#by the time you get back you'll feel better and remember why you loved xyz in the first place
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smilingperformer · 5 years
I thought the Kalos League was a million times better I don't get why so many people found the Alola League hype. Just compare the two and you'll see. Ash should have won there and the writers messed up which is why they let him win now. It's bs really with how they wrote sun and moon with especially with the lackluster animation. I hope gen 8 is better and they bring back serena or even lillie. Lillie was the only thing I liked about alola everybody else felt like filler characters.
Hoooo booi, can’t say I didn’t expect this kind of ask to pop. Buckle up gentlebeings, cuz this will be a long long ride:
First and farmost, I have to ask: Did you actually watch the same show I did? And many many more people did?
Because I sure as hell see a lot of people who haven’t watched the show say this exact same thing. Or the people who just have decided to have a negative view on things and not let themselves enjoy it for what it is. I don’t mean to get in a fight with you, nor do I mean to say that you haven’t watched the show. You just right away give off that vibe.
Lately, the animation did get a hit during the League, which btw is pretty much due to the bestest animators working on Ni no Kuni movie at the time of the league production btw. This I agree with. However, the overall quality and the sheer amount of Sakuga’s, which is a term for high-quality, impressive animation sequences iirc, tells that the animation is incredibly in this series. Hell, the latest episode showed amazing animation during Zoroark vs Pikachu, it’s awesome to look at and the sheer amount of movement makes me keep my eyes on the screen the whole fight. Also, the animation still looked mostly good during this league, esp. when Iwane and Shinohara and Ohashi were up.
On a weekly-airing show that is Pokeani, it’s hard to keep constant animation quality up, but Sun & Moon has by far the best consistency on it. And I’m just gonna say this: The best quality in XYZ series is in the fact that it looks pretty. There. I said it. The animation looks awesome when it does, yes, like real good, esp. during Kalos League, but I feel like the best animations only started at around Citron vs Satoshi episodes. I can say this by having watched XY(&Z) for idk... 5 times now? I think there were couple episodes before this that had great animation as well, but the fact that I can only remember the first amazing animation drive from this battle, which is during the midway of the series, tells a lot about it.
But to move away from the animation: Why did people find Alola League more hype? For me: the fact that it had character development and stories involved.
Previous leagues were mostly focused on Satoshi, and Satoshi alone. There were also his rivals from the respective series to make the league more interesting, but mostly it was just watching him win his rounds and then see him lose. Here? It is truly everyone’s league and I find that absolutely awesome!
I love how Mao and Suiren have a deep friendship bond with each other and are able to help each other grow. I love how Kaki and Mamane had this bond of a mentor and student, where Mamane, who’s always felt like he’s got no chance against Kaki, actually wants to finally beat him. I love the fact that we get to see the development of Aether siblings, Gladio and Lilie, culminate in a way where the two are battling with respect and no sore relationship problems between them, like they were having at the beginning. I love the fact that Guzma’s character grows from a person who hates Kukui and wants nothing more than destruction to his dream, to actually walk away with a smile, learning to finally show love to his Pokémon, and realise the family around him. I love the fact that Hau had his small arc of feeling like never reaching his grandpa’s expectations, but eventually getting the kind of recognision from him that he’s always wanted. Those are the reasons I myself found Alola League way more enjoyable and way more fun to watch.
When I look at Kalos League, having watches it 5 times now, I do totally love it, but I come to realise that it’s not for the characters or the story involved in it. It’s because of the fact that it’s so well animated and hyped up. Just that. I have to agree when people say that Kalos League was indeed rushed, and had Alola League not decided to actually focus on everyone instead of just Satoshi, I swear it would have had same treatment as Kalos did: only shows the last few rounds from top-8′s later half battles onwards. I swear that would have happened, because I do see why they did Kalos league the way they did: because they wouldn’t have had enough rivals for Satoshi to beat. I hear it’s also because of lack of time and how they had to rush things due to not realising the end being so near during production, but idk for sure of that. Correct me if you want to.
On characters, since you just had to bring this up as well: I quite honestly learned to love every single character on the show. Every. single. one! That is rare for me.
I love how Mao is the big sis of the group and always makes sure things work out and makign sure people like Mamane don’t say inconsiderate things. (Mamane’s just so sassy, askjfhsfh)
I love how Suiren’s this, quiet shy gal who has a big tendency to troll her friends, and has this amazing side of just becoming a very, very pissed person, if her buttons are pushed right. I absolutely adore this, and also love the fact that she is, after while, a battle-oriented girl. She’s by far the most skilled of the group’s girls, and I dare say she’s way more skilled than Mamane, and rivals Kaki and Satoshi. Had Guzma not been so ruthless in the league to her Ashirene, she’d def be the Champion. no really she would be
Mamane is a character I at the start didn’t care for, but then came to realise that his focus episodes were actually really close to home for me, and I become to adore the way his characterisation was done. He felt so real, and his love for researching electric types and developing gadgets is just awesome to see. Some people might say he’s Citron 2.0, but I see way more than that.
Kaki? Oh god Kaki has stolen my heart with his absolute passion for life, nature, Wela Volcano, his sister, etc etc etc.... I just freaking adore how he’s shown to be this cool, serious rival to Satoshi, only to actually be a total softie.
And then Lilie. Oh Lilie, she grew so much, had amazing development with her brother and mother, conquered her fear of touching Pokémon by finding the source for her fear, facing the source of her fear to save her Mother from it, refusing to let the Sandshrew tribe in Lanakila’s caves to be left to Tyranitar’s clutches alone, earning her z-crystal- oh, this is actually true to all:
I absolutely love how everyone’s treated as an equal in this series, with everyone earning their own Z-rings, own Z-crystals, having own development goals and just being so awesomely unique.
And then you just had to say the word filler. It seems like people don’t know what filler means. It’s probably become a term that’s imagined differently by everyone. But I’m pretty sure the main point of a filler, is that it doesn’t affect the story or plot points in any way possible. And you call the cast of Sun & Moon filler? In a series where everything matters, where almost every single character introduced comes back in one way or another, where everyone in Alola Squad has had a role in the main arcs of the series, and do I need to keep going?
I’ve watched Sun & Moon in marathon runs 5-6 times now. Some episodes I’ve seen a dozen times. I cannot think of how this series would have made me love it as much as I do, had it actually not had this amazing cast that it has right now. Had it not given us the amazing Alolan Family that is Satoshi, Burnet, Kukui and all of their Pokémon. Had it not given us the most happy version of the Aether Family, who might become even happier with Mohn possibly returning to the family by the end of the series. There’s so many things I love in Alola, and I feel sad that you have to come and bash it like that. If you don’t like it, then that’s fine. But please respect the fact that there are a lot of people like me, who are darn happy about this series, darn proud of how Satoshi’s grown and showcased his lovable personality in this series, and so darn proud of him finally winning a league that actually matters on same level as other game-related leagues.
Be proud of Satoshi finally winning. Don’t be salty. It’s not good for your health. Nor anyone’s.
That’s it. End of the post.
Thanks for reading everyone, I had lots to say.
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free--therapy · 2 years
Hi thank you for answering again! Honestly you've been helping me so much and I'm not sure how I can thank you enough 🥺
Definitely telling myself all those positive things. I still do have many hesitations in believing in myself because a part of me still believes all that negative self talk but I'm definitely trying from now on to be better for myself.
It's this contradiction in my mind that since I have been so wrong and bad at times, now I shouldn't be proud of my achievements and that I shouldn't be proud of helping people now. It's like "oh you took advantage of someone in the past? Then now you shouldn't be proud of yourself when you help someone because you don't deserve to be proud of yourself for your new achievements."
But gonna tell myself that is complete bs because I'm a human and I totally deserve to believe my decisions now even if I've done less than good or morally right things in the past. So now that I'm growing as a person, I deserve to believe myself and take decisions based on my own opinions without letting my past come in between and without depending on other people's opinions, I deserve to be proud of my achievements and I deserve to appreciate myself when I feel like I did something nice.
I still deserve to believe in myself. I think this is the thing I've been struggling with the most- not knowing if I can believe myself whenever I tell myself kind, nice, uplifting and motivating things because I had come to see myself as a "bad person who has made so many bad/wrong decisions selfishly" and without noticing, I sort of started identifying with it. In that process, I lost the ability to believe in my own goodness, strength and opinions. So I started depending on others for validation so I developed a habit of asking others about every one of my mistakes I could remember. Just asking others if this xyz I did that I regret, should I still deserve better. Things like that. Just couldn't believe myself when I tell myself it's okay.
So now I'm learning to build trust in myself again because I should and I deserve to. I still deserve to be loved and appreciated by others, I still deserve to voice my opinions and stand up against anything bad that happens to me or my loved ones. Yes I was in the "wrong" position in the past but I'm learning and that past does not mean I don't deserve any rights in the presnt or future and its not like all I did was wrong. I shouldn't let some of my mistakes completely overshadow my good deeds because they count too. It's important to remember that I'm a person who has done and does good too and deserves everything like any other person.
Hey Anon,
I'm so glad to hear that what I've been sharing with you has been helpful!
It'll definitely be really hard to convince yourself of all these positive things because that concept feels so foreign to us when our mind is stuck in a negativity bias or unhelpful thinking patterns. Don't give up on it though! It takes time and repetition to make it all click.
Getting over the feeling of thinking you don't deserve happiness based on your past mistakes will come in time when you start practicing self-forgiveness. You'll have to challenge all of those thoughts that come up telling you you don't deserve this and you're not good enough for that. Our mistakes do not define us as people, but they help to shape us into who we are becoming. As long as you can start looking back to those instances as moments of learning new lessons and not for the acts themselves, you will come to find that it's more useful for changing yourself to be better. The past is gone and done and nothing can be done to change that. Learning how to think differently about those moments will help you move past being stuck on why they bother you.
Self-validation is another challenging skill to attain, but just like all new skills: it takes time and practice. And yes, it'll be uncomfortable, but no growth happens in the comfort zone! It's okay to wander out into the discomfort zone and face those monsters in your mind telling you you can't when your heart knows you can. The more you get to know yourself and validate yourself, the less you'll start to care about what other people think or will think of you, which also in turn helps to empower you. Like I've said before, you have to keep telling yourself these lovely things until you finally start to believe in the. You ARE worthy and you ARE deserving of love, positivity, and joy.
Even the people who are seen as "good" people have made mistakes in their life. It is possible to turn your life around and commit yourself to being and doing good, regardless of your past mistakes. You got this, Anon!!
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