#communtiy building
brainfogwixq · 3 months
Data collection project - work division
Today, I started collecting my initial data from the official WIXQ Instagram account. Since this must be collected over multiple days, I wanted to start immediately on that part of the assignment. The document for submission has been drafted as well. Tomorrow, I plan to upload my data screenshots and read through the supporting material for this assignment. I will check again for account interaction and begin to format my final document. This separation of labor will hopefully leave me with Thursday-Sunday to work on the audience analysis and part 2 writing.
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crynwr-drwg · 6 months
The thing that honestly put me off of anarchists is they seem to think everyone is equally qualified to do anything. Accessibility ramps built by hobbyists, building codes set by Minecraft girlies, etc. And when this inevitably blows up in someone’s face and hurts someone? How do you hold anyone accountable in an anarchist society? How do you have OSHA in one?
My head is killing me today, so apologies if any of this is worded poorly.
I can see where you'd get this idea, and where you're coming from, but I can assure you that these things are very much accounted for. A good example of this is in the Autonmous Administration of North and East Syria, where I can speak first hand that professionall schooled and trained engineers arein charge of rebuilding infrastructure. There is also equally trained and qualified people in most other risky-professional roles, like medicine and such.
There absolutely are anarchists that either go "idk lol" or say that nothing is needed. I hate doign this, because it makes me look like one too, but I would just recommend to ignore a lot fo these types, because they usually end up just liking Aanrchism as a "vibes" thing rather than as a mode of structure and organising.
It's hard to give many examples of it all in action, since most anarchist communtiies are small (which is part of the point) but that's also why AANES is a great example for a lot of this in action/
If any of this didn't answer your question, let me know and I'd be happy to rephrase or answer it better. I'm shite at words, haha.
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toxxiicity · 3 months
Hello! I'd like to share something interesting for all artists and animators out there!
A courage reanimated!
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duskkdraws · 4 months
(everything’s probably subject to change since I’m indecisive but also if tou like any of this USE IT!!! and tag me so I can see >:])
so yesterday and today I’ve been brainstorming ideas for phantoms (because I’m always doing that. its always phantoms. all for you bdubs. had to happen atleast once in rhis sketchbook.)
as seen here:
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and so they’re mossy. they’re planty. I was thinking that they’d have moss and lichens and ferns and stuff growing along their spine and under their wings and on their tails and stuff. they’d maybe even have mossy manes.
and then I HAD AN IDEA
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IF YOU CANT READ MY ATTOCIOUS HANDWRITINF. that’s basically saying about how
phantom children grow in. the. parents. ribcage. like from seeds or a special plant or something? and THEYRE SUSTAINED BY THEIR PARENTS???
they’re mostly blueish greenish viney mossy creachurrs for the first moons of life. BUT THEN. THEN.
the bones that the parent would “eat” would somehow be integrated into the baby phantom? AND THATS HOW THEY GROW THEIR BONES? they grow scales and sharper, more phantom-esque ridges by also. BY ALSO. THEY ALSO ABSORB THE PARENTS OLD BONES AND SCALES.
(because the “outer” rib cage bones are kinda weaker and they sometimes shed. same w scales, but the scales are much stronger and just kinda fall off sometimes lmao)
so like. the little phantom baby is a seedling, nurtured by their parent’s life force and natural environment in their bones, and they. they grow. they always have some of yheir parent in them, and this also means that the physical shape of phantoms is much more varied, since they absorb bones of a lot of critters that the parent eats.
and the parent phantom of course needs to eat lots more calcium abd stuff so their nest communtiy focuses on bringing them more food and protecting them.
I also imagine that phantoms live in sort of, under mountain ridges? like when there’s a big arc and a hollow dpace underneath it, the phantoms nest on the roof of that hollow space and build up a mossy nest jungle thing. it’s like a bunch of plant webs. and the plants don’t need sunlight, they’re instead sustained by the phantoms (sort of a lifeforce bond?) and decaying meat and the nutrients those contain.
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Impulse decision I can’t afford and I’ll later be putting up adopts or something else to fund this BUT,
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I’ve hatched a new G1 and decided that their genes should be decided via communtiy vote!
It’s exclusive to fr tumblr atm but may move to forms as well later
First step! Should we scatter?
Link to vote!
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sergey-tihon · 1 year
F# Weekly #17, 2023 – Vide and F# Mentorship
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News Vide – State so simple! (vide-dev.io) F# Mentorship program | The F# Software Foundation (fsharp.org) F# language strategy | Microsoft Learn Get Started with OpenAI Completions with .NET – .NET Blog (microsoft.com) Join the .NET Team at Microsoft Build 2023! – .NET Blog Announcing .NET Communtiy Toolkit 8.2 – .NET…
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atkinsonstrong38 · 1 year
Minecraft Map Trading Card Game being Developed By Fan
The Minecraft map, on its surface, is an easy tool to help you find your way around. But we're talking about perhaps the most imaginative, creative sandbox building game ever played, so it's no surprise that a member of the Minecraft communtiy has developed an innovative new application for the old map by turning it into a all-new trading card game.
It's not uncommon to see Minecraft to be a topic for discussion of massive structures like the best Minecraft builds or Redstone oddities, like this chicken mini-game. There's so much to enjoy and create in one of the best sandbox games, that the smallest things can be overlooked. Luckily, Reddit can be good at times and the Minecraft community has infinite creativity.
Redditor DerpyFoop shared photos of a friend's game. Their friend has been making trading cards with the basic Minecraft map item, instead of command blocks or anything fancy. Each one displays a different Minecraft mob that has its own skills, stats and stats similar to a modified Pokemon TCG.
Reddit's article shows that there are already some cards available, but what is most exciting to us is the possibility of printing them off. One of the comments on the post suggests a way, and a complete collection of Minecraft cards is something that we are awestruck by has yet to be created. 83hh It seems to be a simple method to let players display their favourite characters and creatures.
Here's everything you need about Ancient Cities in Minecraft if you're more into old things that new card games. We also have a guide that covers all commands that are available on the Minecraft console. Enjoy it and all the power it has to offer.
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TOWNHOMES AT SKYE RANCH New Town Home Communtiy Sarasota Florida
TOWNHOMES AT SKYE RANCH New Town Home Communtiy Sarasota Florida
A new Taylor Morrison community – The Townhomes at Skye Ranch. We chose a special place in the heart of Sarasota to build Skye Ranch. Located at the intersection of Clark Road and Lorraine Road, it’s a premier destination with opportunities to explore, experience and enjoy life. And we took care to preserve the natural beauty and character of the land with grand old oaks and lush palms, forested…
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broomswept-thoughts · 2 years
Ugh, I have THOUGHTS, and most of them stemming from fear of failure and self-sabotage.
The most obvious one is about the ISB workshops. I’m so grateful to have the physicians and Summara coming to help me because I’ve been so paralyzed by not being able to make the project pull through --> fear of failing really publicly. What would realistically happen that would be the worst case scenario? No one is interested in the workshops and say that they’re tone-deaf or unhelpful, waste of time, why would they want to listen to help from someone’s who’s not even Muslim or from the same community, speak the same language, or have the same cultural background, say things like know your place/ stop having a savior complex/ you don’t actually care about us and are doing it for a resume/ you don’t really care so stop pretending you do and go back/ you’re not going to actually contribute. I think hearing this from strangers as well as from other people in the clinc would be really hurtful.
Do these things hurt because I judge them in other people and are also insecurities that I hold myself? I think so. I wonder if I’m volunteering out of self-serving interests. I wonder if I care enough to be able to volunteer there. I fear that I don’t care enough as other volunteers. I fear that I’m too unconnected and that I won’t be good enough for the volunteers. The worst feeling would be being told that I’m one of those callous and cold-hearted premeds who just do things to increase their chances for medical school, rather than because they’re meaningful to me. I think that is the one thing I don’t want people to think about me no matter what, and I think that fear of being seen in that way is making me self-sabotage and not want to do this project/ feel that someone more qualified or knows more about the communtiy should lead the project.
I’m afraid of trying my best and then that never going to be enough because I’m not Muslim or can speak Urdu/ Arabic. It makes Anxious, so hard. And I feel tired and scared.
So in the end, the root of my fear is losing who I am or becoming someone I don’t want to be or have any compassion/ care for. I don’t want to become someone who is callous and absolutely self-serving. I don’t want to be seen badly by others whose opinions matter to me. However...
If I don’t want to become that way, then by virtue of wanting to not be that way, then I know that I’m at least, on some level, going to want to be compassionate and care for others because I do. Wow, this is kinda confusing, but. I think I’m fearful because... I see people who do similar things but only for resume-building, and don’t seem to care about people. Do I care about the patients at ISB? I think I do. I think, I at least really feel upset when I think about how they can’t find treatments that they can use for themselves just because of their financial/ citizen/ insurance status.
They can’t expect me to know everything about Islamic society and culture since I’m not Muslim and didn’t grow up as such. But what can I do to educate myself more on what it’s like? I think if I’m insecure, then watching more videos and learning more about modern Muslim culture and communities will help me. I think it will bring in more ideas for how I can best help the patients and be more useful for the workshop projects. Isn’t this a positive step forward to doing what I can to help the ISB patients? I can’t be everything, but I can try what I can.
I think learning more about ISB and islamic society will help me a lot. In alleviating these fears.
My other fear of failure is about med school apps. Augh. I just know figured out that my AMCAS transcript didn’t list my science classes and AAA-
But I was so afraid of checking it because I just do things to not have to be stressed about them lmao. And in general, I feel like I’m being chased mentally by my fear of medical school applications and the rat race of it all; submit early, do everything as fast as possible and as bestest as possible.... I’m just tired and have a headache from it. I’m getting afraid because I desperately need to be accepted somewhere to escape from the hellscape that’s lab. I need to escape, and I think I’m placing so much pressure on myself because this is 10 years of my life that’s going to be determined. Where I’ll physically be, where I’ll meet new people, what environment I’ll be, what research I’ll do, what kind of physician/ researcher I’ll be, where I’ll get my groceries. How I’ll spend the last evenings of my youth before the hazy gradient of middle age... That’s terrifying. There’s no escape, either. I want to have a best options and happiest options available for me because of this too. In addition to escaping from Baltimore/ postbac-ery. Haah.
I like using med school apps to fantasize a better life, in a frenzy, but it’s now making me stressed because of the chasm of fear of not being able to be happy. I’m fearful. The disappointment and emptiness of having zero options. I think I’ll lose my shit. Haha.
What would be the worst case scenario? Rejection from Mount Sinai, Emory, UCLA, UMaryland, Rutgers, UPitt, URochester, UMinnesota, UMichigan, and obviously all the highest tier schools (which I’m already anticipating anyway). Rejection from every school, and then... what? Oh jeez. The headache of restarting my application, retaking the MCAT... I’d probably have to study for the MCAT all over again; I’d probably start studying for it in... April? And then try to take it in June, maybe. Or July? Hnngh.... Probably June, early June. I’d probably start revising my essays around May, like my primaries again. I’d also try to apply to way more lower tier MSTP programs and more MD/PhD programs. Maybe I’d apply to 30 schools this time... Not be cheap, sigh. And hopefully get into at least 1 school. Sigh sigh sigh. Would I continue post-bac bs? Ugh...... I’d hate it, I might try to leave and do just clinical work/ find a job as a MA. Start looking around in April, leave in May or early June. I think this would make life a LOT easier for me tbh. I don’t want to do my stupid postbac for longer than 2 years, like I don’t care. I will take any other job that will help my apps and pay the same or better.
Well. That sounds hard BUT the worst part, which is about staying in lab, will end. I want that to be planned in for SURe, because there’s no way I would want to stay for a third year in that environment. I’d rather throw up. I think the 2nd worst part is the MCAT, which... Egaaah, that’s terrifying and so much stress and anxiety because I’m going to have a very very good score. But I think worst case scenario, I’ll have above a 515, and it’ll just to be what it is. I’d be applying to more lower tier schools anyway, and I’ve scored that high once (by some fluke miracle) so I think I have the confidence that I’ll get over a 510 at least.
So even if I don’t get into medical school, I think at least I’ll have a plan on what I want to do going forward that will allow me to leave the lab (which is seriously the highest priority right now in my life). Even if I only get into the Rutgers MD/PhD program, at least I’d leave the NIH/ Baltimore campus and I can be free from all of this. If I get into UMD, then it’s a quite good MSTP program and maybe I can room with Julia and Maya (or others). Will it be sorta anticlimatic of my life? Yeah, but. It is what it is, and I’ll be happy, again, if I can just leave lab. And hopefully by the end of the cycle, I’ll learn more about good things that I can do to improve my apps.
If I don’t get in this year, I’m also going to take the GRE and then apply for PhD programs too... I don’t want to deal with everything anymore. I’m not applying to med school a 3rd time lol. And at that point, I’m not going to invest more money either. Nope. We’re going to some school, and it will be what it is.
Anyway, I’d love to get into A School this upcoming year. That would be really awesome because I won’t have to do all this additional work (which would just be what it is). But even if I don’t get in, I’m going to have a plan. And it’s going to be okay. I should try to do what I can this round to prevent myself from doing more work later on LOL. Rather than being anxious about my fear of not getting in this round, I think it would just be good to say it’s not the end of the world if I get in nowhere because it’s not a one chance alone kinda thing. but it would just be efficient. But even if I don’t, I’m getting a lot of experience in doing this dumb app cycle for future application cycles. So it will all be of good use to me going forward no matter.
There is no time that is wasted.
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Addressing Concerns About My Editor
Hey everyone. 
I want to talk about the discourse recently regarding my new editor. This has nothing to do with Robin so please keep him out of it and leave him be.
Some context for those not in the know. Recently I hired someone new to help edit the IRL/Non Gaming content on my channel. Main reasons being that it was a lot for Robin to take on alone and also Robin isn’t up to date on meme culture or actively partakes in it so I brought on someone who is. I also just wanted to create more content and having one person edit all of it is a huge strain, especially with an occasional ramp up into 2 vids a day again when I could.
I will admit my screening process for this person was none at all, that’s on me and I should have done better. People went to their twitter and found a bunch of bad tweets, some were edgy jokes while others were "jokes�� that I vehemently disagreed with. I brought this up with the person and they agreed that they were bad and deleted them. They were about 16 when they wrote them which normally I would let slide cos God knows I was a fucking idiot at that age but I think that’s a poor excuse in such a connected and social media driven world we’re in now. I had a huge internal struggle about what to do, I took about a week and ultimately told them that I would keep them on but it could absolutely never happen again. They agreed and showed genuine remorse for the tweets and it was clear that that’s not what they actually believe and agreed they were dumb. I wanted to give them a second chance and prove that they could learn and grow and I wanted to be mature and adult about it. Not just cut and run when things got bad. 
However I have ultimately decided to let this person go and not work with them again. Not because of hyper critical nay sayers and “haters” but because some people in this community were genuinely upset about it. They lost faith in me and felt like they couldn’t trust me anymore because it flew in the face of everything I had morally stood for and preached about before and they were absolutely right. I can reason out everything and debate it back and forth all day but at the end of the day if some honestly great people in this communtiy were genuinely hurt by this, then it’s not worth it. I want my channel and this community to feel like a safe place for you to feel like you can be your true self and connect with other people who feel the same. To build each other up and treat each other with respect and have fun and me hiring this person went against all that. So I wanted to give a genuine,honest apology and say that I am very very sorry. No excuses or anything like that,I was wrong and I fucked up. I want people, especially those in the LGBTQ+ community to know that I truly stand with you, now and alwaty.I’m so very sorry if you lost faith and trust in me over this. 
I haven’t been myself lately and coming here these days or most social media honestly fills me with an incredible amount of stress and anxiety. Hiring someone to help with the load was supposed to ease all that but in the end made things a LOT worse. I hear your concerns,I get it. I also miss the older days of the channel when things were nicer and I didn’t have to worry about things as much. The community was nicer and more connected and every day was an absolute pleasure. I promise that I will work harder to get us and the community back to a better place. I’m not a perfect person but I feel like some people, including myself sometimes, expect me to be and that level of pressure and expectation is sometimes too much to meet. I will try my best to find that magic again to create and bring the channel back to a place you’re all proud to watch and be part of. I will need some help along the way so I hope you can permit me some missteps along that journey but here’s to a better time in 2020. 
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paingul-gay · 3 years
hi! i've started a discord server for people with hypermobilty syndrome and ehlers danlos. relatives and friends with someone with the diagnose are also welcome.
its, among other things, to build a communtiy, get self-care tips and thrive as much as possible.
please join if you feel like it!
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bellefixts4 · 4 years
Avenue Dine & Wine
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Avenue Dine & Wine
My new diner to my more “city like” Willow Creek. My street is acutally done now. It´s only 3 communtiy lots, 2 I made myself. And one lot with apartments. But I will share the street after this post.
ALL CREDITS GOES TO THE AMAZING CC ARTISTS OUT THERE. the sims wouldn’t be as fun or playble without you. <3
You can find me here or on instagram @ TS4inspo
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project-oki-kayo · 3 years
Suicide has been the leading cause of dearh among teenagers ageing 17-20. On 2016, almost 800,000 deaths due to suicide was recorded. This situation was very alarming. Studies shows that anxiety and depression was the main cause of suicide among teenagers. Another factors includes technology, emotional, school and peer pressure.
Studies also shows that the best way to solve this problem is by creating a stronger connection between people of the same age group. This is the reason why Project Oki Kayo was designed. It aims to help prevent suicide and save the lives of teenagers.
This project has the following objectives:
° To Create an online community wherein people can build support systems.
° Establish an online platform where people can share their problems.
° Encourage people to stop suicide instead live a healtgier andhappier life.
° Promote Unity, respect and acceptance among people of different age groups.
° Boost the morale of each other by conducting online session and peer talks.
This project is worth sponsoring because this can help suicide or precent it from happening. This could also unify people and promote positivity, healthier and happier life. Moreover, this could also help people socialize even in online and meet other people where they can share their problems.
The proponent will create an online platform specifically a facebook page and invite different people from different groups to participate in the online communtiy and build relationships with other people. Then online seminars will be conducte about suicide respect and other related topics that could promote healthier and happier life. Moreover, there also be mini games like quiz bees and other recreational games that could promote positivity. Prices will be given to encourage more to join.
The proponent will also create a facebook page @project-oki-kayo and an email account at [email protected]
The proponent can be contacted through the following:
Jimmvell Castillo
Marikaban Tingloy, Batangas
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andrevasims · 4 years
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CC-FREE Urbandustrial Community Lot!
I’m back with another CC-free lot, and another portmanteau lol
This one is based on cramped urban buildings, most notably like the ones in New York. Plus I added the challenge of fitting it into a 20x20 lot cause that’s my favorite size, but I think it turned out alright!
It’s unfurnished, except for lighting, some outer decor, and little bits like pipes/vents. It has lots of potential, so I thought it’d be best to leave its use up to you! It could be apartments with shops using this mod, or just a community lot of shops, or left unfurnished and used as a form of hood deco, etc. etc.
It looks kinda cool lined up with copies, as an example of using it as hood deco:
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Here’s an Imgur album of the floorplan(s) as I didn’t want to overstuff this post.
6 Studios / 8ba | Value: $116,647 | Size: 20 x 20 | Zone Type: Communtiy
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scentedglitter · 4 years
Fire: a Fanfic for Bushfire Support
I haven’t posted in months even tho I’m still posting fic over on AO3 but I’m back for one important post:
On December 20th I drove 500km from my home in the Australian Capital Territory [NSW] to my parents’ house in Victoria. The entire 6-hour trip, visibility was well below 500m (0.3mi) due to intense smoke haze and it was terrifying.
Bushfires are normal in Australia, everything about this year is not. Our fire season started months early. The area burnt has surpassed 4 million hectares already with months left in the fire season. In a normal year less than 500,000ha would be burnt total. Fires have been burning out of control for months and are joining together into massive complexes which have no hope of being contained until we get rain – and that won’t be until late January, at least (per long range forecasting). Smoke has caused weeks on end of hazardous air quality and corresponding increases in hospital admissions etc across large parts of the eastern states. Coastal tourist towns have lost business in their busiest period of the year and it will likely lead to many small, local businesses closing down. Millions of agricultural animals and wildlife have died, thousands of buildings have been destroyed including homes, businesses and sheds. You can find more info on the situation so far from The Guardian here.
So much of it is wildly out of human control, and it’s terrifying. I don’t know, personally, what it’s like to be actively threatened by a fire in any meaningful way. I also don’t know what to do to help.
But I did, while I was panicking for 6 hours driving through an apocalyptic smoke haze with a painters’ mask intermittently over my face when it got too bad for my car air con to keep it out, come up with a rough idea of how I could throw a “if you can help, if you’d like to, this is how” on the back of a fic.
So here goes: I wrote a fic. It’s heavy on trigger warnings: bushfire, property loss, death, PTSD. There are no major character deaths and chapter 2-3 will be generally fluffy because that’s what I needed to write. [click the text for link to fic]
And if you like the fic, love the fic, or even if you don’t really care for my writing or follow me for something other than pitch perfect, here’s how you can help out with the Australian bushfires:
The Red Cross assists with various disaster recovery and relief efforts in communities affected by fire
St Vincent De Paul Society also assists with bushfire recovery and supporting affected communtiies
The Salvation Army assists with recovery efforts and at evacuation and relief centres
BlazeAid is a charity which specifically helps rural communities with practical bushfire recovery such as rebuilding fences – fences are SO important to rural farming communities to allow livestock safety, etc!
GIVIT allows you to donate money to help specific projects for communities in need as a result of the Queensland and New South Wales bushfires
WIRES is a wildlife rescue group which supports the rescue and recovery of native wildlife in a variety of situations including the current bushfire emergency
You can donate directly to volunteer firefighting organisations in both NSW – the Rural Fire Service and Victoria – the Country Fire Authority. I was unable to find equivalent links for other state fire services. Direct donations may only be available to individuals in Australia.
Can’t donate? Don’t want to? That’s absolutely fine. There’s a lot of other ways you can help, too –
Share the message – this one, or any other!
Donate to a charity or relief effort local to you, even if that’s totally different to this – there’s a lot going on in the world, and a lot of people could use a helping hand.
Support movements raising awareness about the impact of climate change on the extent and duration of extreme weather/climatic conditions and related public health outcomes
Cut down on waste and trash, use water efficiently, and help other people do the same
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sakshijoshi · 4 years
Data Analysis and Interpretation Week 1:  Dependency of family in forming criminals
   Hi! I am Sakshi Joshi. First of all I would like to thank you for taking out time to read this. I am new to this field of Data Analysis and thought what could be a better way than learning through a project. When I looked at the databooks one particular databook intrigued me a lot. The data set I chose for this assignment is Outlook on Life Data set. Social dependencies have always been an area of intrest for me. That’s why I have chosen the research question: Is family structure dependent on forming criminals?                                                                       I read some research papers regarding the effect of family and community on increase in crimes and criminals. In one such report named ”The real root cause of violent crime: the breakdown of marriage family and communtiy” by Patrik Fangan he explained  the connection between the breakdown of American families and its effect on individuals leading them to be probable criminals. State-by-state analysis by Heritage scholars indicates that a 10 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes leads typically to a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime.The rate of violent teenage crime corresponds with the number of families abandoned by fathers.The type of aggression and hostility demonstrated by a future criminal often is foreshadowed in unusual aggressiveness as early as age five or six.The future criminal tends to be an individual rejected by other children as early as the first grade who goes on to form his own group of friends, often the future delinquent gang.                                                                                                               All this data encouraged me to perform a detailed data analysis on the dependency of family in forming criminals and probably this analysis can help us build more focus groups or some community activities to make everyone feel a part of the society.           
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