#chewie and leia: the woman was too stunned to speak
stealingpotatoes · 3 months
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hey i said i'd continue the timejump au! I just... didn't say (or realise) it was gonna take me 6 months... [first] [prev]
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The Rise of Skywalker thoughts/review
I’ve now had two weeks to process my thoughts on the movie. Immediately after, I was actually feeling quite okay (but mostly sad due to the fate of my favourite character). But I didn’t hate the movie, I actually loved most of it after the first initial viewing. I went with my family who are casual fans. My dad said it’s his favourite SW movie, my mum loved it too, and my brother thought it was a satisfying ending to the saga. My feelings were a lot more complicated. There were things I loved, but also things I absolutely hated and thought should have been done differently.
First off, I had a bit of a memorable experience at the cinema. The projector stopped working twice (only in Australia will the temperature cause the projectors to malfunction!). But it meant they rewound the film a little so I got to see the scene where Rey shoots lightning to take the transport ship down (and Kylo strutting up looking like a prince) and Dark Rey/Kylo showing up on the Death Star twice. So, thankfully they stopped during Reylo scenes so I got to see them again (but if only it had stopped right after the kiss and they couldn’t get the projector working again…).
I was actually looking forward to Palpatine being back. He is the ultimate evil and the person who seduced Anakin to the Dark Side which started this whole saga. I could buy that he was behind everything. And as much as I’d hoped to find out how he survived, it didn’t bother me too much that they didn’t tell us. The Sith use the Force in very unnatural ways so it doesn’t surprise me that he somehow managed to cheat death.
“I have been every voice (Palpatine), you have ever heard (Snoke), inside your head (Vader).” The entire time it was Palpatine. It was him pulling the strings, wanting revenge on Vader by ruining the Skywalker legacy and grooming Ben into becoming a stronger and more loyal Vader. He made Snoke, literally (the jar full of Snoke clones was creepy). Kylo believed he was talking to his grandfather when he talked to the Vader mask, but it was really Palpatine feeding him lies and manipulating him. This entire sequence was unsettling and really worked for me.
‘The dead speak!’ In theory, Palpatine’s return could have worked very well. But it’s between movies that it all happens. There is a lot of exposition in the opening crawl, perhaps a bit too much. It was overwhelming. There was no build up, he’s just back and no one questions it and we’re straight into the action.
And also Kylo finding out that it was Palpatine who had been this voice in his head, that should have had huge ramifications. He should have had an identity crisis and started questioning everything. But there wasn’t time, there was too much plot to get through, no time to sit with a huge reveal like this I guess.
I was actually very surprised how well all the Leia scenes fit in. I can only imagine how limiting it must have been with only old footage from TFA, but considering the circumstances I think they did a good job. Having her training Rey and the reveal that Luke had actually trained her to become a Jedi, and she even made her own lightsaber. I did enjoy that. And it was very impactful to have her final word be ‘Ben’.
I hate that Rose was completely sidelined. She had one minute of screen time and had absolutely nothing to do. She was a important character in TLJ and this movie completely ignored her. She literally saved Finn’s life in the last movie and he didn’t even acknowledge her.
I enjoyed the trio adventure! It was just a lot of fun! Great to see Rey and Finn together again. And I loved how Rey and Poe were constantly at odds with each other couldn’t stop arguing. I love how they disagreed on everything. It made for a fun ride. Fun, but ultimately devoid of any real depth.
I didn’t like the whole thing of Finn constantly wanting to tell Rey something. He loves her? He’s Force sensitive? Who knows because we never find out. Poe was looking jealous (because he thought he loved Rey?). And Finn completely ignored Rose (which was awful). And Jannah being yet another love interest for him? I wasn’t a fan of any of that at all.
I actually like the idea of Rey being Palpatine’s granddaughter. I would much prefer her to be a nobody, but I do like the concept of her being a Palpatine. In theory, it is the basis for a great story. Vader’s grandson and Palpatine’s granddaughter falling in love and bringing balance to the Force. It could have been great. All the set up was there for it to be a compelling story that tied everything together. But the way the movie dealt with it was a letdown.
So I guess they didn’t completely retcon Rey’s parents reveal from TLJ. Her parents were nobodies, but by choice. To protect her. So… they sold her for drinking money to protect her? They apparently cared about her yet they left her with Unkar Plutt?
What didn’t work about Rey being a Palpatine is that it was essentially to explain that she’s only this powerful because of her bloodline. But what that does is undermine her. Why can’t she just be powerful on her own? I guess it also gave her a reason to want revenge on Palpatine, but that should have been Ben. You know, the actual descendant of the bloodline that he tried to corrupt.
The MacGuffins. The cave where they encounter an injured snake which Rey heals by passing on some of her life force to it, showing off her healing abilities which come into play later. Conveniently finding the Sith relics and an abandoned ship where Rey’s parents were killed. The dagger, which is map to the Wayfinder on the wreckage of the second Death Star. And it’s also the dagger that was used to kill her parents. The Wayfinder which leads them directly to Exegol. All these things that are necessary to get from point A to point B in order to further the plot. But there were just so many of them.
And all the fake out deaths. We thought Chewie died, but he didn’t. C-3PO’s memory was wiped, but R2-D2 restored it. Zorii Bliss may have been on Kimiji when it was destroyed, but she wasn’t. Either kill them or don’t. It just felt like there were no stakes because they weren’t bold enough to actually kill anyone.
All the Force Bond scenes were great! Kylo sensing where Rey is and SNATCHING THE NECKLACE!! First time they’ve connected in this movie, and possibly the first time in months?? There was a lot of tension between them. It showed how much stronger their bond has gotten. This is a long way from touching hands. The lightsaber battle through the bond in Kylo’s chambers causing damage to each others surroundings. Loved that!
Basically all the Rey/Kylo scenes were great! But the one thing I couldn’t believe that these two idiots were still so at arms with each other. I know they felt rejected from everything that went down in TLJ, but really Rey? She didn’t seem like herself. I guess this was to show us her dark side and the extent of her power. I LOVED Kylo strutting over to her on Pasaana like the prince he is. She was obviously a little impressed (and relieved!) that he managed to survive her little backflip/slice trick. The tug of war over the transport ship, neither could overpower the other because they are equals. And then Rey shoots FORCE LIGHTING OUT OF HER HANDS and he just looks on in awe at her. She can’t believe what she just did, and damn, just imagine how amazing would it have been if she’d accidentally killed her parents by bringing their ship crashing down. She looked absolutely traumatised by what she did to that transport ship. Missed opportunity.
Kylo repairing his mask did mostly work for me. I love the symbolism of it. He destroyed it in the last movie so he couldn’t hide anymore, but now he decided he did want to hide again. The obvious red cracks in the repaired mask representing how torn he is inside, and if there are cracks it means the light can still get in. I did like that. But I do feel like they just repaired it cause it looked cool and not for the symbolism but I’ll take what I can get.
Crushing the Wayfinder in his massive hand was something. The power he has. The lightsaber duel on the Death Star wreckage was EPIC! With the waves plummeting around them. Very visually stunning. And as always, Rey is the one who is angry. Kylo blocks her attacks and defends himself, but he never makes the first move. He wants Rey to join him. He wants them to team up and defeat Palpatine together. He wants her to take his hand and and he knows she will one day.
The death of Kylo Ren. His mothers voice distracts him, Leia uses the remainder of her life force in the hopes of bringing him back. All she wanted was for him to come home. That’s all she ever wanted.
“I did want to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” After Rey stabs him, symbolically killing the Kylo Ren persona, she heals him. This moment was so sweet, and emotional. After everything, I’m sure he doesn’t feel that he deserves to be healed. He looks on at her in awe, the only person who has ever showed him this kind of care and compassion. She looks so sad and regretful of what she did. And his scar is also healed.
That moment is important because that is when he realises he wants to come back. He does want to become Ben again. After trying so hard to kill that identity, the realisation that the woman he loves wants to be with Ben, not Kylo, is the motivation he needs. It’s love that brings him back. Love from from his mother and the love he has for Rey. Kylo Ren is dead. Ben Solo is reborn. I LOVED that moment.
I also loved when Han shows up to Ben. He shows up as a memory (I assume it was only a memory although it’s not entirely clear). Han tells him to come home, but Ben says he can’t. Leia is gone, but Han points out that her cause isn’t. He can go to the Resistance. He can still choose to do the right thing.
“I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.” He has the chance to replay this moment in his mind, and this time, he does what he wishes he had done back then. Instead of killing his father, he throws his lightsaber away, completely shunning the identity of Kylo Ren and chooses to be Ben Solo. He calls him ‘Dad’, and the way he said it is so fragile and so broken. And then his father puts his hand on his cheek, where his scar used to be. I loved that scene. It hit all the right emotional beats and was a huge turning point for Ben.
Hux being the spy was hilarious! I couldn’t help but laugh. We all suspected he’d try to overthrow Kylo, but this was just ridiculous. His character turned into a joke and then he was killed and the new officer took over just like that. What a waste.
Force Ghost Luke appearing to Rey. And only to her. After TLJ I thought he’d be haunting Ben, his nephew, and try to knock some sense into him. But he only appeared to Rey to give her Leia’s lightsaber and his old X-Wing. Oh, and he and Leia knew that she was Palpatine’s granddaughter and yet they helped her anyway. I’m sorry, they helped this evil’s offspring and completely neglected their own blood?? And Leia gave up becoming a Jedi after foreseeing Ben’s death at the end of her training. If she was scared of him dying she should have actually tried to help him, instead of neglecting him and sending him away. They all failed Ben and it just hurts.
“It’s not a navy, sir. It’s just people.” When everything seemed hopeless all these ships suddenly appear at lightspeed. But these aren’t armies, it’s the people. They were never alone in the fight. They never were. Good people of the galaxy came to help them fight. I loved that moment!
THE RETURN OF BEN SOLO!! He was wearing this crew neck sweater (which even has a hole in it! Adorable!). That little ‘ow’ when he lands on the structure (his final word, sob). The moment when Rey senses him close and their bond opens up. They relief on her face at seeing that someone came back for her. The look in her eyes and the blue illuminating her face. That was amazing!! And then passing the legacy lightsaber behind her and BEN TAKES IT and does this Han Solo shrug and obliterates the Knights of Ren!! The power of their bond. That moment was INCREDIBLE!!
Palpatine wants Rey to kill him so his spirit can be transferred into her and she can ascend as Empress. So lets get this straight, he wanted to kill her as a child, and he wanted Kylo to kill her, but now he wants her alive and wants her to kill him so she can take his power? What was his plan? I don’t even know. I was very unclear by what he was trying to do.
“The life force of your bond…a dyad in the Force. A power like life itself. Unseen for generations.” As Rey and Ben stand together with the lightsabers ignited, Palpatine senses their bond. They are a ‘Dyad in the Force’. Essentially, they are two halves of one soul. They explicitly give an explanation as to why they are so deeply connected to each other.
When Palpatine throws Ben down the pit, not gonna lie I was worried. The last Skywalker, gone. Rey hearing all the voices of the fallen Jedi was a powerful moment. Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Mace Windu among others. With their help, she single handedly defeats Palpatine. But after they blatantly told us that Ben and Rey’s power combined is a power like life itself, they should have defeated him together. She shouldn’t have been able to defeat him alone. And after everything that Palpatine has done to the Skywalker’s, Ben should have been a part of his downfall.
And do not even get me started on the fact that the voices only came to Rey. They completely forgot about Ben who was down in the pit. He had to pull himself out and he manages to crawl over to Rey and cradles her in his arms. And he looks around for help, for anyone to help, but he’s all alone.
He uses his life force to revive her, because he can’t bear the thought of her dying. When she takes his hand, I swear my heart almost stopped. She takes Ben’s hand. She’s stunned, like she’s waking up from a nightmare, and then her face softens into a smile when she sees him. When she sees Ben. This was who she wanted all along. And the kiss WAS EVERYTHING!! She kisses him, and he kisses her back so desperately. And BEN’S SMILE!!! That lit up my entire world. He felt loved. He’d found his belonging. For a fleeting moment he was happy…
And then he falls and dies. But this whole scene was incredibly moving. He gave his life for her. He succeeded where Anakin failed and saved the woman he loved. He made the ultimate sacrifice. But it was cruel to have him finally find peace, to finally be on the path to a better life, and then take it all away. Ben never had the chance to really live. And now he never will. He chose to come back. He did the right thing, and he should have had the chance to keep making good choices. But instead they took the easy way out and killed him.
After all the fake out deaths I was waiting for him to show up at the end very much alive. But there was nothing. Rey didn’t mourn him. She didn’t tell anyone what he did. He didn’t come back as a Force Ghost. He was just forgotten. He was neglected, as he had been his entire life.
Rey’s new lightsaber. The hilt looks to be made of her staff and the blade is yellow. Neither light nor dark. It signifies that she’s found balance. I liked that.
Rey Skywalker. I get the whole sentiment of rejecting your bloodline and choosing your own family, but in a saga that has been about this one family to kill them all off and then have someone else take over their name? It’s insulting. The Skywalker family were all defeated. How is this a satisfying end to their story? And if anything, she should be a Solo, not a Skywalker. Or better yet, just Rey. Why does she even need a last name? Why can’t she just be Rey?
And she ended up alone on a desert planet, which is exactly where she began. She ended up in the same place she started. Except now she’s been on this adventure and she did find her belonging. But it was all taken away and now half her soul is dead.
So, I certainly have a lot of issues with this film but I didn’t hate it completely. There was a lot I loved. But it seems that they cared more about the spectacle and nostalgia rather than writing a cohesive conclusion to the saga. The seeds were all planted for them to nail the ending, but they didn’t. This movie was one big action packed mess with no clear vision.
This was supposed to be a fairytale but it ended in tragedy. How the hell is this satisfying? I do not understand. The last Skywalker died. Rey ended up alone with half her soul dead. This was not a happy and hopeful ending. This is not the ending the Skywalker Saga deserved.
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lajulie24 · 5 years
Heaven when you smile
Taking a brief break from the Bespin AU (don’t worry, we’ll go to Dagobah with them soon) to start a new series--five times when Leia shared her real smile. I was going to write all five in one fic, but the first one kind of got away from me, so that’s what I’m posting today. Title is a reference to the chorus in Van Morrison’s “Jackie Wilson Said.”
#1 - Yavin IV
The euphoria of victory had carried them through most of the rest of the night, and even after Han retired back to the Falcon, he was too keyed up to sleep. He was no stranger to battle, but to essentially drop in last-minute, pick off a couple of TIEs, and watch Luke land a shot with astronomical odds to blow up a damned space station felt a little unreal even to him.
Yeah, it had been right to go back. Even though Han was never going to be able to forget what the words I told you so sounded like in Shryiiwook.
As he got down his stash of good whiskey and poured himself a small glass, he couldn’t help replaying the moments after they’d landed. Chewie had quickly waved him away—[I will take care of shutdown procedure, Cub, go be a hero]—and he’d gone tearing across the hangar to find the Kid, and that spirited little princess as well. They’d both been stuck in his head as he and Chewie had flown away, tugging at that bit inside him that said You could still go back.
He’d expected Luke’s exuberant response; hells, the kid hadn’t left Tatooine before yesterday, not only survived but won a damned battle. What he hadn’t expected was the last princess of kriffing Alderaan throwing her arms around him, a brilliant, joyful smile on her face, her eyes shining. “I knew there was more to you than money!” she’d cried, and it still surprised him how much he’d liked hearing that.
Now he felt a slight pang, remembering that phrase. He’d figure out a subtle way to return that reward money for the princess tomorrow. Just charge the Rebellion what the old man owed him for the charter to Alderaan and give back the rest. He’d felt kind of disgusting accepting it in the first place, like he was a kriffing bounty hunter or something. But it wasn’t wise in his business to go around turning down money.
And this had been one hell of a job. Nice easy charter, my ass.
As he took another sip, he heard someone at the hatch and went to investigate. Well, speak of the devil.
But the Princess’s joyous smile from earlier had been replaced with a more serious look. “Captain Solo?” she asked.
He opened the hatch and leaned against the doorway, grinning at her. “Hey,” he greeted.
For just a split second, she looked a tad unsteady, but recovered so quickly Han couldn’t be sure he’d actually seen any hesitation. “I apologize for the intrusion,” she began. “I had hoped to speak with you about the ceremony tomorrow. And perhaps see whether you might be available for other business as well.” She was in that rail-straight posture he’d seen her use with the High Command shortly after they’d landed. Her lips were curved up slightly, but it was more of the idea of a smile than an actual smile.
He could still see that other smile, the one from the hangar, in his head. No, this would not do.
He grinned wider. “Awful late to be talkin’ business, isn’t it?” he teased, leaning on the doorway a bit more and putting on a suggestive tone.
She raised an eyebrow at him, but didn’t reply. Interesting.
“I’m kidding,” he said. “Come on in.”
She followed him to the lounge. “I was just havin’ a drink,” he said. “Want one?”
She paused. “Perhaps a small one,” she said, the business-like tone still in her voice, though less so than before.
The next morning, Han was standing next to Luke and Chewie, preparing to march to the dais for the medal ceremony. He and Chewie were staying for a bit, just long enough to help with the Yavin evacuation right after the ceremony. They’d worked it out last night, over the dejarik table.
The Princess had accepted a small glass of whiskey—Whatever you’re having is fine, she’d said, still playing the diplomat like Han was chief of state of the smuggler nation or something. But at some point she’d relaxed back into the woman who’d taken charge in the hallway of the detention center, who’d coolly informed him minutes after their escape from the Death Star that they were being tracked, given him hell over being such a mercenary.
It wasn’t the same as that smile, but it was something.
As they marched up the aisle, he heard Luke gasp softly as he caught sight of Leia. Kriff, the Kid had it bad, but who could blame him? She was stunning, her hair in intricate braids atop her head, wearing a beautiful white gown and a silver necklace that set off her elegant neck.
She was smiling again, but it was the official smile. Lovely, to be sure, set off with her red lipstick and white teeth. It looked like a real smile, nothing out of the ordinary—but Han had already seen the other one, so he could tell the difference.
He wanted that one back, if just for a second. It nagged at him, like the feeling that had brought him back to Yavin.
Then he got his moment. Leia placed the medal around his neck, and as he rose up, he looked her straight in the eye and winked.
There it is, he thought, grinning back as her face lit up again. Too bad we’re not sticking around.
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dracosollicitus · 6 years
you NEED to fix that cliffhanger! please! from 'i should have told you a long time ago' --kthnxbye
Ah yes, the infamous quote prompt from @raissapl :
Read Part One here
I believe @dragonfodder44 @roguecompanion1812 @d4m3r0n @therebeccaw all expressed an interest in a sequel to this!
Part Two: Should Have Told You
With Rey at the mercy of the First Order, Poe was convinced by General Organa to hold off on the rescue mission while they compiled a team to extract their Jedi.
Fine. So “convinced” meant “stunned and dragged forcibly from the cockpit of Black One.” It was really the only way to get him to back down from his plan of getting in an X-Wing and blowing stuff (read: Kylo Ren) up. Poe would like to think that he was reasonable when he woke up from being stunned, but it was hard to describe bodily throwing two junior officers while screaming for a girl that couldn’t hear him as ‘reasonable.’
In retrospect, it was probably for the best that he hadn’t flown off blindly, for they had no idea where Rey was. Her tracker had been removed, and the last coordinates they had for her were the ones BB-8 shared when it arrived four hours after her haunting transmission. 
“So, send out a search party,” Poe argued to Leia after Beebee cooed sadly that it had no idea where Rey was. The older woman sighed and gave him a sympathetic smile.
“I’m sorry, Colonel,” she said, resting her hand on his arm. “I want her back just as much as you do. But we simply aren’t strong enough to send out a dozen ships to shoot at random First Order ships until we find the one our Rey is on.”
Poe nodded, biting back a snarky response that would probably only lead to another demotion. He wouldn’t be able to help Rey if he were court martialed. “I just.” He swallowed, hard, and fought back tears. “I just wish I knew if she were okay.”
Leia gave him a steady look, her eyes betraying nothing. “She’s alive, Poe. I can tell you that much.” It was what she didn’t tell him that haunted him that night. Poe woke up in a dead sweat at 0200, clutching his mother’s ring, and gasping Rey’s name. He’d had the most terrifying dream, but the longer he was awake, the less he could remember it; the next day passed in a blur, overshadowed by the vague horror of his nightmare.
The transmission Kylo Ren put out 48 hours after Rey’s message didn’t help matters.
 “Greetings,” his cold voice issued out from the holo. Poe stood with the other officers in Command to watch; it was playing on every screen in the galaxy apparently. “I have excellent news.” Poe rolled his eyes and clenched his fists. On screen, the Supreme Leader relaxed in a large, black throne. “I know many of you have been concerned over the disrespectful, disruptive antics of a military body with no actual governmental support, a fringe group calling themselves ‘The Resistance’. Many of you have feared that they would gain insurmountable support given their connection to the Jedi Order, the so-called sacred organization from children’s tales and legends.” Kylo smirked, clearly at ease, and reclined against the back of his ornate chair. “But don’t worry. They are no longer in collaboration with the last remaining Jedi. In fact, she’s right here.”
Finn gripped his arm, and Poe realized he’d lurched towards the screen involuntarily.
Rey had appeared on the screen, standing next to Ren’s throne. She wore simple black robes, not terribly different than the grey ones she favored on base, but she looked - well, she looked terrible. They’d clearly dumped make-up on her pale face, but she was visibly trembling, her hair flat against her head, and loose from her usual buns. Poe growled in his throat when Kylo reached up to grasp Rey’s shoulder, and she flinched away from the touch almost imperceptibly.
“The galaxy need no longer fear the Resistance gaining undue support for their ridiculous cause, given that their main selling point is standing here with me. I thank you for allowing me to speak with you today, and I look forward to making another happy announcement to you very soon. Isn’t that right, Rey?” 
The last thing Poe saw before the transmission cut out was Kylo’s thumb stroking a circle into Rey’s shoulder. She didn’t even blink, but her jaw set in a stubborn line, her eyes boring into Poe’s from lightyears away.
“What the kriff was that?” Poe demanded of Leia as soon as it cut off. “What was that slimy piece of Sith suggesting, another happy announcement?”
“I think you know, Colonel,” Leia said softly. Her words were no less heavy for their brevity or for their volume, and Poe froze completely, a rush of white noise in his ears. She couldn’t - they couldn’t make her -
What were they doing to her to get her to look so defeated, so pale? What was Kylo doing? If he so much as touched Rey beyond that creepy shoulder hold, Poe would fucking murder him, he wouldn’t miss this time, Force or no Force, that piece of banthash-
“General!” Rose Tico shrieked, interrupting Poe’s dangerous train of thought. “I have-!” She stumbled to a halt in front of the general, gasping for air and holding up a file-drive. 
“Yes, Miss Tico?” Leia asked, arching a perfect eyebrow.
“Rey - the transmission  - encrypted-” Rose stuttered out the words, waving the file drive. General Organa raised both brows at her, and Rose cleared her throat and stood up straight. “I ran an encryption code against the transmission and unscrambled the source of the message. Kylo was projecting from a ship called Vader II, in the heart of the Ileenium system.”
“He’s near D’Qar?” Finn clarified. He snorted angrily. “Taunting us, the bastard.”
“He’ll be expecting an ambush,” Leia said warningly, lifting a hand to Poe, who’d already opened his mouth to argue going in for the rescue. 
“I don’t think so,” Rose said, and then she squeaked, realizing she’d disagreed with the general. Leia gestured at her to keep talking, and Rose did, her cheeks bright red. “The signal bounced around 250 different potential sources. Whoever transmitted it thought no one would be able to decrypt it. I don’t think they’re expecting anyone.”
“We have TIE-fighters that we stole from that freighter,” Connix pointed out, tapping her fingers against her monitor. 
“And Stormtrooper uniforms from the defecting troops,” Finn said thoughtfully. 
“And I can lift some clearance codes from their system, now that I know where the Vader is!” Rose supplied.
Poe turned to Leia, who sighed and surveyed the collected officers. “Are there any volunteers for what most likely will be a suicide mission?”
Poe’s hand was the first of two dozen to shoot into the air. 
“Fine.” Leia rolled her eyes and began to lay out the plan - they’d go in, most of them in TIE-fighters, and Chewie flying the Falcon at a respectable safe distance so that they’d be able to latch onto him during the escape. Poe would drop down in a pod, retrieve Rey, and return to the Falcon with the Resistance flying the TIEs as cover. 
Rose managed to pull up a blueprint, and Finn confirmed the most likely location of the prisoner holding cells. Leia wore an expression of distant discomfort when Finn talked of First Order interrogation - having been a guest of Kylo Ren in the past, Poe understood all too well the importance of getting Rey out as soon as possible. 
The fact that they hadn’t been swarmed with Stormtroopers here on their base by now was a testament to Rey’s strength - or, a testament to the fact that Kylo wanted something other than information from her, a thought that Poe refused to chase for long. 
A hour later, he found himself boarding the Falcon with Chewie and saluting to Leia from the top of the ramp. 
“May the Force be with you, Colonel Dameron,” she said gravely. Poe repeated the sentiment, and then raised the ramp. He left his right hand against the hull of the ship as Chewie initiated take-off.
Poe closed his eyes and clutched his mother’s ring tightly in his left hand, envisioning Rey’s smile, her joyous laughter, her shoulder brushing against his in moments of quiet, her voice telling him she loved him -
“I’m coming, Sunshine,” Poe whispered, praying that the Force could somehow carry this promise to her. “I love you, and I’m coming.”
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senatorrorgana · 6 years
Saving What We Love
 Summary:  Continuing the little moment where Poe & Rey finally meet in TLJ and Poe may or may not finally get to at least sit in the pilot seat of the Falcon.
Pairing: Damerey
A/N:  My first Post-TLJ fic for Damerey is finally complete! I'm excited about what Episode 9 may give us, JJ don't let me down now! Also, this fic is an early birthday gift for @tulleofdecember20th , her birthday is coming up on the 20th and you guys should go give this fellow Damerey shipper some awesome birthday wishes ;)
AO3: (x)
  The Resistance wasn’t much anymore, barely enough people to fill up the Millennium Falcon and narrowly escape the certain death that awaited them during their last stand on Crait. The loss was always something Poe had trouble dealing with, and though he knew the moment he joined the Resistance that he’d be surrounded by it, he never imagined them being engulfed in it like this. But he still smiled despite all of it, part of him still smiling for the sake of those around him who had lost so much in the past few days, the other part, well, that part of him still held onto the small sliver of hope he desperately needed to believe in. They were on their own, at least for now, with nowhere to go other than the infamous freighter they were now aboard until they could find a suitable new base. In all the commotion, he’d almost forgotten that he should finally introduce himself to the woman who saved them all from certain death.
   He wasn’t surprised to see BB-8 at her side, his little droid hadn’t stopped talking about Rey since the moment they were reunited, the droids little circuits nearly overloading with all the wonderful stories he told of Rey and Finn protecting him and getting him back home. He’d only briefly seen Rey at the D’Qar base before she was sent off on her mission to retrieve Luke, but he never got the chance to thank her for BB-8, now it seemed he had more to thank her for.
   He walked up to her and the moment she looked at him, he felt nervous. It was something like the first time he met Leia Organa in person when he was stunned and taken aback that he was lucky enough to be in her presence. Rey was a hero so many times over now, doing these impossible feets and saving the Resistance time and time again, she was kind and strong, especially strong with the Force which he had to admit was an amazing sight to see firsthand.
   “Hi,” Poe managed to finally speak, her eyes meeting his while she got to her feet.
   “Hi,” She replied.
   “I’m Poe,” He introduced himself.
   She looked down for a brief moment before looking up again as she spoke, “Rey.”
   “I know,” Poe said with a nod and a smile he couldn’t quite wipe off of his face.
   She lit up with a grin that was contagious, it was hard to look away from or break the small moment between them. For a moment, it felt like the noise around them died down to silence, like the galaxy was waiting with bated breath for something else to happen between them.
   “Thank you,” Poe said, breaking the silence.
   “For what?” Rey asked curiously, her features scrunching up in confusion.
   For what? He felt like asking, she’d only saved them all. “For a lot of things, really,” Poe said, “For saving Beebee-Ate, for saving all of us. If you hadn’t come for us, I don’t know what would have happened back there.”
   Deep down, Poe knew what would have happened, they would have died, and the hope for the galaxy with them. How could they ever repay her for all she’s done? How could he ever repay her for saving his only friend in the galaxy and bringing him new ones along the way?
   “Oh,” Rey said, looking away again with a slight pink coming to her cheeks, “it’s no problem, really.”
   “We wouldn’t be here without you,” Poe said, trying to catch her eye and let her know his sincerity.
   Her hazel eyes met his again and her smile returned. He felt happy for the first time in a while talking to her, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.
   “Are you alright?” Poe asked, she looked at him confused for a brief moment, “I mean, you went through a lot, probably haven’t had a second to think over the past few days, and you’re hurt,” He pointed to the mark on her shoulder, though he could sense that there was a deeper pain.
   “Oh, it’s nothing, I’m fine,” She quickly said, covering up her shoulder, “I’ll be okay.”
   “I know we just met and everything but...if you ever need to talk to someone, I’m here,” Poe offered up, “it’s the least I could do after all you’ve done for us.”
   BB-8 chimed in now with a beep of his own, causing them both to laugh.
   “And Beebee-Ate too,” Poe made sure to add.
   Leia clearing her throat was enough to break their moment together, leaving Poe wondering how long the General had been standing there and listening and how he didn’t notice her by his side.
   “Commander, do you think I could borrow Rey for a minute?” Leia asked, using his old title once again.
   “Of course, General,” Poe gave her a nod, “I’ll go check on how everyone else is doing. It was nice to meet you, Rey.”
   “Nice to meet you too, Poe.” Rey grinned.
   Even as he walked away, that smile of hers stayed on his mind, and even when he should have been paying attention to other matters now on the ship, he found himself looking over at her.
   Rey was talking to Leia or trying to at least, she found it hard to focus after everything that had happened. She had so much to tell Leia, about Luke, about Ben but found it hard to find a good place, to begin with all of that. Instead, her brain wandered onto other thoughts, she wondered who the girl was that Finn seemed so intent on taking care of, she wondered where the Resistance would go from here, but perhaps the most nagging thought she now faced was simply the thought of Poe Dameron. He wasn’t what she expected in the least; sure, BB-8 had told her stories of him on Jakku without really saying his name, saying he was the best pilot in the galaxy and the kindest master that any droid could hope to have, but she figured them to be musings of an unshakeable loyal droid or that his master was someone cockier or older or just not the Poe Dameron she’d actually met.
   There was just something about him that she felt through the Force, some kindness that was relentless, some warmth that was reaching out towards everyone around him, something peaceful that drew her to him now with her mind a mess. But despite the peace he seemed to offer, it wasn’t something Rey could focus on at the moment, there were too many other things on her mind. After her talk with Leia and the broken lightsaber safely tucked away, Rey thought some flying with Chewie might help clear her head.
   Instead, she ended up walking right into part of her problem. Poe Dameron was standing outside of the cockpit, Chewie inside and carefully trying to pilot the ship while swatting the new porg residents of the Falcon off of the control panel.
   “Hey,” Rey said, pulling away from Poe and trying not to blush at her own embarrassment.
  “Hey,” Poe said, seemingly unfazed by her clumsiness, “funny running into you here.”
   “Sorry,” Rey sighed, “I-”
   “Hey, I was kidding,” Poe assured her with a smile, “don’t worry about it.”
   Rey gave a slight nod and let the silence settle between them, almost curious to see if the slight warmth she felt earlier from him was still there, and relieved knowing it was. “What are you doing up here?”
   “Honestly, I’ve been dreaming about the Falcon since I was a little kid, I never thought I’d get to see it in person much less fly in it,” Poe said, his eyes scanning the room around her with a sense of wonder that Rey couldn’t even begin to put into words, but could very much feel through the Force, “I kind of tried to go in there but Chewbacca didn’t appreciate it much.”
   “Chewie doesn’t like new people in the cockpit much,” Rey said, “come on, I’ll have him let you in.”
   “You don’t have to-”
   “Chewie,” Rey called out to the Wookie, walking into the cockpit with a slightly nervous Poe behind her, “Poe can come in here, he’s a pilot.”
   The groans and grumbles that might have sounded like nonsense to most made perfect sense to Rey while she listened to Chewie’s reasoning.
   “He’s one of the best pilots in the Resistance, he’s not going to mess anything up,” Rey said.
   “I won’t touch anything, I swear,” Poe chimed in.
   A few more reluctant grumbles came from Chewie.
   “It’ll be fine Chewie,” Rey assured the Wookie one last time before turning to face Poe, “you can come in, he’s fine.”
   Chewie complained some more but eventually subsided, keeping his eyes on the control panel in front of him.
   Rey watched as he walked into the room, slowly and cautiously, almost afraid to disturb the very air in the room the wrong way.
   “You want to sit in the pilot seat?” Rey asked.
   This caused both Poe and Chewie to look at her now, Chewbacca on the verge of protest from what Rey could sense.
   “It’d be an honor,” Poe said, “but I don’t want to impose.”
   “You’re the best pilot in the Resistance, aren’t you?” Rey asked with a slight grin, “I wouldn’t trust it to anyone else.”
   “If it’s alright with you, Chewie,” Poe said now, leaning over to catch a glimpse of the Wookie.
   Rey couldn’t help but grin slightly now, sensing Poe’s kindness through every word he spoke.
   Chewbacca grumbled and groaned, and from the look on Poe’s face, she knew he couldn’t understand a thing that he said.
   “Chewie said that since you asked it’s okay,” Rey clarified for him.
   Chewbacca interjected with more that made Poe stop in his tracks.
   “He also said that it’s a one-time thing,” Rey said.
   “Completely understandable, thank you Chewbacca,” Poe said.
   Poe sat down in the seat slowly and carefully, taking in the sight from the pilot seat once he was settled. He smiled bigger and brighter than Rey had ever seen anyone smile in her life, like a child filled with pure joy. She knew it took every ounce of his willpower to not touch anything around him despite how badly he wanted to actually pilot the ship.
   “I can’t believe this ship is real,” Poe said in a half whisper to himself.
   “It took me a little bit to realize that too, that I was actually on the Falcon,” Rey admitted, taking the seat behind Poe and peering over his shoulder.
   “It’s one hell of a ship,” Poe said.
  “She sure is,” Rey agreed.
   Poe turned to smile at her yet again, and for some reason, Rey finally felt a bit of peace. She didn’t know where the Resistance would go from here, or where they could go for that matter, but Poe gave her the sense of stability, if only for a little bit.
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transmascgarak · 6 years
The Last jedi Review
I’ll try and keep this fairly structured, for my sake if not for anyone else. 
Spoilers below the cut, and it’s a long post. 
The Good
Every other reviewer has it right; the last half hour absolutely helps to make up for the other 2 hours. I can actually pinpoint the moment that the movie shifted from ‘Rather Mediocre’ to ‘Mediocre but Pretty’; when General Holdo sacrifices herself and blows up the First Order ship at light speed. Shot in silence and in slow motion, it was legitimately stunning. Someone gasped and honestly? Same. 
I love Rose! She’s so sweet and determined and I can’t wait to see more of her character. 
I’m glad Poe got a bit more screen time, but more on that later. 
Finn’s knowledge of the FO still being useful? Nice. 
The battle sequences weren’t too difficult to follow, and the last one especially was well shot so like, kudos to whoever did the screenplay for that. 
There’s a brief moment where Kylo is knocked out and Hux is standing over him. He reaches for his blaster, but then Kylo moves and Hux drops his arm. Me and my brother were the only ones who laughed at that, but it was a fun moment. 
Billie Lourd did really well for the small part they gave her, and honestly I’d love to see more of her character. 
The little kiddo at the end with the tiniest hint that he has the force. That was a nice moment. 
The cinematography for Rey’s dark-side sequence was stunning. 
When Leia and Luke talked to each other right near the end had me tearing up; a really sweet moment.  
Rey’s sardonic mutter of ‘Lifting rocks’ dragged a chuckle from a few of us. The following sequence was pretty neat too. 
Snoke’s throne room looked cool, I guess. 
Actually the fight with Rey and Kylo vs the Guards was fun to watch.
When Phasma’s helmet was split? Nice. 
When Hux said something like ‘Do you think you got him?’
A counter point: They hadn’t, and I was laughing. 
Mark Hamill’s glare when he drank that green milk was gold. Not sure if it was aimed solely at Rey though. 
Someone ‘Aww’ed at one of the crystal-fox things that made a few of us laugh. 
Can you tell I’m nitpicking
The Bad
hooo boy. where do I start? 
The characterisation of a few major roles were a mess. 
Kylo was constantly called a child, even though he’s over thirty, and his ‘conflict’ literally hinged on a brief moment when he didn’t pull the trigger to kill Leia. He brought Rey to Snoke, and I honestly couldn’t pinpoint his motivations to kill Snoke at the last moment. Were they to protect Rey so he could have her as an ally? Maybe. More on him in a second though. 
Luke would never kill a teenager in cold blood, so fuck you Rian. I know the narration says Luke wouldn’t anyway, but that would not have been the case and we all know it. He offered Rey no support in how to counteract the dark side at all? Like it was obvious she’d never had any training, so to not actually tell her or instruct her??? I can understand that self-loathing and survivor’s guilt can be all consuming, but. His character before would never have left them alone. The fact it took him being cajoled into helping was a bit :/
They can justify it all they want but Rey wouldn’t forgive Kylo for his shit. Kidnapping her, torturing her and her friends, killing a father figure? Not even a few days ago? Nah mate. 
Snoke was a generic villain, and played like a melodramatic panto villain at that. I can respect Andy Serkis for trying to milk it, but really? Really? This is the Big Bad? The Ultimate Sith Lord? 
The way characters were handled in the narrative was downright dodgy. Did I say dodgy? No, I meant racist!
The fixation on Kylo was interesting I guess, but to take it to that extent was A Bit Much, and was to the detriment of other characters. NOT TO MENTION that the narrative is literally trying to paint him as this conflicted soul after he’s been a part of a fascist organisation that’s wiped out billions in one fell swoop, killed his classmates, captured and tortured main characters... Rian Johnson is a Kylo Ren fan, and by god it shows. The entire Kylo plot was garbage.  
Finn being pushed to the side and not treated like a main character? Blatant racism. Him being tazed and slapped and called selfish? Racism. We’re supposed to laugh and nod and agree? FUCK that
Poe Dameron being a hot-headed, dangerous fighter vs. calm white women. Seriously. 
Honestly the above point would have been more palatable if Holdo was replaced with Lando Calrissian. Lando - with a more tangible past with the rebellion for those who have only seen the films, and was the posterchild for ‘Think before you do’- would have been a much more interesting foil for Poe than the one we got.  
Paige Tico was mentioned with almost the same level of advertisement as Rose, but she was in one scene and died. Honestly I wish we’d have seen more of her :/ 
A counter: Rose needed more advertisement. 
Leia could have been used a lot more. I don’t know if it was an issue with filming, but her character definitely took a back seat. 
We’d better get an explanation for that force bond. Seriously? Seriously??? How does it work? Why those two if they’re not related?  People - in fandom and outside of it - will see it as romantic, and... lord please no. Kylo literally uses abusive rhetoric to keep her, “You’re nothing [...] but not to me.” He uses her past against her in that moment, and tries to isolate her from everyone else by insisting that he can see her true worth or whatever such bullshit. 
The plot was a little convoluted to say the least. 
Seeing Adam Driver shirtless was Not Welcome lmao 
speaking of WHAT was THAT, Rian? That substitute cow? 
Rey cried a lot in this; that wasn’t just me right? Like pristine-tear-trails-down-the-cheeks-crying at least three times? 
No seriously what was the force bond. What was that. 
Fucking yoda was there. Where was Anakin?
The Ehh
I actually like Luke force-ghosting his way out. I am sad about Luke dying, but it honestly felt in line with his character at that point. It also gave us a rather spectacular moment at the end. 
I’ve seen people call a certain moment the ‘Mary Poppins’, and yeeeah. It was absolutely corny, but in all honesty it was just so refreshing to see Leia use the force in such a way.     
Rey not being a Skywalker... I can’t quite articulate what I feel. Lowkey disappointed, highkey confused because they had so much set up in TFA, but at the end of the day, it’s maybe time the Skywalker legacy passed to someone else. 
Laura Dern did well with what she had, but honestly other than the last half hour, she was literally a walking counterpoint to Poe. I’ll admit I haven’t read the comics, but from the film alone, she just... Comes out of nowhere. 
The Finn/Rose relationship was rushed as all hell, and put next to the amount of time Rey and Kylo are shown to have some sort of force bond(?!) just screams racism to not have the white woman in an interracial relationship with a black man. It seems iffy you guys. 
The casino plotline could have been cut (156 minutes. 156.) but I can understand why they did it. 
Counterpoint: Benicio Del Toro’s character was kinda dull. 
Finn almost sacrificing himself to save the others has left me torn. I did appreciate the parallel with Poe at the beginning of the film though. 
The repeated motif of Hope was cheesy as all hell, but I can live with it. 
The final final fight between Kylo and Luke made me laugh because it literally looked like a Mortal Kombat screenshot. Don’t get me wrong, it was pretty, but it was lacking in health bars. 
The porg were cute, and the moment when one balefully stares up at Chewie for eating another got a laugh from us all
Overall, it was a reasonable film, but my god those flaws are difficult to ignore. 
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thesixthh0ekage · 4 years
Please go off about Rise of Skywalker, I want the tea
You don’t have to tell me twice bro, here I go! 
So Rey turned out to be a palpatine LMFAO! it was honestly so bizarre that i sat there stunned for a minute cause i just could not believe it. like they really just DROPPED that on our fucking heads with no warning, and for no reason! was the fact that she used force lightning supposed to be the give away?! i just want to know why they’d do that! especially after they spent two movies drilling in the fact that she was NO ONE, and even had kylo tell her explicitly, TO HER FACE & on purpose to hurt her feelings, that they were no one and sold her for booze money. i get that he was supposed to be ~evil~ and ~the villain~, but that was dumb as hell and they went out of their way to make us feel like, ok she really is just a nobody! she spent all this time making up shit about her heritage just to make herself feel better like a child would, but, like most childish dreams, it just wasn’t true! and then they just go SIKE LMAOOOOO  y’all are dumb and believed us, she’s been a secret PALPATINE this whole fucking time. like... i have to laugh on that one. what was the reason?!  clearly they only did it so that could have a big GOTCHA jaw-dropping moment. and you know what, i guess it was jaw-dropping. but for ME, it was shocking because it just came from left fucking field. 
another thing was finn and rose having their own separate storyline in TLJ, just for them to be non-fucking-existent in rise of skywalker. i don’t even know what else to say about THAT but it was so dumb. finn was supposed to be revealed to be force sensitive and they even alluded to it at the end (he had some weird ~feeling~ and that’s why he knew something he would have no fucking way of knowing unless he was force sensitive!), and just did NOTHING with it. it made me mad as hell! 
and speaking of finn, i have to ask why THEE FUCK they just threw in some random masked woman for poe to flirt with and then do nothing with it at all. we could have had some real beautiful romance between two characters that made fucking SENSE together but disney is too scared of the white dudebros to commit and write a fucking good story. rose was a casualty of that as well because they really just threw her in and had her kiss finn at the end of TLJ JUST so they could kill the idea that finn and poe were into each other, just to drop that fucking story all together lmfao. fucking ridiculous, dude.
next is the whole “herp derp hux was the resistance spy all along!” thing! lmfao where in the FUCK did that come from?! did they ever foreshadow anything like that in the first two movies?! or are we supposed to assume that hux turned on the whole first order (which he AND his fucking father dedicated their entire lives to btw) just because kylo killed snoke and took over as supreme leader?! like??? maybe i missed something early on, but if it’s the latter i am SCREAMING because number one that was absolutely stupid, but it was also PETTY as fuck of hux to just decide to turn because he was pissed that kylo outranks him now. i am done. 
now lets talk about the ~dyad in the force~... BITCH! they really pulled that one outta their asses. i know you could argue that they foreshadowed that all along (i.e. TFA when kylo tells rey not to be afraid & that he can “feel it too” 🙄 & then p much all of TLJ) but imo they did a shitty job of explaining that THAT was what it was. the fact that i can’t remember if they said whether or not luke knew about this whole dyad in the force business either. if he did someone pls correct me lmao. but going on the assumption that he did not, HOW?! all the fucking talk in the prequel trilogy about PROPHECIES and BALANCING the force and yet not ONE of these mfs in the new republic knew anything about a force dyad or were on the lookout for that shit?! why wait till the last minute of the last movie to fucking reveal that?! then, they did nothing to try to explore or strengthen their connection to one another so for rey to just straight up teleport him his mama’s lightsaber at the end like that blew me lmfao i’m sorry. they didn’t earn that at all and i wish they had done a better job because, as a concept, the idea of it is COOL.
i won’t go in on leia cause we all know there was nothing that could be done about that, but i will say i actually LIKED that rey was able to get her lightsaber. that was nice. 
a minor thing but lmfao chewie died and then he wasn’t dead. all for no real reason at all other than to make rey Snap™ and use her evil force lightning ability that she’d never ever used before! 
there are probably other things that i am missing, or hell maybe i am being too hard on it, but idk! i don’t feel like that was the ending we all deserved. ESPECIALLY given how fucking amazing i thought the force awakens was. it was just a major disappointment, and i feel like it was a waste of 4 years getting hyped for it all lmao
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