#cherik 1x1
gnosticpriesthood · 1 year
sidemuse !
sentinel / guide . i would like to play charles xavier against an erik lehnsherr . ( please change his face claim to a jewish actor if you use a face claim , my recommendation is michael aloni because v v similar features ) set in an era where mutants don’t exist as we know them charles grew up as a hypertelepath , the only gifted soul he knew , but he’s heard the stories of sentinels and guides . a long - extinct human splinter from the times of achilles / patroclus and david / jonathan themselves - venerated throughout tradition & & history as true pair - bonded souls . homo superior, who held immense gifts capable of destroying whole cities . drawn together by the guide - link which kept them both stable . charles feels it across the world, when a young man in haifa moves metal for the first time and nearly brings the hospital down . ( 1950s redux , ds'verse lite , where sentinel -> sub and guide -> dom . i can play charles as both easily so go with your gut )
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prpfs · 2 months
🧬 +18 looking to do a cherik from X-Men roleplay on discord! i have an idea for a fluffy domestic sub that i would love to do. i would prefer to be Charles but also could do Erik. like this and ill message you!
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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countyourcasualty · 1 year
Officially back on my Cherik bullshit.
There is a lot more information in the various links so I'll just keep this short & & sweet . You are preferably 24-25+ , with few triggers , enjoys a solid mix of smut and plot && good with one-liners or multi-paragraph depending on dialogue/action flow . I can play either ERIK (I have the most experience with Erik , and many different versions ) or CHARLES ( I have a couple of versions, my Charles is always disabled , my Charles is more canon - centric than my Erik /s ) . Discord is Weemie#2844 , feel free to reach out .
AUs are my shit . If you play Erik please pick a Jewish face - claim . Under no circumstances will I ever accept any of X - Men Apocalypse as canon . Destroying Auschwitz was a chillul hashem and Erik would NEVER .
Word bank ; diplomacy / foreign language , CIA , military , college , teacher / student , teacher / parent , parenting , soldier / civilian , clinician / patient , TiMER , sentinel / guide , ds!verse , abo!verse , time travel , multiverse traversal , mind control , poetry , narrative fuckery , experimental , telepathy , soulmates , bonds , true love , trauma , recovery , abuse , WWII , modern historical , war , cultural discrepancy , fish out of water , sci - fi , star trek redux , blah la la la ! If you have an idea you want to do , feel free to approach me . Please PICK THE PLOT / AU you would like to do beforehand ( there are several ideas spread out over the links & & around my Erik blog as well . )
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glrlsdontcry · 2 years
would  anyone  be  potentially  interested  in  writing  magneto  x  mystique  or  magneto  x  charles  with  me?  it would  be  set  during  their  younger  years  (20s)  and  poorly  based  on  the  movies  because  i  know  nothing  about  comics  and  want  to  kinda  develop  /  write  my  own  headcanons  for  erik  and  how  he  met  charles  and  raven.  more  about  my  portrayal  below,  pls  shoot  me  a  message  or  like  this!
okay  so  for  erik’s  faceclaim  i  will  be  using  my  beloved  harris  dickinson <3  and  most  of  his  content  comes  from  the  movie  the  darkest  minds  where  he  also  plays  a  pseudo-mutant. 
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as  i  said  i’m  basing  his  personality  and  story  on  the  movies  (  first  class,  days  of  the  future  past,  apocalypse  and  dark  phoenix  )  and  mostly  just  my  own  imaginery. i  know  canonically,  erik  met  raven  and  charles  once  they  were  already  adults,  but  i’m  grasping  the  “  when  i  was 17 ,  i  met  a  young  man  named  erik  lehnsherr  ”  that  xavier  told  wolverine  in  x-men  ( 2000 )  because  i  think  it  could  be  really  fun  and  interesting  to  write  and  develop  their  younger  selves,  how  their  dynamic  started,  and  the  way  they  probably  tried  to  live  while  handling  and  learning  to  control their  powers  (  and  having  such  contraditory  positions  about  them  )  so  yeah !!  if  you’re  interested,  please  don’t  hesitate  to  pm  me.
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deardarlingthings · 1 year
Casting my line out there for anyone to roleplay Fox's X-Men. I'm really hoping to find some long term discord RPs for certain pairings, because I haven't been having luck finding anyone willing to write out of text format. I write multi paras/lit/borderline novella, and I love plotting/talking OOC. If you are interested, please be 20+, as I am an adult and not comfortable writing with minors.
I will also put it out there that my work schedule varies so most times, I usually work ungodly hours weekdays. So I will not be pumping out replies daily. Most likely it will be a few times a week at most.
The characters I would want to play in bold. I am more than willing to double up and discuss anything!
✨Cherik/Mutant Husbands {Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr} What I would give to write them- I absolutely love them. They are so fantastic for AUs or Canon divergence, and I would do so much for them. Bonus points if Dadneto is involved because them.
✨✨JeanSilver/SilverPhoenix/QuickPhoenix {Jean Grey/Peter Maximoff} A rare pair I would die for- because no one knows of them as a pairing, let alone write them. Please. Please this could be such a trip.
Mystique/Azazel I don't know their ship name, but this is a ship I am so curious to explore, test the waters, also with their son Kurt/Nightcrawler- I love them, missed opportunities.
Beastique {Hank/Raven} Another one I would love to explore more and honestly just have them be happy- or angsty, the world is our oyster.
PLATONIC Summers Brothers They deserved better, point blank period. Let's give them a better ending.
If you are interested, interact or DM me! More likely to check my DMs
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marvelrphunt · 3 years
hi! 18+ female here looking for fellow 18+ roleplay partners willing to write Cherik (Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr) with me! my main inspo for them is the X-Men films (namely, First Class, Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse). i don’t mind playing either one as i adore both! my preferred platform is discord, and all i ask is that you please be open to brainstorming plot ideas together. if you’re interested, please drop a like and i’ll come to you! thank you! xo
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cherryskied · 4 years
back on my stucky & cherik bullshit so if anyone would like to play bucky or charles & cry with me on discord pls give this a like so we can be perpetually emo over these old men <3
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roleplayfinder · 5 years
Hi! I’m charlie and I’m 20. My timezone is gmt London. Looking for a 1x1 partner who is literate and 18+ as I enjoy writing sexual themes. The ships I want to rp are below. I rp on discord only so if you’re interested message me here or my tag is charl_tenyalovebot#7604. - reibert (I can muse both but prefer Bertholdt) - wrightworth ( I muse Phoenix) - cherik (I muse Charles) - sonadow (human au only, I muse sonic)
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lauriesrpt · 5 years
No one: 
 Absolutely not a soul: 
My schedule: hoe don't do it 
My muse who can't play males: don't you dare 
Me: I need x men rps in my life. I need Cherik in my life. I need MUTANTS TO LIVE
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spook-jimm · 6 years
Marvel Roleplay 1x1 partners wanted.
Hello! I’m looking for some more roleplay partners!
I’m a Tony Stark main but also roleplay as Peter Parker (older), Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr ((Although I prefer to roleplay as Erik in Cherik))
I’m looking for these ships:
- Spideypool
- SpiderTorch
- Cherik
- Possibly Stony?
I only roleplay with LITERATE roleplayers. Which means I expect at least 3+ short paragraphs and good grammar.
DM me if you’re interested!
Also, if you want to be Wade for Spideypool I’m very picky. Deadpool roleplayers tend to make me stray away if you aren’t serious enough. I cant handle constant jokes or tacos. It’s fine sometimes but not constant. Thanks!
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gnosticpriesthood · 1 year
sidemuse !
charles and erik (i will play erik) go to white castle MIT. erik’s the new freshman who immediately joins the mutant student union (mutatis mutandis), and starts stirring up charles’s nice integrationist life with his evilbad separatist politics, there’s probably a frat involved, lots of snark and debating mutant rights and maybe set against the backdrop of escalating baseline-mutant violence (modern)
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telepathicteacup · 7 years
Assassin's Creed; Gods of Valhalla
(Open roleplay! An Erik roleplayer please!)
The only thing that could be heard in the long, clinical corridor was the sound of his steps. He had passed one or two guards in the beginning of the hall however as he got closer to his goal the more guards he saw standing against the walls.
He greeted them all for he knew every single one of his employees as he approached the door by the end. The brunett was meet with the chief of security, the sight of him made the shorter man furrow his eyebrows in surprical.
"Hello Mr.Pichélli, How is our subject doing?" The doctor asked as he looked down to the folders he was carrying, seeing the handsome man stare back up at him from the photograph of his personal.
"Erik Lehnsherr" known around here as subject 13.
Was he that much of a security issue?
"Our unlucky number?" He heard the husky voice return with a snort.
"He is doing better, less snotty. But still not in the working condit-"
"-Let me be the judge of that Mr.Pichélli." the doctor interrupted him with a dangerous smile as he gestured for them to let him inside the cell.
The sounds of heavy breaths belonging to three mouths and two sets of fists making contact with flesh was getting prominent as he walked inside the room and he watched the guards stop by the sound of the door.
They turned to watch the smaller man and the sight of him made them back away from the subject, giving him the opportunity to approach him.
"Hello Erik, my name is Doctor Charles Xavier." He offered with a smile as he got a chair pulled out for him to sit down on.
That brief moment gave him the much important moment to study his subject. He was badly bruised from resisting and from being interrogated but still he wore a smirk across his face and a dominant gaze in his eyes.
They had tried violence to break him now it was his turn to try something different.
"First, I must apologize for their abuse.. they were not suppose to treat our guest this way.." he said as rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, his bright blue eyes not leaving his for a second.
A silver bracelet with the red Templar cross fell out and shined omniously in the dim light.
"You are here by my invitation because you are more important than to be locked away in a cell to rot." He said with a soft expression, as he leaned forward a bit in his chair, gesturing to the guards to release him from his bounds.
"But we can always discuss that later, are you hungry?" He asked him polietly as he again gestured for a guard to go and fetch him his gourmet meal.
He realized that the man must be fairly confused by all of the things happening, but he was more than willing to answer his question. The more he could get him to talk, the more he would know the extent of his involvement with the order. He needed this to work. This man was the last living ancestor of Erik Ulv the Scandinavian Viking and the Assassin carrying heavy secret on his shoulder.
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countyourcasualty · 1 year
RP Search
Hello, 31/m, AST here. Looking to add one or two more ONE ON ONE RPs featuring Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier! I have almost no content limits whatsoever. It honestly depends on the dynamics between our individual characters, but I can play Erik anywhere from very dominant to service-oriented submissive. So if your Charles is more one or the other, I can work with that. I play a few different versions of Erik: two are modern and one is from the 1950s. All are in their late 20s to early 30s. I enjoy having lots of plot and lots of smut, probably a 50/50 split if I'm being honest (writing it out every time will probably get boring but y'know what I mean - the option is nice! But slow burn is fantastic so we can go 100% plot for a while if that's your jam.)
Basically, take a look at some of the plot ideas and versions and pick whichever one you think you'll jive most with! I'm obviously a huge fan of military themes, war, the CIA, international/diplomatic shit, foreign language, college AU, la la la. We could also mix it up with some Sentinel/Guide bullshit, because I'm a fucking sap for soulmates AUs (kill me now). My Discord is Weemie#2844 ! More information under the cut.
Erik ONE played by Ishai Golan
Erik 1 is Israeli and a former medic in the IDF who tried to conscientiously object but ended up being threatened with jailtime - which he could not afford due to caring for his ailing mother and baby sister. He was in Beirut helping both his own side and the enemy and managed to endure his experiences (which he morally objected to at the time) without firing his service weapon once. (This is a modern, vaguely 80s-90s setting.) He then immigrated to America and studied social work, and is now a CPS worker. E1 is rude, brash, and gregarious. You ever see that episode of Conan where he asks the Israeli guy "how do you say excuse me?" and he's just like "you don't! ELBOWS OUT MOTHERFUCKER!" That's this guy. He listens to hardstyle on the walk-man and wears Hawaiian T-shirts. He can meet Charles through his work somehow (if Charles runs his school, perhaps he meets Erik on the job at one of his students' homes and enlists his help). Maybe he seeks Charles out because one of his clients has a mutation and he doesn't know what to do - Charles being a mutant psychologist could be the catalyst there.
Erik TWO played by Adam Brody
Erik 2 is American from Midwood, New York City and an OEF veteran ex-68W, and MIT graduate. He can either have Pietro and Wanda or not (poor Magda gets Fridged, RIP) this version of him features his family heavily (his mother was also a mutant and a time traveler) and is set in the late 2010s. E2 is friendly, charming and talkative. He's the diplomat and the leader, knows several languages, and is a genuine, certified genius. He's the domestic fluff guy, always ready with a joke and a can-do attitude. He's a Conservative Jew, keeps kosher and goes to his dad's house every Saturday for Shabbat. They keep asking him when he's going to Bring A Nice Young Man Home. It's a whole thing. This one requires a bit of finagling but my idea is that Charles is Erik's VA-appointed caseworker and/or therapist (he was "The Good Shepherd" in at least a few incarnations so it's not super out of place). We could also potentially switch it up and have him attend MIT after returning from the Army, and he meets Charles there (either as a fellow student or professor). The CIA are also going to be involved in this, as they have been tracking Erik since he was a child. AS OF the beginning of our RP, this version of Erik believes he is a BASELINE HUMAN. When really, he is actually an Omega-level mutant with the ability to manipulate subatomic particles.
Erik THREE played by Michael Aloni
Erik 3 is Polish and was a sonderkommando at Auschwitz as a teenager. He survived years in this role due to Klaus Schmidt taking a "special interest" in him and only manifested his mutation after liberation. This one is my "darkest" version of Erik, but he is not an asshole or a genocidal insane person. I play him extremely realistically, tactfully, with the knowledge and study of years of history and personal experiences. His faith is important to him. E3 is gentle, curious and compassionate. A more somber personality, this version of Erik is genuinely kind, values life in all of its forms, and speaks softly but with great wisdom. A nurturing soul, he is a lay leader at his synagogue, teaching Torah to some of the younger children. Whip-smart and dry-humored as hell, but it takes time to really see it, since his command of English isn't the greatest. He's either a construction worker in Haifa (Charles would be volunteering there as well), working in International Tracing Service with ICRC in Eilat (these are the people who try and reunite families and track down records torn apart by the war), or a recent immigrant to the United States where he is attending university at MIT (Charles can again either be a professor or a student, or someone adjacent to the university).
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julietcapulct · 7 years
@raminkcrimloo said: LISTEN i am so happy i met you, my nervous lil ass messaging you for our cherik 1x1 a million years ago was one of the best decisions i've ever made. WHICH UH ALSO THANK YOU LAPIN FOR ENCOURAGING ME TO DO THAT
posting this whole thing because lux ur an angel and i loVE YOU SO MUCH we’re the gooey people who cant stop saying they love each other
also so our darling @starlesses can see this too because we love you!!!!
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gnosticpriesthood · 1 year
( sidebar )
full muse list here !
feel free to message me for my discord if you 'd like ! i am always down to do 1x1 discord roleplays . i only have a few primary interests : x - men , star trek & & house , m . d . & & original characters in both universes - two starfish-aliens with orange/blue morality ( one is benevolent and one is ambiguous ), a mutant with telepathy ( all 3 are therapists ) , also have a betazoid computer analyst & & mutant technical / armored truck / taxi driver
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telepathicteacup · 7 years
Kings of fate.
The carriage had been constantly moving for hours now and that only meant that they must be getting closer to the Winter Kingdom. The young Prince had spent the whole journey glancing out the windows of the carriage and asked about the different landscapes to their ward who was traveling with them and was the wisest man he knew. He had also sketched down things that he found interesting and would like to keep in his memory from his first ever travel away from his country. They had left their country in the East. A country filled with green landscapes and beautiful, breathtaking nature. He now could see why the North considered to be a dull place. It was almost only rocky, rough terrain not even close to the green fields of Charles' homeland. But as Prince Charles had never left his homelands of "Teyryn" and his city of "Summer gardens" before everything was new and so exciting to him. He had only read about the history of the North and its great terrain in books. Their terrain had always been at their advantage and thanks to that they had never once lost a war that had been in their own lands. Never would their enemies have knowledge about the rough land. Charles had heard stories about the Mighty King Erik, the King that his sister was going to marry. Well it was not set in stone just yet, since the King was known for being extremly picky with his potential brides. He was known to have turned down many beautiful young women. But Raven was the fairest of them all; His older sister had got their mothers beauty, her blonde hair and fair skin. But she got their fathers chestnut brown eyes. Charles too had some of his mothers traits. The fair skin that was rare to be seen in the East and North. His eyes looking more like sapphires, with their sharp blue color. Her freckles that he often got in the summers and in Teyryn it was always summer. When they got close to what appeared to be the great Capitol in the North, Charles peeked out through the windows with his Sapphire eyes looking around curiously to the people looking at the knights and the huge carriage containing the fair Prince and Princess from Teyryn.  Everyone had heard of their arrival and men, woman and children were calling after them, waving and smiling, trying their best to catch a glimpse of the exotic siblings. The people in the North did not look anything like the people in the East. In the North it was common with olive skin, rougher more maskuline features, dark hair and eyes. It was colder here so they wore thick clothes. Fur if you had the money. He had never seen people like them before and that only made his eyes grow even bigger. Once they arrived to the castle their Court Maester called out their arrival with his high voice echoing out over the masses; "Crown Prince Charles first of his name and his fair sister, Princess Raven from Summer garden in Teyryn."  The carriage opened and Charles stepped out first and helped his sister out. They both walked towards the stairs where a figure was waiting for them ontop of them. They recived many curious looks from the court and royal people of the North as they passed them. All lining the ends of the steps. Charles' and Raven's clothes were acustom for their warm climate so they had thin, see through clothes with beautiful embroderies and feminine touches. It was considered beautiful and royal to show off as much skin as possible in their country, something the Northerners probably was not used to seeing. Charles and Raven both wore light blue gawls with golden details. The royal colors of their sigil and family. They both bowed down deep in respect for the King and Charles looked up to him and could not hide his curiousity. After all a Seventeen year old boy who only had heard stories about this mighty war King was curious to see everything about him. There was no doubt that this King was both as cruel as he was devilishly handsome.
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