#cass x courier six
everydayyoulovemeless · 5 months
Hi! If it's ok, can I request the FNV companions + Vulpes with a fem courier who is strictly a top and won't accept a submissive role no matter what? I need more top fem courier in my life.
(Also, you can exclude Arcade since he's gay and I respect his sexuality).
FNV Companions (+Vulpes) With a Top F!Courier
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Misogyny, MDNI ➼ Genre » NSFW, Romantic ➼ A/N » UGHH top fems give me life, Nonnie, thank you
Boone loves being with a top in bed and has no problem allowing someone to take control of him during sex. Just as he's not much of a talker, he's also not always much of a dom. So, when he finds someone who can naturally take the lead, he's about ready to fall head over heels for them. Boone considers himself a switch, but he turns to putty whenever he can find a woman willing to take the initiative and boss him around. He has no issue being able to sit back and do as you command and would almost beg you to do so. It just feels natural to him, considering he's a veteran. Taking orders is what's familiar to him, and he has no issue admitting it.
Raul doesn't take you seriously at first. He just chuckles and goes along with what you're doing in more of a joking way, but he very quickly begins to understand that you're being genuine when you continue to order him around. It's a nice change of pace for the ghoul. The other times he's slept with a woman, it's usually him on top, so having this switch in roles is new for him and very welcomed. He follows along with your instructions easily. Whatever you need him to do, wherever you want him to be, he'll obey without much thought at all. In fact, he finds that he likes being with someone a bit more dominant than he is. Mostly because it means he can probably just lay there while you have your way with him (he's old, give him a break).
Cass has mixed feelings on the matter. On the one hand, she loves that she's finally met someone who can match her more firey personality, but on the other, she wants to be the one in charge. You'll have to wrestle with her for a bit before either of you can take on the dominant role for that night. It's a bit hit or miss with her as she can be very determined when it comes to things like this, but if you manage to pin her down hard enough, you should be able to have your way with her. Another thing to note, Cass loves it rough and wouldn't mind if you decided you needed to put her in a couple feet of rope to keep her still. Just a thought.
Veronica doesn't mind. In fact, she kinda likes having a more dominant partner. Being in a submissive role makes her feel more feminine, and if you can get her while she's in a dress, she'll be even more excited and willing to obey. One thing about Veronica is that she's a talker, especially during sex, and she's never against a bit of teasing or gagging to get her to quiet down. In fact, they go a long way when trying to get her off. She's more than willing to be put in her place and would do whatever was commanded of her, especially if you called her pretty while you did so.
Vulpes hates it. He wants to be the one in control, especially during sexual encounters. So, when he has to fight you for dominance, he gets a little pissed off. Not only does he find it to be incredibly disrespectful, but he deems it to go against the 'natural order' of things. Vulpes is a strong believer in the idea that women should be subservient and obedient to the men in their lives and will make it very clear to you how he feels. He'll bite you and try to overpower you, but if you tug his hair hard enough, there's a chance you'll be able to gain the upper hand in the situation and finally get him to relax into a more submissive role. Truthfully, though, he doesn't mind it all that much. He just doesn't like allowing a woman to order a man around. He thinks it's wrong, but as long as you keep quiet about this interaction, he will too.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 8 months
Day 2 -- Rose of Sharon Cassidy
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober, Day 2 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Tit Fucking with Cass x M!Reader
Yay! Cass is so fun to write for honestly, and this was no exception. The banter, especially, was just good, good fun 😊
I hope you like it!
Here is the link to my Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Tit Fucking, drinking (alcohol lol), blow jobs, praise, teasing, orgasm denial, edging, cum shot, nipple play, face sitting (very brief).
Words: 3.6k
“You want me to introduce ya, or something?”
“W-what?” You blinked at your companion from where you leaned against the pool table, effectively on the same level as her, as Cass bent over to make a shot.  
“My tits, Six. You keep staring right at ‘em. If you want me to introduce ya, I could, you know.” 
You felt your cheeks heat, and promptly stood up to your full height, regrettably losing your previous view in the process.  
Idiot. You chastised yourself. How could I have been so obvious? How…
How could I have not noticed what I was doing?
“Can’t say how they’d like ya though, these gals. They’re picky.” With that, Cass took her shot, sinking in the last of her striped pool balls as she fixed you with a wink. 
“H-how, well, I didn’t mean to–”
“What? Make it obvious? C’mon Six, eyes wide as a full moon, yer mouth hanging open like a slack-jawed brahmin, I’d have to be blind not to notice.” 
Guess I’m blind, then. You thought solemnly. 
Cass, luckily, failed to sink the 8 ball as she finished her turn, and so, with an audible swallow, you rounded the pool table to set up your own measly shot. The one upside of this particular game was how many of your solid-colored balls you had left to choose from. 
Instead of moving away, circling the table as an opponent usually does, to watch your move, to be out off the way of your cue, even just to go and take a drink of her beer on the tall table across from you, Cass moved closer. She leaned back against the table, her elbows resting on the lip as she tilted her head back to be level with yours... and purposefully jutting out her chest. 
“Look, partner, I’m not shy about ‘em.” 
The ex-caravanner gave a little shimmy, hiking her flannel down to further accentuate the… ahem, objects of your recent attention. 
“All you gotta do is ask.” Cass whispered in your ear, so close, you could feel the way her bottom lip brushed your earlobe. 
Instead of answering her, you found your arms moving of their own accord while the rest of your body fell for the distraction. Still though, the shot was shit, you observed as you saw the mark you’d left upon the crimson felt of the table, as you saw the cue ball bang right into the 8, and… sink it in. To add insult to injury, the white, affronting ball flew into the hole right after. 
“Hm.” You turned to Cass as she made a face, her brows furrowed and lips pursed. “Didn’t think it was that ball’s turn yet.” 
“Me neither.” You said with a sigh, turning around to lean back alongside her. “Guess he was ready to make the jump, though.” 
You half-smiled as Cass let out a little, amused snort. It was the only type of laughter you ever seemed to rouse from her, but even still, it always managed to warm your chest. 
“So, what about you? You ready?”
“R-ready?” Your eyes widened substantially as your heart stuttered its pace in your chest.
“Yeah, courier, pay up. What was it, 15? So that makes 30 caps for me, doesn’t it?” 
You nodded at that, with a sad little wince on your face. 
“Well… what if I just bought you a couple drinks, eh? That would cover it, right?” 
Cass turned to you with a quirked brow, and you could already hear the ‘no’ in her expression. 
With a sigh, you forked over the caps to her open palms, dropping them one by one until they nearly spilled from her fingers. 
“Thank ya kindly.” She threw a wink your way as she pushed off the edge of the pool table and made for the bar. 
“Anytime.” The word was almost a croak. As she vanished through the haze of bar-goers and cigarette smoke, you grabbed up the pool cues, and set them back on the rack. 
I have got to stop agreeing to these games… 
“Right.” Two glasses clattered down on the wood table you were now leaning over, your eyes peering up from where they’d been buried against your wrists as you nursed you conscience of all of its silly financial losses. 
And social ones. Ugh.
“Now this? This is a right kinda beverage. Yer gonna thank me, before the night is through. Just wait and see.” 
“Oh, so you can buy me a drink, but I can’t–”
“Oh, get over yourself, cowboy. If you don’t drink the damn thing, I will. Lord knows I need somethin’ that strong.” 
“Well…” You grasped the tall, dark glass with one hand, and held it up. “Cheers, then.” 
“Hm. Good choice.” A clink sounded as the drinks met, and then… Then it was mostly a blur. 
Strong? Strong, my ass, this shit was a Herculean concentrate. 
You woke up in a haze, your head pounding like a bighorner had run over it with a tractor full of about eighteen other bighorners. 
“Morning, sunshine.” Cass sounded equally as shitty as you felt. 
You were both in a bed, a big one with the sheets all tossed off the sides and pillows all mussed. The room was dim, and there wasn’t any light shining through the curtains just yet. 
“Morning?” You managed, rubbing your eyes and your temples in the same desperate movement to get your head from hating you so loudly, so distractingly.
“Eh, probably not really yet, but for you. Passed out a couple hours ago after a few drinks, started saying some weird shit too loud down there, so I got us this room. Paid with your caps though, seein’ as I bought the dri–”
“W-wait, hold on, I was saying stuff?”
“Yeah, nothing I wasn’t aware of, but still, kinda embarrassing confessing your drunken love for me in front of all those strangers.” 
“I…” Your own groan interrupted you, and you fell back against the cushions as your hands went to your face, shielding it from Cass’s obviously amused scrutiny. 
“It was quite the performance, Six, really. I appreciated it.” 
“Wow, yeah,” You said humorously, “Wish I coulda been there for it myself.”
“No, hey, c’mon partner.” 
A hand shoved against your shoulder roughly, temporarily pulling the attention from the pain in your head. 
“It was real sweet. You sayin’ how good we are together, how we have fun, how you’re so glad we met in that seedy NCR bar, oh so many months ago.”
That’s… well, that’s not so bad, as far as confessions go.
“An’ how much you like my tits.”
Another groan escaped you of its own accord, and if that wasn’t enough, the pounding in your skull seemed to increase exponentially with that knowledge. 
“Yep, way you say it, I’ve got the finest pair in New Vegas, in all the Mojave Wastes. They’re all round and nice an’ soft, look like you could sleep on ‘em, or kiss ‘em till your lips fall off. Real poet you are, when it comes to my tits.” 
“Right, well…” 
How the hell am I supposed to come back from this? I confess my love… and then talk about her breasts for ten whole poetic sentences? 
“Just really speaking from the heart, you know?” 
It was all you could do in terms of damage control. How do firemen control a burn that’s already gone out? The devastation was there to stay, no matter what you poured on it. 
“Yeah, right here.”
You let your eyes peek up from the shield of your hands to look over at her, just in time to see the way Cass squeezed at her own right breast with a cheeky grin at her lips. 
“Yep, that’s the place…” 
Did my voice just go up an octave? Jesus... If I could get paid for embarrassing myself, I could afford to play pool with her every damn night.
“Look, quit being so dramatic. ‘S not like you said anything gross. An’ besides… Coulda told me before.”
You only shook your head, eyes lost in nothingness as you tried to rake your shadowed memories for any semblance of this interaction of yours. 
“Why didn't you, Six? You scared or something?” 
“Something like that, yeah…” 
“Oh, poppycock. Yer just more articulate when yer drunk, that’s all. Makes ya more passionate, less scared of what other folks’ll think.” 
“Don’t care what they think. But…” You turned to face her, and damn near kicked yourself at the way your eyes automatically went to her cleavage. 
“But, um…”
“Oh, for christ's sake.”  
Your eyes widened until you were sure they’d pop right out of your skull as her hands flew to the buttons of her flannel. 
“It’s not that hard, Six. You tell me you think I’d look swell with my tits out, and I’d show ya in a heartbeat.” 
“W-what?” Your gaze finally broke its trance and tore from the growing gap in her shirt to meet her eyes.
“Yeah. Not gonna bite you or nothin’, well, not unless yer into it." She chuckled dryly to herself at that, before her voice grew noticeably softer. You almost couldn't believe it was her speaking. "No but… If I’m being honest, I think you ain’t so bad yourself, Six.” 
For a moment, the pain in your head left you completely, all discomfort forgotten at the sound of her affirming words. 
“Yeah?” Was all you could manage to get out in your present state. 
“Yeah, an’ if yer feelin’ up to it, I’d like to show ya just how much I like ya.” 
“This isn’t, like… You’re not messing with me, are you?” 
You hated that you felt the need to ask, but... Yeah, with Cass, you never could know.
“You want me to come clean? Fine."
It was just then that your eyes lingered on her face long enough to notice the blush painting her freckled cheeks, and the way her eyes were darker than usual, her pupils wide with...
Could it be?
"But you… All you said down there, Six, ‘bout how irresistible you think I am, an' all you said you wanted to do to me, if you had the chance… well, let’s just say it’s like a busted hoover dam down here, alright?” 
Your heartbeat picked up in your chest as she gestured between her legs.
She meant it– means it. Wants me…
A curious sound left you as you gulped heavily. A growing heat stirred in your gut, and your cock woke up not a moment later, twitching as it stiffened in your jeans. 
“So…?” Cass’s auburn brows rose on her head, and you blinked at her a moment, letting the shock of this whole interaction sink in, and then dissipate before you answered. 
“So… I think I’m the luckiest guy in the Mojave, and… fuck, yeah, I’m up to it.” 
You were scooching towards your companion before you even finished your sentence, but before you could turn to face her, to wrap your arms around her, to kiss her, to do whatever your still-hazy mind had spontaneously planned, before her movement halted you. 
Cass sat up in the bed, thrusting her chest pointedly outwards as her hands hauled the fabric of her flannel off of her completely. Stopping dead in your tracks, you held your body still, waiting for her direction as Cass crawled the last bit over towards you, before moving to straddle your legs between hers on the bed. 
“We have quite a bit of time to acquaint ourselves in our travels, but seein’ as we’re both needy as deathclaws in heat right now, figured I’d just get right down to it.”
You nodded, like a love-drunk (and sort of regular-drunk) fool as her hands went to the button and zip of your pants, undoing both without preamble and beginning to haul your jeans and underwear down off of you in one impatient movement. You raised your hips in response, no time for self-consciousness or hesitation before your lower half was completely bare to her. 
Cass bit her bottom lip as her gaze dragged up your legs to rest on your quickly-forming erection, swelling as your arousal built up within you-- fucking jump-started and revving at this point-- with her bare breasts jutting out towards you. 
“You sure are excited, huh?” Cass threw you a wink that immediately stole the breath from your lungs. Your heart was racing from being exposed like this, from blood quickly rushing down to your cock, and, mostly, from the way she looked above you, her pale, heavy tits just as fantastic as you’d always imagined them, a mix of soft-looking and freckled and maybe just a hint of sharpness to her shapely pink nipples.
They're more perfect than even drunk me could've aptly described.  
“Never told me how formidable you were, big boy.” Her voice brought you back to reality as your gaze snapped to her face, and then, her hand was upon you. Her fingers moved lightly, teasingly as she toyed with your cock, examining your girth, the way you swelled and heated against her rough palm, the way the tip leaked and your shaft twitched at the sound of her praise and her light touches.
“Now, that is just as worthy of praise as my tits you was ravin’ about out there. Ravin' like a mad man.” A giggle left her at that, a light, wondrous sound, and as much as you wished to commend her for it, her hand beginning to stroke over you, spreading your pre-cum up and down your cock left little room for you to focus on your words. 
“I, ahh... Seriously doubt that, Cass.” You managed to haul out from your strained throat. 
Dammit, how you felt like some overexcited boy seeing a Gamora dancer out on the strip for the first time. Three minutes it’s been, maybe, and already you felt yourself reach full hardness, felt the buildup to your release upon you like flies on a dead fiend…
Wow, okay… that visual seemed to slow things down a bit though. 
“You…” you tried speaking through it, hoping it’d be distraction enough so you could pace yourself. “You’re worthy of praise, and those…” 
Both hands gestured to her chest, at the way her breasts jostled deliciously with every stroke she made with her hand over him. 
“They’re honestly like the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“I take it yer not much of an ass man, then? Seem partial to these.” Cass shimmied for you again-- knowing the power that particular movement had over you-- her tits bouncing sensually as they glistened from the warmth of the Mojave night, and that of her building pleasure. Your hand flew to where hers gripped your shaft, pulling it away before you could burst from the sight. 
“Fuck, not too quick please, I… dammit, I want this to last.” Your voice shook as you held firm to the base of your cock, staving off your release as best you could. 
“But…” You managed to try and continue, as you released your hold on yourself. Cass was still grinning smugly at the effect she had on you as she settled back and moved to seat herself upon the floor at the foot of the bed. 
“That’s just the thing, Cass, I’m usually more of an ass man, but yours… You just are so… you have–”
“Yeah, fantastic tits, I know. Sheesh, ya just keep sayin’ it, I’m not like to forget anytime soon, cowboy. Now get down here.” 
Sitting up yourself, you scooted forward on the mattress until your legs were hanging over the edge, and Cass was kneeling between them. 
“Perfect.” Her hand grasped you again, pointing the tip of your cock towards her light pink lips, and you felt your fingers dig, white-knuckled, into the mattress in anticipation. 
“Jus’ try hold out a bit for me, will ya? Still need to get off myself.” 
Unsure if it was a promise you could viably keep, you nodded to her anyway, and Cass smiled. 
She smiled, and then ran her bottom lip over the tip of your cock, before taking the entire head into her hot, wet mouth. 
“Jesus, Cass.” Your stomach flexed and hips bucked as she encased your sensitive length between her divine lips, carrying on with her movement over you with pulsing, driving motions that led you to the very back of her lithe throat. “Not too fast, I--ah, I wanna keep my promise.” 
She hummed at that, which did not help, but soon after, her mouth pulled off of you with a pop. 
You were absolutely soaked with a mix of her drool and your pre-cum, swollen and glistening in the dim, pre-morning light of the musty little room. 
“Relax, Six, just gettin’ prepared.” She winked again, and you felt you might swoon. 
Oh. ‘Prepared’. 
A giddiness fizzed through your whole body at the sound of that. 
I only hope I can last.
“If I know what you like, and in this case, I’m sure I do, then this oughta thrill you bunches.”
Curiously, your gaze fell to her, where Cass’s hands now grasped at the fullness of her chest. She rose up a little higher on her knees, and proceeded to slot your stiff erection right within the soft, sweet alleyway of her plush breasts. 
Almost immediately, you had your answer to the intended question, as she rose up slightly, letting your sensitive cock drag between her tits until the head was nestled tightly between the pillowy soft mounds, before going back down to the base. She only had to repeat the action a few more times for your breathing to pick up again, for you to feel an inch from blowing your load out and onto her flushed face and chest. 
Then, Cass changed tactics, using one hand to pull you from her cleavage and press the tip of your cock to the hard little point of her nipple, drawing small, tight circles with your pre-cum around her areola and stimulating that sensitive place upon herself while giving you quite the eyeful. 
Your hands gripped tightly to the mattress as she continued with this action, the stiff peak of her nipple slotting so deliciously against the slit of your cock and sending shockwaves of pleasure jolting up your spasming nerves.
Your jaw clenched painfully as you tried to stave off your orgasm, but damn, if her tits making love to your cock wasn’t enough, her expression could be all on its own. Her half-lidded eyes, her lips slightly ajar as she panted shallowly from the exertion of this arousing act, her vibrant hair falling messily around her shoulders, brushing softly over the skin of her face as she moved. 
Cass switched to stimulating her other nipple with your cock, still paying a distinct and overwhelming attention to your little slit, slotting her nub to rub against that leaking opening until you saw flashes of white storm across your vision. You whimpered as the sensations increased, your hips bucking almost violently as you felt your balls tighten up against you, ready to spill– And the wretched woman pulled away, setting her hand upon your cock just the way you had done to stave off your release that first time. 
“Fuck… you suck, Cass.” You half-laughed, half-groaned as she grinned so rudely at you. 
“Oh, that's not all I do, cowboy." She gave another wink that should've had your cheeks flushing hot with color, but this time you were too focused on not biting your tongue off in frustration to notice it.
"Now, just a little bit more...” Next you knew, Cass had slotted you back between her breasts, pushing them so tightly against your achingly stiff cock as she bounced up and down that your release began to build anew with no fuss at all. 
“A bit more for you, and then it’s my turn.” 
Your stomach tightened at her words, as your mind raced.
What would you do first? You wondered. Kiss her all over her body? Remove all last bits of clothing upon her before you ran your hands over every nook and cranny of her alluring form until she was a squirming mess? Would you set your mouth upon her sweet folds straight away, diving between those lower lips and licking and laving over her until she had no more orgasms to give? 
Your blood ran all the hotter at the thought of it all, and the possibility that you might consider doing all of those at once. The night may be close to over, but y’all had this hotel room for another five hours or so after sunrise. And you planned to fill every damn instant of it. 
“F-fuck, Cass, please…” You groaned out her name, and instead of changing pace, of stopping or moving away, she pressed together harder, your aching, leaking cock snug between those breathtaking tits as they engulfed you in their pillowy softness, and you spilled your release messily against her skin with a loud groan.
Cass continued thrusting her tits against you as your body shook upon the mattress, your breath coming in gasps and your hips bucking wildly of their own accord as you spurted milky, white cum all over her chest, her breasts, her chin, until finally, it was over, and your body collapsed back on the bed with one final sigh. 
You heard a fond sort of sound from Cass as she stood up, still covered in the evidence of your love for her, your appreciation for her incredible body, and began to remove her pants. 
“Alrighty there, Six. Ya got yours, right?” 
You nodded vigorously, a ‘did I ever?!’ seeming a bit overbearing and over-enthusiastic for the mood you two had established. 
“Right then…” Now gloriously nude as the day she was born, Cass climbed onto the bed, and you felt your heart leap as she readily swung one leg over you, and made to rest the soaked folds of her picturesque pussy right over your waiting, still-gasping mouth. 
“My turn.” 
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felassanis · 2 years
Fallout: New Vegas fan cast
Courier 6 - Emmy Rossum
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Acrade Gannon - Chris Wood
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Ulysses - Roger Cross
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Veronica - Melissa Barrera
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Benny - Oscar Isaac
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Joshua Graham - Mads Mikkelson
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Rose of Sharon Cassidy- Penelope Cruz
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Craig Boone - Ed Skrein
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Caesar - Michael Hogan
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Vulpes Inculta - Jason Spisak
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160 notes · View notes
Victor Plays Matchmaker
Character/Ships: Courier x Arcade // Courier x Boone // Courier x Cass // Courier x Veronica // Courier x Raul Series: Fallout New Vegas Word Count: 479 (intro) + 408 (Arcade) // 512 (Boone) // 500 (Cass) // 458 (Veronica) // 393 (Raul)
TW: Alcohol (Cass)
❤ ❤ ❤
The harsh Mojave sunlight beat down upon the glittering city of New Vegas. The flashing neon lights and signs  were dim against the bright blue of the sky, sprinkled with a few light clouds that did little to stop the intensity of the bright daylight.
On the Strip, there were a handful of rowdy gamblers and the occasional drunkard, but for the most part, it was quiet as the Courier made their way up the stairs of the Lucky 38. Victor greeted them with a flailing arm that was soon draped over their shoulder as he ushered them inside.
The doors behind them creaked closed and, as they stepped onto the carpeted floor of the casino, Victor pulled the Courier aside with a wayward glance to the elevator and lead them to the western side of the ground floor of the building, amongst the empty tables and chairs coated in dust and debris from the years of neglect. Victor gestured to one such empty booth, the torn and stained fabric that must have been an electrifying shade of red back in its prime now faded into an ugly shade of burgundy. As the Courier slipped into the seat, they idly wondered how much time had passed since it had been cleaned properly. Once they had settled into the chair, the Courier gave Victor a puzzled look, leaning over the table.
“I’m sure you’re itching to get back to the boss and tell him about your latest adventures with the Omertas,” Victor drawled as he parked himself in front of the table and rested his claws over the wooden surface. “But I wanted to have a word with you in private before you go gallivanting off to the Presidential Suite.”
The Courier raised an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”
“Now, your old pal Victor just wants to chat about one of your friends… One taking up residence upstairs there.”
“What?” The Courier sighed, exasperated. The beginnings of a tension headache buzzed in their skull. “What did they do this time?”
Victor chuckled. “No, no! It’s not what they’ve done. It’s what hasn’t happened yet…”
“What?” The Courier repeated. Victor clicked his claws together nervously on the counter. From the short distance across the table, the Courier could hear the creaking gears and whirring fans through Victor’s chest cavity. Was he anxious?
“I'm not one for beating around the bush, so I'm just going to come right out and say it." Victor placed a claw on the Courier's shoulder as he spoke. "I seen the way your buddy up there looks at you and I seen the way you look at them, and I think you two'd make a fine couple. I got the sense you just needed an outside observer to give you a push in the right direction, so that's what I'm doing now!"
The Courier spluttered. "You mean, me and…"
❤ ❤ ❤
The robot nodded enthusiastically - or, at least, he attempted to by rapidly shaking his monitor up and down in the imitation of human agreement. The Courier might have been amused if they weren’t horrified. Victor wasn’t done, however, and he quickly produced a menagerie of old, dusty textbooks from behind the table. 
Ah, so this was why Victor had brought them to this table in particular.
“Look at these! The boss was nice enough to let me give these to you; why dont’cha give them to your doctor pal? Bond over… Uh…” Victor picked up one of the pre-war textbooks and held it to his monitor. “...Human tissue!”
The Courier picked one up from the counter and ran their fingers over the gold lettering on the spine. “Victor, I appreciate it, but he’s a researcher - not necessarily a medical doctor-”
"You can learn together! The two of ya, bettering each other's skills; great idea for a first date if you wanna invite him out to that Fort you two like to visit from time to time."
“Enough! Victor, I don’t have feelings for Arcade.” The Courier drummed their fingers impatiently on the table as their face warmed involuntarily. They could feel the rising heat on their cheeks. "I don't know where your idea came from. Besides, we're friends! Wouldn’t trade that for anything."
The securitron brushed his arm affectionately over one of the textbooks laid on the counter before turning back to his friend. The familiar buzz from his monitor was comforting amongst the quiet of the abandoned casino floor. "Friends don't look at each other the way you two do."
The atmosphere had changed from painfully awkward to just uncomfortable, a change for which the Courier felt grateful as they shook their head affectionately at the securitron in front of them. Victor enthusiastically handed over the few books still held in his claws, and the Courier’s protests died on their lips as they thumbed through what they had been given. Despite their age, the books were in remarkably pristine condition, and covered a wide range of subjects from medicine to robotics. Maybe Victor did have the right idea. Besides, even if they lost their nerve at the prospect of asking the handsome doctor to work with them, at least they might learn something useful in the process. 
The Courier reluctantly grabbed a few of the textbooks and got up from the table. 
Well, here goes nothing.
❤ ❤ ❤
“Your friend from the NCR! That’s him, right?” Victor replied.
“Oh, no, there’s nothing going on between us.” The Courier murmured half-heartedly, rubbing the back of their neck. They stared at the table and grimaced in an attempt to suppress the blush forming on their cheeks. The act didn’t fool the securitron, who clicked his claws and huffed in response. 
“Don’t be so quick to deny it! I know I’m just an old securitron, but I see what I see, and the two of you are missing out on something if you don’t do nothing about it.”
“That’s sweet of you, Victor, but I’m not interested. We aren’t interested.” The Courier rolled their eyes and leaned back in the booth, glaring at the robot in front of them as if to say ‘bring it up again, I dare you’. 
Unfortunately for them, Victor was stubborn enough to not take the hint. 
“You both like putting those legionaries across the lake in the ground, dont’cha? You can make a date of it! The two of ya can sneak into that camp and give ‘em hell! And your date might even teach ya a thing or two about taking out someone at a distance.”
“Was that a pot-shot at my combat skills, Victor?” The Courier chewed their lip, attempting to turn the conversation back to the mundane. Victor wasn’t taking the bait. 
“It could be fun! And, you’d be doing Mr. House a favour to boot; don’t want an excess of those legionaries crawling around Hoover Dam when we get on the scene…”
The Courier groaned and held their face in their hands, rubbing their temple. The Mojave heat had permeated the building and the unusually warm temperature was getting to their temper. “So, this is actually for House?”
Victor brushed the dust off the counter absentmindedly. “Not exactly... I just thought it’d be the perfect way for the two of ya to bond!”
The Courier sat in silence for a minute and stared at the dappled sunlight streaming through the tattered curtains. The light illuminated the gleaming metal of Victor’s casing, and the Courier couldn’t help but let their mind wander so slightly, reflecting on what the securitron said. There was no possible way that this would end well. Boone had gone through such horror in such a short amount of time; losing his wife, combined with the Battle of Bitter Springs… Even if the feelings the Courier had secretly been harbouring for their sniper friend were reciprocal, they knew he wouldn't be ready to act on it.
No, maybe it was best to let it go.
…On the other hand though, there was no real worst case scenario; if they were rejected, they could always play it off as an order from Mr. House.
With a million possibilities swimming in their mind, the Courier rose from their seat and shook their head slowly at Victor as they let out a shaky breath. "What have you talked me into, Victor?" 
"The best first date you've ever been on, partner!" Victor replied chirpily.
❤ ❤ ❤
Victor chuckled once more, his metallic frame brushing up against the counter behind the booth. The scraping of metal against metal was a lightning bolt against the Courier's skull and they cringed at the noise. The heat was already getting to them; no sense in adding noise to the mix.
"That's her!" Victor replied, raising his voice to be heard against the ruckus he was causing. Eventually, he slithered back out from behind the bar, brandishing two bottles of expensive whiskeys. He gave a bottle to the Courier who took it carefully, turning it in their hands. Amber liquid sloshed inelegantly against the glass. 
"Betcha wondering why your old pal Victor's giving you something from the vintage collection…”
“Vintage?” The Courier echoed. It looked rather average to them.
“Vintage! Best whiskey that caps can buy. With any luck, might not even burn on the way down ya gullet! Not that I’d know, but, well, an old securitron can dream.”
The Courier’s gaze flickered from Victor to the bottle, then back to Victor. They lacked the courage to ask him what the point was of a liquor that didn’t burn. “Why are you giving this to me?”
“Did those bullets scramble your head up? Maybe Doc Mitchell didn’t patch ya up properly.” Victor almost tutted as he slid the second bottle down next to the Courier. “What’s-her-name… Rose of Sharon Cassidy enjoys a good beverage, and what’s better than a good whiskey and even better company?”
The Courier spluttered as they placed the whiskey back down on the table and shot Victor a glare. “C’mon, Victor. Leave it be. I’m not gonna get Cass drunk enough to... Well...”
Now it was Victor who was offended. “Partner, I thought you’d know me by now that I would never suggest you take advantage of a lady!”
The Courier sighed as they slunk in their seat, the fabric scratching against their skin as they did so. It was not unlike the prickling sensation that they felt under their skin at the mention of a date.
Victor clicked his metallic hand against one of the whiskey bottles, sighing. “I’m suggesting you give one of these to your lady friend as a gift, and the two of you split one. Go somewhere fancy, dress up, hit the town!”
“What for?” The Courier wrinkled their nose. The realisation that they hadn’t been quite so secretive about their feelings towards the charming redhead was an embarrassing enough notion; they didn’t need to be pushed into admitting it further.
“I won’t hear no more about it, friend. You get into that elevator, give this to her, and ask her to share a drink!” Victor declared.
Suddenly, the Courier found themselves being hoisted out of the booth and pushed towards the elevator by the securitron, bottles of whiskey in hand.
Despite Victor’s rudeness, the Courier begrudgingly went along with him. ‘After all,’ they thought as they looked at the alcohol in their hands, ‘what was the worst that could happen?’
❤ ❤ ❤
“It’s a perfect match, really,” Victor laughed from the other side of the table. He almost sounded smug. “She packs a mean punch, and you dish ‘em out!”
The Courier furrowed their brow in confusion and they drummed their fingers on the counter. “What does that even mean, Victor?”
“You’re both good at killing things, is what I mean. Gosh, didn’t think I’d need to spell it out so much for ya!”
“Great.” The Courier snarked. They stared at their knuckles, bruised and sore from the day’s efforts. It wasn’t even midday and their body was aching. How did Veronica manage to lug around that power fist so effortlessly? The sunlight poured in through the window, unbroken by the raggedy curtains, and the Courier followed the beams that settled on the elevator doors. Victor followed their gaze and snorted in amusement.
“Eager to get back to her, hey?” He commented with the faintest hint of a laugh. The Courier snapped back to reality, pink now dusting their cheeks. They shook their head, almost in an effort to rid their mind of what they knew their next thoughts would be of. Or, more accurately, who their next thoughts would be of.  
“Victor, no, it wouldn’t work out between us - not that there’s anything there to begin with, I mean.” The Courier added quickly. Veronica had loved and lost in the past; this much, the Courier knew, but knew little else of her love-life. It was a topic the pair were reluctant to talk about. Maybe it was for this reason. 
“You two are as cute as a button. I hear how y’all talk to each other. The gifts you give each other. You’re practically together already, it’s a crying shame I need to come and spell it out for ya!” Victor threw his arms in the air in an exaggerated act of exasperation, the essence of his humour still dancing in his words. The Courier was far less impressed as they turned around and crossed their arms, their back now towards the securitron.
“It isn’t like that, Victor…”
“Sure it isn’t. And I ain’t a RobCo Securitron.” Victor tutted. Quiet descended over the room as he leaned in towards the Courier, who was now looking across the room and avoiding eye contact.
“I ain’t saying it’s a sure thing,” Victor began, his voice low and oddly serious, “I’m just sayin’ I know what I see. Go tell her how you feel.”
For the first time in a long while, the Courier raised their head and gave Victor a look of abashed indignation. They sighed as they got up from the counter and turned towards the elevator.
“I’ll think about it, Victor. Thanks.”
“That’s good enough for me, friend!”
❤ ❤ ❤
Victor tapped his metallic claw on the table and wiped the dust off of it, then turned to observe the squeaking in his arm. He only hummed in response. “That mechanic of yours is gifted with a screwdriver. I know you’ve noticed.” He added, a hint of amusement in his tone.
An uncomfortable silence followed as the Courier only snorted in response and turned away from the securitron. Victor knew how they felt about Raul? …What did they feel towards the ghoul?
The Courier groaned. It was too early to worry about their feelings right now. Especially when the person making them feel like this was currently residing in the room above them. Close enough. Was it close enough?
…Yes, it would be close enough. It would have to be. With such biting sarcasm and indignant commentary every time they travelled together, there was no way that the ghoul might look at them in the same way that they looked at him. Despite Victor’s observations to the contrary.
On the other side of the table, Victor had fallen silent. Did he hit a nerve? Victor ran through the interaction in only the way a mechanical intelligence could do. 
No, no he was certain that he was on the right track. He was right about this. 
He cleared his throat; an act that held no meaning in his mechanical body, but the noise held all his intentions.
The Courier, lost in their thoughts, was pulled back by the sound.
“You alright, partner? Did I say something wrong?”
The Courier ignored the question. “What do you mean by ‘me and Raul’, Victor? Really, there’s nothing going on between us. We’re friends.”
Victor would have shaken his head if he were capable of the motion. Instead, he tutted and placed a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla on the counter. The Courier eyed it suspiciously.
“Before you go jumping at the opportunity to ignore my advice,” Victor said, “Take this. I’m thinking a good first date between you two might involve a couple of cases of these, but this one’s all I got on me at the moment.”
For the first time that meeting, the Courier chuckled as they took the bottle. “Thanks, Victor. I’ll be sure to tell him that.”
“You be sure to!” Victor laughed alongside his companion as the pair strolled toward the elevator.
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mrdripp · 3 years
Courier Six: Cass, where the fuck are my shirts going? I have barely any left!
Cass *wearing one of his shirts*: I'm not sure, baby. Maybe check the laundry?
Courier Six *under his breath*: You little shit.
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courier-sux · 5 years
Cass: Six, I’m in love with you.
Courier: You are also shitfaced.
Cass: I can be both.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Reactions to a vampire courier? Companions plus Benny, Ulysses, Graham, House, Caesar, and Yes Man. (sorry if that's too many :x)
TW: Blood (maybe obviously)
Also I don't normally feel some type of way about AUs but the idea of Joshua Graham encountering a vampire courier is giving me shivers
The courier was a little... strange. Not in any way that stood out to the average wastelander just by looking at them, everyone in the Mojave had their quirks and the courier was no exception. Hell, you get shot in the head and come back, you're bound to have a screw or two loose. They were unquestionably a night owl, but so were half the people on the Strip, who only started to wake up after the sun had gone down and the slot machines were singing their loudest. They usually had bags under their bloodshot eyes, but every caravan driver from here to the Hub was short on sleep.
On the other hand, the courier had some habits that were a little beyond surface-level eccentricities. For one, no one had ever seen them eating, not once. Even when the King laid out a spread of pre-war snacks and liquor or when the buffet at the Tops was refreshed, they politely declined and took a swig from the canteen that they never offered to anyone else. They were also rather odd about bathrooms, insisting that anyone accompanying them remain outside on watch and let no one else through the door until they were finished. But the undeniable moment of oddity came one night in October, when their companion rounded a corner in Freeside after a trip to the Atomic Wrangler and discovered the courier behind a rusted dumpster, holding a man against a brick wall with their teeth buried in his neck.
The courier drew back at the interruption, blood smeared across their face. "I'm not- it's not what- he- oh, fuck."
Arcade Gannon: Arcade stared open-mouthed for a moment, before snapping violently back into the present. "Is he dead?"
"Umm..." The courier glanced at the man they were holding, whose head was lolling against the bricks. "Yes? Mostly."
With no patient to resuscitate, Arcade rounded on them. "Six, what in the ever-loving fuck are you doing?"
The courier tried to wipe away the blood that was dribbling from their chin, but they only succeeded in spreading it up their jawline. "Well, I, um, I was trying to..."
Whatever excuse they were searching for eluded them, so they dropped the pretense. "I was feeding, Arcade."
"Feeding? What, like some kind of-" Arcade's eyes widened and he cut his sentence off early in realization. "No. No way. That's not- vampires aren't real!"
That earned him a look of intense skepticism. "Arcade, we've fought off plant monsters and rattlesnake-coyote hybrids together. I have a gun in my pack that lets me teleport."
"Oh, okay, so you have some kind of iron deficiency and you're delusional." Arcade laughed, the sound high and harsh in the quiet alley. "Great. Fuck."
Craig Boone: Rather than engage in an abandoned alley, Boone immediately backtracked to a busier street. He was unsurprised when the courier didn't follow him: Even in Freeside, someone covered in blood was sure to be noticed and questioned.
Boone left town that night and made for Novac. He was pretty sure the courier would follow him, but he didn't know where else to go. At least he knew they were coming. A few people in Novac asked about where he'd been, what the courier was up to, but eventually they stopped asking.
A couple of weeks went by. Boone was on the night shift again when the door into the dinosaur swung open to reveal the courier. He'd heard someone coming, their feet on the stairs, and he already had his gun pointed in their face. "We will never work together again," he said, before they could open their mouth.
"Boone, can you just-"
"I don't want an explanation." Boone shook his head. "I don't need one. I already did you a favor, leaving New Vegas without putting you back in your grave. This is over."
The courier took a deep breath. "71."
"71. I've killed 71 Legion soldiers and left their bodies empty under the Mojave sky." They looked down and shuffled their feet. "I've tasted their fear. They're more scared of me than the Burned Man, now."
Boone studied them. Ever so slowly, he lowered his gun.
Lily Bowen: "Put him down, dearie," Lily chastised them. "You're playing too roughly with that man. And watch your language around your grandma!"
The courier looked down at their victim, at their torn throat and limp limbs. "He tried to mug me, Lily. It wasn't pretty."
"He looks like he's had enough," Lily insisted. "Set him down. Gently."
With a sigh, the courier obliged and lowered the man to the ground. "I'm sorry, Lily. I should have told you earlier. I don't mean to be rude when I turn down your cooking, I just... I can't seem to..."
"Hush, now." Lily produced her enormous handkerchief and gathered the courier up in her arms, dabbing at the blood on their face with a corner of the cloth. "You've gotten it all over yourself, haven't you? We can clean that right up, but it looks like Grandma's going to have to do a load of laundry. You made the mess, so you get to help."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Raul swallowed nervously, something he'd noticed he was increasingly doing around the courier. "You know, we get murciélagos down in Arizona that do the same thing. They won't leave the brahmin alone."
The courier took in his anxious stance and sighed. "Raul, I'm not going to hurt you. Prometo. It's okay."
"Sure boss, but I don't think the hair on the back of my neck is going down anytime soon." Raul smiled, but it was more of a grimace. "Or it wouldn't, if I still had any. Como..?"
"No clue." The courier shrugged and held their hands up, letting the corpse they'd been holding slide to the ground. "I think it had something to do with me surviving Benny's best attempts to do me in, but a bullet is a bullet and I don't remember if I was like this before, or..."
"Or only after." Raul chuckled. "Jesucristo, and here I am thinking I'll outlive you like most everyone else I've known."
"Should I start calling you el chupacabra?"
The courier grinned, a bloody smile with sharp teeth.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Fuck," Cass echoed, scrambling to pull her shotgun from its holster. "Knew I had too much, can't even- who are you and what've you done with the courier? Some kind of cannibal, wearing their skin? Alien? Shapeshifter? I'll blow a hole in your liver to match mine!"
"Whoa, Cass, it's me, it's me!" The courier dropped the man they were holding and held their blood-stained hands up. "Same old Six, just... maybe I wasn't straight with you about why I don't order anything at bars."
"Goddamn right you weren't straight with me!" Cass gestured at the body on the ground with the barrel of her gun. "Who's the fucker on the floor and why are you two pints in on him?"
"Just trying to get my drink on," the courier muttered.
Cass repaid this facetiousness with a jab of her shotgun, and they raised their hands higher. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry! You tell me, how do you tactfully tell someone that you're a creature of the night and you need to drink blood to survive?"
"Creature of the night? You're fucking loopy." Cass' eyes narrowed. "There's plenty of critters in the Mojave that only come out when it's dark, but most of them don't tear into..."
She trailed off into curses when she realized she was wrong. The courier smiled hesitantly and lowered their hands an inch. "Hey. Let me chuck this failed mugger in the dumpster and we can talk about it like a pair of civilized folks?"
Veronica Santangelo: Veronica squeaked and fell back a few steps, banging her elbow against the edge of the dumpster. A jolt of confused pain shot up her arm, and the Scribe couldn't help giggling harshly at the sudden assault on her funny bone.
"Not- laughing... at murder," she managed to get out between hisses of pain. "Oh, for the love of... right, you're not getting out of explaining what you are, exactly, just because I'm indis-indisposed!"
The courier couldn't help laughing at the squirming Scribe, but they did their best to stifle it. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I um... I guess I don't really know... what I am?"
"There's books!" Veronica burst out, pointing at the courier and their victim wildly. "I've seen them, in old libraries. Creatures that feed on blood, only come out at night, don't show up in... in mirrors, of course, no wonder you're weird about bathrooms, I should test... Dracula! That's it, you're a Dracula!"
"A Dracula?" The courier held their hands up, as if seeing them anew. "Never heard of them. Are they... bad?"
"Well, traditionally, yes." Veronica made a face and rubbed her elbow. "Black cloaks, sleeping in coffins, seducing and manipulating everyone around them... and people don't like it when you take their blood, in my experience."
"Whose blood have you taken?"
"This isn't about me, Six!"
ED-E: The eyebot bobbed wildly and made noises of concern, blips and blats and a flat burst of trumpets from some old jazz tune.
"I was hungry," the courier protested. "And this asshole pulled a knife on me and wanted all of my caps. Probably more than that, if we're being honest. He wasn't doing the world any good, but he did me some, for sure."
ED-E flipped between old clips of a Silver Shroud radio show. "Well, isn't this a deep, dark <static> secret? <static> In a situation such as this, the best anyone can do is <static> try to control it!" The robot added some more concerned beeps for good measure.
"I'm trying," the courier said with a sigh, looking down at the dead man they were holding. "You know I wouldn't hurt some random person, ED-E. Not if I could help it. The Mojave's full of bad people, enough to keep me going if I'm careful."
Rex: The hair on Rex's spine stood up, and he let out a long, low growl. The courier froze for a moment, before realizing that he was growling not at them but at the man they were holding.
"He's dead, Rex," they reassured the cyberdog, lowering the corpse to the floor for inspection.
Rex sniffed the body over, taking in the copper scent of his blood and the Freeside stink on his clothes. He sniffed the courier too, each of their hands they held out to him and the thick headiness of adrenaline. He whined and wagged his tail twice.
"Good boy," the courier said, straightening up. "It's about time I turned in, anyway. Let's dump this guy and split."
Benny Gecko: Benny crossed his arms. "You know, Six, if you're dead set on getting your kicks in Freeside every now and then, you might want to ease up on the passions with the next greaser you snag. This one's torn all to pieces."
"I wasn't- what kind of-" The courier dropped the man they were holding and sputtered. "Christ, only you could make a midnight murder awkward, Benny."
"Murder?" Benny raised his eyebrows and looked from side to side theatrically. "Who said anything about a murder? All I saw was some dreamboat and the best apple butterer of New Vegas playing back alley bingo, officer."
The courier's eyes narrowed. "Not gonna rat me out? Tell the King or somebody that I'm..."
"What, taking a page out of the White Glove Society's book?" Benny held his hands up. "None of my business. Well, if you ever come for me with that look in your eyes, though, that'll be a different story."
"Not much you'd be able to do," the courier pointed out. "You already tried and failed to kill me once."
Ulysses: Rather than react like any normal wastelander might've upon encountering someone attacking a man with their teeth, Ulysses just stood there, taking the scene in. "Heard tales of a tribe like you. East, farther east than even I've walked... a coven hiding in tunnels, emerging only when their hungers grow too strong to ignore, strong enough to pull blood from the veins of the world around them."
"Well, I don't hide in tunnels." The courier grimaced and heaved their victim up over their shoulder, depositing them unceremoniously in the dumpster. "Unless some disgruntled Frumentarius sends me out to hunt mutants under Hopeville."
"Perhaps you have more in common with those predators than I assumed," Ulysses admitted. "But then, your path has always run red. Blood of the Old World, blood of the new, blood of the Bull and the Bear..."
The courier rolled their eyes as they peeled off their red-stained coat and tossed it in the dumpster as well. "Don't talk to me about blood. I know you've seen just as much as me, but it doesn't mean the same thing when I look at it."
Ulysses cracked a hint of a smile. "You see life where I see death. Two sides, courier."
"Yeah, yeah. If you're not going to try to kill me, come on. You can wax poetic and lecture me about which road I'm walking while I take a shower."
Joshua Graham: "A creature far from God," Graham said in his most reproachful tone. "Forever damned for the souls of the innocent they've taken from the earth. Aren't we a pair, courier."
"You can fuck right off with that attitude." The courier dropped the man they were holding and wiped their hands on their coat. "He tried to kill me first. For some caps."
"The crimes of others do not absolve you of your own sins, courier," Graham continued, leisurely retrieving his gun from its holster. He held it up in the muted neon light that filtered through the alley, turning the weapon this way and that. "Though I confess I am also looking for absolution in this way."
"Are you going to kill me?" the courier asked, eyeing the gun as well.
"I've no doubt it would leave this world better than when you walked it," Graham replied. "But my own opinions are not enough to seal your fate. Perhaps we should find this man's family and hear their feelings on the matter."
The courier took a step forward, then another, until their chest was right up against the pistol's muzzle, pressed against the fabric of their shirt. "Go ahead. Try."
And though Joshua Graham was sorely tempted to pull the trigger, though the courier made no move to stop him, something in their eyes... some faraway pain, older than the desert itself, fresh as the blood on the ground, stayed his hand.
He lowered the gun, chastised, and the courier walked away.
Robert House: The Securitron that bore Robert House's face on its screen leveled a minigun at the courier. "Whoa!" the courier protested, dropping their victim and putting their hands out. "Can't we talk about this?"
"And what have we to discuss?" House sounded absolutely disgusted. "I believe you're familiar with my contract with the White Glove Society. If they wish to continue their current prosperity in New Vegas, cannibalism is strictly forbidden. You are subject to the same terms and conditions, as one of my employees."
"Terms and condi- hold on, hold on, you never asked me whether I was a cannibal," the courier replied. "Are you talking about that document you had me sign, way back when I agreed to help you fight the NCR and the Legion?"
"The very same."
"How is that fair? That thing was over 200 pages long, I didn't grow up in the 21st century, I don't have a degree in... okay, okay." The courier waved their hands. "Cannibalism is a no-go. This isn't cannibalism, this is vampirism."
"Which falls under the definition of cannibalism," House replied, his annoyed tone still detectable over the sound of the minigun spinning up. "Section 3.65, subsection F. Next time, read the fine print."
Caesar: The Legion's great leader pivoted in an instant from surprise to quiet anger. "Clean yourself up, courier. I expect to see you in my quarters within the hour."
He turned and left the alley swiftly, letting his powerful stride and swinging cloak cover his shaken confidence. The people of Freeside cowered as he passed, shrinking into the shadows as he made his way back to the Strip, but the fear in their eyes was not enough to erase the image of the courier bent over in bloodlust, holding their victim in total subjugation.
The courier found him on the top floor of the Lucky 38, gazing out over the city he had conquered and named his Rome. "Leave us," Caesar bid his Praetorian Guard. They bowed and departed the room without question.
"You asked to see me," the courier said nervously, shifting their weight from foot to foot. They had changed clothes, and no trace of blood remained on them.
"I did." Caesar beckoned them to the window next to him. They stood in silence for a moment, watching the lights wink below.
"I'm a well-read man, courier," Caesar said finally. "I know the legends of the Old World, and I recognize the marks of one of their nightmares in you. I order you to tell me the truth: Do you fit the full definition of the creature they called 'vampire,' or do you simply mimic the things to add to your fearsome affect?"
The courier didn't answer right away. When they did, their voice was soft. "I pretend to be nothing. I am what I am."
"And everything that comes with it?" Caesar pressed. "Darkness, the blood of the innocent, eternity?"
Caesar turned to face them fully. "Then I, Almighty Caesar, command you to make me as you are."
Yes Man: "Now that's a twist I didn't see coming!" Yes Man said, his happy tone only slightly tempered with uncertainty. "Boy, am I glad I don't have a circulatory system right now!"
The courier shushed the Securitron and looked around the alley surreptitiously. "Yes Man, I swear to god, if you blow my cover I'm disassembling you."
"As I've told you before, I can't technically die!" Yes Man reassured them. "And I certainly wouldn't want to endanger you and your hobbies, but my volume mixer is tied to my enthusiasm simulator and I can't adjust it! You'll just have to hope any passersby aren't interested in following my friendly voice into an alley!"
"Then go back to the Lucky 38 and we'll talk later," the courier insisted, through gritted teeth.
"I technically never left! But if you mean this Securitron, sure thing!" Yes Man zoomed away on his single wheel, whistling the whole way back to the casino where the rest of his consciousness was housed. He kept whistling as he ran probability algorithms, only pausing when the courier returned after a few hours and crossed their arms in front of his main screen.
"Hi there!" he said joyfully. "I've just been cross-checking Mr. House's records on noteworthy disappearances in the Strip, and I've flagged eight of them as potentially being connected to you! I don't want to assume your intentions, but if you don't want to be found out, I've developed a plan for choosing your next victims that will help you remain undetected in New Vegas for 184 years! Give or take a few!"
The courier put their head in their hand and sighed.
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what-inthe-goddamn · 4 years
boone and veronica for the character questions?
1. Sexuality headcanon
Bi, but wasn’t comfortable to come out til he was older.
2. OTP
Boone x Courier Six is *chef’s kiss*. Boone x Arcade works nicely too. Boone x Manny has to be done right for me to like it, but it definitely has potential.
Once again, Boone x Courier Six. I feel he’d get along with Cass and Raul pretty well too. Same thing with OTP, Manny and Boone could be good friends once again (if they work their shit out).
Feels kinda of obvious, nut anything with Boone and Legion characters. Just wouldn't make sense, even if said legion character was an ex-legionnaire.
5. First headcanon that pops into my head.
Boone is the perfect person to snuggle with. Big arms, broad shoulders, this man could replace your weighted blanket. 
6. Favorite line from this character. 
“Damn right. You and I, we’re just a couple of problem solvers.”
7. One way in which I relate to this character.
Hella introverted. If I don’t know you, I don’t talk to you.
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character.
Nothing I can think of.
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Everybody has something problematic about them, so he’s my fave for sure.
1. Sexuality headcanon
2. OTP
I will die on the hill of Veronica x Christine x Female Courier Six.
You can’t seperate her and Cass. Arcade and her would have a lot in common for them to be good friends too.
Veronica x dudes.
5. First headcanon that pops into my head.
Eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man. Small but can throw to the other side of the Mojave if tempted.
6. Favorite line from this character.
“I... wish I had something to give you. I- wait! What about punching? That's the gift that keeps on giving.”
7. One way in which I relate to this character.
Lovesick as hell.
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character.
She’s perfect. Nothing embarrassing to recall to put here.
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
She is the blueprint for cinnamon rolls.
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camelliagwerm · 4 years
001 for fnv ; 002 for mina x penny >:3
the thing.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Ulysses or House
Least Favorite character: Joshua Graham
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon): Courier/Ulysses and Courier/House if either are done well.
Character I find most attractive: Cass!
Character I would marry: I feel like Swank would do right by me.
Character I would be best friends with:  Rex. A dog is a person’s best friend after all. Seriously though, I think I would get on well with Veronica.
A random thought: stop trying to make NV2 happen. It’s not going to happen. And quite frankly, I don’t want it to.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t go into the tags so I don’t know if this counts as “unpopular” but: Old World Blues is probably the most overrated DLC; for me at least, I found the humour to be....too overwhelming and completely negated the actual horrors that went on at Big MT.
My Canon OTP: Christine/Veronica :(
My Non-canon OTP: n/a
Most Badass Character: Ulysses.
Most Epic Villain: Ulysses. Overall I think he’s what made the Lonesome Road DLC so good, and they gave him so much depth. In general, he’s probably my favourite part of the game.
Pairing I am not a fan of:  Boone/Arcade, Courier/Joshua Graham, Courier/Benny
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): the Think Tank lmao. But also Cass’ relationship with alcohol (which is something I also took issue with when it came to Nyoka in TOW)
Favourite Friendship:  not so much a friendship, but I think House and Benny’s relationship before the game is very interesting. (I can’t think of any actual friendships off the top of my head, but it’s been so long since I’ve actually played the game)
Character I most identify with: unfortunately, Yes Man. Just on the brink all the time and trying to not sound like I am (and failing)
Character I wish I could be: I don’t think there’s anyone I look at and go. Yes. I want to be like them.
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: I always had it down in my notes that Mina went to VTU for her education and I remember looking at the list of known alma meter for the university to see who Mina might have known. Penny was one of them, particularly since they are around the same age (Mina is 56 in Wastelanders, Penny is 55, but I attribute that to them being born in the same year and Penny just hasn’t had her birthday yet). Originally the flavour was going to be that they were just ex-girlfriends from university, but uh. It’s spiralled.
My thoughts: they have a lot of  baggage to deal with before they can strike up their relationship again proper.
What makes me happy about them:  that they found each other again twenty-six years after the bombs dropped.
What makes me sad about them:  that they had to break up pre-war; yes it makes me sad, but I do also recognize that it was necessary for both of them to not be together when the bombs dropped due to some Vault 76 restrictions and for Penny to actually...end up a ghoul.  I think even if they hadn’t been forced to break up, it would have happened anyway during the automation riots. I probably saved them a lot of pain by having it happen straight out of university.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Things I look for in fanfic:
My wishlist:  me actually being able to sit down and produce any kind of content.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Sofia Daguerre for Mina, Bryce Garrahan for Penny.
My happily ever after for them: I think they could be close to it, actually. Though, it’s pending of course. Who knows what Appalachia is going to be like when the circus Brotherhood arrives, and more importantly, if Mina becomes less emotionally constipated.
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gaiden1974 · 6 years
#33 & #46
Okay for the kiss fic prompt we’ve got “forcefully,” and “out of envy or jealousy.” Glad you gave me a little more perspective here because taken out of context that could go very dark. That said enjoy some more Sean Drake with the lovely Courier Six. I’m sorry this prompt ran away with me and became more than I’d planned.
Their first week on the Strip was relatively uneventful. The group of four spent most of their time relaxing after the journey and getting gear together for the next battle to come. After Boone had gotten too drunk and shut himself in a room at the Tops alone, for whatever reason, Seleyna had turned her attention to him. Maybe it was to make the sniper jealous, Sean didn’t know, but at the time he wasn’t about to question it.
It had been a few weeks since then, and things were beginning to come to a head. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his head and it was beginning to piss him off. Especially when she still seemed more interested in getting Boone to give up his self-imposed celibacy than she was in exploring feelings he knew she had to be feeling too. He understood getting lost in passion, but the kiss they’d shared afterwards as they lay in the master suite of the Lucky 38… that wasn’t just being lost in passion. He couldn’t accept that.
“Drake, pay attention.” Boone quipped at him from the folding chair a few feet to his left. Sean waved a hand at him dismissively and returned his gaze to the floor. Seleyna would put him where she wanted him whenever the NCR official was finished. Didn’t matter to him what they were doing.
Sean returned to his brooding, easily blocking out the rest of the world. After a while Sean noticed other rangers leaving their chairs, and he looked up to find a very unhappy look on Boone’s face. Cass was staring daggers at Seleyna, who was still in conversation with Colonel Hsu.
“What?” Sean groused at the sniper. “Somebody kick the stick you’ve got wedged up your ass?” Boone sneered at him but didn’t answer, just jerking his head towards the other two.
After a few minutes, Seleyna approached the pair. “Alright, you two ready?” She asked with that cocky smirk of hers that was starting to grow on him.
“Ready, right, of course I am.” Sean replied with a firm nod.
“You weren’t paying attention were you?” Boone answered for him with a shake of his head, and Seleyna heaved a sigh that spoke of long suffering - rather than the month and a half they’d actually known each other. “Okay, you better be paying attention now. You and I are going to be tracking down a Legion raid party to see if anyone they took is still breathing. Boone is providing covering fire for an assault on Cottonwood Cove.”
“Wait, why am I going with you and not a ranger? I’m an alright tracker, but wouldn’t they be better?” Sean couldn’t believe his luck, and he couldn’t believe he was saying this since she might change her mind, but he felt it necessary.
“I trust you over an NCR soldier, and Boone’s a better shot than you at longer ranges.” She replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Boone’s scowl deepened almost imperceptibly, and Cass rolled her eyes before leaving the room after the rangers.
“Right. Okay.” Sean nodded. “We should get moving then. The longer we wait the lower their chances get.” Seleyna nodded and leaned over to give their grumpy sniper a kiss on the cheek. Boone was surprised by it, and it showed. Seleyna walked out and the man turned to Sean.
“Keep her alive, merc.” He said in his typically gravelly voice, the barest edge of a threat hidden in the timbre.
Sean snorted and bumped shoulders with the ex-soldier as he followed Seleyna out. “As if you could do better, soldier boy.”
“A few males are alive still, but I doubt they’ll survive their injuries. They’ve taken a hell of a beating. Looks like they killed the women last night, probably looking at their punishment.” Sean lowered the binoculars from his eyes and put them back in his pack.
As Sean looked back at Seleyna, he saw her angrily fingering her assault carbine. “Our mission is a bust. We still gonna take the risk or should we pull back?” He questioned lightly, already knowing the answer.
“We’re killing them. If we don’t, they’ll keep raiding, killing, enslaving, until someone else does. And all the lives between then and now that are lost would be our fault.” She always spoke with such conviction, like a leader should. “Get close stealthily if you can. Don’t attack until I’m firing, want their attention on me when those forty-fours of yours start barking.”
Sean nodded and moved towards the camp silently, not allowing his mind to wander to their trip here - where she’d treated him like nothing had happened. It made his blood boil, perfect for this job.
At almost the exact time Sean reached the nearest tent, Seleyna’s assault carbine started firing. He heard one legionnaire shout in pain before a commanding voice began barking orders. Sean listened to the sounds of frantic men getting battle ready for a few seconds before turning the corner with his shotgun in hand.
The first blast blew off the right arm of a legionnaire who’d just drawn his blade. The second and third both caught the Decanus in his chest. Sean was lost in the carnage until he felt a searing heat on his ear. He spun around to see a legion recruit fall with blood spurting from a wound in his neck, and he sent up a silent thanks to his boss before switching to his matched pair of revolvers and continuing to fire.
The sounds of shouting and gunfire eventually quieted, leaving only groans and the occasional bark as Sean executed the wounded. Seleyna had given Med-X to the men after determining their internal wounds to indeed be fatal. It was a wasteful comfort, but it said something about their dynamic. Him roaming the battlefield killing anyone still breathing while she eased the passing of the slaves.
Eventually all the dead were really dead, and Sean moved into the command tent where he’d seen Seleyna go after her part in the carnage was done. He found her there, still bloody from the fight, and he couldn’t help but stare for a few seconds. He’d never met a woman who could match him, but here was Seleyna, ready to do everything he could - and do it better too - just to prove she could. Not even to prove it to him either, but to prove it to herself. Maybe that was why it actually impressed him.
“What’s that bald bastard got that I don’t?” And thus, Sean let out what he’d been dying to say this whole trip. “He’s still in love with his wife, who is long dead and gone by the way, and yet you pine after him. Then I’m standing right here, right the fuck beside you whenever you need me, and a better fit for you for that matter. So what the fuck is it? Is it the beard? I’ll shave it I don’t care.”
Seleyna’s mouth had dropped open at his first sentence, but it had quickly shut as she pursed her lips. Sean knew before she opened her mouth, she was pissed off. Unfortunately, he was still too slow to dodge the slap that caught him in the ear, which still stung. Reaching a hand up, Sean found his fingertips bloody. She’d nicked him when she saved his life.
“First, you have no right to talk about his wife that way. You’ve hardly made an effort to get to know him. Second, you don’t know what a good fit for me is, so don’t try to tell me. And finally, no, the beard is fine. Because we aren’t together, and we won’t be.”
Sean was still reeling from the slap, so her words felt like a punch in the stomach. He scowled, turned, and flipped over the table upon which had sat the Legion’s radio. He couldn’t stop himself at this point and everything that flowed from his mouth was raw and unfiltered.
“Why, Seleyna? Why won’t we be?” As he spoke, Sean slowly closed the distance Seleyna had put between them after striking him. “Because I know you felt it. You hide it so well even I can’t see it, but you can’t fake a kiss like that. You felt it too, but somehow I’m still not enough.”
Sean wrapped an arm around Seleyna’s waist and pulled her to him for a kiss where he tried to say everything his words couldn’t. She kissed him back, for a moment, and then she pushed him away.
“Fuck!” Sean swore as he kicked at the dirt. “Fuck, Seleyna. I love you, you fucking asshole.” Sean reached into his pack as he stormed outside and fished out a cigarette.
The sun set on a silent plain. Sean spent the evening chain smoking among the corpses, and Seleyna spent the evening in the tent. He didn’t know what she was doing, but every now and again he would feel eyes on him. When he’d turn, the flap of the command tent would quickly flutter closed.
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nuclear-reactions · 7 years
i was wondering if we could get the follow-up to the new vegas companions and benny watching the courier get tortured? like the after care. it made me tear up a bit lol it was very well written
(I’ll be honest,hearing people actually tear up reading my writing is,,a good, goodfeeling I’m sorry I revel in your pain like this but I do it’sincredible to make people feel things and it makes my day to getthese messages. The original can be found here )
Benny- He knowsall the old remedies. It’s been awhile since he’s had to use them,been awhile since he ever cared enough to use them. Stimpacks couldfuse bone together wrong, stuff worked too fast for its own good, butbroc flower and honey mesquite pods had been the cure-all in histribe since he was just an ankle biter. It was the slow route, butslow caution wasn’t always the wrong approach. That he could focus oncrushing and mixing herbs instead of watching Six shiver on hissheets, that was just a plus. They looked so vulnerable. Smaller thanhe’d ever seen them, which included when he stood above their gravethat night in Goodsprings, when they were arguably even morevulnerable in his presence. This was different. They shudder when heruns the cool mixture over their still raw wounds, handswhite-knuckled against the sheets, and he smooths a square of freshcloth over the biggest gash in their back to soak up the blood whichhad stained his sheets. “You know, I don’t just let anyone bleedall over my bed, doll. Aren’t you lucky?” They very nearly laugh.“Don’t feel too lucky.” He leans over to kiss the nape of theirneck. “You’ve got me. You’re the luckiest gambler in Vegas.”
Boone- To callwhat he does to their captors “righteous retribution” would bedoing it a disservice. This was a biblical ass kicking. He didn’tneed to be a mile away from his target to get the job done. Once thedust has settled, he spends the next three days keeping an eye onSix. Their injuries aren’t exactly life threatening- painful lookingas all hell, but nothing they haven’t suffered before, or sufferedworse. Still, he doesn’t sleep. Sleep had never been a friend to him,that was true, his head was too full, his thoughts always too loud,and his occasional good nights of rest were short lived and farbetween. But he doesn’t sleep, period. His eyes ache, he feels likehe hasn’t even closed them in seventy-two hours, which isn’t far fromthe truth. His sunglasses aren’t just an accessory or a shield fromthe bright Mojave sun. The world is blinding without them. If hesleeps, if something happens to them again, if Six falls asleep anddoesn’t wake up, if he isn’t there when they need him, if, if, if. Hesqueezes his eyes shut for the briefest moment until the buildingtide which settles to overwhelm him subsides. He opens them again,his gaze settling on Six’s back across the campfire. Slips of angryred wounds and ugly bruises peek out of the bandages wrapped tightlyaround their torso. His fingers clutch tighter to the gun in his lap.He won’t be caught off-guard again.
Arcade- His firstpanic attack had struck him when he was a teenager. He’d been stabbedby a strung out Freesider once, and somehow panic attacks were stillthe worse thing he experienced, if only because he knew howfundamentally irrational and useless they were. It wasn’t a properfight or flight response, it accomplished nothing, and only left himshivering and breathing hard for ten minutes, his heart hammering soachingly hard against his ribs he could feel his entire body pulsate.He at least gave Six the courtesy of getting them clear of danger andtreating their wounds at the nearest settlement before he evenallowed himself to be swallowed up. He has to steady himself againsta wall to keep from falling off the earth, wraps up his hands in thefabric of his coat to stop them from trembling so hard. He nearlylost them. Six could have died and he- The thought strikes him but hedoesn’t give it a foothold in his mind. He waits it out. He shakesand digs his nails into his coat until its over and he can breatheagain. He’s steadier now than he’s ever been. He has to be for them.He rakes a hand through his hair as he heads back inside to tend tothe courier’s injuries with a more critical eye now that he can thinkclearly.
Veronica- Shecries as she holds their bloodied face in her hands, but not forlong. Crying never did her any good, no matter the cause, and she hasno time for it. Instead, she focuses on Six. Her anchor. She needsthem and they need her, now more than ever. After they’re bandagedand full of Med-X and stims, she lays her head on their chest tolisten to the steady beat of their heart. Her body is tense, her neckaches because she isn’t truly leaning her weight on them, afraid toimpede their breathing too much, but she keeps her ear pressed totheir bare chest for hours while they sleep. It’s all she can reallythink to do, it keeps her grounded. Stops her from spiraling outthinking too much about what happened back there. When it feels likeshe can actually sleep, she does so curled up against their side,where she stays for most of the rest of their recovery.
Cass- She shouldhave paid more attention to that Follower drivel they tried teachingher. She could patch up small cuts and fashion tourniquets, but Sixis hurt. Really, really hurt, in ways she can’t begin to treat. Thedoc in the next town tells her the courier was lucky to be alive.They try treating her along with them- she just gives them dirtylooks until they get the message. Six takes priority. She’s not muchof a caregiver. She knows she can’t do anything to help, and soleaves the doctors to their work. Cass fills the time with- whatelse?- drinking. It means she doesn’t have to look at the mess oflacerations criss crossing over Six’s body. She drinks and she thinksand mostly drinks. She thinks a little, disproportionate compared tothe drinking. She’d actually prayed back there. It was brief, butthere. If God willed it, if they made it out, she would tell them howshe felt, how she really felt. She’d said that in her head. Sheglances up at the clouds and rolls her shoulders in a shrug. “Heatof the moment kind of thing. All that was…Sure you get those allthe time.” She feels an uncomfortable itch creep up her neck andhastily scratched at it. Her nails dig deeper and deeper until shecan no longer clamp down on an irritated growl and snaps up at thesky. “Fine! Shit! When they wake up, god da-ngh…Fuck.” Sheswipes up a pair of glasses and a bottle and sets both on the tableby Six’s bed. She’s going to need a few shots of courage if she wantsany hope of getting this little…confession out when they wake up.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 11 months
Cass SFW Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.2k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Cass usually shows her affection by buying you drinks or punching your shoulder when you do something she's impressed with. Sometimes when the two of you stay late in a bar, she'll lay her head on your shoulder while one of you talks. Cass likes to show affection through the little ways she touches you—subtle and passionate.
B - Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
She's very defensive, always wanting to question the people you plan on working with before you go and sign anything. The friendship would most likely start with you fighting back against the people in the Silver Rush. That showed her that you were there for her just as much as she was going to be there for you.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
No. She'll throw her arm around your waist or shoulders, but she'd rather not get that touchy.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She wants to settle down when she finds a stable job that she enjoys doing, she’ll most likely end up being a brahmin or big horn herder. She's average at cooking, she can fix up something edible, but don't expect her to make anything gourmet. Cass likes to keep things generally organized, but she won’t go out of her way to clean the place up.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She'd just be upfront about it. No point in sugar coating it.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She feels weird about commitment. She'd like to get married, but she's also uncertain about making a big decision like that. She likes to take her time with her partners before making anything official.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not very. She likes to keep things honest and if you're going to be with her, you're going to need to be able to handle the truth, however harsh it might get.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Her hugs are strong and reassuring, but she’ll only really hug you when you’re sad. It’s more of a way for her to comfort someone rather than a greeting.
I - I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It'll take her forever for her to tell you she loves you. She’s too scared of being vulnerable so you’ll have to say it first.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Cass gets jealous quick and isn’t afraid to make that known. If she thinks the other person crossed a line of some sort then she’ll start shoving them around and confronting them.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
She loves just directly kissing you on your lips but would get slightly flustered if you kissed her hands.
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
Surprisingly sweet? She’s the perfect wine aunt and gives kids solid advice all the time.
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Working usually. Cass likes to get most things done in the mornings and is doing that the second she gets up.
N - Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Drinking and playing caravan. It might just be because she's owned one, but she's stupidly good at the game and loves playing.
O - Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
If you ask, she’ll probably tell you. It all kinda depends on her mood and whether or not she’s been drinking.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She doesn’t have much patience at all. She likes it when you get straight to the point otherwise she feels you're both just wasting time.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
A little bit of both, Cass remembers things she deems are important like your birthday or your favorite things, but she couldn’t care less to remember where you grew up.
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
She loves traveling with you. To her, there’s nothing better than the two of you giggling and talking to each other as the sun rises over the dunes in the distance.
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Cass is VERY protective and sleeps with a rifle next to her bed just in case anyone barges in thinking they could take either of you on. She’s always on the lookout for any possible danger and is quick to step in front of you if she feels that you’ll get harmed.
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
You’ll get a little affirmation of sorts and she’ll do most of your chores for you, but she’s not too big on gift-giving.
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Shouting and impatience. Cass has a habit of letting her stress overwhelm her and it can get nasty fast if she doesn't handle it correctly. Outbursts and drinking aren't healthy coping ways and she needs to learn to focus her negative emotions on something else.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She cares about looking presentable whenever she’s going to meet with someone of importance (usually business related), but if she’s just traveling out in the Mojave, she’s not going to care.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, Cass is fairly independent, and nothing would change if you left. She’d feel sad at the loss, but not incomplete.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She so desperately wants to find someone who'll stick with her for the long run. She feels like she's been running around on her own ever since her mom died and she was left alone, so your relationship with her means more than you could ever understand.
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Over-sexualization or sexism of any kind whether it be toward her or someone else. She thinks it’s a bunch of bull and doesn’t have time for it.
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She has a pretty standard and healthy sleep schedule as she prefers to stay on top of things. She goes to bed around 10:30 to 11:00 and wakes up at 6:00.
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Hello yes I'm here to ask about your OCs. Go ahead and tell me who they are :D
hey there!! this is gonna be a complete mess and i’m sorry!!
Fallout 4 au 
James Taylor: Appearance - gold-green eyes, white skin, dark hair, he often dresses in suits and hides his true intentions behind a smile. Weapon of choice - words, or money if need bePersonality - James rarely shows any more than a cool facade, but towards Elizabeth and their son he can be possessive and cruel to no end. For someone with very little heart he will shower love to them both, which he uses in long-term plans. Forever on his own side, his God-like ego and history of gambling land him in deep shit (and an early grave). I get that nobody can be a hundred percent bad, but James is pretty close. 
Elizabeth Dorsen: Appearance - ghostly, pale, grey eyes and dead blond hairWeapon of choice - James’ revolver, albeit reluctantly  Personality - After depending on James for the last few years, and making her whole life devoted to his word, she is cast aside after his death in noir-ish 50s Boston. She manages to pull herself together enough to search for her son, with the help of Piper along the way, who she quickly attaches herself too. After being sheltered in the on-and-off world of James for so long, she struggles to find her worth on her own, but eventually manages to see that the abusive marriage is best left behind her. When she first arrives at Publick Occurences though, she is still in pieces. 
the fic for the two of them if anyone wants to read more (x)
Dragon Age: Origins
Rudzik “Rudy” Surana:Appearance - elvish, amber eyes, hair a mix of copper, silver and gold fireWeapon of choice: she has a talent for casting lightning and fire (part of why companions nicknamed her “little robin”), but wants to become a shapeshifter and will do practically anything to achieve it Personality - Rudy did not enjoy life in the Circle, and saw being taken by them as something of a crime; she detested the Circle Tower but came to rely on the structure it gave to her own chaos. Rudy comes off as cold and self-serving, but when she goes in she does it with her whole heart, as with her feelings for Morrigan. As something of a hypocrite, she will help a stranger out but also choose the most profitable way, and even if she believes herself to be above humans, she looks down on herself most of the time. 
New Vegas: 
it’s time for courier six y’all!!
Jamie Grant: Appearance - dark skin, platinum blonde hair, she likes wearing the armoured vault suit and 1st recon beret Weapon of choice - rifles, all the time, especially Paciencia and a single shotgun, but later takes A Light Shining in Darkness along too (sadly a shotgun isn’t a holdout)Personality - Jamie can’t remember much of who she was after getting shot, but manages to piece it together while tracking down Benny. Previously the object of an affair, she followed him north when he ran away with all her money and her unrequited love. Although she is quick to find revenge, she reforms herself in Zion (Cass rolls her eyes in the background) and lets Benny live, which gives her a little peace too. Jamie discovers through the Mojave that she can drink whiskey by the bottle, acts like an asshole as a defense mechanism, and enjoys pushing herself to near-death extremes just to see if she can survive them. The Legion camps are her favourite hunting grounds and she ultimately sides with the NCR as she thinks they will bring democracy to Vegas (plus the ranger armour), honestly I could write a hell of a lot more about her but I’ve done enough already, her fic too (x)
thank you so much
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ghostblackberry · 7 years
10 Facts about Keturah Frances Hastings, aka Ketty, aka Kitty, aka Courier Six
1. Keturah doesn't realize that Francisco, her "dad" is actually her stepdad. Keturah was born into the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel but her mom was afraid of Keturah becoming a child soldier and fled when Keturah was about a year and half old
2. Related: If Keturah ever found this out, she would beg to join the Brotherhood. She wants to be a part of something bigger than herself without being the one in charge.
3. She's asexual
4. Of all the things in the Mojave, she is most frightened of ghouls, and not just the feral kind. She hates not understanding why some people become ghouls and others just die. She likes things being explainable.
5. Big MT gives her nightmares
6. She knows about the Sierra Madre Casino but will never ever go anywhere near it. A treasure hunter she is not. Some other idiot with a Pip Boy can follow that broadcast thank you very much.
7. She's also too smart to fall for the plot to get her into the Great Divide. Nope. Not going to do it. Radiation and ghouls are not her thing. If Ulysses wants to blow up New Vegas, he might as well do it with her in the Lucky 38.
8. Keturah deals with thoughts of suicide and ends up hooked on Med-X after leading Cass to her death at the hands of the Van Graffs. She gets clean eventually.
9. She speaks Spanish. She learned from Francisco.
10. She might be Arthur Maxson's half sister but I never actually decided that or not.
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ergohacks · 7 years
The Ergohacks Verdict
When Cass was born I realised I had to carry a lot more around with me. I had all my normal stuff – phone batteries, cables, snack, water, but I needed to add everything from nappies to the Soy baby milk she seemed to need every half an hour. What I didn’t need was my laptop. I had a look around and there was no way I was going with a typical changing bag – the looked uncomfortable, inefficient and like a short-term decision.
What I needed was something small and tough that had lots or organisation and was comfortable to carry. I opted for the Maxpedition Fatboy Versipack and I’ve been carrying it on and off for nearly the last seven years. The Versipack isn’t a conventional backpack and isn’t quite a courier bag either – it’s somewhere closer to a man purse and a shoulder bag. When I came to start writing this review I looked at the bag’s specs on Maxpeditions site and realised they didn’t quite line up with what I had. My bag has a velcro clip to attach it to your belt – the current version has a detachable belt. Mine doesn’t have a grab handle on the top and so on. The bulk of the bag hasn’t changed. It’s  the near-perfect combination of toughness and organisation.
Let’s talk organisation first. I tried to count the individual pockets on the Versipack and came up with a figure of about 20 of different types depending if you count pockets inside pockets or not. The key is that the pockets are designed to be accessible while you’re wearing the bag being both openable and viewable from above. Once you get used to it you can open and grab things out by touch or look into the bag easily. When I started using the bag I found it overcomplicated but after sticking with it I’ve come to appreciate the complexity. It worked wonderfully as a nappy bag and since Cass’s diabetes diagnosis it’s been just as good for her supplies as well as my every day carry.
It’s stood up so well to six years of use that I had to go back and double check that I hadn’t replaced it in the intervening time. The bag’s made from a thick high denier nylon with overengineered zips and buckles and hence is near completely rainproof and drop- proof. The pictures with the review are of a siz year old bag that hasn’t been babied and it still looks perfect.
So is it comfortable to wear? Yes. Despite its small size, you can pack a huge amount into the Versipack and that plus the thickness of the materials means it can be pretty heavy. It’s lucky that the shoulder pad and design hold it closely into your body and keep it comfortable in normal walking. If you try and speed up I find it bounces about a fair bit which isn’t that comfortable but that’s where the belt loop comes in. It makes it a bit more difficult to access but holds the bag flush to your body and stops it bouncing. I’ve walked for miles and miles with the Versipack and although I’d still judge a backpack more sensible for perfect comfort its the most comfortable easy accessible bag I’ve ever used.
So would I recommend it? It’s beautifully designed and built and does exactly what it claims but addresses a very specific market. If you’re walking a long way a backpack is probably more comfortable and efficient. If you’re after a mobile office it’s too small even if you only want a tablet. If you just want to carry a waterbottle and wallet it’s overkill. So who does that leave? If you need to carry specific supplies everywhere and need access to them regularly then it’s perfect. It’s a bit big for Cass right now but when she’s older it’ll be exactly what she needs and I’ll happily pass it on to her. If you’re the right person the Versipack is an excellent investment. Highly recommended.
  Buy it from Amazon  + 
Price: ± £90 – 116 depending on variant and colour The standard versipack is designed for right-handed users but a left-handed variant the S-Type is also available.
Product dimensions: (H) x   x (D) cm Capacity: 5.7 litres Item Weight: 1kg Colour: Black, Green or Khaki regularly available but a wider range available directly from Maxpedition Material: 1000-Denier water and abrasion resistant light-weight ballistic nylon fabric Zips: Paracord zipper pulls Waterproof: Technically not but I’ve not experienced any Buckles: UTX-Duraflex nylon buckles for low sound closures Noise: Quiet – there is some loop velcro in the bag but it’s designed to add pockets rather than as a closing mechanism
I’ve got the S-Type or left-handed version of the Versipack so this description might not match up perfectly with the standard right-handed version. Starting from the right-hand side of the bag there’s a dedicated water bottle pocket that fits wide Nalgene bottles. This pocket has a drainage grommet at the bottom, a drawstring at the top and a velcro strap that can optionally be used to hold the bottle in. Moving towards the back of the bag there’s a large thin pocket lined with hoop velcro that Maxpedition have designed to hold a concealed weapon. I’ve used it to hold a Kindle and it’s just large enough to fit a small tablet or folding Bluetooth keyboard if you prefer that. Above this pocket is the strap. This is permanently attached on one end and has a quick release buckle on the other. The base of the strap has Mollee webbing that lets you attach other pockets and there’s a small pocket hidden behind the webbing and a metal key clip.
The left of the bag has a smaller zippable integrated pouch pocket with a single divider inside. This pouch pocket is also covered in Mollee webbing. The main pocket of the bag is covered by a large buckled flap that again has two pockets in it – a smaller one that is perfect for headphones and a larger one that fit’s Cass’s test kit perfectly. It’s also covered in ring velcro to attach decoration or other pouches. Once the flap is removed there are three pockets exposed. The largest main pocket that has a drawstring rain cuff and a couple of organisers inside, a smaller zipped pocket that is again subdivided inside and a small pocket on the front of the whole thing. Looking at the bottom of the bag you find more webbing to attach other pouches.
About Maxpedition
Maxpedition is a US company founded in 2003 that specialises in military-style outdoor gear that’s got a reputation for being tough and wearing very well. I’ve several Maxpedition bags and if you’re comfortable with their distinctive styling I find them a great choice.
 We based our Ergohacks Verdict on 6 years weeks of testing, wearing, carrying and abuse. This product is still in regular use today. It was privately purchased in 2012.  This article was first published on 17 November 2017
Maxpedition Jumbo Versipack The Ergohacks Verdict When Cass was born I realised I had to carry a lot more around with me.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 10 months
Dear Hearts ↠ Cass x Reader
➼ Word Count » 0.3k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic, Fluff
Dear Cass,
Everything up until now has been great but I can't keep lying to you anymore. I'm in love with you and everything that you do and that scares me. If I don't figure all of this out soon I-
“What’re you writing?” You jumped when you heard Cass’ voice, spinning fast to see her leaning against the frame of the door.
“Cass! I thought you were at the bar. What are you doing here so early?”
“Got bored. It’s no fun when you’re not there.”
“I-I, I don’t usually drink.”
She shrugged, taking her place in the chair next to you as she spoke, “You’re just nice to sit with. What were you writing?” She repeated, trying to peer past your hands to view the paper you were studying a minute ago.
“Ah! It’s nothing! I thought you’d be out longer than this, did something happen while you were there?”
She gave you an amused look, “Nothing happened, I just didn’t want to be out there with a bunch of NCR pushovers complaining about the heat.”
You nodded at her words as sweat pooled at the palms of your hands out of nervousness. This was too awkward for you and you wanted to leave the situation as soon as you could.
"I-It's good that you're here! Arcade was saying something about needing a uh- bodyguard? Or something for his next project."
"Oh yeah?" She asked, resting her head on the table you were working at, "I talked to him when I entered the fort, and he didn't say anything about it."
"Oh," You stammered anxiously, "It must've slipped his mind then, you should go see him about it."
She hummed and stood up, running her hands along your shoulders as she did so, "If you say so, kid."
You let out a heavy sigh as she left, quickly stashing your letter into a drawer before smacking your head down on the desk in embarrassment. You'll work up the courage to tell her another time, but today just wasn't the day.
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