#chapter 1166
calekinnieplus · 8 months
At this moment, the pointy-hatted, monocled Amon walked to the edge of the ravine. With “His” back facing the grayish-white building, “He” spread his arms slightly and said with a smile, “This is the holy land where my father was awoken. Buried in it is the history I wish to seek.
“My father told me that this place has an ancient name, called…”
As a streak of silver lightning tore through the sky, the black-robed Amon paused as “He” widened “His” arms, saying with a solemn tone, “Chernobyl!”
What the absolute fuck. What. Excuse me, what the ACTUAL FUCK.
(I saw smth about Chernobyl in spoilers, but I didn't expect it to come out like THIS?? LIKE WHAT???)
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astral--horrorshow · 1 year
Around-The-Clock Shadows
Platonic Yandere ROTTMNT x Reader
Info: This will be a full-length fic including multiple ROTTMNT characters, the main storyline revolves around the Mad Dogs.
Fic Summary: You sure are likeable, aren't you?
Chapter 1: Preparations and Purple Dragons
Characters: Kendra, Jase, Jeremy, Donatello, Raphael, Michaelangelo, Leonardo
A/N: Kicking off the first day of my summer break with a fic! I've been working on this for a while now, so I hope you like it! Apologies for the short length and any bad writing! I was very inspired by @yanteetle , @pianocat939 , @yanyanderes , and @yandere-toons ! (edit: @oleander-nin too!!)
If you want to be added to a taglist, just say the word! If you want to draw fanart or make anything based off of this, I would be literally honored. Please don't be shy, I will love whatever you make! If you have any questions about the fic, feel free to ask!
TW: Kidnapping plans, toxic relationships, stalking, Jase gets kicked in the shin (spoiler: it's Kendra), attempted(?) peer pressure, Leo and Donnie are creepers.
I do not condone any of the behaviors found or done in this fic. This story is purely for entertainment purposes. If you or someone you know is being treated like this, please contact the authorities.
Please Reblog writer's work!
Chapter Summary: You hang out with the Purple Dragons, and the Hamato brothers prepare for your arrival.
Word Count: 1166
Kendra had her hand on the back of your neck, leading you further into the Purple Dragon's closed-off corner of the computer lab.
"And this is the Dragon's Tooth," she said as she pointed to a large, circular table with a small, green device suspended in a glass tube.
"Oooo!" You leaned towards it in curiosity, careful to not get too close to the lasers, "What does it do?" Before Kendra could answer you, Jase rushed over and started to explain with a speedy voice, "The Dragon's Tooth is a military-grade piece of technology that- ow!"
Kendra had kicked him in the shin. Hard. From what you had known about her, she didn't like to be interuppted.
"Shut up, Jase," Kendra snapped.
Jase kneeled on the ground on one leg, rubbing the kicked one with a grimace on his angular face. You reached out to him, but Kendra casually pulled you by the collar of your shirt next to her, placing her hand on the back of the neck you craned to see if Jase was okay and pushed you along yet again.
Your watch suddenly let out a long, piercing beep, which caused your gaze to turn to the plastic screen.
"Oh, I need to get home!" You exclaimed, rushing from Kendra to grab your bag.
"Awh, c'mon, can't you stay a little longer?" Jeremy strolled towards you along with the rest of the Purple Dragons. You were, quite literally, cornered by them, but you still persisted in your quest to return home.
"But I really gotta leave! I'll see you tommorow!" You rushed out, waving to the students strung up by their knickers outside their tech cubbyhole. The Purple Dragons didn't pursue, looking at the silent, red device on the collar of shirt in a cocktails of smugness and satisfaction (mostly from Kendra) and slight guilt of invading your privacy (mostly Jase).
You rushed to the bike racks as soon as you came out of the double doors of the High School. Going to unlock your bike, you spotted a figure in purple slink down an alleyway.
You pulled up to your residence, locking your bike and unlocking the door to your home. Taking off your shoes, and setting your bag down on your bed, you flopped down onto the carpet, feeling the rough material rubbing against your cheek. Despite it grating against your face, you found a sense of comfort in the act. You turned towards your bed, focusing on the underside. Stuck to one of the nails of the supports, was a bright orange piece of cloth. You reached out your arm, grabbing the fabric between your fingers. It was a bit worn, but perfectly clean otherwise. How odd, you didn't remember having any clothes like that.
You opened the freezer door, shivering at the blast of cold air hitting your face. You grabbed the ice cream container as fast you could, and gingerly closed the freezer as to not wake up your family. As you sucked the spoon free of the frozen treat, you gazed at the moonlight filtering through your kitchen. There were a few clouds, but otherwise it was clear. You couldn't see the stars, though. Not in New York City, where lights and air pollution thrive. Putting the ice cream back, (you couldn't eat so much to the point where it would be noticeable) you pulled your blanket tighter around your shoulders and tiptoed back to your bedroom. You buried yourself under the warm covers, a welcome respite from the cold, and closed your eyes, unaware of the being outside your window.
Leonardo chuckled to himself, and propped his elbows up on the windowstill. He watched you cutely snuggle your pillow, your cheek squishing against it. The only thing he wanted was to pinch and squish them 'till they got numb, but bringing you home sooner than planned would make the rest of your new brothers irritated at him. You fell asleep almost immediately, you must've been so tired, poor baby. He pulled out his phone, and dialed a number.
"Hey, Don- what? Yeah, I know it's late. Don't shout at me right now. Yeah, add ice cream to the list."
Mikey skipped into the room, holding a pair of slippers in his hand. He set them down near the bed just as Donatello finished spreading a thick, fluffy blanket on it.
"Ah, thank you, Michael," Donnie spoke upon seeing Mikey with the slippers.
"Anything for them!" Mikey squealed, obviously shaking with excitement.
"Hey, party people," Leo casually called out as he strolled into the room, holding his ōdachi over his shoulders like they were regular sticks instead of mystical, deadly weapons. Upon the red-earned sliders entrance, Donnie turned and glared.
"Leo, I don't see why you had to call me at exactly 2:38 AM last night. It could've waited until morning."
"What?" Leo pulled his hand to his chest in mock indignation, "And not complete the list? I swear, it's like you don't even want them to be happy here!"
"Of course I do!"
Before their squabble could turn into a full-on argument, Raph burst in the room with a number of plushies of different shapes, sizes, and colors in his arms, which he started to arrange on the bed. Donnie sauntered away from Leo to help Raph in an attempt to keep his temper under control, and Mikey arranged things around the room. Leo slumped his shoulders, made a portal with a single slash of his ōdachi, and fell backwards into it.
Donatello typed on his keyboard, occasionally turning his gaze to the other screens, which had a plethora of security cameras, locations of trackers, and information displayed on them. "Occasionally" being every few seconds. Eventually, he gave up on his coding and leaned back to soak up all the information on you and blue light the multiple moniters could give him. He was the number one expert on you, which he had to be if you were going to be happy in the Lair. He was also going to be your older brother soon, which meant he had to make up for all the missing years. You didn't know how much you needed them all, but you would soon. Very, very soon. A ping from his phone pulled him from his obsessive thoughts. He had sent S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N to guard you throughout the day when he or his brothers couldn't do it themselves. His eyes widened to saucers when he saw the feed from his creation.
You, standing there. With the Purple Dragons. Talking to you. Touching you. The Purple Dragons. You, oblivious to their danger.
Donnie leapt up from his chair and sprinted toward the door, racing through the halls. He wouldn't let that horrible, deceiving, Kendra and her flunkies take advantage of you. Over his dead body.
"I'll be there very soon," he thought, "Wait for me just a little longer.
I'll save you."
A/N: *chuckles* you're in danger.
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mirabai0821 · 5 months
Blood and Honey WIP Chapter: Eleventy Six
Pairings: Tav x Halsin x Astarion Warnings: none (unless you think two stupid elves being mean to each other warrants a warning) Words: 1166 Summary: Halsin and Astarion have their long awaited showdown. This snippet immediately follows this one and is an expansion of this headcanon post.
Halsin rose, finger to his lips, and gestured toward the door. The two elves adjourned from Tav’s room, finding an empty one next door to continue what was not likely to be an amicable conversation. 
Halsin did his best to keep his contempt out of his expression, settling instead on what he hoped was an intimidating stare. “I found her drained to exhaustion in the forge and brought her to her room for better rest. I’ll ask that you keep your voice low, or, better yet, silent completely.” 
The accusation wasn’t subtle, but Astarion was spoiling for a fight and would have taken umbrage at ‘Hello.’
“What exactly are you implying, Master Halsin?” He knew the druid to be particularly prickly about that title and he grinned when the wrinkles on Halsin’s face deepened in a scowl. 
“I do not imply, vampire. I state outright.”
“Then out with it.”
“I found her passed out in the forge, with your fang marks in her wrist.”
Astarion scoffed. “You knew what I was the day you met me, don’t act scandalized now!”
Halsin grunted angrily. “I do not begrudge you your unnatural hunger. Nor your methods of feeding. Nor even who you feed from. But you feed recklessly, greedily, and without concern. It tires her to injury. You take without regard. Her soft heart may grant you grace, but I will not. Enough.” 
Astarion barked a short, cruel laugh. “Oh that’s rich coming from you.” He took a step closer to the druid, fixing him with his coldest stare. “You talk of taking, what of you? How much have you taken from her? How much will you continue to take from her?” It was a rhetorical question, but Astarion still paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink deep like knives in soft, exposed underbelly.
“I don’t care for your tone, little vampling. You know nothing of what you speak,” he growled through clenched teeth.
“Don’t I? Well, I may take, but at least with me, she knows all I require is a mouthful of blood here and there. With you, it could be anything.” Astarion tapped a sharp nail to Haisin’s chest to punctuate every point.
”She saved your Grove, your very life, she even let you tag along after it was clear you couldn’t help us with our tadpole problem.”
Astarion drew blood with that blow but Halsin hoped it didn’t show on his face. This little predator would seize on any show of weakness. But until now, the predator was only stalking his prey. Now was the time to strike.
“For all your noble posturing, Master Halsin, the truth is, you really don’t give a damn about her.”
Halsin growled in warning but Astarion didn’t stop his tirade. 
“She hangs on your every word, on your every smile, mooning after you like some pathetic lovelorn maiden. And for all her troubles; the way she drank herself stupid on potions for sake of a lute, they way she tarried going to Moonrise knowing her tiefling brethren were all but dead in its dungeons, for all her awkward flirtings up to and including serving you her still-bleeding heart on a silver platter, you have given her nothing in return!”
Every barb struck true, Astarion could see it in his pained expression. He didn’t need to breathe but his chest still heaved, triumphant that he’d gotten that salvo off. It was hypocrisy of the highest order but it didn’t matter. The druid deserved every arrow and more. How dare Halsin dismiss what he would kill to have earnestly!
“Silence venomous creature, I have done nothing…” Astarion clapped. “You’re right! You’ve done nothing! If I’m as terrible as you say, why did you wait until now to say anything? It’s because you and I both know the truth. She’s just a means to an end to you!”
Halsin’s eyes flashed a brilliant gold but it might as well have been a white flag. Yet Astarion wouldn’t let up on his onslaught.
“We should have marched on Moonrise a tenday ago. But we’re still here fucking around with musical instruments because of you. And when she inevitably gets herself killed helping you with your foolish vision quest all you’ll do is step over her beautiful corpse, shed a single tear, and chalk it all up to the will of your fucking Oak Father!” 
The vampire delighted in the bulge from Halsin’s clenched jaw. This round was his though he knew it wasn’t a fair fight with irony so thick he could choke on it. He cared about Tav and knew Halsin genuinely cared about her too, but none of this posturing was for her or even about her. It was about assuaging his own guilt.
Halsin had done what Astarion had always meant to do, just with fewer, less complicated steps. What Astarion meant to accomplish with sex, Halsin accomplished without it. They were two elves with similar goals, dissimilar means, but a similar selfishness. Astarion’s acrimony was just a front for his jealousy.
Halsin was better than him in every way, even manipulation.
Still, it felt good to hurt him, to skin his self righteous pelt. A hollow victory is a victory all the same.
But… When you fight a bear, one should aim to kill, not hurt. 
“What a pair we make,” Halsin remarked, straightening himself to his full height. He retreated from the younger elf and sat at a table in the empty room. He pulled his pipe from satchel and lit it, taking a moment to let the calming smoke fill his lungs until they burned before exhaling. 
“Both selfish, both manipulative.”
“Aye,” Astarion agreed. 
There was a long pause as Halsin took another drag from his pipe then he delivered the killing blow.
“And both too godsdamned cowardly to tell that woman how much we love her.”
Astarion couldn’t breathe. He doesn’t breathe but he couldn’t even make his chest move in an imitation of the action. Something deadly wrapped itself around his chest and squeezed so hard, it threatened to knock him out cold. “What are you talking about, druid?” 
Halsin grinned a smile that no face that kind should ever make. “Oh, don’t play coy now, Astarion, I thought we were telling truths here.”
“Shut up! You know nothing!”
Halsin’s cold smile deepened. “I’m old Astarion, not blind. You think I can’t see the way you cleave to her closer than her own shadow?”
“Shut up!”
“Or the way your calculated smiles soften the moment she looks away?”
“Be quiet!”
“But what gives you away every time, every time, are your eyes. There’s real life in them, when you look at her.”
Astarion stood mute, shocked to utter silence.
“For my part, I intend to tell her soon,” Halsin extinguished the small flame in his pipe.”I wonder, though, if you will ever find the courage?”
Halsin felt no joy when Astarion turned on his heel and fled the room.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
chamomile, chapter four 
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A/N: the gif in the moodboard is by @fightingdragonswithwho
summary: you know those sinful noises a massage can make you produce? imagine trying to stay calm while your crush makes them...
warnings: references to 6x09, 5x01, massage, talk of injuries, ptsd, kinda forced proximity 
word count: 1166
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Do you want a ride to the hotel?” Prentiss asked, lifting her bag over her shoulder.
Turning your head to look at the still focused doctor, “uh, no,” you answered, “I won’t stay too long, but I’m not quite done yet.”
Biting her lip, she tried to hide a smile, “alright… see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, sleep well.”
Walking out the doors, she left you and Reid alone at the station. It was dark, and the majority of the local officers had already gone home several hours ago. Reid was sitting at the small desk under the window looking into the conference room. He had his nose buried in maps over the Appalachian trail, trying to get to know all the geographical and biological factors that could affect where the unsub might be located. 
One of his hands was fidgeting with a red marker, twirling it around. Now that the others had left and you stared at him for a bit longer than what was deemed professional and noticed that he was periodically closing his eyes and breathing heavy, almost as if he was in pain.
“Reid?” you checked in with a quiet voice. Maybe he had a headache? “Are you okay?”
He just hummed, blinking his eyes open and looking into your concerned ones. 
“Are you okay?” you repeated, turning in your chair to face him more. 
“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s nothing really, just my knee.”
Standing up, you moved closer to him, “oh, well, maybe I can help.”
Squinting his eyes a bit, he gave the smallest of smiles, “I-, I don’t know, it’s fine.”
“I’ve read your file, I know you were shot in the knee and I’m pretty sure I can help,” you rolled a chair over so that you could sit opposite him, “just, trust me on this one? Will you let me help, or at least try?”
Thinking for a moment, he looked slightly stunned as you sat down and scooted closer to him, but eventually, he nodded and turned in the chair to face you completely, “okay, sure.”
“Great,” you looked down at his legs and then up into his eyes again, “uh,” you giggled, “which one is it?”
“The left one,” he chuckled. 
“Okay,” you slowly moved your hands closer, glancing up at his face for confirmation, “I’m gonna…”
“Yeah,” he approved, looking like he didn’t know where to put his hands. 
His dark pants were softer than you’d expected and his thigh beneath it was radiating the loveliest of heats. Your arms were already completely stretched out, so you moved a bit closer, pretty much as close as you could get. With an inhale, he parted his knees more, letting you slip his left one in between your legs. 
Keeping your eyes glued to his knee, not daring to look up into his chocolate eyes and see just how close they had gotten. Gliding your palms over his knee, you came to rest your thumbs on either side of the top of his knee, lightly digging into it. As soon as you applied pressure there, he closed his eyes with a sharp inhale. 
“Is this okay?” you lifted your eyes to check on him. Wow, he was close. Good thing his eyes were closed so he didn’t see the way yours widened at the sight. 
“Yeah,” he breathed out heavy, feeling it fan out over your face. 
Sliding your right hand down to the very bottom of his thigh, right over his knee, you started pressing the root of your palm down into the muscle, making the smallest of circular motions. The sound that escaped from him next sent a shiver down your spine. He groaned. He fucking groaned. Or was it a moan? Either way, holy fuck did it flood your brain with some very distracting images. 
Clearing your throat, you asked, “I don’t have a photographic memory like you-“
“Eidetic,” he mumbled, correcting you. 
“Right, eidetic memory, so I don’t really remember what happened to you. It was a year ago, right?”
“Yeah, it was,” he breathed heavy, purposely keeping his answers short, “it, um, happened back in Virginia. The unsub, he shot me.”
“Where was it? Where did it hit you?”
Slowly opening his eyes, he took a hold of your left hand and pressed it just a little higher from where it had been resting, “right there,” he kept his eyes locked on yours. From far away his eyes always just looked brown, a dark brown, but up close you could see little golden honey flexes scattered throughout his iris. His pupils were slowly growing larger, covering up more and more of the coffee reminiscent colour. 
His warm hand was still covering yours. You didn’t look down, not daring to witness how it engulfed your comparatively small one. Feeling his pointer finger slowly drag down the back of your hand, you felt like your body was on fire and your right hand’s motions stopped completely and so did your breath. 
As if blinking out of a trance, he loosened his grip on you and leaned back in his chair. When had he gotten closer? Why hadn’t you noticed? Was he about to… no, he, no… those thoughts were only there to get your hopes up, don’t think about them. 
“So,” he cleared his throat and looked down at your hands, “how come you’re so good at that?”
Looking down as well you resumed your movements, this time slowly gliding up his thigh, applying pressure, then sliding your palm down again to meet his knee and repeating the motion over and over again.
“I, um, know what it’s like healing from a serious injury,” you shared softly. 
Keeping his eyes on your right hand, noticing the way your movements made the pale scars glimmer and catch the soft light of the desk lamp, “yeah, I noticed your hand…”
Feeling the sting of memories threatening to get your attention, you shuttered, “yeah, I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
“Of course, I’m sorry I asked.”
Looking up at him again, you sighed, “it’s okay, I just…” shaking your head lightly.
Looking over your features with a sense of understanding, he breathed out “yeah, I get it.”
With a deep breath, you closed that door inside your mind. This was not the time or place to go down memory lane, especially when memory lane made you feel like dying. Letting your eyes flutter closed for just a moment, you let the feelings come and go, saying goodbye just as fast as they had intruded.
Once you opened your eyes again, Reid wasn’t making eye contact with you. His eyesight was just a little lower on your face than where your eyes were located. Licking his lips, he glanced up to find you looking at him. Quickly averting your gaze, he looked down at his silver watch.
“It’s late… we should probably get back to the hotel.”
Retracting your hands, you nodded, “yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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◇Dorian Havilliard x Reader◇
♡A song for those who weep♡
Chapter one ○ ● ○
Warning(s): contains mild spoilers for Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas
Summary: After spending close to a year travelling across kingdoms and venturing into uncharted terrain in hopes of forgetting about your unrequited love, you find yourself back in the Glass Palace. The time you had spent journeying had done little to mend your broken heart. Perhaps facing your problem instead of running away will prove to be the solution to your anguish?
Word count: 1166
[the characters featured in this story do not belong to me]
He gazed at them as they danced under the night veiled sky, they were illuminated by the moon which loomed overhead. She twirled and moved as seamlessly as a needle diving into silk. She had pealed away from his embrace only to waltz into the outstretched arms belonging to his best friend. As though moving from one dance partner to the next. The girl's hair was a river of sunlight, coiled back to sway between her shoulderblades. A beauteous smile curled onto her radiant face. She was positively glowing as her gaze melted into the deep brown eyes of the captain of the guard. It had once been him who she had danced with, he recalled with a somber sigh. Those jubilant smiles had once been reserved for him.
But now it was he who stood on the side lines. It was now he who watched on, his heart a woeful pile of shattered glass.
Dorian reluctantly tore his gaze away from Celeana and Chaol, to Nehemia who bestowed him with a tight, yet reassuring nod. "I think it's time you let them venture off on a journey of their own" She mused, offering him a sad smile. He let out another long sigh before pressing his lips into a thin line. He pivoted away from the balcony, away from the two lovers who had discovered solace in each other's arms.
Your heart resembled a persistent drum, pounding feverishly as you neared the Glass Palace which overlooked the bustling city of Adarlan. The chill breeze did little to soothe your nerves as you strode in, nodding your thanks to the guards stationed at the palace entrance.
Quite some time had passed since you last plodded through the extravagant hallways of the Palace. Bile rose to your throat as memories you had frantically attempted to staunch began to resurface, spilling out of you like blood from a fresh wound. Every crevice reeked of recollections, of sleepless nights spent curled up beside the Crown Prince, both of you lost in a gripping novel, of hours spent plodding through the palace gardens. Truth is, you had decided to travel through the lands in hopes of forgetting the unrequited love you had suffered through within the Glass Palace walls. You vividly recalled the gorgeous golden haired assassin who had sauntered into your life and had stolen the heart of the Crown Prince. Of Dorian.
A tranquil melody reverberated down the winding corridor, resonating from where you presumed was the ostentatious ballroom. That could only mean one thing, yet another party being hosted by the infamous King of Adarlan. Organised primarily to bestow his son with courting options. If only the King had known that his beloved son had his gaze set on the prized champion. A sigh escapes your lips as you near the chambers you had once occupied- before you had fled. You curse yourself for having done so. For despite traversing kingdoms far and wide, you had not found the necessary ingredients to mend that gaping hole in your heart.
"Y/n?" A voice from behind you rasps, provoking a flinch out of you. You pivot on your heel, your gaze colliding with the bewitching sapphire blue eyes of the Crown Prince. Surprise marred his features. Surprise and a patent sense of relief. "I- you're back".
A smile blooms on your face, resembling a beauteous flower which blossoms under the kiss of spring. "I am". Your eyes hungrily gobble up his features, as though shaped by the gods themselves.
He takes a step closer, hesitant. His gaze refusing to leave you, as though he were afraid that if he did look away, you would vanish. Guilt embeds itself within you at that. You had vanished. You had left without a parting word.
"Do you- not have a ball to attend?" You ask, referring to the symphony resonating from the ballroom. He lets out a long sigh, casting a sideways glance towards the source of the tunes. "I'm actually in the process of running away from my persistent suitors". A sheepish grin stretches across his face. "Do you fancy escaping with me?" He asks. Heat rushes to your face as you gaze at him, your Crown Prince. A wave of nostalgia hits you with an unspeakable force, pulling you into the sea of sorrow. You are struck by the familiarity of it. "We could go to my chambers?" You suggest, tilting your head in the direction of your old rooms.
"Did you find it?" He asks, leaning against the doorframe, his crown askew. You look up, eyebrows quirked upwards. "Find what?" You ask, scanning through the leather bound journals that had been piled upon your four poster bed. You were seated beside this lovely stack, your slippered feet buried in the floccose rug which provided a reprieve from the otherwise cold wooden floors. "What you were looking for" Dorian muses, cocking his head to the side, the gesture akin to a dog.
You pause, gaze snapping back to him. You had fled, hoping to fill that empty void Dorian had once occupied. Somewhere along your friendship, you had fallen hopelessly in love with him. You had been selfish to have expected him to return these feelings. But you had foolishly clung onto an unwise hope that he did. That was until you had walked in on him, his lips pressed against Celeana's. You shut away the memory.
"No" you reply, turning away from him, attempting to conceal the look of pure, undiluted anguish that conquered your face.
Dorian pushes away from the doorframe, aiming towards the bed which he reaches in four powerful strides. "You never told me what it was that you were searching for" He states, settling down beside you.
"It doesn't matter anymore- it was foolish" you respond, brushing off the question. Your fingers effluer the spine of one of the books, a deep burnished brown. You pull it out, feeling yourself fall deeper into that pit of despair as your eyes glean the title. A song for those who weep. One of the many novels Dorian had read to you, before you had parted.
The prince peers over your shoulder, acutely aware of how your shoulders had caved in. The moment feels oddly intimate, his breath fanning your ear and neck. "I seem to have forgotten that tale, would you mind refreshing my memory?" He asks, his tone teasing as his grin broadens. Your breathing turns shallow as you desperately try to hide the heat which had rushed to your face. You push away, rising from where you had been seated. You take a steadying breath before turning back to face him.
"I could summarise it for you- but perhaps a better option would be for us to read it again" you muse, quirking an eyebrow at his amused expression. "We could meet in the library, and this time- I'll be the one reading".
His answering smile is nothing short of devious. "I've missed you".
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the-mad-starker · 1 year
Starker Valentine's Gift: How to Train Your Rutting Alpha [1/6]
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I'm dedicating this to @khalixascorner for @starkerfestivals' Valentine's Gift Box event.
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"You do realize what you're asking me, right?" Tony said, wanting to make sure they were on the same page. He didn't want May to think he was going to… cuddle the kid through his rut. "Like… The things you want me to teach him as an omega…"
May's cheeks flushed pink but she maintained eye contact and nodded sharply.
Omega Uncle Tony VS Rutting Alpha Peter
WC: 1166
(Ao3 Link)
Notes: omegaverse, starkercest, Uncle Tony, underaged (17 yo Peter), intersex omegas, bottom Tony Stark, (future chapters: dubcon, public sex, creampie, knotting, scent marking, cum marking, barebacking, condoms, future mpreg, mating, others to be added)
May Parker was not Tony's biggest fan. Tony never took it personally. Hell, the feelings were mutual but they did have one thing in common.
Their smart alpha nephew, Peter.
When Tony's beloved little sister, Mary Parker, formerly Mary Stark, died in a plane crash with her husband, Tony wasn't in a good place to take the kid in. And May, despite receiving monthly checks to help out, had never forgiven him for taking so long to get his shit together.
He did get it together but by then, Peter had grown into a capable young man and his Stark genes were shining through with his brilliant mind.
Tony already had a place ready for the kid when he finished school. There was no one else, no one better, that could succeed Tony in taking over Stark Industries. And May knew about it all, knew how much Tony adored their nephew and would drop everything if the kid needed him.
She never took advantage of it, despite knowing that fact.
So to find May Parker sitting in his office was a surprise but not entirely.
"What happened?" Tony asked seriously because Peter was the only reason May would ever come to him.
And judging by the frown on her face, he was right.
"Hello, Tony, it's nice to see you haven't blown yourself up again since the last time," May said pleasantly but honestly enough. The beta woman crossed her arms, tense but going through the pleasantries.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm glad too," Tony said as he moved around to his desk, getting a check ready just in case. "Does Peter need something? New phone? Laptop? Car? Student loans paid off?"
By the end of his spiel, May had an exasperated expression but she had managed to relax so that she wasn't so stiff in her seat.
"Friday, transfer–"
"Wanna let me say what I can here for?" May interrupted with a huff. "Stark. Peter's fine, financially."
Tony paused, glad for the fact but then worried because if it wasn't money, it was something else.
Then something truly interesting happened.
May looked away. May never looked away when she was speaking to him, always applying those How-To-Speak-To-Omegas-Like-An-Alpha tips that those beta workshops or how-to's liked to have for the general population. He never really liked those things because they were so outdated, like 1950's outdated, but there were only so many things that Tony Stark could fix in the world.
"Well then, Ms. Parker, lay it on me. It's obviously about our Petey-Pie and I'm already not charging you for my office consultation fees so…" Tony was trying to joke and tease but it never worked well with May.
"You're an omega," May said and once again tried that alpha thing, looking at him directly and speaking firmly as though she had an alpha Voice to command him with.
"Yes…?" Tony tilted his head, waiting patiently.
Finally, she broke and the story came out.
"Peter's been… acting out. At school…" she told him.
Tony's eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Peter? Our Peter?" he said, completely skeptical.
May's features softened and she nodded.
"Yes, our Peter,' she confirmed. "I got a call about it this afternoon and I took him to the doctor's."
Another deep breath.
"Stark…" she began then amended, "Tony… Peter's at that age."
"That age," May repeated with emphasis. "And you're the closest omega to him."
It all clicked. Peter. His young 17 year old nephew. His young 17 year old alpha nephew.
"May, you can't possibly–" Tony's eyebrows were arched so high and his voice came out in a squeak.
Because what May was suggesting– he didn't expect a beta to know about the old customs. 1950's instructions on alphas and omegas… Tony recalled faintly.
"He needs you, Tony," May said firmly. Then quietly, "I don't want to send him to a clinic. I don't want him to do that with some stranger even if everything's neat and tidy in a contract. It's just… He's your nephew too. You love him and he loves you. He'll be safe with you."
And that was the bottom line to all of this. Both May and Tony had lost so much and everyone knew Peter was Tony Stark's one and only nephew. And even though it wasn't official or announced, everyone knew Tony doted on and adored Peter and that meant the young alpha was slotted for success. It wouldn't be a stretch for others to see Peter as an opportunity.
And… Tony was this public figure that was always innovating, always looking toward the future. But he had been brought up in the old traditions where blood relations didn't matter much because alphas were alphas and omegas were omegas. A relative helping another alpha or omega through a cycle wasn't shameful, it was actually preferred for the very same reasons May had brought up.
Trust and care for the person in heat or rut. The other unsavory reasons were to keep bloodlines pure and riches and assets in the family but Tony never cared about that. He did, however, care about Peter not being taken advantage of.
So it didn't horrify Tony to be presented with this idea. Maybe if it was someone else, anyone else, Tony would've laughed at the person's face. Because when has Tony Stark ever done anything he didn't want to? Never.
But if it was for Peter…
"You do realize what you're asking me, right?" Tony said, wanting to make sure they were on the same page. He didn't want May to think he was going to… cuddle the kid through his rut. "Like… The things you want me to teach him as an omega…"
May's cheeks flushed pink but she maintained eye contact and nodded sharply.
Still unconvinced, Tony went all the way and bluntly said, "You want me to teach him how to deal with his instincts and how to be a good alpha mate," Then clearly, he put it all out there on the table, "Which means you want me to fuck the kid."
May finally glared at him.
"Don't be crass, Tony," she snapped, "I just need you to… guide him."
With everything finally out, Tony considered saying no but it was Peter… He was never going to deny the kid anything.
"Guidance," Tony scoffed, "Right. We can call it that."
"Yes," May said firmly then stood. "I'll send him over. He already has a doctor's note for missing class."
With Tony's cooperation secured, May didn't stay much longer, though she left with red cheeks.
And Tony… He thunked his head against the smooth polished wood of his desk.
"Friday, baby girl?"
"Already cleared your schedule, boss," Friday confirmed.
"At least one of us knows what we're doing," Tony breathed.
Peter. In rut. His sweet adorable nephew.
Peter was coming to SI to spend his rut. Spend his rut with Tony as his omega mentor.
Fuck. Why was he getting wet just thinking about it? Fuck.
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"There should be no situation where a student is talking to their teacher about sexuality or gender identity anyway." It doesn't specify talking to the teacher about it. It specifies if the teacher learns it. Doesn't matter how they learn it. If the kids friend makes an off hand comment and the teacher overhears then they're required to out them to their parents.
So, looking into this further, the bill mentioned in that ask, Arizona HB 2711, has nothing to do with requiring teachers to tell parents anything. It's a bill about restricting short term rentals from 2021. I think the bill they meant to talk about was SB 1166, which was introduced this year. Here's the full text of that bill as it currently stands:
Sorry for the formatting, I copied it from here, which is a PDF file of the actual bill.
So, from this we can see clearly stated that it only applies to an employee or contractor of a public school (basically teachers and substitutes) knowingly addresses, identifies, or refers to a student by a different gender or name other than the one on their birth certificate, or a commonly used nickname for their full legal name. There's nothing about sexuality in there at all, and even if there was, it wouldn't apply to a teacher overhearing students talk about their sexuality, it would only apply to any teacher that knowingly refers to a child by that sexuality out loud, which they should never be doing anyway.
If there's a different bill introduced this year that mentions informing parents about sexuality, feel free to link it to me and I'll read it. But this is what I found when I searched.
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you should know i bloom just for you
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QdY6Uoi by marveling_under_an_open_sky Kissing Halt was always good, an unhurried pleasure, a sweet precursor to nothing. Crowley hadn’t even known he liked kissing until he tried kissing Halt: a tenderness shared with someone he loved, no more and no less.   When they pulled apart, Halt remarked in an impassive tone, “You’ve gotten better at that.” Crowley grinned, remembering the early years, back when they were so terribly young, trying to piece the Ranger Corps back together, trying to piece themselves together. Fumblings in inn rooms. Clumsy touches bathed the flickering light of their campfires.   “Well, my practising partner is halfway decent himself,” Crowley said generously, and Halt reached across the space between their chairs to shove him.   Crowley fended him off, laughing. Halt made a motion as if washing his hands of him and stood up. “Come to bed, Crowley.”   bicker-flirting. amen Words: 1166, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ranger's Apprentice - John Flanagan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Crowley Meratyn, Halt O'Carrick Relationships: Crowley Meratyn/Halt O'Carrick Additional Tags: Asexual Character, Domestic, Literal Sleeping Together, Fluff, Title from a Troye Sivan Song, set just prior to the events of ruins of gorlan read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QdY6Uoi
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fakeagatha · 1 year
Mrs Fletcher | Prof!Eve Fletcher x Fem!Reader
A/N: I've finally completed it! I deeply apologize for the delay. Please let me know if you spot any grammatical errors or typos!
Words: 1166
SFW, Implied NSFW
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Chapter Two
You woke up to your alarm buzzing, not even remembering when you had fallen asleep in the first place. You do, however, remember that dream you had with Eve. You felt disgraceful to have even let your brain imagine such things without reason.
You groaned, rolling out of bed as you did NOT feel like getting up today. It's still only the middle of the week!
You lazily washed up in the bathroom, before throwing on something from your closet and grabbing your bag. You were hoping today would go smoothly, and you wouldn't have to deal with any general bullshit from entitled professors.
Not even five minutes since you got in, you were dealing with bullshit from entitled professors. Her name was Miss Evanora, and it was like a tradition to find something to complain about on students' papers, simply because she enjoyed causing them problems.
"Miss L/N, why did you put your name on the right? As I've specified thousands of times, I want your name on the left, and the date on the right! She complained, after stopping you in the hallway and shoving the paper in your face.
You tried not to roll your eyes, "I apologize." You took out a pen, scribbling on the paper in front of you and switching the name and date around. She would also complain about scribbles being on the paper, but you went your own way before she had the chance to say anything.
Eve glanced up from her coffee cup as she was standing in the hallway, just so happening to overhear the conversation. She spoke up when she saw you walking past. "Don't pay too much attention to her," she said, making you jump.
You looked up at her, "She does similar things in the office, too." She added.
You blinked, why she talking about her co-workers to a student?
"I'll keep that in mind, professor." You chuckled and nodded before walking away.
'She's so mesmerizing! I could honestly listen to her talk and look into her eyes forever!' You thought, how cheesy.
You spent the rest of the day in your classes daydreaming, about the way your teacher looks at you when she talks to you, or the way she grins when listening to you.
Little did you know, Eve also felt the same way about you. It wasn't a crush, of course, that would be despicable, but she always smiled to herself when she would see you doing simple things, such as smiling at your phone or being plain stupid with your friends.
But being who she is with her internet porn addiction, she let's her curiosity take over her and looks up some videos featuring fake teachers and students when she got home later that day.
So that's how she found herself, laying on her bed, the covers up to her waist and her laptop on her thighs, as she scrolled through the Teacher-Student category online. She wasn't really thinking anything dirty at the moment, like always she was just curious, finally letting herself go and explore as she thought she wasn't allowed for so long.
You on the other hand, sat in your dorm room looking at the photo taken of you and Eve yesterday, with the facial expression of a complete idiot.
'So embarrassing...' You thought, 'How many people saw us?! But holy shit that was so sweet of her...'
You smiled like a lovesick teenager, but the difference was you didn't like her, you just... admired her, would be the right word.
You continued scrolling through your phone, when your door knocked.
"Yeah?" You asked, approaching the handle.
"It's me," You heard a voice,
"Who's me?" You asked again.
"You don't know your best friends voice by now?"
You opened the door for him, and he grinned at you, opening his bag and showing two bottles of wine.
You sighed, "come on then Steve." Moving aside to let him in.
He skipped over to your bed and threw the bag on, surprisingly not smashing anything, as he sat down and immediately cracked one open.
"Uhm, what's the occasion?" You watched him as he drank straight from the bottle.
He shrugged, "I figured we could take a break, from everything... Uni can be stressful." He said before chucking over the other bottle to you.
"Christ, be careful!" You gasped, catching the bottle in your hands. "If I hadn't caught that, you'd be cleaning the mess up."
Steve scoffed, "Come on, I threw it across the bed! Even if it fell, it would just fall onto the sheets!"
You popped open your bottle, and started sipping on it, watching your friend drink it a lot faster. "Slow down, I don't want you getting drunk already!"
He simply laughed at you "I won't, don't worry!" He grinned.
Meanwhile, Eve had gotten bored, and had decided to call up her coworker, Amanda, for a drink.
Amanda worked part time at the same university as Eve, since the Senior Home she works full time at was starting to pay less, due to the fact that they were loosing business.
The past between the two of them was mostly forgotten, said past being a few hookups. Despite everything, they had decided to just remain friends, and go their own ways with romance.
"So, anything fancy going on in your life?" Amanda asked Eve, sipping on her wine.
"Well, you know, the usual, breaking up fights in the hallways, grading papers, nothing new. Your life at the Senior Home is probably more interesting than mine." She replied.
Amanda scoffed, "You break up fights, I clean up old people shit. What's better?" She laughed.
Eve smiled before speaking up. "Have you ever felt... Weird about one of your clients or coworkers?" She asked her friend hesitantly.
Amanda thought for a moment, "Apart from what was going on between us, I don't think anything else has really happened. Why do you ask?" She smirked.
"You know... Favoring my students..." Eve mumbled, while Amanda almost choked on her drink.
"You have a crush on your student?!" She exclaimed.
Eve gasped, "No, no! She's just, different from the others in my classes. I can't be attracted to a student, that's not allowed!"
Amanda cleared her throat, "Status wise, it may be illegal, age wise, it's not. Everyone in that school is at least nineteen by now."
Eve shrugged, looking away thoughtfully. "I think she's in her early twenties... Either way, I don't like like her, she's just a very capable student."
Amanda looked at her before nodding, "Well alright then."
In the meantime, you were feeling quite tipsy with Steve, laughing at really stupid things, and blurting out weird remarks.
"You know, I think I have a crush on my teacher!" You laughed.
"I know! Took you long enough to realize!" Steve replied, swaying as he smacked your shoulder.
You cackled, "I finally said it!" You cheered.
Maybe you regretted taking that wine.
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goldenandhappy · 10 months
Fic Stats Tag Game
*Slowly coming back from the dead and relearning to socially interact *
I was tagged by no less that 3 amazing people for this game and I'm both flattered and greatful y'all tought of me ❤️
@katia-anyway, @chenziee, @cosmicatta, I shall deliver ❤️
Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
Most hits: Memories from last night (4,546 hits): Lulaw smut and fluff. I'm really proud of that one. I wrote it all in one sitting. My first smut fic. I'm really glad people are still reading and enjoying it ❤️
Most kudos: Still Memories from last night with 288 kudos, rules of numbers and all.
Most comment threads: That's gotta be Ashes to dust ❤️❤️❤️❤️ With 15 comment threads, I'm so so so greatful for this one. I didn't think people would love it that much with all the warnings attached. I still have it all planned, but my creative juices are drying up these days. I will finish it tho. One day. Just wait for me. I'll get there.
Most bookmarks: Memories from last night again (70 bookmarks)
Most words: Memories from last night, again. (9,768 words) That one is funny coz i published the piece, didn't like the second chapter that much, so i added another 3k words on AO3 directly.
Least words: Parental love is a silent bliss (1166 words). This one is my very very first fic. It was inspired by a fic called A New Calm by @theegirlwonder. I loved the idea so much i HAD to write a spinoff. I should give it another chapter. There is a serious lack of Dad!Law in the OP community.
Thank you all for tagging me ❤️ My tag goes toooo: @swampstew, @purplehairedwonder, @quackquackcey
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imagine--if · 2 years
A/N: Hope this was worth the wait lovelies 💚 gonna be updating a lot more regularly now, so enjoy!!
To My Hope; Blowing Up
Words: 1166
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The news of Wayne Manor's terrible fire was plastered on TVs as soon as you get to the diner, deciding to give Bruce some space. He texts you soon after, letting you know that Alfred's in hospital, and to meet him on the roof when the next signal came up in the air. He attaches an image of his floor spray painted with a mind map of the whole case, and you stare at it for a few moments in interest, before responding.
That'll be a lovely surprise for Alfred when he gets home
Bruce likes the message a moment after, and you put your phone back in your pocket, going to look back up at the diner TV. A man staring at you intently from right beside you makes you jump, and he watches in curiosity as you recognise his face. It's Edward, his green eyes partially hidden behind his glasses, the nerdy but unreadable look on his face as you smile slightly.
"Oh, hi, Edward. Didn't see you there."
"Oh, I..." his bashfulness returns, snapping him out of his stare as he looks down at the table, searching for the right words. "It's just... I feel like I know you. F-from before, I mean. I don't... never mind."
You nod slowly, turning your attention back to the diner TV. "Awful, isn't it? The butler's really hurt, apparently. He could have died, with everything blowing up like that."
"It wasn't meant for him," Edward responds quietly. "It was for Bruce... Wayne."
Your gaze flicks back to him at the odd change of voice, and Edward catches on, looking back down at the table nervously.
"That's what they, um, said, didn't they?"
"Yeah," you agree in slight confusion. "I'll be glad when this whole thing is over. It's so... it's just too much. Everything's blowing up, really, isn't it? Still, at least The Batman can help deal with things."
Edward takes in your words with a small frown. "Yes. And Hope."
"And Hope," you repeat, biting back a smile. "Poor girl."
"I know," Edward breathes, "she's been waiting so long, and all she's gotten are letters..."
"Um... that's not really what I meant," you say, confused again. "I meant that they've got a lot to deal with because of the murders and Hope being harassed."
"H- Harassed?!"
Edward's voice suddenly raises, and you flinch as a couple of other people in the diner look up at him in questioning. Edward's eyes widen in realisation, and he flushes in nervousness, quickly getting up and nodding briefly at you before rushing out of the diner.
What the hell was that about?
Your phone vibrates, and you answer Bruce's call with a bewildered frown on your face.
"Meet me on the roof. I want you to meet Selina."
He ends the call before you can answer, and you roll your eyes, getting up and paying before going back to your apartment to get changed into Hope's suit. The skies of Gotham are ironically peaceful, peach shades mixed with warm blues, and The Batman stands at the edge, watching it as you come up and approach him.
"How's Alfred?"
"Stabilising," is Batman's reply. "He'll be alright."
The door of the elevator behind the two of you draws your attention, and a young woman all in black steps out, pulling off her mask.
"Cat burglar pulling another score?"
"Wasn't sure I'd see you again. You know who this is," Batman adds, glancing in your direction. Selina's eyes focus on you, lips twitching up into a tired smile.
"Yeah, you're Hope, right?" she says in interest. "Selina. Nice to see another pretty girl take control for a change."
You smile back, nodding. "Sorry about your friend. He's kept me updated."
She shakes her head in disgust at the mention of it. "I mean, how could they do that to her? That piece of shit cop Kenzie..."
You can't help tuning out to their conversation as you think about the letters you've kept from The Riddler back at your apartment, the photo album with all the candid shots of you from around the city. You imagine the beautiful thoughts of you helping people, making a change... and a future serial killer watching it all giddily, snapping photos in dark corners, tainting the beauty of it all until that dark corner spread throughout the entire experiences.
"-Because he's my father!"
You look up from where you're gazing out at the sky, eyes round.
"Falcone," Selina says, voice lower now. "My mother worked at the 44 Below. Just like Anni."
Your phone vibrates again as she talks, and you sigh, answering it and moving away from them with a quick apology before you answer the call.
"Hope? It's Gordon."
"How'd you get my-"
"With a lot of hard work. Look, I need you to come to the station. I need to show you something, okay?"
"I've got to go," you tell Batman and Selina. "Sorry. Gordon's asking."
"What for?" The Batman asks, and you shrug.
"Not sure yet. But I'll meet you after."
"Hey- hang on," Selina says, going over to you and taking your phone, adding a new contact. "Call me. You know, if you're interested."
You look up at her dark eyes with a raised brow. "Interested?"
You nod with a smile before leaving, heading to Gordon's office in the GCPD building. He waits impatiently for you, a video up on his computer.
"You've seen the video The Riddler's made about Bruce Wayne, haven't you?"
"No, no yet-"
"I'll send you the link. But I need to show you the one about Hope."
"About what?!"
Gordon shakes his head, pressing the play icon in the middle of the screen, and the all too familiar, ominous voice of the Riddler plays with the slideshow of similar shots to the ones in the photo album and news reports of your past successes.
"Hope. The one source of light in such a cesspool of a city. She came out of nowhere to help the scum who didn't need it, and the weak who did. Amongst all the chaos and confusion in Gotham, an angel is amongst you doing the work that everyone is so undeserving of. There's only one way that all will be as it should."
The video cuts to The Riddler then, his face at an odd angle on the screen, eyes blown wide in emotion and twisted happiness.
"Soon, My Hope and I will be one, and when that time comes, the day of judgement be upon you all... Goodbye, My Hope. Soon... so very soon."
The video stops, the triangular play icon reappearing on the computer screen, and you stare at it numbly, your breaths trembling between your lips.
"What does he mean, 'soon'?" you whisper in questioning, as Gordon forwards the videos to your phone.
"Nothing good," Gordon responds. "Maybe it's when we find him. All of this will end in us finding out where he's hiding. I promise you, Hope, I won't let him do anything."
"How can you promise that, Jim? At some point, I'm gonna have to face him."
"You've faced worse than this," he insists. "I believe in you. You'll be alright."
But you're not so sure. Everything's truly blowing up, and there's no way to stop it.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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ao3feed-alienstage · 23 days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HBNapTU by sol1t41r3 "Hyuna... Why do you like singing?" "Didn't you ask me before already?" "Your answer.. It was silly." "What does that mean?" "Because your life is mine." Words: 1166, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Alien Stage (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hyuna (Alien Stage), Luka (Alien Stage) Relationships: Hyuna/Luka (Alien Stage) Additional Tags: Character Study, a little bit of my thoughts for lukahyuna, i also hope hyuna actually kills him in the end <3 read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HBNapTU
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shamyfanficfeed · 4 months
Results and Findings from the Initial Experiment
by eroticfriendfictions Sheldon remembers their first kiss (of course he does, he remembers everything). Amy wishes she could. Two shot centered around The Agreement Dissection. Words: 1166, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English * Fandoms: The Big Bang Theory (TV) * Rating: Teen And Up Audiences * Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply * Categories: F/M * Characters: Sheldon Cooper, Amy Farrah Fowler * Relationships: Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler * Additional Tags: First Kiss, Drunken Kissing, Two Shot, Canon Compliant, Pre-Relationship http://dlvr.it/T2jz37
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firstprince-ao3feed · 3 months
Crack Me Up
by jeyjey46 Alex has arthritis. Life gets complicated. Pain is sometimes unbearable. Henry and his family are a constant for him in the bad days. Words: 1166, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Ellen Claremont, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, Oscar Diaz (Red White & Royal Blue), Rafael Luna Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Sickfic, Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness, Wheelchairs, alex has arthritis, Hurt/Comfort, Pain, Boys In Love, Medical Inaccuracies, more tags to come via https://ift.tt/U6ndwr0
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dhr-ao3 · 6 months
Marriage Law
Marriage Law https://ift.tt/xOG7qEz by Goldenbucky Day 1: Marriage Law Dramione Words: 1166, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Dick Down December 2023 Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: marriage law, Draco Malfoy Has a Large Cock, Vaginal Fingering, Draco Malfoy Has a Breeding Kink, Dom/sub Undertones via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/rLSoU9p December 01, 2023 at 10:50AM
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poppletonink · 5 months
A Year In Review: 2023
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Total Number Of Books Read: 65
Top 10 Novels:
Better Than The Movies by Lynn Painter
Ellie Pillai Is Brown by Christine Pillainayagam
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Persuasion by Jane Austen
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
1984 by George Orwell
It by Stephen King
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Top 5 Graphic Novels & Mangas:
Snapdragon by Kat Leyh
My Riot by Rick Spears and Emmett Helen
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Vol. 1 by Naoko Takeuchi
Komi Can't Communicate Vol. 1 by Tomohito Oda
The Wash Day Diaries by Jamila Rowser and Robyn Smith
Top 5 Short Stories:
Recitatif by Toni Morrison
Click Clack The Rattlebag by Neil Gaiman
The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Top 5 Genres:
Coming Of Age
Two Longest Reads:
Best Friend's Brother by Zeppazariel/Bizzarestars - 1204 pages
It by Stephen King - 1166 pages
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Top 10 Films:
Fight Club (1999)
It: Chapter 2 (2019)
Gone With The Wind (1939)
Red, White and Royal Blue (2023)
13 Going On 30 (2003)
The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)
She's All That (1999)
It (2017)
The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)
Barbie (2023)
Top 5 TV Shows:
Heartstopper (2022-)
The End Of The F***ing World (2017-2019)
American Vandal (2017-2018)
Bodies (2023)
Heartbreak High (2022-)
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Top 10 Ships:
Wolfstar (Remus Lupin x Sirius Black - Marauders Fandom)
Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak - IT)
Wesliz (Wes Bennett x Liz Buxbaum - Better Than The Movies)
Jegulus (James Potter x Regulus Black - Marauders Fandom)
Wesper (Jesper Fahey x Wylan Van Eck - Six Of Crows)
Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale x Crowley - Good Omens)
Narlie (Nick Nelson x Charlie Spring - Osemanverse: Heartstopper)
Literati (Rory Gilmore x Jess Mariano - Gilmore Girls)
Kanej (Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa - Six Of Crows)
Firstprince (Alex Claremont Diaz x Henry Mountchristen-Windsor Fox - Red, White and Royal Blue)
Top 5 Fandoms:
Marauders Era
Gilmore Girls
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Top 10 Songs:
Gorgeous by Taylor Swift
Give Me A Minute by Christine Pillainayagam
How You Get The Girl by Taylor Swift
Paradise by Bazzi
Girl From Mars by Ash
Foolish One (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Earphones by Christine Pillainayagam
Hits Different by Taylor Swift
Mr Brightside by The Killers
Hey There Delilah by The Plain White T's
Top 5 Artists:
Taylor Swift
Christine Pillainayagam
David Bowie
Olivia Rodrigo
Bikini Kill
Top 5 Albums:
Lover by Taylor Swift
Ellie Pillai Is Brown by Christine Pillainayagam
Speak Now (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
1989 (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars by David Bowie
Top 5 Genres:
Riot Grrrl
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