fcntasmas · 1 year
ceecee im realising my fourteen year old self would have fought u because i was so against freddie and carly sjsjsj (im on ur side now but she was a seddie girl)
to know that we would have, at the time, been on opposing sides of a war........it breaks my heart. i'm glad we're on the same side now i can't live without you obviously <333
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buttercupbuck · 2 months
alicia 🥹 how are u doing i’m dying
categorically unwell!!!!
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beautifulhigh · 9 months
jen i hope you know i am having a breakdown i can’t wait to read your rwrb fic (screaming at u in the dms to write it PLS works)
It's only 12k, I'm sure you can knock that out tonight...!
But yes. Turns out I can work really well and be creative when I have enablers.
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bibuddie · 1 year
lorna u know how much i adore you pls
anonymous pda
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leothil · 2 years
1 - 5 pls frida my dear
Thank you Lorna my love 💕
1. A fic you bookmarked recently
My most recent bookmark is you make the world taste better by @buckactuallys 😌 it is so sweet and pure and gorgeous!
2. A fic you’ve re-read several times
I keep going back to Goodwill is Sent in Snapshots (You Only Get The Full Picture on Return) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels because it's such a fluffy, feelgood fic based on my (probably) favourite romcom The Holiday. I just know everything will always feel a bit better after consuming it.
3. A fic that made you laugh out loud
I already answered this, but another answer is some things were meant to be secret (and not to be heard) by @queerpanikkar. I giggled like a maniac, I am so in love with their characterization of Ravi, and the outsider perspective on buddie is beyond delicious!
4. A fic that you love a normal amount
Already answered this too but I will inflict more of my opinions on you and answer again! I am beyond in love with a bleeding sun on a silver screen aka the actors AU by @hoediaz. I cried several times while reading it, and the way buddie meet and evolve and come together here makes me go a little bit more insane every time I think about it! It is masterful, I have no other words for it!
5. A fic you’d re-read 10 years from now
I think a good day to be by @hetrez will resonate with me no matter how much time passes, because the love of dancing is so fundamentally weaved into it, and that's something I will always feel.
Send me a number or emoji for a fic rec!
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fcntasmas-archive · 2 years
hey ceecee did u know i love u
hey lorna did u know i love u back and also i'm going to marry you
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tripleaxeldiaz · 17 days
i never thought buddie would be my excuse to revive my brunol feels but the opportunity presented itself
brunol and buddie are both about DESTINY and ALL ENCOMPASSING LOVE AND DEVOTION but also being idiots along the way so it only makes sense 😅😅😅
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kellykadesperate · 7 months
happy birthday nicole! i hope you have a wonderful day! 💛
lorna! thank you so much my love 🤎🤎
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excuseme-greentea · 2 months
Hiii long time no ask 🌻 do you have some bucktommy fic recs for me please?
I do! 🫶🏻 I haven't read all of my marked for laters yet but I've read some amazing ones (some with buddie, some without), so here we go:
do you mind? I'm pining by @watchyourbuck
teach me how to dance with you by @prettyboybuckley
let's get lost between the lines by @capseycartwright
like an empty bottle takes the rain by @glorious-spoon
friendly thoughts by coldbam on ao3
teach me new things by @jesuisici33
(fragile) handle with care by @rogerzsteven
right in front of me by @princessfbi
say my name and everything just stops by @bellabrady
gay experiment by cjr2 on ao3
gettin' bi by @gayhoediaz
first time for everything by @losermaneddiediaz
might as well have been a free fall by @messyhairdiaz
and the coming out series by @honestlydarkprincess ofc (I think chim was my favorite so far 🥰)
please let me know if I forgot to tag anyone
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eucalyptusbuck · 2 months
some bi buck fic recs!!!
it had to be done. i think mostly bucktommy, but some buddie, some eddie pov, and some just buck being bi <3
the gift you gave him - @bibibuck (or Eddie helps Tommy be a good boyfriend to Buck and realizes in the process that maybe he's wanted to be Buck's boyfriend all along.)
as lucky as us - @bucktommys or, Ravi continually suffers as a third-wheel.
you've got me surrounded - @thatnerdemryn Buck never understood why he had lost so many sweatshirts and button-downs to past girlfriends. Nine times out of ten, they didn't even remotely fit their figure and they were only worn in the comfort of Buck's home anyways.
Then he puts on Tommy's pullover, and everything makes a little more sense.
just kiss me slowly - @capseycartwright tommy does this thing, when he kisses buck.
This Old Love Has Me Bound - @littlespoonevan In an attempt to better understand his newfound bisexuality, Buck tries to figure out if he ever missed any signs with guys before. The universe keeps interrupting every time he's about to think about Eddie.
every little thing the sun shows, well it’s worth it - @capseycartwright or - after his kiss with Tommy, Buck goes to Hen.
(fragile) handle with care - @rogerzsteven Buck gets hurt on a call, Tommy looks after him.
somethin' tells me you know why i lie - @clusterbuck OR: buck brings tommy to the madney wedding. eddie is absolutely, definitively not jealous.
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fcntasmas · 1 year
ceecee i just need u to know that every 911 post lately you’re making is pure gold i see you on my dash and know it’s time to cackle
it's like you WANT me to fall in love with you :///
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buttercupbuck · 2 years
alicia! happy birthday my love, i hope you have a day as wonderful as you are!
lornaaaaa you’re so lovely thank you so much!!!
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littlespoonevan · 21 days
Seven Sentence Sunday
started writing about eddie diaz and his relationship with romance/love, had a breakdown, bon appetit 🤷‍♀️
Buck returns from the kitchen with two beers and gets Eddie’s attention by bumping one of the bottles against Eddie’s temple. It’s so gentle all Eddie really feels is the sting of cold before the bottle is offered to him. From anyone else it would probably be a smack upside the head for being so stupid. The thing about him and Buck though – they let each other get away with things. Not in a bad way, he doesn’t think. Just that they sort of wait for each other to figure things out on their own. Quietly observing, ready with the landing mat to catch each other when they inevitably fall. Sometimes they do push, but never too far – just enough for the other to know they’re concerned. He thinks a part of Buck has always been too afraid to push him. The part of Buck that starts with fear of rejection and ends with abandonment issues. Like if he pushes too far then Eddie will slip out of his grasp forever. He doesn’t seem to understand that he’s just about the only person in the entire planet that Eddie always wants to come back to. “You gonna tell me about it?” Buck asks after a beat. He doesn’t drink his beer. Eddie doesn’t either. It’s a crutch, mostly. A pretence, so that if the conversation gets too deep, too fast they can blame it on the alcohol. Eddie appreciates it. As he thinks about Buck’s question he wonders where to start, how to explain it so he doesn’t sound as delusional as he feels. In the end, he can only think of one thing. Swallowing around the lump clogging his throat, he says, “I don’t think I know how to be in love anymore.”
tagging (if you wanna!!): @mellaithwen @buckactuallys @homerforsure @fraddit @capseycartwright
@sibylsleaves @bucktommys❤️🩷💖
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bibuddie · 1 year
rebecca i feel u already know many a ridiculous crush story of mine but i thought you might find this story funny: i had SUCH a crush on a classmate and we matched on tinder and yet. and yet. i still was convinced he didn’t like me that way and several of my friends had to explain to me that wasn’t how tinder, life or anything worked, actually. and it still took like two months after that for us to go on a date. do i get a crown for being the most oblivious girlie on the planet
i'm losing it actually omg that's absolutely incredible, but you know what makes it even better? i had something super similar happen to me. so. we share the crown i guess. i did end up on again off again dating this guy for almost two years, so.
its a sleepover!!
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leothil · 2 years
24. 27, 33, 38, 74, 76 for the fandom ask game please frida!
Thank u Lorna! 😘
24. Do you prefer the hot or cold weather?
After living through some 40+ degree days last summer, I can confidently say I prefer cold weather. I like a warm summer day as much as anyone, but there's something about the biting cold of winter, your breath turning into smoke, dressing in layers upon layers... yeah!
27. Say one thing bad about something you love
Sheep are very stupid animals. :(
33. A quote (from anything) you really love
“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.” — J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
38. Early bird or night owl?
Definitely night owl! When left to my own devices I seem to fall asleep sometime between midnight and 1:30, and wake up between 8-9:30. I've had to accept that sure, I can force myself to fall asleep and wake up earlier, but my body likes a slightly later rhythm better.
74. Favorite show as a kid?
I adored the original Pokemon and Digimon!
76. Favorite subject in school?
I've had a really hard time choosing a favourite, because I was one of those kids that had a really easy time in school and didn't really need to put in any effort until high school (and tbh the Real Effort started only at university), so all subjects were kind of fun. I always liked history though, and it's a subject I still read (non-fiction) books on every now and then. My high school physics teacher was absolutely awesome too, and made that subject incredibly fun and interesting!
Send me random asks!
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fcntasmas-archive · 1 year
what if you’re too good to me actually ceecee
i spend all my days working to be Just Enough to deserve you actually
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