prettiestboytoy2 · 1 year
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x (Chubby) Reader (Comfort)
Alright guys I’m back and ready to rock and roll. I have been MIA due to a death in the family and some other things going on in my life. This fic was requested by @igottabouncebounceinsideurbixh​ and I truly hope you like it. This is going to be a comfort fic, but if y’all want something raunchy y’all know to message me or ask. Without further hindrance of this fic I present to you Simon “Ghost” Riley being a caring loving man that we all know he is deep down inside. Warnings: PCOS symptoms, Talk of Panic Attack and Some Sexual Talk/Situations! I do not own Modern Warfare or any of the characters!
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The day was getting worse by the minute as you felt the pain in your lower abdomen. You had been stressing about your condition for years now after you had joined Task Force 141 to be their hacker when the need arose. Price had specifically asked for you since you were the daughter of his Captain back in the day. That's right you were Captain MacMillan’s one and only child, and when Price had asked you to join them as their hacker you couldn’t turn him down which your father beamed with pride when you had told him.
Now though you weren’t sure this was going to work. The basic training that you did barely helped you lose any weight, and you were sure that your condition wasn’t going to do you any favors either. The condition you suffer from is PCOS which stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Your periods were never regular. The cyst when they ruptured were so painful they had to prescribe pain meds, and the weight you wanted to lose just would not go away. No matter how hard you trained with Soap or Gaz to help lose it it just stayed. 
Even when you changed your diet it still wouldn’t go away. You were nervously wringing your hands as you felt a panic attack coming on. Soap made you jump when he put his hand on your shoulder. “Lass, are ye’ okay? Yer white as a ghost”, he said. “I’m fine, just a little twinge in my side. Must be from the workout. “Well me and Gaz are going to run a couple miles if you want to hang back”, he motioned to Gaz as he stretched for the run. “I think I might go sit down for a minute”, you agreed. 
With a wave and grin from Soap they set off leaving you to relax for a minute, but relaxing would have to wait. Pain in your abdomen almost sent you to the ground as you swayed. You started to walk back to the barracks when another wave of pain took you to your knees. You could hear someone calling to you, but with the amount of pain you couldn’t make out who it was. Another cramp sent you all the way to the ground curling into a ball. A figure blocked out the sun casting a shadow over you.
When you looked up Ghost was starting to kneel down. “Easy dove I’ve got you. Gonna’ take you to the infirmary a'ight”, he soothed. He scooped you up into his arms as if you weighed nothing and started walking to the infirmary. “Ghost”, you sobbed as another wave of pain hit. “I know love jus’ hang in there”, he hummed. As he walked he noticed all the men staring at you. “What the bloody ‘ell are you lot lookin’ at! Get back to mindin’ your own bloody business!”, he yelled out. Within moments all eyes averted and got back to doing what they were doing before. 
You flinched as another wave of pain washed through your abdomen, and when Ghost’s eyes met yours he seemed to be in pain just like you. “Ghost what happened”, the female doctor asked. “She collapsed and seems to be in a lot of pain. It’s gotta be her condition”, Ghost answered. You let out another sob as the pain seemed to get worse. Within moments the Doctor had you in a private room and checked you over. “Well it seems that several cysts have ruptured, and I’m going to give you some pain medication to last you a couple days. I don’t want you doing any exercising or heavy lifting, or having sex until you feel better”, the doctor rattled off. Ghost sat in the chair beside you and nodded along with what the doctor was saying.
Doc prescribed you some pills, and made you take two of them while she was there to help get you some relief. “Now these pills make her dizzy and extremely tired. Keep an eye on her the next couple days”, she told Ghost knowing he would follow her instructions to the T. Once you had your discharge papers Ghost helped you to your room. He helped you sit down on the bed as the pain medication worked its way through your system. 
“Love, I want you to change and rest like the doctor ordered”, he told you. “Pass me tha’ shirt ova there”, you slurred as the drugs started taking their toll. He let out a small laugh as he grabbed a shirt then realized it was one of his. “Ya stole one of my shirts?” Ghost asked bemused. “It was warm and smelled like you”, you giggled until pain made you stop. “I ‘ave a couple more things I need to get done today, but I’ll be in to check on ya throughout the rest a the day”, he smiled underneath his mask. 
You stood to take off your clothes leaving you bare in front of him. You tried to hide your body as you pulled his shirt over your body. “Love you don’t need to be so self conscious I love you no matter what”, he admitted. “I’m not fit like you are. I’m fat”, you responded. “Enough of that love, besides I would be concerned if you were fit like me cuz then you would probably be a man”, he huffed a laugh. It got you to smile as he stepped up to you pulling you in close, lifting up his mask and kissed you. 
He helped you lie back down and he pulled the covers over you as the drugs made you fall asleep. Kissing your temple he pushed some hair that had fallen behind your ear. You mumbled his name and he smiled, pulling his mask back down and heading out to finish his day. By the time he got done it was late, and he knew that you wouldn’t have been able to go to the mess to get you some food. He went in and quickly filled two plates with
 Food then took off for your room.
When he opened the door you were sitting against the wall your bed was against hugging a pillow and crying. He locked the door then sat the food down walking over and pulling you to him. You buried your head into his neck sobbed as he held you and whispered soothingly to you. When you pulled away he watched you carefully. “I hate my body, it's ugly, fat and so broken”, you criticized. ‘
“No, don't ever say that love. Your body is fine the way it is. So what you have love handles. Means I have something to grab hold of when I rail you into the mattress or to hold you close to me. Or these thick thighs when they squeeze my head when I eat you out. Or these soft breasts that make the world's greatest pillows or something fun to play with. This is the body of a woman, not a girl. A strong woman who has a place on this team, and if anybody doubts that I’ll beat em to a bloody pulp”, he smiled as his hands wandered over your body. 
“I just feel like no matter what I do I can't lose weight”, you sniffle. “It’s alright love. We are all made different”, he told you. “Yeah but you could have a skinny fit girl in your bed instead of this”, you gestured to your body. “But I chose you, not some slag that couldn’t do the things you do. I will always choose you love”, he caressed your face. “Then why have you never told me your real name or shown me your face?”, you questioned. “I thought ya woulda hacked that information already”, he said. “Never I respected you too much”, you smiled. 
“My real name is Simon Riley”, he relayed. “Simon”, you breathed. His eyes snapped to yours when you said his name so softly. His eyes were hooded as he watched you think it over. “The name suits you”, you told him. He hesitated as he thought over revealing his face. “You don’t have to show me your face. Your name is enough”, you said, reaching up to caress his mask-covered face. He seemed to relax some as he stood up turning to grab the food. Maybe you had pushed a boundary by asking about showing his face.
“I brought you a plate you need to eat and I don’t want to hear it will make you fat. Your body needs carbs and protein to function”, he scolded before you could protest. He pulled his mask up to his nose and waited for you to start eating before he did. This is how it had been when he found out you were starving yourself when you first arrived. After that he would bring food to your room and make sure that you ate. That's how you had fallen for him not his physique although that was an added bonus, but his caring nature under the hardened exterior he built around himself. 
Ghost or Simon was telling you about early missions with Soap when Graves had betrayed them. “He was shaky so I started tellin jokes to help ease him”, he relayed. “What kind of jokes”, you interrupted. He watched you for a moment before he sighed heavily. “Two goldfish are in a tank. One turns to the other and says you know how to drive this thing”, he said. You giggled and twitched when the pain started coming back. “You need another pill, love. Hold on I’ll get it”, he told you as he grabbed the bottle. 
“You got any more jokes?”, you inquired. He shook his head but answered, “Yeah I do”. “Well let me hear 'em”, you beamed. “Why don’t blind guys skydive?”, he said. You shrugged when nothing came to mind. “It scares the shit outta their dogs”, he finished. You giggled as you told him how awful but cute they were. You took the pills without hesitation, and sat back as he continued telling you about his time in Las Almas. Once he was done he noticed how your eyes started drooping, and knew you needed to sleep. 
“Will you stay with me tonight”, you yawned. He looked towards the door then shrugged, pulling his shirt off over his head and grabbing a pair of gray sweats he kept here for this reason. You watched as his muscles moved under his skin and how some of his scars caught the light. You groaned when he pulled his sweats up, giving you a full look at his ass. You have seen it a hundred times now, but it never fails to make you almost drool all over yourself. He chuckled when he heard you groan, “Doc said no sex until you feel better love”. 
“I just think she is jealous and wants you…. All to herself”, you yawn as the meds start to kick in. He moves into bed beside you and you curl into his side. As he sat there he kept replaying the words in his head of you asking to see his face. “Love, remember when you asked to see my face?”, he proposed. “Mhm”, you mumbled. “You can remove my mask if you want to. I trust you”, he answered. This had you shooting up beside him as you just looked into his brown eyes. “ Are you sure I mean I don’t want to overstep a boundary? I don’t want you to feel pressured into it…”, you rambled until he took your hands into his own. The heartbeat in your ears was deafening as he slowly put your hands on the bottom of his mask. You just sat there staring wide eyed unsure of yourself. “It’s alright love I chose you for a reason. I trust you”, he declared. 
You slowly lifted the mask in case he changed his mind until it slipped past his eyes and all the way off. You gasped and his eyes flickered open to see you smiling as you ran your fingers over his nose and cheekbone. “You have light brown hair”, you whispered as you combed his hair with your fingers. “Well Soap was definitely wrong”, you said caressing his face. “Wrong about what”, he said leaning into your touch. “That you were ugly under that mask. You're absolutely the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on”, you whispered as you leaned in to kiss him.
After a few moments you pulled away to place kisses all over his face and down his neck until he grabbed your arms pulling you to him. “What if I had an ugly mug under this mask?”, he asked in seriousness. “It wouldn’t have mattered. I chose you for a reason just as you chose me for a reason. Looks aren’t everything”, you admitted going in for another kiss. He pushed you away slowly even though he was enjoying it if the tent in his gray sweats were any indication. “It's time to rest, love. Doctors orders. We can do this another time when you're not in pain or high on painkillers”, he grinned as you pouted. 
“Fine but as soon as I’m not on pain meds or in pain I want you just like this”, you said nuzzling into him. “Just like what”, he said. “With your mask off under me as I ride you”, you slurred as sleep started to set in. “Bloody ell woman, I need to sleep too ," he chuckled. “Love you” you yawned. “Love you to dove”, he whispered. Within moments you were asleep and his mind drifted to his purchase a couple of days ago. The velvet box nestled in his tac pants right now was all he could think about. He would ask you when you were off the painkillers. Maybe after you made good on your promise of riding him he would get down on his knee and ask you to choose him again as he had chosen you.
The end guys! I hope you all like it and as always feel free to message me or ask me. I’m willing to make task force 141, Los Vaqueros and König fics so hit me up to add it to the list. Until next time 😀
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squishysquid88 · 8 months
Secretive Sickness
Anybody else a chaggie fan? cuz I am.
this fic is about a very sick vaggie who tries her best to hide the fact that she's not feeling to great. however, time will tell just how long she can last.
T.W. mild cursing. If you aint cool with that, then......be warned
Vaggie woke up feeling like shit, and it wasn't the normal kind either. her grey skin was doused in sweat, her throat felt dry and scratchy, her nose was red and stuffy, and her body was like it weighed 1000 pounds. not to mention the horrible headache. which included several sharp pains constantly stabbing at her skull. She groaned as she sat up, careful not to make too much noise. She didn't want to wake Charlie, who was peacefully snoring beside her. She dragged her legs to the side of the bed, her muscles felt soar and lazy, but she persisted. As soon as she got up, vaggie felt a wave of dizziness overflow her body. She stumbled for a moment but quickly brought herself back to her feet.
"That's annoying," she mouthed as she made her way toward the bathroom.
As soon as she took a glance at the mirror, Vaggie felt utterly disgusted at her reflection. her face looked puffy and exhausted, her hair looked like it could house a small family of rats, and her eyebags only made her look more depressing. Vaggie already felt like shit, and now she had to look like shit on top of that, what a shitty situation.
after properly dressing and taming her wild mane, Vaggie made her way downstairs to begin her busy day. Though she would rather go back to bed and take a load off, she knew she couldn't. Charlie didn't have work today, and there was no way in hell Vaggie was gonna make Charlie take care of her on her day off. Plus, with one person already gone she needed to pick up the slack, she couldn't have the hotel running behind on her watch oh no no.
Today's list of deeds included:
Help nifty and angel with cleaning and clearing rooms of their old furniture
unloading and transferring all of the newly ordered furniture from the delivery trucks to the hotel
moving said furniture into the previously cleared out and cleaned rooms,
keeping Angel from flirting with the delivery workers
properly file and deliver financial agreements and payments.
needles to say, today was definitely going to be a hard day's work.
Vaggie tried her best to make it down to the second floor without letting her legs collapse underneath her. Vaggie didn't even think she could get sick in hell, but nonetheless, here we are. The stairs felt like murder on her weakened muscles. With every step she only felt more and more dizzy. She wanted to turn around but it was too late now, she was too close to the second floor, where she and the others would begin their work. as she escaped the stairs grasp, Angel was the first to spot her.
"Bout' time tutts, where have you b-" angel hesitated on account of seeing vaggies appearance. "her are you doing ok, no offence or anythin' but you look like shi-"
"I'm fine Angel!" Vaggie interrupted, aware of what he was about to say "shall we?"
As the day went on Vaggie felt herself getting shakier and shakier. Her limbs felt weak and unable while her headache only grew worse. angle and nifty continuously gave each other concerning looks upon hearing vaggies grunts and grumbles, Finally, nifty spoke up.
"Miss Vaggie, are you sure your feeling alright? We can always take a break if you feel like y-"
"No," Vaggie interrupts, again.
"I'm fine, lets just get this over with, we only have so much time until the delivery trucks get here." she said, the scratch in her voice leaking through her words
"A-Alright, if you say so" Nifty got back to work, trying not to question it.
They only had about two rooms to go, that's when Vaggie stepped away to go check on the preparations for the delivery. however, she was shocked to spot Charlie in the hallway just ahead of her. Vaggie hid and quick, she knew that if Charlie so much as looked at her she would immediately know she was sick. Vaggie hated worrying her, even worse she hated hiding from her, but that didn't matter. right now, she needed to focus on her job, nothing more, nothing less. she walked fast, despite her dizziness, and tried to brush past Charlie before she could get a good look at her face. Charlie noticed her and called out for her girlfriend.
"Vaggie!" Charlie sounded eager
"Sorry hun, in a rush, talk to you later!" Vaggie waved. trying to sound as clear as possible, worried that her voice would come out scratchy or cracked.
"Vaggie wait!" Charlie was already worried, but Vaggie was already long gone.
(thank fuck) vaggie thought (this hotel might be a rundown piece of crap but it sure is intricate).
Vaggie arrived at the main floor, when she saw delivery trucks parked outside the front door she couldn't help but be annoyed
"Why are they so early, they weren't supposed to be here for another hour!" vaggie grumbled.
She marched towards Alastor and Husk near the front. "there a bit early, don't you think" she thought outloud
"no kiddin' " barked husk
"well, better get started. hope angel and nifty are about done with the rooms" she said, taking a moment to scan Alastor for anything out of the ordinary
-He leaned over in response
"And what exactly do you want?" Vaggie growled
"why my dear, I should be asking you the same thing, being as though you were staring at me a great deal just a few moments ago." he blinked "though, are you quite sure you should be working?" he smiled
"Oh? don't tell me your worried about me?" Vaggie spat out.
"Perhaps, if worried means cautious then I do suppose I am" he replied
Silence filled the air
"After all" Alastor started "you do mean a great deal to out dear little princess, it would be a shame if anything happened to her beloved partner in crime, no?" he finished
"¿Qué tal si cierras la boca, pequeño pedazo de mierda?" Vaggie grumbled.
Alastor squinted, but hushed up anyway.
"Piche Puta" she uttered
Vaggie didn't like it when Alastor talked about Charlie in any way shape or form, she just didn't. She didn't really understand how Charlie could be so excepting either, she swore Charlie was just too good for hell. ...to good for her.
(Charlie) her name was the only thing she could think about
About half way in and vaggie feels exhausted. Her body felt numb and shaky, and her head continued to throb and pound on the walls of her scull. Vaggie needed to lay down, desperately.
Despite her now posseted demon strength, Vaggie still felt utterly and completely helpless the entire time they were working. Normally she was able to lift 10x the amount she was now easy, but at the moment vaggie was stumbling and wobbling all over the place. Husk didn't notice, he was too busy yelling at one of the workers for sneaking a shot of his booze. Alastor on the other hand, he definitely noticed, but simply chose to stay quiet. The freaky smile on his face seemed to say enough.
(Just a few more boxes) Vaggie though as she reached out for another.
However, one she took hold of the heavy box she soon felt another wave of painful dizziness, only this time she couldn't hope to balance herself like before. Vaggie felt her legs collapse beneath her, a loud ringing flooded her ears as she came crashing to the ground. the box following her trail, came crashing down just the same, Vaggie couldn't find the energy to get back up, instead, she felt the world around her begin to fade out and away as she slowly closed her eyes. now, Vaggie lay unconscious of the floor, the last thing she would hear before completely passing out would be,
"Vaggie!" Charlie screamed as she ran towards her.
Vaggie woke up in their bedroom, a blanket across her legs and a wet rag ~that felt amazing on the boiling skin of her face~ laid carefully across her forehead. oh and of course, a very worried girlfriend, that sat right across from her in a chair.
"c-Charlie" vaggie said weakly
"Vaggie!" Charlie practically tackled her
"Mierda!" vaggie cried
"why didnt you tell me!" charlie squeezed
Vaggie stayed silent
"I've been looking for you all morning! I-I knew something was wrong! but then as soon as I find you, you-you ran away from me" Charlie leaned back her arms still holding vaggies "you never run away from me" Charlie cried
Vaggie felt guilty, she glanced away and tried not to make too much eye contact, but Charlie wouldn't have it.
"Vaggie look at me," she took Vaggies face in her palm." Why didn't you tell me?
"I- I didn't want you to worry you " Vaggie looked down
"Its your day off, I didn't want to make you take care of me, and- and I knew that if you saw me like this then you would completely waste your time looking after me." vaggie looked up "you already do so much,"
"And you don't?!" said Charlie "Vaggie, you mean so much more to me that any day off-" "Exactly!" Vaggie interrupted "you needed a break-" "So do you!" Charlie snapped
"Vaggie, you work so hard, too hard. this is only proof of that. You push and push and you never let yourself breath, for hells sake! and whats worse, even when you're burnt out and hurting, you still wont let me take care of you! " Tears pecked at the edges of Charlies eyes. vaggie had no words,
"Vaggie, you need to understand that I care about you too, its not one sided. you're my girlfriend Vaggie, not my servant." Charlie lifted Vaggies hands up to her lips, "and I'm here for you," she kissed Vaggies knuckles, "no one else,"
"I-" Vaggies eyes had began to water "I'm sorry" she finished. it was at that moment, Vaggie finally felt safe enough to relax, she let it all out, all of her tears, all of her pain, and all of her shit. And all, while being gently cradled in the arms of her caring girlfriend.
The two had been sitting silence for over an hour now, Vaggie had fallen asleep, and Charlie had been happily holding her in her arms, occasionally planting a kiss on Vaggies head. Vaggie was prone to growling or cursing in her sleep, as well as throwing a feeble punch or two.(sometimes not so feeble, Charlie can confirm) but Charlie always thought it was cute.
"my little tiger" she whispered. Charlie couldn't help but squeeze Vaggie just a little tighter, to her surprise, Vaggie had squeezed back.
"oh, I'm sorry vaggie did I wake you" charlie was quick to apologize
"-how did you know?" Vaggie asked
"what do you mean?" Charlie felt confused
"you said that you knew something was wrong earlier, how did you know? I remember leaving before you woke up, so you wouldn't notice anything. But you did, how?"
"hmmm, it, it was the smell,"
"the smell?" Vaggie scoffed
"yes the smell" Charlie laughed
"when I woke up, it smelled different, it smelled less like you. less like you and more like, well, sick. you could say it smelled like weakness." Charlie continued
"and you know this... how?"
"mm, instincts?"
"could you describe it?" Vaggie asked
"I can try, lets see. Normally when I wake up, It smells like dark chocolate and mint. its a bitter sweet fragrance than I only every started to smell the first night we spent together. at first it struck my lungs with a sort of knotty feeling, almost as if I wanted to sneeze or spit the taste out all together, but then it filled my body with a warm sugary sent that made me want to hold my breath and hang onto it for as long as I could before I had to let it go. and when it does leave my body, it leaves with a cool and calming trail of green leaves behind it, which only makes me feel more at ease then, I already do when you're near me. and as I've gotten more and more used to your sent, I've gotten more and more familiar with it, and as I continued to take you in the sweeter and sweeter the sent became."
Vaggie blushed hard into Charlies chest
But, this morning... this morning it smelt different. instead of a bitter sweat mint, it smelt more like a sour weed. the bitter beginning felt more like a sharp thorn, and the warm essence spiraled into a sour acidic flavor that clogged my nose and made me want to cough. the cool and calming leaves that I had once smelt before, turned into dying weeds and blowing dust. it was just sooo..."
"...shitty?" Vaggie finished
"yea, shitty, lets go with that" Charlie smiled.
Charlie kissed her one final time before insisting she go back to sleep.
"I love you Vaggie,"
"I love you too sunshine,"
"what's sunshine?"
"... its what you smell like" Vaggie said as she nuzzled her nose into the crook of Charlies neck, Charlie giggled at the ticklish feeling. Vaggie took a deep breath in,
"yup, sunshine," she nuzzled further "such an amazing smell," she said as she hazily drifted back to sleep.
"Buenas noches, mi amor" she mumbled.
Charlie smiled holding her tightly, humming sweet lullabies into the ear of her beloved girlfriend.
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cjak4737 · 1 year
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Love God Ignore the hate ignore what people say bad about you love god he made us for caring people not violence not hate but
LOVE for other people
if you love god like
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girldraki · 29 days
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this is insane
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wrenchwenches · 17 days
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thunderstruck9 · 8 months
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John Salt (British, 1937-2021), Black Ford in Field, 1972. Oil on canvas, 48 x 72 in.
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kuzka · 2 months
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xx-k1tsun3-k1d-xx · 6 months
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teaboot · 10 months
Whoever needs to hear this. Please know.
"Closed at 6pm" does not mean "The entry door locks up at 6, but if you're already inside you can keep on shopping."
It means, "you should be finished and out of the store at 6pm."
This is not up for debate
This is just how things work
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animentality · 10 months
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synthesizerfaggot · 2 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to be a nervous young man
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wolrith · 4 months
I didn't know predstrogen or her blog but that doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you. if they came for her they will come for you. if you're not trans they will come for you when they're done with them.
hate doesn't start and end with one target, it morphs and amalgamates until no one is safe, and it lashes out a lot.
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389 · 1 month
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Dragons Fucking Car II (Relief), 2016     Jon Rafman
White Carrara Marble 152 x 126 x 20 cm 59 7/8 x 49 5/8 x 7 7/8 in   
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 days
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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