#chat noir character design
ashmeowi · 3 months
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Hyperfixation is running me over with a 4x4 .
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nokkiart · 1 year
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Another dream project of mine was to illustrate a Miraculous Ladybug book filled with Cat Noir puns.
These are a few of my style tests for that dream from 2017 ~<3
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orcamywhale · 7 months
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Had to do cat noir to
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fluffyfangirl · 1 year
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Byler Week Day 5 - Secret Identities
Dedicated to my dear sister @carobelli! Thank you for feeding me the most hilarious ideas to draw and never complaining when I send you drawing updates every half an hour or so 💖
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theartofnieriel · 5 months
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Character redesign: Hawkmoth (Miraculous Ladybug)
reblog, don’t repost. thank you
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bluebrrytea · 8 months
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His horn only appears when he uses Cataclysm!
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starzknight · 2 months
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I don't know why but i've been seing some videos about miraculous, specifically redesign ones, so i wanted to try my own designs!
Okay just some ramblings cause i dont want to make my tags enormous, anyways these are based on the og concept for miraculous, the anime inspired one, i really like how their og personalities compliment eachother, like ogmari is carefree, a little clumsy and very romantic vs ogadrien is very stoic and serious, and then in their superheros counterparts they flip entirely, ladybug is the more serious one and chat is the more romantic one. It's like marinette puts on a mask to be ladybug, to be this serious superheroine cause that's the job, and adrien takes of his mask of this formal "perfect" guy cause this is his only time he's free to be himself you know?
Design wise i wanted mari's design to be somewhat a mix of styles? Like it's really coquette but it also gives academia? I dunno i think she would be the type to mix styles like that, i think the og design for adrien(or felix i forgot) is is pratically perfect? It conveys everything about who he's supposed to be while being very simple, it gives rich guy, very proper, very academia. For their hero designs i wanted to put as minimal spots on ladybug as possible, cause from what i know animating them was one of the causes that made the switch it up to 3d, i had an idea of giving her a backpackt that would look like little wings, but it would show so i gave her a bag. For chat i stayed pretty close the og design, i gave him some more belts, some boots and gloves and wayy too many green highlights.
Anyways incredibly long post but well...
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maddiesartcart · 1 year
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Revisiting childhood tv shows really does something to my brain- so here are some of the sketches getting me through finals!
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gracebethartacc · 4 months
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A server I’m in was ranting about ML yesterday and I was coincidentally bored at the time so I did redesigns for funsies
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d011zk1ll · 13 days
"It's you and me against the world, M'lady."
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panspy-draws · 8 months
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hello and welcome to my attempt at fixing whatever it is they gave us for reverse adrien and marinette aka the bare minimum of alternative fashion.
for those not familiar, the first pic is the canon character designs for the miraculous world paris special.
details and changes under cut!
it was really hard to come up with something for adrien bc what they gave us is............... lacking. the hair, the white leather jacket, the jeans, the stripes on his turtle neck are not doing it for me. if adrien was alt he would 100% be altering his own clothes and leaving behind the expensive shit (also his father) to be punk. he wouldn't wear such pristine clothes (back again at the WHITE LEATHER JACKET). i did give him a version where i swapped the white jacket/black turtleneck to be a black jacket/gray turtleneck. i also made the jacket a bit less form fitting and gave him some accessories like the belt chains and the unnecessary belts on the jacket arms. the hair was hard cause i did like the side shave, but wanted it to be a bit messier. lastly i pretty much just tweaked the eye makeup a bit.
marinette was easier bc i do like her and outfit, but the helmet bangs and regular pigtails combined with the saturation of her blue/pink hair was throwing me. i think if she comes from a world where she looks this angry, she wouldn't have made the character growth to move from a bun to pigtails like Socqueline. So ofc I had to make two versions with pigtail braids, and a braided bun.
i also changed her eye makeup a tad bc i thought it made her eyes a bit too oval (and gave her another eye to begin with. I elongated her jacket and oversized it a bit, as well as added some more tears to her shirt (i noticed just 1 at her collar) and gave her a chain belt. Her shoes looked too much like rain-boots so i painstakingly turned them into creepers with little roses and thorns on them (the rose motif is really cool i think). lastly i changed the saturation of her hair to be more black than blue....... and YES i did fix her head shape it was just too tall.
im still upset they went with just vague alternative rather than a specific subset(i want punk/grunge adrien and pastel goth/scene marinette), but honestly why would we expect any different
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ashmeowi · 3 months
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Ok so i know it would make more sense for adrien to be a unicorn cuz of his ring BUT he gives me very much Earth pony vibes idk !! Alsp hes a blank flank bc he doesnt. Know his calling yet
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tosteur-gluteal · 6 months
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I'm still trying to figure out a design for him
It doesn't feel Slavic enough
And alsoooo it feels like something is missing - feel free to give suggestions!!
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corvid-gae · 9 months
Evil Ladybug and Chat Noir, but in my style redesign
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lara-prism-light · 11 months
Redesign of Adrien and Chat Noir for the deed, Miraculous Heroes.
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I changed Adrian's outfit because it was, honestly, generic. He now follows a more formal style that fits both his father's personality and his career as a model. If you look closely, the collar of the jacket has the symbol of an "A", being the brand of the clothing line Agreste.
This Adrian is more reserved and quiet at the beginning of the rewrite, he didn't know how to interact with other teenagers his age, much less how to act like one. His style would change throughout the story with the positive influence of his friends, encouraging him to choose his own style. As much as he hates being a model, he loves his father too much to ask him to stop, and he also always has an interest in free styles and different from his father's.
He is never the one who chooses what he wears, always being just Gabriel or Natalie, Chloe and Felix are the only people his age he spends time with, and for that, he prefers to keep to himself, not knowing how to act since Chloe acts as if she were superior and Felix is ​​too closed to interact with other people.
He would not be able to attend the first day of school, but he would be present during the first appearance of an akumatized who he would try to help some people close to him, disobeying Natalie's orders and attracting the interest of Plagg who would immediately spot him and choose him as his holder.
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As Chat Noir, I gave him a hood with cat ears, long, full sleeves, a vest with a green line and two holes in the sides, and a long belt that serves as a tail. Underneath the vest is a dark green skintight outfit with green triangles on the shoulders and green flourishing claw marks on the corner of the waist. His baggy pants go down to his cat paw-shaped boots (which contain green lines) the pants contain a similar division as the sleeves that go from black to dark green with details of green rays.
Chat Noir still has cataclysm, but he also has night vision, great hearing, agility, balance, and an ability called seven lives. Nine lives is one of his weaknesses, he cannot be seriously injured, that's because, even if the heroes receive a certain amount of resistance when they transform, they can still feel the pain of battles and even hurt themselves. And, while Ladybug has a lucky effect, Chat Noir has an unlucky effect, that is to say that he has much more chance of getting hurt or getting something wrong.
And Isis includes him being easily injured during battles. Therefore, the nine lives serves as a way to give him resistance, and just as Ladybug can give some of her luck to others, she can give some of her extra lives to others as well. And no, he doesn't die if he runs out of nine lives, he just becomes unconscious and he destransforms.
So that would be his version of the countdown for him to untransform (all heroes would have after a long time using their powers). He still has his staff, and the baton would serve as a communicator and shapeshifter like in canon, but he uses the staff to perform various tricks with it during battles.
Another thing I forgot to mention, the bells on his wrists are retractable, he can pull the bells off and throw them at enemies like smoke bomb grenades, but the bells are not destroyed, The smoke comes out of the little bell holes and it's kind of black smoke, it's more used as a form of distraction.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this redesign of Adrian and Chat Noir! Next one I'm between Gabriel and Alya, maybe I'll take a poll.
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bluebrrytea · 8 months
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He is a MENACE!
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