#ceaser’s legion
ezekiel13 · 1 month
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delafiseaseses · 1 year
"I want you to witness the fate of the town of Nipton, to memorize every detail."
OK, Vulpes, how about a memorise a very particular detail. That you speak out of your arse when you claim "Each clutched his ticket, hoping it would set him free. Each did nothing, even when "loved ones" were dragged away to be killed." what's this then, Inculta?
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[an ash pile and a dead wastelander next to a laser rifle]
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[the Ash Pile's inventory contains a set of Legion Recruit Armour and a machete]
Looks to me like you didn't clean up the fight fully. I imagine that if we were to have arrived later what's left of your man woulda been sweeped up and the Wastelander would have a mine under him.
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[another angle of the dead Wastelander, showing the Laser Rifle and a Lottery Ticket]
The man has a lotto ticket next to him as well. Which does raise some questions. Was he handed the ticket and then pulled out the Rifle? Did they leave it next to him to mock him? Was this actually some kind of trial by combat "prize"? If the last one, why is he dead inspite of killing a Legion Recruit?
We will never know, the dead can't talk and Vulpes has his story. I don't think this is how Vulpes wanted us to see this man or the Legion Ash Pile.
I do have some other observations. Do you notice that the 1st and 2nd place winners, Oliver Swanick and Boxcares, are both Powder Gangers. In fact, literally every non-Legion survivor of this event weren't Nipton Locals? They're literally all Powder Gangers. The two enslaved guys in 'Booted'. The crucified men?
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[4 images vertically of crucified Powder Gangers]
Powder Gangers. All the survivors of Nipton were Powder Gangers. You may think "So what? The people of Nipton got unlucky." but you know what I think? I think this is too convienient.
Vulpes says "Nipton was a wicked place, debased and corrupt. It served all comers, so long as they paid. Profligate troops, Powder Gangers, men of the Legion such as myself - the people here didn't care. It was a town of whores. For a pittance, the town agreed to lead those it had sheltered into a trap. Only when I sprang it did they realize they were caught inside it, too." notice what he's doing there: he's claiming the entire town was in on him and Mayor Steyns plot. A claim like that, if true, could be used against Nipton in some people's minds.
One of the only other accounts of Nipton are Ghost's which are "Nipton wasn't the most friendly town, but..." and "Town was a shithole, asking to be burned. Just not by Legion. Nobody deserves that." which... no town is 'asking to be burned', Ghost. That second quote is part of her saying she had no friends in Nipton. I doubt she actually personally knew anyone in Nipton. Just the fact Steyn served Gangers and NCR and maybe she met someone unkind there once or somethin'.
And, yeah, Mayor Joseph B. Steyn was an arsehole. But y'wanna know somethin' about Steyn? He was New Californian, a Hubber, from The Hub. His prostitutes, Rosie and Sylvia, were probably from there or somewhere in New California too. And you know what he says happened in his terminal when he heard the plan? "I didn't have to think a moment about Mr. Fox's proposition before accepting it. All I have to do is convince the Powders to kidnap the NCR troops at night. When both groups are in town, the Legion boys will scoop everyone up. Ha!" he didn't consult the town about this plan beforehand. He also, rather constantly, displays a desire to leave Nipton and go back to California after exploiting Nipton as much as he could. That was Steyn's care for the town.
Only 1 Nipton Townsperson gets an account of anythin': Tony the Tinker. His single terminal entry shows him to be... a bit of a creep. But he explicitly is avoided by other people in town, especially women (also his Mister Gutseys got one of the Legion Recruits, which is funny).
But I've lost the point I was making. I don't think the fact all the Nipton townspeople are dead is a coincidence. Just like how I don't think that all the NCR just happened to be killed and left in Nipton Hotel is a coincidence.
I think the lotto was rigged.
Think about it, Boxcars even says that when Steyn's number came up they "burned him alive on a pile of tires." he never mentions anyone else getting that treatment.
Vulpes Inculta lied about the towns complicitness, at best there were fine with prostitution that played both sides of the Ganger-NCR conflict (the shopkeepers of the town gave Steyn 15% of their profits from trade with patrons of that service). Does Westside deserve to burn because of the Casa Madrid? Does Freeside because of the Atomic Wrangler? Fuck no.
But if a Nipton townsperson lived, they could share their story. We could see the truth. Nipton was a town, like any other. At worst their crime was electing Steyn (but we have no idea how their elections even worked).
1st prize, 2nd prize. That'd be a loose end, a story that could contradict the "Evil place that should be burned" narrative. The game was rigged from the start. Vulpes Inculta is a liar. Of course he is... he's a literal spymaster.
(also I highly doubt a woman was ever gonna be allowed to 'win' such a thing with Legion ideology)
So, let us remember the town of Nipton, as best as we can. Not as Vulpes saw it, or the NCR saw it, but as a place that had people in it we never got to know. Next time your in Nipton Town Hall, moving the bodies to avoid the landmines of this specifically set up scene by the Legion. Think about the Wastelanders, as they are called, and the part of the Wasteland they called home.
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autisticboone · 1 year
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what is his use? what is his appeal? does he ever leave the legion? if he’s your companion please tell me bc i think i’ve killed him in every save
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anonwyvern · 18 days
When the Courier and Boone leave The Fort after paying their humble respects:
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imoutofsoupyo · 1 year
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robert-edwin-house · 6 months
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they literally made him a wojack of joe biden
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adrianna-g · 9 months
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bubbysneurosiszone · 6 months
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my new vegas couriers my beloved
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detritiviolet · 7 months
(sitting on my stomach and kicking my legs) please ramble to me about your legion fnv character :3
so umm, they are a transmasc (kinda, not really though) legionary, who was able to join by beating the shit out of anyone who said they couldnt, and i head canon Vulpes as gay, and them as a lesbian, so Vulpes and them have a fake relationship thing going on, they lost both eyes in the divide and they use a modified thermic lance (the weapon that took one of their eyes actually) and wear modified power armor, so they are just a hulking terrifying mass of a beast in their armor
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weirdest-lights · 2 years
The anxiety I get every time I see that I am idolized by the NCR but the "Don't thread on the bear" quest is active.
Like what do I do ?? I'll betray them with Yes Man so I shouldn't help now, but also this refugee camp needs medical supplies and I have an actual fuck ton of everything that I'll never ever use.
It's a dilemma and I am oh so bad at choices.
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ezekiel13 · 2 months
People are always like we need gender neutral ways to refer to groups
Hey gang. Have you heard of Ceaser’s legion? Need a way for a group! Try profligates! That not your thing? How about Degenerates.
Ceaser’s Legion, bringing you gender neutral group descriptors
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autisticboone · 1 year
twitches eye. i have to do a legion playthrough after my ncr playthrough. i dont like the legion .
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transqueer4singlemoms · 5 months
I will forever hate people without media literacy ESPECIALLY when they play fallout nv and like the Legion because they “agree” with them. The Legion is the best parody of fascists I’ve seen in video games it’s unreal. They are meant to be hypocrites who actively contradict themselves, they are made to be losers who wear football gear, they are made to poke fun at people who think that they’re restoring ancient glories when really they’re just being assholes but then there’s people who will scratch their asses and nod their heads and be like “ha ha muh legion long live Ceaser”. Fuck off
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imoutofsoupyo · 1 year
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poppetsisters · 15 days
The Fallout TV show got me thinking about Hbomberguy's video The Killing Joke Movie and The Problem With Comics, particularly his line about THE problem: "The endless commodification of good work but in a manner that renders its copies devoid of meaning."
This is not a comics problem, this is an art problem.
Between Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas, the west coast was trending out of a post-apocalypse and into pre-society. It was a hopeful message about the resilience of the human spirit and our efforts to learn from the mistakes of the past. The factions of New Vegas were ideologues of ways the world could be run in a post-apocalypse, with a particular emphasis on Ceaser's Legion and the NCR, representative of the Roman Empire and the American Empire. The NCR in particular is symbolic of the dangers of not learning from our past and repeating the same follies of our fathers. After all, American exceptionalism is how the war started in the first place... or was it?
The Fallout TV show introduces huge retcons to the lore of Fallout, chief among them being the eradication of the NCR and Vault-Tec being the true perpetrators of The Great War. This is... deeply cynical. As much as the NCR was a cautionary tale, they were also representative of humanity's desire to rebuild, collaborate, and form a new democracy. To destroy them is to deny the possibility that humanity is more than just self-interested feudal raiders. The fact that Vault-Tec is behind everything all along also denies any nuanced political discussion the series could've had. The Great War is now the result of... basically Fallout's version of the Illuminati, instead of the more poignant answer of War simply representing the darkest of humanity's collective potential for greed, violence, and prejudice.
In effect, Fallout went from being a deeply political work on humanity's predisposition to repeat its mistakes to a depoliticised world where nothing is allowed to grow or progress, but only repeat the same motifs of desert raiders, evil mutants, and shady government conspiracies until the end of time.
And that's not on accident, because capitalism doesn't want change, but the illusion of change.
Art under capitalism must be retooled, amended, sometimes even lobotomized so that it can perpetuate itself for the bankroll of its owners. It must be contrived to continue, never ceasing to generate sequels, adaptations, and merchandise. It was never about telling new stories, it was about creating loops of revenue.
Capitalism doesn't just misunderstand Fallout, it HAS to ignore its message to perpetuate its own.
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