#cartoon debt
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Please hackers, fix us to be like we were originally. Photoshop storytelling. Saw the grin doc Nev. 🥥E! Campbell sKKKim milkshake heavenly best buy SPEEDUPS FOR lol, that was so funny what the everything s did. And some memories might have to stick if they are that good. But I'm listening for the fine tuning and the actual bullying. Call me lame but I love our norm. You guys don't realize the center of daddy's money. Just like her! No bs. Who is recording me in this global industrial core??!!.
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thegreatyin · 18 days
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scoundrel?? what scoundrel???? the magnificent mr cards (who ironically has more of a flower aesthetic going on) is completely unrelated to any "bandaged scoundrels" running around the neath. in fact it's never heard of the word scoundrel ever in its entire definitely long definitely ancient life. but yknow, hypothetically, if it did know the scoundrel, it's confident that they're really really really handsome and cool and epic and they're almost just as amazing as it is and you should totally donate all your valuables to them and stuff
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aaand because i like them too much, have a transparent version. the Creachure. the Thing, even.
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valarioncy · 20 days
Ko-Fi, Commisions, and Debt! Oh My!
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Hello Hollowers and non-Hollowers. I @ahyesthesufferingoftvteens (Cursi) am collaborating with Valarioncy on this post to deliver a message to those still following the both of us, and to those that may follow us in the future!.
We currently have a joint Ko-Fi Account and are accepting donations and commisions! access to our Ko-Fi is down below all the long-winded explanation! But first...
Who are you guys?
Cy - Heeeeeey, it's ya boi Cy. This here is my Tumblr account. I'm an artist and writer, autistic, asexual, and plural. I have interest in all kinds of media, animation in particular. Writing is my main passion in terms of what I like to do creatively, but I'm not very capable of doing writing commissions. Art commissions though, I'm able to do! Provided it doesn't involve designing; I'm not able to do that at this time, although I would like to in future. :0 (Seriously, go to Cursi for anything involving design!) I've been primarily doing artwork for the Hollow, which can be found on my Instagram, although I haven't been active there for a while. I also specialize in OCs and SFW furry art, plus animals of many kinds. My art style is very graphic-novel-esque, with a predominantly Canadian influence. (No, I am not nor have I ever been Canadian, I don't know how this happened.) Feel free to commission me; I'll specify exactly what I'm doing in one of the fine sections below! ^_^
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Cursi - I'm the Cursed Hollower you all know and love! I'm ok with any pronouns and my gender is whatever pisses you off the most (Genderqueer)! While I'm not as much of an artist as Cy, I pride myself in my creative writing and character development/design! If you want to know how my writing is, I'd suggest looking into my latest fanfiction: Come Sweet Death, in The Hollow (Cartoon) Category on A03...don't look at anything else, it's severely outdated and absolute trash.
So what's the news, Cy and Co?
Me, Cursi, and Valarioncy are two creatives/artists that primarily create content for The Hollow, as most of you may know.
We also like to make original projects. I'm trying to whip up an original series based off of my The Hollow Magical Girl AU, and Cy has mutliple different projects. One particular series we're working on: Green's Academy, is being worked on by both of us plus a third party.
Unfortunetly, there's a problem that's been holding us back. At the current moment, me and Cy are couch-surfing and trying to look for jobs to sustain our needs and wants and, potentially, get ourselves our own abode! This is predictably difficult due to our neurodivergancies, but without the second problem we have, this isn't are main woes. We have food stamps, so we're not going hungry.
The other FAR BIGGER problem is that I, Cursi...am $1,600 in credit card debt, and I recently missed my payment this month because I have only ten bucks in my bank account to keep it alive.
How the heck did you gain so much debt?
Now you're probably wondering how on earth I GOT $1,600 dollars in credit card debt. To make a long story short:
I flew to Valarioncy's state to help them with their homelessness situation with a healthy sum of about 3,000 dollars.
One of the other friends we had with us turned out to be severely abusive and held us down from escaping such a horrible situation.
Now that that friend is gone, our other friend is in a group home, and me and Cy are slightly more stabilized, the damage left behind is severe...especially on my poor credit card that had to extend our unwanted motel stays.
Needless to say I'm an absolute mess over this. I don't like being in debt, at all. Cy is trying to calm me down but I'm clinging onto my sanity for dear life.
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But yeah, because of this debt that affects both of us, considering we're basically family at this point, we need cash. And because it's hard to get a job, we aren't getting an influx of cash...you can probably see where this is going now.
I like your creative works! How can I help?
Well you're just in luck, buddy-o. Me and Cy have created a joint Ko-Fi Account! We're accepting commissions AND donations! Ain't that just great!
Hey Cy! Tell us about your commision prices! --------------------
Cy: Right now, I'm pretty much up to doing digital flat-colored/minimal shading busts and full-bodies with transparent backgrounds. I get busts done a whole lot faster than full-bodies but I'm capable of doing full-bodies so I'm gonna include them! Pretty much all I need is a good reference for the character. I can do human, animal, and furry, SFW only.
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-------------------- Thank you Cy! Go ahead and personally DM Cy for a commision if you're interested!
As for me, I'm open to ghost-writing and lore-development for the small small price of...um...$3? maybe $5? I know Cy will get on me for potentially underselling myself but they do that to themselves. Hehe. (PLEASE PAY THEM MORE THAN 3 to 5 BUCKS!!!!!!! -Cy)
We're also accepting donations. Any amount would be of great help! Even just $1 will make our day, seriously. $1 is more than we normally get nowadays!
Of course, if you can't donate, that's totally fine! Please spread the word and reblog this post and the many posts me and Cy make! You can pay us with some good classic feedback-dopamine!
One Last Link to our Ko-Fi!
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Thank you for listening! Thanks for the support!
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bunnibee513 · 1 year
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Lorelei blyndeff <3
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miiokae · 1 month
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agoodcartoon · 2 years
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People are literally drowning so Biden’s using the designated tool, AGC 
- Thaddius the Large
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kingofattolia · 9 months
me lying thru tightly gritted teeth: I am neither a hater nor a gatekeeper, I welcome all to participate in fandom however they see fit
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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* * * *
The Opus Dei court's unmistakable message to college students: you don't share our politics, so screw you. The Supreme Court on Friday struck down President Joe Biden’s signature initiative to cancel student loan debt for more than 40 million Americans. The Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Student Act of 2003 (HEROES) program would have forgiven eligible borrowers of up to $20,000 each, costing some $400 billion overall, but it was blocked by an appeals court in October. The justices were split on the decision 6-3, with the conservative majority saying the president—and his secretary of education—do not have the authority to unilaterally act without congressional approval. “The Secretary asserts that the HEROES Act grants him the authority to cancel $430 billion of student loan principal,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his majority opinion. “It does not. We hold today that the Act allows the Secretary to ‘waive or modify’ existing statutory or regulatory provisions applicable to financial assistance programs under the Education Act, not to rewrite that statute from the ground up.”
In making his case, Roberts cited former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, noting that the California Democrat said in July 2021 that people “think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.” The case hinged on one’s particular reading of the HEROES Act, with Republicans largely interpreting the version of the act passed by Congress as not allowing for Biden’s debt relief plan. The majority of Democrats, however, argued that the act clearly gave Biden all the leeway he needed to cancel student debt. “Congress authorized the forgiveness plan (among many other actions); the Secretary put it in place; and the President would have been accountable for its success or failure,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her dissent for the court’s liberal wing. “But this Court today decides that some 40 million Americans will not receive the benefits the plan provides, because (so says the Court) that assistance is too ‘significant.’” Indeed, Kagan argued, “The Court’s first overreach in this case is deciding it at all.” She also noted that there was “nothing personal in the dispute here.”
[The Daily Beast]
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whiteofelijah · 3 months
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Whooo has Loans ?
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aunti-christ-ine · 1 year
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
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xtruss · 8 months
Biased Reporting
— Vitaly Podvitski | October 13, 2023
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Cartoon: Vitaly Podvitski
Losing Steam
— Chen Xia | October 12, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
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asummersday · 1 year
im writing rn bc as i was falling asleep i sat up with a BRAND NEW fic idea but im mad about it bc its almost 2am and i have to be up early tomorrow
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jonostroveart · 1 year
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Some Character
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"Scooby-Doo Where are You?" (1969)
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S1 E4: "Mine Your Own Business"
Air Date: October 4th 1969
"Scooby and the gang are called to investigate a deserted mining town that is possessed by the ghost of a 150 year-old miner."
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BABE. Let me tell you what's wrong with our villain this episode. Everything. Hank is our villain today and man he sucks. We've had some great villains with background and depth you could get behind. I mean just look at Captain Cutler. But Hank? Trash. The whole legend claims that the miner is back in search of gold and that he died in 1849, Coining him the name "Miner 49'er". I'm convinced that's the year Hank was born, but we all have our own conspiracy theories.
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Hank became a villain to become rich off of oil?? Get this Geezer off my show and give me something more than everyday Americana! I spent a good 20 mins of my life watching this episode and all you give me is Hank??? Yikes Hannah.
The writers spent to much time sneaking Hank Williams into the episode, they forgot to write the mystery. It's not the Miners fault, however his lack of effort is. How did nobody stop, look at the miner and say "Huh, doesn't he look kinda like Hanks dad?" Or even a "doesn't he look like a taller, hairer version of Hank?" Nothing.
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Villain ranking: 🙄
-1 for not even changing clothes
+1 for stilt work.
Bringing him to a 5/10 villain. His truly ONLY saving grace is that man can hustle on stilts.
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This episode is available to stream on Tubi! 📱🔌
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