#castiel transformation
vesperscas · 8 months
every scene where cas regains his grace should have been a magical girl transformation where we see him floating above air with his arms spread out and eyes closed while his wings grow out with sparkles and his true form emerges for a second with pink and blue glow encircling him
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doctorprofessorsong · 3 months
OK listen.
I love the confession for the absolutely heart wrecking romantic gesture it was. The act of pure love that brought a cosmic being true happiness in a way he has never known. The way he looked at Dean Winchester, still beautiful, and told him with his dying breath "I love you." Pure true romance.
But as a casgirl (TGP Janet voice: not a girl), I also think a lot about
Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack... I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean
From a character arc perspective this makes me want to walk into the sea. It's so fucking beautiful.
Cas is talking about the transformative power of love. Metatron was right. He was in love with humanity BECAUSE he learned to love from Dean. Because he loves Dean. Even before he can put words to it. And therefore he does love the whole world.
Cas was a loyal soldier. Lobotomies acknowledged, he murdered for Heaven over and over. He killed kids.
He wasn't strolling through Hell, saw a beautiful soul, and decided to rescue it. He was on a mission and he believed it to be a righteous one. A good one. He was actively working to cause the apocalypse and thought Dean should believe it an honor to be used.
Watching him untangle that past and learn to love and more importantly to be loved is something that speaks to me.
He isn't seeking redemption. He doesn't think he's redeemable in that sense (or perhaps it's more accurate to say forgiveness is something that he can’t control. It must be given from people like Lily Sunder)
But he does believe he can change and love and build a family even though he can't undo his past.
He doesn't have to let the past define who he is, and he doesn't have to serve the purpose his family believes is set out for him.
In 15x15, Cas says:
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Like he still lives with his trauma but he isn't defined by it. He rebuilt himself and found a family and has a kid. He loves and is loved.
Anyway, yes he loves Dean, but he also loves the world. He also changed. And that is just as beautiful to me.
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carebeardean · 9 months
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religious trauma sold separately! 💅✨
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gamersansblog · 1 year
God's Favorite Creation
Dean: What the fuck is that? *Looks at Sam*
Sam: Don't look at me *Puts his hands up*
Bobby: *Walks outside* Have you all seen my- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?
Sam and Dean: *Shrugs*
CyberTron reader: *Looks down at the humans and awkwardly waves*
Castiel: *Appears out of know where* Greetings.
Sam, Dean, and Bobby: *Flinches in suprise*
Dean: *puts a hand on his heart* CAS YOU NEED TO STOP
Castiel: My apologies *Looks up and his eyes widened*
Sam: *Raises a brow* You know them or....
Cybertron reader: *Stands there patently*
Castiel: *Nods head* I do not know them fully but I heard of them.
Dean: So what the hell is it? *Points at Cybertron reader*
Castiel: I heard it was one of gods favorite creations he ever made....
Castiel: And the species and gender are unknown, but they are called....Cybertron's or why you call them Transformers... *Walks around Cybertron Reader*
Cybertron Reader: *Kneels down and looks at cas closely*
Dean: *Shocked* I'm sorry a what!?
Castiel: A Cybertron
Sam: Yeah we all get that but why is it here?
Cybertron reader: *Looks at Sam* God sent me here
Everyone (Not including Reader): *Jumps at the sudden voice*
Bobby: Great now it talks *walks back inside while mumbling that he needs another drink*
Sam: Okay so what did god sent you here?
Dean: And where is God?
Cybertron reader: *Pauses* I....I do not remember
Castiel: *Hums and continues observing reader* It seems like part of its memory chip is missing.
Dean: Great now what are we supposed to do with a big ass robot that is supposed to be not real.
Castiel: We have to find it
Sam: Dean. Castiel is right.
Dean: *Sighs* fine when we find out why you are here you are out of here. *Points at Cybertron reader*
Cybertron reader: Of course
Sam: *watches Dean and Castiel walk away.*
Sam: *Looks up at Cybertron reader* Looks like were on a mission to find your memory's.
Cybertron reader: *Hums in agreement*
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starstiels · 7 months
hi spn fandom i need help i have too many AUs in my brain and idk which one to focus on
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maydays-medbay · 6 months
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Smilin' Big! (Cassie is a character from Verse Versa, an original story created by @cuppanova. You should go and read through their blog! It's honestly super cool and I love the character designs 💛)
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iamthehamburglar · 9 months
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authorpendragging · 3 months
I spent way too long making this instead of doing anything productive. Please give it some love it’s a feral creation.
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samanddean76 · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), HunterCorp Dean Winchester, HunterCorp Sam Winchester, HunterCorp John Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Raphael (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), Mick Davies, Arthur Ketch Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, hunter corp au, Human Castiel (Supernatural), hunter corp Dean, hunter corp Sam, Hunter Corp John, Archangel Gabriel (Supernatural), Transformation, Castiel Gets A Power-Up, Canon-Typical Violence, Good Parent John Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Get Married, Angst, Fluff, Love, Dancing In Tuxedo's, Wedding Night Surprise, Wings On Display, Happy Ending, Top Dean Winchester, Bottom Castiel (Supernatural), Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, mentions of mpreg, Destiel - Freeform Summary:
John Winchester is very concerned. On what should be one of the happiest days of his life, the wedding of his oldest child Dean to the absolute love of his life Castiel, both grooms and Sam are missing. John calls upon Gabriel, a Supernatural Consultant for Hunter Corp, and then sets out to find the missing men. Just hoping that he’s not too late to walk his son down the aisle.
A Valentine’s Day adventure with a little peril, a lot of love, and quite the happy ending!
Based on the following prompt: Well, of course, I would be happy with anything, but if somebody were to write a story for me which plays out in the Hunter Corp! Universe, I would be happy. Maybe it's just my head canon, but I feel like that Dean and Cas were together there.
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vesperscas · 8 months
LMAOOO the castiel brainworms are working overtime to connect us to the same brainwave
it was the scene from 10x18 where cas gets his grace back and he rises slowly with his wings spreading behind him and im like. yeah cool but. what if he goes full sailor moon transformation. hovering in front of a sparkly pink background with his eyes closed and arms outstretched. his clothes manifest out of nowhere in glowy blue grace. his angel blade appears in his hand with a cheery ping! the same way magical girl wands materialize. he raises his hands above his head and says, "angel power, STARLIGHT!" in enochian as ribbons of glittery light surround him.
anyways. this is all to say that cas is our very own eldritch horror magical girl.
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mamabear937 · 1 year
I love this show.
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I am a Megalodon, oceans feeling like a pond Swimming like a beast, underneath they be clinging on Meteoric rise, in prehistoric times Now that meteor is coming, coming I am Megatron, cogs I'm stepping on Then the little cogs got together, start a renaissance Switched it up on me, fuel efficiency On fumes I am running, running, running
Up and down They're nodding Heads are moving up and down You got it Everybody Up and down They're nodding Heads are moving up and down You got it Everybody stand in line One by one, take a hit, join the club Kids will try to take my vibes Or am I on the outside?
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lerry-hazel · 1 year
More visuals no one asked for
So, the fic is nearly ready: can you guess where it is going? :-D
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PS. A more readable version:
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vaicomcas · 2 years
I have this new hc where Castiel picked up the habit of dropping F bombs. He still speaks eloquently, poetically and earnestly, mind you-- but he learned this new way of adding emphasis and he embraced it.
I sort of imagine this James Ellroy line as something he would say:
"It's a fucked up world. We are accountable anyway."
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isharaneith · 2 years
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Purple – Castiel
Like, reblog or comment if you save, please.
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robotorion · 2 years
I’ve had some drinks so I’m back on my “SPN characters like the same stuff I like” bullshit (so let’s get into it)
Dean talks about having Scooby and the gang on tv no matter where they went, but it’s more than likely that there was another show he could rely on as well in the 80s; something that would’ve come out just after Mary’s death; something that would most definitely appeal to his interests…
TRANSFORMERS - robots in disguise
Dean obviously likes cars, and since he thinks of baby like a fifth member of the family, I think he would be intrigued seeing cars that actually do come to life. He doesn’t watch the show a lot, but he catches it when he can, and the thing that really keeps him coming back is Optimus Prime — the bot that every kid saw as a second father. Strong, brave, compassionate, funny; all the things that would’ve reminded him of his own father (or how his father used to be — ‘how he should be’ a part of him thinks).
Unsurprisingly, Bobby’s the one who notices Dean’s love for the show. He might try to get him one of the toys if he can, or show him cars in the salvage yard that resemble some of the characters, but the biggest thing would be taking him and Sam to see the movie in theatres in ‘86, an experience that would unfortunately be more traumatic than fun. Most of the original cast is killed off, including Optimus, and Hot Rod becomes Rodimus Prime, who essentially has to pick up where OP left off in the fight against evil (Dean isn’t sure why he thinks about it like that, and he refuses to spend any time unpacking that line of thinking, but it nonetheles makes him uncomfortable)
Dean appreciates what Bobby did for them, but he kinda stops watching the show after that. He may stick around if one of his favourite episode is rerunning, but he will not watch season 3, and all but refuses to talk about the show when anyone (mostly Sam) asks.
Once gets older he starts making small references again. He’s even been found humming or whistling the show’s theme song by himself, and has most definitely made the transforming sound while working on baby (carefully making sure no one’s there to catch it). Funnily enough he has no problem checking out the Michael Bay movies when they come out. He doesn’t expect them to be like the original (he doesn’t even expect them to be “good” so to speak), but if he can enjoy a few hours and a few beers while watching them, then they’ve passed in his eyes (this is the same man who willingly watched speed 2 for the same reason i think)
It isn’t until Jack comes along (and Cas comes back of course) that he really tries returning to the franchise. After Jack finishes off clone wars by himself, he looks for something new, and after hearing Dean make some allusion to it, he looks up Transformers. There are so many different iterations though that he isn’t actually sure where to start, but there is one that he notices has a similar art style (in that it’s 3D) that also came out around the same time as clone wars.
So Jack decides to start watching Transformers Prime (and when he learns that one of the kids is also named Jack, he knows he made the right choice)
Dean is walking by his room one day and only has to hear Optimus’s voice for a second to realize who it is. He walks in and let’s Jack explain the show to him (since he never really kept up with any other iterations of it), trying not to chuckle at his enthusiasm. But when Jack asks if he wants to stay and watch with him, he makes up an excuse to leave. It confuses Jack, because he seems more nervous than negative with his response. So he decides to ask Cas about it, assuming that he will know (which he does because “raised from perdition” and all that). Cas doesn’t explain exactly why Dean acts so weird about Transformers now, but does try to make Jack feel better by saying that “you can never truly fall out of love with something that meant so much to you,” and agreeing to watch the show with him instead.
So they set up a screening in the dean-cave. When Sam comes around he decides to watch with them as well. It isn’t too much later when Dean makes it to the room, thinking it was jusst a normal movie night. He hesitates when asked to stay, but figures it would raise more questions if he didn’t, so he sits down and starts scrolling through his phone. As the episodes go on, Sam watches as his brother starts paying more and more attention to them, even cracking a smile every so often. By the time they stop for the night, Dean is visibly more comfortable, and actually stays up with Jack to talk about the original show and the movies.
I have more ideas on how Dean would react to certain episodes of tfp and other iterations in the franchise as a whole, but I think the big thing with tfp for him would be seeing Optimus less in relation to his father, and more relative to himself (especially after the Orion Pax arc -- being forced into a leadership role he wasn’t necesarily wanting to be in, having to look out for everyone else more than himself, not really being able to display your emotions as authentically as they’re felt -- lots of angst). It would be a lot to process, but he’s happy to do it if it means enjoying something he once loved all over again, and getting to share it with his favourite people in the world
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