#chief tanaka
waitmyturtles · 4 months
The whole show is just about building family, and all the bumps and joys along the way. 🥹
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pedroam-bang · 10 months
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Halo 5: Guardians (2015)
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kylethescott · 1 month
Halo 5: Guardians - A Game I Love
It's the one I've been Waiting for/ Dreading.
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Act 6 is so weird Sakou is credited as Chief AD but it only seems like she did one correction (unless theres some very minor edits and they can be super minor as a simple line correction), many look like Komatsu's style on her better days, not to mention Komatsu replaces her as Chief AD from Act 7 and onward...
Like none of the art featurd in Act 6 looks like any of the ways Sakou draws throughout the series as well as outside of it, besides like one shot.
Im talking the web version btw. Maybe it's a credit for when she does her blu ray edits
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cemeterything · 4 months
how do you give your ocs last names that both fit the character and sound like a real plausible name? your oc names always sound really good and I can never figure out how to give mine last names without them sounding too fantasy
mostly i just cycle through name ideas until i find one that clicks. i usually have a vague theme in mind which guides my research on common surnames, word etymology and variations throughout language, culture and history. for example, giving annie, emery and jocelyn the last name "crane" came from wanting a surname that evoked both slender elegance and undertones of creepiness and/or the gothic, since the crane family is a gothic horror family associated with spider motifs. cranes are elegant but also slightly grotesquely proportioned birds, and "crane" is the protagonist's last name in the short horror story the legend of sleepy hollow, which has gothic themes. it also rolls off the tongue following the names "annie" "emery" and "jocelyn", so it checks off all the requirements. "tanaka", chiyo's last name, is a common japanese last name that translates literally to "center of the rice paddy", which reflects chiyo's humble origins as the daughter of rural rice farmers in the north of japan, while her first name translates to "thousand (years), eternal", reflecting her aspirations to achieve immortality either through a legacy of art or literal transcendence from the flesh to the machine/digital consciousness.
sometimes i also settle on last names before i choose first names, because it can be easier. "lincoln ray" started as "ray", a name that is both masculine and strong and also evokes light and hope, and "lincoln" followed as a first name because i wanted him to have a traditionally usamerican-sounding name with an implied hint of bloody violence (which, since president lincoln was assassinated by being shot in the back of the head, fits the bill). nicky's last name, dyatlov, is a fairly common russian surname which means "woodpecker". woodpeckers have black and white feathers; nicky has black and white hair. it's also a name associated with death and misfortune; the infamous dyatlov pass incident being of course the most obvious example, but also the surname of the deputy chief engineer on duty on the night of the chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. nicky is a fairly unsettling figure whose presence usually means something unfortunate is going to happen, so it was fitting. "nikita" or "nicky" followed as a first name because nicky is nonbinary, and "nikita" is a gender neutral name. it also sounds rather cute and charming, which reflects nicky's deceptively polite, perpetually smiling nature. it actually means "unconquered" or "victor", which also neatly reflects nicky's iron willpower and relentlessly obsessive tendencies.
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demifiendrsa · 2 months
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You Season 3 | Official Trailer #1
Series Highlights
Season 3 of From Me to You: Kimi ni Todoke will stream on Netflix worldwide in August 2024
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Key visuals
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Sawako Kuronuma as Mamiko Noto
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Shōta Kazehaya as Daisuke Namikawa
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Miyuki Sawashiro as Ayane Yano
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Yūko Sanpei as Chizuru Yoshida
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Yūichi Nakamura as Ryū Sanada
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Mamoru Miyano as Kento Miura
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Yūki Ono as Kazuichi Arai (Pin)
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Aya Hirano as Ume Kurumizawa
Original Creator: Karuho Shiina
Director: Kenichi Matsuzawa
Series Composition: Tomoko Konparu
Script: Michiko Yokote, Tomoko Konparu
Music: S.E.N.S.
Character Design: Keiko Ōta, Yuka Shibata
Art Director: Yūsuke Takeda (Bamboo)
Chief Animation Director: Miho Daidōji, Yuriko Nagaya
Sound Director: Tomoaki Yamada
Cgi Director: Hitomi Sumino
Director of Photography: Hiroshi Tanaka
Art Setting: Kazushige Kanehira
Color design: Emiko Ueno
Editing: Daisuke Imai
Main Animator: Kenji Irie
Prop Setting: Hana Okutani, Natsumi Yamato, Yui Kazuyama
Animation Production: Production I.G
Background Art: Bamboo
Sound Production: Sound Team Don Juan
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laelior · 2 months
The Weight of the World
To: Master Operations Chief (ret.) Margaret Shepard
This letter is to inform you that your granddaughter, Lieutenant Commander Bethany Shepard, was presumed killed in action following the destruction of the SSV Normandy by unknown enemy forces on December 5, 2183. 
Lieutenant Commander Shepard’s service with the Alliance was an example to us all and her heroic actions in service both to Earth and the Citadel Council will never be forgotten. 
At this time, we are unable to publicly announce details related to the destruction of the SSV Normandy. At such a time when we are able, rest assured that the Alliance will lay Lieutenant Commander Shepard to rest with full military honors.
Please accept my sincerest condolences for your loss.
Adm. Steven HackettAlliance 5th Fleet Command
Anderson sat in the back of his skycar, numbly rehearsing the words of the letter in his hands over the neatly-folded Alliance flag and Alliance-stamped urn in his lap. God, for such a small jar it must have weighed a ton. Nevermind that it was empty.
His eyes continually wandered to the shallow, formulaic words on the flimsy paper in his hands, hoping that somehow they’d magically rearrange themselves into something less weighty than the gravitational pull of a whole damn planet before the skycar touched down.
Hackett had already sent nineteen letters just like the one in his hands to nineteen different addresses. Letters addressed to Preslies, Dravens, Tanakas and so forth. Letters only confirming what the rumor mill had already been circulating for months. Letters delivered by NCOs and junior officers with black bands around their arms as a thin show of solidarity for their losses. It had been tempting to pass this particular letter off to someone else, too, but some things just had to be done.
“We’re almost there, sir,” the driver said.
The skycar gently touched down on the street next to a neat little house with an immaculately maintained garden. Even in the dead of winter the hedges were neatly trimmed and the flower beds were freshly mulched.
The driver went out to ring the doorbell while Anderson slowly gathered himself for the news he had to deliver.
The woman who came out to the front porch to greet him after a moment was smaller than he expected. He’d never met her before, but Peggy Shepard was a legend in her own right. One of the founding mothers of the Alliance non-commissioned officer’s corp and one of the best damn sniper instructors the service ever had. Hell, her 500-meter longshot record had stood for nearly forty years and had only been broken a few years ago by Lieutenant Coats.
And she didn’t need a letter to tell her why he was here. That was obvious from the hard, steely look in her eyes that flicked to his uniform, the flag tucked under one arm, and the black band around the other. Her eyes lingered on the captain’s stars on his lapel and her hand twitched at her side, fighting the reflexive urge to salute. Old habits died hard, and habits drilled in by a lifetime of military discipline were harder to kill than most. When she looked him right in the eye, though, Anderson had to fight the urge to flinch.
Throughout his military career, Anderson had faced more threats than he cared to count, from the petty political rivalries that riddled the service right up to Saren himself. And just then he would have rather faced down Sovereign itself if it meant getting away from the look in her eyes.
She was no stranger to this ritual. A casual glimpse at the Shepard family tree told him how many of its branches had been pruned like this. But that never meant it was easy to be the bearer of this particular news.
“Ma’am,” he intoned formally. Formalities were good. They were safe. He held up the folded flag and offered it to her with both hands. But before he could so much as open his mouth to say the words that were the next part of the ritual, she held up a hand and drew in a shaky breath.
“It’s true, isn’t it? What they’ve been saying?” She asked quietly. No need to ask what they were saying.
Anderson could only nod stiffly. “I’m afraid so, ma’am.”
She quietly accepted the flag, taking the weight from him and hugging it closely to her chest. 
“The Alliance offers its sincerest condolences for your loss,” he intoned, getting back to the words of the ritual. “If there’s anything we can do for you….” He trailed off. There was nothing the Alliance could do for her that would remotely make up for the magnitude of her loss, and there was no point pretending otherwise. 
She nodded in acknowledgement of the harsh, unspoken truth that passed between them.
“I need to make arrangements,” she said, her voice barely a whisper, before turning back into her house and letting the door slam shut behind her. The large wooden door closed with a resounding thud that made him flinch with its finality. He set the urn and the letter down on the porch table next to the door and went back to the car, his duty thus discharged.
If it was a tragedy for a parent to bury their child, then it was an utter goddamn travesty for a grandparent to lower their grandchild’s casket into the ground.
The driver cleared his throat, cutting across the uncomfortable silence that filled the car. “Where to next, sir?”
“Norfolk,” he said, picking the closest Alliance base he could think of off-hand. The car began its ascent, leaving the view of the Shepard household behind.  “Drop me off at the officer’s club, and tell them to have a glass of Ardbeg 16 ready, no ice.”
Something to wash away the ashy taste of having been the one to send Peggy Shepard’s granddaughter to her empty grave.
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vaguely-wormlike · 3 days
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i was really inspired by @uss-sonder to draw my cast of star trek ocs in a row- this is the crew of the uss capricorn! i may do a sort of lore dump about them at some point we’ll see :)
from left to right:
Captain Linem Cas
1st officer T’lar
Dominion Ambassador Valrathi
Security Chief Noor Ahmad
Chief Medical Officer Dr River Sawyer
Chief Engineer Hakol
helm officer Adan Tanaka-Vicente
Admiral Sampson Monroe
Doctor Zeth Atalis
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 3 months
Hello Mrs. Tanaka here reporting to you from the newly renovated train station turns out the goods on these cars aren’t the only thing getting railed our very own Chief of Police Lin Beifong has been involved with Lightning Bolt Zolt for years now according to our sources. We hired a private investigator and this is what they found-
Don't leave me hanging!!!
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malrie · 1 month
ok I don’t have hoo reciepts on hand rn but I have to say it’s always sooo crazy to me ppl fanonize Piper as some prank pulling loud mouthed no other real personality trait girl but she’s literally the comforter in chief as riordan so aptly put it in canon…like she was busy and all and u don’t notice in hoo cuz she’s kinda just preoccupied w her teenage puppy love bf but everybody. Everybody likes piper McLean. eat my ass mary sue etc etc but the reason for this is literally as simple as her being uncontested in her empathy (drew Tanaka left the chat)
like idk this one burning maze part with Meg is prob the easiest example
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and like baby chuck just being enamored with her is sooooo…like whatever
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what's up with the nerdy halo scientist with glasses? I remember seeing a little about him but I have no idea if he's alive at the end
Oh, we are in the same boat because there's a lot of characters that we have no idea if they're alive or where they are or if they're ever going to be seen again! Yippee! Anyway, nerdy halo scientist with glasses has to be Dr. Henry Glassman!
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We haven't seen him since the comics when he, Palmer, and Tanaka were racing Halsey for some complicated Forerunner stuff I won't get into before the AI custodian pulls a "nuh uh" because Halsey cheated and everything explodes
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This is the last image I have found of Glassman in canon. They get out of there okay, but Glassman's the chief engineer of the Infinity. A ship with notoriously bad luck and one we don't know where she is or what's going on. Halo Infinite made it seem like she had a reduced crew and that she was taken out...somehow.
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Her original crew size was more than twice that: By February 2558, Infinity had a crew of 17,151 sailors, Marines, ONI operatives, and civilian personnel, as well as numerous adjunct members of the other UNSC branches and a number of Huragok specialists
But then they walked it back on twitter because Halo has to have options for its story since the execs screwed up and there's no clear path forward. Again, while I don't love Infinite's story, it's amazing they got a game out at all given the horror stories. I feel so bad for everyone who worked on this game.
If anyone has sources for where the Infinity is I would gladly take them. I miss her.
This is all to say we don't know where Glassman is and he hasn't popped up in any extra lore yet. So he may not be killed! He has a history of getting his ass saved by Spartans (Thorne in SpOps, Palmer and Tanaka in Escalation). Who knows? He might be out camping with Lasky, Halsey, and Palmer wherever they are. He might be thrown in the meatgrinder the next time we get a short story! I have no money to bet but I would say it's more likely we get a Glassman mention before Miller.
I'm climbing off my soapbox now, thank you for the ask. I love retrieving lore.
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444lpblue · 8 months
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End #1-4 - It was... Perfect
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Episode 1 - The Journey's End Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Keiichirou Saitou Episode Director: Ayaka Tsuji Animation Director: Reiko Nagasawa Key Animators: Junko Abe, Shin Ogasawara, Ran Kamezawa, Jun Sekiguchi, Daiki Harashina, Kanata Yanagisawa, Shinichi Yoshikawa, Xujian Li, Odashi, Keisuke Kobayashi, Shinji Ootsuka, Hayato Kakita, Toshiyuki Satou, Ayaka Tsuji, Yoshiko Matsumura, Emi Yamazaki, Kanako Yoshida, Kerorira, Kou Yoshinari
Episode 2 - It Didn't Have to Be Magic... Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Tomoya Kitagawa Episode Director: Tomoya Kitagawa Chief Animation Director: Reiko Nagasawa Animation Director: Ayaka Minoshima Key Animators: Junko Abe, Nobuhide Kariya, Toshiyuki Satou, Harumi Takagi, Daiki Tanaka, Masaho Hori, Yutaka Minowa, Kanata Yanagisawa, Xujian Li, Fuuko Abe, Kyousuke Ootori, Takahito Sakazume, Jura, Yuka Matsumura, Yukiko Watabe, Hayato Kakita, Hiroyuki Kobashi, Jun Sekiguchi, Airi Takahashi, Daiki Harashina, Ayaka Minoshima, Kouta Mori, Shinichi Yoshikawa, Aoi Ootani, Naoki Katou, Sanae Shitaya, Shinya Segawa, Zihan Liu
Episode 3 - Killing Magic Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Daiki Harashina Episode Director: Daiki Harashina Chief Animation Director: Reiko Nagasawa Animation Director: Daiki Harashina Key Animators: Daiki Harashina, Junko Abe, Shin Ogasawara, Mai Toda, Kanata Yanagisawa, Daisuke Shibukawa, Kou Yoshinari, Fei Hung Donghua, Hanwen Ye, Tooru Iwazawa, Honami Takeuchi, Yoshiko Matsumura, Xujian Li, Yukiko Busa, Nonno
Episode 4 - The Land Where Souls Rest Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Yoshiaki Kawajiri Episode Director: Kento Matsui Chief Animation Director: Reiko NagasawaAnimation Director: Ayaka Tsuji Key Animators: Shin Ogasawara, Hiroyuki Kobashi, Toshiyuki Satou, Harumi Takagi, Rie Arakawa, Yuka Koiso, Masahiro Yufune, Pinqiao Hui, Norifumi Kugai, Ayaka Satou, Jun Sekiguchi, Miyuki Inoue, Shuuji Maruyama, Ryuuguu-san, Yenxin Fan
Last week was utter hell, with a new class, a new schedule, and my sleep going out of whack. I'm still trying to readjust, and let me explain why I'm mentioning all of this. Almost nothing would have motivated me to get out of my zone and type this post except for Frieren. Frieren is one of my favorite manga series. If you've talked to me about anime/manga before, you would know this. So, ever since it was announced, it has been one of my most anticipated series. To add to that, Keiichirou Saitou was announced as the director. He's a great example of an upcoming new-gen director who has excelled in everything he's been a part of. From the beautiful and abstract EDs he created for The Executioner and Her Way of Life or Boogiepop, to the mesmerizing, dreamlike episodes he directed for Sonny Boy, and the expressive, now very popular Bocchi the Rock. He was a perfect choice as a director for a series like this, and let me tell you, he delivered fully.
Just from a quick glance, you can see how the show looks. Everything is eye-catching, making it almost hard to focus on one particular element because they all just look so good, and no, it's not just the chromatic aberration causing the lack of focus. The various departments responsible for compositing, the background, and the overall color design have done an outstanding job, creating a beautiful and cohesive piece of art. Seeing someone you might consider a less experienced director pulling off such a complete and harmonious experience is incredible. In terms of design, the whole show is aesthetically pleasing. It's not the experimental work you saw in Sonny Boy; it's going in a totally different direction, like a beautiful painting that should be framed on a wall.
It works very well when paired with, you know, how Frieren is as a story. The fantasy world they are in isn't an extremely unique one. You've seen it before; it's fairly typical in that sense. But that's not truly the point. The main focus is showing the day-to-day or year-to-year life of this immortal elf girl, Frieren, and how she views time, how she remembers her past. It's not an incredibly grand adventure, but with the small lens we have on these characters, it feels like a cherished moment, something that should be captured in a photo or painting. It's beautiful in a very simple way. It's not a series made for extremely large moments, I think Frieren has always been focused on a simpler view of life, much like a painting. The smaller details of such a straightforward approach are highlighted so well. The trees in the environment, the squirrels just moving around—there's so much life in each scene. It really all comes together for me like a piece of art.
The consistency lasts through all four episodes, and the staff distribution also seems fairly good, so I expect this to continue throughout the two cours. The pacing itself is perfect. I've really enjoyed how the story has been adapted to animation so far. I believe that nowadays, many anime series have fallen into the pitfalls of adapting things too quickly to capture the interest of newer viewers early on. However, the series composition for Frieren here is excellent.
This writeup might have been shorter than most people were expecting considering how amazing the anime adaptation is and how much I love the source material, but what can really be said about except just praising? I feel like even if you don't like the source material, the anime's execution is almost undeniably good. Additionally, as I said this past week has not been kind to me so my energy is a bit drained, at first I was planning to be more specific in my write up and make points more adhering to the specifics of each episode, but I didn't really have time for that. However, I will do my best to cover every Frieren episode weekly from now on. Make no mistake this is going to be my favorite series from this year.
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lierrelearns · 6 months
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写真提供: 小田原市立図書館発行[一枚の古い写真]より
明治憲法と民法を起草、初代の内閣総理大臣 伊藤博文 (1841-1909) 1] 伊藤博文公胸像 (本町四丁目) 伊藤博文の別邸[滄浪閣]跡で[民法発祥の地]として知られます。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
幕末の志士で、宮内大臣等を歴任した政治家 田中光顕 (1843-1939) 2] 小田原文学館、3] 白秋童謡館 (南町二丁目) 田中光顕が構えた2棟の別邸を、小田原文学館と白秋童謡館として有料公開しています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供:多摩市教育委員会
三井物産等を設立した明治財界の指導者、大茶人 益田孝 (鈍翁) (1848-1938) 鈍翁in西海子(南町二丁目) 茶器など鈍翁ゆかりの品々を展示しています。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
秋山真之と親父があり、海運業で財閥を築いた実業家 山下亀三郎 (1867-1944) 5] 対潮閣跡 (南町一丁目) 山下亀三郎の別邸[対潮閣]跡で、秋山真之の終焉の地です。後に、田中光顕の歌を彫った[釣鐘石]が置かれました。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供:山下真一郎氏
福岡黒田家13代目、貴族院副議長を30年務める 黒田長成 (1867-1939) [6]清閑亭 (南町一丁目) 黒田長成が明治末期に構えた数奇屋風の別邸。周辺の庭園めぐりの案内をしています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
日露戦争における仁川沖海戦等で活躍した司令官瓜生外吉 (1857-1937) 7] 瓜生海軍大将之像 (南町一丁目) 山角天神社の境内に瓜生大将の胸像があります。 8] 瓜生坂 (南町一丁目) 高台にあった瓜生外吉の別邸に通じていた坂道です。 写真提供:瓜生家
多数の詩や童謡を創作した国民的詩人 北原白秋 (1885-1942) 9] 木兎の家跡(伝肇寺境内)(城山四丁目) 北原白秋が大正7年から8年余りを過ごした[木兎の家]が伝肇寺境内にありました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館
皇族出身の陸軍軍人で、昭和激動期の参謀総長 閑院宮載仁親王 (1865-1945) 10] 三の丸外郭新掘土塁(南町一丁目〜城山四丁目) 閑院宮載仁親王の別邸跡。広大な敷地の一部は史跡小田原城跡の土塁に重ねっていました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館 H25.12 小田原市観光課
Vocab 提供 (ていきょう) providing, donating 発行(はっこう)publication 憲法(けんぽう) constitution 民法(みんぽう) civil code, civil law 起草(きそう) (drafting (a bill, etc.), drawing up 内閣総理大臣 (ないかくそうりだいじん)prime minister (of a cabinet government) 伊藤博文 (いとう・ひろぶみ)Itou Hirobumi 公 (おおやけ)official, governmental, formal 胸像 (きょうぞう)half-length portrait 別邸 (べってい)secondary residence, vacation home 滄浪閣 (そうろうかく)Sorokaku 発祥の地(はっしょうのち) origin, birthplace 民有地 (みんゆうち)private land ご遠慮ください(ごえんりょください)please refrain (from) 国立国会図書館(こくりつこっかいとしょかん)National Diet Library 幕末(ばくまつ)Bakumatsu period 志士 (しし)imperial loyalist samurai of the Bakumatsu-era 宮内大臣(くないだいじん)Minister of the Imperial Household 歴任 (れきにん)successive/consecutive jobs 政治家(せいじかん)politician, statesman 田中光顕(たんか・むつあき)Tanaka Mitsuaki 文学館(ぶんがくかん)literary museum 白秋(はくしゅう)Hakushu (see below) 童謡(どうよう)nursery rhyme 構える(かまえる)to build, set up 棟(とう)counter for buildings 有料(ゆうりょう)fee-charging 公開(こうかい)open to the public 有形文化財(ゆうけいぶんかざい)tangible cultural properties 多摩市(たまし)Tama City 三井物産(みついぶっさん)Mitsuri & Co. 設立(せつりん)establishment, foundation 財界(ざいかい)financial world, business circles 茶人(ちゃじん)master of the tea ceremony 益田孝(ますだ・たかし)Masuda Takashi 鈍翁(どんのう)Donnou, an alias he took on as a tea master 西海子(さいかいし)Saikaishi 茶器(ちゃき)tea utensils ゆかりconnection (to a person, place, or thing) 品々(しなじな)various articles 展示(てんじ)exhibition, display 秋山真之(あきやま・さねゆき)Akiyama Saneyuki 海運業(かいうんぎょう)shipping industry, marine transport 財閥(ざいばつ)zaibatsu, financial conglomerate 築く(きずぐ)to build up, establish 実業家(じつぎょうか)business, entrepreneur 山下亀三郎(やました・かめさぶろう)Yamashita Kamesaburo 対潮閣(たいちょうかく)Taichokaku 終焉(しゅうえん)end (of life), death; (peacefully) spending one’s final years 彫る (ほる)to carve, engrave 釣鐘石 (つりがねいし)Tsurigane-ishi (Hanging Bell-shaped Rock) 代目(だいめ)nth generation 貴族院(きぞくいん)House of Peers (Meiji constitution) 副議長(ふくぎちょう)vice-chairman 黒田長成(くろだ・ながしげ)Kuroda Nagashige 数奇屋(すきや)tea-ceremony arbor めぐり tour 教育委員会(きょういくいいんかい)board of education 日露戦争(にちろせんそう)Russo-Japanese War における in, at, on, regarding 仁川沖海戦(じんせんおきかいせん)Battle of Chemulpo Bay (Feb. 9, 1904) 仁川(インチョン)Incheon 活躍(かつやく)activity, great efforts, active participation 司令官(しれいかん)commanding officer, general 瓜生外吉(うりう・そときち)Uryu Sotokichi 海軍大将(かいぐんたいしょう)admiral 之(の)of 山角天神社(やむかくてんじんじゃ)Yamakakuten Shrine 境内(けいだい)grounds (esp. of temples and shrines) 坂(さか)milestone; slope, hill 高台(たかだい)high ground, hill 坂道(さかみち)hill road 創作(そうさく)creative work 国民的(こくみんてき)popular on a national level 北原白秋(きたはら・はくしゅう)Kitahara Hakushuu 木兎(つく)horned owl (rarely used kanji form) 伝肇寺(でんじょうじ)Denjo-ji Temple 皇族(こうぞく)imperial family 陸軍(りくぐん)army 軍人(ぐんじん)soldier 激動(げきどう)turmoil, upheaval 参謀総長(さんぽうそうちょう)chief of general staff 閑院宮載仁親王(かんいんのみやことひとしんのう)Prince Kan’in Kotohito 外郭(がいかく)outer fence, outer enclosure 土塁(どるい)earthen walls 広大(こうだい)immense, huge, grand 敷地(しきち)site, plot, grounds 史跡(しせき)historic site
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injuries-in-dust · 2 years
A sign of trust
Part 3
Read Part 1
Read Part 2
It was traditional more than anything else, but any human who wanted a license to fly a ship needed to learn a sign language developed for use in space.
It wasn't really a language, but a set of signals, like those used by scuba divers, made to communicate some quick and basic concepts to those around them.
Before humans joined the wider galaxy and received universal translators people in space needed quick and concise ways of communicating. Especially if you were on a spacewalk and in a hurry to find a hull breach made by a micro-meteor as big as a grain of sand and neither of the two brave engineers who had volunteered for the job spoke each others languages.
It had also been useful in case of a communication blackout. These days comm units on ships were built to be the last piece of equipment to fail. The same was true of the communication equipment inside the space suits. However, back in the old days, like when people still needed to go into cryo-sleep just to reach the nearest star system, more often than not, things had been built by the lowest bidder. Which meant the cheapest components, which meant that breakdowns weren't just expected, they were damn near routine when it came to long-haul flights.
So every human, regardless of their national language, learned a set of universal hand signals that had been agreed upon between nations, so one astronaut could speak with any other.
Rin knew this kind of stuff because of family history; her great-grandparents had met each other on a long-haul flight from earth to Trappist -1. Great Grandfather had been Australian, while Great Grandmother had been Japanese. Neither one of them had spoken each others languages when they'd met.
There'd been a fault in the navigation equipment and the computer had determined that Chief Petty Officer William Brown, and Lieutenant Mei Tanaka were the best the fix it. They'd been thawed out and briefed in their own languages before getting down to the business of fixing the problem. They didn't speak each others languages, but they both knew the universal sign language as party of their basic training.
Those few hand gestures had been a building block that they had used to start to communicate with each other. The communication and the fault in the navigation computer had been two hurdles they had conquered together. In the three days they had taken to fix the problem their team work had blossomed into mutual respect and then into something more.
The next time they thawed out of cryo-sleep, the ship was in orbit of Trappist -1E. By the time the ship had touched down, before the first colonists were even disembarking, the two were married by the ships captain. They'd spent the rest of their lives learning to speak each others languages but they never had trouble communicating.
She hadn't used the sign language since her training course. She mostly worked solo on her ships. She liked the just hop around wherever and whenever she wanted. No company schedules to keep, no passengers to mother, no cargo to worry about, unless it was all on her own terms. She mostly did a little light scouting of asteroids and uninhabited planets for mining prospects and sold them on just as a means to keep her engines fuelled and her rations full. She was a proud space-hobo, enjoying the sights of an infinitely beautiful universe and living her best life just the way she wanted.
Rin wasn't looking for anything romantic, but she was looking to work with this Kook to get something fixed. She hoped she could live up to the family legacy.
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🌟 10th Anniversary Issue on sale now 🌟
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Exclusive In-Depth Interviews:
Michael Parkes [cover artist], Tamura Yoshiyasu, Tania Rivilis, Andrew Hem.
Roxanne Sauriol Hauenherm, Paolo Puck, Known as Myself, Yuki T Photography, Ilya Zomb.
10 Years of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine:
Interview with Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief who speaks to us about how the magazine began, how it has grown and evolved over the last decade. Her challenges, successes, learning, and her journey thus far.
Curator’s Wishlist:
Martin & Louise McIntosh, Directors of Outre Gallery in Melbourne, Australia share what they would like to add to their personal collection.
Collectors Profile:
Kim Larson & Bradley Platz, Directors of Modern Eden Gallery speak to us about their personal collection and what motivates them to collect contemporary art.
Full page reproductions of Nona Limmen’s dark surreal photography.
Quick Q&A:
Lou Benesch, Loputyn, Petite Doll, Karen Turner, and Win Wallace [2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, Honourable Mention], all respond to the same 4 questions which delve into their artistic practice.
Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory:
Discover exceptional, innovative and skilled artists from around the world with Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory – the leading platform for connecting with top talent.
Inside this issue: Jon Ching, Adrian Cox, Iness Rychlik, Elizabeth Winnel, Ransom & Mitchell, Dawid Planeta, El Gato Chimney, Tran Nguyen, Daantje Bons, Troy Brooks, Hannah Yata, Mothmeister, Josh Dykgraaf, Reuben Negron, Amahi Mori, Stephanie Rew, Jeff Echevarria, Bill Mayer, Akishi Ueda, Adam Matano, Brian Viveros, Annie Stegg Gerard, Eunpyon, Marcela Bolivar, Lindsey Carr, Ebony Russell, Hannah Flowers, Theodora Capat, Erik Mark Sandberg, Sara Gallagher, Brittany Markert, Adrian Cox, Bill Mayer, Beth Mitchell, Aaron Mcpolin, Nicolas Bruno, Steven Kenny, Allison Reimold, Adam Matano, Hiroshi Hayakawa, Lexi Laine, Hannah Flowers, Ema Shin, Heidi Taillefer.
Some of our Favourite Things:
We share some of our favourite artisan fashion designers including: Louise Gardiner Embroidery, Ellen Rococo, Yu Tanaka, Jingyi Xiexie, and Sandra Mansour.
Our Community:
Our Instagram #beautifulbizarre community feature including: @candiceghaiphotography, @christina.ridgeway.art, @julyhendrix, @marieeve_proteau, @petulantpretty, @vasilisa.romanenko, @margosimms, @thisiscraves
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Kiwadoi Futari: K2: Ikebukurosho Keijika Kanzaki Kuroki (キワドい2人-K2-池袋署刑事課神崎・黒木) Whump List
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Synopsis: Ryuichi Kanzaki is guided by his strong morals and a belief in the good in people. On his first day at work his assigned partner, veteran detective, Kenji Kuroki is nowhere to be found. The Criminal Investigations’ Chief assigns Ryuichi Kanzaki to find Kenji Kuroki.
There is also secret between Ryuichi Kanzaki and Kenji Kuroki. They are actually step brothers.
Genre: Mystery, Comedy, Family
Whumpees: Kanzaki Ryuichi (left) played by Yamada Ryosuke and Kuroki Kenji (right) played by Tanaka Kei
Note: Check out Yamada Ryosuke in Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo N as well.
!!Spoilers Below!!
Warning!! Attempted suicide in ep. 4 and implied suicide (with a note left behind) in ep. 5
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Kanzaki Ryuichi
Ep. 01: grabbed by the front of the shirt, shoved, fell, teary-eyed, crying, jumped in water to save someone even though he can't swim, shivering, coughing, fainted, painfully slapped on the back×2, (flashback as a child: taken hostage, gun to the head)
Ep. 02: teary-eyed, crying water sprayed in the face multiple times while he's climbing a wall, grabbed and shoved, teary-eyed
Ep. 03: at knifepoint, teary-eyed
Ep. 04: trying to talk someone out of commiting suicide
Ep. 05: his dad is accused of murder, finding out about his past, crying, feeling betrayed, angry, fell out with kuroki, crying
Ep. 06: crying, shaking, teary-eyed, crying, using himself as a human shield, at gunpoint
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Kuroki Kenji
Ep. 01: bleeding forehead, hair grabbed, knocked out, unconscious, hands tied to a pipe, struggling to free himself, near an explosion, bandage on forehead for the majority of the rest of the episode (flashback: attacked, hit on the head, kidnapped), jumped in water to save someone, near drowning, saved, (flashback as a child: taken hostage, wincing from a loud shot)
Ep. 02: flashbacks, ears ringing
Ep. 03-04: none
Ep. 05: his dad is accused of murder, ears ringing, flashbacks, telling about his and kanzaki's past, ears ringing, grabbed by the front of the shirt, fell out with kanzaki, feeling guilty
Ep. 06: grabbed by the front of the shirt, got drunk, grabbed by the front of the shirt, beat up, arrested, in a cell, pushed, slammed into a table
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