#cant believe i forgot to tag this as apollo
tsartistry · 27 days
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When Lester has amnesia, he falls in with Carter and Sadie, and starts learning Egyptian Magic. Set has opinions to share.
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What kind of music/artists do you usually listen to?
i vibe p hard 2 indie pop/rock, somehow most songs r at least a lil bit angry 2 some degree n i choose 2 believe that has no significance
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phoenixfangs · 3 years
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swing and a miss, klav
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buddyfaith · 6 years
Oh shit i forgot about this one
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insinirate · 7 years
I have... so many questions. 1) Deep, deep in the "Jeremy isn't a gods name" tag people reference art about a new AU. Whatever kicked off this AU, isn't in the AU's tag. So, what started it off? 2) Why does Michael's cloak have a lion clasp? 3) Tell us more about Icarus & Apollo aka RichJake, please! I love them and those roles are PERFECTION. How long after Michael builds the temple and starts worshipping there does it take Jeremy to reveal himself to Michael? (Sorry, I just love this AU!)
dw i love questions that actually make sense and havent been asked before!
1.) this actually started as a joke au in a convo about how michael was cursed with too much beauty and thats literally it
2.) i hadnt actually thought much of icarus&apollo richjake because rich was originally supposed to be hyacinthus 
what i think is that icarus disobeyed his dad not because he forgot the rules but because he wanted to escape him. he couldnt escape his father on land so he went for the sky, reaching out to apollo who saw him and burned his wings then took him to olympus to stay with him
as you can see icarus made himself at home and doesnt feel the need to move out (not that jake minds cause hes gotten fond of the excitable mortal with wicked ideas and a great love for the daylight)
3.) when michael first sees jeremy it isnt because he shows himself
jeremy only barely starts noticing that michaels started believing in him because without a shrine or altar he cant really feel the weight of an offering and when he finally gets one like maybe a few months after hes in awe that someone out there actually knows hes real
i think a day after the temple is finished jeremy comes down to visit it and snoop around a bit, pacing around the pillars and up the steps to the altar and thats where michael spots him while carrying in candles for the ritual that night
jeremy, being the pussy ass bitch he is, flees on instinct and michael barely catches up to him before hes gone completely
after that encounter michaels finally sure of his beliefs and starts to visit regularly to pray to him
a year into it after a particularly bad week he calls jeremy out on his cowardice and refusal to even show signs that hes heard his prayers and thats when jeremy comes down to ‘answer him’ by placing the curse
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