sunsetsover · 5 years
ideas on ballum’s first date? and does ben enjoy running his fingers through Callum’s hair just as much as callum does? p.s hope your holidays improve 💕
thank you, they weren’t so bad but i’m very glad to be home lmao 💞
ok so i went a little bit overboard w this but this is me we’re talking about, it’s to be expected lmao but i did them in bullet points for clarity !!
so ideas for the first date:
it’s awkward as hell at first lmao
ben is still in a lot of pain from his injury because he isn’t fully healed, and also he’s lowkey a nervous wreck bc he realizes this a big deal for callum!!! but also it’s a big deal for him too!!! he likes callum!! he doesn’t want to fuck it up!! for callum’s sake, and the sake of their Thing that they have going already
and callum is highkey a nervous wreck for a multitude of reasons…. mostly it’s the gay thing bc it’s all so fresh and new and he still can’t walk around the square without feeling like ppl are staring at him…. and he realizes a lot of it is paranoia but also like….. he’s just split up w whitney, and everyone around walford knows them and knows him and what’s happened and like there’s just no anonymity….. he kind of wishes they could get on a train and go somewhere else, somewhere where they can slip into the crowd where no one knows them so callum maybe won’t feel like everyone is watching them and judging him but ben can’t risk going too far away from home yet….. which is fine it really is he’d rather be safe than sorry and it’s Just A Pint anyway not a big deal……. it’s just that callum kind of wants to crawl out of his skin a little bit….. no biggie……….
(but callum still goes on the date, because of course he does. he wants to go out for a drink with ben. he does. that’s not the problem. the problem is everything else.)
so yh they go to e20 (it’s not ideal but the alternate choices are the vic, which has too many prying eyes, and the prince albert, which is too much too soon for callum) and it’s really awkward at first bc ben can sense how nervous callum is - jumping at every noise and constantly checking over his shoulder and can hardly sit still
and at first ben is a little bit put out bc he hasn’t had a problem keeping a man’s attention in a Long Ass Time but then he remembers what he was like when he was in callum’s shoes and can’t really be mad at him lmao….. he just is maybe kinda sad abt it bc this date is Weak and callum deserved better
so after a while ben asks callum if he wants to leave and callum is like ’???? wtf no’ bc he doesn’t even realize how jumpy and distracted he is
and ben is like ‘it’s ok if you do, i don’t mind, i get it’ and callum is really just sitting there like ???
so ofc bc callum isn’t saying anything ben starts rambling like 'maybe this was too soon, you have just broke up with whitney and you’re still getting your head around things, i don’t want you running into things when you’re not ready’ etc 
meanwhile in his head he’s like ben u Fuckin Idiot!! u’ve fucked it up!!!!!!! u’ve pushed him too hard this is too much u should have just waited!!!!!!!!!!!
that is until callum interrupts his rambling by Very Firmly saying 'ben, if i didn’t want to be here, i wouldn’t be here’
that shuts ben up lmao
after that callum makes a more conscious effort to relax and actually pay attention to ben and it doesn’t take long for callum to actually relax and forget where he is and everything that’s happened and enjoy ben’s company
and ben keeps having a go at cal for making him laugh bc it hurts and every single time callum gets really serious and apologetic which only makes ben laugh harder :-(
by the end of the night they’re sat practically pressed together in one of those rounded booths and neither of them know how they ended up like that bc they were on opposite sides when they sat down but neither of them really care :-)
they don’t stay out too late bc ben’s still a little out of whack from his injury, though it’s callum that insists they leave bc ben keeps being like ‘one more drink’ even tho cal can see him drooping w exhaustion :-( poor ben just doesn’t want it to be over bc tho the date started weak they have completely turned it around :-(
ben perks back up once they’re out in the fresh air and immediately starts teasing callum abt the fact that he’s walking him home
“proper gent you, ain’t ya? i can’t remember the last time someone walked me home after a date.” “you’re injured, i’m hardly gonna leave you to walk home by yourself am i? what if something happened to ya?” “what, during the five minute walk between e20 and my dad’s?” “you never know.” “just admit that you’re hoping i’ll invite you in for a nightcap.”
callum kind of freezes up at that but ben just gives him That Look and a small shove and says 'i’m joking, callum’
when they’re at the door to the mitchell’s ben turns to him with this soft smile and says 'don’t take this the wrong way, but i think we’re a bit too old for snogging on the doorstep while my dad’s probably sat in the living room’ and callum laughs and looks at the floor all shy because he doesn’t feel too old. he feels like he’s sixteen years old and he’s just been on his first proper date and this is all new and exciting to him.
(he supposes it is, in a way.)
and then ben very softly asks 'wasn’t so bad, was it?’ and callum smiles at him and shakes his head and ben smiles back and whispers 'good’ and leans over and kisses him on the cheek - it doesn’t linger quite as long as the last one, but this one feels different. warmer. like a promise of more to come. and he can’t help but grab hold of ben’s hand as he unlocks the front door and squeeze it as they say goodbye :-)
and they’re both so fucking enamoured w each other in that moment that both of them forget to ask for a second date lmao
so yeah it’s a pretty good date in the end lmao
as for hair stroking!!
he never really gets into hair stroking at first on account of the fact that callum is just So Fucking Tall and he always has his hair covered in gel so he can’t just do it absentmindedly the way callum does…… 
the few times he’s tried it’s awkward and not at all suave and natural the way callum does it, and then callum will complain about ben fucking up his hair and ben will end up with a sticky hand and like… there are more fun ways to end up in that situation….
besides it’s not like ben isn’t physically affectionate in other ways !!! it’s just that hair stroking is more callum’s thing
that is until one day callum practically passes out with his head on ben’s chest and all ben can see is the crown of his head…. his hair lookin soft as hell… smelling good bc he just had a shower…. and like what is ben gonna do? not stroke it?
and he’s glad callum is asleep tbh bc he has to like… figure out what works best…….. bc it’s not like lexi’s hair and it’s not like paul’s hair and it’s not like he has much experience with stroking anyone else’s hair…. so he’s like. Experimenting
and then he starts scratching at the shorter hair behind callum’s ear and cal makes this little sighing noise and presses closer to him and ben is just like oh ???????????????
so he keeps trying different things and callum just keeps on making these happy sounds and pressing his face more into ben’s chest and it’s just like…. game over….. he can’t believe This is what he’s been missing out on
or at least it’s game over while callum is asleep bc ben is Shy and doesn’t want to make a bigger fool out of himself in front of callum than he does already……. but like once callum’s unconscious? it’s game over
and callum has suspicions bc he keeps waking up to ben’s fingers tangled in his hair but it’s weird bc like…. why does he only do it when he’s asleep?
so, because he has learned from his other half Sneaky Bastard Ben, one day he fakes falling asleep just to see :-) and sure enough ben hands are in his hair within minutes - he starts off just gently rolling a bit of callum’s hair in between his fingers, but before long he’s full on stroking his fingers through the long part of callum’s hair
and callum pretends to be asleep for as long as he can but after a certain point he just can’t keep the smile off his face
and ben gets all huffy bc he’s embarrassed :-(
but callum just laughs and kisses ben’s chest and moves closer to him so he has easier access to his hair and ben resumes his stroking Immediately bc it’s like instinct now :-)
after that anytime they’re cuddling they basically cannot keep their hands out of each others hair
ben even takes to scratching at the hair on callum’s nape in public (when they’re sat down ofc bc callum is still So Fucking Tall) bc he can’t get to his favourite bit bc of the gel :-( so needless to say ben very quickly starts to hate the gel and tries to convince callum to abandon it but he won’t bc he thinks the slicked back hair makes him look Professional
ben pouts about it but he also kinda likes being the only one who gets to see his soft floppy hair now
anyway long story short, yes ben likes running his fingers through callum’s hair just as much as callum does, it just takes him a little while longer to catch on lmao
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sunshinehighway · 5 years
right ben and callum taking lexi to her first football match!!! they’d started a girls football team at school, and to ben’s surprise lexi had been more than eager to join. since that day she hasn’t stopped talking to football, watching it on the tv and saving up her pocket money for an england shirt! one friday evening she spent over an hour talking to mick across the bar, it was all west ham this and west ham that, he’d told her all about the first time his mum took him to a match and that was it - lexi was obsessed with the idea of going herself. 
mick came round the next day with 3 tickets, and so the three of them; ben, callum and lexi headed to the london stadium that afternoon. with it being lexi’s first match they went all out - did the whole meal and drinks before-hand thing, singing on the tube, buying a program and a flag and a scarf, taking a million pictures of lexi on callum’s phone and one of the three of the outside the ground, too. every time they scored callum would lift lexi in his arms and jump with her, ben could only laugh at them because they’re absolutely mad but they’re his. afterwards, lexi would tell everyone she walked passed about the match, she’d take her program in for show and tell, and she’d start saving for a season ticket. of course she got one for her birthday, anyway. 
the football obsession doesn’t end anytime soon though, and svefore they know it lexi is playing for both the school team and the local sunday team. ben and callum quickly become those parents who stand and cheer her on at the side lines every weekend, rain or snow. they even go as far as to get their own walford girls shirts with her name on the back - and lexi loves it. they’re still those over-protective parents though, and lets just say they get in more than a few arguments with the ref and the oppositions parents over the season.
the first night callum spends at the beale’s house is, well, mental. he wakes in the morning to ben having already left for work and as he makes his way downstairs he’s got kathy shoving a brew in his face, lexi offering him her last piece of nutella smothered toast, bobby preparing him a pack-up for the day and lola laughing in the corner. callum thinks this might be what it feels like to have a proper family, madness yet so much love. he wants it all, forever. 
ben and callum quickly become best friends as well as boyfriends. they’re inseparable and it’s kinda dead romantic but also a little gross. so when callum is invited away on a stag do with some friends form the army, he thinks about declining or inviting ben along with him, but eventually he relents. the trip is great, it’s all sunshine and booze so there’s nothing not to love - except ben not being there. 
at exactly 9 o’clock every morning and 10 o’clock every night that week, ben receives a call from his boyfriend. they chat for over two hours a day, but somehow still have loads to talk about. ben’s favourite call was on the last night of callum’s holiday when he was certainly drunk, he was blabbering on about how ben has changed his life and how he isn’t afraid anymore and how this resort would be a really lovely place for them to get married one day. 
mick has to ask callum a massive favour, to work the bar on a friday night - everyone else is busy and callum already knows the ropes. the vic is packed that night so he gets to work straight away, not having time to fire off a quick text to let ben know where he is. it doesn’t take him long to find out though, ben and jay barrel through the doors laughing about something or other when ben stops dead. he looks shocked, and then pleasantly surprised, and then just outright in love. callum never knew that him pulling pints would have such an effect on ben, but he’s barely taken his eyes off the barman all night. it soon becomes clear just how much of a turn callum working the bar was for ben when callum’s locking up and they get up to more than just cleaning on those seats.
after callum has opened up about chris to ben, ben wants to do all he can to help him; help him deal with this grief he’s had to hide from the world for too long. he tries everything to get his favourite smile out of callum again that week, but nothing seems to be working. and then he thinks about what helps him, how does he hold paul close but allow himself to move on at the same time? his ring? so he does some searching online and he finds these little army tags that you can wear on a necklace or something more subtle like a key-ring, he orders them and when they arrive he goes straight to a jewelers in town to get them engraved with chris’ name. 
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drewsbarrymcre · 5 years
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happy birthday, gemma. i hope your day is lovely! @calhighway
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isabellaofparma · 5 years
STAG SHAG is the best chant i’ve ever come across
😂 I’m not sure who came up with it but I’m taking it and running with it because we need to speak, no... summon it into existence!
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adhdreid · 5 years
first i love you from ben? maybe on the wedding day? or after an argument? thanks ☺️
I got so carried away writing these but u kno what thats valid
Callum’s been at the venue for a while, fidgeting and moving things about with no real purpose other than to keep himself busy. He likes to fidget, especially when he’s nervous, and he’s sure as hell nervous on that day.
He takes himself off to a quiet side-room to try and calm down, not that it works much. He isn’t alone for long until Ben walks through the door, all the usual swagger and confidence there- but something behind his eyes tells Callum that it’s taking effort to maintain. 
Ben teases Callum like always, desperate to get some sort of rise out of him. Some little flicker of the emotions he knows truly lie beneath the facade.
Callum’s patience is short on this particular day, though. He has no time for Ben’s wind-ups and little jibs- so finally he asks him straight- “why shouldn’t I marry Whitney?”
Ben’s so quick to answer that Callum almost suspects he planned it. Rehearsed his lines before he came, maybe wrote them down and coloured them in with yellow highlighter. 
It feels like it’s torn from his throat, a sharp truth that pains him as he says it- “because I love you”. Ben didn’t even mean to say it, not really. Contrary to whatever Callum suspected, Ben was set on taking those three words to his grave unless Callum actually changed. The truth always seems to come out, though
Callum has to sit down when he hears it. It’s not even a conscious decision, his legs merely drop beneath him, bringing him down into the nearest chair. 
All he can do is repeat Ben’s words, as if no other phrase exists in those few moments. Until he heard those words, he never realised how much he needed them. 
Everything feels easy from that moment on. The world’s gone quiet for Callum, nothing exists but he and Ben and that one admission of love. It’s as if the fog has cleared from his brain- he can’t believe how stupid he’s been. He knows now, though- he loves him too. Standing up to cross the gap and kiss Ben is easier than it had ever been.
They call a cab and leave the venue together, hand in hand. They don’t say a word until they’re hours away, and Callum’s phone won’t stop ringing. He sends Whitney a text to explain, before switching off his phone and shoving it to the bottom of his bag. It’s the cowards’ way out- but Callum would never call himself anything but. 
i’m bored and gay, send me some ballum prompts and i’ll write some headcanons
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yasisworld · 5 years
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Happy Birthday @calhighway! I hope you have a wonderful day with your loved ones, my dear Gemma. This is not much, but I hope it brings you a little joy and lets you know how much I appreciate you! ♥️♥️♥️
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jessepinkmvn · 5 years
callum can’t wait to make ben and lexi jam on toast in the mornings
this....wasn’t necessary...............at alll
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goldenballum · 5 years
WHY would callum and ben be standing together if whitney was right next to them? no way would she stand there... unless they’re arguing? but it doesn’t look like that... oh god, i am sick of overthinking things 🤡
That's what I keep thinking like if Whitney is there why would they be stood together? Also Ben and Callum look like they're stood close together. Also where's the hug happening? Its all so confusing and I'm nowhere closer to answering any questions
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when do you think the car scene is? ben doesn’t seem to have any cuts on his face so 🧐
Hiya lovely! :D
Yes! Interesting. I’ve just rewatched and the first time I thought the angry Ben shots and the Callum one where the same ep but I’ve noticed his collar is different and you’re right, no cuts. I do think that it has to be soon tho, right? Because the stuff they’re teasing is all stuff we know is coming like Ruby and Max’s summer affair, and summer basically only lasts for the rest of July and August. If Ben is talking to Callum when he say’s ‘i’ll sort it’ I’m curious to know what he’s helping him with cause I can’t think what Callum would need help with.
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benhalfway · 5 years
i see you and i miss u
i miss u 🥺 how are u are u sleeping well + drinking enough water in this heatwave ??
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bisexualalienblast · 5 years
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cowboybuckleys · 5 years
happy birthdaaay lovely 🎉✨
thank you love!!! 
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sunshinehighway · 5 years
8, 11 and 46 ✨
8.what time are you most productive?
 hm, it depends on the day really! weekdays it seems to be at night - when my dad n brother are in bed and it’s just me rewatching endless robron or ballum scenes! weekends it seems to be the day - for example, i was home alone on saturday and spent the whoooole day writing hourglass” basically, it’s never the morning!
11. do you listen to music when writing?
always! in fact i may just go make a general writing playlist on spotify now! 
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
Paris becomes theirs to conquer for the week.
Paris with its bright lights and reflecting a purple sunset, Paris with its breathtaking views and comforting warmth. Paris with its fresh aroma and crumbled pasties. 
Paris is beautiful, Ben soon decides, impossibly beautiful with Callum by his side. He’s already had Callum spread out naked on the Egyptian cotton-lined sheets of their hotel room, the chandelier bathing him in a soft glow, reminiscent of an angel floating through the clouds. 
They’re stood on the balcony now, the sun dripping below the horizon, pulling away the pinks and oranges with it, replacing them with harsh blues; a shade of depth, of trust, of openness. 
Ben’s eyes lock with Callum’s, the bustling city beneath them lulling into white noise. “It’s beautiful here,” Ben voices, hands clasped over the edge of the balcony. “It’s the kind of place you could get lost in.”
Callum nods along, eyes flickering between Ben’s face and the scurry of the city below. “It is. I already wanna come back and we ain’t even left yet.”
“Yeah?” Ben questions, smile slow and for Callum only. Only ever for Callum. A gradual curl of lips, show of pink tongue. Happy. 
“Yeah,” Callum replies. “We’ll come back for the New Year. Get so lost we forget our own names.”
And now that idea is planted in Ben’s head he can’t stop thinking about it. Callum in the Louvre, dressed head to toe in black with that gallery light bathing him pale. Callum practising his French, all tounge curling and pouting lips expensive red wine being ordered by the bottle. Callum walking along the Seine at dusk, sunset bouncing that pink light back to his cheeks, huddled beneath the amber glow of a streetlight. CallumCallumCallum. Just the two of them and the city of love and nothing else, drunk off each other, not caring where they end up.
fanfic writer meme
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drewsbarrymcre · 5 years
i can’t wait for you to see the new content... 🥰
i woke up to the entire fandom in a frenzy and i’m living for this. we’ve been starved for so long and they’re hitting us with so much stuff and we can’t handle it. THAT PHOTO THOUGH. AND THEIR QUOTES. how are we gonna survive this week?
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isabellaofparma · 5 years
Ivett, hello. So it’s clear to see you’re strong person, with a humour and looks too match and sometimes people get scared by that, ya know? Just because their life is a little shit and they can’t stand to see other people living their best life’s? Anyway, you must not, under any circumstances, take notice in anything they have to say. I think you’re awesome (I stalk ur blog a lot oops) and I think I’d die happy if i was just a lil like you. keep your head high and BALLUM HUG ✨💜
Gemma, you’re the sweetest! 😭 Thank you, love. And yes, happy Ballum hug day!! 
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robronfic · 5 years
I’d like to praise @memorieswarm for finding home and rights and wrongs! two fics i can still read to this day and appreciate it like it’s the first time I’m reading it. MASSIVE KUDOS
you can read both here: Rights and wrongs / Finding home
❤️ @memorieswarm ❤️
top 100 ship status celebration
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