#chlolila au
maestro04yayyy · 11 months
Chlolila au!!!
Sooo this is another au of mine!!!!
It was inspired by a post i saw here on tumblr but sadly i can't find it.
Basically the post said that alya could have ended season 5 immediately by going to lila and saying that she could help her confessing to chloe, and lila would rethink all her interaction with chloe during s5, and realizing they could be mistunderstood and when alya point it out she realize she may feel something for chloe, while chloe hear of that and had to think if she likes lila or is just extremely desperate for affection, so now those two are so stuck with love and stuff that they don't harras anyone anymore.
So in my au alya tells that to lila but her and chloe kinda resolve their problems immediatelly and became the most thoot rotting couple ever!!!!!!! Like!! Looking at them too long gives you diabets, that's the amount of sugar they have, adrienette or julerose are nothing compared to them!!!!
Oh and since lila knows gabriel is hawkmoth and chloe knows perfectly the mansion(yes she knows even the secret lair but was in really deep denial about his identity), they steal both the butterfly and the peacock miraculous!!!
They mostly use them for fun, nut convincing nooro was hard since he is pretty rigid but telling him that they would restore his miraculous good name did the trick, since now everyone was scared/hated his miraculous thanks to hawkmoth(while dusuu was pretty easy)
So now if they want to skip a test or pull some kind of prank they let an akuma out,
But more often is when chloe has tobket some steam out because of her mother or her father or her half sister or whatever, in these cases lila find someone angry and asks them if they want to break a lot of stuff without conseguences since ladybug while restore everything(usually is aurore). Then chloe use the peacock to fight them, she also creates sentimosters to help her fight the first is a great sword called Anger, he is made like a shushu from Wakfu, so a sword with an eye where handle and blade meets, his power are:1)change size 2)take fire.
Oh and chloe consider the sentimonster her kids, literally and they call her mom.(they call lila mom too)
Other sentimonster i thought are: 1)happines,a pair of chloves, they have eyes too, one in each one, on the back, their power is kinda similar to kung fu panda's ki, like they summon a golden dust that can heal injury and bring happiness, but it can also be used to make imagines in the air and stuff similar to what hawkmoth did with his butterfly during origins but it doesn't talk, oh and their pronouns are they/them.
2)lonelines, it is a huge bear
3)fear, it is a blanket covered with eyes
(2 and 3 where created when chloe was having a really hard time, since each bame represent the main feeling she had at the moment she created the sentimonster)
4)hate, she is a scyte, a huge scyte like the one of the grim reaper, it's power are that she can move to the shadow realm and bring whoever she touch here too(it is the real inside shadow, here everything is dark and black and humans can't breath or move here, so if chloe hit someone with hate she can make them disappear and happear her, or she can disappear herself only to reapper in another shadow, kinda like teleportation), hate was created one time when the heroes hurted lila(she was transformed too) during a fight
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ratottoman · 8 days
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Rare pair if you can hear me save me rare pair save me
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dogsarec00l · 11 months
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I kind of like them being partners, or just being gay for each other
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Witch of the Catacombs AU, AKA Witch Chloe AU
An AU where everything is the same, except:
Chloe, from the start, showed a fascination, and talent, for the dark arts.
Fearing what she would be capable of, Andre banishes her.
Chloe, obviously, hates him for this. So much so that she lets go of any hatred she had reserved for anyone else, and focusses her hatred solely on him, vowing revenge.
Along with a curious Lila, Chloe stumbles upon the lair of a late evil sorcerer, who turned out to be her grandfather.
Grandfather Bourgeois was banished by Andre as well. So in order to get his revenge, he left his lair, spell books, potions, and his two familiar, a raven named Victor and a big, black snake named Silas, for Chloe to find and use.
Chloe and Lila come up with a plan to lure people down to Chloe’s new lair, which is in the catacombs, and trick them into helping her one way or another, deceive them and turn them into “pets.”
Chloe’s use of dark magic begins to mutate her. Her skin becomes a light tint of green, she has fangs, a forked tongue, snake-eyes, and she now has a black dress that becomes the tail of a snake, which has taken the place of her legs.
Chloe and Lila develop feelings for each other and fall in love.
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Jeanette: *claims that Lila is essentially a serial killer that delights in forcing people that she hates to suicide*
Lila: *denies everything and tells Jeanette to "stop spreading that BS and shut up"*
Chloe: *whisper into Lila's ear* If that isn't true, then why you have in your "hidden lair" giant collection of Marinette's pictures pinned to corkboard that has "Die, You Bitch! Die!" sprayed on it
Lila: Sweetheart. You and I, are going to have a little talk about keeping information to ourselves.
Chloe: So, you're
Lila: *Hiss* Yes I'm lying!
Jeanette: You are so think. I always say, you get boobs or brains not both.
Lila: And what are you doing since you have neither?
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blanket-of-moss · 20 days
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Wanted to get something out for MerMay, so I'm back on my chlolila shit again. We're gonna ignore the iffy anatomy in regards to the arm around Lila's back, I didn't exactly think it through-
Anyways here's a Siren!Lila AU, where Lila, after getting attacked by a group of siren hunters, is graciously rescued by a mildly annoyed- and very pretty- Sailor!Chloe. But strictly for conservation and research reasons! Yeah, definitely!
No Shading Version:
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rainydelaneyy · 3 years
They're poly plus a version for if I decide Mari deserves it after I catch up on the show. No I will not take any negative criticism.
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catcie-moved · 7 years
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au where these two are fashionable gfs and they are the biggest gossipers;; 
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adrienscroissantx · 3 years
Chlolila pre-relationship 4 and general 1?
mmmm chlolila is very good
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
When it comes to chlolila, i prefer them mid-redemption. Just, someone they can relate to when it comes to being outcasted after all their actions have been revealed, someone who gets the frustration, someone who they see as just as fucked up as them (when they're being angsty about it, at least). Someone to support them as they attempt to Re Enter society. This is probably cuz i have an AU where chloe and lila made the independent choice to join hawkmoth, but he lost, and now they travel the world together with chloes fortune, lowkey running away from the equivalent of the FBI. Idk, they just vibe like that. I think Chloe catches feelings first when Lila provides her with comfort after a bad breakdown. She's just... patient. And while she doesn't lack her usual snark and sarcasm, there's a softer side to her that takes care of her, that brushes her hair and gets her room service when she needs it and encourages her to get some sun. Chloe is FRUSTRATED that she likes lila so much, because after all of it, and how much she wants to be able to trust her, she cant. She's terrified that she's lying about it, that it's part of a bigger plan to manipulate her. That its another mask. That it's not real. So she acts the mean part, the selfish part, the bratty part, as if she hasn't changed since she was 14, that she's scary and can hurt if Lila tries something funny. But they both kinda know. It's never said out loud, until, well...
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Its probably something dramatic, think catradora confession. A lot of yelling, a lot of desperation, a lot of raw honesty. I'd say it was Lila who initiated it first, as it's more development for her character than it would be for Chloe. It was uh. Very dramatic. They make it out okay, but they're holding hands and for the first time, neither is going to shake the other one off. Then they have to talk, which is hard for both of them, but they try their best and decide they'd like to give it a shot. Despite it all. Hand in unlovable hand, etc etc.
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purrincess-chat · 7 years
On the Tenth Day of Crackmas
So, this one isn’t as crackish as some of the other ones, but honestly I’m in love, so this one may become a series. Idk, it’s about my babes, and I really like it, so here’s 2000 words of my OTP.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
FF | AO3
The city of Paris was famous for many things lights, love, cuisine, but despite all of its charm, it still boasted a high crime rate. Though, very few criminals were quite as public and held a fraction of the notoriety as Queen Bee and Volpina, two of Paris’ most wanted criminals who were also huge rivals, constantly trying to one-up each other which kept the police force on their toes. No one knew how they managed to rob such high security establishments like the Louvre or the city’s most wealthy and highly protected citizens, and yet reports cropped up several times a month of expensive wares gone missing. And there was never any doubt when it came to identifying the culprit as they each had their trademark that got left behind.
For Queen Bee it was a single red rose left in the place of what she’d taken, and Volpina always left a card with her signature and a pawprint. Such displays of power served to mock the wealthy, and the police were at their wits end. Neither criminal ever left any DNA or evidence at the scene of the crime aside from their farewell tokens, and the wealthiest members of society were locking up their most prized possessions in bank vaults for safe keeping. Paranoia ran rampant in anticipation for each heist as no one knew who the next victim would be.
Seeing the city in a panic served to amuse the infamous criminals as they lured them right where they wanted. They were about to pull their biggest heist yet, and everyone would bear witness to their own failure. That is to say, Queen Bee and Volpina were feeling a bit cocky. They’d never robbed the same location at the same time, but it seemed as though they both had the same idea. In actuality, there was no coordination among thieves, so the chances of ending up in the same place at the same time were quite probable, but they always counted on their own luck. Maybe a little too much at times.
Security outside the bank was tight, but Queen Bee loved a challenge. She wasn’t one of the most wanted criminals for nothing, so slipping inside undetected came as naturally as breathing. The shadows had become an extension of herself, masking her presence from any watchful eyes. She was comfortable there, quiet, hidden, and it allowed her to move about freely unlike her everyday life where she spent so much time out in the open. It was a detail she held very near and dear being one of the most looked at faces in all of Paris by day then being the illusive and mysterious heist queen by night. Darkness was her sanctuary, a place to be alone and invisible, so needless to say, she was appropriately perplexed and irritated when she collided with someone else during her peak of stealth.
She and Volpina had only encountered each other in person a handful of times, usually on their way out of their respective jobs where they would brag about their haul, and Queen Bee never hated her guts more than in that moment when their eyes met in the darkness.
“What the hell are you doing here?” They asked in hushed unison. “I’m robbing the bank. No, I’m robbing the bank! Ugh!”
“How exactly were you planning to get into that safe, huh? All the news reports say it’s uncrackable,” Volpina asked, cocking a hip to the side.
“My daddy owns the company that manufactured it,” Queen Bee stated curtly. “How were you planning to get in?”
“My daddy’s company manufactures explosives,” She bragged, rocking back on her heels, and Queen Bee scoffed.
“You have no class. Leave this to a sophisticated thief. Why don’t you go rob the people’s bank?” She waved her away in a typical gesture of “shoo.”
“I’m every bit as good as you! There’s a warrant out for both of us in case you’d forgotten,” Volpina said with a growl as they continued up the hall.
“Yeah, yeah, but there’s no need for both of us to rob the bank, so you can run along,” She said dismissively.
“Why don’t you run along?” Volpina shot back.
“Because I was here first,” Bee said matter-of-factly, ripping a keypad off the wall and rewiring the inside to disable the security system in the next room.
“What makes you think that? I think we got here about the same time,” Volpina folded her arms over her chest defiantly, and Bee rolled her eyes.
“We have sixty seconds to make it through the next room, so we settle this now. Rock, paper, scissors?” Bee cocked a brow and held up her fist.
Rock, paper, scissors – shoot!” Queen Bee’s rock trumped Volpina’s scissors, and she turned abruptly and blew a kiss.
“Hey! What are you two doing?” The glare of a flashlight blinded Queen Bee momentarily, and she held up a hand to shield her face.
“Shit!” She swore under her breath, turning tail and running in the opposite direction after Volpina.
“Don’t follow me!” She hissed as Queen Bee stayed hot on her heels.
“If I get caught, you’re going down with me,” Bee shot back as Volpina glanced around for somewhere to hide. She pulled open a janitorial closet and threw Queen Bee inside, managing to shut the door silently before a patrol of guards raced through. Instinctively, they both remained quiet, pressed together in the small closet as they listened through the door.
Queen Bee squirmed her arm up to see her watch where she pulled up a map of the building. She could see Volpina’s mask furrow over her green eyes through the dim glow it gave off. They were pressed close enough together that each breath made their torsos brush ever so slightly with the rise and fall of their chests. Queen Bee tried not to think about how well her body fit into every curve of Volpina’s because they were rivals, and now wasn’t the time to be aroused.
“It looks like there’s an air vent up the hall that will lead you outside,” Queen Bee whispered, zooming in on it.
“Um, excuse you, I’m still going to rob this bank,” Volpina scoffed, folding her arms awkwardly over her chest as much as their close quarters allowed.
“Well, so am I, and I’m not sharing the loot with you,” Queen Bee said, giving her an icy glare, though Volpina wasn’t fazed in the slightest.
“We’ll have to see who gets to it first,” She challenged, opening the door and racing up the hall for the vent, and Queen Bee raced after her with a low growl.
Volpina activated the suction feature on her suit and jumped up to the ceiling, sticking to it securely before she got to work on undoing the vent cover. Queen Bee kept lookout on the ground until she got it off then used her grappling belt to lift herself in after her. They replaced the vent cover perfectly just as the guards made another round, though the problem they found themselves faced with now involved Queen Bee on top of Volpina in a tiny vent.
“Seriously, you couldn’t have gone on the other side?” Volpina hissed once the coast was clear, swatting Bee’s feet out of her face.
“No, the safe is this way!” Bee shot back, crawling forward. “And I’m gonna get to it first.”
“Over my dead body,” Volpina grumbled, shifting around and crawling after her. She caught up as Bee tried to round a corner and climbed on top of her to pin her down.
“Hey, get off!”
“Shh!” Volpina shushed, attempting to take the lead, but her belt caught on something, and she very quickly discovered that she was stuck. “Shit.”
“What?” Bee lifted her head a little in an attempt to see over her shoulder.
“I’m caught on your belt,” She said, a hint agitated.
“Well, whose fault is that for being greedy?” Bee chided, resting her chin in her palm.
“Says the person whose been trying to shake me off so they can take all the loot for themselves,” Volpina said pointedly in her ear. “I’m gonna try and shake myself loose. Don’t move.”
“Where am I gonna go?” Bee hummed sarcastically as Volpina began wiggling her hips to try and unhitch their belts. Queen Bee felt her face heat up a little as their hips grinded together as Volpina thrusted back and forth. “Okay, stop! That’s not working, clearly!”
“Ugh, this isn’t gonna work, we’re just gonna have to try and move together,” Volpina sighed, sinking her hips back down to press against Bee’s ass. Why was it so hot in that vent? “Okay, we’re both gonna move forward on three.”
“On three or after three?”
“After. Always after.” Volpina said.
“Well, then why do people say on three?”
“It’s just an expression! Okay, whatever! One,” She started.
“Three!” They lurched forward, moving in time together until they came to the next vent, and Bee peaked down.
“How far to the safe?” Volpina asked, panting slightly, and Bee pulled her arms out to look at her watch again.
“We’ll take the next left then it’s five vents to the safe room,” She said.
“Well, let’s get moving then. We’re burning moonlight,” She ordered, propping herself up once more.
“Oh, I’m sorry, maybe next time you can be on bottom,” Bee grumbled.
“No can do. I’m always on top.” Bee’s cheeks flushed once more, and she told herself it was just the heat of having another body on top of hers, though she did rather like the way Volpina felt against her.
After a painful and exhausting hour, they managed to remove the vent over the safe room, and Bee disabled the alarm system from her watch before they dropped in less than gracefully. At least they were unhooked now. Volpina stood up and dusted herself off, stretching her back and neck a little before moving for the safe, though Queen Bee was right behind her.
“I seem to recall winning rock, paper, scissors,” She said pointedly, and Volpina rolled her eyes.
“Don’t make me strap a mini explosive to you,” She threatened, but Bee didn’t budge.
“I know how to get into this safe without blowing it up,” Bee stated, folding her arms over her chest with a smirk. “If you promise to give me most of the haul, I’ll open it for you.”
Volpina’s eyes narrowed, and her jaw clenched for a moment as she debated it.
“Fine. You can take the bigger haul. Open it,” She jutted her chin to the large combination lock, and Bee slipped on her gloves to avoid leaving finger prints. After a few twists and turns, she pulled out a small ballistic gel glob and held it over the thumb scanner, and the safe clicked open.
“How did you-”
“I was there when they programmed the code for the lock, and I swiped one of the mayor’s thumbprints at a diplomats’ dinner party,” She said, pulling the door open. “Let’s grab some shit and get out.”
She didn’t have to tell Volpina twice, and within five minutes, they’d gathered a hefty supply of precious jewelry, gold, and cold hard cash. Leaving their signature tokens and closing the vault, Queen Bee scanned for exits, determining that the vents were their best bet, though she’d make sure they didn’t get stuck this time. She pressed the release on her belt buckle and secured it to the top of the vent before turning back to Volpina.
“Need a lift?” She cocked a brow, and Volpina begrudgingly wrapped her arms around Bee’s shoulders as they rose back up to the vents.
Crawling back through individually was a piece of cake after the mess they had to endure the first time, so within a matter of minutes, they were back on the roof and ready to part ways. Volpina slung her sack of bounty over her shoulder and held out a hand with a small grin.
“Thanks for your help, Bee,” She said sincerely, and after a moment of hesitation, Bee shook it in good faith.
Volpina tugged her forward into a passionate kiss, and Queen Bee felt her whole body stiffen in shock. She thought she’d been the only one to imagine their chemistry in those tight spaces earlier, but Volpina’s lips were just as soft as she’d imagined. Her mind whirled wildly with risqué thoughts and a longing to take her right then and there on that roof, and she was getting dizzy with the sudden influx of desire. Or wait… Maybe she was just actually dizzy.
When Volpina broke the kiss, she stepped back with a smirk as numbness spread down Bee’s legs, and she collapsed to the ground. Everything was spinning, and Volpina casually slung both sacks over her shoulder with a chuckle.
“The lipstick’s a tranquilizer. Don’t worry, it’s meant for little mice, so you’ll be able to move again in a few minutes, but I’ll be long gone by then,” She said, and Queen Bee attempted to glare menacingly, but her face refused to cooperate. “Thanks again for your help. I never would have been able to carry this much through those vents myself. What was it you said earlier? Oh, yeah. Toodles!”
And with that she race for the edge of the roof and jumped, leaving Queen Bee lying on a roof with absolutely nothing to show for her efforts that evening. Volpina better watch her back because next time she saw her, she was going to rip every last strand of that luscious brown hair from her scalp. Finally, the numbness faded enough that she could flop over, and shout after her.
“You damn fox!”
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box-of-birds · 3 years
Lila, nino, luka, chloe, felix >:)
...At first thought you asked for character ask thingy and then I realised I have to rank them 😅 Well, I'm doing both because this is fun. I'll rank them in the end!
How I feel about this character: 
It's complicated~ I definitely don't hate her, but I wish we learned more about her, why she does things, what her life was like before, something like that. She, like Chloe, has a lot of potential.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Felix, Lila and Luka all for completely different reasons (Felila for bad ending, Chlolila for redemption and Liluka both ways).
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Nino, maybe? 🤔
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I guess that I don't hate her?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I'll be fine with her either showing a symphatetic side or descending more into villainy as long as they make it interesting. Also I want more Lila and Adrien interaction, their confrontation in Ladybug was great.
my OTP:
Don't have one.
a headcanon fact:
She's pan!
How I feel about this character: 
A cinnamon roll!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Adrien, Kagami, Marinette
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Adrien again, Plagg maybe? (because chill & chaotic)
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I don't know if this unpopular but I want him to see interact more with people other than Alya.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
More screentime and development, please 🙏
my OTP:
a headcanon fact:
He becomes friends with Kitty Section!
How I feel about this character: 
Kind of indifferent, I feel like I enjoy him more in AUs.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Adrien, Kagami, Lila, Felix (it makes sense in AU context, I swear)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Adrien, Nino, Juleka
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
Again, idk how unpopular this is, but I like the idea of villain Luka 👉👈 (not in canon though)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
More development! Also more screentime with his family/friends (..does he have friends outside of Mari and Kitty Section? I wanna know)
my OTP:
No preference
a headcanon fact:
He probably likes Mother Mother
I did Chloe already, so Felix!
How I feel about this character: 
I saw him in Ladybug PV and got Attached.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Bridgette, Chloe, Kagami, I feel like he'd be cute with some of the boys too, but it's hard to decide. Also Lila for the angst
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Adrien, Plagg, Allegra (aka Melody)
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I love him in PV and I love him in canon even though he is a gremlin.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Some Adrien and Felix bonding, please! Even if it's in a flashback!
my OTP:
Feligette and Feloe
a headcanon fact:
One of my favourite headcanons is that he can cook very well and enjoys it. Also he is ace!
And now the ranking, which is VERY subjective and based only on my personal enjoyment (from most to least):
Felix, Chloe, Nino, Lila, Luka
Thank you for the asks!!
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ratottoman · 2 months
She’s a lesbian idc. I give you adrienette you let me have gay Chloe
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The Misadventures of Prince Kim - chapter 28
(aka the royalty AU story)
Finally, a new chapter appears! >:D Sorry for the wait, I had stuff to do in real life
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27] [AO3]
Over the course of the next few days, the Imperial Prince Adrien Protection Squad became notorious throughout the school, though they were known as another name – simply the Girl Gang. Despite not actually having done anything other than talked to people, they were already highly feared by nobles and teachers alike.
Adrien himself had found that the nobles all seemed to be acting extra nice towards him these days, often looking around jumpily as if they were expecting the Girl Gang to be listening in and checking that they were appreciating him enough. It was actually quite unnerving. But still, it was better than when people hated him for his father’s actions. Clearly the Girl Gang had been making sure to inform people how different Adrien was, and how he would never do any of the things his empire had done recently.
Lila had kept in touch with the remaining members of Alya’s spy network and therefore they had a little extra warning time when the guards arrived one day.
“The guards are here!” Lila screeched, running down the corridor and banging on her friends’ doors. “Their carriage has just pulled up outside the school gates!”
Adrien, Chloé and Alix were all out of their rooms within a few seconds.
“Alright gang, our real challenge begins now,” Chloé said. “I think we’ve convinced all the nobles and teachers not to be traitors, so all we need to do is keep Adrien hidden from the guards.”
“They’re meeting with Duke Damocles first to discuss things,” said Lila. “If you want I can go eavesdrop. You can always hear what they’re saying if you climb off the music room balcony and then drop onto the office roof and listen through the vents. That way we might find out what order they’re searching the school in, if they’re allowed into student dorms or not, that sort of thing. It might help us.”
“Yes, go do that,” Chloé said, nodding. “Keep us informed and don’t get caught.”
“In the meantime just keep Adrien hidden in someone else’s room – pick the lock on Nino’s door or something, here–” Lila pulled a hairclip out of her hair and handed it to Chloé. “Do you know how to pick a lock?”
“Of course not, why would I–”
“I know how to do it,” Alix said, snatching the clip off Chloé.
“So do I!” Adrien said. “I could have a go too…”
Chloé stared at them all in disbelief. “You criminals! How do you know how to do things like this?”
“I’ve been trained in the art of lock-picking by a very famous spymaster,” Lila said. “In fact, I even–”
“Don’t you dare lie to me, Lila.”
“Oh alright, fine! Alya taught me! Anyway there’s not much time – I’ll rush back and tell you what I’ve heard, okay? See you later!” She turned and ran off.
“Good luck!” Chloé called after her.
Using the hairclip as a lock pick, they managed to break into Nino’s mostly empty room. Adrien tried not to think about the fact that this was Nino’s room they were in. He missed Nino so much it was hard to bear.
“So how do you know how to pick a lock?” Chloé asked, frowning at the other two.
“I’ve been grounded a lot and perfected every method of escape,” Alix shrugged.
“Me too,” Adrien admitted. “Well, not exactly grounded, but… you know. Not allowed to go anywhere. Not allowed to talk to anyone.”
“Oh Adrien…” Chloé put a hand on his shoulder. “It must have been so hard for you this summer.”
“It really was! It was like being locked up in prison!”
“Well we’re never letting that happen to you ever again. Everyone deserves freedom.”
There was a sudden ringing noise from Alix’s sceptre.
“Guess I’ll answer my phone,” she muttered, going to the corner of the room and opening it while the other two barely paid attention, carrying on with their conversation. Fair enough – she had felt like a bit of a third wheel anyway considering that Adrien and Chloé were already good friends.
“Hello?” she said into the sceptre phone, hoping it wasn’t a call from anyone who was going to tell her off. Maybe it was Max – had he taken his phone into quarantine with him? Or did he leave too quickly to remember?
“Hi Alix.”
Oh thank goodness, it was just Jalil. “Hi Jalil. I haven’t got into trouble yet, I promise.”
“What? No, don’t worry! I wasn’t calling to tell you off or anything, I was just going to say… are you okay?”
“Um, yes? I had my flu jab and everything, I’m fine. Mostly everyone else is in quarantine but I’m still here.”
“Alright, well… I’m just checking…”
“Trust me, I’m fine. Are you okay? You sound worried.”
“Oh, it’s no big deal…”
That definitely meant it was a big deal. “What’s wrong?”
“Seriously, what is it? If you don’t tell me then at least tell your friends or something, don’t just keep everything confined. We don’t want a repeat of that failed exam incident.”
“This is nothing like the failed exam incident! It’s just… well… you know that nightmare you had, about your snake? Let’s just say I had a similar nightmare.”
Ugh, that snake nightmare. She did not want to be reminded of that. Almost instinctively, she gave the snake on her shoulder a reassuring stroke. There was no way she was letting any harm come to it.
“So, you had a nightmare about my snake dying,” she said.
“Not exactly. It wasn’t the snake who died. It was, uh, someone else very important.”
“Let me guess, it was me?”
“Well don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine and definitely not dead.”
“I’m glad to hear it. But please just be careful, okay?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ve never been careful in my life, ever, and nothing’s ever gone wrong. It’ll be fine. It was just a nightmare.”
“I know, I know. It’s just creeping me out a lot.”
“Sounds cool though. How did I die? Was I beheaded? Was it guillotine or axe or what?”
“I don’t even know. I don’t remember much, just that somehow you died, and I wasn’t there to help you or anything. It was really creepy.”
Alix laughed. “Of course it would be creepy if I suddenly died. I’m your coolest sister ever, right?”
“Well, you’re my only sister…”
“Exactly. And maybe your subconscious is just trying to remind you of that. ‘Jalil, be nice to your sister because she might suddenly die!’ Yeah, maybe this means you should be nicer to me! Send me loads of sweets or something!”
“You know what, I think I actually might do that. But only on the condition that you start being more careful.”
“Okay, fine,” Alix lied. “I won’t go cartwheeling along the balcony railings if that makes you happier.”
“Good. Anyway I have to go. Take care.”
“You too, nerd.”
She hung up. Honestly, how weird… as if she was going to die suddenly, that was ridiculous, her brother wasn’t psychic or anything…
But what about the dream she’d had where her snake died? That had been so vivid and terrifying, affecting her so irrationally compared to other nightmares. And now the same thing had happened to Jalil, but about her instead.
She only laughed it off so that Jalil wouldn’t be too worried. He was always such a jittery, anxious sort of person, he didn’t need that kind of burden in his life. And anyway, her snake was fine, right? So she would probably be fine too. It was only a nightmare. A weird one, sure, but just a nightmare.
Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared.
She was not afraid of anything or anyone. Yep. Definitely. And she was not going to die.
Best to just forget about this all for now and focus on protecting Adrien. Maybe later she could ask Master Fu about all this, if things were still weird. Maybe it had something to do with whatever had happened to her hand near the end of the holidays.
What if my hand’s going to get cut off and I die from it?
The thought hit her mind before she could stop it. Amputations, gangrene, blood poisoning… all sorts of terrifying things flashed through her mind. That succession crisis that was going to happen after her rule, what if that would be because she died too soon? Maybe it had nothing to do with a lack of heirs after all?
Whatever it was, it was too much to think about right now. She turned around and went back to Adrien and Chloé, who were busy carrying on their conversation without paying any attention to her.
After a while there was hammering on the door.
“It’s me, Lila! Are you in there? Let me in quick!”
They opened the door and allowed Lila in, then shut it and locked it behind them.
“Alright, I’ve found out some useful things,” Lila said, not even bothering to sit down anywhere. “First of all, the guards have been ordered to stay here for at least a month to find Adrien. It’s not just a quick search and then leaving. If they don’t find him, they’ll stay and keep looking, over and over.”
“Yep, that sounds like something my father would order,” Adrien muttered.
“Which means we have to keep Adrien hidden and keep the nobles under our thumb for at least a month. Also, the guards don’t have clearance to look through the rooms of students who aren’t in quarantine. Not yet, at least. Chloé, they’re seeking permission from your father to do that and he’ll probably say yes.”
“Of course he will,” Chloé sighed. “He’s always sucking up to the Agreste Empire.”
“So for today, the guards will be searching through the rooms of everyone who’s in quarantine. That includes Nino. Which means we have to get out of here and into one of our rooms as soon as possible. And once the guards have permission to search anywhere they want, we’ll just… I don’t know… have to smuggle Adrien around to stop them finding him…”
“They can’t look through my room no matter how much permission Chloé’s dad gives them,” said Alix. “I’m kind of a reigning monarch and everything, remember? Just hide Adrien in my room whenever the guards are around and I’ll forbid them from going in. Simple.”
Lila nodded. “Yes, I think that might actually work!”
“Let’s waste no time!” Chloé stood up and linked her arm up with Adrien’s. “Imperial Prince Adrien Protection Squad, our real mission begins now. Keep the guards away from Adrien for an entire month. Let’s go!”
The first few days were not that difficult. Adrien spent most of his time with the Girl Gang, hiding out in one of their rooms while the guards were noisily rifling through the empty dorms, easily avoidable. Since they caused so much ruckus it was easy to get Adrien to and from classes too, since the guards always made it so obvious where they were.
Things began to get a little more difficult once the guards obtained permission from Emperor André to search wherever they pleased, including dorms currently occupied by students. Most of the nobles were terrified of these big, burly guards, bursting their way into everyone’s rooms unannounced, demanding that Adrien be handed over. Many were starting to think it would be easier just to turn Adrien in so that life would go back to normal.
However, one evening Adrien risked capture when he saw that a noble was crying over her pet cat being stuck in a tree. Adrien climbed the tree, rescued the cat, then ran to hide as quickly as possible just before the guards reached the area. All without his Girl Gang supporting him.
News of Adrien’s kindness spread throughout the nobility like an epidemic, quickly twisting out of control. At first everyone was merely happy to hear that Adrien was willing to help animals. But soon tales began spreading of far more interesting feats, such as Adrien lifting up a crashed chariot with one hand to rescue a baby stuck underneath, or Adrien bringing back someone who had been thought to be dead just by touching them.
None of it was true, of course. All Adrien had done was rescue one tiny cat. But the rumours could not be dispelled, and it in fact worked to his advantage – the nobles were now adamant that Adrien should not be turned in. He was a saint, a precious hero, he must be protected at all costs!
It took the guards several days to thoroughly search through all the nobility dorms. In the meantime Adrien had been spending most of his time in the royal areas of the school, surrounded by the Girl Gang who made sure he could easily be hidden at a moment’s notice. The nobles helped out greatly – they arranged a series of bird call signals to pass messages across distance about where the guards were and what they were doing. Adrien was able to avoid many close shaves this way.
The teachers helped out too, simply shrugging and saying that they had not seen Adrien at all this year whenever the guards questioned them. It was a lie, since Adrien had been attending classes as much as he could, but thankfully the brave teachers had decided to band together and protect him the same way the students were doing.
Finally the guards moved onto searching the royal dorms. The Girl Gang hid Adrien inside Alix’s room and hoped she had enough royal power to be able to stop the guards searching in there.
“Your Majesty,” the head guard said to Alix, as she stood outside her door with her arms crossed, “we have been instructed to search every area of the school for Imperial Prince Adrien. It is a matter of his safety. Would it be possible that we could enter your room and…”
“But it is an order from our emperor–”
“I said nope.” She glared at them. “I’m not having you snooping through my stuff, thanks.”
“But we must find Adrien. He could be in there.”
“Um, excuse me, are you accusing me of hiding him or something?”
“No, of course not!”
“Then go away. He’s not in there, go look somewhere else.”
The guards were all frowning, looking at the door suspiciously. They must have known perfectly well that Adrien was hiding in there. But being unable to do anything about it, they accepted defeat and went off to search somewhere else.
Meanwhile, down in quarantine, Kim was finally recovering from the flu. It left him feeling exhausted, miserable, bored… but at least he was getting better. He was going to be fine. Thank goodness.
He knew when he had been high on a fever he had said a lot of things to Max, lots of unrestrained, unfiltered things that came straight from the heart. It was kind of embarrassing to think about now. He was not meant to be the cheesy, gushy type!
Still, it was true. He had been so glad to see Max, so glad Max was there with him. At first he had just assumed it was because he had missed Max a lot during the holidays, so of course the thought of being able to finally spend time with his best friend made him feel happier than usual.
But the thing was, those feelings were not going away. They were getting stronger. Every morning when Kim woke up, he was so grateful to see that Max was right there with him. It just gave his heart a little spark. Had it always felt like that? Or was he still tired from the flu, and it was messing with his brain?
Never mind. The important thing was that Max was here, and that made Kim feel very happy indeed.
“How much longer until we can leave quarantine?” he asked one morning, feeling much better than he had the previous day.
“Maybe a week or two,” Max said. “I’m not entirely sure. It must be soon, though.”
“Oh, good. I hate it in here. I feel so weak.”
“You’re probably still stronger than me.”
Kim grinned. “Yeah, of course. I bet I could lift you with one hand.”
“Please don’t.”
“Okay, I’ll lift someone heavier with one hand then! How much do you think Marinette weighs compared to you?”
“She’s probably lighter.”
“Yeah…” Thinking about Marinette suddenly reminded Kim of things he didn’t want to think about. “I’ll probably have to go back to Cheng for the winter holidays, won’t I? I just get the feeling that whatever’s going on between mine and Adrien’s countries isn’t gonna be sorted out for a while. So I’ll keep having to go back to Marinette’s kingdom, over and over again…”
He sighed, feeling too miserable all of a sudden.
“At least Marinette’s nice, I guess. But it’s not the same as being home. I’ll have to find some way of not being homesick all the time while I’m there… oh wait! Redbell!”
Max chuckled. “One of those twins Marinette was trying to set you up with?”
“Yeah! Look, I know romance will not solve my problems, but don’t you think it would be cool if I could get a… girlfriend? That’s what the commoners are calling it these days apparently. More specific than just saying ‘sweetheart’. Yeah, girlfriend.”
“Or a boyfriend,” Max muttered, not quite looking at him.
“Yeah, true. In fact it’s kinda weird, but when I think about when I was younger, and there was this guy I knew – some royal guard’s son or something – I always felt weird around him and I thought it must be jealousy or admiration or something. Since he was really cool. But now, looking back, it might have been a crush, and I just didn’t consider that was possible…”
“Sounds familiar,” Max said, still not looking at him.
“And this whole time I just didn’t know. But now I do, and that’s better I guess.”
“Good for you.”
“Anyway, there’s more important things to think about now,” Kim said, something just having occurred to him. “How am I meant to catch up on all the schoolwork I’ve missed while I’ve been down here?”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll help you. Most of the school’s in quarantine anyway so almost everyone will have to catch up. It won’t just be you. The teachers will go easy on you. In fact, I’m pretty sure many of them are in quarantine too!”
Kim breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. I was worried I’d have to stay up late every night doing homework. Thank you, Max.”
“No problem.”
“Seriously though, thank you.” Kim felt that happy feeling rushing back into him again, and he didn’t bother to stop it. “It would have been so much worse without you here. I wish I could just… I wish I could let you into my brain so you could see how awesome you are from my point of view!
“Kim, that’s very sweet of you…”
“And I realized something too! You remember that thinking fountain, the one that always makes me feel calmer and smarter and stuff? Well it’s not the fountain that does it, it’s you! I’ve tried doing homework there without you and it’s not the same. Yet while you’ve been here with me in quarantine this whole time it’s felt the same as when we’re at the fountain together…”
He trailed off, noticing that Max looked somewhat shocked.
“Max, are you okay?”
Max looked down, failing to hide a grin. “I just… rather like it when you give me such nice compliments. Please keep going.”
Kim laughed. “Okay then, I so will!”
It was coming to the end of October and the guards were still at the school, having outstayed their original plan of one month. They were clearly very determined to catch Adrien out. Mr Damocles had hastily cancelled both sports day and the autumn ball, saying that there was no point when so many students were in quarantine.
Smuggling Adrien around everywhere was getting tedious. The guards were also getting sneakier, launching surprise raids everywhere at all times of night. The Girl Gang did not leave Adrien’s side for an instant, often having four-people-sleepovers in Alix’s room just to be on the safe side. The guards continually asked her if they could search her room, and she defiantly refused every time. It was obvious that they really disliked her. But there was nothing they could do.
It was interesting, though, how close the four of them became when there was no one else around for them to talk to. Adrien and Chloé had already been very good friends, but now Lila was being far more honest with them about everything, and was genuinely an enjoyable person to be around without even having to show off or make herself seem special. She had a heart of gold.
As for Alix, she tried to put all her energy into protecting Adrien from the guards. Any time she didn’t, her mind started going back to all the weird things that had been going on – the snake nightmare, her hand, her brother being worried about her… No, she had to distract herself.
The good thing was that she seemed to have somehow acquired some kind of protective instinct over Adrien. For some reason the thought of someone being a hunted fugitive from house arrest just creeped her out almost as much as all the other weird stuff did. She wasn’t even sure why. She just really, really, really did not like the idea of house arrest. There was no way any friend of hers was going to have to go through that.
Finally, one evening, the guards announced that they were leaving. It was about time! Their carriage set off down the road leading away from the school, and everyone rejoiced. Adrien could run around wherever he wanted, to his heart’s content, without having to fear being captured at any point or needing his friends to protect him. The first thing he did was announce that he was going for a walk around the school grounds. He had been cooped up inside for far too long.
Then disaster struck.
“Girl Gang, we’ve got an emergency!” Lila yelled, hammering on her friends’ doors. “Adrien’s in danger!”
The other two ran out of their rooms as quickly as possible.
“The guards haven’t actually left yet!” Lila said. “My nobles have only just found out about it! Apparently the guards just sent off the carriage, pretending to leave, and they’ve been hiding in wait for Adrien… he’s in the school grounds and they’ve got him… they’re going to take him away! We can’t let that happen! We have to go stop them!”
“What are we going to do?” Chloé said. “We can’t just go against armed guards! Do we have much time?”
“No, they’re going to take him away immediately! We have to hurry!”
“But what can we do? The guards have their orders! Oh poor, poor Adrien! He was so looking forward to freedom!” Chloé turned to Alix. “You! You’re a pharaoh, you can command the guards to stop, right? Or something? Please?”
“That won’t work!” Lila said, putting her face in her hands. “Not letting them search your room was one thing, but telling them to go against their direct orders when they’ve already got Adrien… that’ll never work… they’ll never listen… not even to a pharaoh…”
Alix cracked her knuckles. “I’m not just any pharaoh, though. I am Alix. If I want someone to be scared of me, they’ll be scared of me. Even if they are royal guards. I have to try.”
“Are you sure? What if it doesn’t work?”
“It’ll work. I will make sure it works.”
Her snake reared up with its hood out and fangs bared, sensing the determination in her voice. The other two stepped back a little in alarm.
“We’d better get going then,” Lila said. “Come on, follow me!”
The three of them ran out into the school grounds. It was cold and dark out here, drizzling slightly, and there weren’t many people around. There were a few lights in the distance – the guards with their lamps. As the Girl Gang got closer they could hear Adrien pleading with the guards to let him go.
“Please, just tell my father you didn’t find me! He won’t know!”
“Sorry Your Imperial Highness, we have to follow our orders.”
“But I don’t want to go–”
“We will have to use force to take you if you do not cooperate.”
The main guard had his sword out, and the others were backing Adrien into a corner.
“Quick, do something!” Chloé whispered. “Me and Lila will stay hidden here… neither of us have enough power to do much…”
Alix marched over to the guards and stood right between them and Adrien. They looked surprised to see her – and somewhat annoyed too.
“Please step aside, Your Majesty, we have a prince to take care of.”
She put her hands on her hips and tried to stand up as tall as possible, not that it made much difference. “That’s a very interesting way of saying you’re going to kidnap him. Which is essentially what you’re doing.”
The main guard rolled his eyes and raised his sword slightly. “I am afraid we have our orders from Emperor Gabriel himself, so would you please just let us take Adrien already? We would hate to have to use force.”
“Oh, you would hate to have to use force, would you?”
Without even thinking about what she was doing, she simply grabbed the sword by the blade with her bare hand, wrenched it out of the guard’s grasp, and threw it to the ground.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Your Majesty–”
“I am not letting you take away Adrien! If you even dare, I will tell everyone about how Emperor Gabriel is such a terrible father that his own son ran away just to escape, and that he sent guards after him to kidnap the poor kid and take him away from his education. I don’t think that would go down well in the international community considering that half the world is already on the brink of declaring war on Agreste. So just leave now and tell your emperor that you never found Adrien. Don’t even think of crossing me, the leader of the most advanced country in the world, unless you want my snake’s fangs sinking into your flesh and every country in the International Alliance tearing you apart!”
She almost surprised herself at how chillingly commanding she sounded. Her snake hissed at the guards, rising up to full height and extending its hood.
The guards were silent, staring at her, looking shocked. She stared back, daring them to defy her.
After what seemed like a full minute, the main guard finally took a step back.
“Fine,” he said. “We will speak of this to no one.”
He picked up the sword, then he and the rest of the guards turned and left.
Phew… had that really happened? Had she really intimidated a bunch of trained royal guards from the Agreste Empire enough that they obeyed her, against direct orders from their leader? She was that powerful? It didn’t feel real.
She turned and grinned at Adrien, who still looked worried for some reason. “You’re safe now!”
“Alix… your hand…”
Looking down at her hand, she noticed it was bleeding. Oh yes, of course – she had forgotten that she grabbed the sword blade, and the adrenaline meant she’d barely even felt it. Seeing the bright red blood sticking out in the darkness seemed to shock her into feeling it now though. It stung. A lot.
“We have to take you to the medical centre,” Chloé said, running over from her hiding place with Lila. “I don’t know if anyone will even be there or if they’ll all be in quarantine, but…”
“There’s at least one nurse still there,” Lila said. “We’d better go now before it’s closed for the night.”
“Does it hurt?” Adrien asked.
Alix shook her head. “Nah, not much.”
That was a lie. It did hurt quite a lot. What was worse was that she couldn’t help but wonder – was this how she was going to die? It was an injury to her hand, after all! What if it got infected and killed her?
But no, it couldn’t be this. For starters, it was the wrong hand. And whatever had happened in the holidays, that had definitely started on the back of her hand. This time she’d cut it right in the palm. The pain didn’t feel the same at all.
Thank goodness.
The group went to the medical centre where there was indeed one nurse still there, who washed and bandaged the wound. It still hurt a lot but the pain was subsiding now. In that case it was certain – this was nothing to do with the pain in her hand from the holidays. And she was not going to die from it. Not today, anyway.
They returned towards the dorm corridor. Chloé and Lila had been clinging onto each other in worry, and they still hadn’t stopped clinging. In fact, they had been getting progressively clingier in general over the past few weeks. They really did seem to get along well. The two of them were walking along so slowly that Adrien and Alix decided, without even needing to speak, to just leave those two behind to do whatever they wanted without anyone else getting in the way.
“I guess you can finally sleep in your own room for once,” Alix said. “Honestly I’m getting sick of sleepovers. Everyone snores loads and I’m not really a people-person in general, so…”
Adrien nodded, still looking somewhat glum.
“Dude, what’s wrong? You okay? The guards are properly gone now, you’re safe!”
“I know. I just… I don’t even know how to thank everyone. You’ve all done so much for me, and I don’t want anyone getting into trouble just for me, and… even the nobles have been so sweet… and y-you hurt your hand trying to p-protect me…”
Oh no, was he crying? He had already cried enough over the past month – everyone could see his red eyes, hear him quietly sobbing away into the night. Usually Alix was not good at dealing with that at all, but right now her protective instinct kicked in so fast that she had wrapped him in a hug before she even knew what she was doing.
“You are an awesome classmate, an awesome friend, and an awesome prince,” she said. “You don’t deserve to be a fugitive from your own family. So yeah, that’s why we’re protecting you. Okay?”
“And I don’t want to be the kind of person who’d just stand by and not do anything if I have the power to actually make a change. I have to do my bit to help. If I can’t protect people I care about, if something happens and I didn’t do anything to stop it, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself…”
The truth was, she wasn’t even thinking about Adrien. She was thinking about her snake. The nightmare was coming back to mind, and the only thing that could keep her from bursting into tears too was telling herself that she would do everything in her power to protect that snake, no matter what. Even if it meant a cut to the hand or two.
Or worse.
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
By now, I have put more emphasis on Chloe being a witch than a supervillain inthe “Supervillain Chloe AU.” Should I change the name of the AU
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blanket-of-moss · 3 months
Newest Scandal- Bodyguard!Chlolila AU:
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I have way too many AU's at this point, it's a problem-
Anyways here's a mixture between a Mayor!Chloe AU and a Bodyguard!Lila AU. In this AU, they're aged up to around maybe early-mid 20s, and Chloe took over the mayor role after her father retired (hashtag nepotism am I right?). Lila had been her friend/bodyguard ever since they were teenagers (she used her charisma and her totally legitimate connections to get the job), but only after Chloe becomes mayor, and spending basically every moment of the day with each other, does a potential romance (and a potential scandal) begin to blossom.
(Btw please let me know if 'mlle' was the correct prefix for Lila. I researched as much as possible, but I'm still not entirely sure!)
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ratottoman · 15 days
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Doodle dump
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