#chris crank
wwprice1 · 1 year
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Finally read the first volume of Curse Words — so fun!
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Hell to pay #1 (2023)
The shrouded college- Book I
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Review: Hell to Pay #1
Hell to Pay #1 has a lot of potential. An interesting concept is given a boost by a time aspect upping the stakes of it all. #comics #comicbooks
In Hell to Pay, Hell is a real place. It’s not quite the concept we imagine but a cross between the torture and functioning society where money is exchanged for goods. And it’s that money that’s the focus. Hell to Pay #1 introduces us to Maia and Sebastian Stone who work for The Shrouded College. In exchange for magic, they need to track down the 666 Devil’s Dollars that have made it to Earth.…
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englishmansdcc · 2 years
EIGHT BILLION GENIES #2 review - Rules of the Game (Soule, Browne, Crank, Knipstein, Schnatz) Image Comics
Now out is the 2nd issue of @ImageComics EIGHT BILLION GENIES from @CharlesSoule, @ryanbrowneart, @CCrank, Kevin Knipstein, & Erika Schnatz. In his review @DarrenShulman says "the jam packed panels which show some of the stranger wishes are standouts"
Writer: Charles SouleArtist, Colorist, Designer: Ryan BrowneLetterer: Chris CrankColor Assists: Kevin KnipsteinProduction Design: Erika Schnatz Thanks to Image Comics for the review copy! Eight Billion Genies looks at what would happen if every single person in the world sprouted a genie who can grant them one wish. As you can imagine, some wishes are made well and some go horribly…
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mxrtified777 · 11 months
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partners in (stupid) crime
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What is it that people should understand is unique regarding Soundgarden?
What would be nice to hear 15 years from now is that Soundgarden influenced a large number of bands that ended up being household names, which is true, almost to the degree of saying we influenced an era of music. We didn't have the kind of commercial acceptance that Nirvana or Pearl Jam would have, but a lot of bands that did were very much influenced by us, and a lot of bands that are just starting to have it now were, too. It's like, OK, let's took at the history of music, and then music from five years ago up till now, and then what it will be five years from now. If we were pulled out of the chain, had never existed, would it be exactly the same? My opinion is that, no, it wouldn't. Pearl Jam and Nirvana didn't even exist when we were starting out and there was this real honest urban alternative-music scene in Seattle. But, also, they didn't exist when we were initially starting to get label attention. I'm not saying we helped create those bands: All I'm saying is that we were there first, and we've been there the longest.
Request, October 1994 
(via @lovehate-love)
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xx-key-xx · 2 years
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Just gonna take this out of context..
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trashbaby1996 · 2 years
Just put out the first chapter of my infected Leon fic. We love to see a feral Leon and a Chris who loves him regardless. 
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loud-brain · 11 months
I don't know if I've shared this track already but it's so good and I can't stop listening to it. Makes me want to laugh hysterically and flip the table before sprinting out the door to freedom, or something like that
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Hell to pay #1 (2023)
The shrouded college- Book I
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Review: Eight Billion Genies #4
Eight Billion Genies #4 brings it all together with an issue that lays it all out there and nails home what this series is really about. #comics #comicbooks
Wow, talk about a series getting better with each issue. Eight Billion Genies #4 is an amazing end to the first chapter of this epic story as it teases what’s to come. The concept for the series is simple. In an instant, every person in the world is given a genie and granted one wish. You can imagine the chaos that would ensue from that. A group of individuals are protected within a bar and the…
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9kmovies-biz · 1 year
The Crooked Man Reboot Movie in Production
Image: Lionsgate Big Red is coming back to theaters. Deadline confirmed that a new Hellboy movie, subtitled The Crooked Man, is about to start production. Earlier in the week, rumors began swirling around about its existence courtesy of Discussing Film, but distributor Millennium (which bought the film rights for Hellboy in 2018) disclosed some more details about it at the EFM festival in…
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noonegetsleftbehind · 2 years
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amoreva · 4 months
yes i’m so glad you’re writing for clarisse because im obsessed with your writing.
could you write something with reader being a really confident and vain daughter of aphrodite who channels her mothers war goddess attributes and is one of the best sword fighter in camp? also playful teasing from reader and sparring because 1 i need justice for the massacre of aphrodites character and 2 clarisse x aphrodite!reader is essential to my life force. haters can hate.
maybe also show how other campers interact with her as well, like luke showing percy around idk
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pairing: clarisse la rue x daughter of aphrodite!reader
summary: clarisse has always been a hard hitter and a tough lover, but a certain someone from aphrodite makes her soft. and she doesn’t entirely mind it.
warnings: use of “y/n” once or twice, kinda switches to percy’s pov, fighting, almost death(?), fluff, mentions of beckendorf!!
a/n: i really hope i did this request right! enjoy! i was trying to crank this out as soon as i could.
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Everyone thought you’d be claim by Ares (even though your dad was still very present and not a god) or at least by Athena. You were smart and a hell of a lot strong; both mentally and physically.
So it came to a surprise when Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, claimed you.
Though, Clarisse knew you were her daughter. You were every bit of passionate: about life, hobbies, interests, her. You paid attention to every little detail that flew out of her mouth (she noticed).
It didn’t help that you channeled your mother’s past title and abilities. After all, in Sparta, she was known as Aphrodite Aeria, “Aphrodite the Warlike”.
Clarisse was head over heels for you the minute she saw you fight (you even bested Luke, how was she not supposed to not fall in love with you?)
You and Clarisse started dating at the peak of the Summer Solstice and never looked back. No one knew Clarisse could be so…tolerating to someone outside of her cabin, especially to one of Aphrodite’s daughter.
Percy surely didn’t expect it either.
Clarisse was so callous and you were compassionate. He guessed that thing about opposites attract was true.
“Look, you want attention here, dummy?” Clarisse spoke condescendingly to the newest camper. She just couldn’t believe a scrawny kid took down the Minotaur. “You better be ready for it when it comes.”
Clarisse made Percy flinch and walked past Hermes’ kids. An amused smile plastered on her face. Luke shook his head as Ares’ kids passed which begged the question. “Why don’t they mess with you?” Percy asked.
“They know better.” Luke smirked.
“Luke’s the second strongest swordsman in camp.” Chris added with a proud grin.
“Who’s the first?”
Suddenly, you walked by in perfect timing. Percy’s eyes glued to you. You witnessed the whole situation and went to talk to your girlfriend. “Clarisse…” You muttered.
Percy watched Ares’ daughter soften at the mention of her name from your lips. Nothing in the facial expressions, it was all in the eyes.
“She doesn’t look menacing or intimidating—” Percy acknowledged.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Luke reminded as he glanced back at you and Clarisse. “Got my ass handed to me when I sparred with her.”
Percy looked at Luke. “Really? Can I train with her?”
It wasn’t odd to find Clarisse in Aphrodite’s cabin; nor was it odd to find the two of you cuddling on your bunk. Sunlight beaming onto the two of you and the only sounds were the campers outside. All of your siblings when do go enjoy camp activities while you read to Clarisse.
Ancient Greek flows from your mouth like the water from River Styx. Clarisse had one arm haphazardly thrown across your abdomen. Her head perched on your shoulder.
Silently, she admired the way your lips moved. The way you were invested into the story. The way she can see all the tiny details on your gorgeous face from this position.
Clarisse found herself falling for you more and more with each second of the day. She was aggressive and intimidating. She was Ares’ favorite daughter after all, but she found herself becoming more softhearted to you.
“You’re my…everything.” Clarisse whispered fondly. It might’ve been a slip of the tongue, but it made you blush.
She never failed to make you blush. Your rosy cheeks complimented with a sheepish grin. “Clarisse…” You mumbled and put down the book.
“I mean it.” Clarisse stated firmly and sat up on her elbow. Her heart locket fell from her orange Camp t-shirt. It matched yours, except you had a sword charm. Clarisse insisted on giving it to you (after threatening Beckendorf once or twice) for your two month anniversary.
“I know.” You reassured and pecked her lips quickly. Clarisse smiled and dived back in to press her lips into yours
A giggle erupted from you. A rush of dopamine intoxicating your brain. It always felt like the first kiss with her. “I love you, I love you, I love you—” You repeated into her lips.
“I get it, lovergirl.” Clarisse chuckled as she pulled away. Her cheek tinged with pink. “I love you too.”
She continued. “Will you keep reading? You sound so beautiful when you read—”
“Clarisse!” You exclaimed. Your blush even more prominent.
“What? I can’t tell my girlfriend she has a voice from the sirens that could bring the Big Three to tears?”
“Keep reading, lovergirl.”
“This is safe, right?” Percy asked Grover.
“Yeah! Perfectly safe.” Grover reassured with a smile.
Luke had recruited you to help train Percy (Clarisse just so happened to tag along). There were swords in all of your hands. You were going to fight Clarisse and Luke and Percy doubted you were that good.
It was all to help Percy learn more about fighting with the sword and a great way to show off. The forest clearing gave enough room to really show your talents in combat.
“Don’t go easy on me!” You yelled at Clarisse and Luke on the other side of the clearing. Percy and Grover were sitting on rather large rocks anticipating the battle.
You took a deep breath and your eyes hardened. It was like switched had been flipped within you. You shifted your foot, sliding it in the dirt. The air felt different. Tense, sharp, lung-crushing.
Clarisse and Luke tightened their grip on their swords and gave each other a confirming nod. Percy and Grover watched as the three older half-bloods charged one another.
With precision and quick-wit, you were able to keep Clarisse and Luke on their toes. Luke shifted his weight in his feet before charging you again. You clashed swords. Celestial Bronze against Celestial Bronze.
Your ears perked up on shoes slapping against the dirt. You ducked causing Clarisse to swing at Luke. There was no trace of a your warm sweet smile Percy saw, only your hardened gaze.
It was kind of scary to see Aphrodite’s daughter switch up so fast.
Clarisse cursed under her and swiped her sword as if flicking off imaginary blood. She met your gaze, her heart skipped a beat. She rushed you again and swiped your legs. You jumped back with the grace of a swan, but Clarisse parried her sword immediately after.
You riposted Clarisse when Luke cane out from behind Clarisse to continue an onslaught of attacks. You scoffed quietly, but you could never complain. It was a good workout.
Yet, a particularly heavy swing from you knocked Luke’s sword from out of his hand. His sword flinging at Percy’s head. Percy shouted and ducked.
“Oh my gods!” You exclaimed and slapped your heads over your mouth in surprise.
Clarisse and Luke stopped their attacks and looked back at Percy and Grover. Luke’s celestial bronze sword was sticking out of a tree. Percy centimeters away from the blade.
You apologized for your reckless behavior. Percy was more scared of how fast you switched from your focused nature to a worried attitude.
“It’s okay…” Percy laughed nervously.
“He said he was fine!” Clarisse called out and walked towards you, pressing a small kiss to your cheek.
“Sorry, Percy.” Luke apologized.
“A lover and a fighter. Got it.” Percy noted in his mind as you complained to Clarisse about feeling bad about impaling Percy.
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oneforthemunny · 24 days
oooh could we get some hockey!eddie, visiting/surprising him at practice, flufffffff 💕💕
for the sweetest most polite anon lol! hockey player!eddie who's birthday happens to fall during the training season.
"He's gonna be so stoked." Chris, the team manager grinned, pushing the heavy stadium door open for you.
"I hope so." You smiled gently, ducking under his arm, following him down the long, cinderblock stadium.
It was still so cold, despite the heat cranked high everywhere. Boston in the winter was brutal, winter time worse than Indiana's ever could imagine. It was a miracle you'd even made it, didn't get snowed in and grounded at the airport with all the snow.
"No, he's gonna love it, trust me." Chris grinned. "I got some of the guys in on it too, hope you don't mind. Just his coach and his agent. I told them he had an interview after practice."
"An interview?" You lifted a brow.
Chris snickered. "Yeah, he thinks you're with ESPN so just go with it." He shrugged. "I knew if I just told him to stay, he'd get suspect. Plus, this is gonna be fucking priceless."
You giggled lightly, following Chris around the hallway. A few players lingering around, most cleared out for the evening, but no sign of your curly headed love.
"Hey, Franco. Munson's in the conference room, right?" Chris nodded towards the closed door, the other man grunting in response. "Cool, hey, stay right here, ok? I'm gonna make sure he's ready and set up."
You nodded, standing to the side, a knuckled grip on your purse strap. Your tummy flipped with excitement, maybe nerves. It had been a few weeks since you'd seen Eddie, since he'd left for training season. You didn't want to be a distraction, but with his birthday this weekend, you couldn't let him celebrate alone. Especially not after he sounded so sad, so disheartened on the phone- he missed you, told you every single day, every time he called.
"...Perfect, one sec. I'll tell her you're ready." Chris opened the door, pulling you from your thoughts. He waved at you, stepping out with door still half opened. "I'll leave you two alone, but if you need me, I'm right out here."
Your heart fluttered, flipped and skipped with nerves, pushing the door open, sliding into view. You caught a glimpse at Eddie before he fully saw you, finger drumming on the desk, in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with the team's logo proudly on the front, hair still a little damp from his shower.
Your breath hitched, watching his face fall in shock once he saw you. A pause filled the space between you two, the door clicking with a shut behind you.
"Oh, no way." Eddie gawked, blinking hard, like he might be hallucinating. "N-No way. Is this real? Holy shit, you-you're- Baby, what are you doing here?" He stood from the table, tripping over it, the metal legs screeching when he shoved it.
"Surprise." You squeaked, opening your arms to hug him.
Eddie nearly tackled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly to him. "Holy shit, I can't believe you're here. You're actually here, I-I thought I was getting interviewed-"
"-No." You giggled, pulling back lightly to look at him. "Just me. I wanted to surprise you for your birthday."
Eddie's face lit up, lips curling in an even brighter smile. His hands cupped either side of your face, lips on yours, pulling you into a head spinning kiss that screamed I missed you I missed you I missed you.
"I can't believe you're here." Eddie muttered, lips vibrating against yours.
"Happy birthday, baby." You muttered back, fingers raking through his hair. You'd missed him, missed him much more than you realized now that he was standing here in front of you.
Eddie pulled back, looking up at the door. "Chris knew about this?"
You giggled, nodding. "He helped me get my flight and stuff. Picked me up from the airport."
Eddie shook his head, grin still wide on his face. "Chris! You fuckin' liar!" He yelled playfully, the men behind the door howling in laughter. "I thought I was about to get my cover story!"
You laughed, pressing your face to his chest, rocking with him slowly. "This is better though." Eddie added, hugging you tighter to him. "Just for the record, this is way fuckin' better."
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my modern “if the poets went on a roadtrip with mr. keating” headcanons:
- mr. keating: drives like a bat out of hell (this man is literally airborne on the interstate)
- neil: in the passenger seat trying to teach mr. keating that google maps is easier than an actual map + has to turn down the volume of the music constantly bc mr. keating can’t hear anything (“you take a left up here-“ “WHAT?” *cranks music down* “YOU TAKE A LEFT UP HERE, CAPTAIN”)
- todd: got left at the gas station (they did turn around and get him but he just stares out the window behind the drivers seat the whole time in silence—still upset)
- charlie: behind the passenger seat on the aux and playing the most god awful music you’ve ever heard in your life (i feel like he would play a lot of underground music that no man has ever heard before except the artist that created it)
- knox: in the back complaining about the bad WiFi signal bc his awful selfies won’t go through to Chris (she definitely blocked him)
- meeks: in the back as well + binging on the snacks he brought with and watching a movie from the screen on the back of a seat (let’s be honest, he’s watching oppenheimer)
- pitts: “LOOK IT’S A COW” every 5 minutes (also in the back)
- cameron: locked in the trunk somehow?? (mr. keating isn’t aware bc they told him cameron was busy that day)
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