#clow country
tsubasaclones · 22 days
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randomnameless · 6 months
Which are the biggest examples of cowardice from the writers of VW and GW, never meaningfully adressing House Goneril's usage of child slaves or never having Claude point out in any of his “Fódlan and Almyra have bad relations because the two of them don't want to understand each other” speeches that Almyra invading Fódlan for fun once a week is a much more likely reason for the two countries not getting along than simple ignorance and close-mindedness?
I'd say the first anon,
Because the second comes from the first!
Meaningfully adressing the Goneril Slavery issue means, to make it meaningful, that Claude shoud react to it.
Also, because adressing the Goneril issues means, obviously, adressing the "whys" they think or have their biased POV against Almyrans, which brings us to the weekly raids.
If the Goneril issue was adressed, we could have Hilda/Holst/their mom/their second degree cousin say that they are at least treating the Almyran children as human beings (lel) which is already giving them more care than what Almyrans do when they raid and pillage and "rampage" in Fodlan cities - maybe with some sort of Matthias-like example, Almyrans killing a pregnant woman, or, idk to keep in the "grandma from the 1800s tells me what the Orient is like" bias, captured women or what not.
Which, could, in turn, lead Claude to acknowledge that both parties treated each other like shit, but to stop the cycle, one has to stop, and, idk, House Goneril accepting to make the first step at Hilda's behest because even if Claude is half-Almyran, he wants to help and save everyone, even Fodlan people.
But this is only an AU!
Tl;Dr : not adressing the child slavery issue means you cannot adress the weekly raids - but the biggest argument against VW and GW is how the cast never reacts - especialy not the Gonerils - to Claude's speeches and/or ideas
It's almost as if only Dimitri and Rhea can receive backlash (earned or not!) for their words and actions but the other two can tell their followers the sky is green, and they will never give them any flak.
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floorpancakes · 2 months
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its about perspective dont look at me
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2016, 2017 + 2018
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Cardcaptor Sakura – requested by moon-shadow-1985
1. The Watery
2. Princess Tomoyo of the Country of Nihon
3 - 7. Tomoyo
8. Meiling
9. Kaho Mizuki
10. Nakuru Akizuki
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raquelsantos92 · 2 years
Another one bites the dust....
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trcquotes · 1 year
Sakura: When I got my feather back in Chunhyang’s country, I saw something. It was my country, and my big brother, the king, was there, and so was the high priest, Yukito. It was when King Touya was still a prince, and father was still alive.
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starberry-cupcake · 9 months
Something I find really amusing about CCSakura lore (as messy as CLAMP can be with consistency) is how Touya and Syaoran both have in common the fact that they inadvertently fucked over Clow's predictions and are now crucially inserted in whatever goes on whether they want it or not, having both insane unpredictable magic.
Touya derailed Clow's plans possibly just by being born and that he didn't consider that Fujitaka could have two kids. Him just existing and finding Yukito already changed everything. Yukito's independent nature from Yue's memories, born from the need of him to ignore his given purpose until the right time, gave him a clean slate of freedom of choice which he used to stick to Touya instead of Sakura, as Clow had considered would happen. Yukito fell for him without even knowing that he or Touya had magic. Then Touya gave Yue his magic, while acknowledging Yue as a different entity separate from Yukito but equally as valid and worthy of being saved, and as much as Yue cares deeply about Sakura, you can't convince me that magic gift in itself wasn't something that finally pushed him to start moving past his grief for Clow once and for all, especially at a time they knew for a fact that Clow was somehow lingering, because his magic was showing up.
Not only that but Touya ended up having even more magic, independent from Clow's own, and is one of the incredibly few people in existence who can control time magic and when asked by Kero, Spinel and Ruby Moon wtf is up with that he goes like 'what, like it's hard?'.
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Then Syaoran, after losing his right over the cards, just decides to stick around, risking his life persistently to save and assist Sakura, and instead of feeling a sense of competition forever because of his bloodline and what he was taught to feel entitled to due to his upbringing, he just decides he'll give her whatever he can to help her if she asks, because he loves her. And Sakura also falls in love with him. And the cards become attached to Syaoran because Sakura is attached to him and their magic intermingles in a way in which not only she can lend him cards, they tag along with him out of their own free will without Sakura even knowing because they care for him too, out of Sakura's love and out of their own choice because hey, this kid is good.
And Syaoran develops his magic as a separate form from Clow's and it becomes powerful enough to break through insane powerful magical barriers to reach Sakura when she's in danger.
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And neither of them really knew what the fuck they were actually getting into in the first place, because one was just vibing with a guy he met at school and the other one was sent at age 10 by his family to pick some cards in a foreign country and now they're magical beacons forever attached to Clow's legacy.
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completeoveranalysis · 2 months
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I turned the page thinking there was one more to go, but it looks like this is actually split across a double page spread. But since I've seen it let's talk about it anyway!
It's all the worlds we've seen! And in the most CLAMP way possible we see them overflowing and overlapping but THROUGH the frame that Sakura's Wings makes of them. They HAVE the memories of these worlds inside them, and here they visually show us the mess of them all colliding and ripping apart.
And it's gorgeous! Is this all of them? Let's see, if we start in the top left and go counter clockwise we see Acid Tokyo (1), with I think Koryo beneath it (2), and what I am going to assume is the library from Recourt (3). We have a clear Piffle (4), followed by the Land of Fog (5) (justice for the mini-arcs!), and then Infinity (6) which is hilariously just a picture of Eagle Vision since we didn't see much of the world itself outside of his illegal fighting ring. Next is Nihon I think (7), followed by Hanshin (8), and the flower fun district in Shara (9). Above that is Yukito and Toya in Clow (10), going sideways is The Country Which Had Tornado-chan in it (11), and crossing behind both of those is the ferris wheel I think has to be Edonis/Outo (12), above that is Jade (13), Yuuko's store (which I didn't count as a separate world but sure, 14), and Shura - which I technically count as the same as Shara, but sure, let's make that 15 visible worlds.
You could argue that Clow and Acid Tokyo are the same world, which would bring it down to 14, but you could also say that about Shara and Shura, which would do the same. If you did it for BOTH that would bring it down to 13, which means one is missing. Oh, Seresu? Does Seresu not count because it doesn't exist anymore?
Either way! The numbers are murky and the math doesn't really matter but I like that it's close enough and entertaining enough that I stared at a jpg for twenty minutes straight! So that's a win!
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loudestdork · 1 month
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Card Captor Sakura x SIX The Musical
In celebration of SIX going here to my country soon, here's six queens clow card
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undesiredwish · 2 months
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you gotta love the CLAMP fandoms absolute misunderstanding of Clow Reed's character. they paint him like he's a problem when all Clow wanted was his loved ones to be happy and to give them a bit more whimsy in their life. he was never once out right malicious. Kerobero's and Yuuko both speak about him in a dogging tone because that was their relationship with him. They knew he was silly and had a whimsical lifestyle. He did things that contridicted expectations but everything he did was out of love and for people he cherished.
It doesn't take away from the fact that what happened to Yuuko and by extension the multiverse IS his fault, but ya'll act like it's intentional. this man was grieving a loved one. who hasn't had a moment when facing a loved one who was dying and having an unspoken wish that they would just open their eyes again after they have passed. he never intended for what to happen to happen. his magic acted on it's own while he was grieving because he was too powerful. he was also the first magician of his kind and his magic was unheard of. there was no way of knowing it was going to react the way it did just because he had an extremely human emotion.
he went to clow country to rectify his mistake and sacrifice himself to give everyone the best chance he could- and give sakura hime a better childhood than what she would have had without a parental figure. fujitaka and nadeshiko are displaced, it would have left child touya to raise her. it was right thing to do. yes it was also in part to prepare her but you have to admit he never wanted to put ANYONE through what he knew was to come. he did his best to give everyone the best chance they could have while trying to fix what he did unintentionally, and yall take him like hes a monster because Eriol is Eriol and Keroberos wants to vent talk his former master who hes STILL GRIEVING- because he doesnt know what truly happened. clow protected his guardians from the truth because if they knew what he did, that would destory them. If his guardians knew what Yuuko was going through, it would destory them. he lied to them and gave them false memories because the alternatives would grantee yue never take's Sakura as his new Master.
just because eriol lead with the whole 'i was clow reed in my former life' does not mean that it was clow intentionally influencing eriol's actions and the direction he took with testing sakura to finish changing all the cards. eriol does not want to be clow. he's overshadowed by prestige of a former reputation- but it was still his own choices on how things played out. no matter if clow was 'i might make things difficult for you, sakura, but i know you'll be alright'. eriol has clow's memories. it's going to has a little overlap but eriol is still eriol. eriol was influenced by prior knowledge but still is his own person- just like fujitaka. he has his own preferences and sense of humor. they are similar but again, they are not the same person.
all he has ever wanted is to do right by people he cherishes. this man isn't a demon. he loved playing harmless pranks on yukko and being silly. none of the cards were made or intended to cause pain.
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theoutcastrogue · 26 days
Favorite movie from 01?
[Give me a year and I'll give you my favourite films / recommendations]
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Perhaps "favourite" isn't the best word, perhaps the best word is "biggest obsession", but I have to go with Mulholland Drive. David Lynch is a very special case, you're either into him or you ain't, and arguments either way are of little use. I just want to note 2 things, about Lynch in general and Mulholland in particular:
Contrary to all appearances, it actually makes sense. It may be a weird sense, a dream sense (literally a dream, for like half of this movie), but it's not random.
It doesn't need to make sense to you to be enjoyable. It's perfectly cool to treat it like a trip, and just get lost in the highway sauce. You can revisit it later, and think about it and look up what others have made of it, but it's optional.
Now, these 4 are my favourite 2001 films:
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Spirited Away needs no introduction, it's widely thought as the best Ghibli film, and I love it to bits.
I'm a complete sucker for Moulin Rouge! and for truth! beauty! freedom! love!, and will accept no criticism at this time.
El espinazo del diablo (The Devil's Backbone) is early Guillermo del Toro, and a sort of prelude to Pan's Labyrinth: it's horror, it's set during the Spanish Civil War, and it takes a stance, along with its own supernatural elements.
And I simply adore Hedwig and the Angry Inch (second musical lol). Does that need an introduction, on 2024 tumblr?
Also of interest:
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Monster's Ball is the best from the rest, an incredible drama with Halle Berry's best performance. Very disturbing from start to finish. "Billy Bob Thornton plays a prison guard who begins a relationship with a woman (Halle Berry), unaware that she is the widow of a man (Sean Combs) he assisted in executing."
Ocean's Eleven is the fully on-brand film, it pretty much defined what modern American heist films should be like. No small feat!
Das Experiment: so the Stanford experiment inspired some notoriously bad takes, not least by Zimbardo himself. It also inspired this amazing film. Please don't bother with the pointless American remake. (I owe tumblr a serious post about the Stanford experiment btw, but this is not the place.)
The Brotherhood of the Wolf is surely the wackiest AND darkest action / horror / period / swashbukcling / wuxia / monster film out there. We're in 18th century France, there's the legendary beast of Gévaudan, and cults, and spies, and all of the above.
Il mestiere delle armi (The Profession of Arms) is a shoutout to @wearemercs, it's a realistic war film with landsknechts and condottieri in 16th century Italy, we don't see that every day.
@feyariel I remember that Metropolis was wonderful and I loved it, but not much else about it. Sorry, it's been a while and I have shit for memory!
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Monsters, Inc.: not best Pixar, but good Pixar
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: can't leave this one out!
The Man Who Wasn't There: excellent neo-noir by the Cohens
Gosford Park: a whodunit set at an English country house, and the polar opposite of Downton Abbey (which goes at great lengths to convince us that masters deserve their servants' loyalty), ironically written by the same person
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain (Amélie): here begin the films that were adored back then, especially by the artsy/festival crowd, but I haven't seen them since and I've no idea how they've aged
Ghost World: based on the comic book by Daniel Clowes
Waking Life: Linklater, philosophy, rotoscope, Ethan Hawke's there, oh my!
Y tu mamá también: Alfonso Cuarón, road trips, sex, young Diego Luna, young Gael García Bernal, oh my!
Ichi the Killer: by Takashi Miike, based on Hideo Yamamoto's manga. do not watch this if you're not completely sure you wanna watch this lol
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tsubasaclones · 2 years
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This is the funniest message I've sent
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mikoriin · 7 months
Drunken Nights (SyaoSaku NSFW Fic)
so this is actually a couple years old by now, but its a bit i want to insert into my syaosaku fic 'Love Will Be Ours' which you can read here on ao3. i dont know when this would happen, but i felt it in my bones one day back in 2020 and wrote this. its been revised since then, but i hope you all enjoy all the same!
Drunken Nights (read on ao3)
Pairing: Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto
Media: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating: 18+
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, First Time
Sakura has just been coronated Queen of Clow, promising she will lead her people into a new day where war no longer touches their country's soil, and so the kingdom held a huge party to celebrate their new queen. After celebrating hard, Syaoran leads Sakura to her chambers for the night, however, this time, she asks him to stay with her. Feeling like it would be a betrayal to himself if he said no, Syaoran enters his queen's chambers with her and they find themselves entangled in each other.
The coronation party was a success. Everyone was dancing, singing, and laughing, drinking to their hearts’ content celebrating the newly crowned queen of Clow. Their armies had pushed back the Celecian troops and the war was going in their favor for the first time. Everyone important attended the party, from dukes and duchesses to the members of the royal court. The only person missing was Yukito, though he had given Sakura his blessings and good word to her the previous day. Even Fei Wong was there for a bit, though Sakura found that he soon disappeared as things started getting especially lively. 
The thing that surprised the queen the most, however, was just how much Syaoran let loose. She watched him open up to Ryuuoh and Tomoyo, laughing and cheering in a way she had never seen. It warmed her heart. She hadn’t felt as giddy as she did at the party than she had before Touya passed away. It was a nice change of pace from all the politics consuming her life. Now, however,  it was late into the evening and Sakura had excused herself to her chambers as the ambassadors and court members drank themselves sick. 
Snickers and giggles echoed in the empty halls of the palace, music just barely audible in the queen’s ears. Her vision was fuzzy and her stomach swirled with butterflies as she held Syaoran’s hand heading to her chambers, just as the two of them would do any other night. Though tonight, the hand-holding was new. 
“Mr. Fai and Mr. Kurogane were so funny tonight.” Sakura said, swaying their hands between them as they walked side by side. “They’re such a duo.”
Syaoran smiled, “Mr. Kurogane is very strong. He seems indifferent or even cold at times, but he cares. He’s very kind, which is another form of strength.”
Sakura felt her heart swell with glee watching Syaoran talk about someone he loved so dearly. She tightened her grip on his hand.
“And you know, he’s never been easy on me, but he’s taken care of me. Ever since my father died, Mr. Kurogane took me in, even when he didn’t have to. There was no benefit for him, undertaking an inexperienced teeanger with no home or direction.” He continued, a genuine smile painted across his face. “He’s a good man.” 
“Mr. Fai is a lot like Mr. Kurogane.” Sakura chimed in. “His attitude is the complete opposite, always joking and laughing. But, at times he seems like he’s in a faraway world. Like he’s dealing with great pain all by himself.”
She clutched her chest, remembering the way she had been coping with her own pain. Shaking her head, thus ridding the thoughts from her mind, she focused back on Fai. “Despite his pain, I think he’s a good man.”
Syaoran listened to her, just as she had listened to him, feeling warmth seeing her talk about someone she cared about so dearly. Eventually they reached the doors to Sakura’s room, the giddy feeling of being together fading, the sad goodbyes of sleep separating them. Sakura opened the large doors, opening the space into her private quarters. Syaoran began to pull his hand away from hers, but Sakura only held on. 
“Your Highness?” He asked.
Sakura stared at the floor. She didn’t want him to go, but she knew it was time to say goodnight. Biting her lip, she trembled, forcing herself to speak her heart’s true desire. “Stay…”
Syaoran blushed at her request, feeling the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. “Your Highness, I…”
“Please.” She looked him in the eyes now, her face beat red and her eyes screaming for a place to hide, yet she stood her ground.
The knight grew soft at the image of her before him, pleading for him to stay the night with her. How could he say no? He nodded, feeling like it would break every bone in his body to refuse her. Sakura beamed at his answer, leading him into her bedroom. He took in the space he had never seen before, Sakura noticing his head turning every which way. Shutting the door behind her, the queen took her place by his side. Her body trembled as she stood next to him awkwardly. He was actually in her room, in her private quarters where only Tomoyo and her own family had previously entered. 
“Your Highness?” Syaoran asked from beside her, noticing her fidgeting. 
Sakura jumped hearing his voice, she was so nervous she didn’t know what to do with herself. “S-sorry...I know I asked you to come in, but now I’m feeling really nervous.” Her cheeks grew hot.
“Do you want me to leave?” He asked.
Sakura shook her head, grabbing onto his sleeve. “No. I’m nervous, but I’d rather have you with me.”
Syaoran smiled. He felt the same. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “If the queen wishes for me to stay with her through the night, then I will do so.”
Sakura’s whole face turned bright red at this. Her eyes darted from the floor to the ceiling. Syaoran then realized what he did, and blushed himself, letting go of her hand. “I-I’m sorry.” He sputtered out. 
The two stood there in silence for a moment, before turning to each other and speaking. 
“We should-”
They spoke at the same time, cutting each other off. They tried again; 
“I think-”
Cut off once again. They looked at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. This cleared the awkward vibe between them, the both of them gradually becoming comfortable in the shared space. Sakura took a step toward him, closing the gap between them. She gripped his shirt gently, not looking him in the face. “When my brother died...I felt so cold and empty.” She started, her voice a little shaky. 
“Sakura…” Syaoran started, but Sakura hushed him. 
“It’s okay. I’m okay. Because I’m with you.” She looked up into his amber eyes. “When I’m with you, my sadness, loneliness, and anger all seem to fade away. Touya is still on my mind, and sometimes I’ve even tried to push him out. But when I’m with you, Syaoran, I feel like I can properly say goodbye. And he wouldn’t be angry at me for it, because I know he’s ready to go. And I’m ready to rule my kingdom as a queen Clow deserves.” 
Letting go of his shirt, Sakura took his large hand in hers. “And I would like you to stay by my side.” 
Syaoran looked at her wide eyed. He could feel his chest swell and the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. He looked into her jade eyes, seeing every emotion she was feeling in them. He smiled and leaned his forehead onto hers, bringing his pinky finger up between them. “It’s a promise.” He said. 
Sakura blushed at being so close. She brought her pinky to his, locking their fingers together, sealing the oath between them. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long time, feeling everything at once. Then, Sakura did something neither of them expected, bringing her face closer and closer to his until their lips touched. It lasted only a second, but it was soft and tender. Sakura must have realized what she had done, the panic showing on her face. 
“I’m...I’m so-” Sakura stuttered, not able to finish her sentence. 
Syaoran brought a gentle hand to caress her cheek, cupping her white face in his large palm. He brought his face closer to hers now, their lips brought back together. The kiss was gentle, soft, and warm. He broke the kiss, looking at Sakura again. They stared into each other, the sound of their heartbeats the only thing to be heard. They came closer once again, melting into each other as they kissed. Sakura wrapped her arms around Syaoran’s neck as he cupped her lower back, pressing her entire body against his. 
Sakura moaned slightly into his mouth, the sound driving him crazy. He parted their lips, breathing heavily. Sakura’s eyes were slit open, a hazy look on her face. He bit his lip looking at her, his cheeks changing in color. She was too cute, he wanted her to be his, he wanted all of her. He kissed her again, then her cheek, her eye, and moved to her ear. Sakura yelped at the contact. Syaoran quickly retracted his head. “I’m so sorry! Was that too much?” He asked frantically.
Sakura shook her head. “I’m sorry, I was just surprised.” She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair. “If it’s you, Syaoran, you can kiss me anywhere.”
Syaoran’s heart almost burst out of his chest hearing those words. He wanted to kiss anywhere and everywhere. Wanting to hold her and be one with her. Every bone in his body was screaming at him that this was wrong, that they shouldn't be doing something like this, but at the same time he didn’t care. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the simultaneous beating of their hearts, or maybe it was the fact that he was giving in to a long time desire. Syaoran leaned back into her skin, kissing on her lips again ever so gently. He couldn’t get enough of them, the way they molded into his, their softness, their glossy shine when he pulled away. 
Syaoran continued to kiss her, Sakura accepting every one. He moved down to her neck, kissing along her throat, her collarbone, and her shoulders. 
 “Syaoran…” Sakura whispered in a small voice, her vulnerability so loud in that little tone. 
This was like flicking a switch in Syaoran’s brain. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back gently against the wall. He kissed her again, but this time his tongue slid between the folds of Sakura’s lips. She was surprised at first, but Sakura quickly melted back into the sensation of her knight, allowing their tongues to touch and swirl around each other. She felt her legs shake, her hands gripping the sleeves of Syaoran’s white shirt. Syaoran cupped her face as they kissed, the passionate heat of the moment making a lewd voice leave Sakura’s throat. 
Syaoran pulled away quickly, his face completely red. He looked at Sakura’s face in a complete flush, the queen herself covering her mouth. She seemed so embarrassed, but Syaoran was the one who was feeling shame. He had gotten that out of her, and now after hearing it he felt a fire in his lower abdomen. He pulled back, putting distance between the two of them.
“Syaoran?” Sakura asked, a little nervous that she had scared him away.
Syaoran blushed deeply and stood awkwardly to try and hide the very obvious bulge in his pants. He felt so ashamed that he would think dirty thoughts about his queen, the one he has sworn his life to. Sakura seemed to notice because a quiet oh filled their silence. 
Sakura bit her lip. She was also feeling something she wasn’t used to. Sure, she had felt it before, and had even had nights where it wouldn't go away until she took care of it. But this feeling was different and intense . She wanted him. But she had never been so intimate with anyone before, and she certainly didn’t want to force herself on him. Sakura looked back up at her knight, realizing he was doing the same as she. She thought about the way he kissed her, soft and slow, deep and passionate. He wanted her too. 
She took a step closer to him, closing the gap between them. She took his face in her hands and pulled him down to meet her lips, kissing him hard.
“Your Highness, we…” Syaoran gasped once their lips parted, his voice a hoarse whisper. 
Sakura kissed him again, this time soft and slow. She pushed him back until he was resting on the wall opposite the side she came from. Parting their lips, she looked at him with glossy eyes. “It’s okay. We’re okay. If it’s us, there’s no wrong answer.” She said,
Syaoran bit his lip, but the look in her eyes swayed him. He nodded and leaned in for another kiss. Sakura accepted it, their tongues clashing again. She let her hands wander now, down his neck to his chest, and down his abdomen. Syaoran flinched when she reached his groin. She cupped the hard bulge in his pants, a moan escaping the knight despite his best efforts. Hearing such a noise come from her beloved made Sakura’s legs weak, feeling a pulsating sensation between her thighs. She grazed her hand over the bulge, tucking her fingers between his pants and his hips. Unbuttoning his front, she shimmied the pants down his hips. His dick sprung out once it was free, the cool air from the room touching his sensitive skin, making Syaoran shiver. 
Sakura took in a breath upon seeing it for the first time. She had never seen one in person before, only read about them and seen them in anatomy studies, and now she was looking at her special person’s. She looked at Syaoran, his face was beat red and his breathing was rigid. He looked at her then, their eyes meeting. Sakura began to gently run her hand up and down the base of his dick. This made the knight moan. Sakura almost squealed at hearing such a noise coming from him, it made her feel a strange sense of pride and embarrassment at the same time. She kissed him, her hand still stroking his shaft. Syaoran practically drooled at the contact, letting his noises into her mouth.
Sakura was going to go crazy, he was being so vocal, something she hadn’t expected, and it turned her on. She broke their kiss, leaning her forehead on his shoulder, her free hand traveling in between her thighs. Her fingers pressed into her dress, running circles into her clit. She moaned now, letting the lewd sound leave her mouth. Syaoran must have noticed because he went silent and watched her. The queen could feel his erection get harder in her hand, precum leaking from the tip. 
“Sakura…” His low, hoarse voice made Sakura want to touch herself more.
Syaoran then grabbed her hands with his, bringing her sticky hand to his lips and kissing her fingers, a sight that could’ve made Sakura explode. He stared at her with fiery eyes, a look he had never given her before, and began to lead her to her bed. He gently pushed her down onto her soft, silk sheets, laying on top of her and kissing her once again. Sakura wrapped her arms around him, pressing her tongue into his mouth. She felt herself tingle and become even more wet as the time went on. 
The knight broke the kiss, leaving Sakura whining. She felt embarrassed, but felt that her entire body wanted him, needed him. Syaoran kissed down her chin and neck, her collarbone and the top of her chest. He pulled the top of her dress down to reveal those little, plump breasts. Bringing his large hands to touch the soft skin around her nipple, squeezing a bit. Sakura breathed heavily watching him play with her bosom, throwing her head back when he pinched her pink nipple.
“Ah~” She moaned.
Syaoran continued to touch her breasts, bringing his tongue to caress the hard flesh that seemed to be asking for his attention. Sakura mewed at the sensation, feeling the flesh between her thighs pulsate, screaming and begging to be touched. “Syaoran...please..” She cried.
The knight took his cue, snaking his arms around Sakura’s thighs and up her dress. He grazed his gentle hand up her leg, finding the fabric of her panties. Sliding soft fingers between her skin and the underwear, Syaoran pulled his queen’s panties down and off her legs, tossing them to the side. He propped her up on the bed more, placing her legs over his shoulders. Sakura was breathing heavily with anticipation, her body trembling as her fingers wrapped around the skirt of her silky dress. She almost moaned just from the feeling of the fabric caressing her creamy skin.
Syaoran slid his head down her thighs, taking in her aroma. Taking in her scent was like awakening a beast inside him, he wanted to devour every inch of her.
Then, his attention fixated on a small little mark on her inner thigh. It was a fleshy pink color, standing out among her otherwise porcelain skin. He focused on it for a moment, only taking his mind off of it when Sakura asked if anything was wrong. “Syaoran?” She asked.
He said nothing, but instead buried his head into her thighs, licking the wet flesh. Sakura cried out in pleasure, clenching her thighs around his head. Syaoran began to lick and swirl his tongue between her folds, hearing the girl in his arms moan above him. His mouth left her vulva for a moment, a string of fluid connected his lips to her skin. He then went for her clit, taking the small ball of nerves into his mouth. Sakura cried and whimpered as Syaoran sucked on her and massaged her inner thighs, playing with the squishy flesh in his hand. 
Sakura breathed heavily, feeling his tongue go over her clit a little too roughly. She yelped, “Syaoran, wait wait!”
Syaoran’s head shot up from between her thighs, taking her hand in his. “I’m sorry, was I too rough?” He asked, genuine concern in his voice. 
Taking a second to calm herself down, Sakura gave him the go ahead to continue, with a reminder to be a bit more gentle. Syaoran noted this in his mind, gliding his tongue over her once again. Feeling her legs relax at the sensation of all of her nerves being touched, Sakura brought her legs away from her knight’s head. They stayed like that for a bit, Syaoran tasting every bit of her. Everywhere he licked sent tingles up Skaura’s spine, a fire being lit in her body. Syaoran began to massage her entrance, hearing her moan and whimper made his heart beat with every noise that came out of her mouth. 
“May I?” He asked, prodding her with his finger. 
“Please do.” She breathed out in response, feeling his index finger enter her.
She bit her lip as his slender finger slid inside her, the sensation setting her entire body ablaze. Syaoran brought his mouth back to her clit, licking it gently, watching her responses to his actions. He could feel her loosen around his finger as he licked around her folds.
“May I add another?” He asked, his voice eager.
Sakura agreed, clenching the sheets of her bed when he inserted a second finger. He pumped them into her, feeling around to find her sweet spot. She jolted when his finger grazed a certain area inside her, biting her lip so she wouldn’t be too loud. Hearing her response, Syaoran decided he would massage that spot a little more, sending lightning bolts up her body. 
“Syaoran-!” Sakura cried out, feeling pleasure overtake her body.
Syaoran gently licked Sakura’s clit while stroking that spot, Sakura’s squirming under him. Her body began to shake and her hips were grinding against his mouth. She let out little moans, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She never thought something could feel this good, and felt like she was going to explode, the spot between her thighs becoming drenched in her own fluids. Syaoran moaned against her, sending vibrations along the folds of her pussy. Sakura moaned into the empty space of the room, her voice echoing off the walls of her chambers, surely if someone were to walk by they would hear her. 
Syaoran laughed a little to himself, feeling confident that he was able to make her feel this way. He continued to finger her, rubbing circles into the spot that seemed to be her favorite, the sound of her moans turning him on. He wanted to touch himself, but pleasing his queen and holding her thighs around his face was much more important. 
“Syaoran, I'm gonna…” Sakura whispered, feeling her body tremble. 
Syaoran used what little time he had left to really pump his fingers into her, watching her to see if this is what pleased her. Sakura moaned, and bucked her hips against his hand which was soaked in her juices. He went for her clit one more time, the notes in his brain reminding him she really liked this spot touched. He swirled his wet tongue over the ball, taking it into his mouth and sucking. This sent Sakura over the edge, and she felt herself cum, calling out her knight’s name. Syaoran took his fingers out of her, licking up her entrance, cleaning up her mess. The queen’s legs were trembling as she threw her arms over her eyes, breathing as if she had just run a marathon. 
Syaoran finally pulled his lips away from her, licking his lips and fingers, making sure to taste her everywhere he touched. Satisfied with his clean up, he brought his head up to meet her eyes, but he found them closed. She had fallen asleep. He smiled, seeing her contented face made his heart warm. Gently, he pulled her legs off of his shoulders and maneuvered around her to pick her up bridal style. She squirmed a bit in his arms, but Syaoran’s touch was gentle and warm as he held her against his body. He carried her to the head of the bed, tucking her into her sheets. She smiled and cuddled her pillow in her sleep. Syaoran knelt down to kiss her on the forehead. 
“Goodnight, my queen.” He whispered, nuzzling his face into her hair before leaving her bedside and her quarters, letting her sleep her drunken haze away. 
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crowsquaks · 1 year
I pity Clow Reed.
His tragedy is one based on love that fucks me up.
Now before you call me out with "he fucked so much stuff up" "mans was the walking definition of a 'problem'" yes. I know- but that is exactly why I pity him and the cluster fuck he caused.
(This is way longer then I meant for it to be so it gets to go under a cut. I am completely NORMAL about this I swear.)
We get bits and pieces of who Clow was from Cardcaptor, Tsubasa, XXXHolic from an outsider view. He was weird, eccentric and powerful. Yet, when you put all of the view's together, you get this picture that I still have so many feelings with to this day.
Clow fucked up. He know he fucked up with his single thought that stopped Yuuko's time from continuing. Where she was supposed to die, and she didn't. She was stuck outside time by something he did on accident because for a split second he couldn't bear the thought to lose her. That was the moment the whole cycle started, and where he resented being as powerful as he was.
This one choice was something far worse then he could ever dream. (I will continue to pray to usagi to give me a manga, even a one shot I'm not picky, of Clow and Yuuko.)
Now, we know one thing. I will not back down from this, but Clow loved Yuuko. In what way can be interpreted however you want, family, friend, lover sort of love- but he loved her.(I can also ague Clow has a TYPE, but I digress.)He loved her so much that he lost control over his magic to try to stay with her. Which we see a theme in clamps works with the more power you have the more you have to be careful. With great power comes great responsibility.
After we see the loss of control, we don't know what happens next. Except at some point they never see each other again. What we do know is at some point Clow had Momo, but it seemed he wasn't able to use her for what he needed. What would he need her for? To try and fix his mistake with freezing Yuuko's time? Hmmmm. Well- Clamp??? Alas we'll never know, but the crumbs for us to think are there.
After that the timeline gets a little wonky, Clow makes Kero and Yue. He splits himself in 2. Makes his way to the country of Clow to fill the spot his not self is no longer in due to Fei Wong's fucking around. Then we've got nothing, no idea what actually happens to him in the clone time line, just poof. He dead and Toya is king.
The we hop back over to Eriol and he makes Suppie and Ruby moon. Which wouldn't make you suspicious, lonely dude made some friends- except butterflies. Who's mark are butterflies. Yuuko's are. There out in the open, a subtle gesture until remembering how much he loves his creations. Even if he is no longer "Clow" there is still a piece of him in there loving Yuuko.
Clow Reed is a tragedy who is consumed by love and his hubris brought him to his knee's in the most human way possible.
Quick side note, I wonder if the stray thought ever crossed Yuuko's mind looking at Watanuki that... if in another life she and Clow could have had a child. Would that child look as Watanuki does and is this what she couldn't have with him, because she already knows her story has ended. I like'd to to think the person she was talking to when she left was Clow.
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Why Not Buy Bootlegs?
Today, we’re telling you exactly why people could - and should not - buy bootleg items.
We’re primarily looking at magical girl wands from series like Pretty Cure and Sailor Moon, but the below also applies to a variety of figures and props from across all kinds of fandoms and collectibles.
#1: The Cost
One of the biggest arguments people put forward about buying bootlegs is the price - but that isn’t as strong an argument as people seem to think.
Pretty Cure’s Flower Echo Wand retailed for just 1,300 JPY - that’s roughly 13 USD. Meanwhile, the most common bootleg of this wand retails for also 20 USD, and is primarily sold on Chinese exclusive websites. Yes, you read those prices correctly, it was originally more expensive to get the fake!
Now, this has been out of production for years, which does push up the market value a bit. But it is still significantly easier and cheaper to purchase secondhand versions of the real thing, going for as little as 15 USD new in box on secondhand sites like Mandarake, which ships globally, or Mecari JP.
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And this isn’t exclusive to less well known franchises. 
Bootleg versions of Sailor Moon Live’s clear Moon Rod go up to 30 USD. On the other hand, the real thing goes for as little as, you guessed it, 30 USD when in used but working condition, with new in box ones going for 50 USD. You can’t even buy two bootlegs for that!
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That doesn’t mean all of the “real” items are always cheaper or easily obtained - perhaps ironically, series like China’s Balala are difficult to obtain official merchandising for when outside of China, but bootlegs of it are remarkably rampant. 
Plus, any high-quality replicas such as Proplica items will typically cost anywhere from 10 to 100 times as much as their fake counterparts, and have the higher quality structure, screen accuracy, and gimmicks, that the fakes will lack.
#2: Accessibility
We’ve already covered above that these can easily be bough used on Mandarake - check out THIS POST listing tons of globally shipping anime merch stores  - so this argument already feels flat for us.
But, there is some merit to it. Simple chibi style bootlegs can often be bought in local dollars stores for very little, while larger versions are easily found on underregulated conglomerate giants like Amazon and Aliexpress. On the other hand, the real thing takes a lot more patience for preorders and secondhand shop scouring, knowledge of stores - which again can be found in the link above - or even the use of proxies to purchase off sites like Taobao and Mecari. And, as mentioned above, some official items may be exclusive to their respective countries, which can require extra skills and resources.
While none of these things are truly difficult to learn, they can seem daunting and confusing to new collectors, and will put off people who prefer instant gratification.
#3: Cosplay & Kids
This, to us, is the most sensible and excusable reason to buy bootlegs. When it can be difficult, expensive, and time consuming to get your hands on the real thing, especially those that are vintage or limited edition, the last thing you want is for a child or cosplay pose to destroy it!
The same thing goes for wanting to paint it to make an OC weapon, especially given many bootlegs are already incorrect colour schemes that may work perfectly for your design without the need to deface and devalue the real item.
Sometimes, the real thing just isn’t realistic, at the end of the day.
#4: Sometimes They’re Just Cool(er)
We’d love to own that ridiculous spider-man crossover wand, and this blog’s owner couldn’t resist this telescoping Cardcaptor Clow wand made of metal. So many bootlegs, especially the crossovers, feature strange and cool new combinations of characters, art styles, colours, and even product materials.
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The vast majority of official items also have very standardized gimmicks, especially when buying from within a franchise. This can feel boring very quickly! Many bootlegs have additional or unique tricks, such as all these different bubble blowers, or the ones that work as remotes to control a spinning doll, that make them feel more interactive and fresh.
That doesn’t mean the real thing can’t be fun or innovative, but they are often limited to what is depicted on screen on order to make sales.
#5 Art Theft
At the end of the day, bootlegs are art theft. When you choose to support theft over artists, them and the companies producing their work miss out on money. And without money, shows end.
Sailor Moon's sales were credited with providing the necessary funds for new seasons, not the actual viewership or manga sales. If that money had been spent on bootlegs instead of the real thing, the reality is, the Sailor Moon anime may have ceased to exist. So it is essential, especially for smaller ventures, for fans to purchase the real thing and not the fake in order for the series to thrive.
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#6 - Market Value
You may be surprised to learn that bootlegs, in and of themselves, have a surprisingly active market and fanbase that’s separate from the real wands.
As we mention on the post about this Korean Sailor Moon bootleg, all the good factors above, along with the virality, age and location of the item - which adds to scarcity - can lead to a bootleg being just as, or even more valuable that, the real thing. Banned items like the Evil Stick, which find notoriety outside of magical girl spheres, can often be worth far more than their original dollar store tag.
However, all value is relative, and as trends come and go, the price of bootlegs tend to fluctuate far more than the real thing.
Would you buy a bootleg item? Let us know below, and share this with your friends for their thoughts!
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meimi-haneoka · 5 months
Hey Cinzia! Belated wishes for a wonderful new year. My apologies for not writing earlier. It has been hectic (my country does not really have a holiday break) and I am busy with real life. Just read Mokona Minuta and enjoyed it very much. It really captures that CCS feel but gives us a peak into the life Kero and Yue had before CCS began. It really contextualised the grief and anguish they must have felt after Clow "died". No wonder they were so furious at Eriol's appearance. I also tried to read your timeline for the CCS world but the link is not working despite me trying several times. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but can I have some other link so that I can read it? Again, greetings for the new year.
Happy New Year Aubretia!! 🩷 Don't worry at all, I also had moments where I couldn't reply to asks, either cause I was working on other stuff or because I wasn't in the right mental space...
I'm really glad you have read the translation of the Mokona Minuta picture book! ❤️A hidden pearl that I'm sure many still don't know about...I totally agree on the vibe, and it also clarifies better the type of relationship there was between Clow and Yuuko, and the feelings that must have been hidden behind that devastating involuntary wish...
Oh no, you have problems with the CCS timeline?? It's strange, I tried to access it both from mobile and desktop but the link is working for me...😥I'll post the link here again but honestly I don't have another way to show it because it's an animated timeline hosted on Visme and I'd have to pay to get a downloadable version 😥I hope the service isn't restricted in your country or something like that....anyway, try again from this link and let me know how it goes: https://my.visme.co/view/kk18m9nx-cardcaptor-sakura-timeline
If anyone out there had problems accessing this timeline as well, please let me know!
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