#coffee drinkers of tumblr
commongroundco · 4 months
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Just in case you need some convincing! Try our new seasonal flavors in stores today!
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witch Eclipse doing some research...
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un-known97 · 11 months
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Tea 🍃🥃
By me @un-known97
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mintithecheetah · 2 months
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Have a cozy Tea and Coffee Shelf! Most of the things on the shelves are inspired by things I have on my own!
This is now available as a shirt in my shop!
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inkedbantam · 11 months
Coffee is essentially derived from the Coffee Berry, which would be categorized as a fruit.
Coffee Is Hot Fruit Juice
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tyra-altavilla · 2 months
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Here's a GIF
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And here's all of the frames!!
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paigebraddock · 2 years
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A comic ode to ☕
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Feel free to expound the morning drinks you like in the comments or tags.
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daugterofliterature · 2 years
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commongroundco · 4 months
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You look weary from scrolling, traveler. Rest here by the fire and have a cup of coffee on us.
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sincha8989 · 7 months
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alldayhopeshop · 1 year
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badseed-63 · 2 years
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dreamykirb · 2 months
Intro post!
Hello my loves~ thought I would finally make an intro post!
Almost everyone calls me Squish as my name but my birth name is Lauren!! Nice to meet you 🥰
I’m 22 and from the states~ I’m a hugeeee Zelda and Kirby nerd, I love those gaming series so much! Also a big coffee and tea drinker and I love to read! Throne Of Glass is my ultimate favorite series! My fellow fantasy readers and just anyone, I highly recommend the series it’s a ride lol
I am a huge rock girly, fucking love rock music, especially grunge rock. Alice In Chains is top tier for me, also love classic rock and heavy metal. I do listen to most genres of music but rock has my whole heart
I also absolutely adore the moon and astrology 🥰
Fandoms I’m in include the following:
Dan and Phil (love these idiots)
Alice In Chains (rip layne you angel)
ATLA (Zuko and Toph are my children)
Zelda (twilight princess always)
Kirby (Air Ride all day)
Vikings (Ivar is my beloved)
I am a ler leaning switch :) I don’t hardly ever lee with people one on one unless I have a connection and trust with the person. As my bio states, I love to tease 🤭 I’ve always known that I liked tickling since I was 6 and joined tumblr/ the community when I was 11 but didn’t interact with anyone until I was 18~
This is a SFW blog but I still advise minors to not interact as there’s a lot of weirdos out there who have malicious intentions unfortunately.
That’s all for now, much love to all of you~ 💕
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bleepbloopblaa · 4 months
I have a ton of headcanons
- L gets really goofy when he’s super sleep deprived. He can go two weeks max without hallucinating. If he goes past that, he l kicks his feet and giggles and is all sorts of goofy. (One time when Light and L were handcuffed, L had stayed up for a couple weeks by accident and Light had to have a date with Misa the next day. As interesting as the case L is sharing is, it’s 3 in the morning my guy-)
- Light likes mint chip ice cream
- L can’t stand the texture of the word “socks”
- Matsuda loves Christmas music, L and Light hate it. L bans Matsuda from playing it without headphones in. Matsuda plays it at full volume through his headphones and lays the headset next to L and Light randomly throughout November-December. L can’t technically get mad since Matsuda is technically following the rule and he hates it.
- L has to do a double take every time Matsuda says something smart.
- “This is the same man who played Mariah Carey on November 1st, what do you mean he- it’s definitely a clone. There’s no other explanation”
- L randomly yells out to every happy whatever holiday it is because he forgets what everyone celebrates because he knows too many holidays.
- It’s the only way he keeps track of what day it is
- L was a show choir kid
- That’s how he is so mobile and flexible and knows how to fight, he was a ✨dancer✨
- He is a bass, but can hit soprano notes
- L can play poker
- L loves pumpkin spice
- L also loves dad jokes. They’re so amazingly bad that Soichiro winces at them. It’s amazing. Misa absolutely loves them.
- On a related note: Soichiro (before the Kira case) absolutely told so many dad jokes that embarrassed Light so much. Light every once in a while will let a dad joke slip because he grew up with them and every time he is so disappointed in himself.
- Light wore a dress one time to prove a point/on a dare. He’s loved dresses since. Soichiro actively bought him the first dress when Light asked for it.
- L is a hot coffee drinker, Light is an iced coffee drinker
- Update: I learned L canonically lets his hot coffee run cold. Still, headcanon applies: he always makes it hot at first and will either drink it so it burns his mouth or it’s cold. No inbetween
- Light has pictures of L on his phone like how some people have pictures of their cats/dogs/kids
- L had an underground fanbase that was so small due to a lack of knowledge and publicity about him. When the Kira case and L went public happened, the fanbase was like “WE LOVED L BEFORE IT WAS COOL!!” And there would be comments and tumblr posts and stuff being like “like if you were here before Kira 😜” and stupid stuff like that like how you know fan bases are.
- Bonus: Light started the fanbase in middle school and he was a very well know L x Reader fic writer, but he kept his identity secret. He wrote fics of every au, had x male, x female, and x nonbinary stories. He was so well known that that he had his own little fanbase
- One day, Light got bored of writing the fics and wasn’t hyperfixated on L anymore so he just randomly stopped and his fans were concerned and worried that L thought he knew to much and got to him
- Light’s online name would be “Moon” because it would be hilarious
- (Somewhat) Related: Light wrote fanfiction in middle school and freshman year
- L proposing to Light, and instead of Light being like “damn it! I wanted to do that first!” Or have any irritation, he just gets the biggest smile plastered on his face as he looks at the ring on his finger, a complete loss for words
- L can pole dance (respectfully clothed thank you very much) because he wanted to spite a teacher in highschool
-fuck it, L has a ton of random hobbies that make no sense and half the time he has a story behind it
- he can play drums and guitar and a little piano, but can’t play a flute and it will always anger him because he knows he has the breath support for this, so why can’t he??
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wlw-imagines · 1 year
Coffee Shop - Kara Danvers/Reader (Supergirl)
request: i found this prompt and was wondering if u could write it with kara danvers from supergirl pls?? "i started writing 'Supergirl' on your coffee cup as a joke because you kind of look like her but it actually turns out you are them oh shit - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed (jk it is hardly edited at all) !! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing
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Starting anywhere as a newbie was tough. Especially at this coffee shop... when you’d never made coffee before... and to be honest, you weren’t even really a coffee drinker. But, alas, you had rent to pay and a job opening had come through and you had been accepted for the job. More fool them.
The coffee shop was a busy one, constantly on the go. Your hands were already covered in burns and your new clean white apron was now covered in coffee drips and smears. Your shift had only started 45 minutes ago.
You let out a deep sigh and slouched, leaning on the serving desk to try and gather some energy before the next customer appeared. You really couldn’t bear some jackass in a fancy business suit complaining that you’d made their fancy coffee wrong again. Even though you had most definitely made it wrong.
As the next customer approached, you perked up slightly. Maybe the next 10 minutes of your life as a barista would be more bearable.
"Good morning, you must be new here! I'm Kara." She began and smiled cheerfully at you. She also added in an awkward wave before pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Uh, yes I am." You replied, letting your customer service smile develop into a real one. "Is it that obvious?" You laughed slightly, there was probably a 'newbie' aura about you (maybe it was the burnt hands?), it was fairly obvious how nervous you were, and you didn't need pretty girls making you even more flustered around boiling hot liquid.
"No, no! You're perfect- I mean, you know, you're great- doing great." She rambled, her cheeks reddening. "I pick up coffee from here every day before I go to work so I guess I just know everyone who works here pretty well."
“Morning Kara! The ususal?” Your co-worker, Liam, greeted her with a smile. He had been a slight godsend to you and had the patience of a saint. No matter how many times you had fucked it up.
“That would be great, but no rush!” She added, politely eying your resigned expression. You could hardly make 1 cup of coffee and now you had to make 6? For a pretty customer? Shit.
Liam nudged you, “Ready?” He smiled, his eyes slightly teasing as you took in a deep breath and nodded hesitantly.
“Yeah, sure, piece of cake.” You shrugged, taking the order note and looking to find the easiest first. Small steps.
On the first attempt of the first coffee you already found yourself once more cursing yourself for ever applying to work here in the first place. Your curses were interrupted by Kara looking at you with a worried look. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon." She gave you an encouraging smile and you shot her a weary look.
"God, I really hope so." You mumbled, running your burnt hand under the tap for a couple of seconds.
After a short pause (and two successful coffees in) Kara cleared her throat and nodded towards the coffee machine, “It’s like riding a bike, right?”
“Huh?” You glance up quickly, confusion etched on your face.
“Making coffee. Once you learn, you’ll be set.” She elaborated, fiddling with her fingers anxiously. 
You smiled slightly and gave an embarrased shrug, “I can’t ride a bike.” You admitted.
“You can’t?” She looked slightly crestfallen, hoping to have made you feel better rather than just make you feel worse about the situation. “Oh.” She faltered, annoyed with herself. Her brain searched for something else to say to make you feel better and to make you properly smile again. Before she could, you continued.
“I just never understood like, the pedalling? And the turning and also the gears?” You let out a soft laugh, “Although a bike makes more sense to me than this coffee machine so maybe I do have a chance.” You smiled up at her and her heart melted. That was the smile she was aiming for.
“I could teach you!” She burst out, without really thinking about what she was saying. Kara shook her head and tried again, “I mean, I like cycling. It’s easy once you get the pedalling and the turning and the gears down.”
You nodded, trying not to let her offer go to your head, “Do you also know how to make coffee by any chance?” You joked, standing up to properly face her and nodding your head over to the devil machine.
“Can’t help you there, sorry.” She put her hands out apologetically. You laugh and go to continue the conversation, but before you can Liam is nudging your shoulder and pointing to the coffee you were making.
“Y/N, the cup-” You turn around to see the coffee pouring out over the top of the cup, overfilling and spilling everywhere.
You leap towards the cup and let out a small, “Shit.”
9 cups of coffee later (3 of which were currently residing in the trash can), you carefully started to pass the cups into a holder, so she could carry all of them at the same time, and then hesitated.
"Which one is yours?" It’s your first shift and you're already trying to pick up girls. You decided to forgive yourself, you deserved it after the hell of this shift. Once it was pointed out (she had black coffee usually, which surprised you as it didn't seem to suit her sweet character), you wrote your number and drew a little picture of a superhero and labelled it 'Supergirl' - you were quite proud of yourself for making the art.
They didn't look identical or anything, but you had noticed that there were similarities from the moment she had stepped up to the counter. Once you were finished you slid the carrier of drinks and her black coffee over the counter.
She frowned slightly, looking suspiciously at the doodle on her cup. You shrugged, suddenly feeling a little self concious. You weren’t sure what about - the drawing? Your flirting? Your bad coffee skills? You cleared your throat.
"Well, it's a joke." You smiled at her. "Just because, well y'know, you look a bit like Supergirl...” She looked up at you, eyes slightly wide, which you couldn’t tell if it was a good sign or not, “If you just took away the glasses and added a cape-" You trailed off slightly when she started to look uncomfortable. You straightened up and cleared your throat feeling somewhat guilty that you seemed to have distressed your new (and favourite) customer. "Sorry, I meant it as a- it was supposed to be kind of like a compliment." You smiled gently, trying to show her that you didn't mean her any harm or discomfort. In the short space of time that you had met this women you couldn't help but feel completely distracted by her.
"Oh, right - Yes, of course... well, she is pretty strong and it must be kinda cool to be able to fly. Hypothetically speaking, of course. So, uh, yes. Thank you." She looked back at her cup then tilted her head to the side to read your writing. "Wait, what does that number mean?" Kara tilted her head, her eyes scanning her coffee cup. It's like she was deliberately trying to make your heart melt.
"That is my phone number." Blood rushed up to your cheeks. You don’t recall a time where you had to explain your pathetic attempts at flirting so much.
"Ah, right. Yes. Your phone number...” She nodded thoughtfully before her brows shot up and she looked back at you, a similar red creeping into her cheeks, “which I will phone you with." The realisation dawned on her face as it slowly sank in that you had just given her your number. 
You laughed and leaned towards her again. "Yes." You nodded, licking your lips. "Or you can text me. It's up to you, if you were to want to go out sometime, that is."
"No- I mean yeah, I'd love to. That, that would be great. I-" She grinned and she nervously pushed her glasses up her nose again. "I should go but I hope to see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, of course. As long as I haven't burnt the joint down, you'll definitely see me tomorrow." You joked and watched as she nodded slowly with a small smile in return and turned to leave.
As she walked out the door she looked back at you, giving you a little wave before walking out and away. You smiled and took a step back from the counter, mentally congratulating yourself on the win, until you knocked a cup of coffee from the side and it flew all over your feet. 
“Shit.” Maybe your job here wouldn't last as long as you thought.
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