#cg soobin
kitty-agere-fics · 6 months
Dada's Little Angel
Little!Reader, CG!Soobin TW: Panic attack, sensory sensitive reader Request Info - - - - Masterlist
You and Soobin were at a shopping mall when music could be hear playing in the background. "Binnie?" You ask softly, nervously, not getting his attention immediately. "Dada!" Your voice becomes louder, more panicked. Soobin gently strokes your cheek, trying to calm you down, "Hey, hey, what's wrong, Kiddo? Talk to me. Talk to Dada. What's going on?"
You look up at Soobin, tears in your eyes. "Too much," you whimper softly. 'Too much what, Kiddo? Can you tell Dada what's going on, sweet Angel?" "People…noise…everything.." You talk softly, fighting tears. Soobin gives you a quick hug. "Oh, Y/N-ie. Oh, sweet little angel.," he whispers, "It's okay, Kiddo. It's okay, my Angel. Dada is here. Right here, Angel." He gently kisses your forehead before gently pulling you through the crowds, "Come on, Angel. We're going to go somewhere quieter." Soobin pulls you into a family restroom and hugs you closely, trying to calm you. "Shhh, Angel, it's alright. Dada's got you. Dada's here." He whispers softly. "Dada, too much," you whimper, crying into his shoulder. Soobin rubs your back gently, trying to calm you.  "Don't cry, Kiddo. It's okay, my Angel," he whispers, keeping his voice soft to not overwhelm you further.  "Dada, want go home. Pwease, Dada," you look up at him, teary eyed and afraid. He kisses the top of your head.  "Okay, okay." He whispers. "Look, at me Angel. Dada wants to go to one more store, just one. Then we can go home, okay? Can you do one more store for Dada? I think you'll really like this one. It's also right by the exit, so it should be a bit quieter." He smiles at you, a soft, caring smile on his face. You nod slowly. "Okay. Let's get your headphones on you, Angel. But, you need to hold my hand the whole time. You're too little to walk around without holding Dada's hand. Okay, my Angel?" He puts a pair of noise cancelling headphones on you and gently wipes your tears away from your face. He takes your hand and leads you back through the mall and towards the exit. He leads you into a small store that has no one in it. He walks up to the front register and speaks with the lady at the counter. The lady hands Soobin a box. He thanks her, then the two of you leave.  You and Soobin arrive home about ten minutes later. "Go sit on the couch, Angel. Dada needs to go get something really fast." He sets the box on the coffee table, in front of the couch before quickly going down the hall. He comes back into the room, holding a box cutter. He opens the box, double checking that he knows what's inside. He smiles and hands you the box. "Open it, Angel," he says softly, "Dada got you a present." You take the box and pull out a plushie. It's Hello Kitty holding a heart. The heart has something written on it. "What is say, Dada?" You ask softly. "It say's Dada's Little Angel," he smiles and gently kisses the top of your head. "Thank 'oo, Dada!" You smile excitedly, memory of the panic fading already.
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This is the plushie that I use for inspo for the plushie that Soobin gets for reader :-)
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ynbnevermore · 8 months
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too little 4 all of it
ageretober day 6 ‘scary movies’ ; cg ot3, little soobin & yeonjun ; wc 1.8k
kai loves doting on his hyungs. teasing them, pinching their cheeks, baby-talking and aegyo-ing his way out of his things. he loves to see his hyungs groan in frustration at his antics. but it’s even better when his two eldest hyungs are not exactly the eldest anymore— but are regressed. yeonjun usually regresses older than soobin, around 5-7, meanwhile soobin sometimes regresses as young as 1 or just a couple months. kai still loves doting on them then too.
 it’s the halloween season and kai was the one to fill their dorm with fake pumpkins and leaf garlands. every time one member comes home, they should be expected to be hit with a whiff of caramel apple or pumpkin spice. kai loves the soft amber feeling of fall, but he also loves the horror and scare of halloween. he has been binge watching horror movies every single night on a too loud volume. taehyun, on the 2nd night, decided to go and sleep in the living room.
it’s the night of their day off and taehyun and beomgyu had agreed to join kai on his nightly binge of a horror movie. soobin and yeonjun did not. 
well, more like yeonjun didn’t agree. soobin had slipped earlier in the day and was still small. baby soobin really did want to watch the movie! but, yeonjun insisted that he was too little for it. and so, soobin decided to cuddle up in bed with yeonjun and mindlessly watch random videos that came up on their youtube feed and bad reality tv shows.
a couple hours later, soobin felt a little bit bigger than he did before. he noticed his dada had fallen asleep and he silently creeped out of bed. he turned the knob of the door and shut it so quietly, it barely made a creak. soobin heard the faint sound of some reality tv actor screaming at their colleague from behind the door. soobin turned around and faced the dark hallway. fear bubbled up in his chest but he swallowed it down and took a careful step forward. the floor creaked and soobin widened his eyes, thinking yeonjun was going to wake up and come out of the room to scold him. 
soobin kept walking and eventually made it into the living room, braving the adventure of passing by dark rooms and the shadowy figures that came within them. he heard the noises from the movie and couldn’t help but get a little excited. he really wanted to watch it earlier but yeonjun forced him to go to bed since he was scared and now he can! he peeked around the corner and then scurried to the couch, finding a place and cuddling up next to beomgyu and kai. he mindlessly stuck his thumb in his mouth and contentedly watched. the protagonist was now walking up the stairs of an old abandoned house and stupidly calling out, “hello? Anyone here?” and soobin couldn’t help but giggle. this drew the attention of beomgyu who then noticed soobin’s thumb in his mouth. He stroked his shoulder and whispered in soobin’s ear, “how old are you, baby?” soobin then held up his hand, proudly showing five fingers. beomgyu knew that he would be okay, and if it got too scary he would just take soobin back to his room. beomgyu looked over towards taehyun and kai, who’s eyes were lost in the screen and spaced out, completely focused on the movie. beomgyu scoffed and then saw soobin doing the exact same thing. he decides to let them be. 
  ๋ㅤ ࣭ ㅤ⭑  ☆ㅤ ๋࣭ㅤ ⭑
yeonjun wakes up in a dark room and hears the sound of wind and hail pellets beating against the window. he groggily rubs his eyes and whimpers. the last thing he remembers before falling asleep is the dance moms pyramid and soobin cuddling up really close. the tv is now showing the graphic of the lifetime logo bouncing around the screen. yeonjun feels a little bit disoriented at first, not knowing why he was here or where he even was. he then registers that he’s in soobin’s bed, and soobin is not here. it’s quiet, except for the buzzing of monitors and the tv. well, it’s quiet for at least a few moments. 
until, yeonjun hears an ear piercing screech from outside and what sounds like a knife stabbing someone. he covers his ears and whimpers. it is now that yeonjun’s consciousness realizes that he’s probably slipping into the mindset of a toddler. yeonjun feels really scared right now. he thinks he regressed younger than he usually does, it’s dark, and a roar of thunder is heard outside. yeonjun shuts his eyes, hoping for it to all go away. but it doesn’t. 
he decides to face his fear. and maybe find soobin. he keeps his hands over his ears and climbs out of the covers. he opens the door and ventures down the dark hallway, jumping at every shadowed room and piles of clothes that look like monsters. he can’t help but focus on the gruesome screams that are echoing from the tv.
tears form in his eyes as he reaches the end of the hallway and finally looks at the movie that has so many scary noises coming from it. as they fall down his cheeks, he quickly wipes them away and sniffles. he holds his breath and walks into the living room. everyone was there, except for him. yeonjun feels a little pathetic. he’s a little boy and he’s not watching a scary movie with all his friends? how much more pitiful can you get? he sighs out the breath he was holding and sits down between taehyun and kai. 
the movie has reached a not so bad scene now, the protagonist at lunch with someone who yeonjun presumes is a businessman. yeonjun cuddles up next to taehyun and rests his head on taehyun’s shoulder. his eyes wander around the room, just in case a jumpscare or something scary happens in the movie. his eyes land on soobin. he’s sucking his thumb and is engrossed in the movie. oh, soobie is little too? he thinks. that’s nice at least; to have someone else be regressed with him too. yeonjun sighs again and wiggles into a more comfortable position. he can feel taehyun’s warm sunshine smile shine down on him and he relaxes his nerves just a little bit.
but of course, yeonjun is never able to have peace. ever. the next scene the protagonist gets jumpscared by the businessman who has now morphed into the nightmare that she has been running away from for the entire movie. yeonjun jumps a little, and he feels himself slip farther. he knew this was a bad idea. but he had to stay. he can’t be alone in his room. he would much rather be scared and with his caregivers than alone. the next scene is even scarier, the girl is running throughout town and it seems like every citizen has been morphed into some sort of form of the scary creature. yeonjun covers his eyes. at this point, it’s too much. the girl screams and yeonjun’s dam breaks.
he is sent into wretched sobs and is hiding into taehyun’s side, trying to almost go behind him into the plush of the couch. he feels smaller than a toddler now. his demeanor is that of a baby.  the emotions and the intenseness of the movie was just too much for him. all the stress and just general anxiousness he had been feeling the past week had all been bottled up and just exploded. salty tears soak taehyun’s shirt and his arms. taehyun tries to caress yeonjun’s hair but the boy beneath him flinches, scared. the movie is paused but yeonjun can’t deal with the silence either. the stares on him bore into his soul and it’s piling up in his throat. yeonjun gets up from where he was cuddling into the couch and runs to the bathroom. he slams the door shut and throws himself onto the floor, choking on his sobs, unable to get the visions and flashbacks of the scenes out of his head. 
 ๋ㅤ ࣭ ㅤ⭑  ☆ㅤ ๋࣭ㅤ ⭑
kai looks at taehyun, taehyun looks at beomgyu, beomgyu looks at soobin. soobin whines. when yeonjun first came into the room, soobin could tell that he was little too but didn’t say anything as he was too invested in the movie. taehyun sighs and they all wordlessly get up from the couch. soobin hesitates, as he knows that he has to be the older brother now to yeonjun. he usually regresses much younger than yeonjun. but after being scared like that, soobin doubts that yeonjun is any older than a little baby. kai tugs at soobin’s shirt to get him to stand up and soobin pouts. he grabs a paci from the kitchen counter as they pass it to get to the bathroom. yeonjun probably needs it more than him. 
the bathroom door is creaked open and soobin sees yeonjun curled up in a fetal position on the floor, crying his eyes out. his heart twinges in guilt. he should’ve stayed and kept cuddling with yeonjun. maybe there was a deeper reason why yeonjun didn’t want soobin watching the movie. soobin watches as his hyungs crowd around his baby brother and he cringes. yeonjun needs space… he whines and flails around, almost punching kai in the face. soobin feels so bad, he needs to help yeonjun. thats his brother. his baby brother right now. “STOP!” he yells. it’s not directed at yeonjun, but at his hyungs. the room of overlapping affirmations of “you’re okay” and “it was just a movie, baby” came to a halt. he pushes through the trio and lays down with yeonjun, matching his position. he then sticks the pacifier inside his mouth, not saying a word. he then, still silent, holds up five fingers. yeonjun, understanding what soobin was conveying, holds up one finger. yeonjun is now significantly calmer now, sobs only reduced to a few tears and whines in just a matter of seconds. the trio watched the quiet exchange and realized that they were probably being a bit overbearing with yeonjun when he was in such a sensitive space. 
soobin spoke to yeonjun softly, “jjunie, no more scaries, okay?” his tone was babyish and the caregivers watching couldn’t help but smile at soobin taking on the role of older brother, despite being small himself. yeonjun nodded subtly and sat up, whining. he climbed into soobin’s lap, suckling on his paci. he then made grabby hands towards the trio, wanting them to cuddle too with him on the bathroom floor. they all came closer and yeonjun smiled a bit. he then cuddled more into soobin’s chest and closed his eyes. soobin patted his head and whispered, “sleepy?” yeonjun nodded again cutely and whined out, “night night. love you.” admittedly, there was some more discussion to do about yeonjun’s outburst at the movie so suddenly, but for now. for now, the trio and yeonjun’s older sibling were comfortable with just watching the baby sleep after being so overwhelmed. their little family, with their flaws, are perfect at knowing what they all need and how to take care of each other. 
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lullabytaeyong · 8 months
Pumpkin Patch - R!🦊🐻
✦✧✦✧ Ageretober Day 1 ✦✧✦✧
Summary: Yeonjun and Beomgyu get to have an adventure at the pumpkin patch with their cg’s
Word count: 1,060
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Beomgyu and Yeonjun held hands as they followed Soobin off the big van they all took to the pumpkin patch. None of them had ever been to one before, but with halloween approaching and two littles begging to go, they took the leap. It was slightly overcast and a little breezy, but overall a nice a day to be outside for awhile. Kai decided to dress up the two regressors in complimentary outfits according to the weather. Since they were the only ones who felt small that day, he took his opportunity to baby them. Yeonjun reported feeling small that morning, bursting into the bathroom while Soobin was mid shower and stating that he was 6. Beomgyu on the other hand, had to be dragged out of bed and spoon fed his breakfast. He made no effort to wake up even though it was well past 10am. Barely a word came out of his mouth for hours, so they assumed he felt much much smaller than Yeonjun.
The cozy knitted sweaters they were dressed in were made by the same artist and were a stripy combination of moss green, rusty oranges, and browns. In the middle of Beomgyu's was a fox with it's front foot up, and on Yeonjun's was a sleepy brown bear. Kai thought having them wear each others animal representatives was the cutest thing in the world. And he was right. The two walking hand in hand, in matching brown corduroy pants and handmade sweaters was a sight to see. Beomgyu waddled along with his eye drooping closed, as they all headed towards the field. He fell asleep on the way there and couldn't wake up.
"Look! There's so many!!" Yeonjun gasped, pointing enthusiastically ahead of them. He dropped Beomgyu's hand and sprinted ahead of everyone, even Soobin, who was supposed to lead.
Poor Beomgyu, stopped in his tracks and pouted with a whine. He watched Soobin jog after the other regressor and felt left behind, but he didn't have the energy to run. Just when he was about to start the water works, the two youngest's appeared at his side. He looked up at Kai, on his right, and silently lifted his arms up.
"Uppie." He mumbled.
"If you insist." Kai gave in easily and hoisted him up, appreciating the head nuzzle Beomgyu gave him on the side of his neck.
"You have to stay awake if you want to pick a pumpkin, Beoms." Taehyun chided lightly.
Eventually, the trio caught up to Soobin and Yeonjun and started looking around. Nearby, at the fence on the sides of the pumpkin patch, were hay bales and big flat rocks to sit on. Kai decided to take a seat with Beomgyu for a few minutes and gave him his paci, covering it up with a black paper face mask. He talked to him to get him more awake and aware, so he could keep up with the rest of them.
"I want the biggest one!" Yeonjun exclaimed to Soobin, pulling on his arm.
"We'll see about that. Start looking, but watch your step. You don't want to twist your ankle." He explained. Yeonjun nodded scampered down the row of pumpkins they stood at.
Soobin didn't have to search too long for a decent looking pumpkin, so he ended up with Kai on the sidelines, watching Yeonjun frolic. He ran, crouched, inspected, and ran again. He made a big loop around the entire field and went up and down multiple rows. There had to be a big one hiding somewhere. Taehyun slowly trailed behind him, stopping now and then a few times before picking up a tall pumpkin. It had a dent and looked more like a bean, but that's what gave it character.
"That's ugly." Yeonjun laughed when he circled back to Taehyun.
"Hey! You wouldn't want to turn into a pumpkin and be called ugly, would you?"
"No..." Yeonjun sighed. He gave the pumpkin a pat and set off again.
Meanwhile, Soobin and Kai were trying to convince Beomgyu to take a look at all the options. He was the one most desperate to go the week before, but now he was being stubborn. When Kai tried to put him down, he just slumped to his knees and started crying because of the dirt.
"Come on, Beomie. Let's go find a pumpkin to carve. Then we can get something from the farm stand, okay?" Soobin said gently, throwing in a casual bribe for Beomgyu's sake. If they didn't get him to participate he'd wake up the next day mad at his little self.
"Hmph." He whined, as he hoisted into Soobin's arms this time.
"You can put whatever you want on your pumpkin, baby. A kitty face, a funny face, a monster...maybe even Elsa." Soobin tried to get him engaged. An Elsa pumpkin was probably way out of their skill set of zero, but he was willing to try.
"E'sa?" Beomgyu wondered.
"Yeah! Kai-ah, what are you going to make?" Soobin asked, crouching with Beomgyu to look at a small group of pumpkins, looking at the sides of them all.
"I don't know, yet. Maybe your face. It might be too scary." Kai teased, grabbing a random pumpkin, as Soobin sent him an unimpressed look that made him laugh. Beomgyu also found it amusing and giggled cutely.
"Oh, you think my face is funny, Mister?" Soobin smiled, tickling his belly and letting him squirm out of his arms. Beomgyu shrieked playfully and ran away a few feet.
His attention was quickly caught by the damp dirt under his boots that left footprints behind. He stomped his foot just to see one appear and spotted a round pumpkin about the size of a soccer ball. It was a bit dusty, but his regular adult subconscious knew it was a good pick.
"D'at one!" He called out happily to Soobin and Kai.
With all their choices made, the only person left was Yeonjun.
"Where's Junnie at?" Soobin asked, squinting as he looked over the wide field.
"There..." Taehyun chuckled, pointing to the left. Yeonjun was wrapping his arms around in different ways, trying to lift a abnormally large pumpkin into a wagon.
"Yeonjun! If you can't carry it, leave it." Soobin shouted, without an ounce of malice, just to reach his ears.
"But its perfect!" Yeonjun called back, sulking.
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tyunniebear · 1 year
i’d like to request a fic where cg introduces little y/n to the rest of the members ! ty ^^
hello, lovely !! thank you for being my first ever request on this account, it’s an honour !! I hope you enjoy this :3 p.s i suck at writing plot so hopefully it's okay 😅
that’s what friends are for - cg!soobin, little!reader, best friend!beomgyu
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summary - soobin is your caregiver, and you tell the rest of the boys about your regression. later, soobin isn’t home and you regress, but luckily your best friend is there to help ! gender neutral reader :]
word count - 1k
genre - fluff, hurt/comfort
You shuffle your feet, digging your toes into the fuzzy carpet of your boyfriend’s room. Anxious wasn’t even the word to describe how you were feeling.
“We don’t have to tell them-” you start, voice shaky.
“Nonsense, baby.” Soobin cuts you off. He bends down to meet your eyes. “You stay here a lot, and I want you to be happy.” he cups your cheeks with his big hands and places a kiss to the tip of your nose.
After a few months of Soobin being your caregiver, you made the decision that you’ll tell the other members that you regress. He pitched this idea to you last night at bedtime - he wants you to be able to live your life comfortably, and since you spend most of your time in the dorm, it would be better for you if you could regress freely. If you were being honest, you only agreed because you’ll agree with anything he says whilst he’s speaking to you gently and stroking your hair. Now, though, once it’s reached the morning, you were regretting saying yes at all. All morning, Soobin kept reassuring you that they will react just fine, telling stories of how Yeonjun once had a partner that regressed and the other boys were very accommodating of their lifestyle - infact, they didn’t mind at all, and even helped out from time to time. But still, you can’t shake the worry that pools in your stomach. It’s refreshing how they view you as Soobin’s cool, funny partner. You don’t want them to view you any differently than how they do now. It’s not like you didn’t trust them, or that you weren’t close, because you do and you are. You just feel some needless shame.
“Now come on.” your boyfriend continues. “The guys love you, and like I said, they’re familiar with this stuff. They’d never judge you. Once this is over, you’ll realise we made the right choice.”
He tucks your hand into his larger one and gives it an encouraging squeeze. You stand up and he follows, patting your head before leading you off into the living room, where your four friends await you.
As Soobin expected, the boys took it very well. Yeonjun was especially accepting, given his experience, as well as Beomgyu since you consider each other best friends. Now though, about an hour later, Soobin and Yeonjun have left for a schedule and you were alone in the living room. You were absent mindedly scrolling on social media whilst the others rustled around in the kitchen, until a scent hit your nose. Stew, and it smells just like the one your family make…
After all the stress you experienced today, this one thing is enough to tip you over into regression. Your head starts to feel fuzzy and your hands start fidgeting, and all you can think of is how much you want your daddy. You sniffle, trying to hold back your panicked tears. Even though they knew now, you couldn’t burden them like this…
All your emotions overwhelmed you and pushed you closer to the edge. Before you could stand up and run to Soobin’s room, a voice piped up beside you.
“Is everything okay?”
It’s Beomgyu. You nod.
“You don’t look okay…” he says, tone cautious. “I came to ask if you wanted to eat with us?”
“I’m fine-” 
You try fooling him, but the crack in your voice betrays you. With a concerned sigh, he moves to the sofa and puts his hand on yours. You put your phone down and look at him, and he must notice the tears in your eyes because he instantly pulls you in for a hug. You rest your head on his chest, allowing him to cradle you. 
“What’s up, huh? You can tell Beomie…”
The third person baby talk he always does when comforting you is the final push. Even if Beomgyu didn’t exactly know about your littlespace, he always knew just how to comfort you. Without a second thought, you start balling, babbling about how stressed you are and want your daddy. He draws patterns on your back and shushes you as you rant, feeling your pain through your voice. Unsure of what to do, he decides to just straight up ask you -
“So are you regressed?” With a hiccup, you shrug your shoulders. He wasn’t entirely sure why he thought he’d get an answer out of you, but he guesses that you are. He’s seen you in breakdowns before, but he’d never heard you talk like this before. He doesn’t mind taking over whilst Soobin is gone - he’s comforted you many times before, he doesn’t love you any less whilst you’re little.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” he says, a little smile forming on his lips. As he continues, he leans back and reaches out to wipe your tears. “How about we go to Soobi- I mean your daddy’s room to see your plushies, yeah?”
In response, you nod, subconsciously leaning your face on his hand. With a quiet ‘lets go’ he leads you away from the sofa and towards Soobin’s room, and you waddle behind him.
As soon as you enter Soobin’s room, you immediately feel comforted. Everything in here reminds you of him, right down to the off-white wallpaper and the lavender scent of his diffuser. You stop crying right away and start smiling up at Beomgyu, to show him that you feel better now. Beomgyu notices this and smiles right back at you.
“Wanna cuddle whilst we wait for your daddy to get back?”
You nod in excitement, bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet. Next to daddy’s cuddles, Beomie’s cuddles are the best!
Curling into one another, surrounded by your beloved plushies, you and Beomgyu settle down. He runs his fingers through your hair, staring down at you with love in his eyes. Even if this is new to your friendship, he wouldn’t mind helping Soobin out from time to time. You are best friends, after all. You’re very precious to him and your comfort is as high up on his list of priorities as his own.
“Thank you for looking after me…” you mumble, head buried in his chest.
“Don’t worry,” he replies, voice soft, squishing his cheek against your head. “this is what friends are for. I’ll always look after you.”
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babybearcookie · 2 years
it had been a long day for all of you, but mostly you, as you had been dragged along to every show and event soobin had that entire day. yes, you didn't have to perform or do anything, but you had been tiptoeing around your regressed headspace throughout the day, which sucked a lot of your energy from you. soobin knew that, which is also why he kept you as close as he could and kept an eye on you. you were still your adult self most of the time that day, but he knew that you most likely would slip into your headspace at some point and he'd like to be able to catch you. it happened on the way on to the next city. they had booked a tour bus so they could have their private space in there instead of a cramped car or airplane while moving from city to city. soobin had been sitting on one of the couches, talking to yeonjun and taehyun about some lyrics they were playing around with writing, when you came over and sat beside your boyfriend, leaning your head on his shoulder. he kissed the top of your head to show acknowledgement of the fact that you were there, before going back to the conversation he was having with his group members, which you didn't mind at all, you just wanted to be closer to him, your cg, as you felt your head start to get more and more fuzzy around the edges. at some point you had laid yourself on the couch with your head in soobin's lap, facing into his stomach. when he noticed that your breathing had been steadied and that you had placed your thumb in your mouth (obscured to the others by the way you were laying), he shrugged off his zip-up hoodie, laying it over you as a makeshift blanket. the hoodie was one of your favourite things to have draped over you, as it smelled like soobin and it had a certain weight to it, so as soon as it registered in your cloudy, sleepy brain that it was over you, you sighed and nuzzled closer into soobin, who ran a hand over your hair and smiled as he looked down at you, being rocked deeper into your dream world by the movement of the car driving on.
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tyunpuppy · 2 months
can you do little yeonjun with cg beomgyu or soobin?
Yes of course! Thank you for your request :3
You can find them here 🐼
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littletxt · 2 years
🐶🐶 anonie
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Wahhhhh 🥺💕💕💕 me and Soobie luh chuu anonieee
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rant part 2 (??)
"But if I was gonna shift biases it would be to Taehyun not yeonjun. I'm sad to say but i'm not a fan of what they're done to his face. It was too excessive to the point that whenever I see him I just notice his nose/eyes etc." - mort
Yeah... I agree that Yeonjun's face is looking a little too done, and it has been for a while. If you look at debut jun and then current jun, the difference is very obvious. It's just that with the latest adjustments he is looking like a drawing I would make. Not natural at all, sure. But it gives my brain the illusion (yes, i am conscious of it being a illusion) that he is the closest I can get of my imagination becoming reality, almost in a "dream come true" type of way if you want it to sound a little more poetic lol. That being said, If I had to choose, I would still go back to puma jun or blue hour jun.
"Also, another reference to anon, i'm a bit shocked that Yeonjun's the pick for the bias switch? I find that yeonjun stans and beomgyu stans are so different i never see people switching between them, soobin/taehyuns usually the popular 2nd pick 😂" - anon
So... that's how it works in my brain:
A bias to me is just the member I gravitate towards the most. No real attachment, cause I am very well aware that those are just interesting strangers. I could never see myself actually fomenting romantic delusions about an idol, or feeling betrayed because they did something unexpected. It's just the one that always catch my eyes, or the one with the humor that hits the most for me, or the one whose opinions i see myself agreeing with the most often, and sometimes that is purely based on talent (like a singing voice that makes me transcend). They kinda become my point of reference inside that group, like my personal pick of a center or face of the group. Simple like that.
In TXT I tend to gravitate mostly towards beomgyu because of pretty much all of those reasons together lol, but what pulled me in was that his persona (as we only know the parts of him he chose to display publicly, and not his personality as a whole) and what he let out of his world view felt very familiar to me, it automatically felt like something i already knew, like an echo of something i already heard. It took me a while to realize that this familiarity was identification, and with time the similarities between us are starting to make me a little unconfy. Seeing your own flaws in others can be a little jarring sometimes. Mix that little unconfy feeling to the not so welcomed shift in his looks throughout this past year, and suddenly i am second-guessing my choice of bias.
I don't think I would ever bias Taehyun cause everytime I see him smile the first thing that comes to my mind is my brother smiling lol. So I do have a soft spot for him, but in the most wholesome little brother type of way, not in a bias type of way. As for Soobin... something tells me that if we knew each other irl he would straight up despise me 💀 so, no. Oh, and the thing with yeonjun is not only about liking his looks, I genuinely admire his talents and his persona seems quite nice. In fact I could see yeonjun fitting in with any of my friend groups easily.
(you can clearly see that synthesis is not one of my strengths 💀💀 I am so sorry for making you read all this. not even i knew i had that many thoughts on the topic. I tend to sound like i care way more than i actually do 😭)
yeah i get it. i mean i like karina's looks because she looks CG but ofc it helps that their concept is ai so it fits.
yeah i definitely get your reason for picking a bias. i think a lot of non-delusional people are like that. i for sure have a crush on some of my biases (otherwise looks wouldn't be a factor) but i agree with your reasons and i have no delusions about getting to date them or feeling possessive over them. i would feel upset though if one of my biases turned out to be a bad person, not because i think i know them but because it's just shitty to love and support someone who turns out to be a bad person
what flaws do you see in gyu that make you uncomfortable? and why do you think soobin wouldn't like you? 😂
lmao it's okay i don't have a lot of people to do these rants with so it's nice to share
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kitty-agere-fics · 3 months
can i request a cg soobin and baby reader where the reader steals soobin’s clothes? thank you!!
Dada's Hoodie
(CG!Soobin, Little!Reader)
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
You were watching a cartoon in your room. Soobin was in the kitchen, making you lunch, Your eyes light up with an idea and you giggle to yourself. Quietly, you sneak down the hall and into Soobin's room. You go over to his closet and grab one of his hoodies. You quickly scurry back into your room and pull on the hoodie. You pull the hood over your head and giggle as you can smell the scent of Soobin's cologne on the hoodie. The scent makes you happy and you kick your feet excitedly. Soonin comes into the room to get you for lunch.
"Bunny," he asks, smiling as he shakes his head, "where did you get that hoodie?"
You smile innocently, "Dada's!"
"You took my hoodie?" He gasps at you dramatically, "My Bunny took my hoodie?"
You giggle and nod, "Uh-huh! Hoodie smell like Dada!"
Soobin laughs and smiles at this. He picks you up, "Silly Bunny. Come on Bun. Let's go get you your lunch."
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kitty-agere-fics · 1 month
hiiii can you do cg!soobin x baby space and nonverbal!reader where reader gets a nightmare and soobin soothes them? thanks i love your writing!!
Note: gonna proofread and format later. I've had this written over a week and wanted to post it.
Anywayyyyys... story below cut as always
2 AM
(CG!Soobin, Little!Reader)
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Soobin woke up at the unplesant hour of 2 am . He couldn't figure out why until he registers hands gently tugging on his arm . He sees the moonlight reflecting on your wide tear filled eyes.
"Baby, what's wrong ? " He sits up , carefully picking you up and sitting you on his lap . He rocks you , placing a gentle kiss on top of your head . When you continue to cry and whimper , he sighs , holding you closer .
"Can't talk right now , Bunny ? " You nod , indicating that you're nonverbal .
You cling to Soobin tighter as he gently rocks you . " Okay , that's okay , Dada's here . Bunny . His thoughts are racing , trying to come up with an explanation . He smiles sadly when he figures it out . " You had a bad dream , didn't you , Bunny , " he whispers " Do you want to sleep with Dada ? " he continues when you nod . You nod again . You cling to Soobin as he gets out of bed . When he goes into your room , you cry harder .
It's okay , Bunny . Don't cry . " Soobin reassures you , " Dada just needs to get something . "
He picks up your favorite blanket . You take it from him and nuzzle into it . " Which plushie do you want ? " You look at the plushies on the bed and point at a brown bunny with a gold ribbon . Soobin picks it up , putting it in your arms . He also grabs your paci off the bedside table . As he carries you back down the hall , he puts your paci in your mouth . He gently lays you on his bed , putting to your blanket on you and cuddling you close " Go back to sleep , Bunny , Dada's Right here , not going anywhere . " He kisses your forehead and strokes your hair . humming a soft lullaby . " I love you so much . Bunny "
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kitty-agere-fics · 8 days
helloo can i request a little taehyun and cg soobin or yeonjun where taehyun is sick and they take care of him ??? thank u
Hopes chu enjoys!
Tummy Hurts
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!Yeonjun & Soobin, Little!Taehyun
Tw: vomit (not graphic tho)
"Aish, Taehyun-ah! Slow down. You'll make yourself sick if you keep eating like that," Yeonjun scolds Taehyun lightly.
Taehyun looks up at Yeonjun for a moment and then goes back to eating his dinner a bit slower.
"M done!" Taehyun looks up at Yeonjun and Soobin.
"Good job, Baby," Soobin praises, "Come on, let's start getting ready for bed." Soobin stands, waiting for Taehyun to follow.
After a little bit, Yeonjun and Soobin have successfully gotten Taehyun into bed and are in their own rooms, getting ready to go to bed themselves. Well, that was the plan, at least. Just as Soobin gets comfy in bed, he hears a knock on the door.
"Dadaaaa," Taehyun whines softly, only sounding half awake. Soobin gets out of bed and goes over to the door, opening it. Taehyun is standing out in the hallway, whimpering softly. "Dada," he whines again softly.
"Hey, Tyunnie," Soobin greets the little softly. "Are you okay?"
Taehyun shakes his head, "M-My tummy hurty, Dada," he whimpers, a small pout on his face.
"Your tummy? That's not good. What kind of hurt is it, Baby? Is it just a kind of icky feeling, or do you need to throw up," Soobin thinks a moment, trying to come up with other possible ideas.
"Icky," Taehyun mumbles before Soobin can finish his thought, "feel icky."
Soobin nods, "Okay, I can work with that. Come on, let's lay down and see if a bit of sleep helps."
Taehyun nods and makes little grabby hands at Soobin. Soobin smiles and carefully picks up Taehyun and gently puts him under the blanket. Taehyun cuddles up to Soobin, who smiles and kisses his head.
"Get some sleep, Baby. You'll feel better in the morning."
"Mmm, okie, Dada," Taehyun mumbles, leaning into the kiss. Soobin smiles as Taehyun easily falls asleep.
Hours later, Soobin is woken by a soft whining noise. He slowly wakes up to see Taehyun whimpering with tears down his cheeks.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Soobin frowns. Taehyun tries to answer, but when he opens his mouth, a stream of vomit falls onto the blanket. Soobin sighs softly and gently kisses the sick boy's head. "Do you need to throw up more?"
Taehyun shakes his head slightly.
"No? That's good. Come on, let's go see Baba okay?"
Taehyun nods and let's Soobin pick him up to go to Yeonjun's bedroom. Instead of actually waking up Yeonjun, Soobin sets Taehyun on top of Yeonjun.
"Dada is going to go put the blanket in the washer, okay? I'll be right back. Wake up Baba for me."
Taehyun nods and pulls at Yeonjun's sleep shirt. "Soobin, stop it," Yeonjun mumbles, only having processed Soobin's voice, not the words he said.
"No Dada. I Tyunnie," Taehyun pouts as Yeonjun wakes up a bit more.
"Oh, hey Little Prince," he smiles, "What are you doing in here, Baby?"
"No feel good," the little replies with a pout, "threw up on Dada's bed."
"Oh no. Poor Little Prince." Yeonjun pulls Taehyun closer. "Did Dada go to clean up the bed?"
Taehyun nods and nuzzles into Yeonjun's shoulder. Yeonjun lays down before pulling Taehyun to lay on top of him and stroking his hair.
"Do you wanna try and go back to sleep, Baby?"
Taehyun shakes his head, sniffling slightly. Soobin comes back into the room with some medicine, water, and a small trashcan.
"I brought supplies."
"You're missing something."
"No I'm not!"
"Hm? What Dada missing?"
"Dada's not missing anything, Baby."
"Dada forgot to grab the thermometer."
Taehyun looks between the two, not sure who to believe. Soobin sighs.
"Okay, maybe I forgot one thing," he grumbles as he walks out of the room.
"Dada's silly, isn't he," Yeonjun smiles at the little who sleepily nods.
"Dada silly. Bu we luv Dada," He mumbles.
Yeonjun laughs.
"We do love Dada." Yeonjun strokes Taehyun's hair. Soobin comes back with a thermometer.
"Better?" Soobin holds up the thermometer and sets it on the nightstand. "We probably don't need it yet, though. He wasn't warm when I brought him in here."
"Hopefully it stays that way," Yeonjun says.
Taehyun pouts, "Dada, Baba, cuddle?"
Yeonjun pulls Taehyun closer as Soobin carefully pulls the blanket out from under Taehyun and pulls it over all three of them as he lays down.
"Go back to sleep, Baby. Let us know if you need to be sick again, okay?" Soobin gently rubs Taehyuns back.
Taehyun nods.
"Will. Luv Dada, luv Baba." He mumbles
"Love you too, Little Prince," Yeonjun smiles.
"Love you more, Baby. Go back to sleep, okay?"
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kitty-agere-fics · 1 month
Sick Day
CG!Soobin, Little!Yeonjun
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
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Yeonjun wakes up very early in the morning. He shivers slightly and grabs another blanket that had fallen off the bed. The clock says 1:15 AM. He rolls over and tries to fall back asleep.
Hyung…Yeonjun Hyung, wake up!" Soobin shakes Yeonjun awake. Yeonjun rubs his eyes and looks at the clock. 7:45 AM. He still feels cold and now his stomach hurts a bit, too.
"hyungie?" Yeonjun looks up at Soobin with wide, teary eyes. Soobin sighs softly and looks at Yeonjun.
"I don't have time for this. But I can't tell him that. That won't end well." Soobin thinks to himself. In spite of his frustration, he manages a small smile. "Hyungie's here, Bub. What's wrong?"
Yeonjun whimpers softly. He rubs his eyes again. Soobin sighs and strokes Yeonjun's cheek before pulling away quickly.
"Bub. I think you've got a fever." Soobin kisses the top of Yeonjun's head. "I'll be right back, Bub." When Yeonjun nods, Soobin goes into the bathroom and grabs a thermometer. Soobin comes back into the room and finds Yeonjun sitting on the bed with his fluffy blanket wrapped around himself. Soobin goes to the bed and sits next to Yeonjun.
"Okay, Bub. Open for the thermometer." Yeonjun obeys and when the thermometer beeps, it shows a high fever. Soobin frowns. "He can't practice like this." His musings are interrupted by Yeonjun's soft voice.
"Hyungie, can I go back sleep?" He pouts slightly and looks up at Soobin, "Hyungie, Junnie wanna sleep.'
"Okay, Junnie. Go back to sleep. I'll come back soon, okay?" Yeonjun nods and lays back down. Soobin leaves the room. He goes to the kitchen to search of some medicine that will help the fever go down and ease the stomach pain. It takes a while to find the medicine, but he eventually finds it. He grabs Yeonjun's sippy cup and fills it with water. He grabs his laptop before going back into Yeonjun's room. "Hey, Yeonjun? Junnie, can you wake up and take some medicine? Hyungie needs you to wake up and take some medicine." Yeonjun wakes up a bit and nods, too selepy to argue. "Good job, Bub. Such a good job," Yeonjun smiles at the praise and pulls his blankets tighter around him. Soobin sits back on the bed and opens his laptop. "Want to watch a movie?"
"Watch Rapunzle," he pouts again, "pwease Hyungie" Yeonjun nuzzles into Soobin.
 "Alright, Bub." He turns on the requested movie and strokes Yeonjuns hair. It takes all of 15 minutes before Yeonjun is asleep again. Soobin laughs softly and pulls another blanket over him and Yeonjun.
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kitty-agere-fics · 1 month
hi kitty!! can i please request a headcanon where reader is little but non verbal and txt has to take care of reader? i just need some fluff!! i love ur writing never stop!!!
Happy you like the writing! Sorry it took so long😔 ~Kitty
Also i just realized you asked for headcanon but I wrote a fic sooo🤷‍♀️
Making Music
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Beomgyu = Daddy, Taehyun = Appa, Hyuka = Papa
Yeonjun walks in and sees you sitting on your bedroom floor. "Hello, my Little Royalty!" He picks you up and you smile and wave happily, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He laughs and kisses the top of your head. "You're so silly, Little Royalty. Come on, let's go see the others."
You nod excitedly and smile. Yeonjun takes you into the living room where Taehyun and Soobin are getting some of your toys out.
"Look what Dada and Appa are doing. They got out your toys for you!"
You clap your hands a bit, then make your grabbing hands at Soobin and Taehyun. Yepnjun sets you on the floor and leaves the room.
"Did Baba bring you out to play with me and Appa, Bunny?" You nod happily.
Taehyun smiles at you as you nod, "Pick a toy to play with, Cutie."
You look at the toys for a minute, then point at your toy piano. When Taehyun hands it to you, you clap your hands excitedly before playing with it While you play, Beomgyu sneaks up behind you and presses on the piano keys. You giggle a a bit and push Beomgyus hands away. Beomgyu gasps playfully, "You don't wanna play with Daddy?"
You shake your head, pointing to yourself.
"You think you can do better than me, is that it?"
You nod and press on the keys again.
"I think they're right. They play the music well!"
You giggle and clap your hands again.
Kai comes into the room, about to complain about the annoying piano when he sees its you. He smiles slightly. "Are you playing music, Baby?" When you nod, he continues, "Well, you're doing so good!"
You nod excitedly.
"Do you like playing with the piano?" Taehyun smiles at you.
When you nod, Beomgyu laughs.
"Is that why you won't share?"
You stick your tongueout at Beomgyu.
He gasps, "You can't do that, Silly Bear! I think I'm just gonna...." he slowly pulls the piano away
You pout and reach for your toy.
Kai smacks Beomgyu, "You're so mean to them!"
"Just let them have their toy!" Soobin takes the toy from Beomgyu and gives it back to you.
You smile and start to play again until you start to fall asleep. You start to rub your eyes sleepily.
"Are you getting sleepy, Baby?"
You shake your head, wanting to play more.
"Are you sure? You look sleepy." Kai strokes your arm gently.
You nod, making soft, sleepy noises. The boys give in, letting you play until you end up half awake as you play.
Beomgyu picks you up.
"Come on, Little Bear. Nap time."
You pout and whine softly.
"You need to take a nap. I'm not giving you a choice." You don't respond to this second comment and Beomgyu looks down at you in his arms, realizing you've fallen asleep.
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kitty-agere-fics · 2 months
hi can you do baby!reader and cg!soobin? also can the plot be where reader is very clingy and soobin takes care of you because you had a bad day?
Here you go anon!
CG!Soobin, Little!Reader
Snacks and Movies
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Soobin comes home to a quiet apartment. This isn't normal because you normally are watching a TV show or playing music, even when you aren't in your regressed headspace. He walks through the apartment, pausing when he hears soft tears from behind your bedroom door. He pauses, then opens the door.
"Y/N? Bunny, what's wrong?" He sees you curled up on your bed, under one of your fluffy blankets.
"Dada?" You peek your head out and Soobin sees your wide eyes, glossy with tears, and the tear tracks down your face. He steps closer to the bed, kneeling beside it.
"Yeah, Bunny. It's Dada. Dada's home," he kisses your head and picks you up. You immediately latch onto Soobin, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. You start to sniffle and cry again, taking comfort in his touch. "Bunny, what's wrong?" He asks you again, gently kissing your cheek as he does so.
"Bad day," you nuzzle his neck. Soobin makes a soft humming noise and kisses your head.
"Okay. Have you eaten yet?" You shake your head. "Well, I thing we should fix that first. You might just be upset because you need a snack." He carries you into the kitchen and sits you on the counter as he gets you a plate of your favorite snack. "Here, Bunny. Eat up." He watches you slowly eat some of your fruit and you hum happily. "There we go, that's a bit better." He smiles at you and hugs you. "Come on, let's go and sit on the couch, Bunny."
You nuzzle closely to Soobin, "Movie? Cuddle too?"
"Yeah, Bun." Soobin smiles and sits you on the couch. He grabs the remote before sitting and cuddling you close. He puts on your favorite movie, watching as you start to calm down from the awful day that you've had.
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kitty-agere-fics · 4 months
CG!TXT Things (Random)
Request Info - - - - General Masterlist - - - - CG/Little!TXT Things Masterlist
CG!Yeonjun playing dress up with you
CG!Soobin having cute stickers to give you
CG!Beomgyu making up games to play to get you to clean your toys
CG!Taehyun petting your hair and rocking you
CG!Kai enlisting your help to pull pranks
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kitty-agere-fics · 2 months
can i request a baby!reader and cg!soobin where the reader had a really bad day and soobin took care of them? i love your writing too!!! thanks!!!
Hi anon! So happy to hear you enjoy my writing! I combined your ask with another one since they were so similar. Here's the link!
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