#cat/house sitting
sunsetsmakebeans · 2 months
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Official Potato Supervisor
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thebramblewood · 27 days
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Helena and Caleb have been busy burying the hatchet and starring in their new hit sitcom. Currently accepting theme song submissions!
Clue card designed by @surely-sims! I thought it would be a cute detail to add. 🥰
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Caleb: Miss Scarlett with the dagger in the lounge.
Helena: Are you sure you’re not just describing your sister on a bad day?
Caleb: Oh, you mean every day?
Helena: Speak of the devil and she shall appear.
[canned audience laughter]
Helena: Regrettably, Miss Scarlett is out of contention. My turn!
Helena: Caleb, look! Poor little thing. Where did you come from?
Caleb: More importantly, how is it still alive? Animals don’t have a tendency to thrive around here, wild or domesticated.
Helena: She’s a girl! We should keep her!
Caleb: Lilith would hate it. She might even…
Helena: Lilith will not touch a hair on her body! [in baby voice] I’m going to name you Drusilla.
Caleb: Hold on. Is that a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference?
Helena: Oh, well, I went down this research rabbit hole after… you know. It may have included a Simflix binge. Is it forbidden media now?
Caleb: Of course not! [sheepish but excited] I actually have the full series box set upstairs. Should we…
Helena: Drusilla, come back! Don’t you want to meet your namesake?
Lilith: Disgusting little goblin. What particularly loathsome circle of hell did you claw your way out of?
[canned audience laughter]
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moeblob · 25 days
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kitty kitty kitty
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skellydun · 3 months
looked at a house that might be my house today 😯🫣😎
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sluttywoozi · 1 year
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thinking about you teasing joshua all morning and once he gets his hands on you, he loses it. he wants to tease you, he does, but he wants to make you cum more. you buck into and away from his fingers, two deep inside and a third working its way in, but he’s got you sprawled over his lap so he can keep your knees spread apart with his own. he wants you to take it, take it like he did all morning.
and he knows you will, you always do, always take whatever he gives you like a champ.
and after he’s made you cum twice on his fingers and once on his cock, he sees how late he is and puts himself back together before heading out for the work lunch he’s got scheduled.
it’s only when he brings the glass of wine to his lips for the first sip that he smells it. smells you. your wetness, dried on his fingers where he hadn’t had time to wash it off.
he’s torn between excusing himself to wash his hands and sneaking a taste every time his colleague looks away.
he settles on sucking his fingers clean in the bathroom before washing the rest of you off with warm water and soap. he mourns the loss, but knows he can get more at the source just about anytime he wants.
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blackcathjp · 9 days
au where drarry are neighbors and harry grows all sorts of things for potions, cooking, regular plants/flowers that he thinks are pretty. draco asks for ingredients, showing up at his door looking both haughty and shy, pretending he's not looking at harry but he IS, and always notices the smudged, forgotten dirt behind harry's ear that he kinda wants to clean off...
they behave like polite neighbors; it's a transactional business relationship. draco buys ingredients from harry, and every 2 weeks harry buys a calming draught potion from him.
"helps me at night, you know", he explains after the 3rd time. draco then brews heightened ones just for harry, and tosses a few other potions his way (for a hefty neighborly discount ofc). harry invites draco over more, cooking meals made from his garden and packing leftovers. he even leaves flowers at draco's doorstep.
their relationship develops so naturally - draco is at harry's most of the time, only going home to brew or sleep. they'll eat, play chess, talk quidditch. draco sleeps over sometimes, accidentally, but it's so... domestic to be cohabiting.
draco realizes he's in love while watching harry doze off during a movie, bc wow, he feels safe around draco to do that. harry realizes he's in love when draco rushed over to take care of him when he fell off a ladder, tending to his cuts and bruises with gentle care. their first kiss is explosive, not quite biting with urgency; it's slow and tender that leaves them tingling with warmth, their hearts bursting with fullness.
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
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au where this was how ik and diavolo met for the first time when she was like seven
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daughters-gallery · 5 months
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ART DUMP!!! (some oldies and some newbies)
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isbergillustration · 4 months
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sixth-light · 2 years
We have just moved from an Objectively Small house to an Objectively Large house (like, 'has a formal living room and a regular living room' large) and while I do feel a lot of sympathy for my cat whose life has been upended with no explanation she can understand, the way she has taken to piteously meowling every hour or so when she realises she has LOST TRACK OF HER HUMANS YET AGAIN is, actually, pretty funny
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mistykaru · 2 years
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needs more blankets
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sunsetsmakebeans · 2 months
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miraculan-draws · 1 year
If I were to post an art of a guy with a baby bump would y'all be normal about it I'm ascared but it turned out really cute :(....
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boy in silly sitting positions compilation
#cats#I especially like the last one where he just has one single paw poking out of that box for some reason lol#I still have costumes to post and like a billion other things.... grr... constantly failing at staying active on social media aughh#I think because currently my Main Focus is on trying to get my game done and stuff.. which basically just means sitting and writing all day#so there's not much to post about. Though I know the Good At Social Media thing to do would be to post about the#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird#to me.. I could maybe get it if it was like a tiny tiny discord groupchat of playtesters with like 5 people in#it.. But something about talking openly about things before they happen is weird to me?? Like presumptuous feeling or something#''oooo guess whats gonna happen LATER!!!'' like.. how do you know.. what if it doesnt. what if you dont finish it. what if its not the way#you think it's going to be. what if something changes. etc. Like I literally avoid movie trailers and game trailers for the same reason ghj#Even if it's not ME doing it it just feels... weird.. Maybe it has to do with my OCD and how I just don't like talking about ''future''#things in Certain Terms. Like if I was going to say ''Oh yeah sure. come over to my house in a few months''. I would have to follow it up#with like ''HOPEFULLY you can come over to my house in a few months'' or 'They'll come over in a few months MOST LIKELY''. Because just#stating that something will happen matter of factly takes for granted like.. what if somehting horrible happens and I DONT have a house#in a few months? or what if something bad happens to me. or to the person coming over? I can't ever DEFINITELY say with 100% certainty#that one could ACTUALLY come to my house in a few months. anything could change. So I have to allot for that in my phrasing. hbjjkn#There are a lot of situations where you're expected to just Assume Things but for some reason that bothers me. My brain literally does not#even Assume the most basic things.. like how do *I* know that just because it's someones birthday that they want to be wished a happy#birthday? what if they dont? everyone is different and has different preferences. I should check with them first. or wait until they public#ly announce that theyre accepting birthday wishes. I have to allot for all 5034859069 rare possibilities at any given time and never take#anything for certain. etc. ghjbjhbh.... ANYWAY.. I have been feeling a bit sick lately as usual.. but still slowly making progress on some#things. Moslty I need to edit costume photos. make sculptures. and work on the game. Going back reading some of the old writing from like#2018 and suprisingly I don't have to change that much of it? In fact I like it mostly. so that's good. I would be very interested if I were#playing the game myself. Though that doesnt mean much since my tastes are so niche lol..#Still really want to clear some of my million tumblr drafts as well... alas and aughh and ooughh and so on and so forth. Between all of my#evil appointments other such things...why cant I have one billion dollar to retire into relaxed hermit artist life of no stressors.. bleas
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vhsmitchell · 1 year
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i am very mentally well right now...
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hotvampireadjacent · 24 days
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My roommate has two calico cats and another roommate old me she told me she can tell them apart bc Frank, the Bastard, “has a penis on his forehead” (the white marking) and the other calico doesn’t have white markings on her face
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