aurianneor · 2 months
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C'est râpé!
Lava las verduras y quítales la piel, excepto a la zanahoria, que está llena de vitaminas. Ralla en una ensaladera una zanahoria, un trozo de apionabo, una colirrábano y una remolacha roja o amarilla crudos. También puedes rallar un poco de hinojo. También puedes añadir hojas de ensalada picadas.
Prepara una vinagreta: Pon en un bol 1/4 de vinagre balsámico y 3/4 de aceite de cáñamo, linaza, aguacate o nuez. Sazona con sal.
Sirve la ensalada rallada en un plato con la vinagreta y la levadura de cerveza.
Que aproveche.
Se trata de un plato saludable porque las verduras crudas contienen menos azúcar que las cocidas. Se conservan todas las vitaminas.
Le goût et la santé: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-gout-et-la-sante-savoir-lire-les-etiquettes/
Oh purée! du céleri-rave!: https://www.aurianneor.org/oh-puree-du-celeri-rave-si-vous-le-souhaitez/
Fruits are not fun !: https://www.aurianneor.org/fruits-are-not-fun/
Pamplemousse sur le pouce: https://www.aurianneor.org/pamplemousse-sur-le-pouce-ya-meme-pas-de-mousse/
Thomas Mozart: https://www.aurianneor.org/thomas-mozart-plus-la-qualite-des-produits-est/
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L’arbre-brocoli: https://www.aurianneor.org/larbre-brocoli-changer-un-arbre-en-brocoli/
Ancient Rome Vegetable: https://www.aurianneor.org/ancient-rome-vegetable-plus-les-ingredients-sont/
C'est râpé! : https://www.aurianneor.org/cest-rape-2/
C'est râpé! : https://www.aurianneor.org/cest-rape/
CCC: https://www.aurianneor.org/ccc-la-recette-preferee-de-mes-enfants-plus-les/
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
Every so often learning a foreign language will unlock some bits of knowledge you might not have known otherwise. 
For example: If you’re an English-speaker you might not realize that cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, rutabaga and a few other vegetables are actually related in terms of the plant genus Brassica - a genus where you have plants that are related to mustard and cabbage
Now, I don’t claim to be a plant scientist but there was an interesting pattern that I noticed in Spanish when I was learning vegetables - a pattern that I believe also exists in other European languages
You’re probably going to want to image search as we go along because you’ll see the thought patterns here
In Spanish, there are two words for “cabbage”, el repollo ...and la col
It’s la col that’s the root word you’ll see throughout these words
(Unrelated note, every time I see el repollo I chuckle a bit because my brain is like “ah yes very-chicken”, don’t be like me)
Even in English you can kind of see the connection here, assuming you know the root word col. 
It’s the same root for el brocóli “broccoli”, la coliflor “cauliflower” [like a “cabbage flower”], el colirrábano “kohlrabi”, etc
Where it might get a little murkier is the other words that are very distinct in English, but make a lot of sense in Spanish
First, “kale” - in Spanish you typically see this as la col rizada or el repollo rizado... literally this is “curly cabbage” where rizado/a often means “curly” or “wavy”... and if you’ve come across this word before, it’s often in the context of hair; there’s another word la berza which sometimes applies to “kale” but I’ll talk about that later
Second, “Brussels sprouts” are very simply las coles de Bruselas literally “cabbages from Brussels”... sometimes los repollos/repollitos de Bruselas 
Next you have two interesting ones el colirrábano for “kohlrabi” and there are a few words for “rutabaga” but I’m most aware of la naba or el nabicol or el colinabo. 
These are interesting because if you know the other vegetables in Spanish you’ll understand what they mean, or at least the thought pattern. Spanish (and all languages I’ve studied honestly) has a tendency to name things after other things they know... like “this thing looks like this other thing I know of”. In English think “pineapple” which is like “it’s a fruit but it looks like a pinecone” kind of thought; in French pomme de terre is “potato” but literally “apple [or “apple-shaped”] of the earth”; Italian has my personal favorite pomodoro for “tomato” which is “golden apple”
So, el colirrábano is made up of la col “cabbage” and el rábano “radish”... so it comes out like “raddish-shaped cabbage”. For “rutabaga”, el nabo is a “turnip” so el nabicol or el colinabo comes out like “turnip-shaped cabbage”
As for la berza it is sometimes used for “kale” or “collard greens”... you can probably see the etymology there with “collard”, but “kale” is also connected to that same col- root word
la berza is thought to be a kind of evolution of virdia or viridis in Latin meaning “green”... so like verde 
Thus, “kale” or “collard greens” are sometimes la berza which is like “greens”
But if we’re talking purely linguistics it comes out like “cabbage” and “cabbage greens”
Or in Spanish you might see la col rizada “kale” [again, “curly cabbage”] and la col berza [something like “deep green cabbage”]
And anyway this is why I can’t be trusted in a supermarket because I go on an etymology journey in the vegetable section thanks for coming to my tedtalk
la col = cabbage el repollo = cabbage
el brocóli = broccoli
la coliflor = cauliflower
el colirrábano = kohlrabi
la col / las coles de Bruselas = Brussels sprouts el repollito / los repollitos de Bruselas = Brussels sprouts
la col rizada el repollo rizado = kale
la berza = collard greens la col berza = collard greens
el nabo = turnip
la naba = rutabaga el nabicol / el colinabo = rutabaga
el rábano = radish
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cocinayrecetas · 6 years
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Colirrábano (kohlrabi) se puede comer rallado en ensaladas, al vapor, hervido, asado y salteado. #comida #cocina #ingredientes #hortalizas / #food #cooking #vegetables #cookingingredients
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healthysweetness123 · 7 years
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Con la Letra C (4): * Col de Milán, Coles de Milán, Repollo de hoja rizada, Col de Saboya, Repollo crespo * Col lombarda, Col roja, Col morada, Repollo rojo, Repollo morado * Col rizada, Coles rizadas, Brecolera, Col gallega, Col crespa, Col enana, Col escocesa, Col forrajera, Col caballar * Coliflor, Coliflores, Minicoliflores * Colinabo, Rutabaga, Nabo de Suecia, Nabicol, Nabo suizo, Nabo sueco, Nabo blanco * Colirrábano, Colirrábanos, Colinaba, Col rábano * Curuba, Curubas, Taxo, Tumbo, Parcha, Tacso, Granadilla cimarrona, Parchita en las Islas Canarias
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