#call for resources
jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year
Honestly, I (an asexual, I will state and clarify in this post) would absolutely love to read a book on sex magic.
The problem?
Finding one that isn't shit.
Either you get something that's so cishet that it hurts, you find one that's queer-friendly but painfully Wiccan and pretending not to be (but failing, we can obviously see that it's Wiccan), or you get one that may or may not be in the previous categories and is also aphobic.
I'd take the "if no one else has done it right, I'll do it myself" approach, but I have 0 information about this topic. Hence why I'm trying to research it.
So...oh great adult magic practitioners of Tumblr, do you have any preferred sources for researching sex magic? It has to be queer- and especially ace-friendly, and I can take or leave the Wiccan part (though I'd prefer to leave it).
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luthienne · 5 months
important to remember that many many countries, 120 countries, voted for a ceasefire and that the international community is not just the global north. the world stands with the palestinian people. those of us in countries who voted no to a ceasefire or abstained (and who actively send military aid to israel) must continue to pressure our representatives to end the genocide & occupation. that means protesting, calling, emailing, boycott, divestment, sanctions.
if you're in the us and you're looking for protests — look for your local jvp, samidoun, or psl chapter on instagram. they are usually organizing or co-sponsoring events.
as always with protests, remember to wear a mask for community & personal safety <3
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eiraeths · 21 days
ear’s guide to writing stab wounds
disclaimer!!!: this isn’t to be used as actual medical advice there isn’t enough information at hand to properly treat someone, this is just for writing.
hemostatic (blood clotting) control is the number one priority. minor bleeding can be controlled with direct pressure to the wound. moderate bleeding may require a compression bandage as well as direct pressure. severe penetrating wounds or a nicked artery means wound packing will be necessary as well as direct pressure.
types of stab wounds:
- blunt stab wound means whatever object caused the trauma wasn’t sharp or wasn’t moving fast enough so the skin tears.
- penetrating stab wounds go deep into the skin and into the muscle.
- superficial stab wounds don’t go too far under the skin and look worse than they actually are.
steps to treatment:
1. if the object is still inside the person’s body do not remove it unless it’s to the groin, neck, or axillae (armpit) and the bleeding is hard to control.
2. remove person’s clothes to check for any other wounds and keep the area clear.
3. keep an eye on blood pressure and airway.
4. the wound type and location changes how the rest of treatment will follow.
head: direct pressure is mainstay. head wounds also bleed more than any other part of the body. has the highest mortality rate.
face: severe wounds to the face means the patient has to be seated forward to keep blood out of the airway.
neck: direct pressure is mainstay. if the airway can be secured and is absolutely necessary, wound packing can be applied.
arms: depending on the severity, any of the three treatments can be used.
legs: depending on the severity, any of the three treatments can be used.
abdomen: damage to organs is highly likely. direct pressure should be applied first while surveying if the object was long enough to damage an organ. if so, wound packing may be necessary.
chest: if the wound is deep enough it can cause open pneumothorax (‘sucking’ chest wound) a seal needs to be placed over the wound to keep air from getting inside. if this isn’t done in time the affected lung will collapse.
back: can typically be treated with only direct pressure. wound packing is rarely necessary.
neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis wounds should never be packed unless absolutely necessary.
treatment types:
direct pressure: key to any wound. can be done with whatever is available even if that means the medic needs to use their own body weight.
tourniquets: applied to the limbs. typically not applied for more than thirty minutes. in some cases, they can be left on for hours, keeping the phrase “life over limb” in mind. complications with tourniquets like nerve damage or ischemia (no blood circulation) are rare. don’t apply over a joint and apply above the wound.
wound packing: done with standard gauze and or hemostatic dressing
wound packing steps:
1. control the bleeding with pressure. use anything available even if it means t shirts or a knee.
2. place a gloved finger inside the wound too apply initial pressure. this will hurt like a bitch. also gives you an idea of what direction the blood is coming from so gauze can be used more accurately.
3. begin packing the wound with gauze. keep pressure on the wound with finger while wrapping gauze around another finger and pushing it in the wound.
4. keep packing the wound until no more gauze can fit in, and then keep direct pressure on for at least three minutes.
5. after the three minutes, use something like a bandage wrap to keep the gauze secure inside the wound.
6. splinting the area to keep it immobilized may be vital to keep the hemorrhage from restarting
7. if bleeding continues medic has to decide if they need to take out gauze and reapply with new gauze or apply more direct pressure. this is usually done by how long it takes to get to further treatment. the longer the wait the more of an incentive it becomes to repack the wound. if it’s just down the road then apply pressure.
most likely complications:
hypoxia, shock, and hypothermia are complications that need to be watched for and treated immediately if they occur.
occurs when a region of the body doesn’t have enough oxygen in the tissue. can lead to organ damage, brain and heart damage being the most dangerous.
symptoms include: tachycardia (rapid heart rate), difficulty breathing, confusion, shortness of breath, anxiety, headache, and restlessness.
severe symptoms include: bradycardia (slow heart rate), extreme restlessness, and cyanosis (blue or purple tint to skin).
treatment: oxygen
life threatening condition where the body doesn’t have enough blood volume to circulate through itself. if it goes on for long enough, organ damage and death may occur.
symptoms: rapid, slow, or absent pulse, heart palpitations, rapid shallow breathing, lightheadedness, cold clammy skin, dilated pupils, chest pain, nausea, unfocused eyes, confusion, anxiety, and loss of consciousness.
treatment: if they’re not breathing, cpr is required. if they are breathing, lay on back and raise feet a foot off the ground to keep blood in the vital organs.
blood transfusion and fluids once in a hospital setting.
hypothermia: occurs when the body is losing heat quicker than it can produce. the more blood that’s lost the more likely hypothermia is to occur.
symptoms: differ based on severity
in mild hypothermia: shivering, exhaustion, clumsiness, sleepiness, weak pulse, tachycardia (rapid heart rate), tachypnea (rapid breathing), pale skin, confusion, and trouble speaking.
in moderate hypothermia: bradycardia (slow heart rate), bradypnea (slow breathing), slurred speech, decline in mental function, shivering slows down, hallucinations, cyanosis (blue or purple tint to skin), muscle stiffness, dilated pupils, irregular heart rate, hypotension (decreased blood pressure), and loss of consciousness.
in severe hypothermia: shivering stops, hypotension (low blood pressure), absence of reflexes, compete muscle stiffness, fluid builds up in lungs, loss of voluntary motion, cardiac arrest (heart stops beating), coma, and death.
treatment: covering with a blanket, hat, and jacket, adding external heat like a hot pack, and if severe and in a hospital setting, warm fluids via iv, warm oxygen, and or a machine to warm the blood in the body.
if you have any questions feel free to ask! i plan on making a guide to gunshot wounds and a more in depth guide to hypothermia later.
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stil-lindigo · 6 months
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quick reminder that besides calling for a ceasefire from your political representatives, you can also tangibly help Palestinians get back online by buying them e-sims!!!
Here’s a full step process on how:
Go to Nomad (http://getnomad.app), click on the menu in the top right-hand side, and click on Shop Plans then Data.
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2. After clicking on Data, scroll aaallll the way down. The Middle East plan is at the very bottom of the list of data plans.
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3. After choosing the Middle East plan, choose how much you want to pay, then enter your card details etc and acknowledge everything.
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You can get a $3 discount on this, by using the code "BACKPACKNOMAD" on Nomad.
4.Ignore the next part. You don't want to install anything. You're waiting for an email with a QR code for activation.
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5) Screenshot the QR code and send it to someone in Gaza! How do you do that? You can now email your e-sim QR code screenshots to [email protected] who will then distribute them to Palestinians.
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Stay safe, stay vigilant and continue to believe in the possibility of Palestinian freedom!
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youwerelikeanangel · 5 months
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[Image description: Tweet by bhavani kunjulakshmi that says: Your solidarity with Palestine is accused of anti-semitism? Like your feminism is accused of misandry/man-hating? Like your anti-racism is accused of reverse racism? Like your workers rights’ unionism is accused of treachery? Like your protests are accused of vandalism?
The oppressor will always find ways to appropriate, co-opt, and manipulate the language of the oppressed to claim victimhood and to justify their violence as self-defense. \End description]
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man-squared · 2 years
Is it just me or do mspec men get a very specific type of erasure? Like we rarely hear about them and I feel that people out right deny they exist both online and offline and possibly historically.
Anyone wanna send me some historical mspec men communities, articles, etc? Asks and submissions open :)
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waterwizardcat · 7 months
the recent jjk arc is fun
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calisources · 5 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃   𝐎𝐅   𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐒   𝐀𝐍𝐃   𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒   𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒.   all   sentences   have   been   taken   from   the   hunger   games:   the   ballad   of   songbirds   and   snakes   book   and   some   from   the   movie   trailers.   might   include   spoilers   for   the   movie   and   book.   change   pronouns   and   locations   and   names   as   you   see   fit.
“Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping.”
“Being from the Capitol doesn’t give you that right. Nothing does.”
“Well, as they said, it's not over until the mockingjay sings.”
“People aren’t so bad, really, It’s what the world does to them.”
“That is the thing with giving your heart. You never wait for someone to ask. You hold it out and hope they want it.”
“Snow lands on top.”
“I think there’s a natural goodness built into human beings. You know when you’ve stepped across the line into evil, and it’s your life’s challenge to try and stay on the right side of that line.”
“Before need, before love, came trust.”
“And try not to look down on people who had to choose between death and disgrace.”
“What are lies but attempts to conceal some sort of weakness?”
“The strain of being a full-fledged adult every day had grown tiresome.”
“You can blame it on the circumstances, the environment, but you made the choices you made, no one else.”
“Wars are won by heads not hearts.”
“There is a point to everything or nothing at all, depending on your worldview.”
“You're mine and I'm yours. It's written in the stars.”
“But better off sad than dead.”
“What young brains lack in experience they sometimes make up for in idealism. Nothing seems impossible to them.”
“I think it’s more important than love. I mean, I love all kinds of things I don’t trust.”
“I’m planning to build a whole new beautiful life here. One where, in my own small way, I can make the world a better place.”
“If the war’s impossible to end, then we have to control it indefinitely. Just as we do now.”
“What was there to aspire to once wealth, fame, and power had been eliminated? Was the goal of survival further survival and nothing more?”
“They were both after all, still children whose lives were dictated by powers above them.”
“Star-crossed lovers meeting their fate.”
“I’m bad news, all right.”
“The ability to control things. Yes, that was what he’d loved best of all.”
“What happened in the arena? That’s humanity undressed. The tributes. And you, too.”
How quickly civilization disappears. All your fine manners, education, family background, everything you pride yourself on, stripped away in the blink of an eye, revealing everything you actually are.”
“A boy with a club who beats another boy to death. That’s mankind in its natural state”
“Please, Coriolanus, I would never forget the favor.”
“Who are human beings? Because who we are determines the type of governing we need.”
“What sort of agreement is necessary if we’re to live in peace? What sort of social contract is required for survival?”
“It’s just the kind of story that catches fire.”
“And last but least, District Twelve girl . . . she belongs to Coriolanus Snow.”
“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.”
“If history teaches you anything, it’s how to make the unwilling comply.”
“You know what I won’t miss? People. Except for a handful. They’re mostly awful, if you think about it.”
“And to erase me, they must erase the Games.”
“Why did these people think that all they needed to start a rebellion was anger?”
“And if even the most innocent among us turn into killers in the Hunger Games, what does that say? That our essential nature is violent.”
“It's the things we love most, that destroy us.”
“We all did things we’re not proud of.”
“What are the Hunger Games for?”
"If you want to protect people, then it's essential to accept what human beings are and what it takes to control them."
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear."
“If the cause wasn’t honorable, how could it be an honor to participate in it?”
“He’s a Capitol boy and clearly I got the cake with the cream, ’cause nobody else’s mentor even bothered to show up to welcome them.”
“To dine with her suggests that you consider her your equal. But she isn’t.”
“The endless dance with hunger had defined his life.”
"In nature, things that are prey, that are weak, are marked"
"The world is not kind to those who don't fit in"
"We all wear masquerades in this Capitol"
, "There's a price for everything, Lucy. Sometimes you pay it willingly, sometimes it's taken from you,"
"Freedom is not given, it is taken"
“I’m not convinced that we are all as inherently violent as you say, but it takes very little to bring the beast to the surface, at least under the cover of darkness.”
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ftmtftm · 2 months
Saw a post that said "y'all don't deserve trigger warnings for this one" in regards to the atrocities in Palestine right now and there is something that makes me so indescribably mad about that.
Most importantly it is so deeply, disgustingly dehumanizing to the people in front of the camera that you are claiming to care for. Using someone else's trauma. Someone else's suffering. Someone else's pain. To in turn traumatize others? To guilt them? To intentionally trigger them because "they don't deserve it"? That does nothing. That does absolutely nothing.
How does stripping someone of their personhood and turning them into shock value trauma porn for the sake of proving a point to other vulnerable people do anything constructive?
What good does that do for the person in pain besides turn their pain into a tool to inflict further damage?
How does that help anyone at all?
"But it's awareness!!"
No it's not. That's not advocacy. That's not "spreading awareness". That's intentionally going out of your way to degrade, demoralize, and guilt people by preying on their sense of morality and using the horrors of genocide as a fucking prop for it. And you are a sick bastard for that.
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ibtisams · 6 months
A question about your Palestine donations post. Since there's a blockade to all supplies, water, etc. Then is donating money to organizations actually helping? Can said organizations actually get supplies to them?
Hi! Unfortunately it is hard for anyone to get aid to Gaza right now because of the blockade, so the most important thing right now is to put pressure on your governments to demand a ceasefire. There is a great link tree going around with resources on how to do that for UK, US, Canada and Australia. I can’t stress enough how easy these sites make it to find the people to email/call and give a script of what to say. A tip I have seen is that if you’re sending an email, you should change the subject line so it won’t get automatically filtered.
It is so easy to call/email and it is the best way to make an impact right now!!!!!!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year
Anyone know any good online resources (especially Tumblr posts for me to save) for learning the Lenormand? I've decided that I'm going to be giving it another shot.
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regretevatortism · 4 months
  ⌣♡⌣ Simon ‘ghost’ riley inspired masks!
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  ⌣♡⌣ if you use, reblog, credit appreciated!
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frangipani-wanderlust · 4 months
How To Call 911
So most of my followers know now that I started working last May as a 911 dispatcher. Super proud of myself. And now that I am starting (very much still starting) to settle in a bit, I want to offer some tips on how to call 911. So, hold on to your hats.
(no-color version if the yellow text isn't rendering on your screen correctly)
When in doubt, call 911. Don't take this as me encouraging you to jump at shadows. Your neighbors' loud party is not an emergency, google the local non-emergency line and call that. Neither is the dry cleaning not giving you your clothes (I actually got this call on our 911 line). Nor is the fact that you saw a fox inside city limits (also something a real human called 911 about). But if you see a situation unfolding and you think "this seems dangerous, maybe this is 911-worthy" then it's 911-worthy. Don't hesitate. Call.
If you call 911 and you are freaking out, that's okay. If you're in a crisis, you may not remember a single tip I'm about to give you. We are trained for that, we can handle it, just do the best you can. It's not the end of the world to have a hysterical or frightened caller, and these are tips, not rules.
Location, location, location. We can't send you help if we have nowhere to send it to. Ideally, know the address. Failing that, know the name of a business or a church or an intersection. It is not cheating if you read this off a sign. There isn't a set of invisible rules that says you have to have your exact GPS coordinates memorized. Be prepared to describe the location somehow. That way, if our connection drops and that's all you can tell me, I can still send some police out to come find out what's going on and they can ask for medics or firefighters or whatever if needed. But we absolutely must know where to send assistance, it is the first thing we're going to ask.
Location again, but with a twist. The first thing our office says for emergencies is, "911, what is the address of the emergency?" If a building is on fire, tell us where the fire is. If your neighbors are being robbed at gunpoint across the street, give us their address. If you witnessed a car accident, tell us where the accident happened. The location of the emergency isn't necessarily the location where you are. Don't send police and fire to your office building if the wreck is on the freeway.
Answer the questions that you are asked. If the calltaker asks "Is the patient breathing?" don't start in about the seizure they just had (if they aren't breathing, the seizure they just had is not the biggest problem). If the calltaker asks, "Which way did the man you saw go when they ran?" don't tell them about how they broke down your door (if they are running away, knowing they broke your door down does not help the police know which direction to start looking). The particular question you are asked is being asked for a reason, and that reason is not frivolous but in an emergency, we aren't going to stop and explain everything.
Do not launch into a speech. If you're asked a yes/no question, yes or no is all the answer you should give. Your impulse will be to explain the yes or the no because more information is better than not enough, but overexplaining is its own problem. Now, we are hired for good typist skills, and are encouraged to get better and faster, but infodumping means things can get missed. The calltaker is going to have some information they're going to ask for by protocol and probably the option to drill down on some of it if clarification is needed. If you spend five paragraphs explaining your last answer, it delays getting other pertinent information.
Do not launch into a speech, part the second. You don't call 911 for things that happened last week, or even yesterday. Tell me the emergency that is happening right now. Ideally in one sentence. If someone is having a medical issue, and you call 911 about it, when the calltaker asks exactly what happened, do not tell them about how the patient had a surgery 5-and-a-half weeks ago. You called 911. What is the emergency that is happening right now. Don't be telling me about their surgery when the problem you called about is a broken leg. Yes, the surgery may have led to generalized loss of balance that has yet to return which caused the patient to fall which caused them to break their leg. Understood. But you didn't call because of all of that. You called because of the broken leg. Apply this principle to all emergencies.
Don't launch into a speech, part the third. When asked a specific and direct question, do not give an explanation instead of an answer. If the calltaker asks you "Is the weird person on the side of the road actually in the lanes of traffic?" do not explain to them how it's a very narrow roadway (see parenthesis for the story here). Aside from the fact that we're not asking these questions to be funny (see part the second), there's also the fact that now you are coming over as suspicious as hell. If I asked "how did that person on Facebook know what this supposedly missing kid is wearing and where he's going to be at 3:00 today?" and you say "well Facebook is a good way to spread information" I am now extremely suspicious of you.
(Also an actual call I have taken. The man was a totally ordinary guy out for a walk to the store, but this blue collar man walked through a Rich Person Neighborhood™ and according to Lady Catherine De Bourgh on the phone with me, that merited a call to the police. When I asked her if he was actually in the lanes of traffic [traffic hazard call type] versus not [suspicious person call type, on a technicality but technically...], she tried explaining three times that the road was narrow before she finally got the message that I was not going to stop asking until she told me the actual answer and answered "Well, I suppose so, yes." At this point, because she'd been so reluctant to answer me, I no longer believed the man actually was in the lanes of traffic and to this day believe that she lied to try and manipulate the police into a stronger-level response than was actually warranted. Because determining whether she was lying for sure is beyond the scope of my job, I put down what she said, but I didn't believe then and still don't believe now, that she told the truth. The totally ordinary and probably very nice guy was not arrested or hassled at all and was instead given a courtesy ride to the store.)
Be prepared to describe relevant people, maybe including yourself, and that includes race. If you have an asthma attack at a football game, the medics need to know how to find you in a crowd. If you are a black woman, that's gonna rule out everyone who isn't that. If you are a black woman wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and a blue bandana over your hair, that excludes nearly everybody and when the medics arrive, they'll know exactly who to look for. Most of the time, someone's race isn't relevant information. When describing someone to emergency services, it absolutely is and it is not racist to accurately describe the relevant person or people.
There are more tips in the world, and I may come back to this post and add them as they occur to me. In the meantime, please enjoy this short treatise on how to call 911.
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stil-lindigo · 3 months
i really want to donate in aid to the Palestinians in Gaza, but knowing some people who are involved with charities personally, they have shared many stories of corruption within big charities. this followed by the influx of scams that can happen in this time, i’m really afraid of money from good-willed people going to the wrong places instead of helping those truly in urgent need. are there any verified charities validated by Palestinian journalists on the ground? and how can i be sure that my donations will go to the right places? thank you for all that you have been doing by the way, im wishing you well.
hi anon - there are a few direct aid organisations that you can donate to that are doing verifiable good work and goes straight to helping Palestinians.
One of these is CareforGaza, which distributes food, hygiene products, and other living supplies directly to families in need in Gaza. They take their donations via Paypal.
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The second is E-sims for Gaza, which is organised by Mirna El Helbawi and her group of workers. They distribute e-sims directly to Palestinians so that they can keep connected to the world and each other. So far, they've distributed over 130,000 e-sims. There is a comprehensive post teaching you how to purchase and send e-sims here.
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Other organisations that also do good work with your coin but are perhaps less immediate are the PCRF and the UNWRA which are responsible for delivering truckloads of aid (whenever Israel allows them to). However, if you wanna get the most bang for your buck, I'd recommend the two options I explained above.
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child-of-hurin · 1 year
Part of what charms and compels me in Jeyne Poole's arc is her reaction to her predicament. All the female POVs in this book are dealing with a lot of gendered violence, and they all deal in different but dignified forms... Jeyne is not a POV character and she is absolutely not dignified lol. She cries and begs, she is utterly helpless. But unlike most women in this book who are utterly helpless, she survives. It's frustrating how fans refuse to celebrate that, simply because there is no glory in it.
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hellboundhimbo · 25 days
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@bisaster-energy team urameshi at comic con what crimes will they commit (likely lots and lots of petty theft)
dw he got them to dress up the next year
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