#claire and kaia are in love
take-it-on-the-run · 1 month
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alstroemeriatea · 1 year
i refuse to let hbo!supernatural die so
Claire is a nephilim and hates that her eyes turn gold and the color itself - she wears silver jewelry exclusively
Jody has night terrors of her son dying in her arms and getting infected with the disease he carried herself. she does police work from home most of the time
Dean and Claire go for walks in the forest sometimes and end up staying out late enough they end up building campfires and talking for hours. Dean ends up giving Claire her first tattoo with a stick and poke
Cas’ hair tends to grey when he’s low on grace and it always makes dean look twice. when dean gets older and his own hair starts to grey cas tries to heal him with grace. it doesn’t work.
Sam’s hands are stained red because of the blood addiction. no matter how hard he tries to scrub it doesn’t go away
Jack takes twice the amount of adderall to deal with his ADHD which is more of a grace/soul problem than a genetic linked problem.
Kaia practices spiritualism regularly and constantly has a hamsa or an evil eye on her for protection. she smells like inscence and marijuana
Krissy Chambers writes to dean regularly and he often writes back to her. they have an unspoken agreement that they’d drop whatever they’re doing in a moments notice for one another.
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runraerun · 6 months
Consider the following: Jack, Harper, Claire, Kaia, Alex and Patience all attending Nevermore Academy together.
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nothing-but-dreams · 2 years
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Suptober Day 21: Haunted
No matter how hard she tried to shake it, Claire couldn't stop thinking about that night. About the terrible world Kaia was trapped in. How she wouldn't rest until she rescued her first love.
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
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Ever since I did the SPN and Scooby-Doo and The Ghoul School drawings last Halloween, I’ve been wanting to do something with the Hex Girls. So here are the Hex Girls with Jack, Claire, and Kaia in the Scooby-Doo style and doodles of TFW with them :) I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!
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Jody: "I mean anything connected to Kaia, she's a powder keg. First love strikes quick, and to lose it like that..."
first of all, love canon Dreamhunter, but also what's so interesting about spn is that it's constantly zigzagging the bury your gays trope to the point that it becomes one of the major themes: gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. like yeah, the first time Kaia and Claire even hint at being into each other, Kaia dies, but then an alternate Kaia shows up when Claire's feelings are confirmed, and later it turns out original Kaia is fine (by spn standards) and she presumably gets reunited with Claire. it's so much harder to have a straightforward Bury Your Gays in a show where no one can stay dead (though it also means you can kill them over and over again)
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wayward sisters fucking slaps! we were so robbed, that's the spinoff we deserved! I want 15 seasons of those badass women hunting monsters right now!
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quwarichi · 2 years
have we talked about Claire's near borderline-John-like obsession with Kaia and how a true satisfying conclusion to saving her and a good start of their romantic relationship would be recognizing that while Claire promised to protect her, she didn't manage to do so, and now that she's done overcompensating and hunting ghosts looking for a way to save her, she needs to recognize Kaia is more than just a mission to fulfill or a martyr to avenge (since i just remembered she thinks Kaia is dead) and morph the first spark of love she feels for her into something more profound and healthy
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Every time a female character appears on this show I fear for her dear life so much. All the time. It's so stressfull.
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clairikine · 2 years
"Sir, this is a Radio Shed"
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coolcarabiner · 8 months
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society if they’d actually made the wayward sisters series a reality
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panicroomsammy · 2 months
Jody just said “first love strikes quick, then to lose it like that” about Claire and Kaia and then IMMEDIATELY says “you two are having a time of it” about Sam and Dean. I swear Jody is convinced Sam and Dean are a couple.
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today-in-the-bunker · 25 days
Today, the crew celebrates Jack's birthday. Dean makes them a cherry pie and they are visited by Charlie, Jody and Donna, who brings by Claire, Kaia, Patience and Alex to celebrate the day with their new friend. Jack is very happy that they are able to spend the day with such a loving family, however they secretly wish their mother could be here with them. They catch Cas's eye while thinking about her and he replies with a bittersweet smile and a wave of love and support.
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deancas-stabfest · 6 months
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Stab me senseless by MalicMalic Art by hexentaenzerin Rated E 🔪 1,587 Pairing: Meg/Anna Milton
Finding Another Way by arlington-chamber-of-gay Art by keikakudom Rated M 🔪 3,816 Pairing:Castiel/Dean Winchester
This Blade for Hire by friendofcarlotta Art by xfancyfranart Rated E 🔪 20,011 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Primordial Bond by hexentaenzerin Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 1,892 Pairing: Eve/Amara
Silver knives and blood stains by Pyro29k Art by neversleepuntilfive Rated M 🔪 5,636 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
he’s gonna take my files by autisticandroids Art by coydahlia Rated E 🔪 6,191 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Am I Standing Still? by doctorprofessorsong Art by free-to-be-impaled Rated E 🔪 11,208 Pairing: Pamela Barnes/Tessa
there’s a danger in lovin’ somebody too much by pregstiel Art by kingdumbass Rated E 🔪 1,890 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Soulmate At First Stab by hexentaenzerin Art by hectatess Rated E 🔪 10,811 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Give In To No Man by Arlington Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 2,001 Pairing: Rowena MacLeod/Mary Winchester
Everlasting by entropic-saudade Art by golby-moon Rated M 🔪 10,227 Pairing: Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak
This Tainted Love You’ve Given by lazarus-rose Art by xfancyfranart Rated E 🔪 17,100 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
to wound as sharpened swords by duckkin Art by hexentaenzerin Rated M 🔪 3,737 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Angels, Demons and Dogs by mbqnoyolo Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 4,764 Pairing: Anael/Ruby
the starving faithfuls by pluto Art by sidewinder Rated M 🔪 8,972 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
You’re In My Blood by follows-the-bees Art by hexentaenzerin Rated E 🔪 8,576 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Laughter in a Corn Maze by castielafflicted Art by hectatess Rated M 🔪 5,804 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
The Man in the Rock by friendofcarlotta Art by kayliemalinza Rated E 🔪 7,331 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Frightland by melancholictearz Art by neversleepuntilfive Rated T 🔪 7,404 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
900 Days by howldean Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 4,005 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Revenge for Dummies by Ola Art by Kazi Rated M 🔪 10,060 Pairing: Jo Harvelle/Meg Masters
Desire (i want to turn into you) by an_ardent_rain Rated E 🔪 10,100 Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Tourbillon Dreams by kayliemalinza Art by coydahlia Rated M 🔪 40,402 Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
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deancaspinefest · 2 months
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If Only You Return To Me  |  Mature  |  28,024
Author: arlingtonchamberofgay  |  Artist: sidewinder
The world has been saved, yet again, but this time, Dean is forced to carry on without his best friend. His best friend, who loved him. In true Winchester fashion, Dean decides to shove down and bury his feelings about the last words that Cas said to him and the implications thereof. Instead he buries himself in alcohol, hunting, and stupid ass decisions. After a failed rescue attempt in the Empty, he’s forced to reassess what his life looks like without the angel. Until, one day, a run of the mill hunt goes wrong because of a small bit of rebar.
Castiel somehow awakens in the Empty, much to the Shadow’s ever growing annoyance. After making a deal to return to Earth to find Dean in exchange for his grace, Cas finds himself in the same room he last saw the man. He’s devastated to discover that he’s too late, Dean is dead and in Heaven. Realizing there’s no point to coming back to a world without Dean, Cas goes to Heaven to speak with Jack in hopes of figuring out a way to get back to Dean and actually stay around. Of course, it’s more complicated than they expect.
Dean and Cas are desperate to find their way back to each other, but the universe seems to be working hard to keep them apart.
Link to fic  |  Link to art 
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Eileen/Sam, Donna/Jody, Claire/Kaia)
Warnings: Temporary Major Character Death
Tags: Post-canon, Grief/Mourning, Castiel in the Empty, Selectively Mute Dean, s15e20 Barn Scene, Angst with a Happy Ending
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happilyfeatherafter · 5 months
Happilyfeatherafter's ficrec Fridays
In an effort to actually post on my own blog and not just tag rant I'm going to try and start doing what makes me happy - shouting about the fic I've read and loved recently! ETA: thank you @bloodydeanwinchester for the inspiration and impetus to share recs last week!
So introducing my ficrec Fridays.
5 January 2024 ficrecs
Beggars Would Ride by tiamatv was recommended to me by @ilarual and I am so glad I dived in on their suggestion. Combining two of my great loves, destiel and disney's Aladdin, this AU fic has an absolutely gorgeous depiction of a genie Castiel, in all his trueform splendour! Tia does an incredible job interweaving the two stories, with street rat Dean doing what he must to support his brother and his community, and maybe just maybe finding love and freeing a genie in doing so.
Everlasting by @entropic-saudade (art by @golby-moon) is a recent fic from the stabfest bang, featuring a grieving post-15x18 Dean, and a still adjusting to having Kaia back Claire. It also beautifully examines the parallels between Dean and Claire, and their joint tendency for flirting with people by comparing scars. Achingly romantic, Dean is looking for a way to bring Cas back, and Claire is seeking a momento of Kaia to keep close to her forever...and what's love without a little stabbing?
As A Friend by imogenbynight (@thevioletcaptain) is absolutely best summed up by it's own summary: In which Dean accidentally learns about Castiel's porn preferences, and one thing leads to another. With one last chapter pending, this fic is a smutty delight, in which a newly human Cas in a post-Chuck defeated world and a still adjusting Dean learn a thing or two about each other and decide the best thing to do is lean into it with a secret no strings friends with benefits kink exploration set up...what could possibly go wrong?
doors unlocked and open by sidewinder (@hawkland, art by @fluffsnake) brilliantly combines The Winchesters finale with a post-canon continuation, in which Cas has become the new ruler and embodiment of the Empty whilst Jack is busy restructuring heaven. But Dean is not finding peace, not even in Jack’s improved afterlife, and has instead been traversing the Axis Mundi in the search of his family...in search of Castiel. But there might be a new fate to await them.
tie your wrists with leather by kalmialatifolia is a short but sweet post-canon D/S kinktober fic, in which Cas gets Dean spread eagle in leather cuffs leading to this exchange which captures their voices so perfectly:
“Jesus, Cas,” is all Dean says, and then, as Castiel crawls between his spread legs, “They—they smell good. They smell…” He laughs a little, a soft huff. “Like the Impala? Kind of?”
Castiel snorts, putting his hands on the backs of Dean’s knees and spreading his legs just a little farther apart. Dean goes easy. “Yes,” he says dryly, “I thought you might like that.”
and if that wets your appetite for a longer form wip, then reclusive secret romance novelist Dean and Priest with a past Cas are getting up to all sorts in their fic Benedictions.
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