furtiveseal · 1 year
To continue on the alien topic, I believe we talked about it together but just in case we hadn't: do you know about the application of collapsology for aliens? (I believe it has a specific name but I forgot about it). It's a theory explaining that yes, aliens exist and has existed and yes, they did look for us and are looking for us/other life forms but like all civilisation through our history, they've just all just reach a peak at some point and then collapse. So actually we'll probably never know if aliens exist because no civilisation is able not to collapse before its technology is good enough to reach other planets.
Yup, I know about that actually! It's one of the reasons why it seems unlikely that we'll ever meet aliens, even if statistically speaking I'm pretty damn sure they exist somewhere. But hey, maybe we can do alien archeology one day <=== in denial of the fact that our civilisation would not, in this paradigm, be exempt from the "no civilisation is able to avoid collapse before it develops space travel" rule
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fractallion · 11 months
Asked of attendees in a session I was part of a couple of days ago
“In the midst of doomism and collapsology, where are you focusing your energies? How do you stay resilient and on-purpose in the face of the barrage of bad news?”
How would you answer?
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: the politics of collapsecore || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_wg3HDO01o || Go to https://ift.tt/UkXjQ0g , to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain and use the code ALICECAPPELLE ! ✨You can support the channel on Patreon, and get to join our discord chat and bookclub: https://ift.tt/YtQRl92 SOURCES/RESSOURCES 📚 Cairn's dossier on the age of collapse: https://ift.tt/OPKfk1Z Pierre Charbonnier's article on collapsology: "The splendor and squalor of collapsology. What the survivalists of the left fail to consider", Revue du Crieur, vol. a, no. 2, 2019 : https://ift.tt/N8zvyX6 Pierre Charbonnier, Affluence and Freedom, 2021. Podcast episode on 'why billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse': https://ift.tt/8PaQnvJ other sources are cited throughout the video :) MUSIC 🎙 RYYZN - Trick or Treat : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNPXJ9CDzbc SOCIALS 👩‍💻 Storygraph: @alicecappelle Instagram: https://ift.tt/cPeXZFB Twitter: https://twitter.com/cappelle_alice Enquiries: alice.cappelleyt@gmail
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The Post-Internet Far Right and Ecofascism with 12 Rules for WHAT
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This week, our guests are Sam and Alex (not their real names). Sam was until recently the co-host of the 12 Rules for What podcast and is the co-author with Alex of their two books, The Post Internet Far Right and The Rise of Ecofascism. Sam is now focusing on writing at Collapsology Sub-Stack and the Collapse Podcast, and you can support Alex’s ongoing work with 12 Rules for WHAT podcast via their patreon or check out the podcast via Apple Podcasts or Channel Zero Network. We talk about fascism, ecological trends on the far right, Patriotic Alternative, Patriot Front, grifters, the Tories and antifascist activism. Oh, and a lot more.
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Next week...
Next week's show will feature an interview with a member of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement about the case of Dr. Mutulu Shakur and his struggle for compassionate release despite being 7 years past his date for release eligibility and his diagnosis of bone marrow cancer.
Shinewhite Phone Zap
Anti-racist, communist prisoner held in North Carolina, James “Shinewhite” Stewart, is facing severe repression and deprivation at Maury C.I. where he was recently transferred; he's been in solitary since he was transferred, denied food and his blood pressure medicine, and had various pieces of property and correspondence stolen, as well as mail tampered with. He is asking people to make urgent calls and emails to Secretary Eddie M. Buffaloe of the NC Department of Public Safety in order to demand SW's transfer out of state (called "interstate compact") to West Virginia:
Shinewhite wanted to share that his politics have evolved in such a way that they no longer align with the Revolutionary Intercommunal White Panther Organization (RIWPO), so he's stepping down from his role as National Spokesperson for the organization. However, Shinewhite still believes deeply in Intercommunalism and the liberatory vision of the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party (RIBPP).
Indonesian Anarchist Paralegal Fund
Anarchist Black Cross in Indonesia, Palang Hitam, is fundraising for their paralegal trainings for anarchists and anti-authoritarians. You can learn more and contribute at Firefund.Net/PalangHitam
Bodily Autonomy Rally in the South East of Turtle Island
There's a rally next Thursday at 11 a.m. at the Justice AA Birch building in Nashville to protest the abortion ban in TN. Others in the area, keep an ear out for demonstrations in South Carolina despite the overturning of the 6 week abortion ban, and because of the 20 week abortion ban now in effect in North Carolina. More on the latter two pieces of news and ways to support folks seeking abortions at linktr.ee/CarolinaAbortionFund
BAD News: Angry Voices from Around The World
A new episode of the A-Radio Network's monthly, English-language podcast, BAD News. This month it includes an interview with Greek Anarchafeminist group "Salomé", a chat with an organizer of the Weekend Libertaire in St-Imier (Switzerland) on the 150th anniversary of the first anti-authoritarian International, and a call for solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Give a listen!
Firestorm Benefit Concert
There’s a benefit party & queer country show at the Odditorium on Wednesday, August 31 for Firestorm’s building purchase, right across the street from the venue. It runs from 6pm to 10pm and you can find out more by checking out their social media.
Blue Ridge ABC Letter Writing Event
We’ve been forgetting to announce, but on Sunday, Sept 4th at West Asheville Park from 3-5pm you can find Blue Ridge ABC writing to prisoners. They’ll provide a list of political prisoners with upcoming birthdays or facing repression who could use some words of support, plus paper, pens and addresses. Come down, meet some folks and send some love behind bars.
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Featured Track:
Bella Ciao by Nana Mouskouri from Revolutionary Songs of the World
Bella Ciao by Redska from the Bella Ciao 7"
Bella Ciao by Leslie Fish from It's Sister Jenny's Turn to Throw the Bomb
Check out this episode!
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ap-fashionmemories · 4 years
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‘Future Survival Kit’ project - by Lucy McRae - ‘State of Extremes’ exhibition  curated by Aric Chen at Design Museum Holon, Tel Aviv, Israel   ____
Arthur and Puff are everywhere … Facebook  |  Instagram  |  Twitter  |  Tumblr
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rurik-dmitrienko · 4 years
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Collapsology By Rurik Dmitrienko
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lescritiqueschelous · 5 years
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Encore un Terminator 3 ?! "Oui, mais celui-ci est chapeauté par Maître James Cameron en personne" nous susurre le marketing (alors que c'était déjà le cas du précédent). La bande-annonce m'avait happé en promettant à demi-mot le démêlage d'un intrigant distingo entre "futur" et "destin". Sémiologiquement parlant, on reste un peu sur notre faim mais à l'arrivée ce n'est pas plus mal : ce Terminator n'y va pas par quatre chemins et a la gentillesse de caler ses expositions sur l'action. Et de l'action, pléthore on en trouve.
Politiquement, Terminator: Dark Fate envoie davantage de signaux contradictoires qu'un schizophrène sous amphétamines pendant un date tinder : la première heure se propose de documenter en loucedé les mécaniques de l'immigration mexicaine (tout y passe : robotisation de la masse salariale, passeurs, camps de rétention, de toute façon il y a plus de boulot la boucle est bouclée le système a la tête sous l'eau) mais une fois arrivé au Texas, Schwarzy prend le relais pour exhiber sa collection de fusils à pompe et défendre par la même occasion les vertus du Deuxième Amendement. Il faut croire que le target audience de Terminator ne vote pas forcement Bernie Sanders, ce qu'on admet volontiers.
Si Dark Fate n'a pas la viscéralité des opus de Cameron, il parvient néanmoins à en reconstituer ponctuellement la saveur et a quelques jolis tours dans son sac. Tim Miller, excellent metteur en scène d'action qui avait du bricoler du setpiece épique avec peu de dineros sur Deadpool, semble s'éclater avec ce budget quatre fois plus conséquent. Mackenzie Davis et Linda Hamilton ont tellement de charisme que si le charisme était du carburant elles pourraient faire concourir une Ford Model T aux 24h du Mans (aucune idée d'où me sort cette analogie). Le scénario, bien dans son temps, s'avère presque plus pessimiste que ses prédécesseurs en dessinant une morale aux airs de maxime survivaliste : on évite pas l'apocalypse mais on préserve nos armes pour la combattre.
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fabriceminel · 5 years
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Earthworms tendencies - mixed media 26 x 20 x 17 cm
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Le monde va déjà mal mais cherchons plus d’argent au lieu de chercher plus d’amour.
The world is doing bad but let’s look for more money instead of looking for more love
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froschperspektiven · 4 years
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Zauberwort ‘Eigenverantwortung’!
Solche Krisen lassen geistige Wackelkandidaten sackartig umkippen (bzw. aufschlagen).
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6th-mass-extinction · 5 years
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zialinart · 5 years
today is cancelled i’m staying in bed
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baeddel · 3 years
several friends of mine got into collapsology and i'm a bit worried coz theyre getting veryyyy anxious and closed-minded about it, i'd like to give them more anticiv/anarchist takes on the subject. i've read desert a while ago and liked it, do you have any other anticiv zine recs ?
unfortunately i dont know anything other than Desert honestly. Desert obviously has a good bibliography, especially Sam Mbah & I. E. Igareway's African Anarchism and the Fifth Estate article on that topic. but its principle reference for the climate science, James Lovelock, is a guy who's work was fringe in the 70s and is now tremendously outdated. it's kind of strange that Desert wants to rehabilitate them, i think thats just a reflection of what the author/s had access to.
Bordiga of all people wrote a proto-anticiv pamphlet called "Onward, Barbarians!"—late in his life Bordiga's thought seems have developed in an esoteric direction focusing particularly on the indigenous American situation, but in a manner more like Montaigne's than Aragorn!'s, for example when In Junitzio Death is Not Scary he praises human sacrifice and says that we only think it's a bad thing because of capitalism. we are already not very far from Zerzan who would like to abolish language and all the rest. the pamphlet is fine but it's alternative vision to collapse is weakly presented & its mostly attacking state socialism which isn't so much of a problem these days!
i went to look and see if Wolfi wrote anything about this and he did, called Barbaric Thoguhts: On a Revolutionary Critique of Civilization, and scanning it it seems good to me. he gives a useful somewhat technical definition of civilization as "areas of concentrated human population separated from the areas where this population gets its sustenance" which is the best i've encountered so far (the term is a very problematic one). Wolfi is also pro-revolutionary while Desert is anti-revolutionary so they might complement one another. He also attacks primitivists who make arguments from what he calls 'biocentrism' by saying that "in reality, biocentrism does not challenge humanism at its roots. It simply seeks to expand the moral values of humanism to include all of Life and not just the Human" and that in place of revolution they await an imminent civilizational collapse "where civilized reality is simply peeled away to immediately reveal a pristine undamaged Wild Nature" which is funny to me because its exactly the same criticism that Nyx makes of primitivism in Cyber-Nihilism. he spends a few paragraphs attacking collapsism, what such a collapse would entail and so forth in a way i find convincing. this might be a good one for your purpose. he also attacks Montaigne!
looking up "collapsism" (preparing for an immanent collapse) i found another attack on the idea, the Ideology of Collapse, but it's crap. the arguments are either basic fallacies, non-sequiturs or unsupported assertions. but if the situation is really serious you can puff up something like this by saying "as you can see, it's already been dismantled here..." with a lot of confidence, or else adding it towards the end of a list of resources and hoping they don't click on it. whether or not the situation warrants cheap tricks like that is up to you.
idk, anyone else got anything?
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kashilascorner · 3 years
Tagged by @harlotrouscorduroy  thank you honey 💕
🌟) last song listened to— last piece by got7 (i was watching them perform at mama hehe) EDIT: como abrazado a un rencor by Roberto Goyeneche because my dad was playing it as I wrote this.
🌷) last movie watched— the expendables lmao (also om shanti om but i haven't finished ir yet)
🌟) currently reading— just started Herlock Sholmes vs Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc last night, Lustrum by Robert Harris which is the second one in the Cicero trilogy, Alice Walker's The color purple which I've been reading for a while (it really is very good, but also really hard so I kinda had to stop because I need something more lighthearted at the moment) , Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë with my dear Hiba (though currently on hiatus of sorts).
🌷) currently watching— We bare bears (French dub for learning purposes) and just started Hello my twenties (I have been looking forward to watch it I really hope it's good 😫)
🌟) currently craving— going outside for a long walk but the weather ia bad (I don't care much for the cold but the rain... The ground gets so muddy 🥺). Also garrapiñados.
🌷) currently working on— French, Korean, housework (cleaning, cooking, and others), writing (I will be submitting a story to an online magazine, the more I look at it the more dissatisfied I'm with it but still wish me luck please 💕), Christmas gifts
🌟) currently playing— as in videogames? I rarelly play them, other than the flow free puzzles. I'm also playing Life is strange 1 and technically The Witcher 3 too with my brother, but we haven't played since summer (I really want to keep playing though)
I tag: @ciao-knives @epic-summaries @siegeperilousgalahad @collapsology @parisetoilee @lachrimae-pavane @cucullas and whoever feels like doing it 💕❤
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thierry-facon · 5 years
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(Taipei 2019)
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 This week, @rtrixie, @elementarynationalism and a third panellist who is, for legal reasons, definitely not Jordan Peterson discuss artificial intelligence, Neo-Luddism and the arrival of the 21st century techno-Stasi this society deserves. Lukas undergoes the final stage of metamorphosis into Peter Schiff and Sam makes it further down memory lane to anti-capitalism.
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