#cause ya girl is stuck 😩
erik-christine · 11 months
why can’t I just get the spoilers for my life like I wanna know if a career change will actually be better or will I just be even more stressed 😭
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
(moodboard or fic or whatever you’re feeling up to bby)
i crave seeing this man be put in situations you wouldn’t automatically think to put him in, so give me frat boy!adam warlock who only joined because his parents made him, ya know legacy and all that + the philosophy student who is the opposite of someone you’d ever see at a frat but gets roped into helping him pass a class!
Creations: select a hottie + scenario/AU/trope/prompt** and I will a playlist/moodboard/fic (please specify the creation you are requesting)
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join the celebration!
hjasfghjkdhga now hold on bc fratboy!Adam sounds so hot I'd drop the last bit of my morals for 24 hours with him 😩 I have a million headcanons running thru my mind rn so we'll start off with some light appetizers 😜 sorry this took a million years to write and that its so frickin long 😭
First and foremost, Adam wears crop tops and short shorts unironically and he fuckin ROCKS them! All the other frat boys don't look as good as him
He also wears gold chains bc why tf not
His parents met in the partnering fraternity and sorority that did charities and events. They then got married and had Adam straight out of college. Since the birth of Adam, his parents had it set in stone that he would work hard to attend the same university and join the same fraternity as his father.
As an underclassman, Adam genuinely enjoyed the frat life. His parents were proud of him. He was dating Gamora, the most popular girl in the sorority and of course another legacy. He was basically set to become president of the fraternity by his senior year.
At the beginning of his junior year, his whole world flipped upside down. His father died suddenly, and Ayesha was having a hard time grieving. On top of that, Gamora left Adam for Peter Quill, current president and Adam's arch nemesis.
All this caused Adam's straight A's turn to straight D's. With Quill as president, he threatened to kick Adam out the fraternity if he didn't bring his grades up.
And this is where you come in.
You are the top student in yours and Adam's philosophy class. It kinda helps that you are a philosophy major and always leading discussions during lectures. All your classmates were annoyed of you talking the professor's ears off, except for Adam. Without anyone's knowledge, he would jot down your talking points in case they would be useful in the future.
After the second exam of the semester, he finally approaches you after class, asking you to tutor him. Without hesitation, you agree, mainly because you have always seen him in your classes and found him attractive.
During your study sessions, you both got to know one another, realizing you have more in common with each other than Adam did with Gamora. He eventually confesses to you that he didn't care all that much about the frat life and he willingly agreed to rush because of his parents. You reveal to him that your parents practically disowned you after going to a college away from home and majoring in anything outside of law or medicine. You and Adam almost shared a kiss that night. That was until your best friend and Gamora's step sister, Nebula, came home from work.
Adam invites you to one of his frat parties where you're stuck to his hip the whole time. A drunk Quill encounters Adam, constantly harassing you throughout the night. Fed up with Quill's antics, Adam and you finally leave.
That was until Quill said, "Once you get tired of Adam's dumbass, you know where to find me. It won't be the first time a girl realized I'm ten times the man Adam Warlock will ever be."
Adam was ready to beat his ass, but you pushed him to the side, strutting towards Quill and back-handed slapped him across the face, sending him to the floor. You stoop down to Quill's level, muttering through gritted teeth, "You're right. Adam will never be you because he isn't some scumbag like you." Then, you took someone's cup of beer and poured it all over Quill before leaving with Adam.
As Adam was dropping you off at your apartment, he pulled you into a heated kiss and thanked you for standing up for him. When you shut the door behind you, you did a happy dance which Nebula caught you in the middle of. This, then led to you both staying up the rest of the night to spill the details of the party until you and Adam kissed.
Next week in class, Adam surprised you with your usual coffee order from the cafe on campus. On the coffee cup, there was a message that wrote:
"Dinner and movie at 7? I could use a study break :)"
Your face was warm from smiling so hard. You couldn't wait to finally go on a real date with Adam and neither could he.
Adam showed up to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers. You had to do a double take because it was the first time you haven't seen Adam wearing shorts and a crop top. He wore a buttoned shirt with jeans and his hair was neatly combed back.
"What happened? Did you run out of shirts that show off your abs?" You joked, leading to Adam picking you up and spinning you in the air before kissing you sweetly.
"Gotta look nice for my girl, you know."
You raise an eyebrow, taking the bouquet from him. "Your girl?" You curled your lips inward to hide the goofy smile on your face.
"Is it okay if I call you that?"
"Only if it's okay for me to call you my boy."
The date proceeds and it consists of a lot of hand holding, kissing, and you laying your head on Adam's shoulder. At the end of the date, it was obvious neither of you wanted it to end. While making out in his car, Adam reached for the bottom of your shirt, trying to pull it over your head until you stopped him.
Adam's face was full of concern. "I'm sorry, I should have asked if you were okay with this. I don't want you to think-"
You interrupted him by pressing your lips to his. "Don't worry, Adam. You didn't do anything wrong." You looked over at the window of your apartment, realizing no light came from inside. "Do you want to come inside? Nebula is most likely out for the rest of the night."
With that, Adam followed you into your apartment. You two barely made it into the bedroom before your hands and lips were all over one another. You fucked on the sofa before moving to the bedroom to cuddle.
As you were dozing off, Adam whispered, "I think I'm gonna quit the frat."
Now you were wide awake. "Why? I thought you loved it."
"For a while I did. I felt like I had to care for my parents. Now that we are halfway through junior year, none of that matters anymore." Adam paused to move your hair out of your face. "Besides, I'm thinking about applying to work at the cafe. My girl deserves all the free coffee I can make her for the rest of our college years."
"You are the sweetest." You kissed Adam on his forehead. "Whatever you want to do, I'll support you along the way."
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rosaline-black · 2 years
can we have eddie beings jealous of reader with steve? Like they're together but he feels insecure 'cause r and steve are really close and they know each other longer, like steve knows her better and eddie feels like a bad bf (BUT HE'S NOT 😩), also more angst with eddie finding out that steve and r had a thing in the past 🤭🤭 (all ends well of course)
I understand if you don't want to write this one, it's a clichê lmao
Love ya!
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Category: Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Eddie hating himself. Shameless fluff as always :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
His hand being on the small of your back shouldn't bother Eddie. You've known Steve a lot longer than you've known him, growing up beside one another. The both of you were each other's first friends in elementary school, first prom date in middle school and even graduated alongside each other. You were family, not in any way romantic. Well, that's at least what Eddie kept repeating in his head.
Steve Harrington was perfect for you in theory. He knew the most about you, your family adored him, and he had that easy-going thing about him chicks seemed to dig. Yet you ended up with Eddie.
He knew you loved him, everything about you told him that you did. Yet Eddie couldn't help but feel guilt with every sweet nothing you whispered. Did he deserve you? The prettiest girl in all of Hawkins ended up with the big bad wolf. It was something of a Grimm fairy tale to the towns folk. The princess being stolen away by the evil thug. Was Steve supposed to be your knight in shining armour? You were the sun and Eddie was the thunderstorm people duck and cover from.
"Dude they're just friends chill... you're clenching that can of beer so hard it's gonna explode..."
Henderson managed to pull Eddie from his self-pitying reverie, finally being present at Mike Wheeler's birthday party. His eyes went back to you and he noticed you had now flitted away from Steve, making your rounds towards Nancy and Jonathan who were perched in the adjacent corner of the Wheeler's living room. His relief was only followed by more guilt.
"I know Henderson..." Eddie spat, the crease in his brow proving he still couldn't throw his mind out of that petty jealous space.
"C'mon Eddie cheer up... why don't you go grab your princess... she just finished up with Nancy..."
Ever the schemer Eddie simply rolled his eyes at Dustin's poor attempt at pulling the two of you together. Before his jealous mind could sulk, Eddie forced himself to his feet making a beeline towards the girl who had turned his life upside down in all the best ways. Not in the creepy alien way.
His large hands splayed along your waist before you could turn around. That resigned sigh of relaxation left your lips and just for a moment, Eddie felt as though he had been the one to grant you safety. He could be your solace.
“Hey, sweetheart... busy being a social butterfly huh?"
You swivelled in his arms so you could catch a glimpse of his sweet face "You know it... Steve told me the funniest story about this guy coming into family video and asking if they sold adult movies... I mean how wild is that?"
Eddie just managed to hide the grimace that crossed his face at the mention of Harrington. He finally catches you alone and that's the first thing you say. He hates how jealous he sounds, but he just can't help it. Suddenly Eddie feels like the beast again, the freak everyone would throw tomatoes at as he remained stuck in the stocks. Meanwhile, the princess gets whisked away by the prince with the unusually high hair and-
"Earth to Eddie? Is anyone in there... you looked far away..."
So caught up in his neverendingly bleak thoughts, Eddie failed to spot you clicking your fingers in front of his face.
"Sorry yeah, I'm just... thinking about the next campaign..."
"Oooo very exciting wanna tell me about it?"
Eddie shakes his head before burying his head in your neck and basking in your scent. Who knew how long he would get to do this until you finally came to your senses?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next time Eddie felt unnecessarily jealous of Steve Harrington, the three of you and Robin sat in a booth at Bob's diner. Various desserts and portions of fries lay across the table, Eddie's arm was around your shoulder and the conversation was flowing nicely. That was until the topic of milkshakes came up.
"Strawberry milkshake on me sweetheart?"
"Oh she doesn't like strawberry..." Steve mentions it so casually, to anyone else they would think you were a couple. Eddies fist clenches.
"You don't?"
His eyes meet yours and you look up oblivious to the way his heart sinks at this menial information. He was your boyfriend. He should know all the little fine details about you, including what your favourite milkshake flavour is.
"I prefer vanilla... but I'd share a strawberry one with you..." Your eyes practically love hearts as you press a gentle kiss to eddies nose. Both of you ignore Robin's fake puking noises.
As much as your loving eyes are singing to his soul, swaying him to give into your adoration, that inkling of doubt sings even louder. Pulling from you, eddies eyes shoot away "I'll go grab you a vanilla one..."
His voice had never been so quiet. This time you notice.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The third time jealousy overruns Eddies better judgment, the both of you are sprawled out on his sofa. His head is in your lap, and your fingers are nicking all individual curls, unravelling and divining them. You're mainly using the excuse to just touch him since recently he had been pulling away.
You thought maybe you'd been imagining things at the party when he pouted on the car journey home, and when at the diner he shut down after the milkshake debacle. Maybe he was just tired? But you were clearly wrong in your assumptions.
Ever since that day Eddie seemed busier. Always preparing for a hellfire meeting or having some unexpected deal he had to run to, usually resulting in your plans getting postponed. Hell, today you'd practically had to beg to get him to spend an afternoon with you. It was starting to hurt.
It was only when you mentioned Steve while playing with his hair did everything sort of click in your brain. Was he... jealous? He physically recoiled just at the mention of your best friend's name.
"What's that face for?"
Eddie sat himself up turning to you but refusing to meet your eye. That smile he reserved solely for lying spread across his face and he spoke "What face?"
"You looked about ready to puke when I mentioned Steve, is something wrong?"
At this point Eddie had completely removed himself from the sofa, getting to his feet and turning his back to you. You wanted to cry. The both of you allowed silence to steam up the room, neither brave enough to speak. You volunteered.
"Have I done something wrong? Please, Eddie... I can feel you pulling away..."
"I'm not..." he noticed how his voice raised and he turned to you, hating how your brows were scrunched together "I'm not pulling away sweetheart I promise..."
To you, this wasn't a good enough answer. Eddie was an awful liar, his mouth was curved and his eyes were looking at you but not really looking at you.
"You've been avoiding plans for a couple of weeks now... I just want to know what I did so I can fix it..." Your hand grabbed his "Please..."
He hated how you pleaded. He was such a shit boyfriend he made you resort to begging. He always promised himself to treat you incredibly, so stuck in his own self-pitying he failed to do so. You did always say honesty was the most important thing to you, he had to come clean even if it did make him feel like an idiot.
"I... you should be with Steve..."
That didn't come out exactly how he planned. However, giggles tumbling from your lips were not expected. You continued laughing until you must have caught sight of eddies crestfallen expression.
"Wait you're not joking? Eddie, you realise Steve is like my brother right?"
Now he just felt dumb.
"Yes... yes, I know but he knows everything about you... your favourite childhood cartoon... your first kiss... and your stupid favourite milkshake flavour... I... shit I'm an idiot..."
In an instant you were by his side, hands holding his shoulders as you forced eye contact.
"You're not an idiot... don't... don't do that self-hating stuff Eds... look can I tell you something?"
Eddie perked up like a puppy, his forehead coming to rest upon your own. Basking in each other's warm breath. He only nodded weakly in response.
"In middle school, I remember seeing this kid stood on top of one of the swings... some other kid had bet him he couldn't swing stood up... and you know what he did..." Eddie could only smile "He swung stood up while reciting the entirety of evening star by Judas Priest like it was a fucking folk tale..."
Your voice was but a whisper, your fingertips tickling the sides of his neck.
"I knew then... like right then that that boy was the one I wanted to be with... and do ya know who that was?"
"Yes, you..." your lips found each other and his large hands found the base of your hips "Eddie... I've never felt the feelings I have for you... for anyone else ever... so I don't care if Steve knows all this crap about me... I'll spend a lifetime telling you those things... and a lifetime learning the same about you..."
Eddie didn't cry often. In fact, he didn't really cry ever, unless he was super high. But right now, shit, he could have sobbed into your shoulder. He'd never known someone to talk to him like you did, with pure unabashed adoration. And for the first time in his life, he wasn't going to run back into the shade that was the freak status society had plastered all over him. He was going to bask in your sun.
"I'd like that..."
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bokuroskitten · 2 years
Daddy Draken HeadCanons for the soul ❥
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@ryuugot @1990-06-12 @islascafe honestly the daddy Kenny brain rot is unreal. I’ll probably end up adding more to this? Cause it’s never ending— I want more, want ken :((( want all his babies so bad 😩✨💖
No warnings, these are soft as heck, but still, MINORS FUCK OFF :)
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Daddy!Draken who swears that he doesn’t care whether your first baby is a boy or a girl, that he will be equally pleased with both but silently cheers when the doctor calls out “it’s a boy!”. His eyes water the first time he holds the lil man, laughter bubbling from his chest as he looks from his small red face to yours with tears sticking to his lashes. “Babe, he’s got your nose.”
Daddy!Draken who wakes up in the middle of the night when he hears the sound of his wailing. It breaks his heart every time he hears him crying, scooping him up in two large hands to bring him to his bare chest. He rocks on the balls of his feet gently, voice lower than a whisper. “Wish you could tell me what was up with ya little man, so daddy could fix it for you…” he continues to speak, and eventually it’s the sound of his soothing tone that gets the baby to stop crying, little eyes fluttering closed by the time you peak your head into the room. Draken’s still talking, grinning as he so carefully puts the baby down. “Ya know, I also put your moma to sleep sometimes when I’m talkin..”
Daddy!Draken who buys one of those mini motorcycles for his little man as soon as he turns four. He had Mitsuya paint a twin dragon along the side, and he runs beside it along the road as your baby boy rides it for the first time. Draken is cheering, heart, racing in his chest as it swells with pride as soon as he notices his son rides smoothly.
Daddy!Draken who also lets his son bring that same toy bike into the shop. He works slowly on his own bike so his son can follow his movements, turning to his lil man to see him with his tongue stuck out, using his plastic wrench to tighten a fake bolt. When he notices his dad’s eyes on him he giggles “look daddy! M’doin it!” Draken rubs his hand over the blonde locks on his son's head, pressing a big smooch to his little cheek that just makes him squeal in delight. The best is when Draken goes on lunch and they have a matching bento box made by you, right down to the heart-shaped sandwiches.
Daddy!Draken who cries yet again when you hand his son a present, and that present is a shirt that reads ‘big brother’ on it. Your son is crying too, but that’s because he doesn’t want another baby taking daddy’s attention. Draken makes sure to reassure him each night leading up to the due date just how much he loves him, and how even though there will be another baby (a girl, y’all checked this time) that he’ll always be his lil man <3
Daddy!Draken who wakes up first on the weekends, bringing his babies with him to make breakfast for you. He’s in a pair of loose pyjama bottoms, his bare chest covered by your kitchen apron. He holds his girl on his hip with ease as she fiddles with the ribbon of the apron, eyes dark like Draken’s glued to his grinning face. Your son is standing on a stool to help stir the pancake batter, calling out to you with a cheery “moma!” When you finally wake up. Draken looks at you from over his shoulder, a bit of butter smeared on his cheek as he leans in to press a fond kiss to your forehead “good morning, beautiful girl.”
Daddy!Draken who braids his daughter's hair before school, brows furrowing as she babbles on about some boy at her preschool. “I think I wanna marry him, daddy! Gunna be married like you and mommy!” You hold back laughter as Draken scoops her up, and holds her firmly in his lap with concern on his handsome features. “Baby girl, the only boys you need to think about are daddy and your brother, understand? The rest are icky, gross.”
Daddy!Draken who sits beside you on the park bench as the two of you watch your babies play together on the playground. Your son holds your daughter's hand tightly as he helps her up a set of stairs, Draken’s low laughter bringing your gaze to him. His palm rests comfortably on your thigh, massaging the flesh before giving it a squeeze as that familiar, boyish grin of his curls on his face. “Our babies are so cute, we should never stop makin them princess~” he’s kissing you before you can scold him, the sound of his son calling out “Ew!” Making him laugh harder into your lips <333
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