#can we not?
semperama · 10 months
Just in case anyone needs to hear it today, it actually IS okay to write fics in which the other characters are just set dressing for your special little guy. It actually IS okay to have a fav character in a ship and focus more, or entirely, on their arc. It's called FAN fiction, and sometimes someone is going to be more a FAN of one character than another, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. This is a hobby, not English class. We're all writing to make ourselves happy.
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chuuya-fan-page · 7 months
The two genres of skk shipping
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Look, like. this is aiming at romantic ships (though it goes for other things too), and I feel like another big reason from this because it could be a MxM ship, but like. Regardless.
I don’t know WHY, but it’s either chuuya who becomes soft and pathetic and weak, or dazai who becomes soft and pathetic and weak. Which is insane to me? Both of the characters are extremely strong, and extremely smart, but when romantically put together one of them is almost guaranteed to be. like. made. pathetic??
I know all the jokes of dazai being pathetic and princess carried are funny and whatever, I know they are, and things of chuuya being really strong and beefy and just whatever — but also like. I’m sorry. Why are they so. Why is one of them always made so weak like oh my god.
like I don’t care if skk is shown as romantic or platonic or something else or both, I think they can be seen in so many ways which is so cool, but why does this happen so much😭😭😭😭
(idk if I worded this right so sorry if it doesn’t make muchh sense I’m just salty rn)
This unfortunately happens with a lot of mlm ships, that one of them have to be the "woman", so they get overly feminised and turned into "soft Uwu baby 🥺" and there is nothing I hate more, except for maybe capitalism.
Anyway, if you think your mlm ship needs more women, don't be shy, make it wlw
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bylersrise · 6 months
can we stop hating on characters just because we hate the actor? thanks
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koushuwu · 2 months
sometimes wanting to fit in so badly is truly a curse, because it makes you convince yourself that you don’t and never will.
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annekewrites · 13 hours
So, something I've seen a lot, both over the years and lately, is "I'm just BEING HONEST! Why do you want me to LIE?" or sometimes "autistic/neurodivergent superiority, allistic/neurotypical people just don't know how to be honest!"
And then you get to know a person better, and 90-plus percent or more of what they have to say consists of one or more of:
"That thing you like SUCKS, and I will now begin an inescapable monologue as to why!"
"You suck! HAHAHAHA that's it that's the joke! Why are you mad, don't you have a sense of humor?"
"I suck! I'm horrible! I don't know why anyone spends time with me...wait, why are you leaving? Guess you don't appreciate honesty or loyalty!"
"That person over there sucks, let's make fun of them! But it's not gossip or bullying because we are TOTES 100 PERCENT BEING HONEST! So it's fair!"
"I will now give you the creepiest so-called compliment ever followed by a rant about how I can't even say nice things without people getting mad!"
Like. Honesty doesn't mean constant unfiltered word-vomit, and it especially doesn't mean THIS. And unfortunately This Effing Person (of whatever gender) has kind of burned me out on self-declarations of how honest they are.
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altruistic-meme · 9 months
what is with all of the fanfiction discourse suddenly please can we all take a few deep breaths
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oh ffs!
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kwonzoshi · 2 years
people on tt are comparing Kinn to Th@rn……………
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folatefangirl · 2 years
When in doubt, if someone asks something along the lines of, "Don't you WANT [TV Show] to respond to the fanbase by making the same exact mistakes the Game of Thrones showrunners did by changing things to try to appease or plot twist for a tiny number of loud mouths instead of focusing on telling the damn story they're planning?" The proper response is to say, "HELL NO".
(That way lies the path of darkness, namely on-screen Starbucks cups, dull nighttime battles with zero stakes nor sacrifices for our favorite characters, and in the case of The Witcher team doing the same damn thing: Liam Hemsworth replacing your fave.)
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canvas-the-florist · 1 year
they made clicking on images ugly and difficult again :/
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Florida: Banning books by the tons for being "inappropriate" with loose translation
Brevard Schools: Propose banning Bibles
Me: How about ...we stop banning books?
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stanleypollable · 1 year
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caveatscriptor · 1 year
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
All of my followers are pornbots,
Tumblr, wtf?!
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shredsandpatches · 2 years
only got four hours of sleep because I was up late being grumpy about covid doomers on twitter (specifically the jackass who was saying that he'd rather get HIV than covid) and up early to go vote but at least I did my part to keep democracy hanging in there a little bit longer and now I have McDonald's breakfast
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senditcolton · 1 year
ugh, overtime my beloathed
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percontaion-points · 2 years
Crave (Crave #1) prologue, chapters 1 & 2
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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If you had told me a month ago that I would be standing on the outskirts of an airport in Fairbanks, Alaska, I would’ve said that you were misinformed. And if you had told me that the whole reason I was in Fairbanks was to catch the tiniest puddle jumper in existence to what feels like the very edge of the world—or, in this case, a town on the edge of Denali, the highest mountain in North America—I would have said that you were high as a freaking kite.
This isn't even trying to pretend that it's not poorly disguised Twilight fanfic.
The only consolation is that it seems as though our narrator might be a bit more fun than Bella. At least it seems as though she has a bit of spice.
In fact, the only thing I have been able to count on these past few weeks is that no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse…
Prologue summary: Like most prologues, I don't know why the author bothered. But here we are. Our narrator, Grace, stands in an airport in Alaska, about ready to get onto one of those tiny puddle jumper planes to go to a highly remote place.
That's it. That's literally the entire fucking thing.
Chapter 1
Seconds later, I feel the wheels skip across the ground. Then Philip hits the brakes hard enough to slam me forward so fast that my seat belt is the only thing keeping my head from meeting the control panel.
This feels like a solid case for whiplash.
Then grab onto the handle of my suitcase and start dragging it toward a small patch of concrete that I’m pretty sure passes for an airport in Healy. It’s a far cry from San Diego’s bustling terminals.
She keeps comparing San Diego with a town in Alaska that is so remote you can't even drive up to it. Like honey, I don't know what you're expecting here. I get that it's a shock, but you can't look at a place like this and be surprised that it's not goddamned California.
“No worries, Mace. Had to run a few errands in Fairbanks anyway.” He says it so casually, like hopping in a plane for a couple-hundred-mile roundtrip journey is no big deal.
My uncle is a pilot and let me assure you that it's not a big deal to them. Especially when you live in a remote place like Alaska.
...and to pull my brand-new coat more tightly around me because it’s literally about eight degrees out here...
[three pages later]
I’m really about to ride a snowmobile in the near dark through Alaska in weather that is more than twenty degrees below freezing...
Is it 8 degrees or -20?
“Hold on to my waist!” she shouts as she turns it on, so I do. Seconds later, we’re speeding into the darkness that stretches endlessly in front of us. I’ve never been more terrified in my life.
Chapter 1 summary: Grace is flown out to the remote town of Healy, Alaska in a two-seater puddle-jumper by her uncle's friend, Philip. It seems as though Grace's parents have recently died, and she has to go to live with her uncle and cousin. As you might expect, it's fucking cold there, which is a shock to Grace as she came from California.
Her cousin, Macy, is waiting for them in the parking lot of the “airport”, which is literally only a landing strip and parking lot. She apologizes for her father not being able to be there, since he runs a boarding school and needed to take care of some emergency. Grace isn't even sure where a school would be, since they kind of saw everything when flying into the town, but decides not to question things too much.
Grace is even more shocked when Macy leads them over to a literal snowmobile and starts to load up Grace's luggage. Macy gives her some snow pants and boots, and then an insulated helmet for the ride.
Chapter 2
Still, there’s something more to him, something different and powerful and overwhelming, though I don’t have a clue what it is. I mean, sure. He has the kind of face nineteenth-century poets loved to write about—too intense to be beautiful and too striking to be anything else. Skyscraper cheekbones. Full red lips. A jaw so sharp it could cut stone. Smooth, alabaster skin. And his eyes…a bottomless obsidian that see everything and show nothing, surrounded by the longest, most obscene lashes I’ve ever seen.
Oh boy, here we go...
When exactly did I become the heroine in some YA romance?
Unless this entire thing was intended to be read as a tongue-in-cheek meta parody, I'm kind of angry over this. Because you KNOW that it's exactly what's going to happen.
One glance and I know that this dark boy with the closed-off eyes and the fuck-you attitude isn’t the hero of anyone’s story. Least of all mine.
Chapter 2 summary: They get to the school, which is a literal castle. I'm not even going to question the logistics of building a place like that in the most remote corner of Alaska. Macy starts to unload Grace's luggage, but Grace is determined not to sit back and let other people do all of the work for her. She grabs one of the bags, but then gets winded doing simply that. Macy says that it's the altitude, and that it'll take a while to get used to it, after having lived at sea level her entire life.
As they go further into the school, Grace realizes that the other students milling about in their down-time are all staring at her. She feels gross because she's been traveling all day, and their stares make her uncomfortable. Macy tells her that there are rooms for single students, but they're all full, and her dad wanted to know what Grace wanted to do. There's an awkward moment where Macy puts her foot in her mouth about the deaths of Grace's parents, but Grace says that she'd like to bunk with her cousin.
Macy puts Grace into a room while she goes to get her dad. Grace examines a chess set that has little vampires and dragons as the pieces. Then somebody warns her to be careful with the set, and the last two pages of the book are Grace drooling over how hot he is, how intimidating he is, and then deciding that his hotness doesn't matter, because she's not some simpering YA protagonist who loses all sense the second a hot guy comes around. Which... okay. We'll see where this is going, I suppose.
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