#camp counselor magnus is something that is so important to me
archivistseye · 2 years
Statement of Jonah Hare, regarding a boy they met at summer camp. Original statement submitted September 24th, 2012. Recording by Vester Moth, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute.
Statement begins.
Before we continue I must apologize for any inconsistencies or vagueness. You see, this all happened a long time ago, back when I was about fourteen or fifteen. I'm in my thirties now, and my memory was never my strongest point.
But, my statement. Right.
It was at a summer camp.
School had ended for break, and parents were trying to figure out ways to get rid of their kids for just a bit longer. My parents were no different.
So despite my protests they tossed me into a summer camp. It was six weeks long for kids of ages eight to sixteen. I had just had my birthday so I didn't want to hang out with anyone younger than me. I didn't want to hang out with anyone, actually.
I was never the most social child. I had a multitude of reasons, but it was mostly a cycle of deciding I wanted to be alone, to bullies targeting me because I was alone, to me deciding I wanted to be alone because I didn't trust people, to bullies targeting me.
During the first week I kept to myself. I stayed quiet, I spoke when spoken to, and participated in activities as little as possible.
As an alternative, I took to reading the many books on fungus they had in the main cabin. I had always had a bit of an interest in them, something about them being such large contributors to the decay part of the life cycle had me enamoured, so when I saw their large selection of books from local fungi to those even across the world? Well, I was ecstatic.
I spent hours going through the books, reading each page over and over. I loved it.
And I wasn't the only one. I forget his name. I believe it was Stanley or Stokely, perhaps even Sydney. It's not all that important, but what was important, is that he loved fungi just as much as I did.
After years of being alone I finally had a friend who loved what I loved. It was a feeling I'd never felt before.
We would spend all of our spare time talking about our favorite mushrooms and how fascinating each type was. It was some of the most fun I'd ever had.
One day, the camp counselors revealed to us that we would be going on a hike, and that we were to bring journals and write down, draw, and describe all the things we found interesting. It was only natural that the boy and I team up.
At the end of the hike, the kids had the choice to go back to camp, or spend some more time finding things in areas of our choosing. Most kids went back to camp, with only a few of us staying behind. We all decided to split up, save for the boy and I.
It was just the boy and I in the area of the forest we had chosen. We were supposed to be watched by a counselor, but she disappeared at one point and we didn't particularly care to look for her, too wrapped up in our search for fungus.
And fungus, we did find. Of all different shapes and sizes. We had so much fun identifying what mushroom was what, going mostly by our memory of the books we'd read pretty much dozens of times.
It was all smooth sailing, until the boy stumbled across something he didn't recognize. When he called me over, I prepared to identify it and one-up him, but when I looked at it, I was completely and utterly stumped.
It was a bright cyan, frilly and covered in bulbous orange spots. It was beautiful. And something I had never, ever seen before, book or reality.
We stared at it for a moment. My mind was going a mile a minute, debating on whether this may be a mushroom from a county or two over that somehow managed it's way here or if it was an unidentified species.
That thought thrilled me. The idea of finding something new was so incredibly exciting, especially when it was something fungal.
It was then I noticed that during my inner debate, the boy had started poking at the mushroom with his finger. He was tapping and poking at the large orange spots. It snapped at him, told him that he ought to stop. What if this was a mushroom no one had seem before? We must tell someone!
As I say this, he gives one final poke to the bulging spot, and it bursts.
Puss spews out of it, covering his hand in a vile liquid. Some even managed to land on his cheek. It reeked of a smell I would later discover was rot.
I bite back the bile rising in my throat, and tell him we should head back and get cleaned up. He says nothing, and merely nods.
I, fortunately, was far enough away from the mushroom when the spot burst that I didn't get any on me. I certainly felt as though it had.
The boy was... Odd. After that event. He woke me up that night. He asked me to come with him, to see our "secret mushroom." I said no, and that I was sleeping. I told him he should he asleep too. I couldn't quite tell in the dark, but I think his face may have scrunched up. He sighed, and told me he'd go back to bed.
I dont think he did.
He wasn't quite right the day afterwards. Or the day after that. Or the day after that one. He disappeared often. In the time between activities, it seemed no-one could find him. One night, I'd awoken from a puss-filled nightmare and glanced over to his bunk. It was empty.
I knew where he was going, but I didn't say anything. I mean, it wasn't harmful. He was just looking at a mushroom. I figured it would be fine. And it was! For a few days. He... He went missing after the sixth. He left after some camp activity, I don't remember what it was, and he just didn't come back.
I could've told a counselor where he was, should've told them where he was, instead of watching them run around trying to find him. I don't know why I didn't. Maybe I felt like I'd be in trouble for not telling them sooner. Maybe I didn't want them to see the mushroom.
A week after he disappeared I thought it had been long enough. I would go out and find him and that damn mushroom he was obsessed with.
And I did.
I found him. He was sitting next to that cyan abomination. The fungus covered every inch of his arm, it crawling onto his chest and buried itself into where his heart were once located. There was even some on his cheek, right where that foul puss had gotten him.
Everything combined with the smell, a hundred times stronger now that it was a much, much larger mushroom, was too much, and I threw up.
He didn't spare much glance to the vomit. He simply smiled as he looked at me. He told me about how happy he was. How much he loved this revolting fungus and how much it loved him.
He spread his arms open, and his smile widened as he told me it loves me, too. He told me we could continue being friends if I joined him.
I turned, and I ran.
I never saw him again. The counselors had to call his parents. Camp continued on as normal, barely a dent in schedule.
I didn't say anything for the rest of camp. I didn't say anything for a long, long time.
And there we have it. My memory of what happened gets fuzzier and fuzzier each day, so I figured I'd give you my statement now before I forget too much. Thank you for your time.
Statement ends.
Interesting. Mushrooms, decay, love. What do they mean?
I wonder how much of this actually happened. It's not that I don't believe M. Hare, I simply can't help but notice their mentioning of their bad memory. But, due to the fact this statement didn't record digitally, I'm compelled to group it into the real statements.
M. Hare didn't give us much information to do research with. They did not tell us when or where this took place, and I found it very difficult to find anything
I really need some assistants.
Recording ends.
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“Did you get in a fight with a bear? Just say yes.” with Magnus?
From this prompt list! Still accepting!
Magnus is not the most experienced or qualified counselor that Camp Goodfriend has ever seen, but nobody can deny he’s the most enthusiastic and, surprisingly, one of the most patient. that's not to say his coworkers aren’t capable or compassionate, but most people have limits. The large sign Lup hung on her door proclaiming no visitors in her cabin unless someone is dying or missing makes this pretty clear.
“Gotta have my me-time, ya little weasels,” she had said to the gaggle of kids pouting outside her cabin door on the day the sign went up. “Besides, if you need something, I know Magnus will be more than happy to help you out!”
And it’s true. Magnus is known for, quite literally, dropping whatever he’s doing to help out. He’s spent many an afternoon carting kids to the med cabin to get help for their skinned knees, buttering up Taako to get some extra snacks for kids, tracking down stamps for postcards home, and being a listening ear to anyone who needs it. However, this was not a mantle he was given immediately. In fact, it’s one he’s had to fight hard for.
Magnus realizes that he can appear intimidating at first but failed to realize that tiny kids would all but cower in fear at the sight of him. He gets it, he supposes. Big, burly guy with his fair share of scars from old hobbies, jobs, and teenage troublemaking? It can be a lot to parse especially when you’re ten and still figuring out how to exist in the world.
In his time, though, Magnus has figured out a workaround for this. See, kids love a good story. So anytime he catches a kid staring at him, sizing him up, and trying to decide if he’s a good dude, he launches into a wildly fanciful story about how he got a particular scrape.
The night that everyone at camp remembers most, though, is when Magnus tells the tale of I’Morko.
The first big bonfire night, a few kids are just sitting, watching Magnus. He’s fairly certain that they’re checking out his admittedly gnarly scar near his eye. (Old woodworking accident. He should use this as a PSA to always wear protective gear when working with power tools but the camp’s already got a buzzkill counselor).
“I ever tell ya how I got this scar?” Magnus asks the kids as he spears a couple of marshmallows before sticking them directly in the heart of the fire. They catch immediately and he quickly blows out these tiny infernos.
They all shake their heads mutely.
“Well, it’s really funny, I actually –“
“Did you get in a fight with a bear?” the youngest one, a little firecracker of a boy with hair to match, blurts out suddenly. “Please say yes,” he adds breathlessly, a little more self-conscious after his outburst.
Magnus pauses for a moment before breaking into a massive grin. He eats a charred marshmallow before nodding. “Actually, yeah.”
The kids look at him as though he’s telling them that he’s Santa Claus. Their eyes are as wide as dinner plates and they’re slack-jawed.
“Why’d you fight a bear, mister Magnus?” another one asks.
“Oh, it’s your classic bear fighting story. This bear, I’Morko, as he likes to be called, came through camp a few years ago and was trying to snag a camper! He snuck into camp and gnashed his teeth and swiped his claws at some tents and roared this terrible roar. Loudest thing I’ve ever heard,” Magnus sees these kids shaking like the last leaves clinging to a tree in fall and decides that he may have gone a bit too far. “Buuuuuuut, there was no need to worry! I saw him trying to carry some kids off and I rushed in to fight him. I had a walking stick on me and I just started whacking him. He got a couple good blows in,” he points to his scar for a moment. “But I came out on top. And now, I’Morko and I are like old pals.”
“Wait, now you’re friends with the bear that tried to take a camper?” a young, skeptical girl asks.
“Um. Yes. Yeah. I am. Because I uh….” Magnus thinks for a moment. “I learned how to really protect people from fighting him and he respected me for not really hurting him. Also, I just dig bears.”
At this point, half the campers surround Magnus and are looking at him like he personally planted every tree in the forest.
“Wait!” a young boy exclaims, his hand shooting straight into the air.
“Yeah?” Magnus asks as he finishes his other marshmallow.
“How’d you know his name is I’Morko?”
A grin crosses Magnus’s face. “Oh, my little dude, I’m cosmically not allowed to tell other people the secrets of the trade.”
The young boy looks disappointed and embarrassed for a moment.
“But, I’m a bit of a rule-breaker myself,” Magnus adds happily before he begins launching into a spiel about the very careful way he learned to speak and read bear.
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
88. "I'm better now that you're here" for Percabeth for the fic prompts
Thanks a bunch nonny! I’m super happy to be writing Percabeth again.
Send me a prompt from this list
88. “I’m better now that you’re here.”
Percy looks up just as Annabeth sits down beside him on the edge of the lake’s pier. Her arm brushes his and he takes in her side-ponytail that’s starting to come out of its tie before he hastily looks back out at the lake.
“Hey.” He answers, hearing how flat his voice sounds compared to her forced cheer.
“So everyone’s wondering if you’re okay.”
Percy squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath. “Yeah. I’m okay.”
She settles her weight against him more firmly, warming his side and blocking it from the weak breeze that’s blowing through Camp Half-Blood this afternoon.
Annabeth doesn’t say anything but Percy feels her worry anyway. He breathes out deeply again, watching as the surface of the camp’s lake ripples outward in response.
“Leo didn’t mean anything by it.”
Percy snorts. “Leo always means something by it.”
She bites her lip. “He didn’t mean to-”
“I know.” He cuts her off before she can finish, not wanting to hear whatever explanation she’s about to give. Percy knows he overreacted, knows that he may have even scared the others, but he doesn’t want to face that right now. No, right now he just wants to wallow a bit.
It hadn’t been Leo’s fault really. Percy’s been off ever since he and Annabeth came back from Boston and seeing Magnus. Not because of anything Magnus had done, but because Percy had been watching him and he’d realized that it was really never going to end. This life they led, carrying out quests and deeds for the gods, dealing with the fallout of their mistakes and failures, that was their life for the rest of time.
Magnus had died and still had to deal with the Norse gods he was born into.
And none of them had been given a choice.
Now Jason is gone, people their age and younger keep dying, and it’s not like the Battle of Manhattan where Percy can convince himself that after this there will be peace and no more battles to fight. Look what had come when he’d thought that the last time: he’d been abducted and had his memory wiped from here at camp, the one place he’d always counted on to be safe.
And today during the counselor’s meeting Leo had made some quip about Percy “saving his bad mood for the next battle” and Percy had just... stormed out.
He is just so done.
“You know,” Annabeth begins lightly, “we haven’t seen Grover in a while.”
Percy looks over at her in surprise. “What?”
She looks back with a shrug. “I was talking to him last night. It’s been a while since he was here.”
Percy frowns, trying to think back. He and Annabeth have been gone so much lately it feels like even when Grover is back at camp they’re gone. He hasn’t seen him since the beginning of summer.
“Is he still somewhere in South Dakota?”
Annabeth shakes her head and a small smile forms on her lips. “Nah.
When she doesn’t offer anything else Percy raises an eyebrow. “Where is he then?”
She pushes herself up quickly and holds out a hand to help him do the same. “Why don’t you come and see?”
He frowns but gets up and takes her hand. She ignores his questions as they make their way to the center of camp, all the way to the Big House.
Oh of course. An Iris Message, Percy thinks, but then the door to the Big House flies open and his theory is proven wrong.
Because there’s Grover coming out of the Big House followed by Chiron who has a happy smile on his face.
Grover stops midsentence when he sees Percy and Annabeth at the bottom of the Big House steps. “I was wondering where you two were!”
He hurries forward at the same time Percy does and they collide in a strong hug.
“We got a bit caught up.” Annabeth explains to both Chiron and Grover, but Percy is too busy hugging his best friend to pay much attention.
“Percy!” Grover says into his ear. “How are you?”
And Percy feels his tension melt away. For the moment things are good. He needs to remember that. To remember what’s important, and that even when times are tough there are things and people worth fighting for.
“I’m better now that you’re here,” he says, and he meets Annabeth’s eyes over Grover’s shoulder.
She offers a smile in understanding.
Not for the first time he’s astonished by how much he loves her.
Thank you, he mouths, and she just loses tension in her shoulders and smiles wider in response.
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fiadhulresims · 3 years
All outfit descriptions for Annabeth Chase
hi i'm weird so i decided to reread all of the books in which annabeth appears to transcript all the times her clothes and items are described.
i hope this can help someone out there in some way, like drawing her!
Observation: I might have skipped something
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The Lightning Thief
“From under the collar of her T-shirt she pulled a leather necklace with five clay beads of different colors. It was just like Luke's, except Annabeth's also had a big gold ring strung on it, like a college ring.”
“The air shimmered, and she materialized, holding a Yankees baseball cap as if she'd just taken it off her head.”
“Annabeth became visible, stuffing her Yankees cap into her back pocket.”
“Annabeth was bringing her magic Yankees cap, which she told me had been a twelfth-birthday present from her mom. She carried a book on famous classical architecture, written in Ancient Greek, to read when she got bored, and a long bronze knife, hidden in her shirt sleeve.”
“Her hand crept up to her necklace. She fingered a glazed white bead painted with the image of a pine tree, one of her clay end-of-summer tokens.”
“Annabeth kept worrying at her necklace. She was pinching the gold college ring that hung with the beads.”
“A few minutes later she came out in Waterland flower-print shorts, a big red Waterland T-shirt, and commemorative Waterland surf shoes. A Waterland backpack was slung over her shoulder, obviously stuffed with more goodies.”
“Annabeth rubbed her necklace like she was thinking deep, strategic thoughts.
‘That pine-tree bead’, I said. ‘Is that from your first year?’
She looked. She hadn’t realized what she was doing.
‘Yeah,’ she said. ‘Every August, the counselors pick the most important event of the summer, and they paint it on that year’s bead. I've got Thalia's pine tree, a Greek trireme on fire, a centaur in a prom dress — now that was a weird summer...’
‘And the college ring is your father's?’
‘That's none of your —‘ She stopped herself. ‘Yeah. Yeah, it is.’
‘You don’t have to tell me.’
‘No... it's okay.’ She took a shaky breath. ‘My dad sent it to me folded up in a letter, two summers ago. The ring was, like, his main keepsake from Athena. He wouldn’t have gotten through his doctoral program at Harvard without her...’”
“At the bonfire, the senior counselors awarded the end-of-summer beads (...) The design was pitch black, with a sea-green trident shimmering in the center.”
The Sea of Monsters
“She was wearing jeans and a denim jacket over her orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt. Her blond hair was pulled back in a bandanna.”
“She had a ragged backpack slung over her shoulder, her baseball cap tucked in her pocket, a bronze knife in her hand, and a wild look in her storm-gray eyes, like she’d just been chased a thousand miles by ghosts.”
“She was wearing a sleeveless silk dress like C.C.'s, only white. Her blond hair was newly washed and combed and braided with gold. Worst of all, she was wearing makeup, which I never thought Annabeth would be caught dead in.”
“She undid the golden braids in her hair.”
“‘S'okay,’ I grunted, though I'd never really wanted to know what Annabeth’s sneaker tasted like.”
“One grabbed Annabeth and Grover by their T-shirt collars.”
The Titan's Curse
“Her blond hair was tucked into a ski cap and her gray eyes were the same color as the ocean.”
“She used to wear no jewelry except for her Camp Half-Blood bead necklace, but now she wore little silver earrings shaped like owls — the symbol of her mother, Athena. She pulled off her ski cap, and her long blond hair tumbled down her shoulders.”
“I thought of some harsh things to say, and I might've said them too, but then I looked down and saw something navy blue lying in the snow at my feet. Annabeth's New York Yankees baseball cap.”
The Battle of the Labyrinth
“She was wearing jeans and an orange camp T-shirt and her clay bead necklace. Her blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail.”
“He slung a leather satchel off his back, unzipped it, and produced a sleek silver laptop computer — one of the ones I'd seen in the workshop. On the lid was the blue symbol ∆.”
The Last Olympian
“It's not that she tried to look good. We'd been doing so many combat missions lately, she hardly brushed her curly blond hair anymore, and she didn't care what clothes she was wearing — usually the same old orange camp T-shirt and jeans, and once in a while her bronze armor.”
“He brought out a bronze shield and passed it to Annabeth. It looked pretty much standard issue — the same kind of round shield we always used in capture the flag. But when Annabeth set it on the ground, the reflection on the polished metal changed from sky and buildings to the Statue of Liberty — which wasn't anywhere near us.
‘Whoa,’ I said. ‘A video shield.’”
“My brain started seizing on little random details, like the fact that she was still wearing those silver owl earrings from her dad, who was this brainiac military history professor in San Francisco.”
“She wore her orange camp T-shirt and jeans. Her hair was tucked up in her Yankees cap, which was strange because that should have made her invisible.”
“She was dressed in black camouflage with her Celestial bronze knife strapped to her arm and her laptop bag slung over her shoulder — ready for stabbing or surfing the Internet, whichever came first.”
“The girl had tangled blond hair and was wearing flannel pajamas.”
“Annabeth was wearing new clothes — jeans and an oversize army jacket.”
“She had pulled her owl helmet low over her face, but I could tell her eyes were red.”
“Kronos whirled to face her and slashed with Backbiter, but somehow Annabeth caught the strike on her dagger hilt.”
The Demigod Files: Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon
“She bumped me with her shoulder, which I guess was supposed to be friendly, but she was wearing full greek armor, so it kind of hurt. Her gray eyes sparkled under her helmet. Her blond ponytail curled around one shoulder. It was hard for anyone to look cute in combat armor, but Annabeth pulled it off.”
The Demigod Files
Tumblr media
The Heroes of Olympus
The Lost Hero
“Two teenagers stood in the chariot — a tall blond girl maybe a little older than Jason, and a bulky dude with a shaved head and a face like a pile of bricks. They both wore jeans and orange T-shirts, with shields tossed over their backs. The girl leaped off before the chariot had even finished moving. She pulled a knife and ran toward Jason's group while the bulky dude was reining in the horses.”
The Mark of Athena
“She took out her camp necklace, strung with her dad’s college ring and a colorful clay bead for each year at Camp Half-Blood. Now there was something else on the leather cord: a red coral pendant Percy had given her when they had started dating. He'd brought it from his father's palace at the bottom of the sea.”
The House of Hades
“She'd tied her blonde hair back with a strip of denim torn from her jeans, and in the fiery light of the river her grey eyes flickered. Despite being beat-up, sooty and dressed like a homeless person, she looked great to Percy.”
“In his massive hand, the white shard looked like another toothpick, but when he offered it to Annabeth she realized it was a sword – a blade of dragon bone, honed to a deadly edge, with a simple grip of leather.”
The Blood of Olympus
“Piper and Annabeth were disguised as lovely Greek serving maidens. Even in their white sleeveless gowns and laced sandals, they had no trouble navigating the rocky path.”
“She looked uncomfortable in her serving-maiden outfit. She kept hunching her shoulders to keep the dress from slipping. Her pinned-up blonde bun had come undone in the back and her hair dangled like long spider legs.”
“Annabeth slung her own amphora off her shoulder. She, too, had a concealed sword, but even without a visible weapon she looked deadly.”
“Annabeth re-adjusted her golden belt.”
“She ripped through her supply pouch and unwrapped a piece of godly food.”
“She fingered the red coral pendant on her necklace – a gift from Percy when they started dating.”
The Demigod Diaries: The Diary of Luke Castellan
“As soon as I lifted the sheet of tin, something flew at me — a blur of flannel and blond hair.”
“Her ribs were bony under her flannel pijamas”
The Demigod Diaries: The Staff of Hermes
“She was wearing her regular orange camp T-shirt and shorts, but her tan arms and legs seemed to glow in the sunlight. Her blond hair swept over her shoulders. Around her neck hung a leather cord with colorful beads from our demigod training camp — Camp Half-Blood.”
“She wore a dark green sleeveless dress that showed off her long blond hair and her slim athletic figure. Her camp necklace had been replaced by a string of gray pearls that matched her eyes.”
Demigods and Magicians
The Staff of Serapis
“At the moment, her most deadly weapon was her backpack, which was loaded with heavy architecture books from the public library.”
“She pulled out something she hadn’t carried with her in a long time: her battered blue New York Yankees cap”
The Crown of Ptolemy
“I'd never actually seen her wearing her Yankees cap before, since she vanished every time she put it on, but there she was — wide-eyed with surprise, caught in the act of sneaking up on Setne.”
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
The Sword of Summer
“She was dressed more sensibly in snow boots, jeans and a parka, with an orange T-shirt peeking out at the neckline.”
“She was better dressed than me — orange North Face ski jacket, black jeans, lace-up winter boots — but if people saw us together they would've mistaken us for brother and sister.”
The Hammer of Thor
“Annabeth was there before me, standing on the platform in jeans and sandals and a long-sleeved purple shirt with a laurel-wreath design and the letters SPQR: UNR.”
“Her blond hair was loose around her shoulders today. She seemed to be growing it out.”
The Ship of the Dead
“Her long blond hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her dark blue T-shirt was emblazoned with the yellow words COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, UC BERKELEY.”
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cartoonfantic8 · 4 years
Nico Di Angelo AU - Part 1
Spoliers for the entire Percy Jackson Serise. If your not caught up do not read.
Disclaimer - I don’t own the characters or any of the books plot. That is owned by Rick Riordan not me I sort of own the idea. There is other people in the internet who have this idea, this is just my take. Also I got most of the information of the plot and details thanks the the Fandom Wiki so credits to them.
AU - Nico Di Angelo was the child of the prophecy instead of Percy Jackson. Pretty much the serise as a Solangelo cannon instead of Percbeth. Some things are different but most things are kinda the same like the quests.
P.O.V - So in the orignal series it’s all in Percy’s POV but I got the idea that it switches POV’s like “Heroes of Olympus”. This is switched between Nico,Will,and Bianca
The Lightning Thief
Arrival at Camp
A twelve year old boy and thirteen year old girl were taken out of there military school by a lawyer (Alecto in disguise) to go to a Camp for them to be safe. There names were Bianca and Nico Di Angelo.
On the way they were attacked by the Minotaur which was chasing the limo.
Alecto told them to run to Percy’s tree and tell the people at the camp there that there haftbloods. Bianca and Nico ran towards a big pine tree but the Minotaur caught up to them. To protect her brother Bianca killed the Minotaur with her bare hands and somehow survived. Bianca and Nico fainted by the pine tree and before Nico passed out he yelled Help.
A camper immediately saw them and rushed them to the infirmary.
Nico woke up and saw a cute blonde hair boy (Will) rambling about how Bianca killed the Minotaur with her bare hands and how these kids are powerful. The boy noticed and got him a glass of water. Nico asked “Where am I”and “Where’s Bianca”. the boy said “Your okay and your safe” calming him down. Another boy (Lee Flecher) came in and told Will to take Nico to Mr.D and Chiron.
The blonde hair boy took Nico to two men both in there late 40s and Bianca who Nico immdently hugged. The men introduced both as Mr.D and Chiron. Chiron asked the blonde hair boy who he called Will to set up a place where Bianca and Nico to sleep in Cabin 11. Chiron explained to them about the Greek Gods and how there real. Nico was in shock while Bianca thought that it was all fake. Chiron asked them if they had ADHD or Dylexisia, if they’ve had an absent parent figure, or if werid thing have happened around them.
They both said yes and we’re taking it in. Chiron asked if they had any parents. Bianca responds with “Are mother died and are father was never around but after are mom died, are dad that we never met sent us to this hotel for a few weeks and then to a miterally school.” Chiron said “That’s strange, the records say - never mind there probely wrong. Mr.D told them to go to Hermes Cabin which Luke led them to since he was passing by.
Nico saw Will and went over to him. He thanked him for fixing his arm. Will blushed and told him that he didn’t and that was Lee. Will said that he really wants to be a child of Apollo because he loves working in the medicence field and that Lee let’s him help sometimes. Will asks him that if he knows the game Mythomagic and Will teaches him
Over the next few days Will and Nico became inseparable and did all there activitys togther. Until a few days before the Capture the Flag game a Aries camper was roughhousing with there sibling, which resulted in a wound on there arm. Will quickly fixed and healed with magic (Like Magnus Chase’s healing magic) and was claimed by Apollo. Nico was heartbroken. His best friend was claimed. Will and Nico still spent there free time togther but it wasn’t the same and Nico was all alone execpt he had Bianca
The Claiming
On the Capture the Flag game the captins were Athena and Aries. Athena took the Hermes and Apollo cabin while Aries took the rest. Nico and Will were on border patrol being kids but Will was asked to help in the infirmary as an Apollo kid so Nico was alone. Nico heard something in the woods and went to go look at what is was. It was a hellhound and it almost attacked Nico but Bianca stopped it and the hellhound backed away. Everyone saw what happened and were shocked. Bianca hugged Nico and made sure he was okay and then they were claimed by Hades. Everyone had fear in there eyes including Will.
No one talked to them after that and if they did they had fear in there voice. Everyone treated them differently as they were the black sheep of the camp. Chiron ended up letting them stay in the big house since the Hermes Cabin were terrified. He also gave them a new schedule so most of the time they wouldn’t be with the other campers.
One day they went to the forge to make weapons with Cabin 9. The Hephaestus kids were all terrified. Becknodorf didn’t care there were children of Hades and told them if his siblings gave any trouble talk to him. Bianca made a sliver bow and arrow and Nico makes a black Celsetial Bronze sword.
The Prophecy
Later that night in the big house. Nico couldn’t sleep because he heard noises from the room above him. He went to check it out and the Oracle started to speak to him and gave a prophecy to him.
“You shall go west and face the god who has turned,
You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned,
You will be betrayed by one who calls you friend,
And your journey shall be a fight till the end”
Chrion finds a terrified Nico and tells him a prophecy has been issuied. He calls a councilor meeting instantly. It was pretty much all the oldest campers in the camp with the exception of Annabeth because the head counselor for the Athena cabin was in the infirmary thanks to a grusesome sword fight with Clarisse and she went instead.
While taking Bianca decided to go on the quest since she could not leave her brother alone. Even though Annabeth has been waiting for her chance she decided not to go because two children of the big three will result in a “death trap” which Luke whispers in her ear something about being nice. Nico tells them the lines of the propchey and they all unpack it. They also explain to the Hades’s kids about what happened at the solstice and what’s at stake in which Nico is internally freaking out since the fate of the world is on his shoulders
They still needed a third quest member. Nico asks Becknodorf but he declines since he’s needed at camp. Bianca thinks that no one wants to come since there children of Hades but Nico still has some hope. The next day Will gives Nico a “Quest kit” packed with ambrosia, necter, a first aid kit, and money. Will tells him how this quest is important and he’ll do great. Nico dosen’t and says “I can’t. The fate of the world is in my shoulders and I don’t even have a third quest member”. Will calms him down and tells him he’ll go and Nico hugs him and says “Thank you”
Nico and Will tell Chrion and he announces it at Breakfest. Bianca is shocked but happy. Most of the camp is shocked that a son of Apollo is going on a quest with two children of Hades. The Apollo cabin is mostly mad execptially Micheal Yew.
After breakfest Will goes to his cabin to grab a few things before the quest. Micheal Yew is infuriated and yells at Will on how he’s going to get himeself killed and how he can’t trust children of Hades because there evil. Will yells back and tells all of his siblings how Bianca and Nico are good people and how there all judging them for their dad which is stupid. He leaves the cabin and is off to Percy’s tree. Before he leave Lee tells Will he’s proud of him for standing up for his friends and that he’s going to do great on the quest.
Bianca, Nico, and Will are by Percy’s tree off to find Zeus lighting bolt. Before they leave though Beckendorf gave Bianca a magic rope he made, to help her in tricky situations.
Starting the Quest
After Nico, Will, and Bianca are driven into town, they take a bus into New Jersey. When they get on the bus, Zeus send monsters after them which Bianca defeats with her bow and arrow
They escape to Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium. After they are served food, Aunty Em wants to take a picture of them to use as models for her statues. However, she tries to turn them to stone instead of using them as models because she is Medusa. Nico cuts off her head, and they leave. They find a lost dog, return it, and get $200. They buy train tickets with that money and get off at the Gateway Arch.
When Nico is alone on the top, Echidna reveals herself, along with her pet, the Chimera. Nico battles the Chimera and is poisoned during the fight. Before he “dies” he prays to his father that Bianca and Will will be safe on the quest. Before Echidna kills him Nico accidentally shadow travels away ( there were shadows around him. I know it dosen’t make sense but I have to work with it) to the ground beneath him.
Going Futher West
Weaken, Nico tries to find Will and Bianca in which he dose. Will and Bianca are crying because Nico is on the verge of death. Will tries to use his healing magic but it isn’t enough. He was sobbing at that point and his tears healed him and took away the poison. They all cry happy tears and Bianca punches Nico is the shoulder and told him not to do that again.
The trio gets on the train and are taken to Denver.
They get off, and go into a diner. Ares comes in and tells them to get his shield at Waterland, and, in turn, he would give them a ride west
They go to Waterland and find out the ride was set up with a trap by Hephaestus. They get out with Aphrodite's Scarf and go back to the diner, and Ares shows them a Kindness International truck
Las Vegas
Once they reach Las Vegas, a bellhop from the Lotus Hotel and Casino invites them to come in. Bianca is a little  skeptical and says this place is familiar. The bellhop insists and says it’s okay. The argee and went in. The receptionist asks for there names and when Bianca says them. The receptionist says that Nico and Bianca have a room and asks if they want to renew it. Bianca didn’t trust them but ends up going so Nico and Will are safe.
Nico, Will, and Bianca are given a room. After they enjoy the perks of staying in such a luxurious suite, they decide to go down to the arcade.
Will finds a boy, Darrin, who thinks the year is 1977. Will asks a few more people what the year is, to which they answer 1985 and 1993.
Will finds Nico and Bianca and they immediately leave the hotel
They are relieved to find out from a newspaper that it is still the same year. However, 5 days have already passed, leaving only one day to retrieve the lightning bolt.
The Night Outside
That night they decide to camp outside so they can get some rest. Nico decided to take first watch while Will and Bianca slept. Will woke up in the middle of his shift from a nightmare.
Nico asks if he was okay and Will said yes. Nico knew he lied and asked him again. Will said he dreamt of Nico dying in arms like he did before. Nico promised him he won’t do that again.
Will saw there was something wrong with Nico and asked him. He blurted it out of how he hates being a child of Hades. How everyone thinks of him as an outcast and that they wouldn’t cared if he was dead. Will told him he would upset if he was dead. Nico was his best friend.
Nico thanked him and also thanked him for coming on this quest. They stared into each other eyes for a moment and then Nico quickly looked away. He asked Will why is the pine tree on the hill called Percy?
Will tells him the story of Percy Jackson the other child of the big three. A group of haft bloods and a saytar were chased by a Cyclopes. There names were Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan, Grover Underwood, and Percy Jackson son of Posiden. He was very loyal and did anything to protect his friends. They were about to reach Camp but the Cyclopes caught up to them. Percy sacrificed himself to save his friends. Posiden was upset his only son was dead and turned him into a pine tree. That tree watches over the camp and once you reach it you know your safe.
Bianca who wasn’t sleeping the whole time but the boys didn’t know that, decided to take watch. Nico and Will fell asleep and Bianca defently knew something was between them.
Reaching the Underworld
While searching for the entrance to the Underworld, they encounter Procrustes. Since Posiden is mad that Hades had two children breaking the oath twice, he sends his son Procrustes to trap Nico and Bianca. He traps Nico and Bianca using his signature technique — causing them to lie down on a bed while being stretched by ropes until they are exactly the same height of the bed
Will tricks him into lying down on one such bed. Procrustes is killed, and the trio proceed to DOA Recording Studios, the cover place for the gates to the Underworld, then enter. There Charon lets Nico and Bianca being children of the Underworld but doesn’t let Will in. Nico says that if he dosen’t his father will hear about this. (Please tell me someone got that reference)
Inside, they discover that the entrance to the Underworld proper is being guarded by Cerberus. Bianca tames him and then Will plays with the giant dog by using a little red ball to keep him distracted, giving Nico and Bianca enough time to pass to see there father
They walk through the Fields of Asphodel and pass by the path to the pit of Tartarus. As they approach the entrance to Tartarus, Beckendorf’s rope try to pull Bianca into it, but she manages to slip out of it. They get into there father’s place.
Nico confronts Hades who believes that he and Bianca were just some spawn and that he dosen’t care about them. He only cares because he needs them to clear his name. Hades says that’s not true and that he cares he just dosen’t have a good way of showing it. He then explains there past of how he put them in the Loucas Hotel for about 70 years to protect them from Zues. He also explains about there mother Maria Di Angelo and how he begged her and there children to live in the underworld which she declined. He also explains how Zues struck her with a lighting bolt and how he needed to protect them. Nico and Bianca were surprised but understood.
While Hades was taking, Nico realizes that Ares has tricked him when he discovers the Master Bolt is in his backpack. He and his friends were teleported by Hades out of the underworld
Fighting Aries
Hades return Nico, Bianca,and Will back to an ocean. They reach the shore, meet Ares, and confront him. Nico then challenges him to a fight.
He uses his sword to battle Ares. Nico eventually stabs him in the heel and Ares starts to bleed ichor. He is about to kill Nico when an evil force in the form of a dark aura convinces him to not strike Nico.
Ares then leaves, giving Nico the Helm of Darkness. Nico tosses it to the Furies, and they take it back to his father
Nico,Will,and Bianca fly back to New York City to give the lightning bolt to Zeus, despite the dangers of flying.
He proceeds to the Empire State Building and reaches the top, where Olympus is currently located. Zeus accepts the bolt and decided not to kill them. Hades was there to congratulate his children in not dying. Nico and Bianca have a short talk with there father before returning to camp.
Nico bumps into Beckendorf who reveals that he stole the bolt and helm for Kronos and then calls out a poisonous scorpion which stings and nearly kills Nico. Nico is unconscious after the attempt to kill him. Beckendorf manages to escape and leaves Camp Half-Blood. Will cures Nico and they, along with Bianca and Chrion discuss Beckendorf betrayal.
The camp beads are awarded, and the bead for this year - Nico, and Bianca’s first year is a white bead painted with a black helmet in the middle. Will’s was a black bead with a golden sun in the middle. Will leaves Camp Half-Blood to visit his mom Naomi Solace. Nico and Bianca stay at camp year around. The camp slowly learns to accept them and relized there kind, caring, funny people and didn’t judge them on there parentage. Sure some camper still have them dirty looks or talked behind there back but they didn’t care. They found a place where they belonged.
How was that? I worked pretty hard on it and I think it was great. This is going to be a serise and I’m planning on doing PJO and HOO but not TOA because I do not know how to write around that. I hoped you enjoyed that, I tried my best to make it different and tried for it to make sense. Thank you for reading.
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