usafphantom2 · 1 year
B-52G-59-2583-416BW-1970 by Michel Klaveren
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eerna · 13 days
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the moon queen & her getaway pilot
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chemicallyyourss · 29 days
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yellowraincoat · 8 months
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Cinder and Thorne, my favorite fugitive duo 🥰🥰🥰
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impossiblesuitcase · 1 month
I feel like Thorne would list Cinder as his second emergency contact after Cress. But to protect her identity he uses a pseudonym so he tells her, "Cinder, if you one day get a call asking for a Gloria Bottlebook, know that I am probably dead."
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iambecomeafangirl · 13 days
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„Lunars were a society that had evolved from an Earthen moon colony centuries ago, but they weren’t human anymore. People said Lunars could alter a person’s brain—make you see things you shouldn’t see, feel things you shouldn’t feel, do things you didn’t want to do”.
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first-mate-cinder · 14 days
Thorne, thinking that Scarlet is Princess Selene bc she has no hospital records: I've connected the dots
Cinder, actually Princess Selene: You haven't connected shit
Thorne: I've connected them
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kitttttchaos · 2 months
I want to see more appreciation for duos — NOT ships. Altho there’s nothing wrong with ships. But let’s show some more love for amazing friendships. Cinder and Thorne. Percy and Grover. Ronan and Noah. RONAN AND BLUE. Ik these already get hype but I wanna see mooooooreeeee. And also ATLA, there are so many cute friendship pairings in a big group like that. Suki and Toph. Toph and Aang. ZUKO AND AANG HIS LITTLE BROTHER. And whether you believe in Zutara or Kataang or Zukka, all of those had to start out as friendships, and I want to see some hype for that growth and all those cute little platonic moments. Platonic love deserves more love. The power of friendship is so legit.
(tag or reblog your favorite duo headcanon or fanart :)
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thetlctrash · 1 year
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ikosburneraccount · 1 month
lunar chronicles fandom canon event is for some reason thinking thorne is blonde even though he is explicitly stated as a brunet
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brainrotlesbian · 9 months
I think one of my favorite parts about the Lunar Chronicles is how Carswell Thorne was minding his own damn business and then suddenly he’s part of this rebellion against the fucking moon. He didn’t really have a reason to be part of it, not like the others did.
For comparison, Cinder is the missing Lunar princess Selene, so duh she’d be involved, it’s up to her to stop her crazy aunt. Kai is a whole emperor of a country and is the one being very pressured by Levana into marrying her. Scarlet was also kinda minding her business but then the police didn’t do their job so she got swept up in the wolf army and that’s pretty reason enough (also her grandma died at the hands of the wolf army). Ze’ev is a rogue wolf soldier who wanted to make his own decisions and a life for himself. Cress was Levana’s best hacker and a witness/victim to the systemic mistreatment of shells like herself. Winter, being the Queen’s stepdaughter and one of the first and closest victims to Levana’s cruelty, had every reason to turn on her stepmother but she would never turn her back on her people, especially the servants and other lower-class citizens who saw her and her refusal to bow to Levana’s demands/use her Lunar gift at all as an act of rebellion itself. And Jacin had been silently rebelling against Levana since he was 15; he is Winter’s closest (and only, it seems) friend on Luna, so he too was witness to many of Levana’s atrocities, along with the atrocities of the thaumaturges he assisted.
But Thorne? He’s a petty criminal. He organized a prison riot over fucking soap. He has no personal connection to a rebellion. He joined cause he wanted to cause chaos. And I respect that.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
B-52H-61-0024-1981 by Michel Klaveren
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eerna · 1 year
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as promised bc they were born for the meme
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boardthatsinkingship · 7 months
have a some quick scribbles of the Rampion Crew as their energy levels:
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these are 100% accurate, thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
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boog-how · 1 year
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Cresswell first meeting
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impossiblesuitcase · 10 months
Cinder is jealous. She's jealous of her step-sisters. They have pretty clothes and soft hands and a doting mother. She has none of which. Her sister Peony is her only human friend and even seeing her in a ballgown sparks "envy" in Cinder, because Peony gets a dress and can go to the ball. Cinder can't.
She doesn't believe she could be pretty. She's too clunky, she's not curvy. She pins it down to being cyborg or just naturally inadequate. Cinder doesn't have nice clothes or fancy things. Kai gives her gloves and they are "the most beautiful thing she had ever owned." And then they are ruined, like all the pretty things in her life. She has to survive, endure, and with that she doesn't have time for prettiness.
But Kai's first impression of her is that she's "cute" and "pretty." He calls her pretty in public, and he calls her pretty in his private thoughts. "Your pretty new mechanic in the lobby", "the pretty young mechanic at the market." He finds her gorgeous with her glamour, and his "knees threatened to buckle" in her beauty. Everyone else thought she was gorgeous, but no one was swooning the way he was. The glamour had amplified the attraction he'd already had towards her.
Thorne, upon seeing a cyborg stumble into his jail cell, has the first instinct to flirt with her. Not recoil, because of her metal and skin, but flirt because she's a girl and that's his favourite pastime. And what distinguished her from the many other pretty girls he normally flirted with? To him, "her irritation made her prettier". Her disgruntled personality, who she is, is her prettiness.
Adri tells Cinder that if she can't cry, she can't feel love. She does love, she loves so much, but she doesn't have time to grieve her sister or her anonymity or her freedom when she has a revolution to start. She has to tough it out.
When she's bound up in Kai's arms she feels safe, delicate, "almost like a princess."
Cinder pretends she doesn't have a crush on Kai because having a crush on a celebrity is "preadolescent," the trademark of immature, lovesick teenage girls. How can she be girly when she's a grimy mechanic? She "doesn't know the first thing about makeup", because do you think Adri would have ever let her buy some to try? Would Cinder have even bothered, believing nothing could improve a cyborg?
She dreams of "going to the ball and dancing with the prince." And when Iko teases her, Cinder says, "we all have our weaknesses". It is a weakness to be in love, because someone like Kai couldn't love her. She imagines being at the ball, "jealous of the girls who swooned to catch Prince Kai's attention." Jealous that they can be open with their attraction, jealous that he would pick them over her.
But he loves her. And when he does, she can't process the feeling "of being desired". She wants to carve 'C + K' into a wall, then berates herself for such "whimsy." Because deep down, she's always wanted to be wanted, and that truth is her weakness. But war doesn't last forever, and soon, she has no reason to hide that. There's no reason it would be a weakness.
Cinder is comfortable in baggy cargo pants and messy hair but she also dreams of wearing a beautiful ballgown. She loves her coronation dress. She calls the empress crown 'stunning.'
She never becomes obsessed with frills or glitter, but she slowly leans into soft, pretty things. She has a necklace from Kai and her engagement ring. It's sparkly and yet, Cinder, the so-called 'tough, aloof tomboy' thinks it makes her metal hand look "elegant". Maybe she starts wearing bracelets and earrings because they don't bother her when she isn't working on something mechanical. She doesn't even notice until Thorne jokes that she wears more metal in jewellery than the whole metal of her hand.
Maybe she buys herself a new set of tools with pink and blue iridescent handles simply because finds them pretty. Maybe when her friends tease her about how in love she is, she starts to acknowledge it.
Cinder is not some stereotype of a leading female character who is strong and as such cannot be feminine or soft or emotional. Was she given the chance to be?
Let her be soft. Let her be delicate. Let her pretty.
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