the aging process to try to keep their bodies in some peak condition???
anyway, all of this just adds up to wesker likely having a phobia of needles (and likely a general mistrust for the healthcare system, because all he's ever witnessed and received is MORE FUCKERY), but he knows he needs the shots, but he sure isn't keen on doing it himself? which almost seems counterintuitive- if he's so worried about being hurt by things like this, why wouldn't he do it himself, but the man has NO healthy coping skills so... i guess that's that.
this was extremely scattered but i needed to ramble about it thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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alenadragonne · 1 year
15 questions, however many people
Tagged by @rosieposiepuddingnpie (was finally able to have the time and memory to actually do one of these lol)
1. Are you named after anyone? My dad actually! His name is also Bobbi. Except it’s spelled the masculine way. And he’s technically named after his grandfather Robert.
2. When was the last time you cried? It’s actually been a while now. Long enough for the short term memory to forget how long it’s been. But it’s usually quite often for one reason or another. Perhaps it was right around Christmas?
3. Do you have kids? No but I want kids so very bad. I love children so much. Every age group is great for different reasons!
4. Do you use sarcasm? Naturally? No. If I was taught it I never would have used it or realized it existed. I’ve forced myself to use it but I really only do it with people I super duper trust because I’m often mistaken for being completely serious. It’s not a concept that comes easily for me.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? How they greet me, if at all. How they hold themselves, are the being forced to introduce themselves? Are they making the first move so to speak? Is their handshake confident or slacked? Do they even bother with a handshake ( understandably of course, Covid is still alive and well). Then it’s physical stuff like hair, eyes, and mouth. I stare at peoples mouths when they talk so really it’s probably mouth and teeth right after eyes.
6. What's your eye color? Hazel, but like REALLY dark hazel. They are a perfect mix of my moms very dark brown eyes and my dads dark green eyes. So they look brown from afar until they get direct light then you can see the inner ring is more green and the outer ring is completely brown.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? I like both, it really depends on the expectations the movie sets for itself. Like if I go into a happy movie and I’m scared I’ll be upset. But scary movies should be scary imo. I also hate spoilers and love surprises so I try to avoid spoiling myself.
8. Any special talents? Uh drawing? I guess. But I consider that more of a learned skill than a talent. I just started young. I’d say as far as special, I can make a clown horn noise with my throat by restricting air flow and then breathing fast. Kids love it, and honestly adults do too.
9. Where were you born? Texas, been here my whole life. :/
10. What are your hobbies? Drawing. Recently got an iPad and Apple Pencil and the barrier for my brain to start drawing is was less. Booting up my laptop often was too many hurdles and it made me draw less. Also reading fanfic for sure. I’m constantly looking for good fics. (I’d write but I’m ass at writing and the thought of posting any of my shitty writing makes me feel ill)
11. Do you have any pets? Yes!!! I have two sweet boys named Faendal and Chonk. Faendal is a shelter mutt. He’s white with very light tan spots and big ole pointed ears that stick straight up. And Chonk is a Pittbull, Labrador, Husky mix. Yeah you read that right. Although he has none of the physical traits of lab or husky. He looks Pitt but he’s got the braincells of a lab and the mouth of a husky.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? No sportsball. I danced competitively in highschool though on the local drill team. And I was what my friends so lovingly called a “mathlete” since I was like 10. I competed in mental math basically.
13. How tall are you? 5'4” ish
14. Favorite subject in school? Math, Physics, Art
15. Dream job? Gosh idk if I have a dream job anymore. When I was a teenager my answer would have been pediatrician. But now idk. I toy with the idea of doing art for a living. But I’m afraid of the job market and I’m not good at selling myself. And also do I wanna make my favorite hobby my job? And then I’m rather good at math so I should utilize it right? That’s what every one tells me. “You have such a unique skill set being so good at math, it would be so easy to get a math degree and a great job.” But would I be bored? Idk that’s a loaded question.
Idk who I should tag 🤔 perhaps @naked-aardvark (although you never do them ಠ_ಠ) @theheightofdishonor if ya feeling up to it. And of course anyone I didn’t tag and wants to!
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
I’m a black woman & reylos like you have been sending me death threats for years. Telling me they want to lynch me for years. Calling me racial slurs for YEARS just because your ship & community is racist & I call it out. So honestly? I don’t feel sorry for you. I think you’re getting exactly what you deserve. How does it feel to get just a tiny fraction of what I get almost daily for the first time in your white life?
Reylos Like Me? Bitch, there ain't no reylos like me.
Anon... Man...
I’ll admit something here, I wish you guys would send me this shit using your real accounts every once in a while. I understand it’s hard to use your real face when you type out the words ‘You deserve those death threats you get’ and still feel like you’re on the moral high ground, but before you take one step further up that hill you've made into a mountain and trip on that stone then tumble backwards ass over teakettle into the fucking ditch you deserve to live in until forevermore, I want you to stop and think real hard for a second what you just typed out and why the fuck that shit is fucked beyond explanation.
I want you to consider the thought process of telling someone that you have received death threats yourself from people in a fandom, then continue with zero fucking awareness to tell a whole new person you've never fucking interacted with before and know fucking nothing about other than they're a reylo that they deserves death threats for... being a reylo?
Like telling that to someone else removes your old wounds or some fucking shit. Does telling me I deserve to die make you feel fucking better?
I don’t fucking know you since you're obviously too fucking cowardly to use your real account to say shit like you just fucking said, because you know it's wrong enough you 'ought not use your real account to say it but not enough to stop you from doing it.
I can only assume who you are because there’s only 3ish people like you I’ve come into contact with in the reylo fandom space with your tune. It’s a pretty small world here, I don’t know if you’ve noticed. The furry fandom is much larger and I’m fully aware of the problematic people in that fandom.
The first user liked to bring up race as an issue when it was never was an issue and blocked me instantly when I brought this up.
The second one, only after deciding I was racist because I had the fucking gull to talk about the very real and harsh reality of Police Brutally as a fucking American, took that information and somehow assumed I wanted them to die via cop?
Beats the shit out of me.
This is the same group that seamed to struggle with associations because they also kept conflating that mentioning nazis meant you were automatically Also talking about the holocaust? IDK. They’re fucking stupid children.
The 3rd one is Stitch and I sure as fuck hope that cunt ain’t sending me anons sayin’ I deserve fucking death threats, because that would be stupid of them on every fucking optic.
We’re just gonna hop over the whole assumption that I’m white because I present online as a fucking alligator so first off bitch as far as you know I’m fucking green and yellow, we ain’t got time for that shit right now, scolding for another day, Continuing:
We are gonna spend a moment on the incorrect assumption that I, A Furry, have in fact Not been receiving death threats since childhood.
Well let me set that record straight for you right now and tell you I Have, As A Furry, Been Told To Die A Lot In Fact.
And not just told, but attempts on furry lives has in fact been made.
I have been being told to die since I was 9.
I was 9 years old the first time someone online told me to go die in a fire because I was drawing myself as a cat.
No one is nice to furries. It’s literally an online joke. Furries are at the bottom of every internet culture tier.
So as someone who has also been dealing with death threats since a very young age unlike what you wrongly fucking assumed, you can and should understand my complete fucking befuddlement of this same person who took the time to sit down and dictate a message to me describing in graphic fucking detail the Absolutely Horrendous Things Said To Them As Death Threats then:
Made A Fucking Choice to Further Perpetuate It,
without a fucking HINT of irony.
You send me this anon telling I deserve death threats because I told someone who was harassing my friends in their own fandom spaces to leave that space if they were going to continue being assholes to my friends? That in your book is what deserves someone getting a death threat? You think I deserve to be told I should die because I told a harasser to fucking leave?
YOU, person who was also recited death threats for defending your own however fucking twisted idea of mortality, think it’s fine someone else gets them for essentially defending their friends from harassment via people like you?
Well that’s fucked up. I know a lot of reylos, being a reylo, and most of them just want to read smut and make art of the thing they love. We’re very insular. What we are not a fucking hive mentality so I just fucking don’t know were you got the idea that if one reylo acts like a fucking shithead then ALL the reylos most be equally shitheads.
Most reylos don’t speak for me. Quite a few very well know and popular reylos have blocked me because of the shit I say to antis in this fandom, not many of them want to read the word 'cunt ' that often in a day and I understand. Now if those reylos have that kind of reaction to me simply telling people off in graphic detail you can understand my disbelief when you tell me you've been given death threats by Multiple Reylos.
I just have a really fucking hard time believing you without some fucking proof.
Reylos are more chill than furries and I didn't fucking think that could happen. I've never met such a big group of genuinely sincere people in my fucking life and I've been in a lot of fandoms.
They spent 7 years just quietly dealing with death threats and harassment for guessing a ship correctly rather than fight back from you fucknuts. They're very pacifistic. Literally just here for the smut and the character development.
But just because a handful of fucking horrible human beings who just so happen to be reylos sent you death threats don’t suddenly make it alright for all reylos to receive death threats you daffy fucking cunt.
You've been getting death threats from reylos for years? I question the authenticity of that but fucking news flash chucklefuck, so have the reylos.
Oh yeah, there are bad actors in this fandom. Fuck me, I’m one of them. I’ll bet you good fucking money most of the reylos here fucking hate seeing my posts pop up if the zero interaction is any indicator.
‘There’s the fucking cunt of an alligator again making all the reylos look bad’ and you know, that’s fair. I ain’t the fucking belle of the reylo ball let me tell you that right now, But Goddammit, I just have a real hard time keeping my trap shut when people who hate this fandom rear their ugly fucking heads to pop into our space and tell us the thing we love is wrong for ‘X’ reason.
I get it, you’re black and offended by space nazis in the galaxy battles saga.
But we’ve had this conversation Many Fucking Times Now about the character of Ben Solo and how we’ve deduced he’s not a fucking nazi with all the context clues provided in the source material of the books, comics, and movies.
I can’t help you understand any more that we reylos hear your complaint.
We see it.
We're painfully aware of it.
We get why you’re mad, but every single fucking time we try to show you why you’re mad for the wrong reasons you wont fucking have it and I'm not gonna hold your hand and help dumb-dumb mcshitty-pants-head here understand how basic fucking plot structure and character drives works in a movie so fucking easy to follow literal children understand it better than you.
But you know what you can do if you flat fucking out refuse to be fucking civil in our fandom space?
You can fucking leave.
You ain't a fucking fan that's for sure. Not with the crazy fucking shit ya'll spout. So why the fuck you here? Fuckin' leave.
I can not make you understand any more that your continued harassment of people in this fandom over this tired and proven incorrect belief about a character that we care for deeply and have explained to you time and fucking time again isn’t a fucking nazi isn’t going to change hearts or minds in this fandom.
You are not helping your cause every time you post in the reylo tag with another Hot Take™ about Kylo Ren and why you think he’s a soulless monster. Just like you probably wouldn’t be making a lot of friends if you showed up at a Black Panther party and started going on about how you think Malcolm X is a domestic terrorist.
Wrong fucking place man.
You’re not saving us from a nazi character.
You’re not convincing us that Ben Solo doesn't deserve redemption.
You’re not teaching us the errors of our smooth brained ways because you think we're stupid fangirls who can’t tell reality from fucking fiction and might also accidentally become nazis by enjoying what is honestly the most fucking vanilla enemies to lovers trope on the fucking market rather than the truth which is we just really wanting to see the redeemed son of Leia Organa and Han Solo make hot fucking love to Rey from Jakku and watch them both grow old and happy together with dozens of kids.
Don't like that idea? Fuckin' Great My Cunt, Never go into reylo fandom tag again and you'll never fucking see it again.
It's just that fucking easy!
Listen, You don’t deserve death threats no one fucking does, but you should understand why the reylos get mad at you with your fucking constant harassment of a ship that just isn’t as problematic as you’d fucking wish it was.
But speaking of reylos sending you death threats;
You point me in the direction of these reylos and I will fucking personally chew them three new assholes. That shit ain’t fucking alright man. No one should be fucking telling you to go kill yourself and if someone I know says shit like that you’ll bet your sweet fucking ass I’ll be the first fucking cunt in line to tell that stupid fucking bitch right the fuck off.
I don’t want them in my fucking fandom and I'll fucking tell them to leave just like I tell you stupid fucks. Just like I don’t want nazis in the furry fandom.
And you know what we tell nazis trying to get into the furry fandom? We tell them to fuck off too.
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I don’t like that you were told you should die. That shit is fucked up.
But my horrible fucking anon, you should do the most fucking basic courtesy as a fucking human being who has gone through that yourself and understand why it’s not alright to wish death on others.
You should take a break from tumblr, light up a fat fucking doobie, put on some Radiohead Kid A, and do some internal reflection on why the fuck you think someone you've maybe only interacted with once before deserves death threats while also reflecting on why you might be getting so many yourself.
If you’re so ready to tell ME I deserve to die, then you’ve likely told other this too.
You get out of life what you put in. If you’re an asshole and you put that out there, assholes will find you. God knows that’s true, look at us two giant fucking assholes now. I put my whole huge asshole out there and now I get at least 5 asks a day that are either some fun variation of ‘go kill yourself’ or ‘you like fucking nazis you whore’ to the person who was once chlorine bombed by a nazi at a furcon.
Do you not want to receive death threats? Maybe don’t send them yourself.
God knows I don’t send death threats, yet I still get plenty of them just for being a cunt for rightful reasons.
But I’ll tell you what I’ll never fucking do is send you a death threat.
You can be an asshole, fine man that’s your fucking right. God fucking knows I can and fucking will call you everything from a rotten jizz sock or a bloated condom filled with piss, and on a good day I may also describe in detail how hard and raw I love to fuck both your parents that anyone who screws them after can just shove their whole leg up in there and they wouldn't feel a goddamn thing, but stop for one fucking second the next time you type out the words ‘you deserve death threats’ and consider this simple fact of life:
You get back what you put in.
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I suggested pg cause I guess if it was pg, they could go more into showing gay relationship more open and probably some humor. And about dilf, a lot of villian characters are dilf and hot, and Klipse looks like one. Jon is that dude from meme where woman look jealously at man's big boobs. He’s good guy, but more softie. And actually we could call Hargrave a dilf, but he's not man type of character...? He's more like milf, but not, idk, he doesnt fit to men in this show, he's very feminine, his body type, voice and everything. Also, artist really liked to draw properly his gentle hands so when he's tiping it's very well detailed and how he tiping with all his fingers... Hargrave sometimes gives me vibes of that anime girl drawing who are with thick hips but not too much, if Hargrave was younger, he would be drawn a lot like that anime girls I swear(japanese dudes still draws him like that, I cant unsee it now, after I saw these arts I cant unsee it someone help-).
Anon, there’s still a problem with the whole pg thing. Some people might actually still keep it at pg-13 because if Klipse and Hargrave were a couple, they’re still showing a gay couple and their children to young audiences that don’t yet understand things about that. I know that’s weird, but it’s kinda the truth considering how Disney, Cartoon Network and other media have cancelled their shows for showing a gay character or a gay couple. The only way Monsuno might’ve gotten away with a gay character is either marketing the shows for young adults or make it a drama type anime marketed for teens, which would not have been a good idea since they also had to sell the toys and card game, and having a different demographic than their target demographic would’ve been a marketing strategy that would need more time and research to actually make it work. So, idk anon, Monsuno needed to target young card gamers to be successful and it’s not every day that we can have a show that has a gay couple and have their games be successful.
(And no, Yu-Gi-Oh! And it’s spinoffs don’t count, they still don’t have a canon gay couple in the anime.)
And yes, Klipse does look like a dilf, but keep in mind that Six probably will be mortified that more people want to fuck his dad. Six probably already knows people are attracted to Klipse and he’s questioning his choices on not running away with that many people thirsty for Klipse. Heck, Six would be okay if Hargrave was the only few people he’s okay with that are attracted to Klipse since that’s his ‘mom’. Dom would probably be happy if Hargrave is the only one attracted to Klipse since again it is Mama Hargrave. Also, Hargrave is a butler, man knows how to pamper himself with the best products and beauty practices. You think Klipse is the one helping the clones with their looks? Naw, it’s all Hargrave. He has years of butler knowledge to know how to make the Klipse family look good.
Lastly, Jon is 100% a dilf and STRIKE Squad, Trey and some of Core Tech probably knows it since Jon can sweep people off their feet with his personality. I mean, he’s one of the reason Jeredy is on thin ice because even Jeredy knows he’s THAT good for him. Enough said.
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ashiokserasure · 11 months
Can people stop calling everything a cult like. Antis are not a cult. Your toxic friendship group was not a cult. That small church you went to as a kid that said “gay is bad” is not a cult. Something can be bad without being a cult it’s that simple. Cults destroy your life, they destroy your family, your friendships, your stability, everything. Some teen on the internet saying “plz don’t draw child porn” is not part of a ‘purity cult’.
As someone who grew up in a cult it really bewilders me to see what people consider a cult on tumblr nowadays. The trauma from what I went through is going to stick with me forever and ever, I wasn’t a human being, I was an object. I believed my future was going to be married to my youth group leader over 10 years older than me, we were told that if you don’t satisfy your partner whenever they wanted then there’s something wrong with you and that your husband will cheat on you. All our money belonged to them, when I was 9 my mother realised she couldn’t pay for our shopping anymore, I remember following her outside, leaving the trolley of our necessities at the till, and standing with her as she cried. My dad had given all the money to them, and they didn’t care. The elder said “well, it’s your own fault for being too greedy, if you gave to us freely, then god will bless you”.
We had to house people who had no money because of them, I had old men sleeping in my bed, going through my things whilst I slept on the floor in the dark downstairs.
My parents stopped talking when I was 10/11, they didn’t even have enough money to divorce and move out so for 10 years one slept in the living room on the sofa whilst the other slept in their bedroom. Because my mother wasnt a member anymore I was raised to despise her, I didn’t even consider her mum mother for a long time because of how I’d been conditioned. Having friendships outside of the group was shunned unless we were bringing our friends in to join and become members themselves.
You had to get permission from an elder to be in a relationship, so many of the marriages that happened were between 18/19 year old girls and 30+ year old men. I was constantly asked if I’m spiritually ready for a partner, and being told I was growing into a powerful young woman ready for marriage since I was about 15.
Even now, as I’m in a somewhat safe space staying at my mothers house and avoiding going, I’m still bombarded by members coercing me to come back, saying that if I go to other churches that it’s sinful because they aren’t teaching the right things. If I had gone through the membership program and given them all my contact info I’m sure it would have been a lot worse but thankfully I didn’t.
I should also mention that I did not realise i was even in a cult until the pandemic hit and after being able to mentally rest and think about it, it’s all struck me how horrible the organisation was and just how much they’d ruined my life. I was being so worn down by having to go and be a part of constant meetings and events where they shovelled more and more of their agenda down my throat that I only had time to sit back and realise how awful they were when going out was completely shut down.
They tried to hold constant zoom meetings which I got out of however I dealt with the most explosive rage from my dad who had been so warped by them, I don’t think he even realised that he cared more about looking good in their eyes than his own children .
It wasn’t a quick snap out of it either, it took a long time to develop healthier thinking habits and I still relapse into what they taught me from time to time.
This turned into a full cult vent that nobody will read but I’m just so tired of peoples watered down idea of what a cult is. And this is like barely scraping the surface of everything i went through, there’s so much I didn’t include but I don’t want this post to be like 5 years long LOL.
Idk, but if anyone else went through something like this and wants to talk or laugh about fucked up stuff hmu!
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steamgoat · 2 years
I want to start to draw again!! My psychiatrist kinda scolded me when I told her I hadn’t in a while, because drawing more was a part of the “homework” she gave me, along with going for walks more.
It’s been a rough month for my depression and not helped by the fact that a good friend of mine passed away recently and the loss was a big shock, even though we hadn’t really talked in a while (I feel very guilty about that)…
He was a really wonderful person who had so much light to give to the world. He worked with children at a library and he always brightened everyone’s day. He was younger than me and left behind a partner and dog and cat and so many friends and family that love him. I feel so awful for them but I didn’t know any of them personally…
It’s just so weird to think that I just saw him posting stuff like a few days prior to his passing and now I’ll never see a new post from him. He was getting really good with his art too! It’s just not fair, and I know that’s said about the majority of good young people that pass away, but it’s true. Like why couldn’t a few of the rich old bastards running the country have gone in his place! They always seem to hang on the longest…
Anyway I also started playing neopets again for some reason. About 15 years ago or so I lost my main account that I had like, nice painted pets on and the lab ray and items from when neopets was first getting started that would be so valuable on there today (it got deleted completely along with most of my other accounts bc I had too many and it was considered cheating).
Then like seven to ten(?) years ago or whenever they started that stupid customization thing where all the pets have the same pose I decided to make another account to get the main pet I’d always wanted but couldn’t afford(darigan lupe), just to be able to say I got it lol. And after I worked hard to get it I left again for some years. But it’s still around. So I’ve been using that one, plus some side accounts that are within the rules for having side accounts.
There’s a bipedal owl neopet now and also a paint brush that turns your pet into a weird elderly version??? And also paintbrushes that give your neopet a bunch of clothes that I don’t think looks good(including stealth and steampunk). I miss the unconverted pets(before they were all the same pose so you can put clothes on them) which had so much more personality, but those are so hard to come by now (apparently there’s this whole hierarchy of unconverted pets you would need to trade up to to even get a chance to get an unconverted pet you want from someone who has one, if there even are any left up for trade (I guess you can trade pets now instead of just putting them in the pound and hoping the person adopted them before anyone else did, which is nice).
Neopets is all about spending real human money now tho, just like all these other games, and apparently they might’ve gotten into nfts? Idk. I still like some of the pets tho and it’s nostalgic to play it again even if it’s very different now. Tho most of the games are flash based still despite modern browsers no longer supporting flash… so I can’t really do that unless I get an older version of a browser I guess? Which I haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to do yet. But yeah. Dunno how long I’ll keep playing but maybe I’ll draw some neopets lol.
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voidendron · 2 years
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the Sept siblings 💞💞💞
from left to right:
-Riza (she/her), Cathar/Sith Pureblood, Smuggler - Ruffian Scoundrel
-Jessi (she/her), Human/Zabrak, Trooper - Combat Medic Commando
-Jeva (they/them), Human/Zabrak, Smuggler - Sharpshooter Gunslinger
-Liakige (they/them), Human, Sith Warrior - Watchman Sentinel
-Luci (she/her), Cathar/Sith Pureblood, Bounty Hunter - Marksman Sniper
--Do not copy, edit, or repost my works. Reblogs are appreciated!--
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