#classpect sorting
beatcroc · 4 months
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homest[ar/uck] posting. this was meant to be supplementary to the gerome comic as him 'explaining the joke' but i uhhhhhh forgot.
i'm not much for crossovers in the the traditional sense, but it IS one of my favorite character exploration exercises to just go like 'if x media existed in this universe, who would and would not be a fan of it?'. and these ones are pretty notorious and always very fun to mess with for that and so here we are
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gendertrickster · 1 year
i think people talk about classes and aspects too diegetically and not metaphorically enough. like classes are the structure of a character's projected arc and aspects are the theme the arc is centered around in relation to themself and the setting. that's how i see it
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daz4i · 9 months
this isn't every single character bc some i have a very shaky grasp on so i just skipped them
for some. i had a funny/angsty idea for an aspect and then went with it (for example: kouyou with light). there might be a better option but i like this one
i mostly used one blog for reference bc it has very convenient lists, but i tried to cross check with others as well jic
if you disagree with my takes that's perfectly fine 👍 i will admit i'm no expert on classpects lol and i encourage you to make your own post of this sort, if you'd like :)
if you wanna make art/fics/anything else inspired by any of these...... please tag me in it.......👀👉👈
that being said. here's my list of bsd classpects:
armed detective agency:
atsushi: page of breath
dazai: seer of void 
ranpo: heir of light
yosano: witch of life
kunikida: mage of time
kyouka: knight of space
kenji: sylph of hope
tanizaki: prince of mind
akutagawa: maid of doom
chuuya: heir of blood
mori: rogue of life
kouyou: bard of light
higuchi: mage of heart
kajii: witch of mind
q: page of hope
odasaku: knight of space
decay of angels:
fyodor: bard of mind
nikolai: rogue of breath
sigma: page of blood
bram: mage of life
fukuchi: heir of time
chosen guild members bc i'm too lazy for everyone and idk enough about them:
francis: sylph of blood
poe: mage of mind
lucy: maid of space
hunting dogs:
tachihara: mage of blood
teruko: prince of life
jouno: sylph of rage
tecchou: heir of hope
ango: maid of void
aya: witch of time
mushitarou: rogue of heart
bro the ada is the only one who has a chance of surviving this session fr
also if you're already here have some things that made me feel like i galaxy brained big time:
already posted abt it but, kyouka and odasaku being the same classpect (i knew i want them both to be space bc i thought it fit them and their vibe and patience. but then knight ended up being the best class option too. so)
jouno and tecchou being opposing aspects
^in turn, tecchou being the same aspect as kenji
kunikida and aya being the same aspect, and aya ending up a class that's considered "the same but stronger and more chaotic" than kunikida's
mori being a life player :) he's a doctor after all :)))) (tbh his personality fits a thief way more, but thieves are selfish while rogues work for the benefit of others. and i think that's a core thing about him. so!)
i had the doa trio's classpects locked and loaded in my brain for months now. i actually only made this list so i have an excuse to talk about them. i will not budge on these choices
ok that's it. if you wanna i can elaborate on specific choices but i'm way too lazy to explain every single one lol
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bonefall · 1 year
I'm so sorry and you do not need to post this one. But in the post about hypothetical homophobia in the clans I read "sexualities are seen as any other matesprit preference" and the thought of trying to combine homestuck troll quadrants with every complexity here launched me into the stratosphere (<- I'm not sure what emotion that's meant to invoke. But boy it Sure Was One) (ALSO I LOVE YOUR WORK :3 FUN AS HELL TO READ I LOVE DETAILS)
TO be fair troll quadrants are not even that complex, the writer is just Verbose and Karkat is bad at explaining
Kismesistude is rivalry. You hate loving them. Berrynose and Lionblaze.
Matesprits are standard romantic love.
Moirails are queerplatonic, super besties. I write Blackstar and Russetfur like this
An Auspice is a polyamorous arrangement where the third partner helps facilitate the constellation. Without that third member, they fall into another quadrant
And then in the comic, the drama comes from their society's expectation that you're ideally supposed to have one of each. "Filled quadrants." It's considered deviant to have 2 of one type, and pathetic to have no quadrants filled.
It's a replacement for the fact that Trolls don't have parents, or family. Just an animal that technically raises them, called a lusus, and ancestors that they closest resemble. They don't typically have brothers, or cousins, or what have you.
(Besides identical twins in the newest material but shush)
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ask-ciaphas-cain · 6 months
Cain's Homestuck classpect would be Knight of Hope and honestly it's so fucking funny to me
The man cannot avoid being dressed in bright fucking yellow like a beacon either as a Saint or as godtier
Jurgen is a Bard of Void, obviously
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alienssstufff · 11 months
*shaking like a Chihuahua* If it's no issue can you assign q!Jaiden a classpect?
iii gotta be real, q!Jaiden by far has been the highest requested person to classpect in my inbox....... and I haven't answered a single one cuz i just don't know
like usually with a lot of the members it only takes a few minutes for me to have at least some idea, but with Jaiden? dude I can't decide
based on some of these asks, general consensus is that she's Space-Coded, and with what limited knowledge I have it makes sense knowing she's working with Cucurucho and the dungeon event the other day being a literal metaphor for The Journey. I'll look into it more with the other asks
... But I want more explanation than this, why is Jaiden so Space-coded cuz I see potential in this classpect presenting as such a good deep dive of Jaiden's character.
100% encouraged for any q!Jaiden loreheads watching to throw their thoughts/analysis of her my way (no need to know much about classpects even, i just want to understand her more)
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HIII MAC! i don’t listen to tma (podcasts r hard :[ still working my way thru nightvale) but whatever an avatar of the extinction is sounds very intriguing 👀 giggling kicking my legs twirling my hair. would u like 2 perhaps. explain what that is and how it relates 2 knives perhaps??? i am holding out a microphone 2 u the floor is yours
ok in basic terms. The Extinction rules over. obviously the fear of going extinct. (alt names for it are. The Terrible Change, The Future Without Us, and The World Is Always Ending. which. hello. slaps.) it deals with catastrophies, large forces of change, the human race dying out and being replaced with something else. you know that feeling when you think about how the sun is going to expand and swallow the earth in millions of years and theres no way the planet or anything on it will survive that, but time will keep passing anyway without us? yeah. that.
there werent ever any actual extinction avatars within the show, so its given more as a vague concept instead of given human form (which i think is very fitting) but if it was given a form i think that would be TEXTBOOK knives. thats his Whole Deal.
the extinction IS however manifested physically in different ways in the show, mostly in the form of different technology. and sometimes it gives visions of what humanity could potentially become or be replsced by.
ALL THAT TO SAY. holy shit. extinction avatar knives. he is distinctly Not Human, but appears human. he's actively working toward the destruction of all humanity, planning to replace it with plants. plants are vaguely humanoid in shape, but also distinctly Not Human. horrifying and eldritch and scary. the first time any of the humans see what a plant actually looks like its often met with disgust and horror. now imagine seeing those and being told "one day all of humanity will die and be forgetten about, and youll be replaced with these. nobody will be left to miss you." knivescore.
this post is getting sooo long but i have so much more to say. namely regarding not only knives' need for the destruction of humanity but ALSO his destruction of everyone he used to love. the people on the ship. rem. vash. etc.
BUT. i woudl also like to talk about desolation vash :]
The Desolation is the fear of losing things dear to you. losing everything you own in a house fire. family members and close friends dying unexpectedly and out of your control. everything you love being cruelly ripped away from you in an act of senseless and unstoppable violence. natural disasters. etc. you see what im talking about here.
Desolation is often represented by fire and melting wax but thats really only because the only canon representation we get is very fire-heavy. personal hc is that it can manifest in ways other than that.
normally i would call vash a victim of the desolation (victims are people whose lives are ruined or are killed by the fears, but avatars are people who either embody or serve the entity. instead of being afraid (or sometimes in spite of being afraid) they are also drawn to their fear and have a sick fascination with it) BUT. even though he has VERY much been a victim. vash has also CAUSED desolation. its not always his fault and its never intentional, but it still Happens. he doesnt want it to. and thats why hes unwilling, he would never choose to torture people in that way, but it still happens and because of his actions the entity is still being fed. look at the people who want revenge on him because of july. look at augusta and the fifth moon. it might not be his fault, but hes still the catalyst.
look at vash standing in the ruins of july and tell me that isnt desolation incarnate.
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urcharactersclasspect · 6 months
do you think you can classpect matpat??
I try to not classpect real people too much but tbh
even if Im not a huge matpat fan or person whos followed him around
The dude comes across as a Heir of Light
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choctalksalot · 1 year
hey does anybody mind sending me like. every single heart player aspect analysis you can get your hands on. i'm scraping through barrels right now as i'm typing this but i'm having a crisis i need More
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applecherry108 · 2 years
Someone: homestuck turtles!
My adhd brain:
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
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ALL OF TUMBLR is a MAGE OF HEART! (as decided by my polls)
a mage of heart understands feelings, the soul, and personality, or understands using those things
more thoughts, plus a version you can edit under the cut!
i think this is really funny because i am also a heart player. i guess this is just the heart player website... which makes sense actually. this classpect is shared with meulin leijon, which is. hilarious. because she was literally created to be a caricature of people on this website.
i feel this aspect represents us pretty well actually! this is a blogging website (personality) which is most well known for its fandoms (feelings) and opinionated userbase (the soul). tumblr is also the main place on the internet right now to have long form discussions (understanding) about such things
for this design, i decided to base it on the anonymous icon. i could have used the of the default shape icons, but i feel anonymous is more iconic, and fits with the "this could be ANY TUMBLR USER" thing. i made their body top heavy (wide shoulders, small hips) to resemble a T. this isnt actually a body type i draw very often so it was a fun change of pace!
heres the faceless version:
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i release all images and text in this post under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. tl;dr: you can share and edit it all you want, as long as you give me credit (linking to this post is best, but you can also just give my username), dont sell it, and share it under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
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classpect-tailor · 2 years
please for the love of god. any bard. bard of rage if you need something speciifc
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Bard of rage for you!
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cursedthing · 1 year
what is your classpect?
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Muse of breath! :D
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skenpiel · 10 months
btw when i recided to revamp my old fantroll the other day due to that dream i had it was really fun even if the drawing sucked but also the night after i had ANOTHER dream in which i had an epiphany about her classpect. which was funny how i did like classpect analysis in my fucking.dreams
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classpect-crew · 2 years
I am creating a functional magical system using the Aspects and Classes of Homestuck and nobody can stop me. There will be ritual, there will be spellwork, there will be intricate and unique ways to understand and empower the self, and I’m doing this because I’ve gone off-the-rails bonkers and I can’t imagine using my precious time for anything else.
Here’s an example of what I mean: let’s say you’re at the center of a group or organization that’s embroiled in personal shit, or distracted and stressed—whatever it is, you need this project to move forward now. Perhaps you choose to channel the archetype of the Knight of Blood, someone who can successfully bring everyone together despite disparate goals by exploiting the connections you personally have with them. Well, how do you do that? It’s simple: you put together a ritual. Think of it like any invocation ritual, except in this case, you would first surround yourself with the symbols of Blood. This could involve donning the red and brown colors of the Aspect, meditation and breathing exercises that bring you closer to the element of Earth, and perhaps a visualization of heavy iron shackles binding you to the center of the planet, as well as your group. Then, you may invoke the archetype of the Knight, one who is able to make great use of very little material, who serves others and guards themselves closely. You might finish by connecting the two parts to create a distinct whole: the Knight of Blood, the role you wish to play in the circumstance I described.
Now, let’s be transparent: I’m doing this because the Classpect system is a huge special interest of mine. I also consider myself a fledgeling Chaos Magician. The stories, symbols and archetypes which are most meaningful to us personally are often the ones which carry the most weight in magical workings, provided there is some logic and consistency in their use. If this sort of thing interests you, I can’t recommend enough that you read Phil Hine’s Condensed Chaos. I certainly don’t agree with everything he says, but this foundation of magical understanding allows for a lot of creativity and the ability to make your magical practice more meaningful.
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
guess who is thinking about homestuck again
#i can never escape it#i'm trying to classpect the boys but i've already run into a problem#i can't make up my brain on what moon any of them would be dreaming on >_<#like bakura has the behavior of a prospit dreamer but the thought process of a derse dreamer#and ryou has sort of the same thing going on#they. all do#WE CAN'T ALL BE DERSE DREAMERS....#hhhhhmmmm i think#bakura and marik are definitely getting sorted onto derse because a big part of derse dreamer characterization is like#'rebelliousness' for a lack of a better word#ryou is going on prospit because. because#where am i going to put melvin...#WE CAN'T ALL BE DERSE DREAMERS GOOD GOD too much purple in here#i already know ryou is probably a doom player (that or space) and marik is probably somewhere along the lines of a blood player#melvin gets the void aspect. because rage felt too predictable (and I don't think the main characteristics of a rage player fit him)#bakura... i love him but it's hard categorizing him shdhdsh#ummm... i almost want to say time#time sounds right but so does rage...#does anyone who actively follows me even know what hs is. oops#if i ever figure this out i'll make an in depth post talking about it ahsgdksagh#it might be a bit incomprehensible because my classpecting is a bit rusty#but I think i need to roll it around in my brain for a bit longer#let it simmer for a few more hours. y'know how it is#rainy.file#edit: i just remembered thief of mind is a thing. marik please stop having multiple sides to your character/j
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