#chiara replies
lisin-drw · 2 years
I'm sorry to bother you BUT your art is so so pretty!! I love your art style so much!! 💜💜💜
Also I love Hufflepuff that's my favorite house💜💜💜
No mate ur not bothering 🥺 thanks for sending this lovely ask! It means a lot to me 💜
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Yeah how can't we love Hufflepuff 💛💛💛
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕💕💕
chiara, thank you 💗🥺 right back at you !!!!!
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fagmegumi · 2 years
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You vs the guy she tells etc
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frogcoded · 2 years
anyway people have started replying to my messages on the renting rooms website so i'm normal now. only person not replying is the girl renting my absolute favorite room but i'm being so brave about it
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mqstermindswift · 5 months
Nicky's and Mattheo's wedding ceremony <3
*this will happen in the replies*
I'm so excited
maid of honor: @urbanflorals
bridesmaids: @deprivedofbraincellsandsleep , @sophiesonlinediary , @the-red-archer ,@hiyyihbae ,@skeelly , @annaisabookworm and @a-beautiful-fool )
flower girls: @my-mind-is-frozen and @stardemigirl
ring bearers: @brave-olive and @deprivedofbraincellsandsleep
@stop-ur-losing-me @ghost-of-a-poet @positiveinfluencesstuff @lost-in-reveriie @annaisabookworm @chiara-swiftiedreamer13 @analuvsyouxo @alltoounwell1989 @maxhastingsno1hater @sureallavnder @reminiscentreader @paqerings @taylorswiftaylor @loving-the-marauders-deactivate @staybeautifu1 @foaming-sea @what-about-wendy @bejeweled-13 @london-affairs @bookish-phile
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silverbladexyz · 1 month
Important Announcement
Hey... I know that this is quite sudden, but after thinking about it a lot: I've decided to quit Tumblr.
I know that it might seem shocking, and trust me- I don't feel pleased doing this too, but I believe that it is the best decision so that I can actually focus on my life and my faith. Over time, I've also noticed how my health was gradually getting worse, and that Tumblr was slowly but surely exacerbating it. It's been a hard choice to make, but I feel that it is necessary for me.
It was a joy to get to know all of you, and I could never be more thankful to have such an amazing group of individuals who have supported me all this time. I couldn't have made it this far if it weren't for you guys.
I'll keep my blog, and here is my Instagram and Discord (my username is Silverbladexyz because the link is somehow invalid) accounts so that you guys can still chat with me if you want to. Please DM me your Instagram or Discord name so that I know who you are on those social media accounts. I won't be as active on there, but I promise that I'll try to reply to each of your messages :)
@circinuus /// @chuuyas-beloved /// @i-just-like-goats /// @fi-nn-losofia /// @ashthemadwriter-archived /// @chuuyasboner /// @angolicious /// @scarletta-ruan /// @yuugen-benni /// @dazaiyohane /// @yosanosboner /// @voidcat /// @sariel626 /// @xxsigmakinniexx /// @evermourning /// @overlysour /// @chunshiya /// @natimiles /// @oldworldpoolhall /// @invidiia /// @chocsra /// @guacamoleroll /// @riiwrites /// @chiara-hotel /// @heartsfourdazai /// @justcallmesakira /// @atlasnessie /// @justcallmesakira /// @luvfy0dor /// @ruanais /// @saelique /// @jackiepackiee /// @rusmii /// @tsuunara /// @tiredlilguy /// @mygoldenmoonflower /// @ilovechuuy4 /// @wwouldvecouldveshouldve /// @romanticheri /// @hanilessa /// @cakeqingsdead /// @little-miss-chaoss
To my beloved mutuals, followers, and friends: thank you so much for always being there for me every day. Words can't express how much I'll miss writing and talking with you all, and I love each of you very very dearly ❤ Coming online and interacting with you always put a smile on my face, and I'm wishing you all the very best in your lives. I hope that each of you will be able to find true happiness, and just know you'll always be in my heart. Although our journey together on this website may have ended, our life is far from over. There will always be countless more opportunities and moments where we can share our joy together, whether it be Asagiri releasing a new light novel or just reminiscing the good times in our friendships. Don't cry because it's ended, but smile because it happened- and I will always be so thankful for the chance to meet every single one of you.
I'll also keep my roleplay blog up, but I won't run it anymore as well. Thank you to all of my fellow roleplayers who have helped to bring the world of BSD alive to me, and I will never forget the fun roleplays that we have made together. I know that my future successor will be able to do an amazing job at roleplaying Pianoman, and I want all of you to treat them just as well as you have treated me. I'm wishing you guys happiness and success, and may your roleplay blogs flourish as the fandom continues to grow :)
Once again, from the bottom of my heart: thank you. I will never forget you, my dearest friends 🖤
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sleekervae · 3 months
New York Romantic .6
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a/n: Hi everyone, thanks again for your patience! This chapter is a little shorter and there's not as much dialogue as there is a lot of dancing. I had a lot of fun researching some of the dances for the Nutcracker ballet, and while I hoped to have this chapter up by Christmas, March 1st isn't so bad either 😅
pairing: Tom Blyth x ballerina!oc
summary: tom attends noelle's recital
word count: 2,759
taglist: @watercolorskyy @carolanns-world @alana4610
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Tom wasn't so sure how he found himself sitting across from Noelle's family at a local breakfast eatery, somewhere along his morning Franca had insisted that he come along. And it went without saying that he was grateful for the meal, it had been a while since Tom had the privilege of eating out while on his student budget.
Maurice was an investment banker who worked for a smaller banking branch in Maine, tall with a shiny bald head, a seasoned gentleman of respectable stature with deep smile lines and wise eyes. Meanwhile Franca was an architect, a lavish yet simply dressed woman with long auburn hair, and freckles were scattered across her cheeks and nose. Chiara was a couple years younger then Noelle, her curly hair was much more reminiscent of her mother's but it was easy to draw facial comparisons between the cousins. She was a senior at some fancy private school, and whatever was on her phone proved to be much more interesting then conversation with the table crowd.
"So, Tom," Maurice looked to him as he stirred his tea, "Have you always wanted to get into show business?" he asked.
"Not at first," Tom replied, "I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do at first, but my mum signed me up for some drama classes and my father worked in the film industry, so it all just kind of fell into place,"
"And where'd you grow up in England?" Franca asked, resting her chin on her locked fingers.
"Oh, lovely! It's just North of Leeds, yes?"
"That's right,"
"Maurice and I were debating where to go for our fifteenth wedding anniversary, and I've heard such lovely things about that town," she said, "Alas, we settled on Marseilles and toured a bit through Southern France,"
"That sounds beautiful!" Tom awed, glancing Noelle's way, "Did you go, too?"
Noelle shook her head, "Nope, Chiara and I were manning the house for two weeks," she replied.
"It was so peaceful," Chiara added, her gaze still fixed on her phone. Maurice cleared his throat abruptly, staring down his daughter as she swiftly got the hint and put her phone away.
"Anyway," he then grumbled, "What do you want to do when you graduate, Tom? Theatre? Movies?"
"Movies, ideally. But I'd be open to wherever the wind blows me," he replied.
"I went to see his improv show last week," Noelle said, "He was really good!"
Tom shrugged, praying his cheeks wouldn't tinge, "I -- I mean I was okay..."
Noelle cocked her head down, giving him a playful glare, "Oh, c'mon. You were great. And I say so, so it must be true," she grinned. He couldn't help it then, Tom averted his gaze to his plate but nonetheless he was blushing.
Chiara scoffed under her breath, "You two are just adorable," she muttered sarcastically.
Tom watched Noelle roll her eyes, never the less her fingers fidgeted as she went to pick up her coffee cup. A sip of something to quell his dry throat sounded like a good idea, a pleasant cooling off before Tom could find himself swept up in the memory of that kiss yet again.
"Anyway," Franca cut in, "How's Bianca doing, Noelle?"
"Good!" Noelle nodded quickly, thankful the spotlight was off her for the moment, "She made it Maine just before the snow storm hit,"
"Is she gonna be back in time for the showcase?" Chiara asked.
"She's supposed to be back the morning of,"
Tom raised a brow, "Why didn't she leave after the showcase?" he asked.
Noelle shrugged listlessly, "She likes Christmas in Manhattan better,"
"-- Is Derek gonna come down?" Chiara asked, her interest seemingly peaking more than it had all morning. Derek was Bianca's older brother, as Noelle had told previously.
"I guess we'll find out," Noelle replied.
Maurice's gaze narrowed, "And if he were, what would you have in common with a twenty-six-year-old college drop out, anyway?" he asked gruffly.
Franca swiftly elbowed her husband, an urgent smile plastered to her lips as she stared him down pointedly, "Perhaps we can find something more relevant to talk about?" she suggested, turning back to Tom, "Have you been to any of the ballet recitals, Tom?"
Tom shook his head, "I haven't yet. This will be my first," he replied.
"We're so excited to see it. This will be Noelle's first big part in a production," she beamed.
Maurice nodded along, cutting into his egg-white omelette, "She's our little Sugar Plum Fairy!" he awed. None of them paid attention to Chiara's eye-roll.
Noelle grimaced, a bashful grin befalling her as Tom turned to her, "You didn't tell me that," he said.
She shrugged back sheepishly, "... Oh... didn't I?" she chuckled.
"No, you did not," he drawled back, "That's fantastic!"
"Well -- I still have a lot of practice to do before Friday, so we'll see," Noelle didn't like drawing too much attention to herself in that rhetoric. She was grateful for the opportunity, though nevertheless she knew the recital wasn't all about her.
"Are you gonna do her makeup, Chiara?" Franca asked her daughter.
Chiara shrugged back, glancing at her cousin, "Do you want me to do your makeup?"
"Of course I do!" Noelle nodded, "I'm no where near as good as you,"
"Alright, sure then," Chiara barely got the words out as she turned to her phone once again.
Maurice took the conversation again, folding his hands before his plate and twitching his nose, "Tom, why don't you join us on Wednesday? We reserved a box for four,"
"It'll be a great view of the stage," Franca added.
Tom was flattered, though he didn't want to impose, "Oh, I don't -- I don't want to intrude on you guys like that,"
Franca shook her head, "Please, it's not intruding if we invite you -- that's what my mother always used to say, anyhow," she chuckled.
"Have you bought your ticket?" Maurice asked.
"Yes," Tom replied.
"Well then, you're already set up," he told him, "I insist, and we can head out for dinner after,"
Tom turned to Noelle, her smile was bordering on confident, but she hoped that he wouldn't feel too pressured. After all, she knew her family could be a bit much and they had all only just met. But he didn't see the harm; her family was so nice and the view of the stage was promised to be excellent. And if it meant having a better view of Noelle, who was he to pass that up?
"Alright, if you're sure I'll be happy join you," he decided.
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Friday was the twenty-third, and despite Christmas Day being just around the corner, the hustle and bustle of New York never stopped. Neither did the cold. It hadn't snowed again but the nefarious east coast arctic fronts swept through the streets; icicles were formed off of passing trucks and the sidewalks and roads were awash in various colours of crushed melting salts. And the cold certainly didn't deter eager shoppers to tick off last minute Christmas gifts from their lists.
Tom wasn't sure what he was supposed to wear to a ballet recital, he didn't want to overdress but he certainly didn't want to look sloppy either. His mum had shipped over some more clothes a couple weeks prior, nicer slacks, dress shirts, a couple pairs of shoes that definitely weren't ice-friendly. Nevertheless, he settled for a white t-shirt and blazer jacket sat over some dark jeans, and his trainers that at least wouldn't send him skidding with one wrong move.
The last few days had flown by rather quickly, and surprisingly, Tom always found that he had something to do. Usually hanging out with Jordan; he introduced Tom to a plethora of video games ranging from Super Mario to Zelda. It was one of the few things Tom found Jordan didn't complain about. And when they weren't inside playing video games, they were out exploring Times Square.
And this worked out quite well because when Noelle wasn't spending time with her family, she was always rehearsing. But in the evenings they would spend time together, watch more movies and just relax. Tom was practicing his cooking skills as well, nothing too fancy but he perfected how to cook salmon in a pan and boiling rice. Noelle was grateful too, especially as her muscles ached from her practice. The more time they spent together, the more fascinated they became with each other.
The campus was typically closed for the holidays, making exceptions for shows such as this. Audience members were lined up just outside the auditorium door, shielded from the cold within campus but still bundled up in long or heavy coats, scarves and hats.
Tom found Noelle's family already settled in their balcony seats, Franca spotted him first and waved him down. And just as Maurice had said, there was an excellent view of the stage from their spot. The heavy red curtain was drawn over the stage, dim mood light reflecting off the material and back on the shadowy faces mingling in the crowd.
Backstage meanwhile was a calamity mess, stage hands rushing to finish prop placement, sets, and stage cues. The ballerinas were also making their last minute touch ups, makeup, hair, tutus, dusting their slippers in rosin and some even sewing their tights and ribbons to their slippers to keep everything snug and in place. Noelle however was dawdling behind the curtain, peaking out through the sliver at the side to skim over obscure faces.
It was a delicate balance, trying to locate her family without being too conspicuous, but after a bit of searching, she spotted them. Chiara was engrossed in her phone, bathed in the soft glow of the screen, while Uncle Maurice struggled to free himself from his coat. Aunt Franca was deep in conversation with Tom, who, despite the dim lighting, seemed to blend into the shadows effortlessly, though he appeared to be holding his own in their lively discussion. Noelle's stomach was aflutter, not from the performance unfolding before her, but from the sight of Tom. Her attention was fixed on him, and the magic of the evening's entertainment paled in comparison.
"Noelle!" Stanis' voice bellowed behind her, he was storming her way as Noelle turned, "Pre-show in two minutes!"
Tom found Franca fascinating. She was a captivating woman, full of vibrant tales from her travels to exotic locales. Her stories were peppered with encounters with intriguing characters from whom she had negotiated for unique souvenirs to add to her collection. Nevertheless, Tom's anticipation grew as he eagerly awaited the start of the show. His eyes couldn't help but flicker towards the curtain, eager to catch a glimpse of Noelle as the curtain would lift. His curiosity and excitement were palpable, adding to the charged atmosphere of the evening.
And sure enough the lights dimmed down to near darkness, a single spotlight illuminating a spot on the curtains. The theater was alive with excitement as the curtains rose, revealing a beautifully adorned stage set for "The Nutcracker" ballet. Tom sat back in his seat, his eyes wide with anticipation, taking in the magical scene unfolding before him. The stage was transformed into a winter wonderland, with a backdrop of snow-covered trees that stretched up to a starry sky. The stage was lit with a soft, moonlit glow, casting a magical aura over the scene. Glittering snowflakes fell gently from above, adding to the enchantment of the setting. The dancers moved gracefully across the stage, each step perfectly choreographed to Tchaikovsky's enchanting music.
The Miniature March Dance began, and the stage came alive with the lively and charming movements of the young dancers. They moved with precision and grace, their movements synchronized to the playful notes of the music. The choreography was intricate, with the dancers forming intricate formations and patterns, showcasing their skill and talent. Tom was captivated by the youthful exuberance of the performers, as were the audience, and the dance brought a smile to everyone's face.
As the performance unfolded, Tom found his eyes repeatedly drawn to Noelle, who gracefully moved among the dancers. Clad in a celestial white gown, she seemed to float across the stage, her every movement a dance of ethereal beauty. While she was currently a background presence in the performance, Tom couldn't help but be mesmerized by her presence, captivated by her effortless grace and enchanting allure.
Next came the Arabian Dance, and Bianca took centre stage. A hush fell over the audience. She was a vision of grace and lithe elegance, moving with a captivating fluidity that mesmerized all who watched. Her every movement was deliberate and confident, exuding a subtle but undeniable aura of cockiness.
Bianca's performance was a masterclass in control and precision, her movements perfectly synchronized to the haunting melody of the music. As she danced, she seemed to command the stage, drawing the audience into her world with a confident allure that was impossible to ignore. The Arabian Dance was no easy feat and Tom had to give Bianca credit where credit was due, however he couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved as her gaze always seemed to land on him time and time again.
Soon enough it was Noelle's time to shine. As the familiar notes of the Sugar Plum Fairy dance began to fill the theatre, Tom's gaze was immediately drawn to Noelle, who had taken centre stage. She looked radiant in her tutu, rose gold detailing shimmering in the lights, her gorgeous long hair tied back in a sleek up-do, and a delicate, shiny tiara placed upon her head. She looked like a true princess, her every movement a testament to her skill and grace. Despite the beauty of the dance unfolding before him, Tom found it impossible to tear his eyes away from Noelle, his admiration for her growing with each passing moment.
Noelle, for her part, felt a mixture of nerves and excitement as she danced. She had dreamed of this moment for years, to prove herself worthy of the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy, and now that it was finally here, she couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous excitement. However, as she danced, it wasn't the perfection of her performance that consumed her thoughts, but the way her stomach fluttered with butterflies every time she caught Tom's gaze. It was a feeling unlike any other, a mix of joy, nerves, and she could see the admiration and affection in his gaze, which both thrilled and humbled her.
As the dance reached its climax, Tom found himself holding his breath, completely captivated by Noelle's performance. She danced with a grace and elegance that took his breath away, her every movement a testament to her talent and dedication. He couldn't help but think back to the moments he had seen her exhausted, bruised, and drained after long hours of practice. He could only imagine the dedication and hard work she had put in to reach this point, and it filled him with a deep sense of admiration for her. All those late nights and early mornings had led to this moment, and as he watched her graceful movements across the stage, he felt a swell of pride knowing that he had witnessed a small part of her journey to this incredible achievement. He swore he could've watched her -- become lost in her -- forever.
As the final notes of the dance faded away and Noelle took her bow, the audience erupted into applause, but Tom's eyes never left Noelle, his adoration for her greater than ever. She glanced up briefly, trying desperately not to become so overwhelmed with the applause, and her gaze fixating on Tom once more. His beaming smile was all the validation she needed in that moment.
The show progressed on, right up until the final Pas de Deux between the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Nutcracker. Tom watched among the crowd, his heart racing with a realization that took him by surprise. In that moment, he couldn't deny the truth to himself any longer. Watching her dance, he had felt something more than admiration or friendship. It was a crush, a flutter of emotions that he had been trying to ignore but now couldn't deny. Tom realized that he had developed feelings for Noelle, captivated by her everything. And if the previous few days had been anything to go by, there was a slim chance that she too felt the same way.
If only his own uncertainty wouldn't hold him back.
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
Good to know you see us, bc those pictures made my baby fever go through the roof! Marta will most definitely look at yn knowingly 🫠
The plans were simple, everyone had to be ready and on time by the harbor, so the group could spend the day in the sea.
"Here's my little angel", you squealed, seeing Marta arrive with little Chiara on her hip, "your mama is very lucky because you are the cutest and I'm going to focus on that and not the fact that we have been waiting for her for about twenty minutes", you tapped her nose, making her giggle as you walked to sit on one of the sofas.
You spent most of the day with Chiara on your lap whenever she didn't want to be with her parents, allowing them to rest and have some time for themselves, "look at you, so cute with your hat and those big eyes, looking at everything", you giggled with her propped on top of your thighs as you laid on your back. Seeing Charles walk by, you called for him, "can you hold her, please? I need to pee and unlike this little princess, I have to use the toilet", you tapped her cheeks one last time before Charles picked her up.
Marta noticed Charles talking to her daughter, taking the opportunity to record a video as the golden hour shone, "those are the other boats, and there's Monaco. You live about... there, I'd say, I think it's a pretty good guess", he said, picking the little girl up and kissing her cheek a few times before holding her properly against his naked torso, saying something to Joris when he noticed you.
"You're saying hello to Y/N? She's back, yes!", he praised her, seeing Chiara wave at you as you smiled before you took a deep breath, taking in the whole scene in front of you. Your shirtless boyfriend, carrying a babygirl in his arms, looking happy as ever.
"By the way, you just missed him peppering kisses on her cheeks and talking to her about all the boats", Marta smirked, knowing fully well where your mind was.
"Please, my womb is screaming as it is", you muttered, "Oh, don't worry, I have it here on video, look!".
It was a delicious video, and when you looked up to see Charles with the little girl still on his hip, Joris was the first to speak, "I think it's best if we leave, because it looks like Y/N and Charles have some business to tend to", he teased, earning a pillow to his head, "Can you blame me for the fact that my boyfriend looks amazing with a baby on his hip?", you replied back, walking up to hug your boyfriend and play with the little girl.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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doyoujustnotwantto · 2 months
mihane's 260 followers event★ ׂ  .  𓆩★𓆪 ׅ 
ty each one of u for being a part of this place🫶💞 u make it so much fun to be here and ily soooo much🎀 u make me feel better when I'm down <3 intro
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 ࣪ ࣪⊹ 🛼 . . ݁  ࣪    ‧ ִ ۫✭ 🩰 . ° ࣪. .⊹ ۪ ࣪  ꒰ 🎨 . .  ‧₊˚🎸. ✩.  ₊˚🎬. ⊹♡・. ゜🧘‍♀️.  ♡ ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ  
fortnight🚀- I'll make u a playlist on spotify (u can request a theme) ⚠️my Spotify's having trouble sharing link so can't guarantee u this one
loml🖤 - I'll make a moodboard (request a theme pls)
Suburban legends💫- I'll make a to-do-list or a vision board for this summer (tell me what kind of activities u prefer or what u wanna try)
night changes 📸 - I'll host a party for u! I'm gonna make a moodboard of it (u can request a theme)
So American🦅 - a quote that reminds me of u
message in a bottle 🧚‍♀️ - I'll write a poem (u can request a theme or I'll write one for u)
pretty isn't pretty👾 - I'll design a room for u
astronomy👩‍🚀 - u can ask me any questions (I'll answer unless I'm uncomfortable)
⊹ 🪐 . . ݁  ࣪    ‧ ִ ۫✭ 👾 . ° ࣪. .⊹ ۪ ࣪  ꒰ 🍄 . .  ‧₊˚🖇️. ✩.  ₊˚🎧. ⊹♡・. ゜🫀.  ♡ ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ  
*I will try to reply asap, but I will be busy with school esp after spring break, so I apologize if it takes long. @cottoncandywhispers @mqstermindswift @mayalovestay13 @animallover4000 @dorothheaa @charlotte-is-a-swiftie @elliedafish @seals-are-cool @urbanflorals @percabeths-blue-cookies @wewouldgobackintime @skeelly @liesmultixxx @over-the-oceancall @frootielooties @slippedawayintoamomentintime @bucklebunny13 @the0nlyallison @a-beautiful-fool @daydream-of-a-wallflower @weeping-in-the-willows @chiara-swiftiedreamer13 @shuhuaspookie and ily everyone💐
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parkerloves · 2 months
AND MY GOOD LUCK KISS? | MM93 x Fem!Reader
paring: marc marquez x alex bestfriend!fem! reader
trope: bestfriend's bother + smau
summary: yn seems to be more around the paddock than before to support her best friend what leads to her spending a lot more time with his brother too
fc; chiara oliver + pinterest girls (but picture her as you like)
warnings: none, just a lot of fluff, a bit of spanish and a bit of jealousy and bullying (joking ofc)
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alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73 : Race week is back but someone is here to bother me (again)
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: You were literally begging me to come, like??????
user324: WE MISSED YOU AROUND THE PADDOCK yourusername: I MISSED BEING AROUND THE PADDOCK TOO (he's hiding me or smth)
marcmarquez93: skipping me over now?
yourusername: ... I'm blaming your bother, bye alexmarquez73: why having enemies when i already have her? yourusername: because you don't love your enemies, you love me xx. user658: i don't know how they even put out with eachother yourusername: it's not voluntary
yourusername has posted!
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liked by alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93 and 746 others
yourusername: LOOK AT MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE oh yeah, and marc and alex are also there ig
tagged: alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93
alexmarquez73: if you hate us so much then stop coming over
yourusername: and leave Shira and Stich without their best friend? I couldn't be that cruel
user324: be honest, do you even like them?
yourusername: mmm... no alexmarquez73: YN yourusername: alright alright, maybe a bit marcmarquez93: gracias?? *thank you*
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: she picks up my phone more than I do.
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: and i fill you gallery with my beatiful face
marcmarquez93: I can't complain about that one user324: are they flirting or am I just so lost? user992: I mean, Alex would be her brother after all... in law, but brother alexmarquez73: 🤨🤨
yourusername: i was hungry, he offered food, i came over user157: she's just a girl guys yourusername: you know the deal darling
alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73: great FP1 and FP2 with my personal paparazzi and for some reason Marc decided to join in
tagged: yourusername, marcmarquez93
yourusername: says the man that posted TWO pictures of me
user654: she's more in his profile than himself
yourusername: they can't get over me
user343: Am I the only one wondering if it's Marc or Alex in the last slide?
user194: Is definitely Alex trying to set them up together
yourusername: nah he doesn't want that
user532: YN??????????
yourusername has posted!
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liked by alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93 and 746 others
yourusername: do you know how they say that drivers in his home race spend time in their home? WELL THESE TWO MF LIE get out of my house pls
tagged: alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93
alexmarquez73: And the need of post the most shittiest pictures ever?
yourusername: 1) my revenge 2) i have to give content to the girlies 3) why not?
marcmarquez93: can i still come over tonight?
user725: and to ask for A DATE????
chat in between marc and alex
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yourusername has posted an story!
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first one: caption: what a gentleman, liked by marcmarquez93 and 862 others
alexmarquez73 has replied to your story
did he said something weird?
hi to you too, I'm great, thanks for asking
he's weird in general, so no gtg bye
second one: caption: 🫠🤍, liked by alexmarquez73 and 957 others
alexmarquez73 has replied to your story
jezz calm down I just wanted to try this new restaurant
so nothing romantic...?
shup up Lex
that's not an actual answer
read at 21:48 pm
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: i do pick his phone more than him... but he was being quite intimate with his bike, i didn't want to ruin the mood
tagged: yourusername
alexmarquez73: AT LEAST the bullying to him is back
yourusername: he's still all yours, leave the jelousy it makes you uglier alexmarquez73: stop hating on your bff please? yourusername: booooriiiing
marcmarquez93: @yourusername remember me again why do i leave my phone near you?
yourusername: because you love me and my pictures marcmarquez93: idk if it's this worthy user725: they're going to kill Alex at this point alexmarquez73: i'm already dead at this point
alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73: ready to race y algunas tradiciones no se rompen *and some traditions can't be broken*
user527: traditions? what traditions?
user135: The first time y/n went for the first time to a grand prix she gave Alex a "good luck kiss" on the cheek and he got a podium, again with the second and it had been like that since forever
yourusername: I should be the one keeping those trophies fr
marcmarquez93: if it works with me i would give you mine alexmarquez73: bro that's OUR tradition marcmarquez93: i need my own good luck kiss
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: P1 BABY!!! great race today... and maybe i need to continue with this tradition for a while
tagged: yourusername
alexmarquez73: the worst thing is that they did it in front of me, iugh, congrats anyway ig
yourusername: i got you a p2, my kisses are magical, your welcome user725: you can't deny they are cute alexmarquez73: but it's weird
yourusername: CONGRATS BABY (i should start charging for these)
liked by the creator
yourusername has posted an story!
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caption: he actually gave me the fucking trophy, liked by marcmarquez93 and 862 others
marcmarquez73 has replied to your story
i made a promise
i was not
coming over anyway?
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51 notes · View notes
hadesisqueer · 4 months
Help I posted 'save Chiara' on my instastories and one of my younger cousins replied 'no, save Lucas' and I said 'no💜' and she started texting pissed off and said 'tell me one thing Chiara did in this contest that Lucas didn't', and I said 'said by Lucas himself? Holding the tune while he can't' AND SHE BLOCKED ME AKSKDKDK bad day for 15yos
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Hello there! Fun round, feel free to tag as many people as you want! Please tag:
Your A Team (technically 3 other people but I'll let more than that slide because I love you)
Someone you want to see your favorite film in the theaters with
Someone who reminds you of a favorite song - share which song!
An angel disguised as a human being
Someone who you remember knowing from your first days on tumblr
Someone who you would dance all night with to any music you want
Someone that reminds you of the color yellow! What about purple? Blue?

PLEASE I AM ONCE AGAIN SORRY FOR THE VERY LATE REPLY (tagging as many people i can this time!)
Your A Team: @iknowitwontwork @william-byers @anervousmirrorball @ketterdam-snack-bar @alwaysleadstoyou
Someone you want to see your favorite film in the theaters with- @bettyrightnow @hshouse @pop-punklouis @seriouslyalexanderlightwood @kissitoff
Someone who reminds you of a favorite song - share which song! @sunflowervolum-6 (sunflower vol 6 and canyon moon) @thingsiwishyousaid (midnight by toby sebastain and florence pugh) @hozierswift (sparks fly and from eden) @keinessish (little black dress and back for you)
An angel disguised as a human being: insanely a lot of them lol @chiara-swiftiedreamer13 @besavedbyaperfectkiss @ilostyou @itstimetogo @itsniceto @ithk @hightowres @thelasttime @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes @cellphonehippie @andtosaturn @maryoliveoil @diamondseaside @goodriddancedeluxe @gobackimhaunted @best-thing-at-this-party @brandnewdress @boniver @sadgirlautumn @tossingpennies
Someone who you remember knowing from your first days on tumblr: @tolerateit @xcleanx @queerwhohatesithere
Someone who you would dance all night with to any music you want- @ever-lovely-jewel @lanalovestay @ofbetterbodies @shedidntevenswear @daydreamsandloveletters @ftpanon @flylikejetstreams @thegoodbitch @graciabrams
yellow- @yellowheart-anon purple- @speaknowtv @ourstv blue-@blogrecanon
53 notes · View notes
marmotish · 26 days
Batch Replies
(5 more asks under the cut)
trying to clear out the old inbox after months and months of neglect, but drawing something for every ask isn’t proving feasible. No drawings in this post unfortunately!
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d’ you know, i never even considered the possibility that Tonks wasn’t the only one of Freyja’s friends to get killed during those events??? 👁️👄👁️
Considering that Freyja had been MIA from mid 1991 to mid 1994, and didn’t reunite with old friends/classmates since until 1997… I wouldn’t say the events brought them closer. I’d say it made the reunion more tense and awkward. At first, anyway. Given time, they would get comfortable around each other again - some quicker than others i.e. Penny and Barnaby due to their personalities.
Those definitely safe and alive after May 1998 are as follows, merely because I’ve already drawn them in post-1998 scenarios so I’m not backtracking on that -
Penny (Freyja was a bridesmaid at her post-war wedding)
Chiara (She was working the day Freyja got bitten by one of her patients)
Barnaby (back-cracking bear hug)
Jae (the awkward hug reunion)
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❤️🫨❤️ thank you !! YOU are amazing!!
Assuming 1920s where none of them have magical abilities here, there’s only a few characters that I think have more or less direct 1920s analogues for their canon era professions…
Andre - tailor/designer
Chiara - doctor or nurse
Rowan - teacher
Erika and Skye - Racecar drivers. I was gonna say football or rugby players but women’s football was banned from 1921-1970, and women’s rugby didn’t take off til decades after the 20s..
there’s probably more but my brain is still a bit foggy…
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Perhaps a little, but I reckon they’d put most of the blame on Dumbledore for not vetting his staff properly i.e. Rakepick. So when Freyja went to visit Rowan’s grave, she made sure to go at the crack of dawn to reduce the chance of running into the Khanna family.
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I haven’t got to that part of the game unfortunately, I don’t have the first idea on Alanza’s character, sorry! 🙇🏻‍♀️
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Raise your glasses to Andromeda Tonks - for flipping the bird at the notion of blood purity ✨🥂✨
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i’ve only seen one ep of seinfeld, so all i know about kramer is that he’s the tall guy with the Hair… 😣
12 notes · View notes
mqstermindswift · 6 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✰ nicky ✰ she/her ✰ minor ✰ lover of music & t.s. ✰
↳˗ˏˋbasic infoˊˎ˗ ↴
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my spotify acc
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's sleepover
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's new year's day event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's cruel summer event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my pet
⇢ ˗ˏˋ she/her
⇢ ˗ˏˋ minor [bday on december 4] [no creeps please <3]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ greek
⇢ ˗ˏˋ timezone: EET;UTC +02:00
⇢ ˗ˏˋ sagittarius
⇢ ˗ˏˋ professional over-thinker and girl-blogger
⇢ ˗ˏˋ introvert but will never shut up if I'm comfy w/ you
⇢ ˗ˏˋ procrastinator
⇢ ˗ˏˋ the most delusional person ever[I blame love and tumblr for this]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ lover of Christmas and Halloween
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loves a good horror movie but is also a scaredy cat
⇢ ˗ˏˋ if we're mutuals, we're practically best friends[you just don't know it yet]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋartists:
taylor swift,tate mcrae,katherine li,girli,gayle,ariana grande,bailey spinn,gracie abrams,selena gomez,olivia rodrigo,melanie martinez,jordi,zolita,arctic monkeys,hey violet,sza,sabrina carpenter ,sara kays,emeline,girl in red,maisie peters,hailee steinfield,harry styles,conan gray,billie eilish
⇢ ˗ˏˋ films
movies:barbie,mean girls,little women,the princess diaries,home alone,scream,saw,harry potter,cinderella story and many other movies
shows:the summer I turned pretty,the watcher,miraculous ladybug,nickelodeon's teen shows,mcu series and many more
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋ besties
@skeelly (my croissant <3)
@ur-lil-flo (flo)
@oh-whale13 (Anna <3)
@urgirlnextdoorr (effie <3)
@regisdvmb (reg <3)
@moonlightt444 (mare <3)
@firebrand-witch (val <3)
@iwrote4poem (ste <3)
@what-about-wendy (belle <3)
@chiara-swiftiedreamer13 (chiara)
@bejeweled-13 (victoria <3)
@a-beautiful-fool (lou <3)
@wordsarelife (lizzy<3)
@the0nlyallison (allison <3)
@reminiscentreader (jas <3)
@nqds (nads <3)
@urbanflorals (ems <3)
@gracedepp (alina <3)
@foaming-sea (deep <3)
@stop-ur-losing-me (kellie <3)
@isitovrnow (jas <3)
@hiyyihbae (Alex <3)(rl friend)
@deprivedofbraincellsandsleep (zia <3)
@baboland (aria <3)
@sureallavnder (Alex <3)
@doyoujustnotwantto (mihane <3)
@a-wondering-thought (sam <3)
@icantkeepmyplantsalive (Liz <3)
@never-enough-novels (bhaavya<3)
@kozumesphone (skye <3)
ps.i love all of my moots but I'm *a bit* closer with these people
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋ a/n
this is inspired by @oohhthehorror [ I love you sm]
I'm here if any of you ever need to rant or vent to someone
most likely will reply to texts rlly fast
not rlly gonna be reblogging picrew chains or similar things that take a long time to do 'cause I'm a bit unmotivated and I don't have much time[I'm so sorryyy]
thank you for reading his intro post,have a good day/night!! <3
⇢ ˗ˏˋ dni: homophobes,racists,sexists,transphobes and all the creeps
bye bye <3
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andiatas · 10 months
Due to @charlotte-of-wales posts about Prince Michael of Kent in St. Tropez, I once again fell down the rabbit hole of "wait what exactly is it those two men are arguing about again in regards to the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies?" (I fall down this rabbit hole basically every single time the Duke & Duchess of Castro & their children pop up on my radar, which is more often than I like because unfortunately, they are good at Instagram)
So let's bring it back to 1934, Prince Ferdinand Pius become head of the House & pretender to the throne (since the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies doesn't exist). He had six children and one of them was a son, unfortunately, that son died already in 1914. This means that when Prince Ferdinand Pius died in 1960, we had a succession crisis because he had no male descendants. I'm just gonna quote Wikipedia here:
Ferdinand Pius had seven younger brothers. At the time of Ferdinand Pius's death in 1960, the oldest brother, Carlos was deceased but had left descendants. The next surviving brother was Ranieri (Duke of Castro). By the rule of primogeniture, headship would normally pass through Carlos to his son Alfonso (Duke of Calabria).
Ranieri contested Alfonso's claim arguing that Carlos had renounced any claim to the Two Sicilies succession on the part of himself and his heirs when he executed the Act of Cannes in 1900 in anticipation of his marriage the next year to Mercedes, Princess of Asturias, heiress presumptive to the Spanish throne.
Alfonso offered a different interpretation of the Act of Cannes, describing it as effective only if Carlos should succeed to the Spanish throne. He also took the position that the Act of Cannes was invalid under the succession rules of the House of Two Sicilies itself since these laws provided only one, specific reason for a renunciation and that was in the event of the Spanish and Two Sicilies crowns being united in one person - which has not happened since 1759.
Despite an investigation by five of the highest institutions of the Spanish state having concluded unanimously that the legitimate claimant was the late Carlos, Duke of Calabria, the junior line (the Castrian line) continues to perpetuate its claim
I know, I know, one shouldn't just take what Wikipedia says as truth but they're using this book as a source. Feel free to read it & fact-check me if you want & have the energy to.
Now fast forward to today, we have the two claimants: Prince Pedro, Duke of Calabria; and Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro. Prince Pedro has seven children, the oldest being Prince Jaime, Duke of Noto, who you might remember from his wedding to Lady Charlotte in Sep. 2021. Prince Carlo has two daughters, Princess Maria Carolina (apparently she's Duchess of Calabria and Palermo) and Princess Maria Chiara (who apparently is Duchess of Noto and Capri). So as you can see, we don't just have a fight regarding the headship... we also have a fight regarding the Calabria & Noto titles!
This all leads us to the next part of this juicy ridiculous stupid drama. Take it away Wikipedia:
At the Holy Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica celebrated in Rome on 14 May 2016, during a Pilgrimage by members of the Constantinian Order awarded by Prince Carlo to Rome and Vatican City, Prince Carlo made public his decision to change the rules of succession. He claimed that this change was so the rules of succession would be (as he claimed) compatible with international and European law, prohibiting any discrimination between men and women. The rule of absolute primogeniture would henceforth apply to his direct descendants, his elder daughter being named by him as heiress apparent.
Prince Pedro publicly objected that Prince Carlo's declaration violated the terms of their reconciliation agreement, to which Carlo replied that further "destabilisation" could lead to the termination of the 2014 pact. Since the succession rules had been settled in two international treaties, enforced in the Pragmatic Decree of 1759 and incorporated into the laws of the kingdom, it was beyond the powers of any claimant to the headship of the royal house to change the succession. Furthermore, it was in outright breach of the solemn agreement made in Naples in 2014 by which Prince Carlo recognised the late Infante Carlos as "Duke of Calabria", his son Prince Pedro as "Duke of Noto" and the latter's son, Prince Jaime, as "Duke of Capua".
Saga's conclusion: Basically everyone apart from Carlo agrees that Pedro, his ancestors & his son Jaime are the ones who have the right to the defunct throne. Unfortunately, they have a distant relative who can't shut up who has everyone on Instagram convinced, much because of his wife and his daughters, that they are the ones who have the right to the throne. Now, I don't think anyone argues against that Carlo, his wife and his daughter are part of the House, it's just like... Imagine if Edward & Sophie one day just start blasting out on social media & traditional media as well that they are the King & Queen with Lady Louise as the Princess of Wales. I mean, I think all of us would side-eye them & be like "hun, please sit down & stop talking, you are embarrassing yourself"
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sleekervae · 2 months
New York Romantic .7
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pairing: Tom Blyth x ballerina!oc
summary: sunny confides in tom, noelle and bianca play pool
word count: 3,429
taglist: @watercolorskyy @carolanns-world @alana4610
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Snowflakes drifted lazily from the sky, replenishing Manhattan's winter wonderland cover. Noelle, her feet throbbing from the cold and her shoes, was bundled up in her scarf and jacket. She watched as Maurice and Chiara dashed down the block, waving frantically at passing cabs. Franca, however, remained inside, opting for warmth over the snowy scape. Tom and Noelle sought shelter under the protective awning of the auditorium, their breath visible in the frosty air as they waited.
"How are your legs feeling?" he asked, his hands stuffed deep in his jacket pockets.
Noelle simpered, "Like they went through the worst leg day in gym history," she replied.
"It paid off, though. You were amazing up there," he praised, "I should've brought you flowers, or something,"
"Don't worry about flowers," she assured him, "I'm just happy you came out tonight. And thanks for --" she motioned towards her uncle and cousin, "-- Putting up with my family. I know they can be a lot sometimes,"
"Don't be ridiculous, they're lovely!" Tom replied "And I can tell that they love you a lot,"
Noelle smiled back, "Yeah; I know how tough it was for them to let me come out here -- I'm sure the same could be said for your family. And they really like you -- my family, I mean,"
"Really?" Tom cocked a brow.
"Yeah! They're a loving family but also really protective, so bringing you out with us is a good sign," she replied, "You know... so long as you don't turn out to be a pervert or a serial killer or anything,"
"Oh no!" he gaped listlessly, much to Noelle's amusement, "There go my plans my murder you. What a shame!" he smirked.
"Such a shame!" Noelle chuckled, "In all honesty though, I'm really happy I met you, Tom. You're... you're a really cool guy," she prayed that her face wouldn't go red as she spoke.
Tom felt a rush of excitement coursing through him, her words stirring up some fluttering hope that maybe it was his moment. Maybe he could the opportunity to shoot his shot? The thought that she might feel the same way filled him with hope and anticipation, for what could be.
However, alongside the excitement lingered a sense of apprehension. Tom couldn't help but wonder if he was jumping to conclusions, reading into things that might not have meant much to Noelle. The uncertainty of where their relationship was heading weighed on him, casting a shadow over his excitement. What if pursuing these feelings changed everything? What if it jeopardized the friendship they already shared? Tom knew he had to tread carefully, balancing his newfound excitement with a sense of caution.
"I'm really glad I met you, too," Tom replied, "You're one of the few people I've met here that..." he trailed off with a shake of his head.
"What is it?" Noelle asked.
"You're gonna' think I'm corny," he chuckled nervously.
"And what's so bad about that?" she asked, lifting her chin at him.
Tom glanced warily at his shoes, could feel the cold creeping in his toes, in his fingers, nipping at his nose; but none of that could sway the warmth in his gut.
"You feel like home; like I've known you for forever," he admitted, "That sounds weird, I know,"
Noelle hadn't expected such a heartfelt confession from him, and the realization of the depth of his feelings took her aback. Yet, his words also filled her with a sense of warmth and comfort, knowing that she had such a profound connection with him. His admission deepened her feelings of affection for him, and in that moment, she couldn't deny the special bond they shared. It was a revelation that left her feeling both vulnerable and deeply touched, unsure of what to say but grateful for the honesty between them.
"No, not at all," she shook her head, "I think that's one of the sweetest things anyone's ever said to me. And I might feel the same way about you," she nudged him gently with her elbow, "I've never connected with someone so quickly like I have with you,"
The scene was set perfectly: snowflakes drifting lazily from the sky, creating a soft, magical atmosphere. Tom and Noelle stood in close proximity, their breath creating small clouds in the cold air. The quietness of the moment enveloped them, and for the most part, they were alone in their own winter wonderland. It was the ideal moment for Tom to take a chance.
The worst she could say is no, right?
"Yes, Tom?"
He took a deep breath, "Would you... would you ever consider --"
"Okay, we got one!" Maurice suddenly hollered, waving over Noelle and Tom, "Let's go, guys! Chiara, go get your mother," Chiara trudged through the forming snow banks, throwing a glance at the pair's way.
"Room for Jesus, you two!"
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Despite the holidays passing, the cold in New York was here to stay. The only saving grace was the snow had finally melted away. Jackets and scarves were still layered on, frost nipped at people's noses and of course, it wouldn't be a complete winter if the generator didn't conk out.
The kids had called Doris, who in turn called her husband, who in turn called in one of their relatives to try and help out. Tom and Sunny were quite curious when they took off for school one morning and found three older men shrouding Doris' desk with random tools and a layout of the building plan that looked older than half the artifacts in the Museum of Natural History.
"So, how was the recital?" Sunny asked, his fingers hung around a ceiling loop while Tom gripped the handle bar on the bus. He had returned from England a few days ago, and telling from his heavy eyes and slower speech, he was still affected by the jet lag.
"It was really good!" Tom replied, "Noelle and Bianca did great,"
Sunny nodded, his shoulders slumping, "How as Iseul?" he asked.
"She was great, too," Tom nodded, "The school uploaded some videos on the Facebook page if you want to see,"
"Yeah. Yeah, I might just do that," Sunny muttered, "... Do you ever... talk to Iseul?"
"Not very often, but she's nice," Tom replied, though he still grimaced at the smile on her face when she dared him and Noelle to kiss, " -- Have you ever talked to her?"
Sunny snapped suddenly, "No!" then he composed himself, "I -- I mean, no I haven't. I see her in the lobby sometimes with Noelle and Bianca,"
Tom couldn't help but let a little smile worm its way onto his face, "Do you like her?"
"... Yeah," he admitted sheepishly, "I mean -- I think she's beautiful. And she seems so nice and sometimes we pass each other in the cafeteria and she smells amazing. But then again, I've never talked to her. She probably doesn't even know I exist,"
"Well, you'll never know if you don't try, mate," Tom said, "Why don't you try talking to her?"
Sunny scoffed back, "Why don't you ask out Noelle on a date?" he replied.
Tom paused momentarily, knowing fully well his cowardly answer, "I don't want to be rejected and risk our friendship," he admitted.
"Exactly," Sunny nodded, a wishful sigh following, "Face it Tom, the ballerinas are too good for us. If we were famous I'd get it but -- they're just out of our league, mate,"
The bus came to their stop shortly thereafter, though Tom was deflated. Any shred of confidence he had been gripping to was suddenly dashed away, Sunny's words, while hurtful, rang true to him. Noelle was an extroverted, high energy dancer and he was a shy, introverted would-be actor.
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Noelle and Bianca had a free block between classes, and typically they liked to spend their free time in the recreation room the school had set up. There was foosball, some couches, a small kitchenette area and a pool table. The girls frequented the pool table mostly, while they weren't the greatest players it was a good way to kill a little time.
The sticks struck fast across the white ball, the multicoloured balls clicked and flew sharply across the felt, though much to Noelle's dismay she couldn't get her shot.
"Dammit," she muttered under her breath.
"You gotta keep your grip looser on the stick, kind of like a pendulum swing," Bianca wound up her stick and made the shot, sinking the blue ball into the pocket with ease.
"Alright, Liz Hurley," Noelle simpered, "You've been practicing without me?"
"Derek gave me a couple pointers when I was home," Bianca replied, "Speaking of my brother -- can you tell your cousin to stop texting him? She's still in high school and it's just -- it's weird,"
Noelle scoffed back, "Well, she might stop texting him if he wouldn't answer back," she pointed out.
Bianca shook her head, "Alright, alright, I'll talk to him," she conceded.
Noelle went on to wind up her next shot, none the wiser as they were approached by another student.
"What's going on, ladies?" the girls looked up to find Trey, another student in from their class. Trey was what was considered the equivalent to Matthew McConaughey's character in Dazed and Confused, laid-back, suave, and ready to party. He was also always looking to lock down his next "piece of tail" as the word went around. And for reasons beyond Noelle's comprehension, Bianca had a huge crush on him.
"Hey Trey," Noelle nodded.
"Hi Trey," Bianca smiled, her posture immediately straightened out, her arms braced up on the table's edge and her chest pushed out, chin raised and her head tilted just right. She was an image right out of a pinup rag, she would've been right in Trey's league.
"I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind having a third player cut in," he grinned. He glanced between both Bianca and Noelle. Noelle didn't mind Trey, he could be a bit of a player and his ego could've been pulled down a few notches, but he was a really good dancer.
Despite her reservations, Noelle wanted to be excited for Bianca, "You know -- we only got two sticks at the moment but why don't you and Bianca play? I'll sit out," she volunteered, turning gleefully towards her friend. However, she was a little dismayed to find Bianca's smile had disappeared, her pool stick set down and her arms folded as she backed away from the table.
Noelle tried to get a read on her, subtly shaking her head as if to say what are you doing? Here's your moment to shine!
Trey was none the wiser to any rising tension within Bianca, he took his moment to check her out between glances at Noelle and the table. He would've gone for either one at the moment and it showed.
"We could take turns?" he suggested, his brows furrowing to emulate some sort of blue steel, "Winner gets a kiss,"
Noelle would've laughed right in his face if not for Bianca, so she turned to her again, "I'm a bit tired anyway but Bianca is a really good pool player!" she exclaimed, trying to hype up her blonde friend. Nevertheless, Bianca remained still and stone, staring a hole through Noelle.
Noelle was thoroughly confused at this point, recalling moments when Bianca would go on and on about all the tiny interactions she and Trey had in dance class, and all the fantasies she had about him doing whatever to her. This was her opportunity to shoot her shot with Trey, for whatever satisfaction she thought he might provide her and for some reason she seemed more upset with Noelle. Had something happened Noelle wasn't aware of? No, she and Bianca told each other everything, right down to when they got their first periods.
"You okay, Bianca?" Trey finally asked.
Bianca nodded, grabbing her backpack as she stepped back, "Yeah, I gotta go," and she started off down the hall, "C'mon Noelle!"
Noelle smiled sheepishly at Trey, saying a quick goodbye, grabbed her bag and followed Bianca.
"Girl, what the hell was that?" she tried to ask as she quickly caught up, "That was your moment!"
"No it wasn't!" Bianca snapped sharply.
"What are you talking about?" Noelle asked, "I gave you a bigger opening than a great dane's doggy door!"
"It wasn't a good moment, Noelle! So forget it!" Bianca exclaimed, her tone teetering on anger and annoyance.
"What does that even mean?" Noelle asked again, "You want a Daisy Buchanan moment in a garden? We're not in West Egg!"
"I said forget it!" Bianca echoed again, walking faster now. Noelle trailed behind by a few steps, her brain spinning to understand what had suddenly got into the usually perky blonde.
Meanwhile, Tom and his friends had settled at a table in the cafeteria, chatting amongst themselves with a plethora of snacks and to-go coffee cups scattered between them. Tom saw Noelle and Bianca from the corner of his eye, he turned his head toward them. Noelle found Tom near immediately in the crowd, some sense of relief washing over her as he gave her a little wave. She waved back, not wanting to interrupt the group, though much to her surprise she heard Bianca huff and grumble beside her. Noelle stopped dead in her tracks.
"What is wrong, Bianca?" Noelle asked, her patience quickly running out, "I've never seen you act like this!"
Bianca simply rolled her eyes, turning on her heel and walking in a different direction, mumbling words Noelle couldn't quite make out. She didn't bother to follow her this time, she stood stiff as a board in the middle of the bustling cafeteria, trying to piece together what had gone wrong.
Meanwhile, Tom and some of the actors had watched Bianca storm off, they too were very curious.
"That's your neighbour, right?" Marceline asked. She was sat across from Tom and cradling a half-drank matcha latte.
"Yeah," he nodded, "I've never seen Bianca look so upset,"
"Maybe they had a fight?" Jordan suggested, peaking over Tom's shoulder to watch.
Marceline scoffed, "And they say we actors are dramatic. The ballerinas are a whole other ballpark,"
Their conversation resumed onto another topic, but Tom couldn't help but keep glancing Noelle's way, right up until he looked and she had disappeared.
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The generator was still out when Tom got home from school, as evident by the bone-chilling air in the lobby and the tiny space heater Doris had on her desk. She lit up when she saw Tom come through the glass doors.
"Oh, Tom! How's everything?" she asked.
"Can't complain," he shrugged back, nodding down to the space heater, "I guess the generator's still broken?"
"Like a clock that got run over by a semi," she shook her head, "My husband's bringing in his nephew's coworker tomorrow and they're gonna take a look at it. I'd like it to be fixed by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, you know?"
Tom simpered, "Have you thought about just calling in a repairman?" he asked.
Doris scoffed back, "Do I look like I'm mad of money? Get real," she replied, "Besides, between the income I make here and all the other bills I gotta pay, I'm lucky con-ed hasn't written me up,"
Tom didn't want to know what she meant, so he figured it best not to ask. He did however jump when Doris's desk phone suddenly rang. She picked it up immediately with a sharp, "Make it fast, I'm busy,"
Tom peaked over her desk, finding the most she was busy with was an episode of Emmerdale. That brought a little smile to his face.
"What?" Doris snapped, what little smile she had on before had formed into concern, "What room? Alright, alright, I'll be right up," she then hung up the phone, "Curse my knees, and curse that stupid elevator," she grumbled as she stood up.
"What's going on?" Tom asked, falling in step with Doris as they started for the stairs.
"Noise complaint. Your neighbours are scrapping," she replied simply, grumbling under her breath, "Don't they know I got better things to do? I gotta find out how James escapes from Emma!"
They marched up to the third floor and sure enough the closer they got, the more yelling they could hear. Much to Tom's dismay, the commotion was coming from Noelle's apartment. She and Bianca were in some sort of shouting match; accusatory names and curse words being thrown each other's way. Some of the other students had peeked out of their doors to see what was going on, including Sunny, who still had his violin bow in hand. Tom lingered back as Doris marched up to the door, pounding loudly with her fist.
"Girls! Clam it up! This isn't the Bravo Network!" she shouted, "Open this door, now!"
The fighting immediately ceased, the silence suddenly becoming just as tense as the noise. Everybody awaited apprehensively to see who was going to emerge. And sure enough, Noelle opened the door a few moments later, flushed and embarrassed as she came face-to-face with Doris.
"H-Hi, Doris," she greeted sheepishly.
"Where's your roomie?" Doris asked, clearly not in the mood to play around.
Noelle turned back around and shouted "Bianca! Doris is here!"
"I'm in the bathroom!" came a faint reply. Noelle's eyes slipped shut and her head hung low.
"Are you guys okay in here?" Doris asked, "Because when I come up to screaming like that in this city, I wonder if I have to call the special victims unit,"
"I'm so, so sorry," Noelle replied, "We're fine. It's just a misunderstanding,"
"A misunderstanding?" Doris gawked, "If that's your idea of a 'misunderstanding', I'd hate to see what your version of 'emergency' is. Is that what your parents teach you upstate?" the entire time she spoke, Noelle's eyes locked with Tom's. She appeared disheveled and exhausted, and her overall demeanour falling way to shame. Tom felt for her, he wanted to help her, or at least try to understand what was happening.
"It's okay, we're fine. And I'm sorry we were so loud, it won't happen again," Noelle promised.
"It better not," Doris cemented, "You've already got one strike and three months left of your school year. Don't make me have to evict you now," all the while, the other students continued to watch and gawk.
"It won't happen again," Noelle nodded, "I'm so sorry,"
"Good," Doris huffed, "And give my warning to your roomie. Next time I might not be so forgiving," she then glanced up and down the hall at the other students, "What're you all looking at? This isn't vaudeville! Back to your business!"
And everyone swiftly disappeared and slammed their doors shut. Doris then strutted back down the hall, patting Tom on the shoulder, "Have a good night, Tom," and she started down the stairs.
Tom watched her go before turning back to Noelle. She'd slumped against the door frame, her forearm cushioned between the wood and her forehead, she looked more exhausted than when she had coming back from dance class. Tom approached her cautiously.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly, sneaking a peek inside her room. Nothing looked broken, and Bianca still hadn't returned.
"Yeah," Noelle nodded, her tone of voice deflated, "I'm sorry you had to see that,"
"Hey, don't," Tom shook his head, "You have nothing to be sorry for," and instinctually he placed his hand on her arm, giving her a squeeze, "I just want to make sure you're okay,"
Noelle glanced up his way, quickly becoming entranced with his hazel-blue eyes. His touch was comforting, she craved nothing more to slam the door behind her and run into his arms. She was so embarrassed she let herself come to this point, even more so that Tom and seemingly the entire building had watched this go down. She didn't want Tom to remember her this way, as some sort of loose cannon who couldn't keep her cool, that wasn't who she was.
"I'm okay. Thank you, though," she assured. From behind her echoed the opening of a door, "Sorry -- I gotta run,"
"No worries," Tom nodded, "Let me know if you need anything, yeah?"
"For sure," she tried to smile as confidently as she could, though it didn't quell Tom's worry as she slipped back inside and shut the door. With a shake of his head he crossed the hall back to his own apartment, and the building remained quiet for the rest of the evening.
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