#chille tid
briarquartz · 2 years
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Steven Universe Rewatch
Season 2 Episode 10
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
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Day in Fandom History: June 19…
Garnet has Pearl and Amethyst stay with Steven, who is exhausted from searching for Malachite in the ocean with the Gems, for a slumber party. However, Steven discovers that he has the power of astral projection, and is rattled by recurring dreams of Lapis Lazuli. “Chille Tid” premiered on this day, 8 Years Ago.
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ty-isnt-there · 1 year
sleep is a curse and yet a curse i need to live - steven universe
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garnets-stargeode2000 · 3 months
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suworkbook · 1 year
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It’s taken me four months to correct the timestamps on this janky pirated srt, but finally we can all continue our bid to set the world record for longest ever time taken to watch a nine minute cartoon.
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swagstar · 6 months
scott pilgrim's creator read my mind like 20 years ago when writing the comic i need s lawyer
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ahh imagine the bachelors when you’re pregnant talking to your belly to get the baby to calm down at night. like the baby likes to keep you awake at night by kicking you directly in the ribs and the only thing that works is your husbands voice.
I think shane would feel super awkward at first since hes not much of a talker anyway, but it becomes a cherished nightly routine for him in the last few weeks of your pregnancy “hello, papa shane reporting for duty, its time to chill out so your mother can get some sleep” and tell it chicken stories, elliott would read poetry and shakesphere, Alex would probably talk sports to it.
I would LOVE to hear your headcanons
Deadass sleeping while pregnant is so hard, and when the tiny child your growing rolls they’re whole body while your trying to sleep? It feels so weird 😂 also listen I know Skyrim isn’t in Stardew but I love it and I know Sebastian would also, lemme have this lmao
The bachelors talking to your baby bump to calm down your unborn child so you can sleep
Probably a bit nervous at first because he isn’t sure what to say
But when your having issues sleeping because your unborn child keeps kicking you as hard as they can he agrees to give it a shot
Gently lays his head on your bump
“Hey there little one, your moms out here trying her best to grow you and she needs to sleep to do that, think you might be able to settle down a bit?”
Is surprised when his voice seems to calm the unborn child down
Very quickly becomes his favorite part of the nightly routine
“Well hello in there tiny one, thank you for tuning into the nightly talk show. Today we’re gonna learn about you! That’s right, tonight’s broadcast is all about your growth”
Your giggling at his little radio show impersonation
Ya know those TikTok videos of people doing little handshakes with their wife’s pregnant bellies and then when the baby’s born? He’s doing that, just wanted to add in that tid bit lol
He probably noticed you were having issues sleeping and he could see all the wild movements from the outside
Leans down and starts talking to the bump
“Hey kiddo, I know your doing your own thing in there but momma needs to sleep, whatcha need?”
When you tell him the baby calmed down after hearing his voice he’s thrilled
Will 100% explain the rules of gridby in depth to your unborn child
“Okay so if you wanna grow up big and strong like your daddy, your gonna have to have proper nutrition, lucky for you I have years experience”
Spends almost every night at bedtime telling your unborn child all about the farm and gridby and of-course rusty the dog
Mans been talking to your baby way before they could hear or acknowledge him
He’s just so excited
“Hey little guy, mommy’s trying to sleep so we gotta calm down, I know you wanna shred but once your out I’ll teach ya to skateboard”
Definitely goes over skateboarding safety with your unborn child
“Sam he’s not even born yet”
“Okay but he’s gotta know how to grind the pipe baby, it’s a great skill”
100% also going to blow a raspberry on your bump to startle the baby cause it’s funny
Dude definitely chats with your baby bump all the time
Especially when your cuddling so mostly at night when y’all are going to bed
Probably the reason the infant can’t stop kicking you without hearing from daddy first
“Hey kiddo, you’ll never guess what kinda antics the chickens got up to today, I can’t wait to introduce you to Charlie”
Definitely brought Charlie in the house once and put him on your bump
“Hey kiddo, this is Charlie, he’s my favorite chicken but don’t tell the others that”
You gently pat Charlie’s head while he looks very confused about the situati
Mans fully prepared to teach your kid all about video games when Theyer old enough
But when they won’t stop kicking you at night unless he talks to them? Now they get to learn early
“So in Skyrim right? There’s a whole character builder and you get to pick what race you want to be, I always go for dark elf personally but you can be whatever you want”
It’s like two hours later, your asleep and he’s still going
“So when you get to white run you have to find the jarl and tell him about the dragons attacking helgen so he’ll send troops to riverwood and then there’s a whole side mission to go on to get the dragon stone and-“
Notices your soft snoring and chuckles to himself silently
“Okay kiddo, we’ll pick this up again tomorrow night, good night my little tadpole, love you”
Presses a little kiss to your bump before going to sleep
This mans been reading poems and story’s to your bump since he learned that baby’s can hear and recognize voices
It’s a nice little nightly routine, after baths and pjs and whatever snack your craving you both settle in and he grabs a book
Tonight’s book selection is the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe
“Alright little one, it’s story time”
Cozy’s up with his head on your bump
“Once upon a midnight dreary, as I pondered weak and weary over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore”
Loves knowing he can sooth the baby even before They’re born yet
Also loves knowing he can provide a bit more comfort to you as you grow them
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novantinuum · 15 days
Pink Onyx AU- An Analysis and Theory Post, Part 2
[Part 1] | [Part 2- You are here!] | [Part 3] | [Part 4] | [Part 5]
Welcome back, folks! This is part 2 of my analysis series on the excellent @pink-onyx-au comic made by @ceephorsshitshow. And for those who are tuning in fresh just now, please check out the first part- linked above- for more information on what these posts are all about. A lot of this analysis will build on what came previously.
We’re jumping right back into it.
Question Two: What is Pink Steven’s whole deal in this comic, anyways?
Fans of this comic have long pointed out the oozing pink looming at the corner of many of the earlier comic panels when Steven and Jasper are fused, and the strong resistance Steven’s own gem seems to have to being Onyx at all.
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(Episode 1: Pages 17 & 18)
In some small way, even if he never states it any more bluntly than he does in the panels above, even Steven himself recognizes what’s going on. The reason their first fusion attempt doesn’t take is because half of him doesn’t want anything to do with Jasper at all.
And with the way Jasper speaks of fusion like it’s a tool to conquer, it’s not very hard to glean one of the reasons why.
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(Episode 2: Page 17)
Pink Steven, probably: And That Was My Cue To Say Yikes™
So, yeah. If you’ve read the comic, you know what happens after this. Steven allows Jasper to front for a while completely unhindered, genuinely curious about what she thinks he should be using his powers for. 
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(Episode 4: Page 3)
This decision isn’t inherently a wrong one- in fact, from one angle I think it shows a lot of mature openness to go to such lengths to try and understand someone you feel you don’t have much in common with. However, it IS a decision that Steven himself doesn’t seem to be in consensus over. And we know this because of how he physically responds to Jasper’s violent use of these powers, and what the speech bubble styles (there’s a lot of that scribbly pink lettering throughout this scene) can tell us about his mental state.
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(Episode 3: Page 7)
Like, just look at the top set of eyes while Jasper’s taking this fused body on a destructive spin around the woods while abusing his powers. They are alert, they are pink, and they are fucking ANGRY.
Not only that, but this part of Steven almost seems to be feeling a bit vindictive towards Jasper for the harm she’s caused him in the past, because he takes a minor bit of control for just a moment to summon that damned death barrier again, in a move that feels intensely like a silent threat to me.
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(Episode 3: Page 9)
Jasper confirms herself in Episode 4 that she did NOT consciously summon this barrier. So, it was Steven, then. Or at least… It was a part of Steven.
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(Episode 3: Page 10)
I feel like many readers contextualize this moment as Steven’s Gem half chastising Jasper for abusing his powers, but I personally read it as him calling out Steven himself- Steven as a whole- for allowing her to have full reign when he knew deep down he was in conflict over the idea of this whole fusion to begin with. The panels with the visualization of Steven’s human half struggling to crawl his way through this gummed up, frothy pink fusion mindscape while his other half takes the reigns immediately calls to mind the shot of Jasper struggling for control in Malachite’s mindscape in the season 2 episode "Chille Tid." 
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Not only that, but take a close look at human Steven’s eyes in that previous panel…
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They’re dulled, not drawn with full black irises like they usually are. 
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(Episode 3: Page 13)
And guess how full hybrid Steven is drawn just a few panels later, right after Pink Steven pulls away his power (“But you’re starting over just like I did!”) and Onyx splits? Those same, concerningly dulled eyes. Reminds me a lot of how he looked during both the cliffhanger of Change Your Mind and when his gem was glitching out in the movie. Given the context of the scene and the internal instability he was facing, I take this to mean that even his gem powers have briefly been nerfed, rendering him just as weak at this moment as he’d be without that gem at all. Hell, this whole page basically reads as him outright bargaining with this part of himself to summon one last panel to break Jasper’s fall.
“No. She can’t… She can’t… Please. She didn’t… didn’t… mean…”
So yeah, this episode in particular is the best glimpse we’ve gotten at the blatant opinions and feelings of this part of Steven so far… but quite frankly, I think the visual motif of the ominous pink goop oozing in at the edges of panels continues to be a powerful reminder of his constant presence. He’s watching things closely. I think the last thing he wants right now is for Steven as a whole to end up hurt by this again.
Basically, in my head, the ooze is Pink Steven’s “Mmmm don’t like that” signifier, lol.
Question Three: What is up with Onyx’s fusion dream?
The beginning of Episode 7 starts with Onyx caught in the middle of a strange dream.
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(Episode 7: Page 1)
In my mind, this is absolutely one of those strange mixed-up fusion dreams- the subject and presentation influenced by the thoughts and memories of the individuals involved in said fusion. I think this dream is a combo of the memories from Rose that Steven can access through his gem and Jasper’s own fears/insecurities.
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You have a visualization of the corruption blast, an event that Rose experienced firsthand- thus, exists as dormant memory within Steven’s gem… and then I think Jasper’s component of this is the perspective, and how it compares to her experience in being struck down by a diamond attacking from the sky in much a similar way. Only, unlike Rose… she didn’t have a shield to hide behind.
Part of me kind of wonders if the emergence of this dream means Jasper’s den is IN the same place where Rose shielded her friends from the corruption blast- since usually, these memory related dreams that Steven and his fusions have are drawn out by being in the exact locations the memories took place. It’s kinda hard to say, though. In the one shot we have of Rose facing the corruption blast, the environment looks entirely different (way flatter, not reddened + weapons on the ground) than the environment in Onyx’s dream. In fact, the environment in Onyx’s dream looks far closer to this:
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The context given in the episode "A Single Pale Rose" shows that this is the Strawberry Battlefield right after the corruption blast itself. (An earlier shot shows the floating islands unique to this area.) You get the reddened soil and the weapons, like we see with what Onyx is dreaming, and the hills. 
So, I think our most likely possibilities are as follows: 
Rose defending the Crystal Gems from the corruption blast DID take place in this location, and the actual shot of her pulling up the shield is just colored a lot differently… perhaps to account for the intense glow of the Diamonds’ power.
The location visualized in Onyx’s dream is actually related to a Jasper-specific memory of the war, which is merely getting mixed up with the ambient memory of Rose seeing the corruption blast careening down at her.
No matter which of the two is true, the major crux of this dream is how it parallels Jasper’s experience of seeing Steven let loose his shattering strike from the sky. This is important, because it is yet another piece of evidence that she is truly, DEEPLY bothered by this moment, even if she often acts otherwise.
When Steven bluntly asks her why she’s not bothered by him shattering her, she deflects…
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(Episode 1: Page 7) 
…completely brushing over any and all feelings she may harbor over the matter to comment on how shattering is a completely normal thing for the old eras of Gemkind. However, later on, she admits that she felt upset when a part of Steven summoned that spiked barrier again while fused as Onyx.
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(Episode 4: Page 4)
This signals to me that processing this event is going to be a large part of Jasper’s arc in this comic. This is the capital ‘B’ Big Trauma that she is burying under all her false bravado and her tough exterior.
I think it is also important to note that we see a visualization of the battlefield from this dream once more, when Onyx’s own personality finally comes to the forefront for the first time. We’ll delve into this matter in the next discussion section.
Look out for the next post in this series at 7am PST tomorrow. Farewell!
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cookies-over-yonder · 6 months
"... In that moment, you, and Taylor, and Nick all realize that there is no fixing this. That this is as good as it's going to get. That you are all stuck with each other in the forms that you are now. You see daddy magic—that same daddy magic that exited Ron and Terry's body, emanate from their bodies like a fine mist, coalesce into the air, and then zip into the jar and fill it up a little bit more because that's what your relationship is."
The Close Family and Closure: An Analysis and Breakdown of Taylor's Issues in Hell or High Father
...and the way he addresses and, in Taylor fashion, downplays the problem, and denies its lack of solution.
(I have transcribed the majority of this scene, and below the cut is my line-by-line breakdown and analysis, as well as some other tid-bits.)
hello! ever since i got into dndads, taylor has been my favourite. i found his extreme escapism and dumb confidence fascinating, and as you may know, i love finding scenarios for him to break. it's, like, at least half of my fics at this point.
this episode is my favourite episode, it broke me, and it pieced me back together but Wrong in all the right ways.
this analysis is focusing on the taylor of it all. the motivation behind his words and the changes in his cadence and the denial that still, despite everything, refuses to fade.
i've never written an analysis post structured like this, so do let me know if you like it. i just... i really love taylor.
okay, let's go!
1. "Well...''
Nicky: … I didn't see a lot of Taylor's growing up and that was—that was fi—like we're cool now right, Taylor? Taylor: Fuck yeah dawg— Nicky: See?
to start off, taylor's instinctive answer is to agree with nicky. because well, yeah, they're chill now, that's true, so of course the first thing he does is agree. and i gotta say that i was expecting taylor to leave it at that, because he's not one to dig deeper when he doesn't need to, and even when he does.
Taylor: Well…
taylor says this immediately after his first answer and oh ny god i got SO excited. but this ain't about me. anyway. taylor finally admitting that they're actually not 100% cool is such a big fucking step argh i am so proud of him forever and also so sad for him forever...
Nicky: What? Look, I'm back now, and I'm super tight, and we hang out, and we can do samurai shit together, and we're fuckin'—we're tight as fuck.
this part makes me so sad because nicky is so ignorant to how his absence has affected taylor despite his frustrations at glenn for not being there. and also, this sort of reasoning would have worked on convincing taylor back in early season two. in fact, it did!
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[Season 2 Episode 10: Dad Me To Hell]
taylor is completely satisfied with this reason because it feeds into his main character syndrome. his dad left to protect him. what better reason is there? and now he's back and there and able to do cool shit with him, so everything is perfect, right?
but the next thing taylor says is so fucking heartbreaking:
Taylor: If I'm gonna be honest, Dad, I've kinda been hoping and keeping an eye out for time travel magic so that we could go back in time, and you could be there for me.
the way he trails off as he says it, and he loses his confidence in his words... it shows an unfamiliar shyness. we've never seen taylor be this vulnerable before. and to think that he'd been holding out hope for time travel magic to fix his childhood? that perfectly aligns with the idea that taylor is so stuck in his anime escapist fantasy that he can't accept what's real. and magic is real, so therefore he must be able to fix his past, right? it's not impossible for there to be time travel (see. end of season 1 + see. attack on titanic.) but taylor doesn't realize that this is something that can't be fixed so easily, even if that magic were available. he doesn't believe that this can't be fixed. more on this later.
Nicky: [grunts and falls] Uh… um… I didn't know you felt that way. Taylor: Yeah, you know, it's just, when I was practicing my jutsus I could have used some pointers. Nicky: Yeah, but like— Taylor: As a result, I've developed a number of very bad habits that I'm told are very hard to break. And, you know, just watching YouTube videos is not the same as having a dad who can fight.
in the past, taylor has used anime to cope with his absent father, and he relied on the fictional characters to bring him the same comfort a father might bring (this was mentioned by freddie in one of the teen talks and while i've been relistening i've yet to find it. do forgive me as i am merely mortal) while this isn't directly referring to that, i still feel it's worth mentioning, as taylor is confronting his own unhealthy coping mechanism and acknowledging that no, youtube videos aren't a replacement for a dad. he couldn't fill the absence of a father with anything else in his life no matter how hard he tried.
also, taylor is smart. he knows that he has unhealthy coping mechanisms or "bad habits" that he can't break and he knows that they're caused by nicky's absence. i just wonder how long he's been stewing over that, you know?
as shown earlier, when taylor first met nicky and found out why he wasn't there, he accepted it immediately, knowing it was the coolest reason for a father to be absent and only fueled his protagonism.
but now, taylor's confronting his own issues surrounding nicky, and explicitly addressing them to nicky.
*wipes a tear*
i'm so proud of him.
Nicky: Wha—I mean, if it's training you want, we can train you, and like, you see your grandpa there— Taylor: [sighs] It's too late. I needed to start when I was three to five years old like true ninja warriors.
there is something so cutting about the way taylor says it's too late. he's talking about training to be a ninja warrior on the surface, yes, but that's not it.
it's too late. it's too late for nicky to witness his upbringing. it's too late for taylor to grow up with a loving father figure. it's too late.
and taylor knows that, and he's saying it, but he's still masking it with it being about training to become a ninja when in reality it's so much more.
this is just one example of the way he downplays the issue. he zeroes in on just one aspect of his life that nicky wasn't a part of, and speaks as if it's the main issue, when really it's only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.
Nicky: Oh, well, I mean— Taylor: So I'm already trying to play catch-up a little bit, but you know, I guess it's water under the bridge. But you know, if there is time travel magic, then you know, maybe, or if you find it, you could maybe… pick me up on the way back… to the past, and you know maybe we could do childhood all over again.
taylor is playing catch-up with training, but he's also playing catch-up with having a father in his life.
and again, he downplays it, says it's water under the bridge, when it's so very clear how deeply this has been affecting him his entire life.
and to top it all off, he brings up time travel again. and the way he says this is so un-taylorlike it's jarring. the uncertainty of the maybes, the trailing off, the voice so quiet you almost can't hear it...
he thinks there's still a chance to redo it and fix things, but i feel that deep down he knows it's impossible, that it doesn't work like that, and yet he's still grasping at straws to try and make things better.
it's... it's really sad. i feel really sad for him.
and the way he says he wants to redo childhood. as opposed to only talking about training, here he actually says he wants to do childhood all over again, and it's so, so quiet. and taylor is never shy. it's so clear how badly he's hurting over this.
god. okay.
2. "I didn't even know where you were."
Glenn: So we're cool. Nicky: So, we're cool. Glenn: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nicky: We're just three cool guys. Taylor: Well…
i love how taylor isn't backing down on the fact that nicky fucked him up. like the gates are open and they can't close back up that easily. he's not accepting them just being three cool guys.
Taylor: Well, I'm just saying—you know, I could have, y'know—not to put too fine a point on it, but Dad, I would have appreciated if, you know… I didn't even know where you were. I 23&me-d my ass, and they sent me a picture of fire, and the cops showed up! There was a white van parked outside of our house for three years!
again, i really notice the change in the way taylor speaks, he's more unsure, quieter, and uses more filler words (such as "y'know"), and it feels as if he feels bad about making nicky confront his faults as a father but he's pushing through it anyway, because he has to.
and i absolutely love the throwback to episode ONE with the 23&me test! like this had been brewing from the start! i just think it's fantastic for it all to build up to this. like yeah. taylor didn't know WHO nicky was or WHERE nicky was and trying to figure it out only led to more danger for him.
Nicky: [gets on one knee and puts his hand on Taylor's shoulder] I guess I never got to properly apologize to you, did I?
Taylor: Well, an apology won't really turn back time, and I don't know how I feel—I would rather have the time travel magic.
this is so cutting. like, yeah, an apology won't cut it, and taylor immediately circles back to time travel magic, as if it could fix what's broken when it really, really can't.
i also find the trend of time when it comes to the close boys to be very fascinating. glenn got locked up in time prison, nicky's childhood was split into two timelines, and taylor thinks time travel can fix his broken relationship with his father?
god damn.
Nicky: Well, I didn't even get to explain—I was in Hell. I was worried that these fuckers [pointing at the other kiddads]— Taylor: Yeah, those fuckers. Nicky: —would have chased after me if I'd gotten out of hell. Taylor: So you're telling me that these fuckers kept you away from me all these years? Nicky: Yeah, you know what? It was these motherfuckers! They are the reason I didn't get to spend time with you because they betrayed me! Taylor: That makes sense; I just saw the memory! Yeah, yeah!
thinking about how taylor immediately agrees with nicky in blaming the others for his absence, because, well, yeah, shit's complicated and they are definitely part of the reason, but the fact that taylor is so on board of whole heartedly blaming them after chewing into his dad about not being there is just so sad. like yeah, of course he doesn't want to be upset at nicky. and it hurts so much that he is.
oh my god.
okay, now, i didn't transcribe the entirety of taylor's memory, i actually summarized it and quoted some key aspects of it, so here:
Taylor's first belt ceremony. He's performing, and he finishes, and he bows, and he looks up. His mom is there. He's sniffling a bit and Cass asks him if he's okay and comments on how he moved all the way up to green belt, and he says he knows. He looks over to the kid who was supposed to get green belt but didn't because of him. The kid is whining, and then his dad comes in and gives him a big hug and—
"It's okay son, I saw how hard you worked, and in my eyes, you're a black belt. Come on, let's get ice cream."
The kid says thanks and they hug and then they leave and Taylor watches them leaving through the window and sees the child and father and mother smiling together. Taylor looks down at and then throws away his green belt.
"I think I'm done with karate."
Taylor gets kicked out.
that line that the father said to his child really hit me, because taylor never heard nicky say that to him. ever. and that was all that he wanted, really. like, "i saw how hard you worked," as in, i was there, watching you, practicing with you, supporting you, i saw you, i see you, i'm here, i'm here with you. and "in my eyes, you're a black belt," in my eyes, you've worked so hard, in my eyes, you deserve more than what you got, in my eyes, you're strong, in my eyes, you're capable.
things nicky never saw, and things nicky never told him.
and then, well, taylor quits.
a memory defining taylor's relationship with nicky. a memory where he wasn't there. a memory where he didn't see taylor's growth. a memory where taylor gave up on an ambition. a memory of absence.
Nicky: I'm really sorry— Taylor: I'm kind of sensing a pattern here to be honest. Nicky: Yeah, I'm thinking that maybe the things that your granddad did, I do now. I'm thinking maybe I fucked up in the exact same way… Taylor: [lays a hand on Nicky] I think you fucked up in the same way too. Nicky: Okay. Well that's good. That's good for us.
god. oh my god. the fuckign pattern. i'm so sorry this part makes me lose my coherency all i can think of is how sad it makes me idk idk guys im sorry. you get it. taylor saying yeah you fucked up in the same way and nicky learning that and accepting it. oh my fucking god. like. i dont know theres something about the acceptance of it that really gets me. at the start of the conversation nicky denied it, and here he is, after seeing a memory of taylor doing something he wasn't there for, and now he's like yeah, yeah. i did fuck up royally.
3. "...there is no fixing this."
Glenn: What if we started over? What if we tried to kinda give it a little bit of a reset, and try and make some new memories together, as this sort of team of three? What do you think about that? Is it stupid? I dunno.
Nicky: What kinda memories are you talking about?
Glenn: Well I was thinking we all go to Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, and start everything off on the right foot! It's been so long since I've been to Disneyland, and, I dunno, let me show you all the secrets. Let me show you all the hidden Mickeys. I never got to show Taylor how to get over nine-hundred-thousand points on the Buzz Lightyear ride. And you! Nick, I never showed you the secret entrance into Club 33 that only I know about, and it requires you to go through the sewers a little bit.
I mean, what do you say? Maybe we can do something about this whole fucked up Close family. Maybe we could bring it on back a little bit. What do you guys think?
Nicky: Yeah, sure, yeah I mean, I like Disneyland as much as the next guy. What do you think Taylor?
Taylor: What's Disneyland? I don't understand, what's Disneyland?
now listen, i know that taylor not knowing what disneyland is was just because of the whole doodlerized world thing, but i feel like it also really highlights the disconnect here. like, glenn wasn't around much in nick's life but they knew each other and yes glenn went to disneyland without nick a lot and yes nick liked universal better and if i got into their relationship it would take far too long and i don't feel particularly equipped to tackle that which is why i'm focusing on taylor, but i think that taylor asking what disneyland is highlights the disconnect between him and nicky. nicky and glenn are talking about something that taylor is completely lost on, and to me it really shows the disconnect between all of them. first off, nicky likes universal studios better than disney, second of all, taylor doesn't even know what disneyland is. they grew up in different realms, and they grew up around different people, and nicky was never there, which means there's so much taylor knows that nicky doesn't, and so much nicky knows that taylor doesn't and so much of that knowledge and those experiences can never or will never be shared.
Nicky: Oh yeah, good point, I guess it's on a previously Doodlerized world now with a bunch of really fucked up shit in it.
Glenn: I'm just saying that like—give me a chance. Give me a chance to try and make up for all the—well—you know what? No, no, no, no, no, I can't make up for any of that stuff.
it's true. this solution is like putting icing on top of an overdone cupcake. temporarily sweet but it's still bitter and burnt. (i'm sorry if that doesn't make sense, i don't bake.) but like when you burn something you can't just. un-burn it. sure you can put icing and sprinkles and all the fun stuff and maybe you can wash out the taste but that doesn't change the state of what's underneath.
that's their relationship to me.
Anthony: As you're saying this, without even wanting it to, tears are rolling down your cheeks, and in that moment, you, and Taylor, and Nick all realize that there is no fixing this. That this is as good as it's going to get. That you are all stuck with each other in the forms that you are now. You see daddy magic—that same daddy magic that exited Ron and Terry's body, emanate from their bodies like a fine mist, coalesce into the air, and then zip into the jar and fill it up a little bit more because that's what your relationship is.
ah yes, finally, we reach the end.
this is what their relationship is. it's comprised of missing connections and missed experiences and misplaced memories and absences and longing and searching and finding one another only for it to be too late. it is comprised of absence as opposed to love or hate or anything in between. the nothingness that is absence is their relationship
how depressing.
if i'm honest, i think nicky still has a chance. obviously he can't fix anything with taylor, but i really do hope that he tries to be proactive in taking part in taylor's life from here on out, that is, if taylor even survives this next episode, oooh scary.... hahaha anyways.
i hope everyone enjoyed this essay! i started writing it the day the episode came out but schoolwork kinda took over me.
i wanted to get it out before this episode's teen talk so that's why i finished it tonight, but i may reblog with more thoughts, who knows! we'll see! :3c
i do also encourage you guys to check out my art for this episode specifically inspired by that last anthony quote there.
and of course my thoughts are not the objective truth, i am a mere university student, ignoring my school essays to write one for tumblr <3
bye-bye! <3 :3c
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zipstidbits · 19 days
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zip's tid bits | thursday, may 2, 2024
today was honestly such a good day!!!!!!
i woke up at 9am, which was my goal time!!!! (i let myself lie in bed for an hour as a ✨treat✨ for doing this, lmao)
even though classes are over, i went up to campus because my supervisor bought us pizza and was hosting a grading party :)
i graded for a few hours, went home, and scheduled a couple of apartment tours for next week (which was harder than i thought it would be, omg)
i got dinner with my dad + stepmom and chilled for the rest of the night :)
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the to-do list:
✔️finish grading
✔️schedule apartment tours
✔️wash laundry + make a room cleaning/packing schedule
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📚the black hand by will thomas (pg. 127/289)
🎧coffee break spanish // sherlock & co
🎶i've had this ABBA playlist on repeat for the last few hours :)
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TSC hot take for tonight:
I believe a lot of people think Jem was treated as a “second” option for Tessa… as in Will was her primary choice and Jem was a back-up. But I really don’t think TID treated Jem like that, I think part of the fandom just believes it did because Will and Jem are separate, with different personalities.
Where Will is concerned, the relationship between him and Tessa was turbulent, always changing, fast-paced, and simply wild.
With Jem, it was more relaxed, calm, consistent.
Jem & Will are different, where one was chill and calm, the other was messy and angsty, and I think people are wired to focus on the messier side of TID, which would be Wessa.
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love-takes-work · 1 year
Steven Universe episode titles
Steven Universe episode titles that are exactly what it says on the tin
Laser Light Cannon
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Steven’s Lion
Arcade Mania
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Beach Party
Rose’s Room
Island Adventure
Watermelon Steven
Future Vision
Sadie’s Song
Steven’s Birthday
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Steven vs. Amethyst
Three Gems and a Baby
Steven Universe episode titles that sound pretty epic and actually are 
Giant Woman
Steven the Sword Fighter
Mirror Gem / Ocean Gem
Rose’s Scabbard
The Return / Jailbreak
Sworn to the Sword
We Need to Talk
Cry for Help
The Answer
Message Received
Gem Drill
Storm in the Room
Are You My Dad? / I Am My Mom 
The Trial
Lars of the Stars / Jungle Moon
A Single Pale Rose
The Question
Legs from Here to Homeworld
Change Your Mind
Steven Universe episode titles that don’t sound very epic but THE EPISODE PUNCHED YOUR FACE
Coach Steven
An Indirect Kiss
Space Race
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
On the Run
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
Super Watermelon Island
Mr. Greg
Mindful Education
That Will Be All
Stuck Together
Off Colors
Lars’ Head
Can’t Go Back
Made of Honor
Steven Universe episode titles that sound like epic main plot developments but THAT’S A LIE
Garnet’s Universe
Rising Tides / Crashing Skies
Hit the Diamond
Kindergarten Kid
Last One Out of Beach City
Gem Harvest
The New Crystal Gems
Back to the Kindergarten
Sadie Killer
Steven Universe episode titles that you need context for or are just vague af
Tiger Millionaire
House Guest
Secret Team
Fusion Cuisine
Maximum Capacity
Story for Steven
The Message
Full Disclosure
Keeping It Together
Chille Tid
When It Rains
It Could’ve Been Great
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Steven’s Dream
Adventures in Light Distortion
Doug Out
Dewey Wins
Pool Hopping
Letters to Lars
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yahoo201027 · 2 years
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Day in Fandom History: June 19…
Garnet has Pearl and Amethyst stay with Steven, who is exhausted from searching for Malachite in the ocean with the Gems, for a slumber party. However, Steven discovers that he has the power of astral projection, and is rattled by recurring dreams of Lapis Lazuli. “Chille Tid” premiered on this day, 7 Years Ago.
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spnbaby-67 · 9 months
Keep From Drowning
HI Ya'll I just came up with a little tid bit as I'm going through some heavy stuff right now, and I figured what is it that makes me happy. I put Jensen and Steve's Album on By Radio Company and I just listen to it over and over, somehow made me feel better. Remember if you are at a lost and need someone please don't hide it, look for help. I am here if you need someone to talk to. I may not answer right away if I am at work, but rest assured I am here. I know this song isnt his song, but the words are what came to my mind tonight.
Warnings: Can contain sensitive information, and sensory overload, Please don't read if you are struggling.
Jensen Ackles had always been the steadfast friend, the one who offered a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear to anyone in need. He had seen friends and colleagues through their darkest moments, but little did he know that the person who would need him the most was someone he held dear - Y/N.
Y/N had always been a bright and vivacious presence in Jensen's life. Her infectious laughter and boundless enthusiasm had been a beacon of light in his darkest days. But lately, Y/N had been withdrawing from everyone, her laughter replaced with silence, and her enthusiasm overshadowed by a profound sadness.
One evening, as Jensen returned home from a grueling day on set, he received a desperate message from Y/N, one that sent chills down his spine.
"I can't do this anymore, Jensen. I'm drowning, and I can't breathe."
Panic surged through him as he read those words. Without a second thought, he raced to Y/N's apartment, fearing the worst. He found her standing on the balcony, teetering dangerously close to the edge.
"Drowning," Jensen whispered under his breath, the lyrics of his own song echoing in his mind. He reached out, grabbing Y/N's arm and pulling her away from the precipice.
Tears streamed down Y/N's face as she fought against him, her voice trembling with anguish. "Let go of me, Jensen! I can't take it anymore. I just want it all to end."
But Jensen couldn't let go. He couldn't let Y/N slip away. The lyrics of his song seemed to blend with their struggle:
"I'm drowning, can't you see?
I'm sinking, helplessly,
In the depths of my despair,
But I won't let you go, I swear."
Jensen's voice was filled with determination as he held her close, his arms wrapped around her trembling form. "I can't do that, Y/N. I can't lose you. You mean too much to me."
Y/N's struggle continued, her desperation evident in every movement. "You don't understand, Jensen. I'm broken beyond repair. You can't save me."
Jensen sang softly, the words of his song mingling with their pain:
"I'm drowning, in this storm,
But I'll fight, to keep you warm,
Through the darkest of the night,
I won't give up this fight."
They stood there, locked in a heartbreaking struggle, Y/N fighting to break free, and Jensen refusing to let her go. In that moment, he realized that sometimes, the greatest act of love was not in letting someone go but in holding them tightly, even when they pushed you away.
As the minutes stretched into hours, Y/N's resistance began to wane. Exhausted and broken, she finally collapsed into Jensen's arms, her sobs echoing in the stillness of the night. He held her tightly, singing the lyrics of "Drowning" softly in her ear, promising to be there for her every step of the way.
As Y/N finally collapsed into Jensen's arms, her sobs echoing in the stillness of the night, Jensen held her tightly, singing the lyrics of "Drowning" softly in her ear. He promised to be there for her every step of the way.
The night was long, but Jensen remained a steadfast anchor. He held Y/N through her tears, offering a comforting presence that she hadn't realized she needed. They sat on the floor of her dimly lit living room, the lyrics of the song weaving through the air like a lifeline:
"I'm drowning, in this storm, But I'll fight, to keep you warm, Through the darkest of the night, I won't give up this fight."
Jensen wiped away Y/N's tears and whispered words of reassurance, reminding her that she was not alone in her struggle. As the hours passed, Y/N slowly began to open up, sharing the pain and despair that had been consuming her.
"I felt so lost, Jensen," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't see a way out, and I didn't want to burden anyone with my darkness."
Jensen held her face gently in his hands, his eyes filled with unwavering support. "You're never a burden, Y/N. We all have moments of darkness, but it's through sharing our pain that we find the strength to overcome it."
The night turned into dawn, and as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope. Jensen had been there for her when she needed him the most, just as his song had promised:
"I'm drowning, can't you see? I'm sinking, helplessly, In the depths of my despair, But I won't let you go, I swear."
Their shared struggle had brought them closer than ever before. Y/N realized that she had found a lifeline in Jensen, someone who understood the depths of her despair and had refused to let her slip away.
With newfound strength, Y/N looked into Jensen's eyes and whispered, "Thank you, Jensen. I don't know what I would have done without you."
Jensen smiled softly, his heart filled with relief and love. "You don't have to thank me, Y/N. We're in this together now."
In that moment, they became more than friends. They became survivors, bonded by their shared journey through the darkness, and by the promise that they would be each other's guiding light.
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caterpillarinacave · 4 months
so I’ve got my little sister to read TID and she’s like 3/4ths of the way through CA, and one of the first thing she says when I ask her for character opinions “I really like Thomas! He’s just so chill, I love him.”
…someone should warn her.
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suworkbook · 1 year
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I don’t know what’s going on between these two but I need about six thousand more episodes of it.
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