#catch up tag game batching thanks for your understanding <3
Find the Vibe
I was tagged by: @oh-no-another-idea for I’m learning I would die for that/them @little-peril-stories for that deep, anticipatory, nervous breath before the leap and @clairelsonao3 for the moment where they have just had it up to here with everyone and everything that's standing in the way of getting what they want and they just kind of flip out.
Thank you for the tags! Sorry it took me so long 😅
I haven't seen the find the vibe tags floating around anymore, lets bring them back!
Gently tagging: @kaiusvnoir, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @outpost51, and Open Tag
Your vibe: Don't touch me!
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I’m learning I would die for that/them
from Hidden Depths (i had a hard time with this one, but this is pretty close)
“What now is you get to talk to me,” Lox said, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.   The only thing that stopped her from snatching her dagger back, burying it in this guy’s chest, and bursting into that room to get to Resh was that it appeared as if they were caring for his injuries.  And the small matter that a move like that would certainly get her killed. But she would’ve done it regardless, if she’d thought it necessary. 
that deep, anticipatory, nervous breath before the leap
from Shattered Dreams (i chose an actual leap, sorry lol)
Fyel and the man continued to argue, but their words blurred, jumbling together. It didn’t matter anyway, their argument. All that mattered was what she did, and she knew her body. Knew its limits. She either jumped or stayed, and she would rather die than choose the latter of the two options.   Without a second thought, Alaia threw herself off the bluff, sending Fyel flying off her shoulder with a surprised yelp as she pinwheeled her arms and fought to keep from screaming. She entered the river feet first, the impact jolting through her body. Struggling against the current, she resurfaced, spinning around in the water to find the reeds where the boat was hidden, but it was too dark.
the moment where they have just had it up to here and they just kind of flip out.
from Shattered Soul (same link as shattered dreams)
"Give me a mirror," [Alaia] demanded, looking up at Darian. His brow furrowed. "I don't know if that's a good idea." "Give me a mirror!" she screamed. Darian hesitated, so she pushed back the chair and leapt out of it, intending to go ransack the bathing room. There had to be one in there. She made it all of two steps before she fell, but Darian was right there to catch her. He began to steer her back to the chair. She jerked her arm away, falling on her ass on the hard floor, the impact reverberating through her. "Don't touch me!"
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Get To Know My OC
Well thank ya kindly @gummybugg, first time I've been tagged on a game by someone who I hadn't followed/followed me (not to say I'm against it or offended just it has happened before!)
So I've done a couple of these for ocs from Rituals and Red Tape, I think it's time I covered the other bigger WIP: Abnormal Analytics.
>1 new message<
[Good evening Rico. With an influx of newer members it would ease incorporation for all parties to have a general understanding of each other. I am aware that these types of employee interaction are generally frowned upon, however please see to it that you fill this to the best of your ability; it is also best to write as if you would be speaking. -T]
1. Are you named after anyone?
A real head scratcher to start with! Well like most everyone else here at wonderful AARI I got to choose my own call sign. You know, you never really think much about a name until it's your turn to pick one ha ha! To tiptoe around any sensitive information, let's just say I'm trying to channel a certain role model. As far as out of work name, I'm named after my Uncle's Half-Brother, who also just so happens to be my [REDACTED]. That'll maybe be censored for publication...oh well, think of it like a fun mystery!
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh dear, why do I feel like X had a hand in this? Well, to the best of my honest ability, it was about three weeks ago to the hour. It had been a long shift of [REDACTED] and [EXPUNGED], so needless to say I needed a nice pick-me-up. So after cleaning my area up I made my way through [REDACTED] and stopped down to the cafeteria. I had such high hope and then they were out of my favorite flavor of cake! Now Rico is man enough to not be ashamed of shedding some frustrated tears. Thankfully I had a secret angel watching me and juuuust as I had given up hope a fresh, and I mean steaming fresh, batch of cinnamon rolls was brought out. It really is the little things!
3. Do you have kids?
[Redacted]. But, that's not that important.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
I try not to. The folks that work here don't often have the best grasp of it. So all it really serves to do is make a lot of folks upset and more of a headache later on. A couple of my buds have came a long way though...still need to make it obvious I am using sarcasm, but they catch on and we have a great laugh.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
It's gotta be their sense of humor! In a humdrum employment you really have to understand who you can and can't crack a few jokes with, and how best to let the jokes fly. Made that mistake once with T. Great boss by the way! The man can not joke around to save himself though. I don't think I've ever even seen him smile...here to put it into words I [EXPUNGED].
6. What's your eye color?
I was blessed in the genetic lottery with these deep blue peepers. They look black most of the time, but in the right light, I've got a couple of sapphires in my face.
Scary movies or happy endings?
An ending so happy it scares you! Ha ha, I joke. I'm a bit of a softy, so I want something that will make me feel all warm and cozy at the end. Something you desperately need sometimes here, what with all the [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and blood. You get used it, but like, not over it?
8. Any special talents?
I can roll my tongue! Also I'm a little rusty but I can still play a pretty mean harmonica.
9. Where were you born?
Toledo, Michigan!
10. What are your hobbies?
If the sun is high in the sky, you can catch me fly...fishing. Really most outdoorsy thing: Kayaking, swimming, and I'm even learning to scuba dive in freshwater. My dream is to one day go out to Lake Superior and see some of those underwater shipwrecks. You know? The ones with the bodies so perfectly preserved from the cold that they still look alive. Gosh, what an experience.
11. Have you any pets?
I have a short-hair calico name Susan. She is my pride and joy. I found her as a kitten outside my house one winter. The poor thing was so thin. I didn't have any hope of saving her, I figured I could at least make her last moments not horrible. But, that little fighter would not give in. That was almost three years ago. I think she has a little siamese in her, she is one vocal misses.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Whatever my folks wanted me to do to stay active. I played ice hockey for a few years, did some cross country, tried my hand at tennis which didn't last long, and some other more odds and ends. Right now I'm part of the company softball league. Go Pencil Punchers! Now the team name has quite a story. But, I'll keep that to myself for now. Can't go spoiling all the surprises.
13. How tall are you?
1.8 meters. Though I like to tell people 2.0 meters for a little confidence boost.
14. Favorite subject in school?
You would never guess by looking at me, but I was really passionate about biochem. Can't recall a lick of it anymore though. Maybe I can get a study group going with X and their teams. They're always happy to teach...or perhaps boast about their own intellect.
15. Dream job?
No fooling, where I am right now. I've got some amazing coworkers and work on such interesting things! I know everyones name here, or at least their call sign, and they know mine. Sure we bicker and snap at each other but what workplace doesn't? Heck I even get along just peachy with D, and he's the king of sourpuss castle! Don't tell him I said that. I couldn't ask for a better crew. And believe you me, I've been through quite a few in my time. Now I'm so glad you are here to join us...whoever you are, and I hope you'll stop by the studio once in a while! My door is always open! See ya!
Tagging in coach (no pressure): @asterhaze @hallwriteblr @ethaeriea @lola-theshowgrl and anyone else!
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zasaka-studio · 2 years
Request/prompt page:
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Overhauled: 1
This is where you'll find the most of my works, also please don't be afraid to ask me something!
Note: As this is one of my many different accounts, as i do not know how to switch it I'll just be talking through @totalistreborn so there's no confusion! ↴
Defaults: AFAB, yandere (ofc), male yandere, other stuff I'll make up if you didn't deliberately ask, so be specific!
Linked accounts!~: @Unholy-Crusaiders @totalistreborn
Please give me some resemblance of a plot, though it's no big deal if you don't!
Overhaul post: 💌✨💌
Also i forgot to say that all NSFW posts will be highlighted in Red
Ao3~ 💌✨
Wattpad: TongaTime (couldn't link it)
WIP: Here]~
Master list: Here]~
Hope you find these interesting!~
Massive Announcement!!! (Do not skip)
Also side note, i DO NOT condone, encourage or support the behaviors that come with the term “Yandere”.
And any of this is NEVER okay. As well as BE okay. I just wanted to say that the only place that this should exist is in FICTION only. I only like to write about it. Thanks for listening!
You can ask me anything! A drabble an idea, maybe a character idea- it's all good!
But also, you can be as wild as you want! Really i don't mind. Except for a few that I'm listening below ➘➘➘
Scat or piss kinks (personal no)
Any sort of harassment
Saying that yandere is a dream come true or something that it is not (go to Massive Announcement!!! For my opinion)
You can pick from my prompt list - Here-✨
Navigation system!!!
IK this is already long as shit but I want to make it easy for people to find in filter out the stories you like to read. So here are the translations!
☕ = My own story/ idea/ post i made myself
✨ = Requested by you guys~
💌📨〜 = Author stuff / Anon asks
❌ = No longer writing for (character) / can be changed if I feel like it
🔞 = NSFW, the violence, harassment, blood/gore type of tag. Or for things that may trigger people, (prob most of my posts)
🔥<3 = Sexual Content
!Warnings!: NSFW mentions, abuse, stereotypical yandere stuff,
Will be updated a lot with new ideas! (y'all can request prompts of you're own too!)
Also due to the prompts being changed, earlier requests will be changed to fit the new batch of prompts
1. “ah, look... there’s blood all over me.”
2.“in the end... you’re only good for being with me. you’re useless at anything else, aren’t you?”
3.“i’m sorry for stealing your personal belongings... now that you’re here forever, i can return them!”
4.“nothing. without you- i’m... nothing.”
5.“sure, i’ll let you run away. but if i catch you... then it’s fair game for me to do what i want.”
6.“feeling dizzy? well, it’s too late to realize: you already ingested what i slipped in your drink.”
7.“aah, forgive me for what i must do... i just can’t live on without you...!”
8.“if you think of leaving, i’ll make death seem like a blessing to you.”
9.“well, maybe if you’d accepted my confession, all these people wouldn’t have had to die...”
10.“it’s cute how you think you have a choice!”
11.“i don’t care if you think i’m a monster; i’ve decided you’re mine.”
12.“you have no idea... the things i’ve done while thinking of you, darling...”
13.“i tried my best to be a normal lover... but it simply won’t work. you understand, right?”
14.“you don’t know how much i hate being this way- but i can’t change.”
15.“anyone who could rescue you is already dead. give up.”
16.“if you keep screaming, you could damage your vocal cords- go ahead, i don’t mind.”
17.“the more you squirm, the more excited i’ll get.”
18.“apologize? why would i? i haven’t done anything i didn’t have the right to.”
19.“i’m trying really hard to be nice to you here, but you’re making it real hard.”
20.“want to escape? tell me, what other person would ever love someone like you?”
21.“the outside is so dangerous, don’t you see? if i wasn’t here to protect you, who knows what would happen to you...”
22.“i tried my best to be a normal lover... but it simply won’t work. you understand, right?”
23.“you just aren’t fit to be on the outside world. stay here with me- i’ll take care of you.”
24.“i don’t care if it’s the drugs making you speak; say you love me, again.”
25.“don’t look at me like that... you know i do everything i do because i love you.”
26.“you’re so sweet... i’m addicted to your presence.”
27.“There is no one who's more loyal than me! I'm tied to you, just like you are to me.”
28.“i ordered you to stay quiet. stop crying.”
29.“why are you so ungrateful? there’s nobody else other than me who could ever love such a miserable creature like you.”
30.“if i was you, i wouldn’t bother trying to escape. you’re too weak.”
31.“Kiss me. Now.”
32.“i wish i could love you the normal way.”
33.“i’ve tried to be tolerant, but your disobedience has reached a limit i cannot ignore.”
34.“that’s right, just accept me... you’ll be so happy with me...”
35.“i didn’t mean to- no, god, i love you so much...! how could i have done this?”
36."from now on, you're my pet- go on, keep me entertained"
37."don't you dare think of anyone other than me"
38."it's ok if you don't love me, i'll still do whatever i want"
39."you look beautiful when you sleep... i'd know- i watched you, after all"
40."did you think you could escape me...? don't you know we're meant for each other? you're destined to return to me"
41."say you love me, or else i might do something we both won't like"
42."are you so desperate for human contact you'll come to me? good, that was the point"
43."well, you can sleep here with me, or i could chain you up and make you sleep on the ground. it's your choice"
44."all i ever asked was for you to love me back... are you so selfish you won't even give me that?"
45."if you're smart, you're going to stop struggling and kiss me back right now"
46."i'll use you to my heart's content. don't you dare complain- it's what you deserve"
47."i never claimed to be a good person. if you didn't want this to happen, you shouldn't have made me fall in love with you"
48."did you think you could escape me...? don't you know we're meant for each other? you're destined to return to me"
49.“i’m starting to think you’re a bit of a masochist. i mean, why else would you keep angering me over and over again?”
50.“stop crying- you made me mad. tears aren’t getting you out of this one.”
51.“if you behave, we’re all going to be happy here, so why do you keep acting out?”
52.“i’ll count to three, and you better say you love me, or else i’ll do something neither of us will like.”
54.“"do you honestly think I enjoy hurting you?"
55."controlling? oh, i'll show you controlling!"
56."don't worry sweetheart, i'll never leave your side."
57.“you belong to me. i own you, body and soul.”
58.“what is it you don’t understand? nobody is ever going to love you like i do. nobody will ever understand how i feel about you.”
59.“i was normal, you know? you awoke something inside of me- you fucked me up.”
60.“i threw away all my morals for you; i don’t care if what i do is wrong anymore.”
61.“toxic relationship...? my, i think you’re a bit confused- i’m simply taking care of you, don’t you know?”
62.“i hunger for you, darling. your beauty, your presence; i need them like i need air.”
63.“perhaps you’re right in that i don’t love you, at least in the traditional sense. i’m obsessed with you- i need you, more strongly than the word love can imply.”
64. “You’re absolutely perfect.”
65. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it all go away”
66.“who are they gonna believe? It's your word over mine.”
67. “I promise to be by your side forever and ever and ever.”
68. “This wouldn’t have happened if you just loved me.”
69. “Smile for me. It makes me feel better.”
70. “I would never hurt you, but I wouldn’t hesitate to kill them.”
71. “Just... Ngh, take it for me?.”
72. “I promise to be by your side forever and ever and ever.”
73. " I will kiss you until your lips bleed. Just let me have this , I wanted to do this for so long."
74. “You know what I’m capable of, so just smile and play along.”
75. “Close your eyes, you don’t want to see this.”
76. “You don’t need to be scared of me, I’d never hurt you.”
77. " You agreed to be mine so you must feel the same!"
78. “i said I'd find you no matter where you are.’’
79. " Say you love me! Please say you love me! It's all I want to hear for the rest of my life!"
80."did you think you could escape me...? don't you know we're meant for each other? you're destined to return to me."
81. " Kissing you like this is all I ever wanted."
82. “Stop yelling! You don’t know what you’re saying!”
83. " I was the one that wrote that love letter !"
84. " I don't care if your eyes are filled with love or hate, I just want you to look at me."
85. " Ooh I love you- too much it seems...”
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iscream4clones · 4 years
Soft Fives Collection
Part Two “Whatever I Need to Say”
Part One
Warning: Moderate angst
Pairing: Fives x genderneutral!reader
I promise you this one is still soft, it’s just paired with some angst. I know a lot of people could really use some support from their favorite clones right now (I know I do). I hope this can bring some of you some comfort <3
tagging @bad-batch-of-fics because I know he’s waiting up for me to post this instead of going to bed
You had always been such a great listener; not just for his jokes and his laughter, but for his choking tears in the dead of night. This was just one of the many reasons why he adored you. You did not just lust for his body, born and genetically sculpted to be fit for war. No. You loved a man named Fives, and he couldn’t have been more blessed to have found you, his guiding light.
But recently, you seemed to be dimming. As someone who had always kept a busy pace with the rushing currents of life - and a mind just as strong as their pull - something in you had stilled. Instead of swimming, you were floating; your mind elsewhere. At first Fives thought that perhaps you were just exhausted, but after a few nights of good rest in his arms, you appeared the same. It worried him, even more so when he realized how little you seemed to care. It was as though any moment you might fall over a waterfall, and Fives wasn’t about to let you sink.
He was to leave for another mission in 24 hours. He needed to do this now.
Fives had grabbed carryout for the both of you, but you hardly made a dent in your share. You spun the water around in your cup, still as full as when you had sat down to eat 30 minutes ago. It hadn’t been an awkward meal; there was plenty of conversation between the two of you. But the moment the peace had lasted more than a moment, he watched part of you dissolve inside yourself. He tapped his fork a few times, but the cast over your eyes remained. He dropped it, then cleared his throat.
“Y/n, my light, come back to me.” He reached across the table and stopped your hand, still spinning the glass of water. You flinched at his touch, and he could swear your eyes dilated once or twice before you were truly looking at him. You seemed almost confused.
“What is it, Fives?”
He sighed. Thank goodness he had you.
“It’s ok, I’m not… it’s nothing bad. Well, it is, but not like that. It’s jus’... sweetheart, you don’t seem… okay.”
He pulled his hand back, immediately regretting his words. Unlike himself, you were never one to react spontaneously, but what you were going through was new to him. He didn’t want to hurt you… he didn’t want to mess up.
You turned yourself and slowly rose out of the chair, and panic rose in Fives’ gut.
“Can we… speak in the bedroom?”
He nodded and gulped as he watched you walk away, doing his very best not to lose his dinner as he quickly followed behind you. Had he made everything worse?
As briskly as you walked, you wasted no time finding a seat on the bed. Fives took a moment to observe your body language, and it pained his heart to see how weighed down you appeared, slumped and solemn. He found a spot next to you, and hesitated a moment before placing his hand on your thigh. You still hadn’t looked at him since he entered the room, and he wanted nothing more than for you to speak… to say anything. 
He gave a light squeeze and he let his leg move to touch your own. I’m here.
Your first word came with a croak, but he understand it was his name that had been said. Whatever wall he had just broken down for you was not going to come lightly, he realized.
“Fives…” you repeated, but more clear. “I’m sorry that I-”
“Don’t. Please don’t.” He interrupted. “Whatever you’re going to apologize for, don’t. You have done nothing to hurt me c’yare. I didn’t mean to interrupt… just don’t apologize for anything you’re feeling.”
You sniffled in response, and he felt his heart stutter. He worried he might have offended you, but then you shifted slightly to finally face him.
You were crying… he rarely ever saw you cry. You took a deep breath and composed yourself before speaking again. This time, you looked him straight in the eyes.
“I feel like no one loves me…. And I know that it’s crazy to think that. I know you love me, I know your brothers love me. No one is ever too shy to tell me so… but I don’t feel it, Fives. Like I’m not here. Like I’m not valid to accept it. Like it’s not real.” You stop and take another breath, and this time a tear falls down your cheek. 
“Part of me knows that I’m loved. Fives…. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. You do everything right by me. I mean… you’re always right here with me, but something inside me feels broken.”
In a matter of seconds, you looked and sounded broken too. Your river became whitewater and you were crashing, tumbling, bruising. 
But Fives was there, holding you, knowing now that he couldn’t- shouldn’t stop you. This was something you needed to ride out, as there was always calmer water up ahead.
Neither one of you was sure just how long you two sat there in an embrace, but by the end of it, Fives was soaked in your tears. He did not take notice, however; he had something to say as well. He was now kneeling in front of you on the floor, your still shaking hands cupped within his own. He held your gaze, communicating  through the dark earthy metals of his eyes, before he finally spoke.
“Y/n, I need you to listen to me now. Please don’t look away. Stay with me, okay?”
You nodded.
“Y/n, I love you. I know what you just said- that I say that all the time, but you don’t feel it. But I just want to remind you. And no matter what, I’m never going t’stop reminding you. Tonight, I’m going to pull you into my arms, and I’m going to say it again. In the morning I will kiss you awake, just in case you forgot. I will make you breakfast and tea, and I will put my heart into it. I’ll run you a warm bath and wash your hair. I will tell you a joke. Hold your hand. Carry your groceries. Play your favorite card game. Take a bullet for you. C’yare…”
He tightens his grip of your hands, and places a light kiss to your fingers. 
“Whatever you are going through, whatever you are or are not feeling, we are going to work through this. Whatever I need to say, whatever I need to do, I will do anything to make you feel loved. We can plan things out, make a list, we can do it.”
He kisses your hands again, and then pulls them up to rest on his forehead. He closes his eyes, and hopes he hadn’t said too much.
The world seems to still before you move again, this time encapsulating his hands with your own. Fives looks up at you, but this time you’re smiling, and your tears have started to dry. 
“I trust you.”
Fives’ look becomes one of mild confusion. “What?”
“I trust you, Fives.” You repeat, this time your right hand glides up to rest lightly on his cheek.
“I trust that you love me. No matter my lack of feeling; for now, I trust you will be the one to bring it back.”
Fives laughs briefly and kisses your hand that rests on his face, before rising to kiss your forehead. His hands wrap around your waist and he touches his nose to yours, looking deep into your eyes before moving to your chapped lips. His breath catches in your mouth as he repeats, again and again, “I love you.”
“And don’t ever stop reminding me, Fives.”
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slendermanlore · 7 years
CANYOUSEETHEWORDS + “Similar Situations”
...which is to say, poetry and claims of Slender Man encounters submitted by users and then acknowledged by canon.
Anonymous asks:
I know what it's like to feel so desperately alone. I want to help you. Would it help at all to talk to someone about what you're dealing with?
Thanks for the concern, anonymous, but talking about it can only make matters worse for everyone.
Anonymous asks:
yesterday I felt something watching me, I was scared, alone.
If it happens again, feel free to contact me.
Anonymous asks:
Am I right in deducting from the last batch of questions and answers that you are fairly certain that there are indeed others out there that have encountered the same evil, whatever it may be, that you have?
How can I know that my situation is the same as yours?
You have good taste in music.
Oh, I am positive that there are others who know what I’m talking about. You have to understand though, I’m not trying to be difficult when I withhold details. I’m just really trying to not make matters worse.
(In regards to my musical tendencies: thank you. I heard the Pixies are playing sometime soon. Frank Black’s epic return? We’ll see. Hehe.)
Anonymous asks:
it stands cold and silent. i don't know why and i don't want to know what. i've screamed and cried and its only grown stronger. there are others, i know it, there are those who use it for play but there are others who know better. i think you know better. its calmed for you.
help me.
I know it is the equivalent of ignoring genocide, but you must occupy your mind and distract yourself from such thought. It’s how I’m coping. It’s the only way.
Anonymous asks:
I've seen him
Then you know.
Anonymous asks:
I was just wondering if you have any advice coping with It. It seems to come during the nights when I am alone.
Block it out. Play a game. Get a job. Run. Read. Get the fuck out of your mind.
Anonymous asks:
I can't
They’re right in front of you.
Anonymous asks:
I'd just like to say that I am going through the same thing you are except mine just started. I got home from work and firetrucks were surrounding my house. It was apparently a grease fire but my family was very neat and tidy. I have no siblings or parents left. I am living with my Nana a couple of blocks down the same street. I can't help but pass the house everyday and I tear up. I would love to display my name but I'm not ready for this. How are you coping with this?
Contact me. Now.
Anonymous asks:
My question is, why hide? Why live in fear for the rest of you're life? Why live under it's rule? Why not fight it? If I was being chased by it, I would fight it and live, or fight it and die, nothing in between, I would defy the monster, for life or death.
The strongest rebel can only provide it His strongest weapon.
Anonymous asks:
Thanks for the advice about coping. I see it less and when I do, it seems less…hostile? I do not know the proper word for it. Anyway, how did you learn how to cope as well as you have?
Lie, even to yourself, that everything is okay.
Anonymous asks:
he is there. waiting. i don't leave. i wait. no movement. just waiting.
I wrote just this, almost verbatim, in my journal last year, before I knew.
Anonymous asks:
Is there any way to stop it? Should I fight it head on?
Can you fight the waters of the ocean? Does it really have any effect?
Anonymous asks:
Climbing up to the treetops can save you from the flood. But then you can't move, so is there any real escape?
Anonymous asks:
H̴̹̄ͩ̐ͦ̚ͅe̷̗̥̯ͦ̄̎͋̊̈́͟͝ ̴͇̮̞̬̮̔͗ͬͥ͑͌͋̚f̶̨̥͍̀̑ͦo͉̪͒͑͂ͨ͛͝u̢͓̠͖̙̲͙̅̉ͯ̚͢͡ͅͅn̨̤̙̯̺͖͇̻̝̳ͨd̵̵̬͎̰̤̾̈͛̓ͣ̇̾̊ ̢̢̹̝͙̘̖̞̲̻͗͢m̩͚̭͈̏̏ͪͣ̇͐̽ͅę̡̘̬̤̝͗ͨ̇
You’re it.
Anonymous asks:
He starts fires. Shouldn't you take solace in the water?
Not all floods involve water.
Anonymous asks:
Not speaking of it is good. It is right.
I am glad to see you know somewhat what you are doing.
I will continue to watch from my tower.
Hmm. I appreciated this comment. Honestly.
Living over an art gallery and seeing small-city life at any given time of day makes me feel as if I live in an ever-watching tower.
die-flut-kommt asks:
Are you looking for answers? I am.
We all are, my friend.
Anonymous asks:
The rain. I cannot hear the rain.
Then you either have nothing to fear or are already, and absolutely, lost.
Anonymous asks:
They told me it wasn't real, that he wasn't there and I was not really seeing him. They gave me the pills, it just made it worse. Don't take the pills.
I’ve been trying to avoid them. I’ve been doing pretty well so far. Life seems good without them so far.
Anonymous asks:
Its been three days. The ground is drying, the clouds are thinning although still thick enough to block the light. Not a drop of water has spilled, not one, in three days, after months of torrential downpour. Has the flood passed, or is it simply the calm before the storm?
The silence of the rain is deafening.
I do enjoy a decent bit of poetry.
Anonymous asks:
You don't understand. It was the sound, the natural sound, that kept me safe. When the sound of the rain is gone, what will take its place?
Anonymous asks:
You are being followed by the Pale Man With No Face…. aren't you? He comes for those who are desperate.
Writing a horror movie, are you?
Anonymous asks:
I know you have the answers we seek.
We can help. Just tell us everything.
Telling my story only got the last group who tried to help me killed. Was that a fun trip north.
Anonymous asks:
I left my window open a crack last night. And he came. He fucking touched me. On my fucking shoulder. I could feel it. Am I going to die?
Yes. Not immediately, but yes. Get away from your family. Play it off as suicide, if possible. Don’t leave room for unanswered questions. Wouldn’t want your curious little sister catching the Love, would you?
Anonymous asks:
Back in 1973 a Private. Thompson was found north of Hue in Vietnam. This was 2 years after a copter carrying him and his squad crashed and were thought to have either been captured by the Vietcong or dead.
After medical examination of Thompson and a psychological exam he was condemned insane and sent back to the states to an mental institution. He hardly spoke from his rescue to his death in 1989 from a fire in the institute. A major reason for being sent to the states back in 1973 was that he cut out both eyes and when asked he spoke " So I can't see him "
Helluva story. I would tell you most of mine… but, you know. Spreading the good word and whatnot.
Anonymous asks:
If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I'm sorry that you're in the situation that you're in, but the more allies the better, right? I have some experience in the paranormal, despite not with this "Slender Man" directly. I have researched extensively and am more than willing to do anything to assist. My email address is [ADDRESS]
You’d be in over your head.
Stay outta this one.
Anonymous asks:
The knocking on my window is just getting louder and louder each night. How do I run when I'm too scared to move?
Put yourself in another place.
Grow up from it.
Make it just another bad dream from your childhood.
Anonymous asks:
Silence fills the empty grave now that I am gone But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on
You’re alone.
Anonymous asks:
I never used to remember my dreams until I saw the living nightmare. I dreamed that the forest was singing to me a chorus of welcoming as I walked into it's darkness. As I wandered further in, I looked up at the full moon and watched it turn red as though it were filling with blood. I've packed by backpack and gave my dog to the nice family across the street. Do you think north is a good direction to head in?
Worked for me so far. Roadtrip?
Anonymous asks:
A friend asked me why this man exists. I replied, "he just does."
Spot on.
Anonymous asks:
The calm, Cool face of the river Asked me for a kiss.
Calm. Cool. And blank.
Anonymous asks:
Be the candle in the dark. To know is horrid, to not know is worse. Ignorance will be death.
I appreciate your concern, but I can’t help but to feel that I’m trying to help someone who is drowning by using a fire-hose.
Anonymous asks:
We are coming to find him and remove him… K.S.S.
Simply: bring it. <3
Anonymous asks:
I've lost six men to this creature in the shadows.
Avoid the dark, if you can.
I’ve been saying it since the get-go, my friend.
But no, I’m the crazy one. I’m the nonsensical teen who can’t sleep without a night-light.
Anonymous asks:
Here's a fact, I hope it sticks.. We're just alive out of HABIT.
And we all just run around like rabbits.
Anonymous asks:
Why do I need to help?
You don’t have to. But you already are tagged. I mean, we are still talking about it.
This was a terrible idea. I knew it. But we’re all in this now, together.
Anonymous asks:
I had a dream, a few nights ago. He was in my house, then seeing me from out the window, as if he's moving farther away from me. Is this good?
Out of mind, out of sight. Until you remember, again.
Anonymous asks:
Enlighten me. Please. What DO they say about detectives from New England?
Do we smell? Are we good-looking? Are we angry and hot-headed? Or is it just me?
You're fighting something that doesn't sleep, kid. You're going to need all the help you can get.
Perhaps you’re right. But you’re just reiterating the fact that the police won’t help. And I’ve tried!
(And on a side note, there’s only one Boston detective I’ve ever admired. And he’s completely fictional.)
alittlecutealittlecreep asks:
i have seen him.
I believe you.
I never wanted to help spread it… but it seems that either way, It wins. And I don’t want to passively euthanize the world.
What can I do?
Anonymous asks:
I've seen him. First in my dreams. A cold forest, a passing stream. He stood so far yet so close to me. His arms outstretched towards me, and I awoke There he stood, standing next to me. A loud crack, like a branch braking, and he was gone. Something happened to me. At first I was not sure what it was, but now I understand. I can see the words. I don't want to.
I’m so sorry.
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