#cheap helicopter
dubaitoursfun · 1 month
Chopper Experience, Dubai Helicopter tour
Prepare for the ultimate chopper experience in Dubai as you take to the skies in a sleek helicopter. With the wind in your hair and the thrill of flight beneath you, every moment is an adventure waiting to unfold. From soaring over iconic landmarks to exploring remote wilderness areas, a chopper experience offers unparalleled access to the world’s most breathtaking scenery.
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book Helicopter in Dubai at https://www.helicoptertour.ae/
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caffeccino · 6 months
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I got my xbox all sorted out and so here's my Verdict Day ac Black Witch
Yaaaay! I like these uzis quite a bit 😉 It's quite a bit better than V, executing some of the ideas with more finesse. It's a shame they were going heavy into the always online stuff... basically do co op with your friends. In V, if you weren't online, you had to solo everything, but in this one I can bring a robot friend! Yay! Which is good, because this one's hard as hell, and you really don't move very easily, and lightweight builds are soooo squishy 😭. Sadly, I'm committed to chicken leg life for I know no other way. So I've been glass cannon without much of the cannon part 😔
If you bring a friend and you get killed, instead of dying, you fly around as a little waifu with a giant jet pack lmao (two robot penguins carrying me gently)
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play-now-my-lord · 9 months
serenely remembering the moment when isabel fall published "helicopter story" aka "i sexually identify as an attack helicopter", which instantiated harassment from her clouty new-wave scifi friends that radiated outwards into transmisogynist scifi normies and became so severe she wound up in inpatient. people took up the cause of the story in the name of "free artistic expression" and "speaking difficult truths", which was not incorrect but which was kind of missing the forest for the trees in that specific situation: the age-old game of "kill the baby trans girl out of professional jealousy, farm clout off of doing it". the roles could have been completely reversed - the transmisogynist acquaintances could have been writing edgy outsider lit and could have been encouraging mass harassment against her for being a tenderqueer sellout (i swear to god i have seen this shit too). effect would have been the same.
when trans women in FSF talk about this shit, they usually talk about it from the angles of "censorious tenderqueers tried to kill someone over a story" or, in the most sympathetic voice i've seen out of someone in journalism, "public pressure functionally forced this exciting trans writer back into the closet". but they generally miss the degree to which it was intimate, personal transmisogynist violence, which bled into and intersected with the logics of mob justice, of "community safety" (remember, part of the substance of the accusations was that she was a stealth nazi, which frankly knowing a little about both the accusers and IF herself I can say confidently was not just vacuous but knowingly vacuous, them lying through their teeth), and again, professional jealousy.
i have seen people who crowed the loudest about what got done to IF do it to other people. it's the easiest thing in the world, and it happens all the time, and you can do it whenever you want - try and have some weird tranny rival or inconvenient tranny ex-friend killed - and it engenders no moral stain, no whispers, no reputation. i think they don't even have a conception that they're hypocrites. why would they? nothing that happens to anyone like that is real. human life is cheap if it's in the wrong body. everything they hold is stolen, everything they are is negotiable, for everything they do someone else surely deserves the credit. why not you? don't you deserve it more?
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sprout-fics · 2 months
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Silver Fox
(Nikolai x F! Reader)
Call of Duty Masterlist
Rating: Explicit (MDNI) Wordcount: 5k Tags: Character study, Age gap, Light Dom/Sub, Fluff, Slowburn, Smut, Dominant Nikolai, Soft Nikolai, Aftercare, Orgasm delay/denial, Light BDSM dynamics, Cuddling, Corruption kink, Brat Taming, Overstimulation, Dirty talk in Russian, Power dynamics, A dose of manipulation but everything is consensual Warnings: Brief mention of capture and torture A/N: This is my first and most likely not my last attempt to write for Nikolai. I really like this dynamic and welcome requests for more
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When Nik first meets you, you try to rob him.
You’d been younger then. Wilder, scared of a world you struggled to survive in. With hardly a roof over your head, always an empty belly, chased by ghosts of a past you struggled to leave behind. You were desperate, constantly looking for a way out, clawing and scrambling at the stone alleyways in hopes you could one day see the sky.
He finds you like that- as a dirty, fierce little stray. In a grimy jacket, eyes wild, dirt smeared across your face, you hold up a knife to him and demand his wallet. Stupid, you know, but shivering, scared of the world that was destined to eat you alive, choosing a target far bigger than yourself.
Cute, he’d admitted later.
It takes little effort from him to twist the knife from your hand, examining it as you froze in a shock that only seems to multiply when he asks you if you want a warm meal. The offer is too tempting to ignore to your growling stomach, but in reality it’s the barest hint of softness behind his eyes that has you follow him like a kicked stray out of the cold.
Little did you know, behind that softness lay his own hunger. A deep, prowling thing that circled you beyond your sight.
He takes you to a quiet little eatery, out of the way, only three tables in what amounted to a shed. One of his favorites, he tells you with a smirk. The cook gives you both a look, suspicious of the man who had escorted in a woman much younger than him, dirty and nervous as you are. Nik lets you order, smirking still as you nervously pick something small, cheap, and he instead orders something large and warm for you. He watches you scarf down the entirety of your meal, gazing at him suspiciously all the while. He’s quiet- appraising you later realized.
You know of men like him. Gangsters, thugs, men who work alongside the mafia or even worse. Men from the underbelly of Russian society who walk in plainclothes and hold dark secrets. You know the danger of accepting favors from men like him. Be it your body, your servitude, or a debt paid in blood, men like those you feared would come to collect in due course, would bleed you dry and leave you ruined given the chance. The only charity they offered served their own interests, the cause they flew their flag for.
It became clear as time grew that Nikolai was not much different, that he had taken one look at you and had seen the thing you never saw in yourself:
In the end he tells you if you ever need work to come find him, and find him you do.
You’d been foolish, you think back, if only because you’d been so young, naive without the lessons he would soon teach you.
It’s simple things at first. Taking packages and dropping them off at seemingly random locations, picking up things from shady characters who’d let their eyes rake down your form. In exchange Nikolai offers you a warm place to sleep, a roof over your head, hot meals and shelter from the ghosts that chase you. Distant, professional, but there all the same. Steadfast, waiting for your skittishness to shed itself before he comes closer. Waiting. Expectant.
Curious, you’d watch as he tinkers on his helicopter, cleans his cache of weapons, fixes the aging appliances in his house outside Saratov where the remains of the Soviet legacy lay etched between the old manors of the дворянство.
You observe, quiet at a distance, and ask him about the life he led, to which he was vague.
“I fix things.” He tells you simply, snapping a cartridge back into place with practiced efficiency.
You wondered then, if he was trying to fix you too.
He welcomes your interests in his work, skittish though you are, ready to dart back to a safe distance at a moment’s notice. You peer over his shoulder as he works at his tool bench in the hangar, assist him as he tightens screws on his helicopter, pass him ingredients as he cooks dinner for you both on his stove. Rather than answer any questions you pose, Nik elects to show you himself, putting his hands over yours and allowing them to guide you with ease in his tasks.
His protege, he introduces you as to those that ask. The younger woman he had taken under his tutelage. You’d almost resented it at the time, still suspicious, ready to flee at the first instance of betrayal. Yet inside you knew it was too late. In the same way that wolves became dogs, you found yourself near the fire of him, resting your weary bones as he offered you a place to stay.
Even if he held a leash behind his back.
Nik is careful, stern as a teacher but tender as a friend. In moments of learning his voice is whip-sharp to correct any mistakes, but in the quiet evenings he is almost soft, blunted at the edges in a way that betrays his indulgence in you. Each time he gets close, you try to ignore the way his touch lingers, holding back, greedy but restrained as your heart flutters inside your chest. Purposeful, careful not to spook you lest it ruin the things he’s predestined for you.
You try not to miss him when he leaves you behind for work, reminding yourself this is only temporary, to not let your guard down lest he burn you. He will someday stop having a use for you, and you will once again walk into the wild seeking shelter under a different name.
When he returns, you try to ignore the relief that bubbles inside your chest, the desperate hunger of a lonely thing looking for warmth.
You don’t see the glittering silver collar he envisions in his mind.
The teaching moments are constant. It’s not long before Nikolai begins taking you on assignments rather than leaving you at the house alone. You become familiar with the inside of the chopper, and learn to doze in the co-pilot seat when you are allowed. You help him catalog his ammo and supplies, listen over your headset as he explains piloting to you. In meetings with suppliers and clients he tells you quietly to stay inside the chopper behind him, and you peek out to see the eyes of his ‘friends’ flicking towards you. Curious, even as Nik stood as a stalwart wall between you and them.
In the passenger seat of his truck you learn to carefully balance his chosen rifle on your lap, feeling the stiffness ease from your shoulders as he lays a heavy hand across your nape. On long drives he stops at sunset to admire the view, and you hover close to his side as he smokes long drags of cigars. When he encourages you to try you cough on the smoke, and he thumps you between your back gently, chuckling even when you shoot him a glare. The next morning finds you somewhere new, and the lessons resume.
All the while his careful guidance reminds you to keep your eyes up, to stay alert, focused, to heed his warnings and obey his orders when given.
Nik is an endless wealth of knowledge when it comes to his profession. He’s deliberate in the things he teaches you: how to calculate the distance of a target 100 meters away, what the warning lights on the helicopter console meant, how to handle the kickback of a machine gun, where the major organs of the body were located and how to slice them open in deadly fashion. You take to the lessons easily as predators take to the snap of bone between jaws, and can’t help but preen with every accomplishment, every feat you manage to show him.
“Good girl.” He offers when you finish the task assigned to you, noticing the way you stiffen, a shiver racing down your spine at the praise. Testing the waters, quietly moving goalposts in his mind as he maps your future before you.
When you fell ill during that first winter he nurses you, sits your sluggish form up in bed against his chest and watches as you finish what little food you could stomach. When you insist on drinking with him one evening, pass beyond your tolerance, he smooths a hand over your back as you bend over the toilet bowl and whispers soothing reassurances in your ear. When you cut your palm on the edge of a tool bench in his helicopter hangar he lets you squeeze his hand as he pours alcohol over the gash, reminding you the wound would make you stronger. When you take a swig of the vodka to settle your nerves after your first mission with him he hums happily, murmuring an ounce of praise that settles low in your veins like warm liquor.
You let him, suspicious though you are, so desperate for a place to belong, to be taken care of, to have somewhere in which to shelter the storm. Nikolai is your mentor, yes, but more than that Nik shapes himself into your ally, into someone you can turn to, to a man you look to and seek praise from like turning your face to the sun.
Teaching you to eat from the palm of his hand.
You trail behind him at a distance, eyes softening and heart weary, seeking a soft place in which to rest itself. Nikolai is not a soft man, you remind yourself. Tender as he can be, his true heart remains a shadowed thing like all the men and women he keeps close. Even so you cling fast to that same shadow, hovering at his side as he makes a place for you there.
He’d plucked you from the wilds, had taken you like a starved, injured, feral animal into his care. You’d growled and snapped at him, unsure, suspicious of the twinkle behind his eyes that betrayed intentions you couldn’t quite discern. It was as if he knew the things you were capable of before even you could see them, the way he shaped you slowly under his care.
You stay there when he introduces you to his allies, to Price who looks at your skittish, suspicious nature and to Nik with a disapproving but knowing stare. You hear the meaning to it later as you creep downstairs to listen to them smoke outside.
“I won’t say anything.” Price tells him gruffly. “God knows I have my own vices. Just don’t ruin her, Nik.”
Nikolai takes a long, purposeful pause as he considers.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, captain.”
Price chuffs, but comments no further.
Slowly, Nik begins to move closer to you, getting you used to his touch. It seems incidental at first. Squeezing too close behind you in the kitchen and offering a chuckling apology as you feel his hips press against your spine; leaning over you to inspect your work, rubbing a hand between your shoulders after a hard day and relishing the tiniest little sigh you offer in return.
In his teachings he is deliberate, gauging your progress under a keen eye, offering life lessons just as he purrs little doses of praise at your progress. He knows you wouldn’t leave now, you’ve become too accustomed to a life under his care. So slowly, Nik begins to test the boundaries of your trust in him, pushing a little farther each time and leaving you dizzy in the wake of him.
In the hot days of summer he works with his shirt off, the broad span of his back glistening with sweat. You tell yourself it is just the warmth of the sun that lays upon your cheeks, but even then you find your eyes straying, catching his own knowing gaze at a distance. Teasing, waiting, expectant.
“Smells good.” He hums over your shoulder as you made breakfast one morning, bacon simmering in the pan. “You’d make a good wife.”
When you feel heat rise to your face, stammering and scandalized, Nik only laughs.
“Шучу.” He grins. “Just kidding.”
It doesn’t seem to be that much of a joke, not with the way Nik is so comfortable around you these days, easing into your personal space just enough to make your heart race, dangerous thoughts of the ‘what if?’ lingering even after he’s pulled away.
On longer jobs he puts a cot in the back of the chopper to sleep on. Normally he likes to sleep in the pilot seat- vigilant and ready to take off at the slightest hint of trouble. Yet sometimes he complains about his aging back and squeezes in behind you, tucking you against the wall and arranging you so you both share what little space there is. You can’t really find it in yourself to complain, taking in the warm, musky scent of his and letting it lull you into dreams.
Slowly, you come to him. You ease into his touch, to the way his hand rubs across your shoulders in greeting, the way he holds your hand as you stiffened during client negotiations. In the evenings he sometimes watches terrible knock-off action movies, rolls his eyes at the impossible stunts as you nod off on his shoulder. Comfortable, you curl into him- seeking the place you belonged, and Nik quietly smiles at the wild creature that has made a home in his heart.
On the odd stretches of time where there are few assignments to follow through from his strange clientele, Nik takes you on his version of a holiday. He brings you to places you’ve never been, restaurants in cities you didn’t know existed.
“Try this.” He tells you in that smirk of his, lifting an oyster from the Caspian Sea to your lips, loaded with butter and spices. You make a face as you swallow, lips closing around his fingers, and don’t notice the way Nik’s eyes flick to the bob of your throat, distracted. “Good girl.”
The praise sends a shiver up your spine, alighting inside you with the need to please him- this man who has taken you in, sheltered you, is teaching you everything he knows.
You don’t realize the danger you’re in when you realize you’ve gotten too comfortable.
It’s a sunny Wednesday morning when you’re taken.
Being the pretty, feral thing at Nik’s side comes with a fair bit of attention. People begin to notice the beautiful vixen at his side. Whispers of your skills echo in the halls of underground bunkers and private airliners. Nik is known to work alone, so to see you with him as his protege, his partner, his co-pilot that he trusts as much as he mentors, means that you’re a target.
You pop out for groceries on his old Soviet era moped, having pestered Nikolai for pirozhkis for dinner- to which he told you only if you fetched the ingredients yourself. You ignore the small gaggle of men smoking near the corner store, common as they were in your neighborhood. It’s only when you come out with your arms full that they spring on you.
Your head cracks against a stone wall. The world goes dark.
When you come to, you’re somewhere you don’t recognize. barely lucid, head pounding, they try and ask you questions about him you can’t answer. There’s things Nik keeps secret from you for your own safety, and the things they want to know are among them. The blows come, knock you from your chair, and you’re left alone in the cellar, trying to understand how the nightmare you dreaded before you met him could have come true after all.
The difference is- now they’ve made a mistake. They took you after he’d taught you how to survive.
The men who took you are stupid. They underestimate you, tying the ropes too loose for your frame. You manage to get your hands free first as Nik has taught you, then your feet. In the corner of the cellar a sliver of light peeks through broken slats, and despite your battered limbs and bruised hands, you peel the plank off quietly so it reveals the underbelly of the house. Like digging a den, you crawl your way into the earth, beyond the foundation, and stumble into the night before your captors even decide to check on you.
Escaping the snare, as wild things do.
It’s early in the morning when you manage to stumble to the back gate of the house. You trip over a loose rock in the soil, collapse in a heap of bruised limbs and fatigue just beyond the back step. The door swings open, and you close your eyes before you can see the sight of Nikolai with a rifle in his hands, ready to fend off intruders.
“лисёнок.” He murmurs hoarsely as he gathers you in his arms, cooing his name for you as you whimper into his chest. Injured, broken, limping back to him. Only him. “What did they do to you?”
You don’t tell him, too exhausted to form words, slumping against him and letting the crash of adrenaline pull you blissfully under.
When you wake up, you’re in his bed. Bandaged, tucked in tightly. He’s washing blood off his hands in the sink.
You don’t realize until later it isn’t yours.
You never ask him what he did to those men while you were asleep, maiming them, killing them for the offense of hurting you, only to come home and haul your figure close to him with whispered reassurances that they’d never touch you again.
Things...change after that.
It wasn’t as if Nik wasn’t affectionate before- he was. Nik’s fondness of you was intertwined with his mentorship. Yet there was always a sort of distance involved. Teasing, playful, interested but careful not to push too far lest he spook you away too soon.
Now, as you cling to him in the aftermath of your capture, shiver and feel your bandaged fingers grip at his shirt, Nik is indulgent.
He lets you sniffle into his chest, rubs his hand along the knot of your spine and rumbles low, soothing words in Russian. He hauls you to him, calls you quiet pet names, cuddles you close and reminds you you’re safe.
In your recovery Nik spoils you, allows you to take all the time you need. You sleep until noon, a rare luxury under his tutelage, and find him cooking your favorite meals when you wake. When you call for him, he’s there, helping you ascend the stairs with your mending knee. He sets you on the couch in warm blankets so you watch movies of your choice until you doze off, to which he carries you upstairs and tucks you quietly, sweetly, back into bed.
All this and more, as Nikolai silently declares to himself that he is never letting you go.
When you recover, the gentleness doesn’t seem to stop. Yet with it comes a sternness, a demand to yield to his promise to care for you, to keep you safe. The hole of want inside you yawns open for him, looking to his care, his guidance, seeking ways to please him. You’re softer now, no less deadly, but the softness in the aftermath has you brushing against him, yearning for his embrace, which Nik offers readily.
With his nose buried in your hair, your arms wrapped around his waist, Nik smiles at the silver snare he’s circled around your throat.
and, silently, he begins to pull.
“Behave.” He tells you when you snarl at a supplier who tries to upcharge him, and Nik lays a heavy hand on your nap that somehow feels like a warning. It settles low in your stomach, warm and liquid with a want you don’t understand yet but need all the same.
“That’s my girl.” He hisses as you stitch a gash on his arm after close contact when you were flying out of a hot zone. He takes another swig of his vodka and groans just as a drip of red oozes down your fingers. You shudder at the sound, feeling something pull taut below your belly, trying to echo the praise quietly in your thoughts.
“Pretty thing.” He smiles as he offers you one of his spare shirts on mission. You swore you had packed more, but the scent of him clings to your skin and it distracts you enough to not question it. You warm under his words, curl up beside him when he gestures. Obedient, wanting.
You think he’s gone from the chopper that night, tucked on the cot and sneaking a hand under your panties to rub idly at yourself- thinking of him. You’re surrounded by the scent of him, swaddled by a phantom of his warmth, and imagining what it would feel like to have his fingers inside you, stroking, coaxing wetness to trickle down the breadth of them. What would it be like, you wonder, for him to hold you like that, to whisper those filthy praises in your ear so you clench down on him?
Footsteps, boots on the metal grate, and a low chuckle.
You yank your hand free, but it’s too late.
“Don’t stop on my account, Дорогая.” He murmurs, and you back against the wall with a shuddering little gasp, skin on fire as Nikolai couches over you, ready to eat you whole. “I was only gone for a few minutes- did you miss me that much?”
The utter confidence in his voice, the knowledge that you were thinking of him, has wetness ooze between your thighs as you try to find your voice. It’s no use, because Nik swoops down against your lips, humming in satisfaction as you ease against him with a little whine, slowly reaching for him until you drag him down onto the cot with you. Surrendering at last.
Hours later, his seed dripping between your thighs, you doze on his chest while he smokes. Exhausted, entirely worn out from the number of orgasms he’s wrung from you, lulled to sleep by his calming heartbeat under your ear.
It’s the first night of many. Like a dam collapsed, Nik releases the full tidal wave of his desire onto you, never missing a chance to haul you to him, to bend you over, to sit you on his cock as you groan and leak around the stretch of him inside you. You realize far too late just how much Nik has been holding back, his hunger for you as boundless as your desire to please him, to stay.
He has you there in the chopper on the cot that can barely hold the weight of his thrusts, back in his bedroom where you collapse face first into the pillows. He eats you out slow and luxurious with you balanced on the kitchen counter, has you brace on his tool bench as he drapes himself against your spine and ruts into you from behind.
“Taking me so well, little fox.” He purrs in your ear, nimble fingers working at your clit as you hiccup and mewl for it. “So tight. Made for my cock, hm? Твоё тело сводит меня с ума. Fuck.”
Nik is an unstoppable force, with stamina you struggle to match. He keeps you in his bed as long as he is able, staving off his orgasm if only to prolong yours, trying to draw as many as he can from you even when your hand smacks at the headboard, trying to tap out. 
“Just one more.” He growls as he tries to fuck you through the mattress, glued to your back so the heat of his frame, the swell of his cock inside you is the only thing you can feel. You’re teary eyed, gasping, the lewd squeal as he thrusts into you filling the quiet of the bedroom. Your eyes roll back just as he nails that perfect bundle of serves inside you, voice caught on a choked sort of whimper. “Just one more and then we can take a break, darling.”
You sprawl against the sheets, exhausted as he lounges bare by the window, a whisp of smoke curling from his cigarette before returning to you once more, spooning you and slipping back inside the sloppy mess of your well-used cunt.
“Good girl.” He tells you again when you moan breathlessly, hand cupping your jaw and turning you to him so he can kiss the gasp from your parted lips. You clench down on him at the words, and he hisses a sound of pleasure against the corner of your mouth. “All mine. My girl.”
“Yours.” You whisper hoarsely, as if there were any other answer.
In the come-down he gathers you to him, kisses the tears of overwhelm from your eyes and holds you as you shiver in the aftermath of your orgasm, feeling worn to the bone in only the best of ways. Cum splatters the inside of your thighs, and Nik idly scoops it onto his fingers and back inside, purring endearments between presses of his lips to your face.
Comforting, gentle when you need it, but demanding, forcing you to surpass beyond what you think yourself capable of if only to see the glimmer of pride in his eyes. When you fail, deliverance is swift as it’s always been, but now it’s different.
“I told you no touching.” He growls, forcing you to look at him as his thumb circles roughly over your clit. He’d caught you masturbating in your room, thinking the house was empty, that he wouldn’t catch you. “You want to touch yourself, you come to me, sweet thing. I’ll take care of you, I always do, don’t I?”
“Yes, yes-” You pant, bucking your hips, desperate, aching without the fullness of him, but Nik pulls away. “Wait. P-please-”
“Need to learn your lesson, little fox.” He soothes, pressing a kiss into your hair even as you whine, trying to buck up and grind against him in a vain search for friction. “Make sure it sticks, Да?”
Yet even as you obey, keep your hands to yourself just as you promised, Nik delights in working you up and pulling away at the last minute. He corners you, slips his hand beneath your waistband and soaks his fingers in your leaking cunt until you moan and mewl for him, then withdraws if only to smirk and suck the taste from them. For days he teases you, edges you until a hiccup threatens in your throat, makes sure you’ve learned your lesson that you are his, and then pulls away to let the reminder sink in. You can’t stand it, go mad with need, find yourself close to humping his knee if only to get some sort of relief.
When he finally does let you come days later, you howl into his flesh, biting down into his skin until he shudders, groans against you and spills inside your clenching cunt.
“My sweet girl.” He murmurs, stroking your face as he cuddles you afterwards. “Я не могу без тебя жить.”
You smile, nuzzle into the warmth of him, knowing he has you, he always will. You can’t forget, not with the things he growls against you as he makes love to you, reminding you that you belong to him. Soft in his room, you lay with him, fold into him as a beacon of safety and trust, know that he will never hurt you, will keep you safe, that this will always be your home.
In front of others you’re his partner, his accomplice, the apprentice he found like a diamond in the rough and had polished into a perfect blade. Deadly, clever, keen-eyed and watchful of all threats. Nik tells Price you don’t play well with others when Price tries to introduce his own protege, and when Gaz offers his hand in greeting you make no motion to return it until Nik grazes a thumb against the side of your throat as if tugging an invisible collar there.
“Careful.” He warns the sergeant. “She bites.”
In private he calls you all his endearments in purring Russian. Ангел, Прелесть, Огонёк. Angel, precious, little fire, the object of his desire. You're his girl, his sweet, fierce little sweetheart, the thing he taught to eat out of the palm of his hand while keeping your wild, dangerous nature.
You're his only family, his beloved little fox he managed to domesticate, the thing that still will bite him given the chance, but likes to curl up in his lap and yawn like a housecat. You're his obsession, his partner, his apprentice. If anything else, you're his weakness.
“Я тебя никому не отдам.” He swears to you, voice a low, deep rumble as he strokes your face, feeling your sleeping breaths fan across his palm.
“I will never give you to someone else.”
You dream of the first day you met him. Feral, scared, hungry and starved and inside- looking so desperately for somewhere safe to call home.
Now, years later, you know. Generous though Nik was, it was this that he had hoped for in the beginning- with you as his partner, his protege, but at the end of the day sleeping in his bed, worn and exhausted from the effects of his desire. Dangerous, feral, useful, but in the end tamed just as he’d envisioned.
And you, younger than him by years and foolish as you were, had gone blindly into the snare.
Nik had never given you any reason to regret it.
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Russian Translations (Native Russian speakers feel free to leave a comment of correction)
Дворянство -  Russian nobility
Шучу - I’m joking
Лисёнок. - Little fox
Дорогая - Darling
Твоё тело сводит меня с ума - Your body drives me crazy
Да - Yes
Я не могу без тебя жить - I can’t live without you
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loveindefinitely · 2 months
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༊*·˚ FOREVER WINTER (IF YOU GO) — task force 141 x reader
featuring. simon 'ghost' riley + johnny 'soap' mactavish + kyle 'gaz' garrick + john 'bravo six' price + (non-endgame phillip graves)
warnings. nsfw, fem!reader, fmmmm, enemies to lovers, slow burn, polyamory, ghostsoap, pricegaz, alerudy, heavy angst, requited unrequited love, graphic violence
series masterlist. read on ao3. read on wattpad. fanfic playlist.
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You’d, somehow, forgotten just how… vibrant two of your oldest friends were.
With the blades of the helicopter still spinning, the deafening sound of aircrafts around you, and a steady mist of rain, your body collides with another.
“Oi, watch it!” You exclaim, a beaming smile stretched over your features as the bulky, oblivious man squeezes his arms around your torso and buries his head into your neck. “You smell like gunpowder. And your fiancée.”
His voice comes out muffled against your skin. “And you smell like cheap body wash.”
He squeezes you once more before finally letting you go, his dimples deep and hair soggy with rain. You study his features, the sharpness of his jaw and the dusting of brunette against it. Him. One of your oldest friends in the military.
He looses a breath, eyes meeting yours and his hands falling to your shoulders, a comforting weight. You don’t have any words, can’t find them, so all that leaves your lips is a single name.
“Alex,” you whisper, voice breaking in the middle, heart a sore throb in your chest.
The storm clouds above paint the world around you in harsh greys and physical manifestations of sadness – but in it all, your light has arrived. 
And how powerful it is.
“Moonflower!” A deeply familiar, feminine voice shouts, and you spread your arms wide and accept the body that crashes against your own. Your laugh is startled and pure, but relief and serotonin floods your system as warm as the embrace you’re surrounded in.
You’d found solace and even a home in your solitude, your loneliness, but now? 
Now, with the only two people in your life that have remained by your side, no matter the distance, holding you in their embrace?
It feels like family, even if you know there isn’t a space between the two of them for you to fit in – no crevice large enough for you to ever comfortably merge.
A foster family, maybe. Or a found one, however tenuous and distant.
“I missed you both so much,” you murmur, voice cracking slightly. You clear your throat, inhaling a trembling breath as you squeeze your eyes shut and rest your face in the crook of her neck. She smells of an odd mixture of her usual perfume, and Alex’s cologne.
You wonder if you’ll still have enough limbs attached to get to their wedding, by the time everything has been dealt with.
If you’ll even have a head attached.
It’s a small eternity (or maybe a few seconds, or maybe a few years) until she pulls away, a glint in her eyes that seems a concoction of pity and strength.
“You look stunning, Farah,” you grin, and your cheeks burn with the odd sensation of joy.
She crinkles her nose, dark stray hairs flying across her face from the continuing wind of both winter and the helicopter. Her skin glows with health – and you realise, then, how even with the stress of reconstructing a nation, she’s happy. Honest and unrepentant and golden. A survivor of war, but a survivor nonetheless.
Raising a brow, she returns, “You look like shit.”
A chuckle leaves your throat, the familiarity that is Farah’s honesty akin to a hot chocolate and a blanket wrapped around a freezing frame.
“You look like you’ve been injured,” Alex adds, a small wince gracing his features. He’s miraculously found himself once more at Farah’s side, not unlike a loyal guard dog. 
A guard dog guarding a lion, maybe, but a guard dog nonetheless.
“Unlike you two,” you chastise, folding your arms and burying your cold hands in the space between your bicep and breasts, “I’m at war.”
“With the guy we warned you about,” Farah raises her brow, voice acidic and biting. “The guy we told you was going to ruin your life?”
“There’s a difference between ruining my life, and quite literally ruining my life,” you counter, watching a cloud of breath hang in the air, chilled by the evening cold, before dissipating into the breeze.
“He can continue ruining your life inside,” Alex cuts in, a hand falling against the dip of Farah’s spine, and the other moving to rest between your shoulder blades. He applies just enough pressure to be convincing, but not demanding.
It may as well be a demand, however, with how weak your mindscape seems to be in the face of comfort and familiarity. 
The base seems small, even with the short distance, a reminder of how self-contained and cataclysmic your life has become (has always been). It’s well past eight, now, and with the winter hours it’s almost pitch black already. A few stars decorate the black landscape, this far out from most light pollution. Your eyes stray to the glistening balls of flame, and you wonder if someday soon you’ll find yourself amongst them.
Two duffel bags hang off of Alex’s shoulder, and it sparks your interest. 
“How long are you two planning to stay?” You ask, as if they’re merely old friends staying for a weekend, catching up over bottles of wine and damaged decks of cards. 
They both shrug, almost in sync. Your heart thunders in your chest at the small display of how attuned they are with each other – how in love. It’s Farah who answers, simply, “However long it will take.”
When you look down to your boots, ripples of water against sleek concrete cascading beneath each footfall, it’s merely to hide the stretch of a smile that braces your chapped lips. Your voice is small, uncharacteristically vulnerable, when you mutter to the ground, “Thank you.”
“We owe you, hell, we owe you more than a dozen lifetimes for what you’ve done for us,” Alex scoffs, the gratitude rolling off of him unlike the rain soaking his long-sleeved v-neck. 
“Let’s just call this even, then,” you retort, lifting your head once more, allowing them both to see the softened curve of your mouth, the gentle slope of your brows.
The rain has paused its pouring, but a whole other kind of thunderstorm awaits the three of you in the entry of the base.
When you’d called Farah and Alex – just two nights ago, mere minutes after finishing your meal with Ghost and Soap – you hadn’t spared many details about Graves. You’d told them of your betrayal, of your thoughts, of the adrenaline rush that was that last fight with him.
What you hadn’t disclosed was your increasingly peculiar arrangement with the 141. Or your tryst with Gaz. Or your mess of feelings, as a whole.
So, really, you hadn’t told them much in the realm of everything.
Now, seeing the outline of four starkly familiar profiles, waiting underneath the small awning above the entrance to the base, you regret leaving such vital pieces of information out of your hours-long call.
“This is the one first impression you don’t want to fuck up,” is all you manage to grate out to the two beside you, before you fall into hearing distance of the very imposing image the 141 has managed to portray. Sometimes, you forget how genuinely daunting the four men are, with the different lights you’ve seen them in.
This is not one of those times.
As soon as the light sitting at the door shines against the three of you, Soap startles forward, clad in only a tight-fitting grey shirt, with a hefty leather jacket in his grip. When he reaches you, not even glancing at the newcomers, he pulls the jacket over your shoulders, warm and gun-rough hands brushing the soft skin of your neck as he does so.
“Impatient, lass, runnin’ off into the rain without any feckin’ layers,” he reprimands, without any bite at all.
You’re stumped, for a moment, before shaking your head lightly and stepping away from the utterly confusing man. With a dramatic flourish of a hand gesture, you motion towards your left. 
Thankfully, Soap hadn’t met you too far out, so it only takes a few steps before you’re standing before the other three. A healthy dose of scepticism and tension fills the air between you all, and while you could certainly do without it, it still stings.
Just as you’re about to introduce everyone, despite Soap’s oddly rude behaviour, Price interrupts.
“Bloody hell, small world, ain’t it?” He chuckles, throaty and pleased, muscle-corded arms folded over his chest. His smile is like a beam in the dark of night.
“Thought it’d be a nice surprise, old man,” Farah returns, bringing out her hand for him to shake with a firm grip, both comfortable and at ease in each other’s presence. When Farah goes to pull away, however, Price stops her from doing so with wide eyes, laser-focused on her ring-adorned finger.
“Well I’ll be damned, Alex, how’d you convince her to deal with your arse for eternity?” Price teases, and while you expect the younger man to hit back, he simply beams.
The three seem to be in their own little world, with you, Soap, Gaz and Ghost being left with raised brows. 
“Oh, sorry, guys,” Alex raises a hand, having the decency to look sheepish. His eyes trail along the 141 warily, before meeting your own eyes, relaxing slightly under your gaze. He seems reluctant to break the contact, but does so nonetheless, words directed at the 141 as he says, “Price is an old friend.”
Farah and Price break their quiet conversation, directing their attention back to the group at large. It’s quiet, for a moment, which is a blessing considering the large personalities at hand.
You’re the one to break it.
“Well,” you start, a sudden burst of anxiety sparking in your stomach – you hadn’t considered the merging of your two lives, of past and present, the clashing of…
Oh. God.
Oh God. Oh God, you had almost forgotten that, but if you had, maybe they did, too? Yes. Definitely. It’ll be fine.
(It won’t be fine, you’re more certain, but a little lie to yourself can’t hurt. Much.)
You continue, not a breath out of place despite your internal thoughts, “Farah, Alex, meet the 141.”
Gesturing to the four men, meeting all of their eyes, you then gesture to the other two. “Guys, meet Farah and Alex.”
Silence fills the space between you all for a mere moment – just past a second, really – but it’s damning and heavy all the same. It has your chest tightening and your throat constricting, not unlike a thread of rope being pulled taut around the curve of your neck. 
“Thank you for taking care of her,” Farah says, voice steady and calculated. Defensive, really.
Gaz’s eyes narrow, his voice perfectly even and sickly sweet as he responds, “I can promise you, the last thing Sweetheart needs is to be taken care of.”
It’s… tense.
You’d, of course, expected that it would take some time for Farah and Alex to become anything close to friendly with the 141, but this feels different. A kind of static alights the air, a live wire sensitive to any spark that will instantly set it aflame.
“It’s good to see you again too, mate,” Alex smiles, but a sharp edge lines the curve of his lips. His eyes meet Gaz’s, and they don’t stray.
With a tight smile, Gaz responds, “Likewise.”
Ghost stands farthest from the group, a haunting spectre, shrouded in shadows with his arms folded over his chest and his hip resting against the wall. It’s impossible to see where, exactly, his eyes are trained – but you know they rest on you nonetheless.
Soap’s jacket remains a comforting weight on your shoulders, and although you’re loath to admit it even to yourself, it is miles better than the thin top you’d braved. He’s standing closest to you, on your right, posture straightened and imposing. He exudes a kind of energy you haven’t felt from him before, the closest being when you’d been separated from him post-surgery, maybe.
“Let’s have some tea, maybe, in the common room?” You ask, but it’s not really a request. Your tone is thick with insistence and command, and no one is in a place to deny you.
By the time you all make it to the common room – Alex and Farah comfortably speaking with Price, and you walking silently with Gaz, Ghost and Soap. The latter, especially, remaining a close presence at your side.
A few candles are lit against the windowsill, and a singular lamp sat against the large couch has been lit. No need for the blinding white light of the ceiling – just comfort and familiarity.
It feels at odds with the terse energy at hand, but simultaneously, a blessing.
Alex immediately takes a seat on the far right of the couch, at ease with himself and his surroundings. Gaz sits on the far left, leaving two spots between them. Without a word, Soap’s hand finds your lower back, and he virtually pulls you with him to sit between the two men. 
You find yourself stuck between Alex and Soap, with Ghost, Price and Farah more than happy to stand. Even if there was space, you doubt they’d choose to take a seat.
“We need to find out what Shepherd’s up to,” you speak, breaking the small talk between Price and Farah, as well as between Gaz and Soap. The room falls silent immediately. “And we need to find out what actually happened to my mother.”
The silence continues, and you find yourself pulling the leather jacket tighter around your frame – finding solace in the heat of the two men at either side of you. Your past and your present, both there, both helping.
It’s, surprisingly, Ghost who answers the sentiment first. 
“We’re at your disposal,” he simply says, as if it’s ever that simple. Maybe it can be, maybe it will be, with the powerhouse of a group that’s surrounding you now, with all of your history and feelings and sentiments. 
You can feel the seeds of hope in your chest begin to blossom, begin to shine underneath the rays of sunlight that are Ghost’s words.
“Are,” you roll your tongue in your mouth, feeling the words out before you speak them, “Are you all ready and willing to do this? Because if you’re not, I’m going to get the job done myself.”
It’s true, suicide mission or not. 
“Yer outta yer feckin’ mind if ya think we’re leavin’ ya behind now,” Soap scoffs, relaxing further into the couch as he throws his arm up and around the back of the couch, hand skimming your left shoulder. His thigh presses against your right one.
“You’re stuck with us now, Sweetheart,” Price shrugs, hands in his pockets.
Murmurings of agreement and similar sentiments echo around the group, and you find yourself exhaling such a deep breath that you’re sure it expels some decade-old air that had been stuck in the crevices of your lungs. 
“Hold on,” Farah raises her hand, brows furrowing as her other fist rests at her bucked hip. “What’s this whole Sweetheart thing about?”
Soap’s hand finds the nape of your neck, brushing away your hair to rest a firm grip around the warmed skin. Your heart skips a beat in your chest, and another when he responds, “Simple, aye? She’s a Sweetheart.”
You roll your eyes, but it’s impossible to quell the growing grin that’s creeping onto your face. “This idiot,” you nod towards the Scot at your side, “Was bleeding out. Gave him some sweetheart lollies to help with the blood loss, and, well, here we are.”
“Here we are,” he echoes, his eyes trained on your profile. When you meet his eyes, for a mere second, it feels like an electric shock.
Alex, on your other side, glances at you through the corner of his eyes with a hint of conspiracy. He leans in, mouth just a hair away from your ear, when he asks, “Which one of them are you fucking? Or have they all tumbled into your bed?”
Your elbow to his side is more a knee-jerk reaction to his words than anything, but you’re at least decent enough to wince at his groan of pain. He clutches his side like he’s been shot on the field, head falling to rest against your chest with dramatic flourish. Both Gaz and Soap start, as if about to physically restrain the man, and your unamused gaze immediately finds the Sergeants.
What the actual fuck is up with everyone?
“Not a jealous woman, are you, Farah?” Ghost chimes, voice guttural where he stands just to your left, by the arm of the couch. You can’t say you’d forgotten his presence – even with his silence, it’s a tangible, physical weight on your shoulders – but it still startles you when he speaks.
Farah’s easy smile turns into a cryptic smirk instantaneously, and, fuck.
Maybe, very possibly, most likely definitely: they remembered. Or, at least, Farah did.
You suppose it’s not really a thing you forget, unless your mind’s an overfilled storage room of memories and current events and problems. Which yours most definitely is, and of which theirs is likely not.
“Can’t say I am. Not the first time they’ve gotten handsy,” she shrugs, as if it’s an obvious statement.
As if the room hasn’t instantly dropped approximately ten degrees, and your heart stops where it should be thrumming in your chest.
It’s almost funny, how you instantly train your attention to Gaz. How your mind immediately fears his expression, his reaction to such a thinly veiled sentiment.
What you see is the instant rising of walls, the shuttering of his eyes, and the stiffening of his frame.
You wonder how many missed heartbeats it takes to constitute a heart attack.
“Old fling, were they?” Price asks, because, really, of course he does. When you look to him, he deliberately keeps his gaze on Farah, not giving you a single glance. It’s not jealousy, you know, because it’s Price, and he, in no capacity, holds any such feelings towards you. But it’s something damning nonetheless.
Alex, oblivious idiot that he is, finally pulls his head back up with a sharp laugh. If you didn’t know him, you’d think it was malicious. “Nah. Just thought some experimentation with an extra partner would be fun, and, hey, she is pretty damn hot.”
“You’re a dickhead,” you chastise, suddenly aware of all the points that you and Alex touch – all the points that you and Soap touch. 
“Didn’t realise ye were into that,” Soap bites, abruptly, tone sharp and acrid. You barely suppress a shiver at the shift in the man’s attitude, in comparison to his usually jovial and good-natured attitude. 
“Didn’t realise you were into kink-shaming, either,” you retort, almost startling at your own defensiveness.
Ghost’s hum feels like a reprimand, akin to an owner using a dog whistle on their trusted border collie, or a dominatrix snapping her whip. 
“I don’t think threesomes are a kink?” Alex’s statement ends in a question, a confused look settling over his features. “Like, polyamory definitely isn’t, but what about one-offs? Babe, do you know?”
Farah doesn’t answer, not for a long while. Entirely too aware of the tension filling the room, of the dangerous game she’s about to partake in. The one Alex started, likely unknowingly, but started nonetheless.
“No. It’s not kink. But some of what we did was.”
For, well, not the first time in your life (or even the last week, really), but pretty darn close to it, you consider storming into the weapon supplies and shooting yourself.
“Well!” You exclaim, nervous laughter following the statement, palms clammy where you wipe them against your pants, “Farah, Alex, you probably need some rest, y’know, after your flight. I certainly need it.”
Standing before you even realise you are, you move to get the hell out of there, when Soap’s hand wraps around your wrist, and tugs you back down to sit even closer against him. When Alex’s hand finds your shoulder, you realise distantly that this must be a kind of tug of war. Or piggy in the middle.
Potato, patata. You’re the bait either way.
“The night’s still young,” Price cuts in, and everyone around you seems to nod. “Unless you’re uncomfortable, Sweetheart,” he adds, and the genuinity beneath his words turns into a threat of your pride in your head.
“I’m fine,” you straighten your shoulders, set your nerves. “Just looking out for my friends.”
It’s a lie. You know it, Ghost most likely does, too, and you can only hope that everyone else is ignorant to that small fact.
Subconsciously, you find your attention drifting to Gaz once more.
He hasn’t spoken, you realise, not since Alex had said that. When he catches you watching his profile, lit by the lamp, the candles – he meets your eyes. Not for longer than a second, or half of one, you’re sure, but it hits you like a bullet. When he instantly looks away, you can’t help the sudden anger that stokes the flames in your stomach.
It’s not as if you were openly flirting with either Alex or Farah, and even then, who was he to be mad? You’d been together once, for God’s sake – not for a single moment since. Long days of work and stress and training made the comfort of his bed simply that.
And even then, even then, you were in no way official. Not in any semblance of the word, not with the stakes of the mission at hand, the risk that came with such relationships.
His response gives you half a mind to play up your past on purpose. You won’t, but the urge is definitely there.
It’s not silent, thank god. Alex, Price and Farah have continued a previous conversation, Ghost is silent and brooding, and…
“Didnae pick ye as promiscuous,” Soap states, fiercely meeting your eyes with a swirling of emotions visible within his own. He says the words like they’re poison on his tongue, and, fuck, you’re close to breaking point.
Your responding smile is nothing short of mocking. “Calling me a slut is less wordy, don’t you think?”
“Dinnae put words into my bloody mouth,” Soap seethes, leaning in further to your space, the scent of his cologne invading your senses. You hate how confused it all makes you feel, how unsure of your emotions and goddamn attachments.
“Oh, sorry, does the big bad military man want to tell me what such a big word means? If I don’t have the mental capacity to choose how I have sex, I surely can’t understand your wide vocabulary, can I?” You hiss, bending your neck slightly and not backing away from his posturing for even a moment.
“Soap, stop threatening her,” Price barks, and you distantly remember the people around you, the setting, the image the two of you must make.
You remember, and you can’t seem to find a single fuck to give.
“I can fight my own damn battles!” You yell, not sending a single glance Price’s way – eyes completely remaining on darkened blue instead.
“And that’s why ye still got bloody feckin’ bandages, damn bruises –”
“Do not go there with me right now, Johnny, or I swear to fucking god.”
Both of your chests heave, and you’ve forgotten what even sparked this sudden argument, this spiteful back and forth. You haven’t a clue in this moment, and you relish in it.
“She’s a better damn fighter than the lot of you,” Alex interrupts, “Injuries don’t mean shit, ‘specially not when you don’t know what the fuck she’s gone through.”
Soap directs his ire toward the man at your side, voice thick with anger and his accent when he counters, “And ye know ‘er so much better, jus’ cause ye got in ‘er pants? Aye?”
“Because he isn’t acting like a goddamn meathead!” You find yourself fisting your hand into his shirt, pulling him closer to you, faces inches apart.
“‘Nd kissin’ ‘n tellin’ is fine ‘nd dandy,” Soap laughs, without a hint of humour, “Thought ye had standards.”
A lot of things happen in the preceding moment.
You’d like to say you can’t be blamed for any of the actions that occur, but you also know that accountability is a virtue. And you mean to uphold it.
It goes something like this.
The fist that had been wrapped in his shirt pulls back, and instead, collides with his jaw. 
Arms wrap around your chest, caging your arms to your side. Arms, too, wrap around Soap, pulling him away from you. You’re both yelling obscenities, none of which you can name, and you both fight against your restraints. 
You don’t need to have a full frame of mind to know that it’s Alex and Price holding you back, and through the haze of it all, you’re sure it’s Ghost and Farah keeping Soap away.
“Calm the hell down!” Price commands, voice a beam of light in a storm. It brings you back to yourself, but not enough to stem the bleeding of your anger, just enough for you to recognise it.
“Bloody idiot, Johnny, get it together!” Ghost is saying to Soap, standing in front of him and shaking his shoulders as Farah’s arms remain wrapped around his torso, keeping his fists below his waist.
Gaz is nowhere to be seen.
“Don’t fucking speak to be, Johnny, I don’t want to see your face,” you shout, eyes glassy, before you finally ease into Price and Alex’s grips, their own going lax. You shoulder off their arms, before without a word, storming down the corridor.
Your name’s called out after you, ‘Sweetheart’, ‘Moonflower’ – none of it matters. Not past the roaring in your ears, the spite burning in your veins. The pent up energy of an unfinished fight.
Shoving open the door to your – Gaz’s – room, you startle when you see the man himself, standing in the middle of the room, shirt in hand. The only light comes from the window, the full moon high in the sky more than enough light to serve as a lamp. His sweats hang loose on his hips, his muscles bulging but still lithe, more like a gymnast’s build than a wrestler’s.
He’s never looked better.
Whether that’s the adrenaline speaking, or the anger, you don’t know. Don’t care. Not past the need to have his mouth against your own.
It takes all of two seconds before the door slams shut behind you, and you’re shoving Gaz onto the bed, his own groan answer enough. His brown eyes glisten with the moonlight, and his throat dips when he swallows, focus trained on where you tug off that damn leather jacket. your shirt following.
“I don’t want to hear a word from you,” you demand, “Unless it’s yes, no, or please.”
He nods, shaky, voice breaking when he responds, “Yes.”
Kicking off your pants, leaving you standing in only your panties and bra, you move to straddle him. He dutifully remains laid onto the bed, chest heaving in harsh sweeps, mouth slightly open in a mixture of shock and lust.
“Where do you get off,” you breathe, voice heavy with threat as you drag your pointer finger along the length of his throat, before following the line of his collarbone, “Being all moody about who I’ve fucked? What gives you the right?”
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, the weakest he’s ever sounded, “Not – I’m not mad, I just. I want you.”
Your hand finds his neck, forming a light grip around it. You haven’t applied any pressure, but his breath hitches at the weight of it, the promise. 
“That sounded like more than one syllable,” you frown, mockingly patronising. You squeeze his neck, not anywhere hard enough to choke, but enough to have him squeezing his eyes shut. “We can talk later.”
He nods, harsh, quick jerks of his head, and the slightly unhinged smile returns to your face.
You hadn’t gotten the fight you’d yearned for, not with Soap, but this is a good enough replacement for that need.
Dragging your hand down his bare chest, you pause when you see scars. Not healed like those from battle, and ones you recognise. Before you can process what it means, Gaz lets out a sharp gasp, and when you look to him, his eyes are wide and.
And scared.
“No, hey, you can speak,” you ramble, and you can feel the flame of rage dim to sparking charcoal. It should be scary, how quickly you find yourself worried for the man, but it’s not. “It’s okay.”
“I should’ve told you,” he immediately breathes, squeezing his eyes shut once more. His head falls back to the bed once more. “I’m.”
He swallows, and you find your hand gravitating to his throat once more – this time, in a soft, soothing caress.
“I’m trans,” he finishes, saying it like one would whisper a secret in a confessional. Your heart stutters in your chest, and it aches, the idea that he’s had lovers who’ve made him feel so awful about his identity.
Your hand moves from his neck to his cheek, thumb brushing underneath his eyes, and they finally flutter open once more.
They soften when they see your smile.
“Thank you for telling me,” you say, voice low and cautious. “If you wanna stop, it’s fine, but,” you shrug, “You’re hot. I still wanna fuck. You might have to show me what feels best, but that’s kinda hot, too.”
“You’re okay with it?” His voice is fragile, shaky, and fuck he’s pretty.
“I’m okay with it,” you echo, sentiment genuine and kind. “Tell me what you want, Kyle.”
His arms remain laid out on the bed at either side of him, his skin still heated with want and need and wanton lust. His voice strengthens when he answers.
“I want you to use me – take it out on me,” he says. “Please.”
And who are you to deny such a request?
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author's note. i was veryveryvery close to orphaning or marking as complete. i'm not really in or interested in the COD fandom at all anymore, but, i realised that i also want to see where this story goes? excluding the characters, the actual story and world i've created for sweetheart has me wanting to see it to its end.
that, along with the fans. you guys and your genuine interest and comments have made this project worth it. i can't express enough how much you all mean to me, especially those that comment on every chapter and have been there every step of the way. thank you, thank you, thank you.
i can't promise as efficient and regular updates, but i CAN promise that i plan to finish this story in its entirety.
thank you to those who have stuck around, and thank you for those that continue to do so. you mean the world to me, and the very writing of this fic is owed to you.
(also, if anyone has any feedback on my trans rep and dealing with a trans character, PLEASE lmk. i am in no way perfect, and if i've made a mistake, please tell me so i can fix it and grow as a writer!)
taglist. @lilpothoscuttings @jng-yuan @iruzias @insatiablekittie @1wh4re1nova @kaoyamamegami @supernaturalstilinski @inthemiddle0feverywhere @msecho19 @nogood-boyo @alfa-jor @lalashhyl @letmeapologise @honeybeeznutz @1mawh0re @lalashhyl @someonepleasedateme @letmeapologise @uhhellnogetoffpleasenowty @inarabee @simp-sentral @littlecellist @clear-your-mind-and-dream @browtfyoudoing @oreo-cream @fanngirl19 @infpt-zylith @marispunk @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @xvintageghostx @thigh-o-saur @thriving-n-jiving @callsign-pyro @mmmangel @aisawa-reo @just-pure-trash @silly-norman @annoyingstrawberryballoon @chop-zulyzulyyy
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patrollingboston · 3 months
Hiya! Could you write a fic where we have to share a bed with Price?
Much love ❤️
An awkward conversation // Price x reader fluff
guilty pleasure one bed trope, this is not meant to be realistic!
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After completing gruelling week on a mission, You, Gaz, Soap and Price were headed back to the pickup location to take you all back to base. The conversations being shared were short and snappy due to everyone’s exhaustion. Gaz was fast asleep snoring like bear and it was driving you insane. Soap had earphones in as Captain Price drove along the long stretch of road ahead whilst you were directing him from the passenger seat.
A loud crackle buzzed through everyone’s radio; Gaz snapped awake as everyone focussed on the voice on the other end of the radio.
“Bravo 0-6?”
“Price, you there?”
“What is it Laswell?”
Price held down the button on his radio whilst his eyes remained focused on the road ahead. He drove with one hand on the steering wheel occasionally looking over at you. Everyone’s curiosity was peaked as the mission was over, why would Laswell need to contact them now?
“Nikolai has a problem with exfil, his helicopter has needed some uh, um emergency maintenance. We can’t fly you back to base until tomorrow morning, can you all find a motel nearby just to rest up for a night?”
“Oh, fucking hell- “
Gaz groaned, Soap joining him. You flopped your head back against the headrest in protest. Everyone just wanted to go home, sleep in their own beds, eat normal warm food and be alone.
“Is there no other option? I think we all just want to be back ASAP Laswell.”
“Fraid’ not, earliest we can get to you is 8am tomorrow.”
“Alright, we will sort something out.”
Price said taking his hand off the steering wheel for a second to rub his temples, you glanced over noticing how tired his eyes looked. Everyone’s did.
With that statement the radio cut off. Everyone’s eyes were on Price as he was magically going be able to solve the issue.
“Well, what’s the plan?”
Soap chimed in, peeking his head round from the back of the car.
“There’s a cheap motel not too far, look we aren’t going to be there long. It’s already late, it’s just to clean up and get some rest. I know it’s not ideal.”
“I’m sure we can survive one more night, at least it will be warm?”
You spoke, trying to lift the mood of your fellow soldiers only to be met by awkward silence.
Price tapped on his phone to get directions to the motel. He was right about needing to clean up. Everyone was in their gear, dirt and mud were splashed over everyone’s clothes and face.
“I miss real food.”
Gaz said, Soap nodded in agreement as he began bumbling on about a restaurant near his house.
10 minutes later the car pulled up into the carpark for the motel. There wasn’t much to say about it, it didn’t look too bad from the outside but in your current state of tiredness you would sleep in a bed made of cardboard.
“Gaz, Soap go get us rooms, we will unload the car.”
Price ordered, Gaz and Soap split off entering the reception as you and him began lugging in everyone’s duffel bags. It was quite sparse, a few potted plants and a strikingly red carpet that frankly was hurting your weary eyes.
“Cap? They only have 2 rooms.”
You placed the bag down you were carrying and peered over to soap who was stood speaking to the receptionist.
Price sighed so loudly you could hear it from across the room.
“Well, we can go two and two, or we can take a chance on the other motel, think it was about 20 minutes away.”
You stepped over the pile of bags to join the conversation.
“I don’t mind sharing, please I just want to shower and lie down.”
You said rubbing your eyes, smearing the warpaint from earlier.
“Who goes with who?”
You suddenly felt everyone’s gaze on you.
“You pick F/N you’re the only woman here.”
“Why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?”
You teased as you watched Gaz’s face drop.
“No that’s not what I meant, c’mon.”
You weighed the pros and cons of each person in your head, quickly ruling out soap for how often he liked to flirt with people, that could never end well. Gaz was an option? But you recently discovered he snores and you needed sleep. That only left Price, your captain. You didn’t mind him, in fact over time you had grown quite fond of him despite his grumpy attitude and hat collection.
“I’ll go with Price.”
Price’s eyes widened ever so subtly; it seemed like he was taken back you chose him. His face quickly returned back to normal but you still managed to see the change in it.
A few moments later you stood outside in the hallway shoulder to shoulder with price as he wrestled with the dodgy room key.
“Sonofa- got it.”
He said before cracking a little smile and barging the door open.
You stepped inside looking at the (one again bright red) carpet laden with cigarette burns, you shrugged the bags onto the floor before going into the rest of the room and standing beside price who looked to be in deep in thought. You followed his gaze to find it.
One bed.
One bed that looks like it was made of concrete, with white ruffled sheets and 2 sad pillows.
Your stomach sunk, you had read about this in books and seen it in films and now it was happening to you.
You gulped loudly, praying Price didn’t sense your hesitation.
“I’ll sleep on the floor- “
He said sharply, it caught you off guard. What do you do now? Do you object? Do you share the bed? Do you let him stay on the floor?
“No, I know you’re just as tired as me, I don’t care, please.”
You said gesturing to the bed. He turned around and gave you a kind smile before he sat on the end and started removing his boots.
“I’m going to hop in the shower.”
He nodded as you stepped into the backroom locking the door behind you. That shower might have been the most heavenly experience of your life. Washing away weeks build-up of dirt on yourself. The warm water flowed down your back; you could have stayed in there forever. You stepped out wrapping the white towel around yourself as you reached for your bag. You searched through it trying to find something you could comfortably sleep in. Most stuff in there needed a wash as it was covered in dirt or sweat. You cursed under your breathe as you unlocked the bathroom door and peeked your head out.
“Hey Price?”
He was sat on the bed with his arms folded across his chest, intently watching the little crappy tv.
He said his gaze finding you, you could have sworn his eyes faltered and fell up and down you. Pushing back down the blush creeping up your cheeks you responded.
“Do you have anything I could sleep in? My stuff is all uh in need of a wash.”
“Oh, um let me look.”
He hopped off the bed and bent over to rummage around in his backpack before throwing you a khaki green shirt.
“That work?”
You closed the bathroom door again before changing into the shirt. It hung below your knees like a nightgown. It was so comfy compared to the mountains of gear you had been wearing for the previous week. It smelt like him too, it was comforting.
You walked into the room; Price had changed now. He was wearing a tight-fitting grey shirt and some baggy shorts. You had never seen him this casual, it was weird but you also liked it however you couldn’t deny how good he looked in his gear too but you would never let anyone know you thought this.
You peered over at the clock.
Price was just beginning to pull back the duvet on the left side of the bed. Would it be awkward if you did the same? God, it felt like watching an awkwardly married couple get into bed. You both climbed into the bed, the space between you was almost amusing, it was clear you were both trying to avoid one another.
“Night F/N.”
He grumbled, shuffling around to get comfy.
You chirped back, your voice slightly breaking in doing so.
The both of you were so tired you fell straight asleep.
 You woke up to some movement beside you in the early hours of the morning. Your eyes fluttered trying to gather your surroundings only to find yourself wrapped in someone’s arms. Realizing whose arms, it was you were torn on what to do. You decided to stay still, letting yourself take in the warmth. You lay there comfortably, his breathe tickling the top of your head as you fell asleep trying not to think about the awkward conversation this would lead to next morning.
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jade-len · 2 months
well what if the only person sqh doesn't know ANYTHING about is lqg because he was just there to be killed off and so he has to actually try to get to know him and can't use his author knowledge and so they bond and he sees lqg as so much more than just a character whose life was meant to end for a cheap shock and lqg also gets to know him as well and sees sqh in a new light because that coward he grew up distantly with is weirdly able to understand him and actually see him as a person and not just a dumb brute and a new friendship blossoms and
anyways i created the perfect ship/platonic ship name for them it's attack helicopter thank you for coming to my ted talk
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year
Task Force 141 + affectionate reader Pt.2
Pt. 1 Pt. 3
Warnings: ANGST, character death, blood/injuries, cursing
A/N: This is for my good girl @gogh-with-the-flow because she asked very nicely 🫶♥️
Under the cut for length!
It's hard to breathe, each inhale burns your insides. Blood is flowing out freely from the wound, and you can feel it corroding your insides as well. 
Your hand trembles over the wound, unable to hold a steady pressure. You can't even inform your status on the radio as your tongue grows numb and the taste of iron invades all your senses, and a brief thought flashes in your mind - you were always meant to die alone, with no one noticing. With no one caring. 
You can hear Price calling for you, begging you to inform your status and location. You push yourself to raise your free hand, spitting out the blood mixed with saliva, a last effort to communicate. They could still come and save you, perhaps one of them was just outside, with a med kit. Maybe you could be stabilized and evacuated. 
Wishful thinking, but hope is the last thing one should ever lose, right?
Your finger hovers over the button of your radio when you raise your sight. A shadow approaches you, the barrel of an m5 staring down at you. 
All hope is lost. 
You press the button.
"...love you, goodbye."
They all immediately knew the moments they heard you on the radio, they had lost you forever 
Your last words weighed heavily on them
They were the same words you'd shout at them whenever they left
And now it was you who left them 
Riding the helicopter back to base became a torture, knowing that you were in one of the few body bags they managed to retrieve 
No one could say a word, really 
Price limited himself to talking to the pilots
He had lost so many subordinates before, and he had been hesitant to accept your affection because of this
But you had been relentless, and wormed your way into their hearts without caring about the consequences
The consequences for them, at least
The moment he arrived at his office and saw your note taped on that one framed photo of the team, he realized he wouldn't be able to get any work done 
He poured himself a drink in your honor, pretending the salty taste was the cheap bourbon's fault and not his tears streaming down his face. 
Gaz stared at a spot in the floor of the helicopter, losing himself in his thoughts
Every now and then, his eyes would shift to the bag, before quickly shifting them away and blink back the tears
He was quieter than usual that night, barely limiting himself to answer if anyone talked to him first
When he arrived to his barrack, he took the last note you had given him, still tucked away into one of his holsters
He was going to put in in the drawer with the others, but didn't find it in himself to shut it
Instead, he took all the notes you had given him and put them under his pillow
Maybe that way he would dream about your loving words to him once again
Soap glared down at his own hands the entire trip
Out of everyone else, he had been the one who was the closest to your location
He had been the one to shoot down your killer, before he had even known he was the one
Had he known, he would have made it last longer
Probably would've made him eat a grenade and transform him into a fucking flesh puzzle
Make it hard for anyone to gather his fucking pieces
(He did plant explosives under his corpse before they left, whoever moved him would blow up in pieces too)
As soon as they arrived at base, he headed straight to the training rooms
He unloaded all his frustration on the punching bag until the skin of his knuckles broke and blood smeared the equipment and dripped on the floor
After almost two hours, he finally stopped 
The floor was splattered with a mixture of blood, sweat, and angry tears
He cleaned it in silence, and bandaged his hands before heading to his barrack
As he laid down in bed, he shifted on one side and the other, unsure of whether he wanted to see your lovely notes on the wall, or not. 
Ghost couldn't get his eyes away from Gaz and Soap during the trip.
He could hear your voice echo in his head as you said your last good-byes 
What would you say at a moment like this?
He was never good at offering comfort, but as their superior, he supposed he should say something
Then it dawned on him
He was also your superior
When was the last time he openly showed any gratitude towards you?
You had never been subtle when showing affection, you simply adapted yourself to whoever was your target
You never once made him feel uncomfortable
Instead, you made him feel loved, worthy of having someone waiting for him
Although he had tried to push you away many times in the beginning, he ended up finding himself eager to come back alive
Because you were waiting for him - for all of them
Had it always been your plan? To make them feel the need to come back?
As he sat down at his desk that night, all your notes displayed on the hardwood table, he couldn't help but think 
Who would he try his best to come back for, now that you were gone?
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I loved the child! Reader, you did and wondered what the characters' first response or reaction was to the fact that their guiding light was actually a kid, still under the age of 10, and still too young to be reading or watching something like Bungou Stray Dogs.
There, enjoy.
Finding out, that you are a child
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Child! Reader
Bonus: Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara
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Connected to this oneshot.
Warning: Soft Platonic Yandere. OOC. Mention of stalking. Two swear words. English is my second language.
Recently, you got a habit to talk with BSD Characters every time you open the app. It makes you feel, like you have friends.
Today was your birthday, so you decide to tell BSD cast about the presents, you got.
In the app.
Katai, Ango and Fyodor finally managed to hack the camera on your phone. Today, all of them will finally see Their Guiding Light.
All of them gather in a meeting room. The Special Screen, that they use to browse the Internet with you, was put on the wall. On this screen, they will see your face today. They were waiting for you to open the app.
The moment has come.
Their Guiding Light open the app. During the loading screen, they start talking. They sounded happy.
"Guys, it's my Birthday! I wish, you can see, what I get today!"
The Screen shines. And then they saw you.
A kid. You were a kid. No older, then ten-year-old.
With bruises on their wrists.
BSD cast were silent.
Their Guiding Light were still talking.
"Guys, look, I got a sketchbook on my birthday!"
You "show" them a cheap sketchbook.
"I already draw something there"
You open the first page.
A group portrait. A childish drawing. All of them. With you, standing in the middle. All people on the drawing were smiling.
"This is us. All of us are friends."
The Gang was silent. Meanwhile, you open the next page.
Another drawing. Dazai and You. Dazai was protecting you from three monsters. Two monsters were big. Third monster were smaller, but still bigger than you.
The monsters were named.
"This is Dazai. He is protecting me. He is my guardian even now."
You take something from your pocket and show to them.
The keychain. Dazai's figure.
Dazai himself were looking at you with soft eyes.
Then, they heard the noise. Someone was knocking on your door.
"Hey, unwanted sibling! Are you finally have gone mad? Who are you talking to? To imaginary friend, like a baby?"
That someone laughed and left.
Then BSD gang heard you mumbling.
"I am not a baby. I am nine."
You spend sometime talking about your day. When you closed the app, the first few moments in the app were silent.
And then the wall was broken.
🐾 They were concerned, that you are too young to learn about their lives. You are too young to learn about Mafia, killers, black market, terrorists and so much more.
🐾 But, they were more concerned about your life situation.
🐾 You saw your parents and older brother as monsters. Your brother calls you an unwanted sibling. You had bruises on your wrists.
🐾 Characters, that wanted to hurt you, before hearing your voice, already feel awful. Now, after they learned that you are a kid, they were feeling absolutely terrible.
🐾 All of them enraged. Especially Dazai.
🐾 After seeing his keychain with you, he proclaimed you his child.
🐾 They need to hurry. They need to save you.
🐾 They will be your new family. Family, that loves you.
Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara
Before you got into their world
You were watching Season 4 of BSD. Characters were sitting in the meeting room, watching it with you. They enjoyed your comments, even though, you have already read the manga, and they hear them.
You were watching the episode about ADA been chased by Hunting Dogs.
And then Chuuya Nakahara on the helicopter appeared.
"You have fucked up, Detective Agency!" said Chuuya on the screen.
The Cast heard a loud gasp. Dazai clenched his fists, he glared at Chuuya, that was sitting on one of the chairs.
"Mind your language, hat rack! There is a kid watching you!"
Chuuya snaps in return.
"Back off, Vagabond! Little Guiding Light are smart kid, they won't repeat bad words after us."
Later. When you get into the BSD world
You were sitting on the chair, between Dazai and Yosano. You were eating pancakes.
Meanwhile, Fitzgerald was using The Internet. He was doing something about transferring his money to the real world.
Fitzgerald growl.
"This Bank is awful. They lost the documents. Now, we have to wait another three days to try again."
You chew the pancake and asked.
"It means that They have fucked up?"
Everyone became silent. Dazai stand up with a loud gasp. He was looking at you, clutching his fists.
Oda tried to calm Dazai down.
In the next moment, Dazai was holding Chuuya down, his wrist was raised right above Chuuya's face. Dazai was still looking at you.
At the end, Oda managed to pry Dazai from Chuuya and you promised never say this word again.
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emira-addams · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel - Carmilla x Rosie - The Devil is a Part-Timer - Headcanon
Carmilla gets trapped on Earth with her daughters and Rosie and Velvette, and they need to pretend to be family so as not to attract any attention among the humans as them being demons until they can return to Hell...
The last thing Carmilla could remember was her arguing with Velvette and Rosie knocking on the door
The Overlord-Meeting had just been over, an exhausting meeting and the main topic had been that weird hotel of Lucifer's disillusioned daughter and the probability of the end of the annual exterminations as a result of Adam's death
With the help of her daughters, Carmilla had been packing up her things, Velvette still sitting in her seat with her feet on the table, engaged in a very heated discussion with Carmilla while she tried to get home as soon as possible
Velvette was convinced that they had to fight back and bring down Heaven now while they still had the chance
Suddenly there had been a knock on the door and Rosie was standing in front of her
When Carmilla opened her eyes, she was lying on her back, damp green grass beneath her and the silhouettes of trees and shadows of skyscrapers above her, the red horizon of Hell had been replaced by a dark blue sky, planes and helicopters imitating shooting stars
The noise of the city was terrible, the volume unbearable, shrill sirens and car horns, she had to cover her ears and when she sat up, she realized that she was sitting on the ground in the middle of a park in a big city
Carmilla was not alone
Less than a meter away from their mother, her daughters lay unconscious in the grass, Rosie found herself on her side under a tree and a good distance away, in the mud on the edge of a small lake, they saw Velvette
"W-What happened?" Slowly Rosie came awake, shaking, her balance faltering, and Carmilla needed to help to her feet before the worried mother could go and check on her daughters
"Where are we?" Rosie also seemed completely overwhelmed by the volume, the bright lights and the sheer size of the city; she and Carmilla had never experienced such centralization and automation in their lifetimes
"We're on Earth..." Velvette tried desperately to rub the mud from her clothes, more concerned about her appearance than the fact that they had somehow escaped Hell and were now trapped on Earth
"Why are we on Earth? We have to go back to Hell!"
"What do we do now?" Velvette asks in confusion as they leave the park and stop in front of a large shop window, all of their images appearing strangely human in the reflection
"We'll blend in," Carmilla concludes. "We look like humans, so we act like humans..."
She has a plan and explains to the group that they need to be as inconspicuous as possible, they need to blend into the everyday life of a normal person as much as possible, they shouldn't attract any attention until they have found a way back to Hell and their first step in implementing their plan is to find a place to stay and food to eat
At the city library, Odette forges the right faked documents for them on a computer while the rest of the group searches for ads for cheap housing in newspapers spread everywhere
Odette chooses the obviously simplest option and makes their group into a family that has just moved here from abroad, Carmilla and Rosie playing married parents and Clara, Odette and Velvette becoming sisters on paper
"I'd also need your name for the records, Miss..." requested their landlady.
"Your full name with your surname, please, Miss..." replied their landlady, shaking her head.
"Oh... Please excuse me, my full name is Rosie Carmine! We're married!" Rosie pointed to Carmilla with a proud grin, while Carmilla quickly averted her eyes, desperately trying to hide the blush that was now creeping inevitably into her cheeks. Although Odette had already warned her mother that Rosie would be playing her wife, saying it out loud was another matter that inevitably made Carmilla's heart skip a beat. How was she supposed to get used to sleeping in the same bed with Rosie any time soon?
"You really do have three wonderful daughters!" their landlady enthused as she showed them their tiny apartment, which was a one-bedroom unit with an open kitchen and an adjoining bathroom with a shower.
"Don't get the wrong impression, I'm just adopted!" Velvette interjected.
"We still love her just as much as our other two daughters..." Carmilla pressed through gritted teeth as she pulled Velvette into a halfhearted hug. "Play along..." she hissed lowly as Velvette struggled unsuccessfully in her arms.
Carmilla gets a job at a fast food restaurant to make the money for rent and food. In addition, she enrolls her daughters and Velvette in school to maintain their cover. Rosie stays home most of the time, taking care of the household and her family, while she spends her free time researching on the internet and in the surrounding museums and libraries to find out more about their situation and a possible way to get back to Hell.
Velvette is very less than thrilled that she has to live under the same roof as Carmilla, play their daughter and go back to school.
Even though their cover is indeed very convincing, their every move is watched by agents in black suits and black SUV's, which park in the street and near their apartment more and more frequently as the plot progresses. Carmilla is followed on her way to work, Rosie can't go to the supermarket alone once without agents following her through the aisles and Clara, Odette and Velvette are being tailed at school. Who are these people and what do they want from them? Are they well aware that they are from Hell?
I'm still working on this idea, it's in my WIP's and I'd love to write a full fic about it soon. It's more or less a slow burn Blooming Gun fic playing on Earth, with a lot of pure domestic bliss and fluff and some action (involving some secret demon hunting agents from the government), and Carmilla and Rosie secretly crushing on each other.
Carmilla thinks that Rosie is merely playing her role as her wife very convincingly and doesn't dare to explore her feelings much further, while Rosie desperately tries to give Carmilla the hint without actually having to say the words.
Clara and Odette have long since accepted Rosie as their other parent and are enjoying their second chance to live a semi-normal life outside of Hell with their mothers, more or less accepting Velvette as their sister.
After some time, several conflicts and some heartfelt conversations, Carmilla actually adopts Velvette as her daughter. The turning point in their relationship is a situation at school in which Carmilla takes Velvette's side as her mother and defends her as her daughter.
What do you think of this idea for a fic so far?
Do you have any suggestions or any wishes for scenes or content that I definitely need to include?
Chapter 01:
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ghostswoman · 8 months
I'd love if like 141 goes out to the bar and gaz being a pretty boy of course he's gonna get hit on, and so s/o is insecure. But when I'm insecure I don't storm up and demand the girl leaves my man.. No I go quiet and watch it play out, then hate myself for hours on end after so some angst to fluff would be nice with my unappreciated boy gaz❤️
Definitely I find it unbalanced and unappreciated that our sunny boy Gaz gets nothin not even crumbs that why I’m here <3
Only you.
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After the huge mission in Texas and after some health checkups from the 141 members everyone went to the local bar near the base in the tiny town. Holding hands with your boyfriend Gaz you were happy he didn’t got hit by any stray bullets or ironically fell out of a helicopter,that already happened once you don’t need that adrenaline shock again. Walking to your usual place directly at the bar as you sat down and as Gaz sat down besides you putting his interlocked hands on the bar counter and smiles lovingly at you with his beautiful toothy smile.
Sending a loving smile his way as well as you order your local cocktail/beverage of your liking. Speaking a bit about the mission as you didn’t went on it as you got transferred from different task force 9 months ago so you still were in your rookie position but that would definitely change someday as Price already told you he appreciates your hawk like eyes on the battlefield. As Ghost dropped that Soap almost fell over his own feet after he heard a loud thumbing in the hallway all of them including you started laughing.
As the local band came as they started playing some cool music as you turned around in your chair and sipped on your drink looking around the bar it was a bit more full this time,maybe it got more popular over the 2 months you didn’t went here. Well they definitely have delicious cocktails it’s time they got some credit for that,tasting the soft lemon soda mixed with the vodka and fresh strawberries was just a perfect highlight for this evening.
After sometime some little groups mixed together Soap and Gaz were speaking and Ghost and Price we’re talking as well you didn’t felt like speaking as you enjoyed the music and the drinks a bit more. Gaz and Soap were standing. Gaz was leaning against the deep wood bar as he was holding his beer in his hand as he spoke to Soap,god how you loved that man. How could he be so sexy with just simply standing ugh.
Well you definitely weren’t the only one thinking that your man was smoking hot. Around 9pm a woman group came in they were damn loud probably some girls from the college or something but they just got on your nerves with their loud laughs and these laughs were fake as hell. Especially the girl with the fake blond hair she was starring no practically taking Gaz’s clothes off with her eyes.
You hated that so much your blood started boiling but also your insecurities called themselves in. She was definitely 2-3 years younger than you and even though she looked like she got hit in the face with a clown makeup,she still looked better than you. Well you thought that. You were wearing your normal military uniform with you hair up in a sleek bun,no makeup because that mostly distracted you when you were working.
How she talked with Gaz was just making you want to cry right on the spot. Caressing his arm with her hands that were clawed with cheap press on’s that you just needed to blink at and they could chip of her nails in milliseconds. Twirling her blond hair with her point finger while disgustingly chewing a bubblegum.
Turning your back to them as you just rubbed through your face as you sighed and rubbed your temples but did you know Gaz was as annoyed from the girl as much as you. Soap already was gone he had enough of her fake high pitched voice.
Gaz just sighed as he smiles politely at the girl “Sorry but I’m not interested you are not my type. And I’m happily taken by my beautiful woman Y/n.” his voice left no doubt that he meant it. The Blondie scoffed and just walked back to her girls as Gaz just rolled his eyes but he saw how you just started into your empty glass looking at the ice melting inside as he sighed as walked over to you.
Softly putting his glass down as he softly kisses your temple and whispered softly “hey gorgeous,got a boyfriend?” softly giggling at his joke as you met his beautiful brown eyes and nodded as he pouted “ah okay well I hope he is handsome at least.” You laughed softly and nodded again “very handsome.”
Softly he wraps his arms around your waist as he softly kisses your forehead as you just sighed and leaned against his strong chest. Wrapping your own arms around his body. “You are the kind of woman I always wanted,it will only be you for the rest of my life, understood?” As he softly kisses your lips. “Only you.”
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dubaitoursfun · 1 month
Aerial Excursion, Helicopter tour
Experience an unforgettable aerial excursion in Dubai Helicopter tour and elevate your travel experience to new heights. With panoramic views stretching as far as the eye can see, a helicopter tour offers a unique perspective on the world below. Whether you’re soaring over majestic mountains, or bustling cityscapes, every moment is a thrill to behold. From the moment you lift off to the gentle descent back to earth, an aerial excursion promises memories that will last a lifetime.
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book Dubai Helicopter Tour at: https://www.helicoptertour.ae/
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poison--ivory · 1 year
Bnha College hc’s
-I’m in the writing mood again and I don’t feel like shit when I do now. Lets gooo-
Pairings: Shinsou/reader, Bakugou/reader, Kirishima/reader, Sero/Reader 
Warnings: minors pls DNI, sex, pda, semi public sex, fem. reader, my spanish is awful bear with me
Disclaimer: College Au! No quirks exist.
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Shinsou, Hitoshi
Loves teasing you
You guys would be at his shared dorm and he’ll have his hand in your underwear messing with your clit while Kaminari’s in the kitchen with Sero and Kiri. Circling your bud with his middle finger before plunging his digit into your cavern
 Adding more with time, he’ll stretching your hole and flick your button ‘til your squirting on his fingers, whining for him to take them out
Denki has walked in on you guys a few times, not gonna lie he came out a little traumatized walking in on Hitoshi and you in the Helicopter position
Surprisingly he doesn’t have an intense libido. Its pretty average compared to most guys
But, he gets turned on by small things like you laying on your stomach reading. He likes how plush your ass and thighs are
Fucks the shit out of you against the shower wall when you come over because there’s no way he going to have sex with you in his rickety bed
Eating you out and fingering you slowly in the back of his car as foreplay, makes you bounce reverse cowgirl to see your ass jiggle before pile driving his cock into you pussy
Getting on your knees and sucking his cock after lecture hall. Chocking and sputtering on his dick. His thick hand laying on to of your head keeping you in place. Stroking your face, brushing tears from your eyes before blowing his load down your throat
“Does kitty, need more milk?”
Bakugou, Katsuki
A rough motherfucker
Shares a dorm with Kiri. Their dorm is the unluck few who have to share a sleeping area. So having sex had to be stealthy considering he has the bottom bunk
He can usually wait until Kiri spends the night somewhere else, but he doesn’t go out often. So Katsuki’s slick with his actions like fucking you from behind in the kitchen while his friends are playing smash in the next room. Getting deep inside you and filling both your holes and then after eating spicy noodles like nothing happened
Thrusting his cock between your pussy lips, trying his best to go as soft and slow to not make the beds rock, yet he loses it when he’s inside of your cunt
His cock drags along your walls, getting faster and harsher with each thrust. Pushing your legs backward until your knees reach your ears and drills his dick into your sensitive little cunny and cream pies you each time
Angry sex happens a fuck ton. If anyone knew Katsuki they would know how angry he can get, one minute he’s pissed and the next he’s back to being his grumpy self. His friends just don’t know he fucks you to calm down
 A lot of after class sex. Doesn’t matter where, the bathrooms, back of his car, or the stairway he’s down for it
His libido is pretty high after you guys first started having sex
Has a butt load of pics of you in short skirts, lingerie, and swimsuits stored in his phone
“You love it when I fucking fill you. Don’t ya, princess.”
Kirishima, Eijirou
Big cuddler
Instead of having sex at his dorm he’ll take you out to a love hotel(cheap, bc college hurts your wallet) on the weekends
Eating you out ‘til his face is slick with your juices, your legs trembles and you trying you darndest getting him away from pussy after your fifth orgasm
Eijirou spends most of his time pleasing you from fingering to toys being inserted inside you or rubbed against nipples
All this prep work comes in handy since your boyfriend sports a ‘hanger’. You’re kind of glad he does all this prep work so his cock doesn’t tear you apart
When he’s inside there’s no turning back until he’s cummed at least twice. He also wears condoms so you don’t have to deal with his loads after sex. After care is great too. He takes his time cleaning you off, making sure to not rub too hard and wiping off all of your love juices
A moderate libido, he can go without sex, but he hates going weeks without it
Giving him handies in the shower, stroking his dick and whispering sweet nothings from behind him until he explodes all over the shower glass
Bouncing on his cock while he grabs a handful of your ass cheeks before slamming you down to the hilt of his cock so he can bottom out your cunt
“God, baby! I think I’m gonna cum again!”
Sero, Hanta
Freaky bastard
He has a folders of porn videos of you both having sex in public, in his car, on his roommates bed, and in class
You both go to different universities so late night video chats are expected and so is the late night mutual masturbation calls
When you meet up during the weekend he’ll take you out for the day. Throughout your date he gets handsy groping your chest and ass (if you’re wear skirts that a plus, easy access)
Fingering your sensitive pussy on the train, he makes you face the wall while pressing his dick imprint on your hand. You guys get a few stares from old men and the occasional business person 
At his dorm he’ll have you bouncing on his cock and making you translate certain Japanese sentences into Spanish. If you fail he stops all your movement for a full minute, he loves watching you squirm 
You swear his sex drive recharges instantly after seeing you cum
Blows loads after loads on your body, he won’t admit it but he likes to witness you covered in his spunk
Got caught by Kaminari fucking you in his car after a party, you didn’t get to finish that night but you did get to watch Hanta chase Denki down the street
“Mi Cielo ama mi polla~.”
If you made it this far thank you for reading. I wanna get back into the space of writing again I’ve been working on a fantasy Bnha book on ao3
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pixlokita · 5 months
How do you think C.C will feel when he learns at Gregory's from the future?
Cc: so…
Gregory: so….
Cc: do cars fly in the future?
Gregory: no… Oh ! But you could attach a hammock to some drones and fly around that way. It’s pretty illegal though.
Cc: woah
Cc: what’s a drone?
Gregory: it’s like- it’s a flying robot thing that you can buy. Like a tiny helicopter-
Cc: you can just buy tiny helicopters in the future?! Things must be cheap
Gregory: -laugh-
Gregory: no. They’re not.
Cc: ah-
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liminsendhelp · 1 month
Don't pet the flea cat
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This chapter contains references to blood and meat and torture. Angst. Our main character is getting worse.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6.
You, no joke, wanted to scream. As you suspected, the TF141 hadn't been at the base for over a month. They left at night, and you stared at the tail of the helicopter for a long time. You didn't even go out to say goodbye to it. Not having the right to do that was depressing, but sobering. You managed to forget reality.
Over the days, you could chase away thoughts of Price. He was there for you. Now you were starting to realise with horror that you were worried.
You sat down with your victim friends, wrapping a net of understanding around them to get to the bottom of it. You gossiped with your secretary, clearly wanting to get you into bed after realising you were single and not quite heterosexual. You were still training, just without John Price. Day in, day out, day in, day out. So after a week, bored with no grams of infused black humour around, no fair grades, no adorable buzzing and warm cow eyes, no four fuckers you swore you couldn't stand, you began to hate the world even more. Everything seemed bland.
"I swear I'll kill someone." You say at the table on a Monday morning. The sacrificial lambs around you, grinning sweetly as you burn holes in the idiots at the other tables. "You can't." "I have the guts." "And the skills?"
You turn your head sharply towards the black-eyed girl across the table. She's always so genuinely right that at first you don't even realise the suggestion in her words.
And she…nods. The other victims at the table nod, too.
So yeah, you're not bored anymore. You're hurt and hurt every day, now you're also angry. They come to the hall in the mornings, someone new every day, in shifts so that only one person is not in place. They torture you in fights, stances, kicks, punches, somersaults, jumps, reflexes and planks. And you keep quiet. Because you know, each to their own degree, that you are motivated by only one desire - to prove their weakness.
They're scared, sometimes. From the outside, you look empty. Like a shell of a person, not yet torn open to release a ripe monster. They let you joke and chatter, and you stay silent, focused on not hurting anyone. Exactly until you're knocked down time after time, your nose, your lip smashed, hurt. Until you're humiliated. That's when you stop thinking and start killing. It's probably the same therapeutic experience for them. They're trying to put themselves in their past place, the victim's place, and control their loss.
Because you're repulsive, fierce. Your body is big and soft, strong unpredictably, fast desperately. You feel no pain while you're held in a grapple. As opposed to your hips choking you, you squeeze your hands on their throats so hard they almost pass out. When they throw you over their shoulder and you instantly spit out your mouthpiece, ripping the t-shirt on your sparring partner with your teeth because you don't have time to get your hands on it. And if you get clipped, you fall over invariably with a roll to your feet to saddle up and bash their head against the floor.
Because you are violence. Ordinary, domestic, smelling of cheap beer and domestic tyranny. They could be the same if they saw entirely the norm they are prescribed in the morning as a cure for dissent. After all, the victim has two choices. Either kill or die.
"You've got to stop doing that. It's just a workout, no one's going to hurt you more than they need to." "I know. Sometimes, just, you know… No, just forgive." "Tough childhood, huh?"
You don't stop the play. Knowing you're just taking your anger, frustration and stress out on them, you cover yourself by pretending you're out of control. Like you remember how to let it go. But they feel pity. They don't see the rotten fangs beneath the lambskin you barely pulled on. And the days go by again, and you find entertainment again, and you start to trust more and more again. And the confessions pile up on you, and the tape recorder in your pocket won't stop writing, and the secretary helps you get to the right documents. She thinks she's doing a great job with you. You're just hoping for a chance to dig deeper.
You want to find something new, not just to gather statistics, but to run an arse-blowing campaign. Let everything burn with fire while you air your dirty laundry in public. You won't admit, even to yourself, that you just need a surprised expression on Price's face. And after, of course, approval. As if yes, that's what you could have found, just you. To help them throw the rats off the ship.
And to have Ghost. Satisfied only that his hopes were fulfilled.
One pat on the shoulder. One dry nod. You're not asking much. You'd like more.
It's fucking hot in here. In the stifling heat, they sat in the basement of the manor. Kings of our world. Their guards piled up near the secret passage in the catacombs.
There are five groups in all. The first will start firing, a diversionary tactic. The second wait inside the walls of the house. The smallest group of all, necessary for the right direction of movement. The third are in the woods surrounding the estate, clearing the field of local patrols. Fourths. "The Attic. Gas on the upper floors, with them, to prevent anyone escaping by helicopter.
And their group. In the basement, with the fuming air, waiting for the team. Each of them wouldn't mind finishing things themselves. But no, it has to be done quietly. Somehow John knows, senses something's going to happen.
Something's already happening.
The signal for action, the steady breathing, the orders. One single wound, and it's a tangential one. It's all coming out really quietly and quickly. Through the same hot catacombs, they lead the cartel goons to armoured trucks with not very friendly guards inside.
Everything goes quietly. The only thing that could ruin the operation is that the Attic group fails to shoot down the almost-mafia-head's helicopter in time. The smoking structure falls not into the woods, but exactly into the right wing of the estate, only to crash and tear up the ground beneath it. But even that doesn't stop the operatives from pushing the fugitives to the basement. All four teams, leading the disarmed and bound defendants, successfully convoy the men to the underground prison. Anxiety not subsiding, John puts a hand to his chest, in the place where a slim book from her collection would be hiding beneath his body armour if… if he asked directly. He would do so before the next mission, and carry a piece of literary reproach close to his heart. Yes, that's right, as soon as he gets there. And will sign an authorisation to access information about himself in case he dies. For scientific purposes. Then it won't make any difference. And no arsehole's gonna take that psychopath's rights away from her. Ghost will see to it that his will is carried out.
The initial interrogation entrusted to their care goes unnecessarily smoothly, too. John blushes away the smiles he sees on the faces of the cartel gangsters so as not to lose his temper.
Three hours later they're recalled to base, and that seems odd to him too. His gut doesn't fail, half an hour later the order changes, they're being redirected. Just their group.
"What's wrong?"
Laswell looks at him from across the table. New mission, heightened urgency, out in five minutes, helicopter will be arriving shortly. John glumly rereads the short brief.
"Something's wrong."
Something's wrong. You haven't seen Him in a month. Idiot soldiers, higher ups, yes even your lambs have been quietly alarmed. Dead. That's fine. You hadn't dismissed the possibility, and you were already grieving for Him endlessly. You had no right to show any emotion. You just knew that there were no more people in the dining room who seemed to be predators. You just saw that you had no place in that silence. So work. Work again. Bad habit. If he's dead, you have no-one to be ashamed of where you stuck your nose in.
Medical records label rape as "sharp pain in the lower abdomen." If the victim couldn't remember anything because of the opium, it was labelled "poisoning", if she recognised her attacker it was "cramps due to stress", if she saw but didn't know her attacker it was "suspected ulcer".
The latter cases had additional captions. "Sent for gastroscopy/ultrasound." eaquals to "investigation cited". Positive and negative results respectively implied a found and not found rapist.
Need I mention that ulcers were almost never detected? The patients turned out to be completely healthy. What distinguished rape cases from real cases of GI problems was the number of days off officially prescribed to the patient. More than three days was a bell; more than a week was a bell. There were two cases that imprinted themselves on your memory. The body, accustomed to cruelty and injustice, analysed the data on two month-long leaves and jerked. The first name is classified. The second was a woman who retired a year ago.
Thousands and thousands of military personnel. Only fifteen cases you could pull evidence from.
Fifty suspicious coincidences you couldn't explain.
Hundreds of rapes that never reached you.
And that's considering that any sexual encounter here was severely punished. Rape didn't just mean getting fired. A man would just disappear. He'd go on a mission and never show up. And this, of course, after months of boycott. No one would touch him, no one would communicate with him, no one would treat him as a human being. Rumour. The same rumours. Ghost stood hawkishly guardian of this policy. Of course, the command took liberties. The mass of nurses interviewed laughed coquettishly and outright bawled as they recalled advances from half-dead military men (it's worth mentioning that most of them were still alive). But no one confessed to the relationship, only discussed the varieties of genitalia that had passed through the strong hands of the medics. You didn't bother to use your knowledge of medical records. Anxiously smoking a smoking cigarette butt outside the medical block, you stared at the wall.
He was smiling so sweetly. Like a bear.
"What, Capitainess, are you sad?"
The sweet German woman - your secretary's best friend - was somehow luscious and unpleasantly warm. She smelt of blood all the time, and worked four-handedly at donation and "in confidence and as needed" in pathology.
You remain silent, examining her sly expression. It's not that you don't get along, quite the opposite. Which is why you allow her to mock you a little. To try and bite you. "Do you think yours will be here soon?" "Anticipating the autopsy already?" You mutter. "Oh, yeah, I love marbled beef. Did you see those shoulders? That dad bod." "He doesn't have any…" You begin, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "Gotcha" she exclaims victoriously and your smile becomes much more noticeable than it was a second ago. "So you're looking at him!" Instead of answering, you toss your cigarette into the nearest rubbish bin and wait for the continuation.
The continuation doesn't come for several minutes as you stare into the surprisingly clear sky. Your hands are in your pockets, your lip between your teeth bitten to a bloody pulp.
"Is he alive?" You whisper. "Most likely. I've been here five years. Rumour has it he once commanded an operation right after he was rescued from captivity. And, I know you're not kidding yourself about that, but he really is a threat. A lethal one. He'll get out on his own." "Or he'll be dragged out." "More like dragged away." It sounds from behind you. You turn around to see an aggressive soldier handing you a cigarette. You smoke in silence. He claps you on the shoulder. "They're supposed to decide tomorrow whether they're sending my unit on its first operation. Nothing much, since the strongest positions are occupied by… whatever they're occupied with." "Back-up?" It's probably the simplicity of your interest in his answer. For a second, in those clear colours of the sun, you seem a little smaller, weaker. The desire to help rears its head. "Not only." He replies. You press your lips together.
The situation only gets more tense. The groups are coming back. Everyone is coming back. Gaz returns in such nervous overload that he can't unclench the hand he's been pressing against Soap's wound. He is silent and doesn't laugh. You look at him quite close, hiding behind the doctors and nurses. That white coat of yours, that skill of yours, that fucking charm of yours. The sight of Gaza is stupefying. The sight of Soap, pale, hooked up to a life support machine, terrifies you. The same iceberg, knocking you cold every time you see the last shots before the cameraman dies. The second before the explosion, those not yet shot run in silent panic. The second before the beast attacks. The recording cuts off only when the battery dies, already after the owner's screams have ended. The second before the shrill sobs of a girl being raped in a circle. That moment of helplessness behind the screen when you see and can't stop watching. When you are a participant and a perpetrator.
Gaz has been silent for a week. Soap is still in a coma. You move the laptop into the medics' lounge. On the floor by the socket, all black and dirty. You've lost seven kilos from the stress. On the floor next to you is one of the nurses' old thermos. You drew a small abstraction of stars and lines on her ankle with a black marker. The drawing is almost washed away, but you see its outline when her feet in crocs stop next to your knee. She shares a meal with you every day. You don't thank her, but you slip her a candy bar or ten quid or a sticker drawing. Your paper now has more than just a skeleton, it has substance. It's almost a good research paper. When you're allowed, you visit Gaza. Sometimes it's ten minutes, sometimes it's half an hour. On the first day, you simply reach out for him to put his palm into the embrace of your cracked fingers. His skin is just as rough and cold, but you can feel the pulse, and that rhythm lets you live, too. Now you come in with a book. You read Oscar Wilde's De Prófundis. Gaz is still silent, but his eyes warm and sparkle as he laughs from your sincerely-sarcastic-outraged intonations. Towards the end of the week, the book is finished, your paper has been sent to Dr Moon for another review, and your anxiety makes you stay on your feet steadier and fiercer. You dread going to sleep and finding out one of them is dead. Their faces looked like a mess when they arrived. Maybe they'd explain it to you, but you've already formed your own opinion. Your hands shake from the slight rise in blood pressure when you do more than just manipulate digitised information, but a real invasion. But. What were you supposed to do? The stolen medical records give insight into the anamnesis. Gaz doesn't speak for a reason. His tongue was cut off, not cauterised at the root, just wrapped in thin wire. The repair was emergency and only affected the major vessels. You think that's a good thing. If he heals well, he should be able to speak again. He'll probably have trouble recognising taste, but he'll be able to function almost fully. Two, three, five months and he'll be good as new. Soap's situation is much worse. Couple of shots to the torso.
Shattered lung, broken ribs, almost hit the heart. Second bullet punctured the liver. The third one tangentially grazed Soap's head. No brain damage, but damage to the skull. The injuries are severe, though not irreversible, but it will be difficult for him to regain his fighting ability. He'll be given an honourable rest. If he does come out of his coma. If he survives.
But he wasn't tortured. Most likely the macho man got out and sat in ambush, devising a plan to free himself. If Gaz was rescued by his forces, you weren't even going to give Soap an extra beating for kamikaze behaviour.
Moreover, you're on the verge of not doing the same.
But you're in luck. After a week in which you've never once been able to check on either Gaz or Soap, a wave passes through the entire base. It starts with the cobble-faced faces of the convoyers and the bags over the heads of the prisoners, and ends near you when one of your victim friends, bows.
"They'll be interrogating the ones who captured Cap and Lt."
A black veil rises before your eyes.
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prettyshon10 · 3 months
- 2 am on the dot. Let’s get it!
- Gabriel?!
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- Like, I’m not mad or nothing, just…perplexed
- The selected song is giving honeymoon/romantic getaway
- Him taking in that Carl drawing 😫
- “Never did like those.” Girl, me neither. Shout out to all us girlies whose names were too unique for keychains.
- Rick tryna get his son one, though ❤️
- Stoooop! Not him customizing a necklace for her!
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- Omg, the season 6 callback. Man done finally got her the toothpaste!
- “I was in love with my son’s best friend—“ yeeeah, maybe don’t phrase it like that…
- Protecting the people from the people is basically The Walking Dead in a nutshell…
- Bro, these walkers…🤢
- Wooooooow…I shouldn’t even be surprised. Just proved my point.
- They tried to warn you, my guy. Done messed around and found out
- Michonne said “now y’all get nothing”
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- If people would stop pulling up Richonne while they’re in bed, I would really appreciate that
- Knew she wasn’t gonna buy into them “dying via helicopter crash”
- The writing is making a point pushing “Anne”; between that and these Gabriel flashbacks, I highly suspect she’ll die in this episode. Like they’re winding down on her character…
- We have now entered Fast & Furious: Richonne Version
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- Michonne is out for BLOOD, baby! But Rick’s right, they gotta play it smart or it’ll just create a bigger problem.
- This is really tense
- I do like how much screen time they have Jadis; she was a really interesting character and giving her 5 mins and a swift death would’ve been cheap; this was a much better end for her than I predicted
- Woo chile, a proposal; just look at them
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- Following something beautiful with something unfortunate; poor Gabriel
- Was it just me or did this episode go by pretty fast?
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