#character: bella cullen
thebiggerbear · 1 month
Bella Swan Cullen Masterlist
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work in progress (prompt response)
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katie-huon · 5 months
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Baseball scene outfits wip!
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nathsketch · 2 months
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All done with the first book! Now three to go :)
It’s been a while since I read them and watched the movies, but it’s finally time to go back to Forks 🖤🥹🩸
Happy Thursday! 🌙
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ashidaii · 3 months
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how do i get hired onto the twilight cartoon
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allythistle · 19 days
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Edward and Bella in the meadow 💜
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devonrubinart · 2 years
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just gonna start uploading some old art, i love these dumb drawings i did of this dumb movie. i am still very much considering doing a "What would Twilight look like as an adult animated series" project
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thoughtspresso · 11 months
Aqua plans to die.
And his death will be necessary to take Kamiki down.
While the full details of Aqua’s revenge plan isn’t entirely clear to all of us yet, his intention to place himself in danger as he tries to take Kamiki down is a very clear, and very crucial part of the plot that he anticipates.
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Before we can dive into how Aqua is going to achieve his revenge, we need to back up a little bit and understand who he is as a person, how he makes decisions, and what he personally wants.
What is Aqua’s Goal?
From a top-level view, Aqua has a singular emotional goal:
Aqua wishes to take responsibility for the deaths of his mothers.
Aqua/Gorou absolutely believes that after two lives of the same thing, that he was the common denominator. He was the fault his mothers both died, because he was useless and helpless. Had he never been conceived, and more crucially, if his mothers did not have to lie about his existence, they would have both stayed alive. If Gorou’s mom didn’t have to conceal the pregnancy from her parents, or did not have one at all, she would have lived a long life. He believes that perhaps his second chance at life was to save Ai, but he was paralyzed and helpless during her murder. He blames himself for Ai’s death too.
This is a driving force in Aqua’s character, and informs all of his decision making, even to the detriment of his own plans most times. It leads us to his supplementary goal:
Aqua wants to keep the people he loves safe.
Whether it was shielding Ruby from entertainment or making sure she’s in a safe agency with good group members, or Akane not going too far in enacting his revenge plot for him, or Kana from steering clear of a career-ending love scandal, Aqua’s key traumas has led him to feel compelled to take action and do whatever it takes to save people if he had the power to do so.
Here is a breakdown of Aqua’s plans, and some key questions we have to ask about each one.
1. Why make a movie called The 15-Year Lie? And what is “Ai’s true wish”?
I have reason to believe that Ai’s DVD for Aqua would have either been a message about wishing to be loved truly and be hated with full honesty for the person she really was, that she wanted her actual self to be revealed to people. In line with that, I think Aqua’s DVD included Gotanda’s original documentary for the B-Komachi dome event. Which is why Gotanda tried to defend Aqua's decision to reveal her secret in chapter 112, and why in chapter 108 Gotanda says about the script that “this is finally my time to fulfill that promise.”
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2. What does he mean by “using Arima Kana”?
There were theories circulating that the person who texted Frill Shiranui could have been Aqua, trying to get her to encourage Ruby to play the role of Ai in the film. However, that couldn’t be any farther from the truth. As we know, Aqua was saying that Gotanda should “grow up” and understand that the most important thing for a movie is to succeed commercially first before we talk about artistic value. 
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If Aqua had full control over the situation, he would have just straight up casted Akane. After all, that was what he initially proposed, and even contacted her for it despite saying he’ll never have anything to do with her again. What he needed, more than anything, was for the film to succeed commercially. And with the headlining actress no longer (a) the most famous celebrity of their generation, or (b) the heralded genius of their generation, Aqua has no other options.
Except: Arima Kana.
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I think the aspect of him using her or manipulating her is mainly to encourage her publicity activities. He’ll be encouraging her to do well in her work to garner more star power for the movie to really be a success, and for her to help his sister be the perfect lead for the show. He’s also going to bank on the idea that Kana will do things for him because she has a crush on him, which he only realized in Chapter 102 after Mem-cho points it out, that he can pursuade Kana to get out of the way of his revenge plot if necessary to keep her safe or place her in the spotlight to attract people’s attention for the movie.
While unlikely, he might even encourage her to stay on a little longer until Ruby gets to the Dome performance.
Or, and maybe this is my shipping delulu talking, but it can also be that he’ll try to just be around her frequently to garner media attention about their relationship. In this way, keeping her close without actually dating her could serve a dual purpose: get people talking about them and the movie, but also make sure that Kana stays safe and nobody makes a rumor of pairing her up with anybody else.
Lastly, also not super likely but another option could be to convince her to headline the show, and play Ai in Ruby’s stead.
3. Why does Kaburagi say that the film is bordering on illegal?
This is a truly crucial piece to unveiling Aqua’s plot. We know Kaburagi likes producing shows that include good-looking young people, and that seems to be his main strategy for raking in young audiences and cashing out.
So why would he have hesitated, even for a second, on a plan to cast the top talent of this young generation, on the biggest news Japan has been talking about, handed to him by a first-hand source--the son of Ai himself?
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On all accounts, this would have been the perfect formula for a smash success. So why would Kaburagi say things like, “do you have enough evidence”, when everybody already knew about the University student stalker that murdered her? What was so controversial?
Unless, when they said Aqua will play the culprit, they didn’t mean the Ryosuke.
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They meant he was playing Hikaru Kamiki.
Here’s what we know about the film, and what I think Aqua is trying to do:
1. Portray Kamiki in the worst possible way and destroy his reputation.
The 15-Year Lie will be a biopic about Ai’s life from when she was starting out as an idol.  Ai will be portrayed as a poor girl abandoned by her parents, searching for the true meaning of love. We know that this framing will be part of Ai’s characterization because of the scenes where Ruby struggled the most:
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In the search for love, they will show her falling for a young man and talented actor at Theatre Lalalai--that being Hikaru Kamiki. Once he gets Ai pregnant, he abandons her, and she runs off to the countryside to hide from the press. When Ai asked him to come visit her, Kamiki, in wanting to protect his career, attempted to send out a stalker. A few years later, seeing his kids wotagei on social media, he manages to find them again and kill Ai.
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It is a complete and utter character assasination of Hikaru Kamiki, and while revealing Ai as a flawed person, draws for the sympathy of the viewers to love Ai for who she truly is. Which is exactly why Gotanda keeps insisting for Ruby to play the role, even when Aqua and Kaburagi have sensible recommendations for Akane and Frill.
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At that moment, when Ai dies, Aqua will reveal his face, and openly declare that it was his father who orchestrated it all. Then he might even portray his father murdering Ryosuke himself, instead of the suicide that was reported in the media.
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2. Aqua will use himself to bait his father out, and force Kamiki’s hand to kill Aqua.
The main reason why Aqua finds it necessary for the film to be a commercial success is because he needs the general public to be one hundred percent in agreement that Hikaru Kamiki is an evil man that deserves to be jailed. (Whether or not he reveals his name in the film, which he could but doesn’t need to.) This public lynching is his first control.
But here’s the thing: Kamiki didn’t directly murder Himekawa Airi and Hoshino Ai himself. At this point in time, Aqua is not aware of Katayose Yura’s murder either. And there is no evidence that connects Uehara Seijirou and Ryosuke’s suicides as murders by Kamiki’s hands.
And on top of all that, when these things happened, Kamiki was fully a minor.
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Akane’s fears and interpretation was that Aqua would murder his own father because it’s the only form of revenge he could enact himself. 
But she’s wrong, there’s one more thing Aqua could do: make Kamiki commit murder again. If he kills Aqua, there will now be a murder that the public agrees without a doubt was done by Kamiki himself.
He can go to jail once and for all, or he can also get stabbed by an angry fan--Aqua doesn’t care. All he cares about is that it’s a sure win, and it’s over forever. He launches his sister’s career into the spotlight, he keeps everybody safe, and he atones for the death of his mothers with his own life.
In summary: Aqua plans to get killed by his father, so that an actual murder has occurred for which he could be jailed or publicly ostracized or even killed.
And here’s why I think Aqua will fail:
Aqua’s assumptions about his father are incorrect.
He believes that Kamiki’s reason for killing Ai was because her pregnancy would ruin his reputation and career as a rising actor. That’s why Aqua tries to hit him there. And he believes defaming him might provoke him to get killed.
But I don’t think Kamiki cared about his reputation at all anymore. He left his career as an actor behind after Kindaichi kicked him out of Lalalai, and went on to graduate from Faculty of Science. He never went back in front of the spotlight, instead opening a talent agency around the exact time he believed his kids might be joining the industry.
I have reason to believe that Kamiki thinks murdering Airi and Ai was to protect his children or some other great act of justice against his rapist(s). And that even killing Katayose Yura was done because he didn’t want a liar like her to take the spotlight that was supposedly for his daughter Ruby.
I don’t think Kamiki will harm Aqua.
But I do think he will come forward and expose himself and his twisted justification, and he might even openly give interviews to the media.
Instead, I do believe Kamiki might pay attention to Kana’s honest acting--something he’s never seen before in a person, and try to get close to her somehow. And if Kamiki’s name is not revealed, and if the theories are true that Frill works for Kamiki’s agency, he might recruit Kana to join him.
All this is to say, get Kana out of this manga. Somebody, please save her.
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mysteryfeesh · 5 months
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Merry yaoi to all who celebrate (I binged the first three twilight movies and I’m still mad that there wasn’t any body exploration between these two)
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akariamai · 2 months
Romeo & Juliet [Part 2]
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Pairing: Jacob Black x OC!Swan
Word Count: 1616
Part 1 Part 3, Part 4
Author's Note I changed a few things to better fit the story. Jacob will be a year younger than Bella. Bella's friends are semi-different than how they are portrayed in the books/movies. Sam and Leah were never in a relationship. Imprinting on children is not a thing. Hope you enjoy the story and sorry it took so long to write the second part of this.
Sloan and her sister used to be best friends. They were two peas in a pod, but ever since the move to Forks, her strange fascination with the Cullen boy, and the start of her relationship with Edward, their relationship has dwindled.
Bella became more distant and secretive. Sloan understood that a relationship meant change and less time for the two of them, but she didn’t think the relationship would take priority over everything. Bella was in love, that was certain, but she left no time for friends or family. Edward was her world. There was no place for anyone else. Not their dad, their mother, Sloan, or even herself.
Sloan did miss the relationship they used to have. Tranquil car rides to school, mindless arguments over their favorite classic literature, and the late-night talks they used to have. Sloan never realized how meaningful those things used to be until they were gone. It all went away as soon as Edward came into their lives.
Their eighteenth birthday came and went, and Bella was more frantic than ever. The reason? Sloan had no clue. Sloan didn’t know much about Bella these days. She does know Bella was quiet after her birthday party at the Cullen’s house. Something happened, and whatever it was rocked Bella. The days that followed were marked by an absence of the Cullen family, and it barely went unnoticed by everyone except Bella. Bella felt lost without them, but most importantly Edward. Unfortunately for Sloan and her father, they would both come to realize the extent of Bella’s dependence of the Cullens.
Sloan tried to be empathetic towards her sister. She had never been through a breakup herself, but normal heartache does not leave a person lifeless and empty. She had imagined how their first heartbreak would entail, watching sappy romance movies and eating ridiculous amounts of ice cream, it was nothing like this. She had never imagined a boy would leave her sister like a lifeless doll.
Bella would mindlessly stare out her window, day in and day out, as if waiting for Edward to save her from her isolation. It was a lost cause, however, as he and his family moved away and Bella was left with the memories of what once was.
Every night in the Swan’s residence is plagued with the screams of her sister. A good night’s rest was a luxury now and both Sloan and her father felt the effects of the lack of sleep.
“Bella.” Sloan began as she found her sister in the same place as when she left her. “Do you want to go hang out with our friends? We’re going to La Push again. They miss you.” Bella had completely shut down after the breakup. She resembled a lifeless doll waiting for a child to find it and play with it. She spent her days waiting for Edward to come back.
“I miss him.” Her voice was barely a croak. Her lips bleeding slightly as she had not drank the water Sloan had left on her desk.
Sloan sighed. Edward was not worth this. “This isn’t normal, Bella. You need help.” She’ll need to bring up therapy to her father. Bella couldn’t keep living this this. Maybe a change a scenery would be helpful as well.
“I need him.”
“No you don’t.” Bella liked to believe in soulmates. It was a frequent topic of arguments between the two. She believes there is one person for everyone and finding that person is magical and sacred. Sloan should’ve known that Bella would’ve considered Edward as hers.
Sloan didn’t believe in soulmates. The idea that out of thousands of people there is only one that is just right. That seems implausible. “Are you sure you don’t want to go?” Bella stayed silent. Sloan walked out of Bella’s room silently, closing the door on her way out.
“How’s Bella?” Mike asked as they unloaded the cooler filled with refreshments. Eric and Jessica went ahead and found a respectable spot, while Angela went to snap a few pictures of the ocean waves.
“Not good.” Sloan mentions. “I don’t think staying in Forks is helping either. Maybe there’s too many memories of him.”
“He really messed her up, didn’t he?” Mike has never seen anyone take a breakup as hard as Bella. He had seen tears split over the loss of a relationship or an occasional screaming match between old lovers, but never something like that.
It made him reevaluate the relationship between Bella and Edward. They were too attached. Too obsessed with each other.
He remembered a conversation he’d had with Bella when her newfound relationship became public. He warned her about the way Edward watched her, as if he were a lion eyeing his prey. It may have come off as disdain. He had liked Bella before Edward dug his claws into her, and maybe the disdain part was true to some extent, but Bella had to know the way Edward stalked her when she wasn’t looking. If only he had voiced his observations more.
Sloan nodded. She really needed to have a conversation with her father. Bella needs help that they are not qualified to give. Mike and Sloan went silent as they carried the cooler to the beach. Jessica and Eric had placed the inflatable pools in a half circle. All three of the inflatable pools were heart-shaped. Angela thought it would be a better idea than bringing a beach blanket.
They watched the waves crash onto the beach as they spoke about their aspirations for the future. High school was coming to an end. Much faster than any of them had anticipated. There was a whole world outside of their small town. Were they ready? Were they prepared? They had no clue, but they’ll take it one step at a time.
The group of friends didn’t see the sulking boy wander closer towards them. The conversation ended abruptly as a familiar name was called out: “Sloan?”
They all turned to the boy. “Jacob?” Sloan hadn’t spoken to Jacob since he and his father came to watch the game with her dad. They were both busy with friends and school. They hadn’t found time for each other. “Are you okay?”
“Not really.” He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his shorts.
“Do you want to join?” Sloan offered, “We were just about to crack open a few soda cans and talk about our deepest, darkest secrets.”
The others laughed, and even Jacob cracked a smile. “I don’t want to impose.”
“Not imposing if you’re invited.” Mike chimed in.
“Come on.” Sloan motioned for Jacob to join her. “We brought extra, and it would be rude if you didn’t help us finish our snacks.”
Jacob joined her awkwardly, snacking on the chocolate-covered strawberry Sloan offered him.
“We were just talking about summer plans. Do you have anything planned yet?” Summer was months away, and their graduation was on the horizon. They wanted to do something memorable and fun.
“Not yet.” He admitted. He would probably do the same things as always. Hang out with Embry and Quil, and take care of his father.
“We were thinking about planning a road trip after graduation.” Angela said, “Would you like to join? We wouldn’t want Sloan to be the fifth wheel.”
Jacob was taken aback by the invitation. They didn’t know him on a personal level, and yet they were so kind to him. It might’ve had something to do with him being friends with Sloan.
“Yeah, you should come, man.” Eric said.
“It’ll be fun.” Jessica replied.
Jacob didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know. Maybe?” He needed time to think.
“When we come up with a game plan, we’ll let you know, and then you can decide.” Sloan placed her hand on his shoulder. “There’s no rush.”
Jacob nodded before the conversation shifted once again. Sloan’s friends were nice. They made him feel welcomed. They included him in their conversations, even when he had little to say.
As the day turned to night, the group of friends plus one started packing their things. “See you at school, Sloan.” Jessica waved goodbye as she entered Mike’s car. “It was nice meeting you, Jacob.”
Jacob nodded. “You too.”
“Let me know when you make it back home, Sloan.” Mike said.
“I will.” She replied as she and Jacob entered her car. They watched as her friends drove off.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She interjected.
Jacob began, “I have this friend—well, I had a friend—Sam, and he disappeared for a while. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going. He didn’t call anyone to tell us if he was okay. He came back today, and it was like he was a complete stranger. I could barely recognize him.”
“We’ve known each other all our lives, and he changed so suddenly. He said it would be best if we weren’t friends anymore. That it was 'safer' for me to stay away. What does that mean? Is he in trouble? I want to be there for him. Why doesn’t he want me to be there for him?”
“Jacob,” Sloan said, reaching for his hand and gently rubbing it. “Sometimes people want to get through their problems alone. It has nothing to do with you, but more with him. Maybe he feels like a burden and doesn’t want to pile his problems on you. Maybe he needs to take some time for himself—find himself. Maybe one day he’ll explain everything once the dust settles.”
“I just want to be there for my friend.” He says, “I never thought we would go on without each other.”
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ezzakennebba · 2 years
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“i’ve never met anyone more prone to life-threatening idiocy!”
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thebiggerbear · 19 days
Kristen Stewart Characters Masterlist
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Bella Swan Cullen
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
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katie-huon · 17 days
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“Heidi smiled absently. She reminded me of Rosalie though they looked nothing alike…I couldn’t seem to look away.” From New Moon where Bella meets the vampire mafia and rescues idiot ed-boy from his demise
She’s described as wearing tights, heels, “the shortest of mini skirts”, and a skin-tight red vinyl long sleeve. I guess that’s one way to attract tourists… 😉 💃
See more on my Patreon! 🙏
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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allythistle · 23 days
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Current work in progress! I took a little break from drawing LOTR characters because I’ve been working on my TRSB submissions for the past few weeks and I needed a little change. To reward myself for making the submissions deadline I’m indulging in my gultiest pleasure - twilight fan art! 🤭
P.s I *did* start my Bilbo drawing last night! I haven’t forgotten!
Love, A x
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acrux-jr · 7 months
Rebirth - Ch 2
Word count: 2.4k
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Aurora walked down the hall and brought the last box, her art supplies. All her sketchbooks and her quality pencils that she treasured, a gifts from her dad when she was born. She was never touched she couldn't bring herself to, afraid they'd break or worse lost or even thrown away. She kept them in the case, she opened it whenever she was gonna draw for inspiration.
She looked at the clock in her room okay 2 more hours til the Swan's came and probably 1 hour til she would go help her mom. She pondered, she could to the woods in the back and just explore a bit maybe even take her sketchbook and a pencil just in case. She nodded yes that was what she going to do. She ran down the stairs and grabbed her shoes at the entrance.
"Hey, mama I'm gonna go to the yard and draw for a bit I'll be back in an hour to help?" Her tone questioning, she knew better than just to run out after.
Amora sighed, "Okay cariño be safe ! Remember 1 hour!"
She rushed to the back door and put her shoes on as Amora chuckled. She grabbed the disinfectant, no shoes back in this house.
Aurora walked out into the backyard. It was nice, clovers spread throughout the entire thing with little white flowers, and the yard was pretty long compared to her old house houses yard, if you could even call it that. She walked into the forest entrance. She was a little spooked, this felt like a slasher film. She wasn't gonna too far in, she felt no she knew if she went too deep something unpleasant would happen.
But it was so beautiful. The trees towards over you and the sun barely peaked through but still magical, she went a bit more forward. Passing a fallen tree and going down the terrain a bit. She found a rock and in her pocket, she had her shuffle and headphones. She pressed play and Creep by radio head started. She smiled at that, that was her dad's favorite to sing to her mom. She started to sketch, first the outline of the trees and then the outline of a man crouching and a little toddler. She shaded and made the lines more bold. It was a rough draft.
About 30 minutes had passed and she started to redraw the figures. A twig snapped and Aurora turned her head. There was standing a Greek god. Literally. Or at the very least a perfect statute of Adonis.
He was pale and had blonde honey hair and eyes. She's never met anyone with gold eyes. She stared, memorized. His eyes finally met hers and he inhaled sharply.
Jasper stared at her. She was beautiful. With her brown her and honey brown eyes. Her curvaceous body was enticing. He had been watching her ever since she walked into the woods, he had finished hunting a bit ago and was just clearing his mind. He saw the hesitation to come into the forest. Her blood smelled delicious, and he exhaled. Control. He needed control. She took out her iPod shuffle and started to hum the song, he vaguely remembered hearing this song a couple of times.
If he stayed, he could build up an endurance. He was totally lying to himself but her didn't want to leave just left. She was heavenly and he thought she could be an angel. He got up from the seat on the hill and stepped. The twig snapped and she darted her eyes at him. He felt her piercing gaze and met her eyes.
He could get lost in them forever. She broke their intense eye contact, blush staining her cheeks. She put he belongings next to the rock and stood up and he could hear her heartbeat a mile per minute. Confusion with a tinge of worry he felt from her.
"Hello..." she spoke with a hesitant tone. Aurora realized at that moment he could be a serial killer. Well damn. If he was, maybe it wouldn't be too bad if she stared at her face. She was a little shocked and horrified at her thoughts.
'Control. Control. Control.' He had that mantra in his head.
"Hello, ma'am." She gave a shy smile.
"I'm Aurora. I just moved here." She pointed to the side of her where the house was.
"Ah, another newcomer beside the Chief's daughter. I'm Jasper Hale."
"Yup, new blood here in Forks." He exhaled again. 'Control. Control. Control.'
She glanced down and noticed his watch. "Oh, would you happen to know the time? I have to get back to help my mom with dinner and I've lost track of time." It was a small lie, she was timing herself through the music she had about 20 minutes left.
Jasper gave a small smile ignoring the lie, "It is 5:35."
"Oh okay, I have like 20 minutes left perfect!"
He started down towards her, "If you don't mind me asking Ms. Aurora, what were you doing down there?"
He had an accent, she wanted to swoon but held herself together, barely that is.
"Oh um while Mister Hale, I was sketching the scenery."
He raised an eyebrow, "Mind if I have a look?"
She found herself nodding and quickly grabbed the book. "Yeah, sure. Here." Their hands slightly touched and Aurora felt a jolt.
She blushed again.
Jasper looked down and was in slight shock this was amazing. She captured the scenery and if she could paint he was sure she would have transported anyone that looked at this to here.
"This is really... stunning." While he faltered trying to find a word her smile dropped for a slight second but it was gained and blush was added.
"Thank you." Was the shy response.
"Mind if I look through the rest?"
Usually, Aurora would never let anyone look through her sketchbooks not even her mom or Abuela. But once again she found herself nodding.
He flipped through the book slowly and carefully going through each page.
There were drawings of a man and a toddler, 2 women smiling, an unusual cat with what looked like thumbs, there was a drawing of a child and toddler, there was a big Eucalyptus tree with another woman and a little boy but he was a bit hazy? He flipped through finding portraits of people whom he assumed were her loved ones, til he got to an illustration of teeth, vampire teeth with a drop of blood hanging from the canines. He gulped. He flipped again and this one was a self-portrait, her with a bit shorter hair. He missed the poem.
"These are truly amazing."
If he kept completing her she'd turn into a tomato. "Thank you."
"Are you going to Forks High?"
"Oh yes! I am."
"I'm going to assume you going to take art?"
"AP art." She said smiling.
"Well little miss I'm sure you're gonna pass those tests no problem." His accent started to slip up, she made him nervous with that striking smile.
She giggled. "Well, I sure hope so seeing as I start in the middle of the year. "
"Don't worry. I have the feeling you got this no problem."
"Do you go to Forks?"
"Yes ma'am, I'm in my Senior year."
"Oh cool I am in my Junior!" She was ecstatic.
"Maybe we'll have a couple of classes together if you take AP." His lips curved into a smile and she nodded suddenly excited to go to the new school.
He glanced at his watch and saw it said 5:50. "Time sure does fly when you're having fun."
"Oh, what time is it?"
"5:50 little miss." He wanted to call her princess but decided against it.
"Hmm, I guess I should head back then huh?"
"Would you like me to escort you to the tree line miss ?"
"Yes, that would be nice Mister Hale."
They walked in silence. Aurora kept stealing glances at the tall vampire. Their eyes met and her heart raced. They stood at the edge.
"It was very nice to meet you, little miss."
"It was nice to meet you too Mister Hale. And please Aurora is just fine."
"How about I call you little princess instead?" He winked and waved not giving Aurora time to respond. She was stunned and slowly waved bye.
"Aurora! There you are come on hurry I started a bit early I need you to cut the veggies!"
Aurora was snapped out of what felt like a trance.
"Coming mama." She walked towards the door sparing a final glance at the woods and went inside. She took off her shoes and headed to the kitchen.
"How was drawing cariño?"
"Oh, it was fun!" She decided not to tell her mom about the strange teenage boy she met in the woods. At that moment, she realized Jasper had her sketchbook still. At the same time, Alice's vision finally cleared and there she saw Aurora, the plump girl with light brown hair and honey honey-brown eyes, and a smile that warmed her heart.
Jasper made it home book in hand, cursing himself as he realized too that he still had it. Well, it wouldn't be a problem he could give it to her tomorrow, discreetly. He changed his thoughts hoping Edward hadn't heard his thought. Luckily for him, Edward was moping around like usual, mind turned off.
Bella and Charlie left their house and started the short walk to their neighbors a couple of houses down.
"So cha-Dad, Miss Flores seems nice."
"Yeah, the whole family seems sweet. Maybe you and her daughter could be friends."
"Yeah, she seems nice. She's a year younger than me apparently."
"Wow, so she's like super smart."
"That's what I had said too." Bella chuckled. They arrived at the door and rang the bell. Aurora answered.
"Hi! If you don't mind taking your shoes off, then I'll take y'all to the dining table."
Charlie and Bella shared a look before taking off their shoes. The two of them followed Aurora, to the green dining room with the mahogany table and wooden carved chairs. Amora's eyes light up, "Charlie, Bella welcome welcome."
Amora sat at one end, Jacinda at the other, and Charlie Bella on the left with Aurora on the right.
"Thank you for inviting us to dinner again Amora," Charlie said with a small smile.
"Oh don't even sweat it. Alright, my mother wants to say prayers and then we can eat."
After prayers were and the food was served, Charlie started the conversation, "So where did you guys move from?"
"From Los Angeles. We lived there for years before moving here." Amora answered.
"Oh cool, Bella here came from Arizona, the complete opposite."
"So Bella are you nervous about school tomorrow?"
"Um kinda yeah. But at least I'll have Aurora there so I'll know someone." She gave another awkward smile.
"New school in the middle of the year is rough but you're right you'll have my little Aurora." Amora teased her daughter.
The father and daughter chuckled, while Aurora groaned.
"Anyway... Bella wanna go to my room since we're done?"
Bella looked at Charlie who nodded. The two girls ran upstairs before more embarrassing things were said, Amora was going to ask her mother if she wanted seconds but the old lady disappeared into thin air.
"Anyway Charlie, how is it in forks?"
Aurora led Bella to her room, a cozy green and beige room with throw blankets and a side wall dedicated to books. "Wow, you sure know how to unpack."
"Oh yeah huh. The wall shelves and color were set up already all I had to do was fill it. But it does like nice huh? That's the one thing I really like about forks, all the green."
"Yeah, but I'm sure the blue skies and ocean down the street were nice too right?"
Aurora nodded, sadness pooling in her stomach. "Yeah it was, I do miss the beach and warm summer air."
"It sounds like it beats here 100 percent."
Aurora smiled, "How long has it been since you came to Forks? Or did you and your dad live in Arizona permanently before this?"
"Well I lived with my mom mostly and visited my dad every now and then but it had been a while," Bella said sticking her hands into her pockets.
Aurora hummed in response. "Aw too bad I wanted to ask if you knew anyone here."
"Why found a boy already?" She joked. Her slight laugh caught in her throat when Aurora blushed. "No way! You've been here for like 5 hours and already!?"
"Keep it down! Jesus."
"I am but oh my god, you really have a game."
"Okay please for the love of god don't say that." Aurora threw her head in her hands groaning.
Silence followed before Bella spoke up again, "Any tips you care to share?" A groan followed close behind.
The night passed til 10 before Charlie realized the time. "Oh jeez it's already 10, I guess Bella and I should head home before it gets any later."
"Oh dear, you're right! Aurora! Bella! It's getting late!" The two trailed down the stairs. The two talked about their expectations for tomorrow and the mysterious boy that Aurora met, Bella agreed he did sound dreamy.
Before leaving Bella spoke, "Hey Aurora if it's okay with your mom of course, I can take you to school."
"Oh perfect! I have to get there early to set up everything in my office and Aurora can sleep in a bit." Bella looked puzzled.
"Oh, my mom is the new principal," Aurora answered with a quizzical look, swaying back and forth on the balls of her feet.
"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow morning?"
"Yeah!" They waved to each other and Amora gave Charlie a wave which he returned with a blush and smile.
The door closed, and Aurora turned to her mother. "Soo you two hit off?"
"Si, como fue con el jefe?" Jacinda appeared like smoke.
Amora groans, "Oh my god drop it you two." What the 3 women didn't know was that Charlie was getting the same treatment as Bella.
When Aurora went to sleep she felt a gaze on her but couldn't place it. There from the tree line, golden honey eyes watched her once again.
(Loose translation: Yeah, how was it with the Chief?)
Just as an fyi my spanish is horrible yall please dont come for me, i am using google translate
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shadez-art · 4 months
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I've randomly been in a bit of a Twilight mood lately. So I thought it would be a good time to draw Bella again!
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