#cat immune system
instachew · 3 months
Our cats have fewer health-improvement alternatives than we do. We must feed pets to boost their immune systems and keep them healthy throughout their lives. Fortunately, boosting the immune system in cats is not a difficult task.
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the-punforgiven · 10 months
Kinda wild to me the knowledge that there is a violent and vicious predator that lives in my house, who kills and mutilates other living beings nearly daily, who I have personally witnessed rip apart other living creatures with tooth and claw, who is also just the sweetest little baby who loves to cuddle and often yells at me if I don't pick her up and kiss her little forehead from time to time
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kiwianacat · 8 months
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Here’s a comparison of the two versions, deer sandstorm vs horse sandstorm who would win in a joust let’s go
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prolibytherium · 3 months
I think my throat getting scratchy and closing a little when I eat shrimp is probably not normal and I MAY have a shellfish allergy, but I'm not going into anaphylactic shock so I think that's the signal to keep eating as many shrimps as I want forever
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cool activities to do when you’re sick:
lay with cat
stare at your laptop updating for 6 hours
start watching xena warrior princess and immediately cry over it
sleep (spooky dream edition😨)
wake up
sleep some more (weird dream edition)
wake up again
get yourself three (3) different cups of apple juice cause you forgot about the other ones
sleep even more (conked out no dreams completely dead to the world edition)
get better ig
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 8 months
just realized I don’t have a sense of smell at the moment
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agenderhyde · 2 months
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my brave, brave boy
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alethiometry · 9 months
*through gritted teeth* god gives his hardest battles (extremely allergic to 99% of sunscreens) to his strongest soldiers (me)
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Long time no post
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skeltonjunction · 4 months
my years-long insistence that i am not sure for certain whether i'm autistic so won't consider myself as such today comes to an end. my parents got new couches and i'm on the verge of a breakdown over it
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fyodorkitkat · 7 months
How you feeling today lue??
Still sick sadly but I was able to get up, cook something, and huddle up in my study instead of my bed so I think I'm starting to get better ty for asking you are too kind 💜🙏
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laughing-thrush · 7 months
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zarovich · 1 year
miss when i was younger cuz even tho i was still severely depressed and suicidal, at least i had still motivation and passion. now it's completely gone
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i think i would feel more justified in having so many Ailments if any of them were actually serious enough to threaten anything but it's mostly just passive mild-to-moderately-irritating shit for me. like yeah sure you've got enough allergies to make even the allergy specialist pause but also none of them are food or drug allergies or anaphylaxis-inducing. you're just going to have a shitty time Existing around furry animals or seasonal pollen cycles. sorry about that. here's four different drugs to take at the same time that make it slightly more tolerable
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xxlelaxx · 8 months
I'm starting to get worried about giving birth...
#ignore me#what if i forget to pack essentials in the bag??#like what if the clothes i pack for her are too warm?#babies are shit at Temperature regulation#or what if i forget something completely obvious???#also do i need to pack diapers and clothes for every day of my stay if i have to go to the hospital???#the apartment isn't fully finished and I'm starting to get stressed#but also I'm only awake at hours where i can't finish the resy#and what if i won't be a good mom?#hell i haven't interacted with kids for over half a year#and she'll be so tiny!!! what if i crush her??#or accidentally hurt her in some other way???#babies are so fragile#what if i feed her too little? like they lose weight the first couple of days#what if i dont notice not giving her enough food?#or if we both are too exhausted and miss a night feeding cause her crying doesnt wake us?#i could traumatize her before she even has the ability to really recognize faces!#also what if i eat wrong and then she ends up with pain or other issues??#and how close do i allow the cats to be? what if they accidentally hurt her???#she has like no immune system! even a cold could kill her#and sometimes you dokt notice right away if you have a cold and then you visit someone#i got so many anxieties and more than half are that I'll make mistakes that could harm her#like what if she gets an allergy cause i use face cream?#my mom did so many things you werent supposed to do and we survived so i think she should be fine right?#also don't get me started on birth#like I'm not scared of the pain or anything i trust my body and the mid wives#but I'm gonna make such a mess#and I'm not sure what to wear??#do i help cleaning afterwards or what is the procedure??
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lathrine · 11 months
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my favorite thing about the starseeker saga is that this bitch has spent almost twenty years being very competent and put together, and then spends a 6mo-1yr period being the wettest cat imaginable
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