bvnnybum · 4 months
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Earth angel
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epellucid · 8 months
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<[ ♡ ~ Introduction
Hi!! I'm Bvnny, I’m excited to do this exchange with you. I’m fem-presenting but I consider myself nonbinary. I don’t perceive myself as really having a gender and i don’t feel feminine or masculine, however, i like to do more feminine presenting things. I use she/her and they/them pronouns. I’d like a romantic matchup and I’m bisexual but tbh I don’t see myself with thirteen lol so that kind of cuts out the only girl. Also, if I could NOT get paired with Beel that would be awesome- he reminds me of my little brother for me to see him like that ;-;. I don’t have a lot of freetime but I play video games with my sister and I like to sew. I also love researching gang-related crime, serial killers, and anything involving children and their development. I love criminal psychology and child development-based psychology so opportunities to learn and even combine them always make me happy.
<[ ♡ ~ Appearance
I’ve got warm black hair that goes down just past my chin. Its a medium bob with some curtain bangs. I’m 5’2 and about 100 lbs so I'm pretty small (shelves are a bitch). I’ve got light brown eyes with a weird dark greenish brown ring around it. I’m biracial (whispanic lesgooo) so I’m not super tan but I’m not a ghost either. I’m a comfortable light olive and I can tan more with sunlight (ew) I’ve got enough freckles that you notice if you're right in front of me but not so many that it takes over my whole face. I’m normally in my converse or my work boots (which are always shined to be perfect thank u <3) I’m definitely a rectangle and I’m fairly thin. I’ve got hardly any ass and minimal boob-age. I’ve got p good thighs tho so that's nice. However, I've got the “ideal” body type for the stereotypical y2k outfits!!!! That's the majority of my closet- I wear lots of flare jeans, halter tops, and honestly if you look up 2000s I've probably worn half the outfits there. Brown is the best color for me, but I wear lots of yellow (my fave!!). Another huge part of my style is influenced by chicano culture since that’s what I was raised in and around. I have loads of FB County Charlie Brown crop tops in about 8 different colors. My dream is for the charlie brown halter tops, but for now I’ll live with just my flannel halter. I really just love dressing up for anything- no such thing as overdressed in my book. I like spending hours on my makeup and I refuse to leave the house without my eyeliner and eyeshadow being perfect. I put a lot of effort into my appearance- skincare twice a day, making sure my makeup is perfect, making sure my outfit is on point, etc., etc.. If I don't feel like it’s my best, I probably won’t wear it. It’s either a nice and easy 5 minutes or it takes me an hour. Between us, I’ve been late to school because of my makeup on more than one occasion (and it’ll happen again).
<[ ♡ ~ Personality
Here’s a few of my personality stuff incase you don't want to read through:
Enneagram 2w1
Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, Pisces Rising
I’ve also got ADHD and a weird anxiety disorder (mentions of anxious thoughts and compulsions) I go into at the end. it’s the last paragraph of this section if you want to skip it!!
Those basically boil it down to everything you need to know, but i’ll go in depth! I’m the oldest of 5 siblings. My sister A is about to turn 16, my sister B is 14, my brother C is 13, and my youngest (and favorite i’ve got no shame about it) is D and she’s 7. Honestly being their big sister is my only personality trait- D is all I talk about. She’s literally always with me too. I’m at all of her school events, she hangs out in my room (even when I’m not there), she’s going with me to grocery stores and if I get free time I’ll play video games with her like minecraft, among us, and maybe roblox (strong maybe, i have to be in a real good mood it makes me car sick ;-;)
My learning disability can make me forget things and seem fairly spacey. Right now it’s for sure ADHD, and my therapist is leaning towards autism as well but we’re avoiding an official diagnosis bc it will limit me in the career I want to enter. I cannot sit still for the life of me- I’m convinced if i do i’m gonna die. Normally i’m pretty good about masking with minimal energy- one of my special interests has always been psychology. i’ll mirror people for fun sometimes, but then i end up accidentally picking up habits. but, at the end of the day, i’m still a big neurodivergent mess. my biggest stims are chewing (rubber, my lips and fingers (not hard!!!), and silicone), tippy taps, arm flapping, and spinning. I love headphone cords and lego tires, they’re my favorite and they’re just so comforting. bc if my chewing stim, i’m literally always snacking. people get concerned when i tell them i don’t have a lot of full meals but i literally ate 2 costco boxes of goldfish, about 3 packages of gerber star puffs for babies, and still had lasagna for dinner. i eat a lot- just not all at once. this also can cause me to start stress eating. Its hard for me to be hyper aware at the end of the day too. My jobs require me to be watching everything, but at the end of it, i just want to watch my LEDS change colors.
As much as I love my siblings, they are also the reason you can see a couple gray hairs starting to grow. They are the biggest trigger for my compulsions- especially D. If something isn’t perfect, and my youngest sister is around, I get unreasonably stressed out. I always joke that I can never sleep when she’s in my room because I’m worried the Kool-Aid man will bust through the wall and I'll sleep through it. However, there is some weight to that. If (and tbh when) my sister falls asleep in my bed, I’m up doing anything to keep me busy because for whatever reason it just doesn’t feel safe to sleep. This stems for the kids I work with as well. My co-workers make jokes about me being a perfectionist but it feels like if something is out of place bad things will happen. We love anxiety, real hot girl shit.
Small things I’ll do is constantly re-organize things. I’m constantly fidgeting with stuff and putting things back into “place” (where I decided they have to go for the rest of time). I do the same with our silverware. I’ll make sure all of our plates are in a rainbow. I have to do certain things in the exact same order every time. I’m VERY particular about how stuff in my room is- the quickest way to stress me out is to touch my stuff, move it around, or mess with my routine. Depending on how I’m feeling, that might literally make me have a breakdown. But being able to expect things every single time or fix things and make it right just calms me and makes me feel in control of something small, and even that can boost my mood and confidence a bit.
I work 3 jobs right now- law enforcement, I co-teach in a special occupational pre-school for high school students, and I baby sit at least twice a week. I have been pursuing a childcare career for 5 years, however, right now I’m piloting an state-wide high school internship program for local law enforcement departments. It was a pain to try and get started- I get to take the trial run since i’m 18 and a senior with a lot of law club training. I got voted as president of our high school’s law enforcement club as a joke my sophomore year and I just… keep… getting… re… elected. It’s not bad- I actually switched from thinking about teaching because of it and now I’m considering juvenile probation and teaching as a retirement job. I’m still debating- teaching is very important to me.
Because I’ve had a lot of work in childcare and shitty retail jobs, i’ve got an ungodly amount of patience. I have a scar on my leg from where a kid threw a table at me- he was still my favorite at the end of my program tho. It takes a lot for me to not like someone. I’m an upbeat person who is always eager to help and lend a hand. There’s an old lady trying to load something big into her car? Bam, Bvnny to the rescue. Need a door opened? Bam, door held. A lot of this stems from being the oldest of 5 tbh- I not only want to be someone my siblings can look up to, but I also want to be someone who can be as awesome as their parents. Admittedly, it gets really difficult when my siblings are all so different, my parents are grade-A overachievers, and I've got a bingo game going with potential learning disabilities. But I always push myself anyways- usually too far and burn myself out but it’s cool (this is a cry for help /j)
Because of how much I push myself to be better, I see a lot of improvement over time. However this also can make me a smidgen (a big smidgen lmaooo) bit defensive over how I present myself. Like, I’ve been ugly. I’ve been teased. I’ve been bullied. But I’ve worked my ass off to fix those things, and I work my ass off to maintain those things. I just put a lot of effort into how I carry myself and having it insulted is like damn I worked so hard for what???? Like if you call me ugly its like ugh but honestly I don’t care if I don’t know you. The one thing that will ALWAYS piss me off is when people try to discount my intelligence. Like I said before, I’ve been the ugly kid. I’ve been a weird kid. I’ve been the kid that gets bullied for stuff I can’t control. HOWEVER, the one thing I’ve always had going for me was that I’m smart. I was always the one helping with homework and it saved my ass more than once. I’ll take constructive criticisms, but not asshole criticism. It’ll hurt my pride </3
On a serious note, If I were to connect to any of the seven sins, it would 100% be Lucifer’s. I wouldn’t say i’m lucifer-levels of pride, but like it’s def there. I take pride in my siblings, my appearance, my job, etc., etc. I’m proud, but I feel like I’ve earned it with how hard I’ve worked to get here and how fucking cool my siblings turned out (that also might just be my ego talking, who knows?) Like A and B are so beyond beautiful and super popular. They're awesome at sports and are amazing with people. C is 6’2 and 270lbs of muscle (he’s 13 need i remind you ;-;) but he’s gentle and he gives the best hugs and he can fix literally anything. We also go on brother-sister dates to panda express after he wins a football game (he’s had a perfect season and my wallet hurts). D is so good at art and she’s beautifully kind. She can communicate better than adults do. Like if someone is bothering her she can set her boundary and stick with it. She is super empathetic and loves animals and wants to be a dog groomer when she grows up. She’s unironically funnier than all of us and with the amount of sass that leaves her mouth it’s obvious she’s got 4 big siblings (it’s never disrespectful tho, that’s the best part).They are all going to do wonderful things and I’m so excited to see it. I will also do anything, and I mean anything, to guarantee they get to do those great things they dream about.
<[ ♡ ~ Relationship Info
For a partner, I seriously need someone who can understand that I have no freetime. At all. Ever. I hardly ever leave the house, and if I do it’s literally to go shopping. For 18 i feel so lame lol. Chances are my partner is going to be one of my 3 friends. Despite not even being out of high school yet (2 more months thank god) I need something more domestic and less teenage romance. Like getting home from work and relaxing with our 4 dogs (forgot to mention I have 4 big dogs whoops). I need someone who is decent enough with kids to get along with my siblings. It’s also super important that I can have conversations with them- and they want to have them too. Not like “Hi honey how was your day?” “good” “What did you do?” “work.” I want them to want to talk too. I want to know everything about my partner. Would you love me if i was a worm? Would you love me if YOU were a worm? What if we were both worms? I want to have stupid conversations like that but I would also kill to talk about psychological theories and child development and have not-stupid conversations. I want someone intelligent enough to talk to me and make me want to learn, but also willing to indulge in my stupid theoretical conversations. They’ve also gotta understand my siblings will literally always come first. It could be our wedding day and if my sister calls me and says she needs me i’ll be out of there so fast you wouldn’t even have time to process. Family is super important to me, and eventually I want my very own little family that will be just as important, if not more so.
My top 3 love languages are quality time, physical touch, and acts of service. I’d say quality time and physical touch are the ones I want the most, but acts of service are the ones I appreciate the most if that makes any sense.
Quality Time- I'm huge on napping together and just parallel play (doing different activities but together). I love napping together because I literally always need one, but I'm more than content to just cuddle while I play my games on my phone and my partner does whatever they’re doing. Hell, we don’t even have to cuddle (I'd like it if we did). We can just sit in the same room and enjoy each other's presence. My quality time also extends to my family- the chances of my youngest sister being with me is pretty much 100%. She’s my thunder buddy- if she doesn't want to hang out with you neither do I. Most of the time if she’s with me she’s drawing or playing games on her own and is just hanging out with me in my room or in the car. If I have time Ill play games with her so if you aren’t down to spend some time with her then out the door with you. Realistically, if I were to go down to the devildom, she’d end up coming with me in some freak magic accident. And I’d make it so she can stay- when I said I’d do anything for them I was NOT kidding.
Physical Touch- I know I said we don't have to cuddle but like if we can I’m over the moon. I love getting to feel my partner. I'm okay with linking pinkies when we do stuff or touching knees when we sit. As long as I can feel my partner next to me I'm over the moon! I love hugs, I love kisses, I love playing with people's hair, I love getting my hair played with. I’m always giving my youngest sister little scratches on the head or smoothing her hair down or straightening her clothes. I’ll give her hugs before I leave and she always falls asleep cuddling with me. I never say no when my brother wants to give me hugs (which is all the time, bless his heart) and even when he picks me up off the ground I’m still okay with it. My middle sisters are NOT as fond of me touching them so I try to avoid it- B will literally swat my hand away if I’m even remotely close to her. But I’ll do small things like tucking in their shirt tags or fixing their hair. Does this fall into acts of service? Kind of, but it’s the only contact I get with them let me have it ;-;
Acts of Service- I have so much I need to get done. All the time. Every day. And there are tons of things I struggle with doing even when I’m not trying to get 80 other tasks done. Like laundry- laundry always ends up being the last of my list. Without fail. Cleaning in general just hardly ever happens.I pretty much live in my car with how often I’m driving and it definitely shows. If I find time to clean my spaces, chances are it’s at the very end of my day when I’m tired and honestly I end up putting it off for extra hours of much needed sleep. It’s not that I want my partner to do all the cleaning- honestly I’m so particular I’d rather do it myself- but if they did something like laundry or they made food for tomorrow or just something small it means the world. However this also goes both ways. I love doing stuff for other people. I love getting to make my partner meals or help with a project or carry something for them. It just makes my heart happy to relax with my loved ones. <3
Ifs too long let me know- I’ll give you a TLDR lol <3333 I’m super looking forward to this matchup with you :)))
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Hi Bvnny! I am so excited and happy to do this exchange* with you! Your idea is one of a kind and so unique, and I love it very much! Don't worry about having written too much, it's more material for me to work with after all. Now, without any further delay, I pair you with...
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To be quite honest, while I was reading through everything, it was so hard to pinpoint who would be a good match for you. I would think, "Huh, this character is perfect for them" and then BAM! you hit me with something that makes me go "Now wait a minute-"
In all honesty, it was fun, and for some time I was stuck between Mammon and Simeon, but Simeon won at the end, as you can see lol.
Simeon adores everything about you, from your freckles to your outfits. How can he not? You are mesmerizing in his eyes. He feels extremely happy that you take care of how you look, not because of what others think or say, but because you feel like it, because you want to. He wouldn't mind if the two of you got late for RAD because you wanted your makeup to be perfect. Chances are he's there with you watching you, his eyes wide in wonder and admiration, or helping you if you allow him to.
While he is not one for much PDA , one of Simeon's favorite things is to press featherlight kisses to your freckles, whenever you allow him. Solomon teases him about being obsessed with them every once in a while, but Simeon doesn't mind.
Simeon is good with children. He likes to listen to you talking about your siblings and wishes to meet them himself. He knows and understands that family comes first for you. He gets a little nervous about meeting your siblings, especially D, because he wants to leave a good impression on them. Not only because they are your siblings, but because your talking about them has made him grow fond of them.
Simeon is very attentive when it comes to you. He can't help it, its in his nature to care and nurture. He is good at realizing when you get a bit fidgety or look like you need sometime away from whatever has your anxiety spiking. He makes sure that you don't skip meals, and even if you do snack because of your chewing stim, whatever you snack on is nutritious. He will absolutely die if you mirror something he does or pick up a habit of his. You are too adorable for his poor angel heart, have mercy on him lol-
Simeon likes how the two of you you could be discussing whether you would love the other person if they were a worm, and afterwards, about a documentary you watched. Many of your discussions give him ideas for his books. You are, quite literally, his muse.
Simeon doesn't like seeing you burn yourself out. He loves you, and knows just how beautiful and amazing you are inside and out. Your tendency to push yourself too far brings out his protectiveness, and he can and will mother hen you into taking care of yourself before anything else. He will not have you ignoring your needs and wants. Simeon also will not stand for anyone taking undue advantage of your helpful nature.
Simeon is in awe of you. Your three jobs? Your ungodly amount of patience? Your fierce and protective love for your siblings? Your pride in yourself and your siblings? All of this inspires him, and he falls in love with you a little bit more every second he spends with you. Loving Simeon is very natural, very soft, and definitely domestic. He is very physically affectionate in private, but a little reserved in public. He adores cuddling with you anytime, whether it is while you are talking to each other, watching a movie, or its you playing a game on your phone while he reads or something. He knows you don't have a lot of free time, and likes to spend what time you do have with him plastered to your side. In public, he is not as clingy, but anyone who looks at him knows that he is completely head over heels for you. How? Because he is always at your side, his hand on the small of your back either guiding you somewhere or just resting there like a claim. His eyes never seem to wander from you, a content smile on his face.
Simeon likes doing things for you. So yes, he will do the laundry for you and clean up, just to see that radiant smile on your face. He likes playing with your hair, and falls in love with you all over again if you do it to him. One of the things he buys for you every time he goes shopping is hair accessories. One time he made a flower crown for you himself, then spelled it so the flowers wouldn't wilt. He is surprisingly innocent and boyish and just so, so in love with you~
Simeon is very supportive. No matter what you want to do, which career you want to choose, he is always there for you. He had been told his presence is soothing and comforting, and he wishes you feel the same way. That you feel comfortable and loved and cherished whenever you're with him, because you deserve the world. And he would love to give it to you on a silver platter.
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*Please note that matchups are not open right now.
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yoylechess · 1 year
Ngl, but your fursuit gif rbs... You're really tempting me to get back in the fandom now!!
>:-} im pushing the furry agenda (evil /silly) but if you want id be rlly excited to see your fursona!! :-DD
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TW: Contact CSA, sexual assault
Nickname: Bvnny
Reasons for being here: I don't know how to describe this honestly... Reassurance or validation that it was real?? Some help about what this is?? Idk!!
Hello!! I don't know if asks that are like "is this trauma" are accepted and I didn't see anything, so I'm gonna assume that I can ask this:
When I was younger, one of my family members would just touch me!! Like... A LOT!! It would start from casual hugging to stroking my back to eventually stroking my thighs!! My family keeps acting like this is normal but to me it just feels... Off!! Like really off!!
I remember this happening a lot, when I was unable to do something about it, since when I would react, my family would get mad and tell me that it's rude to say no!!
And to this day it just... Makes me feel like something was wrong!! Idk... Like... Did something happen or am I making things up?? I really need to know!!
Hi Bvnny,
Just so you know, it is okay to ask "is this trauma" type questions (at least for me, I don't mind answering those).
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. It makes me angry to hear that you've been treated that way.
You're right to feel off about it, because it isn't okay to touch you without your consent, no matter who it is. It sounds like your family has been normalizing this unacceptable behavior. Please know that your boundaries matter and if you don't want to be touched that's completely your right. It's not rude to stand up for yourself and assert your boundaries, in fact it's rude to violate your boundaries.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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starfxkr · 1 month
Moony!! you always write about trap!JJ, but what’s happening with Dark!trapJJ where he strung his girl out and got her addicted to him drugs? Like are her parents or friends looking for her, asking for her to come home?
oof thats the kicker he got you because you were alone. you have some friends but it took forever for them to actually realize what was happening, and each time they tried to bring you back it failed.
they'd come pounding on the door and jj's answering it with a smirk because he knows who it is but he's nonchalant, asking them if they're buying but they always say no, they want you back.
so he goes and drags your half conscious body from the couch, grabbing your face and makes you talk to them like, "they tryna take you away from me baby girl, you wanna go?" of course your drug addled mind says no and he makes a big show of groping you in front of them, "she said she's just fine now get the fuck outta here."
if they try to force you he's quick to pull his gun out but he doesn't aim it at them he aims at you. because if he an't have you no one can, they promptly leave after that and they don't come back.
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pvnchbvnny · 3 months
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Boy tits
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arealtrashact · 7 months
Mind if I ask if there was anything that led you to cast the characters as the specific animals you did for the Saw zodiac piece?? Like I KNOW you had to work with the animals within the Chinese zodiac, but...why the goat for Kramer, the monkey for Amanda, and so forth??? Was it based on birthdays or character traits, or something like that??
I really like that piece and I want to give u a platform to talk about it more lmao
Like you said, my choices were limited to the animals within the zodiac. It was a fun little challenge mixing and matching each animal to a character that I felt suited them (personality-wise in some cases, appearance-wise in others.) More under the cut, for those interested.
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Amanda (Monkey) - Jumps between mischievously playful and sadistically cruel. In possession of ten clever little fingers, perfect for rigging traps…
John (Goat) - Stubborn + stoutly adheres to his beliefs. Sporting a pair of curving horns that play into the spiral motif very nicely. Enjoys playing God and doling out punishment, much like a certain other horn-ed fellow who spends his days disciplining ‘sinners’. 
Jill (Sow) - Seemed like an easy choice considering the Tuck family’s pig farm. I also wanted to call back to Gideon and what could have been.
Hoffman (Tiger) - Large, imposing and solitary. (Almost) always one step ahead. Tigers having illusory eyes on the backs of their ears to throw off stalking predators feels extremely Hoffman to me. Getting the jump on him is nearly impossible. Nearly. 
Strahm (Dog) - Not just any dog, a GSD. Sharp as a whip, wary as a watchman. Commonly used by law enforcement. Loyal to those he considers friends, aloof and standoffish to just about everybody else...
Cecilia (Dragon) - Much like a dragon, Cecilia would be right at home curled atop a mountain of treasure. Even what she promises / advertises seems mythical - the kind of miracle that only exists within a fantasy...
Logan (Ox) - ‘It’s cause you’re always in that damn BARN.’ A farm animal through and through. He's John’s heir apparent, a faint outline of him, complete with a similarly horned silhouette.
Lawrence (Rabbit) - Larry was one of the ‘lucky’ ones, and what's more lucky than a rabbit's foot? ( Do you think he carries his severed foot around on his keys in this AU ? )
Adam (Rat) - I mean…
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Schenk (Snake) - People will probably assume that I picked a snake because he’s ‘deceitful’ (I actually think his rage was justified. ACAB.) but I actually just wanted to incorporate spirals onto him in an organic way. Snakes, with their intricate scale patterns, allowed me to do just that.
Who’s left? Zep Hindle screams 'chicken' to me and Lynn has beautiful flowing hair that lends itself perfectly to a horsey.
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t0ybvnny · 4 days
someone come detail how they would r4p3 me while i call them d4d <3
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bvnnybum · 4 months
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🥀𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖒𝖞 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊, 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊
𝕴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊, 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊, 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊 🥀
💌 Happy Valentines Day💌
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wreckham · 1 year
Personally, I think TLK 2 is very....unfinished feeling? Like..the first movie needs absolutely nothing added to it imo, but TLK 2 shouldn't have scrapped so much. Watching the workprint feels like a robbery of what could have been. The Disney sequels are already a rough topic of conversation because everyone's got a favorite one they cling onto so rabidly without an inch of hesitation, so you can't call one good and one bad without offending someone's childhood.
Anyway. You're right. Difficult movie to rate and discuss without accidentally starting a war due to how it's both good and bad, and someone's always gonna defend it. Final thoughts? No matter what, the Disney Sequels will always be better than the live action remakes.
i'll admit i was mostly memeing in that post, buuut emphasis on "mostly" lol. i always have Needlessly Earnest lion movie opinions
that's basically how i feel. the more info we in the fanbase collect regarding the making of tlk2, the more it becomes obvious (at least imo) that the movie woulda been better had more resources and time been put into it. like, one of the major plot points - kovu being scar's heir - is just a vestigial remnant of the Uh Oh! We Almost Pulled An Incest! issue disney took too long to notice, and i firmly think it could've been ironed out more believably if the xmas deadline wasn't strangling the crew the whole time
its nearly as frustrating as the cutting of stuff like the outlanders getting actual character development or zira refusing the enemy's help because some people make themselves beyond saving. and yet there's enough charm to the film that it's difficult to give an honest take on it w/o anyone misinterpreting your opinion of it. its one of my fave movies and ppl still think i hate it (which i do but i also don't; if you know, you know)
but yeah, tlk2 can't be talked about basically ever bc it has so many ppl on either side who make strong points while also being loudly, proudly immovable in their stances. which is fine! bc who the fuck cares if you wanna die on the hill that tlk2 is better then tlk1 or whateva! just god good lord in heaven please don't make me think about beyonce nala ever again!!!
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yoylechess · 2 years
Just thought you'd like this!!
OOOHH THSI IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! this is being downloaded RIGHT NOW what a jam thank you sm!!!!! herez a song in return!! :-}
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starfxkr · 9 days
Whenever you write Rafe with pogue!bunny!reader he’s always giving desperate loser fienning for love the pussy. Like rich boy with the biggest house on figure eight, private jets, house in the Bahamas & his fathers a figurehead in the community, but still no friends no pussy no clout?! Especially season one rafe with that pathetic floppy hair cut stuttering around figure eight yeahhh big loser energy. We need loser!Rafe TM
Pogue!bunny!reader is the perfect fit for him. She’s always known about him because duh Rafe cameron & of course she knows everybody knows that he’s a lil weird anti-social freak but she doesn’t give him much thought until she’s older & starts scamming, that’s when he reenters her radar. Probably at a party on figure eight & she realizes that this lose don’t got friends fr, like besides him having coke nobody’s really fucking with him, no kook girlfriend either? But then it clicks, like neon lights are going off in her head, she’s imagining herself like Ginger in Casino (very Maddy Perez coded) with a big ass fur coat on slinking around Tanny Hill. He’s young, way younger than the old kook daddies she’s been scamming on, kinda hot (not really her type a all though) & comes the from the richest family on the island & no one’s snatched him up? Yeah he’s fucking weird but he’s rich as fuck & she likes money. Beside, she’s from the cut & she’s BEEN scamming so his rich crybaby ass is gonna a walk in the park. He’s gonna be eating out of her palms & she’s gonna be set for life
pogue!bunny and rafe are a match made in heaven because she gives him just enough to keep him feigning. half the time he doesnt even wanna fuck her forreal he just wants to hold her hand or give her a kiss or SOMETHING but she keeps him on edge by constantly denying him.
and he's hot enough that she doesn't get the ick when she does fuck him, he's got nothing but money to burn on her and if there's any rich loser she has to be shackled to she doesnt mind it being rafe at all.
rafe's easy, she always knew that because he's so desperate for attention and acceptance and she doles it out...for a price.
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crusader-kings · 2 years
god doesn't wcue cost robux ?? i wish i could play it if only 2 make my oc's in there it'd b so much fun
i think so????? idk its not worthy it for me finding rps is sooo hard </3 i wanted to rent a server for people who were interessed but nobody was soo
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t0ybvnny · 4 days
desperately need to be playing with another sub, just trying to use eachother to get off
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presidentbungus · 2 years
bungus i am gonna strangle you i open tumblr my feed is full of radioactive rodent this spells ur doom
You are just jealous
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