#but yeah i love Freida a lot
magnorious · 2 months
Eowyn and the "Strong Female Character" debate
In the ongoing argument about Strong Female Characters (SFCs), the usual poster-women of “characters no one ever complains about” are the strong badass women from classic movies, like Elen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Princess Leia, and Trinity. Modern SFCs no one hates include Wonder Woman, every female character in Last Airbender, a handful of Marvel women like Gamora, Nebula, Agent Hill, Black Widow, and *some* of the heroines from teen dystopian fiction like Katniss Everdeen.
The attention paid to the women of Lord of the Rings goes, “Galadriel is a badass in her own right and the movies could have had more women, but the women we do have are great.”
And, yes, I agree, but I want to look at Eowyn in particular and answer this question: Would Eowyn, written exactly the same, in the exact same story, be criticized by today’s audiences? We’re looking at movie-Eowyn, not book Eowyn, for familiarity’s sake.
Eowyn looks a lot like the terrible so-called “strong female characters” modern audiences hate from modern movies. She’s strong, she’s skilled, she’s smart, she’s capable, and her whole story is about overcoming the stigma against women warriors and joining the battle in the end, and killing the great evil Witch King that “no man can kill” by virtue of having a uterus. She’s also one of… I think five named women in the cast, Arwen, Galadriel, Eowyn, Freida (little villager girl), and Rosie (the hobbit bartender).
She checks so many boxes, she’d have to fail in a movie written today, wouldn’t she?
I love Galadriel and Arwen and I love the argument around them—that SFCs don’t need to act like men to be considered strong. They don’t need to be physical warriors, they can champion their femininity and that in itself makes them strong. Their wisdom and compassion and wits, not just their muscles.
Eowyn, though, is a warrior through and through. She literally goes “I am no man,” as she stabs the Witch King, a line specifically and implicitly subverted by Wonder Woman in her debut solo film during the No-Man’s Land scene when it’s softballed to her with the line “It’s No-Man’s Land, that means no man can cross it.”
Surely, a 2024 Eowyn would be ripped apart…. Right?
Getting this out of the way first: Every character is written with depth and nuance, including the women, and, thus, no character feels like an agenda with a face taped to it. So already Eowyn has a leg up on so many other terrible releases lately. But let’s take it piece by piece here.
Eowyn is one of three prominent women in the cast
Yes, no arguing that. Why? “Because it’s fantasy and the author is sexist-” no. This is an author who lived through the World Wars, from a time period without women soldiers. Young men and boys being ripped away from home to never see their sisters, daughters, wives, aunts, mothers, best friends ever again is what he lived through and what this story is saturated with.
Could there have been scenes of prominent women nurses, or lady elves at the Council of Elrond or any member of the Fellowship? Yeah, sure, but it’s not at all a lack of women because Tolkien discounted women warriors. This cast is hefty enough, these movies are long enough, and they’re based on a book that’s almost 100 years old.
Eowyn is objectified by male characters and trapped in a love triangle
Yeah… the love triangle bit was weak. However! Eowyn was never bitter over Arwen and didn’t know she existed until Aragorn tells her basically, “yeah, I love her, but I’m guaranteed to never see her again,” so… can you blame Eowyn for holding out hope? It doesn’t at all define her character either, and she likes Aragorn not because he’s Protagonist Boy but because he’s a high-ranking, noble man who doesn’t bat an eye at her desire to join the war effort. She then gets Faramir, so, win-win.
Grima objectifies her, but Eomer, her brother, Aragorn, and Theoden, her uncle, all defend her. Eomer gets banished under punishment of death for standing up for his sister (among other things). She’s not the butt of jokes or slights or innuendos. No soldiers look at her with lust and desire. No one degrades her or belittles her or mocks her for being a woman. Nowhere do the writers get to satisfy their own sexism by writing in gratuitous insults and slurs against her.
Eowyn is repeatedly told to run from the fight and hide with the other women
Theoden has no living siblings and his only son dies off-screen. Eomer is (I think) older, but he’s busy being a general. Eowyn is Theoden’s best chance at an heir to the throne and he can’t let her get killed on the battlefield. Eowyn being told to hide is strategic, not sexist. Not only that, she may be competent enough with a sword, but she can’t have trained as well as the battle-tested soldiers to not be at risk in a nasty battle.
Also, at the rate men are getting killed on the battlefield, sending too many of your women off to war risks so much collateral damage.
Even putting strategy aside, Theoden loves his niece, loves her strong and pure and good soul, and doesn’t want to see it destroyed in the fog of war. All he wants is to see her smile again, so he can give her a world and a future worth smiling for. War is the “realm of men” not because they’re male, but because it’s a horrible, terrible, violent, depressing, scary place to find oneself in, and he’s trying desperately to protect her from it. Eomer tells her this explicitly in a deleted scene, that they’re only trying to spare her some horrific trauma.
When Eowyn does finally see real battle up close, she’s rightfully horrified and terrified and out of her depth during the battle for Minas Tirith. She’s not riding into war all smug and overconfident, and she’s not magically a better fighter or rider than the rest of the cavalry.
Eowyn constantly complains about being looked down on for not being a man
She’s not allowed to be a soldier, yes, but women of Rohan aren’t treated as lesser by the men. She’s not being teased or mocked, her station as the crown princess is uncontested, being relegated to the caves with the women isn’t seen as a time-out, but a necessity to make sure all the vulnerable non-combatants don’t get murdered and the entire kingdom of Rohan doesn’t get exterminated in one night.
She herself isn’t putting other women down for not wanting to fight, or putting men down to make herself look better. No one is telling her she can’t be a soldier because she’s weak and womanly. If she was Denethor’s kid, he’d be singing her praises right next to Boromir (within the context of movie Denethor, at least). She wants to fight, not because she hates her own femininity, but because “women of this country learned long ago that those without swords can still die upon them”.
Eowyn single-handedly kills the Witch King because Woman
Actually, Merry stabs him in the leg to distract him first, giving Eowyn a few seconds to breathe and surprise him. The legend goes that “no man can kill the Witch King,” but it’s not meant to be the fault of men and instead the arrogance of the Ring Wraiths. These nigh-immortal spirits are so cocky and overconfident they don’t even register women on the list of potential threats, to their own doom. The legend also didn’t specify no Elves, Dwarves, or Hobbits, since “Man” is a race, not just a gender.
The Witch King is the Witch King because he was seduced by a shiny ring and a lust for power by Sauron. The “power of womanhood” isn’t the point, it’s the overinflated ego of the Witch King that is his downfall.
So Eowyn’s “I am No Man” is as much a “yay feminism” as it is a dig at his arrogance. It’s the fulfillment of this line by Galadriel: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” Frodo is small in stature and worldly presence, and Eowyn is small in prowess and authority.
*headcanon that Sauron also hates the Nazgul and wrote in that little clause for the Witch King so he could get the last laugh on these snot-nosed, so-called “kings of men”.
So would Eowyn be panned by today’s audiences? No, I don’t think so. Another well-written woman who wants to learn swordplay and join the men’s war, and kills an unkillable witch king is Arya Stark. That “victory” went over like a box of rocks and no one hates Arya for it.
You can write women warriors in a no-women-allowed fantasy land. You can write them championing feminism without cramming an agenda down your audience’s throat, or insulting the audience for presumed bigotry. You can write women who kill the Witch King through a prophetic loophole. You can write them in a love-triangle and give them all the “women empowerment” speeches you want.
She is still feminine. She’s still nurturing, still has her wardrobe of pretty dresses, still sings at her cousin’s funeral and pines after men she absolutely deserves. She’s also a terrible cook and independent and not afraid to put creepy men in their places. She has flaws, she’s humble, she’s shown having fear. She’s not built up by stepping on her male counterparts, and her big moment isn’t detracted by Merry going “Wow! A woman! Who’da thunk it?”
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anamikxha · 2 years
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anamika/makali sinha (lust) is an omega mutant with the ability of shapeshifting. they’ve been in new york for three years where they spend most of their time as a bartender at o'donahues/government agent. when i think of them, i think of knives hidden under silk gowns, laughter that bounces off the walls, and goodnight kisses sent to the moon. they are affiliated with the seven deadly sins. || (freida pinto/megan suri, thirty-one, cis woman, she/her)  @c23intros
connections . pinterest . tasks . the seven deadly sins . tw: death
Anamika doesn’t remember much of her years before the government adopted her. There’s zero memories of her parents, no pictures, no gifts given to her, just blank. But she does remember bits and pieces of her grandmother. A kind older woman who always calls her love. Then she’s gone, dies due to old age, and Anamika is left alone in the world. She’s sent to a local orphanage in Wisconsin, the most she brings with her is a bookbag full of clothes and fat tears that don’t stop falling.
She remains at this orphanage for a year before someone adopts her. Some guy, tells her his name is Lucas and that he’s going to take her to a new family. It’s all a lie, she’s taken to a boarding school and she barely ever sees this Lucas man. Instead, she sees a bunch of kids around her age and teachers who scream at her. It feels like hell, she cries for her grandmother, saying that she hates it here and that she’s so lonely. That she’ll never find anyone who will love her like her grandmother. Until she meets her, Makali. Two years older than Anamika, the nine year old wipes away her tears and smiles down at her. “It’s okay! You’re not alone because you have me now!” Just an ordinary nine year old, she appears as an angel to Anamika.
The two become instant best friends and stick to each other the entire time. The two help each other with training and sometimes, Makali helps Anamika with her schoolwork. No matter what they’re doing, Anamika smiles because she has Makali at her side. Nothing could hurt her ever.
As the years go on and the two become closer, Anamika realizes something about herself: that she has feelings for Makali and that she likes girls in general. It takes her months to come to this conclusion. Lots of heartaches whenever Makali talks about her crushes on the boys at the boarding school or how she can’t wait to get married to some cool guy in the future. Nights spent dreaming of holding Makali’s hand, kissing Makali, just everything Makali! It’s frustrating because she’s always thinking of her, goodness!
Out of fear of rejection, Anamika keeps her feelings to herself. Her friendship with Makali means more than some stupid feelings that will disappear soon enough. She’ll get over this silly crush and find some pretty girl to date, yeah. Exactly that! Unfortantely for her, the feelings don’t simply go away, they stay there, always reminding her that Makali is the only one for her. God this sucks.
Two years later and she’s waving bye to Makali as the other graduates and becomes an official agent. It’s great to see her best friend but it sucks because she’s all alone. She spent most of her life with Makali by her side, will she be okay for two years without her? Well, she does alright without her! Gets good grades, her teachers praise her during her combat classes, she’s good. Great even! And it’s the motivation of living with Makali in two years that get her by. The two girls made a promise that once they both graduate, that they’ll get a house overseas and live together for at least ten years. It’s a dream that seems easy enough to reach.
Until she’s eighteen and the experiments start. A woman name Linda McCall enters and tells the graduates that she needs them for a top secret mission. She doesn’t like it at first until Makali is at her side, telling her that she was called to come back for this. “I heard that they’re turning us into mutants, cool right? Knowing the two of us, we’ll be fine and come out as the best mutants in the field, don’t you agree?” Anamika does agree and once again, it’s the motivation she needs to enter the testing room and get injected with the strange DNA.
Anamika and Makali enter their rooms at the same time, both smiling and telling each other see you later.
Only Anamika comes out alive.
She’s heartbroken. Her only family, best friend, and first love... gone. Within seconds. During that moment of hysteria, she does the unexpected... she transform into Makali. She doesn’t realize it until the scientists are looking at her strangely and Anamika looks into a mirror. That’s not her face, what’s going on?
A shapeshifter. With the touch of the hand, she can become whoever she wants. She should be cheering like the other three before her but all she could do was cry and lock herself into her room. When she does come out, the last of their bunch have been created and it’s time for training. She doesn’t cry anymore, she tells herself that Makali wouldn’t want her to cry like this. So she toughens it out and does what she promised her best friend: to become the strongest mutant in the field.
When their shared training ended and Linda allowed all of them to leave, Anamika goes straight into espionage work. She steals information for the government, steals the faces of whoever, and learns how to take some of their memories. For ten years she betters her ability before moving to NYC where she becomes a bartender. It’s a mission Linda gives her, to take up a job that allows her to see, meet, and talk to everyone. Oh and of course, steal their faces while she’s at it.
Anamika also walks around as Makali a lot, in memory of her best friend. You can find Makali at a small coffee shop where she works at and sometimes at Club Nyx where she parities at.
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I KNOW you didn't choose the name after D.H. Lawrence's wife that he convinced to run away with him by comparing her to his mom BUT that's all I can think of when I read the name Frieda
I'm gonna steal some of this now, she ran away from home (see: moved out like a normal adult but she was dramatic about it) to join The Theatre bc she fell in love with a stagehand for a touring opera company and MvK was weirdly ok with it bc 1. He spent years paying for singing and acting lessons he's just glad she's using them and 2. She's such an eccentric character that he's like well of course she's gay she's a theatre kid.
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
Laying awake at night wishing your lover was there for el and Liv from liv's perspective pls
Hello anon that is extremely specific and in a very good way too, I love that you guys love his POVs because he's very somft to write
--- set somewhere in the Shiverpeaks, 1329 AE
He had to leave, he knows this. He would've been happy to spend his time with El in the Grove - their relationship is new, his heart still refuses to find a steady rhythm when his small boyfriend (boyfriend! boyfriend!) is there. But he still remembers the flash of insecurity in El's eyes that he quickly brushed away with a quiet comment about how it was fine and that Liv had a job, how he'd survive on his own for a little while and that he had to take care of himself.
With a heavy heart, Liv admitted he was right. His team had a dig and he needed to go. Doesn't mean he didn't get a memento, though. El gave a breathless giggle as he took a small, fallen branch and burnt its tip.
"Something to remember me by, woohoo," he said as he pushed it in Liv's hand. "Seriously though, don't lose it. Won't be there to burn another one."
Since then, every little thing reminds him of how he wishes El was there. El's fire to chase away the cold, his talking to fill the silent nights, his endless complaints to cover the sound of footsteps through the snow. Sounds of excitement when he finds something good and stolen, gentle, little smiles and exchanged looks. Tonight's no exception. He's on watch, which suits him fine, because he can't sleep anyway. He fixes his heavy coat and rubs his poor, sore foot, while the other draws little hearts on ground with his claw. He growls a little every time the snow dares cover them up.
"My turn on the watch, big guy!" he suddenly hears a voice. Spesa waves from the flaps of her tent, snout covered in white snow.
Liv growls meekly in response. He's bigger and taller than Spesa, yet she makes him nervous in all the bad ways. Might be a big case of the charr. She was Ash too, if he remembers well.
Ash-trash, his 'bandmate Freida used to say with such fondness, as she was dating an Ash legion scout at the time. Doesn't help that Spesa sounds a little like Freida too.
To chase away bad memories, Liv redirects air away from their small fire he's sitting by.
"Can't sleep, huh?" she says, sitting nearby. Her words are not unkind and it puts him on edge a little. She's gladium too, but it doesn't mean he isn't nervous. It's been years, Liv. Get a grip. "Is it because of your new boyfriend?"
"Yeah," he admits, slouching. "I miss him a lot."
"Missed my partner as bad at first too when I went on expeditions," she says. "Their tail used to warm me up. But hey, you'll back. It's just a few weeks on the dig, yeah?"
"A few weeks sounds awful, Spesa," Liv pouts. He feels like a cub again and it makes him want to be smaller. A love-sick, moony-eyed little cub.
Is it such a bad thing, though?
"He gave you that little branch before you left, yeah?" Liv nods in response. "Having something like that around makes things just an tiny bit easier. Not that it's easy, it's awful, but hey, it's something. And you do need to sleep a little. The watch is mine. Now go."
That night, with both head and heart heavy with longing and restless thoughts, he digs the branch out of his bag and presses it to his chest, trying, to no avail, to find sleep.
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kai-uh-arcadian · 3 years
Ackersmith Cafe 
Pieck x Reader
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Word Count: 2.7k Cw: minor cursing Disclaimer! This is my first story/fic/head canon type thing ever, so feedback is much appreciated! ( :
* Lots of wholesome fluff ( : <3 *
Ships involved: Pieck x Reader, Hitchani, Eruri, Yumihisu,  Implied EreMika, Implied Niccolo x Sasha
⁃ Ackersmith cafe, a quaint, dark academia type coffee shop
⁃ Leading local competitor “mom and pop shop” of the Shiganshina county against Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts and Bakers Dozen
⁃ Used to be called “Smith Cafe” owned Grandma and Grandpa Smith before Mr. Erwin took over and married Mr.Levi
⁃ You and your parents have been going here since you could remember! Even before Mr.Erwin won his battle against cancer but lost his arm
⁃ Even though you’re in college now, it’s still walking distance from Paradis University and the neighbor university—Liberio University
⁃ You introduced your college friends, Sasha, Mikasa, and Annie to this place
⁃ You go here almost everyday to study and do uni homework
⁃ “Mr. Erwin!” You announced every time you walk in with Annie, Sasha, and Mikasa as the bells of the cafe ring
⁃ “(Y/nnnnnnn!)” he says waving his bionic arm that Hange, the other barista, made for him
⁃ (Hange chooses to work here every other weekend as a way to “relax” from their researching job, crazy right?)
⁃ “Hey twerp, when did you get so tall?”Mr. Levi flashes a smile from behind the counter, remembering you getting hoisted up on your dads shoulder while ordering a hot chocolate from when he was a trainee here a few years ago
⁃ “Mr. Levi, it’s been years since I was your height” you chuckle glancing at Mikasa, Sasha, and Annie stifling back a laugh at they witness this interaction
⁃ “Tch. You brats, I’ll kick you out any second!” he jokingly gets defensive
⁃ “Levi” Mr. Erwin puts a hand on the small of Mr. Levi’s back “Be nice to my favourite and most important customers! You’ll drive out our daily revenue” he laughs
⁃ “Yeah yeah whatever. The usual, brats?” Mr. Levi rolls his eyes holding back a soft smile
⁃ “Yep!” You all say in unison
⁃ “Should’ve guessed” as his rings up your guys’ total “I’ll bring it right out for you guys” he says before disappearing into the brewing station
⁃ You, Sasha, Mikasa, and Annie go to your usual booth right by the front window of the cafe
⁃ You 4 begin to pull out your computers and begin to do homework
⁃ Sasha and Mikasa are typing away on a shared Google Slide for a project they were both assigned to for their ENGL 2273 class they both happened to have together while you and Annie are looking out the window dozing off
⁃ “(Y/N),” Mikasa says grabbing your attention “Do your work.”
⁃ “Alright alright” you begin opening up a blackboard assignment your Professor assigned to you
⁃ “Slacking off again (L/N)?” Mr. Levi’s voice startles you as you look up
⁃ “No!” You shyly smile at him as you pretend to type away at the assignment
⁃ “Tch. Anyways, a white chocolate mocha latte with a glazed donut for you Annie, a hot, unsweetened, caramel latte for you Mikasa, a bacon, egg, and cheese croissant with a cinnamon dolce frappe for you Sasha, and a matcha frappe for you (Y/N). Anything else brats?” He smiles as he hands everything to you guys
⁃ “No thank you!” You say in unison once again before he nods and walks away
⁃ As you sip on your delectable drink, Annie’s face lights up and it’s not from the donut (this time)
⁃ “Eh? Annie, what’s got you smiling?” Sasha says nervously chewing on her croissant at Annie’s surprised face
⁃ “Oh.” Annie’s face goes back to the typical stoic look “nothing, it’s just I know those people about to walk in” she gestures to a tall, muscular blonde man, a tall, brunette who is visibly sweating, a dirty blonde man with an undercut, and breathtaking black haired women with languid eyes and a perpetual soft smile
⁃ “Huh? How?” Mikasa looks up from her work and towards the girl sitting to her left shoulder, peeking a glance at the group about to walk in
⁃ “Eh, I went to Marley high school with them. I had a few classes with each of them throughout the years but never really interacted too much. They aren’t mean or anything— I just recognize them. I think they go to Liberio university” she says taking another bite of her donut
⁃ “Her names Pieck Finger” Annie said with a mouth full of donut directly at you “I’m guessing you were wondering” she smirks
⁃ Your face heats up. Did Annie notice you were staring at her?! Oh no… if Annie noticed… did this mean that Pieck girl also notice?!”
⁃ “No no” you laughed it off, “I wasn’t wondering I was just staring off into space!!”
⁃ This earns a chuckle out of Mikasa, she read you like a book
⁃ The Liberio squad orders as your little Paradis squad begins to pack up after being there for about hour and a half
⁃ “Annie?” The muscular blonde says from a few tables over
⁃ Annie lights up a bit at the seemingly familiar voice coming from behind her
⁃ “Reiner?” Annie walks over to the table as you, Mikasa, and Sasha continue to pack up
⁃ “Oh! These are my friends (Y/N), Mikasa, and Sasha. We usually come here almost everyday” annie says as each of you light up at the sound of your name
⁃ “Nice to meet you all! This is Bertolt, Porco, Pieck, and I’m Reiner”
You 4 wave to the Liberio 4 and you make direct eye contact with Pieck, she smiles softly at you
⁃ “It was nice seeing you all again, we were just on our way out” Annie waves to the group
⁃ “It was nice meeting you!” You, Mikasa, and Sasha say in unison
⁃ You made eye contact with Pieck once again before exiting
The next day
⁃ you text the group chat during your last class of the day “Ackersmiths?
⁃ Annie replies “Hitch nagged at me this morning claiming she deserves more attention so I'm taking her on a date tonight. ”
⁃ Mikasa replies “I’m being forced to meet Niccolo today😐”
⁃ “Okay so you all hate me😩I’ll go alone” you respond to the group chat
⁃ “Yeah that’s exactly what we mean (Y/N)😪😪😪” Sasha replies
⁃ “Yeah whatever.😫 I’ll be over later tonight and bring you guys your usuals if you want” you reply
⁃ “You’re a saint!🛐” Sasha says
⁃ “Sasha’s dorm as usual? I’ll be there around 8 o’clock” Annie says
⁃ “Perfect, I’ll see you guys then, i know you guys love me🥰🥰🥰🥰” you sent the text and began walking to Ackersmith’s
⁃ you walk in and greet Mr.Levi and Mr.Erwin like always “Mr. Leviiiiii! Mr. Erwin!!! It’s your favourite customer!”
⁃ “Oh? I didn’t see Sasha walk in though?” Erwin banters back as you walk towards the counter
⁃ “Yeah yeah, be glad or else you wouldn’t have any pastries left to sell today” you laugh “could I get the usual please?”
⁃ “Of course! I’ll have Levi bring it out to you in a second” Erwin beams and heads towards the machines
⁃ You begin to head to the table usually sit at when you aren’t accompanied by your usual gang but it seems to be taken
⁃ “Grandpa Arlert!?” You exclaim
⁃ Distracted by your excitement, that ethereal black haired Pieck, walks in and sits at a table closest to the entrance by the window. She instantly notices you chatting with (in her eyes) a random sweet old man
⁃ “(Y/N)!” He begins to get up
⁃ “How’s Armin doing? I haven’t heard much from him while he’s been in France but Mikasa tells me so much, maybe too much,  about Eren’s studies abroad”
⁃ “He’s doing well, I miss seeing you 4 all the time. I’m about to be on my way but come see me anytime kiddo” he pats you on the head
⁃ “I’ll come by this weekend okay Grandpa Arlert?” He nods as you sit down and pull out your computer
⁃ Pieck is gazing out the window but every now and then she glances at you. She can’t help but find you adorable when you focus on something— you furrow your brows a bit, squint, and bite your bottom lip
⁃ As Pieck is totally engrossed in your cute little studying quirks, she quickly averts her eyes and your head snaps in her direction as the entrance bells chimes and a couple walks in
⁃ You focus on the couple as the blonde one in a flowy pink dress pushes the stroller to nearby table and the taller brunette one in slacks and a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow goes to order (for the blonde one as well, you assume)
⁃ The gears in your head are shifting as you begin to figure out who the hell that couple could be as they are SO familiar to you
⁃ Then. A lightbulb! “Historia?!” You say to the women about three empty small tables away
⁃ (It’s a local favourite, how could you not see people you know here?)
⁃ (Y/N)?! You get up and start walking over to Historia’s table accompanied by a stroller
⁃ (Y/N)? The tall brunette walks over with a strawberry pastry and a plain croissant
⁃ “Ahh, Ymir!” You exclaim embracing her
⁃ “And who might this little one be?” You question while lovingly waving to inside the stroller which held a baby with dark hair, freckles, and bright blue eyes
⁃ Somehow(?) a perfect mix of Ymir and Historia
⁃ “This is baby Freida” (after her late sister) Historia grabs the about 7-month baby girl and gives her a kiss on her chubby cheek
⁃ “Sooo this is what you’ve guys have been doing since we left high school. I always wondered where you guys took off! You both completely went AWOL “ you chuckle while holding your index finger out as baby Freida grasps it
⁃ “Yeah, after high school I decided to take a gap year and Historia decided to become a CNA, I’m working on my realtor license” Ymir says taking a chomp out of the croissant
⁃ “I’m so happy for you guys! Seeing you guys and plus this cute little one just made my day. Could I hold her?” Your eyes looks as if they’ve been possessed by literal stars
⁃ “Of course!” Historia gingerly hands you baby Frieda and to your surprise, little Frieda giggles while you rub your cheek to the baby’s chubby one smiling
⁃ While this interaction is happening, Pieck has her eyes GLUED to you
⁃ Her heart is bursting at the seams right now. From seeing you interact with the sweet old man you refer to as Grandpa Arlert to you holding a cute ass child AH! Her heart IS exploding
⁃ It’s like she’s emitting a pink aura out of her body and little hearts are circling her as well
⁃ You hand baby Frieda back “it was nice chatting with you guys, text me if you guys are ever back in town!” And with that you retreat back to your original spot
⁃ Hyper focused on what you’re supposed to be doing on your screen you’re interrupted by Levi’s booming voice
⁃ “Hey brat, sorry it took so long. The blender got jammed, probably from all the stupid ice it took to make your dumb frappe”
⁃ “Also, you’re probably too oblivious to notice but, don’t look now, there’s a dark haired girl by the window who has been making googly eyes at you the moment she walked in”
⁃ (WINGMAN LEVI?!?!?!)
⁃ You nonchalantly glide your eyes over to where he was talking about and he referring to Pieck
⁃ THE PIECK FINGER from yesterday
⁃ Your face turns red as you grab the drink from Mr.Levi and begin to stutter
⁃ “I— uh-“
⁃ “Don’t think I didn’t notice your little interaction yesterday” he scoffs hiding a smirk
⁃ …is he referring to me staring at Pieck from the window????
⁃ (That sounds creepy but in an innocent young teen/adult puppy love way)
⁃ “If you’d like, I can send a drink over from you. She ordered the weirdest frappe-combo-shit yesterday so I remember it. It was a matcha frappe with strawberry purée and strawberry drizzle with matcha dusted on top of the whip cream…” he scoffed “but what do I know? I’m just an old married man”
⁃ “Yes! That would be perfect, I trust your gut Mr.Levi!” You hand him your card and he smiles as he begins to walk away
⁃ At this point you’re nervous. Yes you’re looking at your computer but you CANNOT think about anything else but how Pieck will react
⁃ Does she have a boyfriend? That (stupid) undercut guy?
- The tall sweaty guy?
⁃ Or maybe the muscular guy
⁃ No no, she looks too smart to date a meathead
- She seems too outgoing to date a super nervous guy
⁃ Or a seemingly fuckboy
⁃ But who am I to judge her preference?
-Is she even gay?
- She probably has a girlfri--
⁃ “Thank you for the drink” a sweet voice danced in between your clouded thoughts
⁃ You look up and you meet eyes with the one and only, Pieck
⁃ “May I sit here?” She gestures at the empty seat in front of you
⁃ (Mr. Levi’s plan worked?)
⁃ “Of course!” You shyly smile rubbing the back on your nape
⁃ “Your names (Y/N), right?” She took a sip of the drink
⁃ “Hmm.. Doing a bit of stalking I see. How’d you know my exotic drink of choice?” Those heavy words came out so smoothly you could barely react to the accusation
⁃ “Oh! Uh— no it’s not that” you instantly became flustered
⁃ The laugh she let out was so beautiful that it made you stop in your tracks
⁃ A bit of the puree was on her lips, which made them glossy and her head tilted back which let her flowy silky black hair waterfall off her shoulder
⁃ A bit of confidence shot through you
⁃ “Actually, a little birdy told ME that you were the one “stalking” and they decided I should do something to get your attention” you raised an eyebrow
⁃ Pieck’s angelic laughter came to an instant halt and her face become the same colour of the little bit of strawberry purée on her bottom lip
⁃ Now YOU were the one giggling at her reaction
⁃ “Don’t worry don’t worry! You waved your hands in a surrendering motion “in all honestly Mr. Levi said he saw you looking at me today and remembered your ..interesting.. drink from yesterday and also remembered about how I was looking at you when you walked in with your friends and suggested I send a drink over to you” you reassured
⁃ Oh shit
⁃ She giggled at how red your face got after realized what you had just told her
⁃ “Well if you’re going to be honest I will too, I thought you were the cutest thing yesterday. Today really solidified that thought because I mayyyy… have noticed you with that cute little baby” she gave you a languid smile fiddling with her hair nervously
⁃ Taken a bit aback from this
⁃ Are you hearing this correctly???
⁃ “Could I possibly get your number? Maybe later this week we could go on a proper date or something?”
⁃ “I’d love nothing more than that, (Y/N) she gives to the sweetest most genuine smiles there can be
After you exchanged phone numbers, you and Pieck spent about 2 more hours there talking about everything and yet nothing at the same time. You both shared pointless stories about each other’s upbringing, majors, fun stories about your mutual friend Annie, your own friends, and little sarcastic shots at one another here and there before walking her back to her dorm at Liberio University (about a 30 minute walk back to Paradis University)
She thanked you for the fun night by giving you a small peck on the cheek.
When you both returned to your assigned dorms
Pieck spent the night fangirling about you to Porco, Reiner, and a 4th year named Zeke
While you spent your night fangirling to Annie, Sasha, and Mikasa
“Oh (Y/N)!? Speaking about great things you find at the cafe, where’s the drinks? ” Sasha asked after your little spiel about Pieck
Ackersmith Cafe has always held a special place in your heart but the love you’ve had for the place just got deeper.
sorry if the ending sucks but lmk your thoughts!!!!!! (:
- Kyah
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arctimon · 3 years
I don't know why, but I always thing Dash inherited Karmi's eyes. Like, he's almost a carbon copy of Hiro (and Tadashi), but his eyes... those sharp dark browns are from the biotech. I imagine Hiro, in the living room, doing some work when he looks at Dash. That's his boy. Who has the eyes of the mother. The love of his life that he married and now has a happy and peaceful family. And Hiro just feels lucky.
When I was thinking about the next generation of Big Hero 6, Dash was definitely the one that took a little more time than the others. Mio is a hothead, even more than her mom and dad.  She’s impulsive, doesn’t think things through (like Robbie), and is quick to fling the quips and heavy-handed sarcasm (like Go Go). Ginger has a lot of Aspen’s personality, but just a little obliviousness about her beauty.  Also, she’s very much a non-fighter like her dad, but not because she’s afraid of it.  She’s more of a pacifist looking for a workaround, but she will kick your butt when push comes to shove. Freida is peppy and likes cute things like her mom, but is also methodical in her battle style.  The reason for this is because she inherits the Power Purse from her comic counterpart (made with the help of Professor Abigail Callaghan).  She likes battling like her dad, if not just to test out what shiny new thing she can pull out of her Hammerspace. Frederick is built like the Fredericksons before him, and will use that with the hardlight dinosaur armor he projects, but he’d rather be nosedeep in a giant novel.  It drives his dad crazy, because superheroes and all that.  Body of a jock and the mind of a nerd.
Dash...yeah, he’s a lot like Hiro physically.  But I would say with the little bit that I’ve written for other stories, he’s more like Karmi personality-wise: introverted (because his friends are of a different age group, so he doesn’t want to interrupt them), a bit of a smart-aleck (when he does butt in), and very headstrong.  Not that Hiro isn’t also these things, but Hiro can at least contain those parts of him.  Karmi has a little bit of a problem doing that. And yes, he does inherit his mom’s eyes, but unlike Karmi, he doesn’t know how to use them for offensive purposes.  So, when [Redacted] comes to town and she notices them during the course of the story, he doesn’t know what to do with himself. But trust me...he’s a quick learner.
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Näher | Pt.02
Walter x Female Reader (Nicknamed ‘Hase’) Mob AU! Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word Count: 2048 Warnings: Smut. Pussy eating, fingering, cum eating, cum play.  Pt.01
“I’ll ask you again, do you want power, little hure?”
“I need to think about it.” My body betrays me, and I let out a little moan when he continues to stuff my pussy with his cum. 
“You need to think... it’s okay. I know it’s a hard decision to make.” he says as he brings me close to his chest, my head laying there. It’s a surprisingly tender moment, he tangles his fingers in my hair as he peppers soft kisses on my forehead. He slowly takes the two fingers from inside me, placing them in front of my lips, a silent offer for me to suck them clean, one I take without thinking twice. He kisses me after I cleaned his fingers and I see the biggest smile I have ever seen him let out.
After this little moment we shared he helped me get dressed again, brushed my hair with a brush he had on one of his drawers and insisted one of his guys had to take me home, even with me telling him I could catch uber. 
“You have Axel’s number, whatever your answer is, make sure to call him to let me know. But just know I look forward to seeing you again.” he finishes with a kiss and let’s me get inside the car. 
I’m thankful this little rendezvous happened on a friday, so I can sleep in and gather my thoughts. 
I woke up to a dream where I’m with Walter again, his lips all over my body, his hands in all the right places... I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something. 
I’m not going to lie, I’m very tempted into accepting his offer. It’s not like I need the money, I have a good post in a nice company that lets me lead a very comfortable life and... and... well, my life is boring. I barely have time for myself, I can’t even go out and have fun anymore because I’m either staying late at work or all my energy is drained. I haven’t had a good fuck in like two years at least and Walter was able to ruin me for everyone else, man or woman, in one night. Imagine it being a constant. 
It’s 10am and I decide to call Junior. I need to know what they do exactly before I turn my life upside down and get into this. He answers after the third ring, his voice all groggy from sleep. 
“Mein Hase, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Do you need any help?”
“Hey dipshit. Were you still sleeping? Dude it’s 10am already!”
“Well, I had a busy night okay.” I could feel the smirk growing on his face. 
“Yeah, the ’hottest chick’ right? Look, I need to talk to you, ask you some stuff and it needs to be in person. Can you come over?”
He sighs before answering me. “Yeah Hase. Give me about forty minutes to get ready and I’ll be there.”
In exact forty-five minutes I heard a knocking on my door and I open to see Axel standing there, a sleepy look on his face. I offer him coffee and breakfast, which he happily accepts. 
We sit by the living room’s centre table and I take my time to start questioning him. 
“Look, I know we haven’t seen each other in ages, but you do understand you have a big space in my heart, right?”
“Mhm, and you have in mine too.”
“Good! So... I’ll ask you a few things and I want you to be honest with me, please tell me the truth. You know I would never rat on you to anyone. And I’ll tell you why I’m asking all of this when this is over, okay?”
“I think I already got an idea why...”
“Okay, Axel? Do you agree with my terms?” I cut him a bit harshly. 
“Yes, Hase. You know I’d anything for you.”
“Okay...” I take a deep breath and start again “That day we met on the market, was our run in casual or did it happen on purpose?”
“On purpose.”
“Well, I’ve missed you and didn’t know how to get in touch with you...”
I look up to him with a ‘what’s wrong with you’ look in my face and move on. 
“How did you know I went to that market? Have you been following me?
“What?! No!”
“Axel, please be honest with me.”
“Hase, look... I live on that building across from you. That window with the Simpsons sticker? That’s mine. I’ve been living there for two years now, you can ask the door man if you want to. I’m not stalking you, I promise.” he answers me a little bit panicked. 
“Hey, hey... I’m sorry I was harsh with you. And I trust you, okay?”
“I know it seems a little suspicious. But I just saw you on the day you moved in, I was getting off the building to run some errands and I saw you unloading your stuff and when I got back I saw we were window neighbours.  As to the market thing, again, I didn’t stalk you, but you have your habits and we’ve almost run into each other a few times before and they were always on the same day of the week, at the same time. You really need to get a life, baby.”
“Wow, thanks for the call out. And why were all the guys there with you?”
“My hype squad.” We both laugh at his answer. “I haven’t seen you in so long, I thought you had forgotten about me and I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself, so they were there to hype me up.”
“Why is that something I can totally picture on doing?” I pause for a moment to gather some guts before getting into the harder topic. 
“What... what is it exactly that you, Walter and the guys do? And don’t tell me you run the club because I know the club is a front.”
“You’re really coming for my throat today, huh?” he laughs and continues “Well, the club is a front for money laundry. We deal with a few different things. Weapons, illegal gambling, illegal fights, races. No drugs or anything with people, you know? Walter is extremely against that. We also offer protection to businesses...”
“Why does your silence makes me feel like this is almost a hitman thing?”
“Sort of?” He scratched his head and gives me a quizzical look. 
“AXEL! What th—“
“Oh, it’s not like we actually kill people, we just rough them up a bit. Like I said, Walter is pretty specific with the business. Hase, why are you asking me these things?”
“Last night, after you guys left, which by the way, I’m sure that was staged too, but I digress, I was alone with Walter and we... well, we fucked. Like, a lot. Anyway, he asked me if I wanted power, that he could give me power.”
“Ugh, gross I don’t need to know who you fuck.”
“Axel, I’m being serious. C’mon.” I begged him. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry. But what did you tell him? Did you accept?”
“No, I told him that I needed to think about it. He agreed to it and said that I should call you to let him know, no matter what I chose. I called you because I needed to know what you guys actually did. Also did Walter ask you to leave me alone with him? He acted like he had it all planned out.”
“You really don’t let shit slide, do you?”
“It’s like you forgot who I am, Axel.”
“Yeah, Ms. Detective. I’ve talked about you to the guys several times before and mentioned that I saw you moving in and that your apartment was directly in front of mine. He came over one day and saw you sitting there, drinking tea, and reading. All he said is that he understood why I talked about you so much.” he finished, a little embarrassed.
“That’s a little –“
“Creepy? Yeah, I get where you come from. Walter is a nice guy, he really is, he just doesn’t know how to connect to people sometimes.” We stayed in silence for a few minutes eating the rest of our breakfast.
“Do you have your answer already?” Axel breaks the silence.
“I had it from the start, I just needed to know how fucked I would be.”
“Could you ask him if we could meet?”
“Is that a yes?”
“Axel!” I groaned.
“Yep, that’s a yes.”
Walter agreed to meet me and had Junior take me to where he lived. His mansion was located on the outskirts of the city, the kind of neighbourhood only millionaires lived on. Not going to lie, I felt like I was in one of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes. A huge white and grey neoclassical hour, tall and imponent like it’s owner. Big green front yard, a garden of white roses, a beautiful Venus di Botticelli water fountain. Axel took me to the backyard saying Walter was waiting for me by the pool.
He indeed was there, all glorious under a sunshade, black rayban’s covering his eyes and black swimming shorts hugging his waist. He sat by a table full of different kinds of breakfast foods and fruits. Axel announced my arrival and before he left, Walter asked “Junior, could you please ask Freida to bring lovely Hase a bathing suit?” Axel nodded and left us alone.
“Come on, sit. Do you want to eat anything?”
I sat by his right side and grabbed a few grapes. “What do I get from this? Will I be exclusive pocket pussy in exchange for money? Someone to sit pretty by your side while you command everyone or what?”
“You think too low of yourself. I offered you power. I have four of the best men in the world as my partners, but I need something better. Women are usually more detail oriented, I need new eyes, new visions.” Freida’s arrival interrupted us.
“Good afternoon, miss.”
“Good morning, darling. I won’t keep you long, I think this will do.” I chose a black one piece with cut outs that I was sure would make my boobs look incredible.
“There’s a restroom room in there, go and change.” Walter said after I chose and Freida left. I did as he said and when I came back, I went straight to pool.
“C’mon Walter, join me, please. We need to finish talking.” He obeyed me, leaving his sunglasses on the table.
He cornered me by the pool’s end, his big hand brushing away the wet hair strands of my face. He continued “As I was saying, I need new eyes, I need someone I can trust. And fucking you whenever I want wouldn’t be so bad either.” His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath on my lips. I smiled at him, looking at his lips and then up to his eyes.
“How do you know I’m so trustworthy? Or if I’m actually that?”
“Axel always gushes about your little business during high school and what you took out of it, I think you’ll do just fine.” His thumb caresses my cheek. “So, what do you say?”
“Yes.” My arms snakes around his neck and I kiss him. He deepens the kiss and lifts me up to the ledge of the pool.
“Lay down a bit.” He commands while he slides the back of his index finger of my clothed slit. I did as he said and he immediately attached his lips on my clit, sucking and fingering me at the same time.
“Walter, fuck… what if someone sees us?” I ask him between moans.
“They know better than to come here.”
He kept his ministrations, increasing the speed of his fingering and never detaching his lips from my clit. It was too much at the same time and I squirted when I came.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. That never happened before.” I told him, panicking a little bit. He brought my lips to his, kissed me tenderly and said “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun, my little hase.”
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theotherackerman · 3 years
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan.
NOTES: New Year’s Day January 1st, Friday
Trigger warning: mentions of self harm and suicide.
song credit:
exile- taylor swift featuring bon iver, Ymir is singing the first verse that bon iver sings
CHAPTER FOUR:  second, third, and hundredth chances
As she drove out the cemetery, she began to realize how strange this truly was. Eren used to be the one who drove everywhere. Mikasa wasn’t a big fan of driving due to the car accident she had been through as a child. It was a necessary evil in her mind. Yet here she was driving Eren home. Their roles had reversed in a sense.
“Do you not drive anymore?” She broke the awkward silence between them.
“Not really.”
“Can I ask why?”
“You can but I won’t tell you.”
Mikasa was glad the roads were empty as she slammed on the breaks. Eren jolted forward and then back again.
“Stop it! Just stop! Stop acting like this. What could I have possibly done to make you act like this? What did I love you too much? Did I give you too much? Just tell me what I did!” Mikasa had broken. The sadness inside her had been replaced with nothing but pure rage. “You owe me that much, Eren.”
Eren sighed, “fine, just get out of the middle of the street.”
Mikasa began driving again.
Eren sighed again. “I don’t drive because I don’t have a license anymore.”
“Why don’t you have a license anymore?” She had a feeling, in the pit of her stomach, that she already knew.
“Because I crashed my car when I was drunk. Hit a building. No one was hurt besides me. Car was totaled. Building was set for demolition anyway so the people really didn’t care. Spent the night handcuffed to a hospital bed while Zeke worked everything else out with lawyers. Just ended up losing my license.”
“Is that why you couldn’t walk?”
“No, that was because of my liver.”
“Why didn't you tell me?”
“I didn’t think you’d care.”
Mikasa stopped at the red light and looked over at Eren. He was staring out the window, no emotion on his face.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence until they reached the old house. Mikasa knew this house as well as she knew her own home with Levi. She was shocked to see a for sale sign on the front lawn.
“You’re selling it?” She asked as she pulled into the driveway and parked.
“Yeah, I’m never here. I’m at Zeke’s place most of the time. I only moved back here temporarily to get the house in order to sell.”
Mikasa hadn’t expected that to hurt but it did for some reason. She had spent a lot of time here as a child. She could still see Carla in the kitchen watching over her, Armin, and Eren.
She understood it though. She had moved to the city with her friends, after all.
“Did you want to come in?” He asked after a few moments of awkward silence.
“Yeah, I’ll come in.”
“Okay,” Eren got out of the car first and she followed him, locking her car behind her.
Eren unlocked the door and held it open for Mikasa to come in.
“Thanks,” she told him as she walked in.
Stacks of boxes were all over the living room, that was the only thing that had changed. The walls were still covered in pictures, the bookshelves were still full. Mikasa began to wander the room but she didn’t dare look at the pictures. The couch was still in the middle of the room, tv mounted on the wall. Grisha’s leather chair and Carla’s rocking chair were still side by side.
She missed Carla. She could see her sitting there in her mind. Her welcoming smile. She missed the woman as much as Eren did. She rested her hand on the chair for a moment as if she was willing Carla to come back to life. She couldn’t help but wonder if Carla was here, would this still have happened?
“What did I do wrong?” She asked again as she turned around to face him.
Eren sighed, “nothing.”
“Well, there has to be something for you to say those horrible things! Eren…”
Eren sat down on the couch. “It’s better this way.”
He stood up and began to walk away.
“Why?” She knew she was pressing her luck but she didn’t care. She could feel the rage running through her veins like she had in the car.
“Because I’ll be a burden to you!” He yelled.
“You don’t get to make that choice!”
Eren stopped and silently turned towards her.
“Maybe I wanted to share your burdens!” She took a step closer to him. “That’s what friends do. I thought I was more than that. I thought I was family.”
“That’s all? Family?” he scoffed.
“Eren...I thought I was your future.”
Eren moved from across the room so quickly Mikasa wasn’t able to process what was going on until his lips were on hers. His hands were in her short hair, he wasn’t pulling away this time. She responded, moving her lips against his. Oh, how she had missed this. Her hands gripped onto his shirt pulling him closer to her. He walked her backwards so that her back was pressed against the wall. Just as she wrapped her legs around his waist, the front door opened.
“OH! I’ll come back later…”
With that, the door closed again.
Both of them began to blush as they untangled themselves from one another.
“Zeke?” Mikasa asked and Eren nodded.
“Zeke. Guess he got done with….whatever he was doing earlier.”
“He says you’re an asshole and a fucking idiot. His words, not mine,” Mikasa laughed a little.
“He’s not wrong,” Eren laughed before looking away from her.
“Talk to Armin. He needs you. Talk to me. Don’t...push us away...again.” She reached out and touched his face, making him look at her again.
“Mikasa, I’m fucked up, more than you know and once you know….” He placed his hand over hers on his face.
“What am I going to do? Run? I’m not a coward!” She removed her hand from his face and took a step back.
Eren sighed again, “you two are better off without me.”
“I told you, you don’t get to make that choice. Armin and I will. I leave on the 8th. I’ll talk to Armin, we’ll meet before then.”
“You’re not giving me a choice here, are you?” He asked as he walked back over to the couch and sat down.
“No, I’m not. You owe Armin and I the truth. All of it. You have the same number?” She pulled out her phone.
Eren nodded, “yeah. I didn’t change it. Do you still have it?”
“I couldn’t delete you. I tried but...I couldn’t.” She put her phone back into her pocket.
There was a knock on the door before it opened.
“Sorry to interrupt but I seemed to have locked the keys in the van,” Zeke announced as he walked in.
“I should be going anyway, Levi is probably wondering where I am.”
Eren just nodded.
“I’ll see you later, Eren,” she promised.
And with that, Mikasa walked to the door.
“OW! What was that for?!” She heard Eren yell as she began to close the door.
“You are a fucking idiot, that’s what.” Zeke replied.
Mikasa couldn’t help but smile to herself as she walked to her car.
“So I see you listened and talked to her. I can leave once we get the car unlocked and you can continue...wear protection..” Zeke said as went to the closet to grab a wire hanger. 
“I’m not going to have sex with Mikasa after you leave. It was just...the heat of the moment…” Eren said as his face went red and he rubbed the back of his neck.
 “And if I would not have walked it?” Zeke smirked.
“Please stop,” Eren pleaded as he walked out of the door.
“I just want to make sure my little brother is prepared,” Zeke called after him as he followed Eren out the door. 
“Stop. I hate you, you know that?” Eren said as he walked towards the van.
 “That is a lie and we both know it. I told you to talk to her and I was right.”
 “Please stop talking. When does Pieck get done today? Isn’t it time for you to annoy her yet?”
“No, unfortunately she is booked with engagement shoots today.”
“Just give me the damn hanger,” Eren sighed as he held his hand out. 
When Mikasa arrived at the Ackerman house, this time she was not greeted by two barking  puppies. As she took her shoes off at the front door, she noticed the dogs were nowhere to be seen.
“Levi and Hange left with the dogs,” she heard Ymir’s voice say.
“What are you doing here? I thought you went with Historia.”
“I did. Then Rod kicked me out. Historia had the limo drop me back off.”
Mikasa could hear the coffee maker running.
The amount of coffee that Ymir drank in a single day was ridiculous.
“Why?” Mikasa hung her jacket up on the coat hanger by the door. She then remembered she still had Eren’s in her bag, wherever Levi had put it. She made a mental note to find it and give it  back to him.
“Because he’s an ass. I don’t know. He wanted to talk to her and Freida about something. Apparently, I’m not family as he likes to remind me constantly. So I came back here. Levi and Hange were leaving just as I came in. I have no idea where they went. ” Ymir came from the kitchen holding a cup of coffee. “So you going to tell me why you have sex hair?” She asked as she raised an eyebrow.
“ I don’t have sex hair!” Mikasa protested.
“Okay, if you say so,” Ymir said as she lifted the coffee cup.
“....I ran into Eren at the graveyard.”
“So you had sex with your ex at the graveyard. I mean sounds weird to me but if that’s what you’re into, I’m not going to judge.”
“I didn’t have sex with Eren at the graveyard! I drove him home and we got into a fight. I told him he owed me an explanation for everything. So he invited me in.”
“So you had sex with your ex at his house? Boring but okay.”
“I didn’t have sex with Eren! We just...kissed...but more than last night.”
“You kissed Eren last night?!”
“Well he kissed me but it wasn’t long. Then he left but this time, Zeke came in.”
“So his brother cockblocked him. I’m starting to like this Zeke guy more and more.”
“Yes but no. We talked for a little bit more and then I told Eren he owed Armin and I an explanation. I was here until the 8th and I’d set him up. I didn’t give him a choice, actually.”
Ymir wrapped her arm around Mikasa’s shoulders tightly. “There’s the Mikasa I know and love! I mean, your angst is great for the album and you needed to heal so I didn’t say anything. But that’s...that’s the girl I met in high school. Take no shit Ackerman style!”
Mikasa could feel her cheeks turning red.
“So why were you at the graveyard?” Ymir removed her arm from Mikasa’s shoulders and sat down in Levi’s chair. She put her coffee cup down the coaster on the coffee table.
Mikasa wandered over to the couch and sat down.
“Visiting Mom and Dad and Carla. I visit them every New Year’s. Christmas….too many people. I like to talk to them.” She didn’t know why she felt embarrassed about it.
“That’s the look Armin gave you, that makes sense.”
“I haven’t gone and seen my mom since she died. Dad….longer than that.”
“Do you remember anything about them?”
“Not really.”
Ymir didn’t open up about her family very often. Mikasa never pushed for answers with her. She knew the basics. Ymir had been in foster care as a child, just like Annie had. Neither of them had any family step up to take care of them after their biological parents had passed. Annie was adopted by her first foster father while Ymir had moved around from place to place until she was sixteen. Then Ymir went through the emancipation process.
“Alright, let’s work on the new song you wrote,” Ymir said as she walked over into the sunroom.
Mikasa’s keyboard was still set up, music resting on it.
Mikasa pulled the piano bench from the grand piano over to the keyboard. She sat down, Ymir sat down next to her.
“Okay, so how is Historia going to hit this low note right here? The notes for the entire first verse are too low for her. Do you think she planned for this to be a duet?”
“I hope so because I wrote it as one. So the first verse is for you to sing. I wrote it from your perspective too. “
Ymir stared at Mikasa for a moment. “Wait, what? Do you not write all of these about Eren?”
“No, I write from my friend’s perspectives sometimes. You and Historia happened to be having problems so I wrote this as you and her. The first verse is you speaking to her.”
Mikasa began to play the introduction of the song.
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”  Ymir’s voice rang out through the house.
Mikasa enjoyed the fact that Ymir had a lower voice similar to hers.
“Is that about the farmer or Reiner?” Ymir asked.
“Both. So you sing this whole first verse.”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“Yeah, is that okay?” Mikasa just realized maybe her friends weren’t okay with her writing about them.
“It’s fucking brilliant,” Ymir reassured her. “What’s next?”
“This is the chorus but I thought for the first one, you’d sing it alone.”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright].”
“So then there’s vocalization which I thought Annie could do. Then Historia would do the next verse and chorus. Then there’s a….”
Someone was pounding hard on the front door.
“Who the hell is that?” Ymir asked as she went towards the window to see who was out there. “It’s Historia but there’s no limo, no car. How the hell she’d get here?”
Ymir threw the door open to a sobbing Historia.
Mikasa left the sun room as soon as she heard Historia’s sobs.
“It’s gone. It’s all gone. My money. My car...the recording contract. I’m so sorry.”
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omnivorousshipper · 4 years
Shobbs: Summer Lovin
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Thank you so much @kairukitsuneo​ for doing this commission for me!! I absolutely love it!! And if you guys love it, check at the artist’s other stuff and buy them a coffee at their ko-fi
Fic Summary: Deckard shows Luke another side of himself
Sitting under a large umbrella and on top of a large, thick blanket, Luke Hobbs stared out at the endless ocean in front of him. The water was calm, with the waves gently licking at the beach, but still too far away from the sand castle Sam was currently working on. She had a green one piece swimsuit on, while he was sporting swim trunks that were red with a yellow pineapple print. 
Lifting his sunglasses, Luke looked down at his phone and checked if he had any messages. 
But there was nothing new. 
Sighing, Luke reached his arm out and rubbed the head of his bulldog, Freida. She let out a gruff sound when her sleep was disturbed. She wasn’t a big fan of the sun and heat, and had firmly stayed on the blanket, under the umbrella’s shade. 
“C’mon, Deck. Where are you?” Luke said to himself. 
The other man had promised to meet him and Sam at the beach, but was uncharacteristically late. Luke tried to think of what could have kept the other man, but nothing came to mind. All Deckard had told him was that he was going to head back to Luke’s house to change and make lunch. And Luke knew Deckard could whip up a meal in under ten minutes and still have it taste amazing. 
Luke was starting to worry if something had happened. If Deckard needed help. 
He’s fine. Deck can handle just about anything. Even if he was in trouble, he’ll get here. He promised. 
Deckard Shaw was not one to break his promises. 
And yet.
For the past week or so, Luke had noticed something off about him. When Deckard thought he wasn’t looking, his smile would drop and his gaze would become distant, almost as if he was getting lost in thought. Luke knew that Deckard would eventually come to him if something was bothering him, but before that, Deckard’s lips were sealed. 
After living with Deckard for a few months now, Luke knew that Deckard could be direct and honest when he wanted to be. But not before he decided to. There was no telling Deckard Shaw what to do. 
All Luke could do was be there for him, give him the space and patience he needed, and then finally just listen when Deckard came to him, bearing his soul. 
There had been a lot of things to talk through when they had first gotten together, but each talk they had about their pasts, their limits, and everything they wished for in the future brought them so much closer. 
So, Luke was sure he shouldn’t worry about Deckard too much. 
Finally, a small chime sounded from his phone, and Luke let out a sigh of relief.
Here, said the text simply. 
Luke jerked his head up to where Sam was jumping to her feet, a huge smile on her face as she started to run towards the steps set into the sand dunes behind Luke. Turning his head, Luke followed Sam with his eyes as she ran towards Deckard, and felt his jaw drop open when his eyes landed on the smaller man. 
Deckard was at the bottom of the steps leading down to the beach, the beautiful scene behind him dull in comparison to how he looked. Because standing there, Deckard’s simple, white dress gently fluttered in the ocean breeze. Colorful, embroidered flowers popped at the collar and hem of the dress, and seemed to mock the scenery around Deckard with their beauty. Deckard held a picnic basket in the crook of his arm, while his other hand reached up to adjust the sun hat on his head.
He was looking directly at Luke, a small, hesitant smile on his face. Which quickly transformed into a full blown grin when Sam ran straight into his legs and tightly wrapped her arms around his waist. 
“Deck! You look so pretty!”
“Thank you, Sammy,” Deckard said in response to Sam’s shout and beaming smile. He wrapped an arm around her and brought her into a half hug, a look of pure love and adoration on his face. 
Luke couldn’t help the way his heart jumped at the sight. 
Scrambling to his feet, and getting a small yip from Freida at once again interrupting her sleep, Luke tried to keep his stride unhurried as he walked up to the pair. He didn’t need to ruin the moment by running like a bull at them. 
When he was only a few feet away, Luke felt his heart skip a beat at the way both Sam and Deckard looked up at him, smiles on their faces. 
Smiling back, Luke couldn’t help but tease. 
“About time you got here, Deck. Thought we were going to starve.”
Deckard rolled his eyes, but his smile didn’t wave. 
“You’ve survived worse, twinkletoes.” Looking down at Sam, he offered her the picnic basket. “Would you mind setting up our lunch, love? We’ll be there in a second.”
Sam took the basket giddily and nodded her head. 
“Don’t blame me if all the good stuff is gone because you two are slowpokes!” She told them, running off.
“You better not give any to the dog!” Luke shouted after her. 
Chuckling, Luke turned to Deckard. 
“God, you look beautiful,” he blurted out. 
Deckard blinked in surprise.
“You think so?” He asked in the smallest of voices that was almost caught by the breeze and whisked off. He was looking up at Luke with wide eyes, and Luke could have seen the vulnerability in them a mile away. 
Slowly, Luke took the last few steps until he was barely a few inches from the smaller man. Raising his arms up, Luke looked at Deckard for permission. When he gave a small nod, Luke didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around Deckard’s waist and gently pull him closer until their chests were touching. 
“Deckard. You look absolutely stunning,” Luke whispered and smiled softly at him. 
“Thank you.” 
Luke could feel the tension seep out of Deckard as he said that and looked relieved. 
“Is this what took you so long?” Luke asked gently and waited for the answer when Deckard bit his lip and looked away. 
“Yeah,” Deckard sighed. “I wasn’t sure how you two would… react to this outfit.”
“I think it’s safe to say that we both love it,” Luke reassured him and felt his heart soar when Deckard gave him a small smile. 
Luke held still as Deckard slowly brought a hand up to cup Luke’s cheek, which he promptly nuzzled into. He watched Deckard lean forward and met him halfway, leaning down so their lips could brush. 
No matter how many times Luke kissed Deckard, every and every time felt like the first with every single nerve ending firing off and making Luke feel lighter than a feather. And each time, Luke swore that Deckard let out a gasp as Luke deepened the kiss, finally able to taste Deckard and feel his passion. 
Breaking apart, Luke rested his forehead against Deckard’s, both looking into each other’s eyes, never getting enough of the other. 
“I have a feeling we should probably go check up on Sam.”
“Hmm,” Deckard hummed. “You’re right. She usually does follow through with her threats.”
Reluctantly, Luke released his hold on Deckard, but made sure to keep a hand on his hip, the silky feeling of his dress feeling wonderful between Luke’s fingers. 
Luke leaned against the umbrella’s pole, confident that it could take his weight. He had one arm folded behind his head, while his other was firmly wrapped around Deckard’s shoulders. The smaller man was tucked securely into Luke’s side, head resting on Luke’s shoulder. Not too far away, they could see Sam splashing in the water with Freida following behind her. It seemed like lunch had given them both an extra boost of energy. 
 Gently, Luke rested his cheek against Deckard’s head, and quietly started to talk.
“You know, if you ever want to wear more dresses, Sam and I support you.”
Luke could feel Deckard stiffen and then gradually relax again. Luke simply waited for Deckard to speak, knowing the other man’s thoughts were no doubt racing and would need some organizing. Finally, Deckard pulled away from him slightly, so they were able to look at each other. Deckard’s eyes were narrowed slightly as they stared into Lukes as he searched for any kind of deception. 
Slowly he nodded, having seen how genuine Luke’s words were. 
“I wasn’t sure how you two would take it, but I think I’ll take you up on that offer some time.”
“I can’t wait to see it,” Luke smiled. “You look amazing in everything, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to see you in a skirt.”
“Maybe sometime, twinkletoes,” Deckard chuckled. He wiggled closer to Luke and resumed the position he had been in and laid his head on Luke’s shoulder again. “I’ll have to probably steal some of my clothes back from Owen for that to happen.”
“He wears that kind of stuff too?” Luke asked, incredulousness creeping into his voice. 
“The kind of clothing we wore never really mattered to us growing up,” Deckard explained quietly. “We were all really late bloomers, so there was a time where Owen and Hattie were basically the same size and height. So, they’d swap their clothes a lot. I remember the first time Owen wore a dress. Little brat spun himself in circles just to watch it move around him. Nearly made himself sick by doing that.”
Luke could just imagine a small, younger version of Owen nearly tripping over his feet and trying to find his balance. 
“Let me guess, he was having so much, you just had to try it for yourself?”
“No,” Deckard chuckled. “It wasn’t until they both decided to have a growth spurt at the same time. Had to drag them shopping just so they would have something to wear. That’s when they tag teamed me and convinced me to try a dress on and-”
Deckard paused.
“And?” Luke prompted.
“And it felt… right.” Deckard whispered. “I enjoy my suits, but sometimes a dress feels better.”
Luke hummed in thought. 
“As long as you feel comfortable, then I don’t see a problem with how you dress,” Luke told him. “In fact, I think I like this look a bit more than your suits.”
“Really?” Deckard craned his head up to look at Luke.
“Yeah,” Luke smiled. “I get to see more of your amazing muscles this way.”
To emphasize his point, Luke rubbed his hand up Deckard’s arm, feeling the hidden muscle. It wasn’t as obvious on him like it was on Luke, but he knew better than to underestimate the other man. He could easily hold his own, dress or no dress. 
“Hmm. Maybe I should wear dresses more often,” Deckard purred. 
Luke felt a shiver go up his spine at that, and smirked down at Deckard. Leaning down, so their lips were almost touching, Luke whispered. 
“Like I said, I won’t be complaining, princess.”
And his smirk grew when he saw the lust in Deckard’s eyes, and easily swallowed down Deckard’s moan when he crashed their lips together.
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rivaltierno · 4 years
It took a bit longer than originally planned, but I finished up season 1 of Static Shock today. Like I expected, I quite enjoyed it and am definitely looking forward to the next seasons. My thoughts under the cut ‘cause it got a little long.
I thought the first episode was a really good introduction. I liked how everyone just got straight to the point in it; I never really liked watching origin stories where the person spends like, a significant amount of screen time trying to deny/hide their powers, especially if we already know they’re going to embrace them, so I’m glad it didn’t do that.
I liked how the show still had on-going storylines/character development (the whole Edwin Alva thing, Rubberband Man’s story, Virgil trying to cope with his mom’s death), but still kept the “villain-of-the-week” style of episodes. I’m just not too fond of shows where you have to watch every episode in a row to know what’s going on, so I like the style of “here’s the specific eps to watch if you care about the plot line” instead. That, and it gives you fun one-off characters too.
It was also really neat to see just how powerful Static was even in season 1. Like yeah, he’s still shown needing to recharge and can’t like, pick up a boat or anything like that, but it’s still cool seeing what he’s able to do just starting out. I was particularly impressed by the scene in “Junior” when he’s able to knock out all the power in a certain radius. 
Speaking of “Junior”, I was not expecting so many emotional/serious episodes in this season. I knew about “Sons of the Fathers” going in, but I almost cried at “Junior” and did legit cry at “Tantrum”. It’s a good sign of quality that a show can have emotional episodes that don’t clash with its more fun ones. 
I think my favorite episode of this season was “Grounded”. I liked how go-getting everyone was in this episode (the fact that both Freida and Richie both decided on “let’s break into the school” to fix their problems still makes me laugh), and how it established that even non-human creatures was impacted by the Big Bang, which I thought was a really cool idea. I liked all the one-off, school-based characters introduced in that episode (Freida’s journalism pals and the janitor), and it also introduced Carmen Dillo, which was one of the goofy villains I was looking forward to seeing.
On the more negative (I suppose) side, my least favorite episode of this season was definitely “Replay”. That’s not because it’s a bad episode, though - I just hate stories involving evil clones/look-a-likes/duplicates/what have you, so this episode didn’t stand a chance. It did make me genuinely laugh once, though, so there’s that.
I also have mixed feelings about “Winds of Change”, which was the episode I was least looking forward to this season (since tbh I had forgotten about “Replay”). On the one hand, it was much less cringe-inducing than I expected it to be. On the other hand, I feel like it would have worked much better if some of the scenes were re-ordered.
For example, I feel like Virgil’s conflict in the beginning kinda came outta nowhere, and personally it would have made more sense if we saw him and Richie get into a fight about him spending time with Daisy before the scene of him dismissing Richie’s zap caps. The way it is in the episode, Virgil was just annoyed at Richie before he actually did anything and it seems kinds forced for the episode. I also feel like the episode would have faired a little better if it came directly before “Sons of the Fathers” instead of directly after. 
I also didn’t really like the villain of the episode. Like yeah, I liked a couple of his one-liners and I get he’s supposed a play on Fat Albert (or at least I assume so given his voice), but he’s still just a walking fat stereotype. :/
More broadly for the show overall, I wish it hadn’t just like, gotten rid of Freida once Daisy appeared. I do get that Virgil now has a crush on Daisy instead of Freida (or I guess in-universe he’s gotten over his crush on Freida and developed one on Daisy), but I don’t think that means Freida no longer serves a purpose to the plot. As mentioned, I really liked “Grounded” and enjoyed her in it. Not to mention it’s just proving that the show views Daisy more as a love interest for Virgil than as her own character.
I do know that Freida comes back in at least a couple more episodes in future seasons (the AJ McLean episode and the Permafrost episode), so hopefully she’ll to come back from her apparent banishment. I’m hoping that Daisy gets a bit more focus outside of Virgil’s crush on her, too. We do know she’s super good at math, so maybe that will come into play? Kinda like how Virgil’s science knowledge comes in a lot when he’s Static.
tl;dr: Static Shock is a really good show so far (albeit not flawless), so I’m looking forward to watching the rest of it, and I totally get why I got enamored with it just from YT clips alone.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
💜 This I Promise 💜
LXIII. Lavender
When I saw her there, I felt the whole world around me stop. It's as if the force that pulled me to the ground was suddenly taken away by her, pulling me closer and closer, to wherever she was.
I met her there at one of the Elite Nobles' gatherings. It was the first time I met her, but I honestly thought I was taken away by her with just that one look of hers.
And when I heard her speak, I knew I was taken prisoner by this enchanting creature.
Yes, this enchantress.
"Why do you always have that look?" She told me once with that precious, little voice of hers.
"I always look like this." I answered back with ferocity, not really wanting her to notice how I felt about her.
"Oh, that's weird. But, you know, I like the color of your eyes." She said, then smiled at me - that smile that instantly melted my heart - seemingly not minding my rude attitude towards her. "My name is Lavender. How about you?"
Right there, I hesitated whether I should tell her who I was, thinking that she would surely despise me because of my Ackerman lineage, but there really was something about her eyes that kept me hypnotized. And when I told her my name, I knew it deep within my heart that I will forever be her prisoner.
She smiled once more, that smile so honest, pure and innocent, that knew no hatred or animosity.
"It's nice to meet you, Kenny Ackerman."
From then on, I looked forward to these boring gatherings. And the only thing that helped me endure them was her lively personality and company.
Sometimes, we would skip meetings together to go to King Fritz's garden. Right there, we endlessly talked about silly nothings like the weather, the nobles' stupid attires, and her own stupid piano tutor who would doze off in the middle of the lesson. Heck, we even talked about her favorite character from her favorite fairy tale, (F/N) (L/N), who was a girl who can grant anyone's wishes.
"Isn't (F/N) like Freida Reiss, then?" I asked her about that one time.
"No, she doesn't have powers like the Coordinate." Lavender told me. "You see, she grants them using her own strength and dedication and love. She will do anything to protect her loved ones."
"But, that's how she died, ya?"
"Yes, but it was a happy kind of ending. The Elf Prince, who witnessed all her hardships, brought her back to life and gave her wings and they lived happily ever after."
Hahaha, sure, why the fuck not?
We always do the same stupid thing for almost a year, and I thought that that year was the best time of my own miserable life.
But, just like any other stupid love story you can buy at cheap, stupid bookstores, every story has its own stupid plot twist, be it good, or bad.
Ha. Guess which one I got?
"Kenny, I would like you to meet Thomas Arlert. My fiance'" She said to me as she introduced the man I hated for the rest of my life.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kenny."
"And, we're going to get married next month! You'll be the Godfather of our child, please, say yes."
Yes. And that's another stupid, plot twist for you.
Turned out that my precious Lavender was with child, and not mine, but that of that stupid Arlert guy I will hate for the rest of my life.
The news that greeted, no, that hit me in the face and laughed, was still on my mind as I watched my nephew grew stronger with his own Ackerman awakening. Even then, it was still on my mind as I left Levi to fend for his own.
I didn't attend the next Noble gatherings for the following week, and the knowledge of my absence was quickly spreading like wildfire. So, I had to show my face, even for just one time only, to not raise any suspicion.
Why? You can't just blame an old, broken - hearted man, ya hear?
Anyway, I did show my face, but it was after two years. And when I saw my Lavender again, she was holding this really tiny human she lovingly called, well, Lavender.
"What is that?" I asked her like I never saw a human baby before.
"My child Lavender. And I'm mad at you!"
At this point, I no longer cared. And she was the one who got mad? Come on,...
"Why would you get mad?"
"Because you didn't attend my wedding, and the Baptism, Lavender's first birthday, and,..."
On and on, she droned like a buzzing bee, not even noticing for a bit how this Lavender child looked at me. She had those huge (E/C) eyes that stared at me in awe, like I was fucking Saint Nicholas, or whatever. And when I spoke to her, something happened that reignited some old flame that had died deep inside my heart.
"What are you fucking staring at, tiny human?" I told her, then she giggled and giggled until the whole place was filled with her tiny voice.
"Kenny, I think she likes you." Lavender told me as she carefully handed me the baby.
And right at that moment, I felt some connection to her I couldn't quite explain. No, it was not that sensation I felt the first time I saw Lavender. It was, should I say, a whole lot different.
No, no, not that thing you're thinking of, 'cause that would be fucking criminal.
But, yeah. I felt something about this kid. And as I visit her from time to time, watching her as she grew up, that feeling only became stronger.
You see, I never called her by her name, Lavender. It just didn't sound right. So, at first, I just called her kid or brat. Whatever swings my mood.
"Hey, kid." I called to her. She dropped her doll and automatically went towards me. "How would you like to be called (F/N) (L/N)?"
"(F/N)?" The kid asked, probably wondering where I got that name.
"Ya. You like that?"
And after that, she giggled and giggled like that first time we met.
See? She likes that name! So, I called her that, but only when her parents were not around, which was almost everyday.
But, that one fateful day, just like any other day, started off as normally as possible.
I visited (F/N) once more to bring her Levi's old stuffed animal that the stupid brat tossed because he didn't like it. She took it with utter curiosity and looked at me with wide eyes.
"That was Levi's stuffed animal, and since he didn't like it, you can have it. I bought it from the Capital, you know. And I still have it with me, so you can have it." I told her.
"Who is Levi?" she curiously asked.
"Oh, just my stupid nephew."
(F/N)'s eyes grew even wider.
"Can I play with him?"
"Haha, yeah, sure, if he doesn't mind playing with brats like you,..."
And that was what really startled me. At that brief moment, I felt something weird at the thought of (F/N) having to meet Levi.
Then, a thought came to me: Lavender and I were never meant for each other.
But, could (F/N) and Levi be?
Like those other important times when my instincts were really kicking inside of me and telling me what to do, I took (F/N) and carried her all the way to the mansion to ask for permission to bring in my stupid nephew for the kids to meet and play.
But, as I've said, that one fateful day started off as normally as possible.
And it changed everything.
"Hey, Lavender, I was planning to bring in my nephew Levi so the kids could meet and play - "
"No! This is wrong! You should not have brought that book here! You're putting our lives in danger,..." I saw Lavender arguing with her husband.
"But, this is the real deal!" Thomas argued back, showing the said book to his worried wife. "We could make tons of cash if we sell this Underground!"
Lavender just smiled sarcastically. "Thomas, I thought we agreed upon this! We don't need that! We already have everything - !"
"NO! YOU have everything in the world!" The husband pointed angrily towards the woman I once loved and with igniting fury, he continued arguing. "Look at you! You're an heir to your grandmother's title, a future Duchess! While I'm here, as useless as ever, and just a fucking Honorary Noble who came from Wall Maria and  who just got recognized by the King by working my ass off. But, with this, we could make millions!"
"Shut the fuck up, you hag!"
"Hurt her and I'll fucking kill you!"
Both Thomas and Lavender looked at me, surprised that I was there, listening in on their conversation.
"What in the Hades are you doing here?!"
"How about you, what is that thing you're holding onto that is even more important than your own family?" I started firing back at her stupid husband when Lavender finally had it, taking the crying (F/N) and left.
The next day, I found out that Lavender Fleminger and Thomas Arlert were accused of possessing a forbidden book about the outside the World and were sentenced to immediate execution.
"Please, I know you love Lavender." Claire Louise Fleminger, Duchess of Orvud and mother of Lavender, pleaded with me behind bars, since those madmen threw the poor, innocent woman into a dungeon for suspected connivance with the wrong - doers. "Save them, Kenny! Please!"
"I'll do what I can." I told her. "But, I could never promise that I would spare her husband."
And with that, I left her and went to the mansion, only to find Lavender and Thomas still arguing with each other, despite the warnings and threats they have received.
From there, I looked at the person I once loved, thinking only of those happy days we were together, of those endless talks in the garden, about the weather, about the silly clothes of the nobles, of the stupid piano tutor who dozes off in the middle of the lessons, of the fairy tale character named (F/N),...
... and I knew that she, along with her husband, who I will hate for the rest of my miserable life, could no longer be spared. And at that brief moment, she turned to look at me.
It was the last time we looked at each other like that.
Her stupid husband stopped firing shit for a while as he noticed this and went towards me.
"Help us, Kenny, I beg of you." The idiot said as he kneeled in front of me. "I already sent the book away from here! We no longer have it! My younger brother has it! Please, spare us!"
But, I ignored him and went towards (F/N), who was still crying, confused, and holding onto Levi's stuffed animal like it could drive away the demons that plagued her family. I took the child and turned away from that place, away from the rest of the Fleminger household,...
... away from the woman I once loved,...
... and probably still do,...
But, before I left, I heard her say this,...
"Keep her safe, promise me."
That was the last thing I heard from her before I left the house with (F/N) and my second - in - command, Traute Carven.
Before I heard gunshots coming from that place,...
I knew you assumed it was all good now. But, you're wrong. Even the storm that ensued the event assures you of this.
Eventually, they found out that the Fleminger couple had a child and immediately spread out around the city looking for her, even in the relentless rain,...
... even knowing that a child couldn't possibly have done anything wrong despite the mistakes of her parents.
After so much running and hiding, we pushed her there, at a farm in a remote village in Wall Rose. Traute and I have to, or else death would come to both the two of us and that innocent child.
But, just like any other stories, everything returned to normal. Traute's team who were loyal only to us made sure to pronounce Claire Louise Lavender Fleminger as dead to avoid further investigation. Rod's loyal dogs even released the poor Duchess after a month.
Then, after a month, I visited the family who took in Lavender.
"I came to ask for a little girl about this tiny."
"Oh! You knew the girl! We didn't even know what to do with her during that storm, so we took her in!" A ginger - haired woman, who opened the door, told me.
"Is she safe?"
"Yes." the woman said and pointed towards their vast field, where a (H/C) haired child was playing happily with a ginger - haired little girl of the same age. "As you can see, my Petra already considers the girl as her sister. But, will you take the girl now?"
"Oh, no, no, no. I only came to visit her. But, can you, please, take care of her? I'll send in whatever I can to help financially. I promise."
"What is your name, Sir?"
"Oh, my name is not important. Don't mind it."
The woman smiled at me, then sighed.
"But, we don't know what to call her. What is her name, Sir?"
I smiled at her, thinking of the girl who granted wishes with her own strength and determination, as told from the favorite fairy tale of the woman I still adored and will always love for the rest of my life.
"Her name,... is (F/N) (L/N)."
~ @levi4mikasa , @chocolate-mmilk , @yepps , @unhappysap , @shewolfofficial , @super-peace-fangirl , @fangurl-ontgeside , @nerdyphantomlady , and @emilyackerman78 . 💜
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emvancd · 5 years
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is that ODEYA RUSH wearing that RAVENCLAW scarf ? no, it appears to be EMMELINE VANCE who happens to be a SEVENTH year !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re INDEPENDENT and BRILLIANT, but might also seem STUBBORN and COMBATIVE. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else.
whaddup whaddup it’s me, bonnie, with another character bc i’m trash . anyways, info about emmeline is below the cut, and if we haven’t plotted yet, just like this and i’ll come bothering u for plots !
so emmeline’s from ireland, born to an irish wizard ( donnacha vance ) and jewish muggle ( freida rothman )
her parents met when they were young in london when donnacha was on holiday
so they quickly fell in love and freida moved over to ireland with little hesitation & they got married right away 
for the first couple years of emmeline’s life the vance family was happy, donnacha worked enough to where freida didn’t need to work, so she stayed home with young emmeline
and emmeline showed signs of being a witch at a young age, things falling off counters with just a wave of her hand u kno 
so yeah, until the letter came from hogwarts, emmeline’s mom homeschooled her & freida certainly rubbed her personality off onto emmeline, and her poor dad didn’t stand a chance with such strong personalities in the home
and at hogwarts, she quickly proved that she was a ravenclaw in her classes, though she was definitely a hatstall, almost being put into gryffindor 
but she excels in almost every class, even when she’s too busy mouthing off in class ( and you know it’s her because of her thick irish accent )
and if you think she’s bad mouthing off in class, don’t even get her started on the quidditch pitch alright, she doesn’t fuck around
tw: death of a parent - but tragedy struck the vance family when she was only in third year and her mom died in a car accident and it...kinda ruined her dad, so that year she spent a lot of time going back and forth from home with permission from dumbledore
so like she was already strong and independent before, but after that she kinda took on being the strong one in her fam to help her dad grieve and everything because she loved her mom, but her dad was crushed for awhile after
she’s just incredibly strong-willed and powerful is really the only word i can describe her. she’s a brilliant witch, a pretty damn good quidditch player ( she plays beater ), and she just has a powerful presence wherever she goes
but yeah, she also ... will fight any blood supremacist on sight and she’s been known to have a couple detentions because of it 
also she’s bi as hell, but leans more towards the ladies ok
connection wise i’d love to see; couple of flings here and there, people she’s gotten into fights with over the course of the years, ride or dies u kno, quidditch rivals, tutorees u kno, literally anyting ok just like this
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Wakanda Got Y’all
[Black Panther x Insecure Mashup]
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N:  This was something a friend of mine and I thought of after like the second or third time watching Black Panther together. I wrote this back in April, actually.  Since Black Panther is coming to America to do his community service and whatnot, it’s only natural that Issa and We Got Y’all somehow gets involved too for research purposes!
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“What time are they supposed to be here by?”  Issa asks Frieda in a deadpan tone.  
“Uh, 2 o’clock.  It’s only 1:45, they are still on the way for sure.”  Frieda assures.
It was put in motion a month ago that We Got Y’all would be making a collaborative effort with an international organization to create a revamp to the kids after-school program.  Things had become a bit stale for Issa and her co-workers at their respective locations.  The children were acting out due to the boredom; they felt from the same old field trips and curriculum they are forced to consume every semester.  
“I know, but what happened to ‘early means on time, on time means late.’  We been sitting here forever, I’m ready to ghost already.”  Issa rolls her eyes.
“Ooh, you’re preaching to the choir.  Big weekend plans?”  Frieda perks up.
Issa thinks to herself.  Her netflix list is hoarded with documentaries and old shows she keeps meaning to binge through, but then she has Real Housewives and of course it was a wash day.
“Um yeah, probably gonna hit the town up with Molly.  Scope out the man meat running around the jungle, know what I mean,”  Issa laughs whilst lying.
“Yeah man.  That sounds so cool, I wish I had your energy.  I’ll probably just be in channel surfing, shaving since I’ve been putting that off.”
Issa stops smiling as she was embarrassed, thinking about why she felt she had to lie to make herself seem cooler.  She was supposed to be cool by default being the black representative at her office but she always felt ten steps behind in relevance except for with Frieda.  But whenever she got gumption to open up, Frieda would say some really dumb shit that would just jade out Issa.
Soon the door to the conference room opened.  In walked two women, bald and dressed like Sharon Stone at Coachella.  They didn’t say a word or crack a smile as they stared into the depths of Issa and Frieda’s souls.  Frieda hops up, “Hello ladies.  I’m Fri-”
“Silence!”  One on the right said in a foreign tongue.  Issa stands up next to Frieda.
“The hell is this about?  Is security knowing about this?”  Issa whispered.
“Security hasn’t been around here for about three months now.  The budget wasn’t accommodating for it.”  Frieda explained, nervously.
Right after finishing her sentence, a man walks in with purpose.
“Good Afternoon, ladies.  I apologize if we kept you waiting too long.”  he says walking in.
Issa looks over a quick moment, wondering who in the hell would be wearing a wool trench and all black in the middle of Crenshaw but he wore it without problem.
“Oh, no problem at all!  I was a little put off by your Stepford Baddies rolling in with you though.  Are they joining the conversation or…”
He looks away at them, nods and they disperse.  Turning back to Issa and Frieda he is apologetic.  
“No, they are my royal guard in a way.  Dora Milaje is what we call them back home.  Ayo and Okoye are my most trusted, but they can be a bit abrasive to outsiders.  Please let me introduce myself, I am T’Challa.”
He reaches his hand out and Issa takes it, “I’m Issa, and this is Frieda.”
Frieda tucks her hair behind her ear and shakes his hand vigorously, smile taking up her whole face.  “It is so good to meet you, Your Highness. I hope your travels weren’t too difficult to get here.”
He shakes his head, smiling, “No, not at all.  Much easier then finding my country, that’s for sure.”
Frieda and T’Challa laugh at this, but Issa is lost.  Why is a third world country being remote a punchline?  She joins their dying chorus of chuckles a little late and continues.
“Were there others that were supposed to come though?”
“Yes, they will be joining us any minute now.”
On cue, a woman and man walk in to join them.  1a woman in green with bantu knots comes in slightly irritated looking but brightens ups quickly at the sight of Issa and Frieda.
“Hello!  You must be Issa and Frieda from We Got Y’all.  Apologies for the staggered entry.  I am Nakia, I’ll be working directly with you guys on the outreach program.  And this is Erik.”
The man is standing against a wall in the back, also wearing a jacket on a sunny California day.  He plays with a  toothpick in his mouth and says, “What’s up, how you doin’, Is?”  
Issa squints at him, put back by his attitude.  She thought about how he fits in with the international outreach program team.  He sounds like every other nigga in Los Angeles.  But looks a whole helluva lot better than them.
Issa stammers, “Hey, um nice to meet all of you!  Let’s have a seat and we can go over the points.”
Gathered around the table, Issa starts.  
“So, I wanted to start off by saying how great it is to have you here.  We could really use your influence to get some great things going here.  Do you want to share what made you decide to start with us?”
T’Challa paused, and as soon as he began to open his mouth Erik jumped in, “Yeah, he just trying to atone for the sins of his father and ancestors ignoring his people for so long, right cousin?” He leans, golds twinkling.
T’Challa says, “N’jadaka, you gave me your word-”
“Yeah, and I told you not to call me that in the States either.  Got a reputation to keep on.”  He looks at Issa, smiling wryly.  “But I’d love to hear you call me a liar.  You know what it is, Wakanda been had all these resources and manpower to get shit done, didn’t do shit; so now shit gotta get cleaned up.  And NOW here his ass come.”  He leans back, scoffing to himself.
Frieda looks around confused, “I’m sorry, but we didn’t get a clear history of your background T’Challa.  The United Nations summit speech revealed you all were well endowed- or, sorry equipped- or tsk, you all hold a lot of materials that can benefit a host of people.  But to start here in LA, what makes this area stand out.”
“We have a past here ourselves.  Our War Dogs have many posts throughout the world and a couple of decades ago, my Uncle, Erik’s father, laid a lot of groundwork here in a way that was ahead of his time but a little short-sighted.  We want to do right by this area for what it has been plagued with since, and use it as an example to go forward in other communities.” T’Challa says.
“And with a bit of a push at home, we have decided that now is the best time than any to open our borders to distribute aid.  Wakandans are an intelligent, proud people and we have no reason to waver on this endeavor.” Nakia adds.
Issa nods, “That sounds great! So what is your first order of business?”
T’Challa starts, “We want to buy out the building my Uncle was posted in, and the surrounding units.  We hope to repurpose them , make them into office/community center spaces to educate and equip people with the resources to do well for themselves.”
“He wants to give y’all a fancy YMCA for now, just to get his feet wet.  Putting his money to work for him, we will see how much work HE put in though.”  Erik sneers.
“Nakia has already been appointed as the head of this project, you know that.” T’Challa chimes in annoyed.
“Yeah, yeah.  Wakandan women break their backs just to stay second place to their men. You know, I hope you gave your Dora some raises cuz if it weren’t for them sistahs, you’d be-”
T’Challa jumps up, “N’jadaka!”
Erik rose as soon as T’Challa had twitched a muscle.  Eyeballing each other, this created a bit of an awkward moment for everyone.  Nakia has her hands out between them, saying to them in Xhosa, “Aye!  We are here to do business!  A truce has been put between you.  We cannot let a grudge stop us from helping our communities.  Keep your masculinity to a minimum, we are in a meeting for Bast’s sake!”
Nakia smiles, stretching out her hand, “I hate to cut this short for myself, but I have other matters to attend to.  It has been a great pleasure to speak with you both.  I will email you on some event ideas for the future.”
T’Challa and Erik keep their eyes on each other until Nakia boxes them both on the chest, before walking out.
T’Challa turns to Issa, “Thank you, Issa.  My apologies for our outburst; death and family squabbles are all that is guaranteed in life, as the saying says.”
Issa quirks her face up, “I thought it was death and taxes…”
“Is it?  Sorry, taxes are not a thing in Wakanda’s economy, I confess.”  T’Challa says meekly.  
Issa looks at him shook, “No taxes?  You know how much money I would have if I didn’t have taxes?  You have any extra citizenship cards or….”
T’Challa chuckles, “No, but let me make it up to you with a drink or a bite to eat, both of you.  We can go over particulars more closely as well.”
Issa smiles a little more goofy than she meant.  This fine African King wants to strut the town with her?? Well, it’s a professional dinner date, but still!
Issa exclaims a little too loudly, “Yeah, of course! Ahem, um, we can make that happen.  Just give me your contact info.”
“Thank you, Mr. T’Challa. I can’t wait to really pick your brain.  Maybe I’ll get a haircut prior!”  says Frieda, smiling gleefully.  
T’Challa and Issa look at her confused.  
“The fuck you talkin’ bout lady?”  Erik asks.
“Well, you seem to keep a lot of women around, well not a lot but with short cuts, and with Issa in the mix, I was just trying….trying to fit in there.”  Freida mumbles, her energy dying with her supposed joke.
“Ha HA!  She said you only rock with bald headed baddies, my guy.  And for real, she got a point.  He the romantic one anyway.  Not like he would do much hair tugging any damn way.”
“Erik, I am so glad you gave me the opportunity to finish our challenge.  Remember how that almost worked out for you?”  T’Challa says threateningly, pointing towards Erik’s face.
Issa swiftly turns back to T’Challa, “This really has been fun!  A drink sounds really good right now I’ll go over the quirks of California humor while we’re there too, huh?”
“So, I can’t join your little tea party?”  Erik looks dramatically shocked, clutching his pearls.
“Oh, well yeah you can.  I didn’t know how involved you were trying to be in this project.”
“Oh I’m getting involved,” takes a step closer to Issa. “Very involved.  Plus, why would I turn down a reason to pop bottles on cousin’s tab,”  Erik bites his lip, clapping T’Challa on the back.
Frieda clears her throat, “Then we can make ourselves a double date then!  It works out just fine that way.”
Erik looks sideways at her, “Who the hell said date, Felicia?”
T’Challa grabs Erik’s shoulder, “Be polite, remember?  Excuse his attitude, it does not come from my side of the family.”
“Neither does style, my nigga. Shit, your sister just got you out of your Samaritan sandals yesterday.  Keep it pushing man.”
The back and forth continues as they leave the building.  Issa and Frieda collectively sigh.
“Oh my God!  That was cray, right?  A King, his subjects, his antagonizing brother, I feel Shakespearean!”  Frieda says excitedly hyperventilating.
Issa laughs, “Yeah, they just seems like a regular Black family to me, with accents.  But I’m going to go so I can be ready for tonight.”
“Oh, we should coordinate our outfits.  Are we doing professional, casual, sexy?”
“I’ll let you know when T’Challa hits me up with the location details, ok?”
Issa sits at a table waiting for her friend to join happy hour; ain’t no way she was going to go out without getting some information to and from her.  She trots up and sits down, breaths out deep.
“So, when are we getting our royal wedding? Did he present you with a gift yet?  What color were the rose petals he steps on?” she says with a hair flip, tongue out gagging.
“Uh-uh, Molly.  We just got a Black royal, no way can there be two.”  Issa says.
Molly rolls her eyes, “But bitch, there is two, more than.  I read the nigga T’Challa is deadass the richest one out here on the planet!  And he is inches away from you and you not tryna trap him?”
Issa massages her temples in frustration, “I just got out of a relationship.  Why would I subject myself to a low level as to offer my body and time to someone just so that I can have a possibility at a wealthy life?  One that I have never seen evidence of yet, by the way.”
Molly says out the side of her mouth, “So you had a man last year, life goes on.  Plus, it’s better than seeing every broke part of these niggas and still fucking with them in spite of it all.”
“Wow!  Are we here to read or are we here to drink?  Cuz school is done, the kids are put to bed, and you’re not my mama.”
“Girl, somebody’s gotta be.”  Molly quips before the waiter steps up to the table to take their order.
Issa starts, “So anyway, me and Frieda are supposed to meet him and his cousin for a drink to talk over We Got Y’all.”  
“Ugh, why do people always have to involve their family with their business?  That’s a recipe for disaster.”  Molly says fanning herself.
“I mean, they say he is like their American liason at this point.  His cousin is from here, so in case things get lost in translation, he can bridge the gap.”
“Oh?  What’s his cousin name?”  Molly asks intrigued.
“Erik.  And I swear he was coming on to me in the middle of the meeting.”
“Is he foine?”  Molly asks.
The waiter comes back with their drinks in time for Issa to sip.  “Woo!  Yeah girl, he is finer than a rat tail comb.”
“Ok, cuz I know Frieda ain’t going after one of them seriously; I think I need to come with you to scope the real estate.”  Molly says stoically.
Issa giggles, “Girl, what?  This is business, not a speed date.”
Molly raises her hands, “I know, I know!  But listen, these are international and halfrican ass niggas you are associating with.  If they looks are worth an ounce of the wealth they possess, I’m packing one to go, and winging the other one for you.  Cuz it ain’t fun unless the homies get some!”  Molly says giving Issa’s hand a motherly shake.
“Ugh, fine.  But don’t do the most!  This is my job, I’ll give you the signal when it is time for you to swoop in and sink you talons into the prey.”  Issa says demonstratively.
Molly peers at you, “So you callin me a bird, bitch?”
Issa shrugs when her phone dings for a text.  Looking at it she sees it is T’Challa asking about a date for the meeting.
Swirling her drink, Molly asks, “What’s up?”
Issa says, “The guy, T’Challa wants to know if tomorrow is good for our dinner meeting.”
“That works for me!  Ask him if you can bring a plus one!”  
After texting T’Challa back, Issa sucks her teeth, “Molly, Frieda is my plus one!  I told you this is business until I give you the signal.
Issa gets a message back.  Reading it, Molly asks what it says.
“He has someone else that will be coming to.”  Issa reads.
“See!  If he bringing someone, you can too!”
“Hmm, someone named M’Baku.  Just showing him around the city from what it sounds like…”
Molly claps, “Another one!?  Oh my God, that’s a lotta brown chirren on ya Forbes list!  Let me at it.  Bitch, Whatchu got in your closet?  Do we need to shop?”
Issa gives Moly a look, “With what money hoe?  I got some stuff I can put together.”
“Nah, we aren’t patching shit up, we are arranging a look, building a fit.  If you need something let me know, cuz your success somewhat depends on mine.”
“Thanks for saving my poor ass.  But ok, I’m peeping that.  Leggo!”
Part 2
Other Works
King Kil’mawalls  
Some Weeks Are Better Than Others
Commencement Day
Song of Stevens
The Coffee Prince
N’Jadaka’s Helpful Hands
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blastron01 · 6 years
Ascendance of a Bookworm – 073
Interlude: Visiting Miss Corinna's House
My name is Tuuli! I'm eight years old.
When my little sister Maïne said she got everything figured out at the temple about becoming a sister-in-training, I was super relieved. She's not going to die because of the devouring, and she's not going to be a gray-robed priestess and get treated like an orphan. I was really scared that she'd go away and I'd never see her again, but that's not going to happen, and I'm super happy about that!
The day after Mom and Dad got called out to the temple, Maïne headed out to go to Mister Benno's shop. She said that she needed to ask him some things about how she should be dealing with the head priest, and that while she was there she was going to figure out what day she was going to meet with Miss Corinna. Last time she met with her, she went all by herself, and I was stuck at home. This time, though, Maïne said that she'd ask Miss Corinna if I could come too.
Aaahh, I'm really looking forward to this! My Maïne is such a good girl, always thinking of her big sister! I'm gonna get to brag to all my friends at the workshop about how I got to go to Miss Corinna's house.
Miss Corinna's really amazing! When she came of age, she got her own workshop, and then she started getting orders from the nobility to make clothes for them. To apprentice seamstresses like me, she's like a shining star in the sky, someone that one day we want to be just like.
The story of how her amazing husband proposed to her super dramatically is like a legend you'd hear from a minstrel. All the apprentice seamstresses talk about it. For the sake of his love, he cast aside his dreams of being a merchant, spent all of the money he'd saved up, and then proposed to her! Hearing rumors like that, it's really obvious to see that he really loves her a lot. It's the kind of story that every girl wants to be part of.
I wonder what kind of person Miss Corinna is? All I know is that Maïne said that she was really nice, and also really pretty.
The front door opens, and Maïne comes leaping in. "I'm home, Tuuli!" she says, beaming. "Miss Corinna said that she definitely wants to see you and Mom too. Tomorrow afternoon, she said."
From how hard she's panting, it looks like she was kinda hurrying home. Immediately after she tells me about this, she collapses on the spot.
"Maïne?!" I say. "Urgh... I really wanted to come home and tell you as quick as I could, maybe I over did it? Sorry." "It'll be a big problem if you can't actually make it out there tomorrow. Come sit down and take a break."
Maïne flops limply into a chair, and her glossy, dark blue hair falls down behind her. She's always trying her best at a lot of different things, so she's gotten a little bit healthier, but she's definitely still not actually strong, and she's still not getting any bigger. She still looks like she's four years old, and I really can't help but worry about her.
When she stands next to Lutz, who's the same age as her, she looks like his little sister, and lately when she goes to the forest, kids two years younger than her offer to help her out, which always makes her slump over dejectedly. She's not weak just because she has the devouring. Even when she got cured, she was still really frail. She said that Freida, who has the same disease, doesn't have that problem.
Maïne rubs at her temples. "...Hmm, am I doing better now?" she says.
She stands up, then starts slowly moving around. She carefully folds up her nice dress and puts it in the bag that she made herself and really likes, making sure that it doesn't get dirty, then puts her hairpin in as well. As soon as I realize that she's getting her things ready for tomorrow, I ask her a question.
"Maïne, what about me? Do I need to do anything to get ready?" "No, I can't think of anything... but since it's such a special occasion, maybe we should wash our hair with rinsham?" "Yeah!"
Maïne and I start washing our hair with the rinsham I made. I didn't used to wash it this much, but lately I guess I've started thinking that I need to keep myself looking nice. Even at a workshop, the only people who can talk to customers and show them around are people who make sure they're dressed very neatly.
"Hey, Maïne," I say. "Today, they let me sit at the front desk for the first time!" "Wow, really? That's great, Tuuli!" "It's all thanks to you," I say.
A while back, when I was grumbling to Maïne about how only pretty people got to meet with the customers at work, she said to me, "It's because first impressions are vital when dealing with customers. It is absolutely something that merchants pay attention to. If you want to go from someone who only works in the back room making things to someone who gets to work publicly with customers, then you have to make sure to keep yourself clean, pay attention to your manners, and so on." It was cautionary advice about a merchant's viewpoint.
She also said that I should make sure that my work clothes are nice enough that customers can see me in, and in order to make sure that they don't get dirty I should wear an apron that even covers my sleeves. That way, if I have to talk to a customer, then I can take off the apron, and be wearing clean clothes. I took her advice to heart, and now I'm in a place where I can do work that involves talking to customers, too.
"I'm home," says Mom, as she comes through the front door.
She arrives as Maïne and I are in the middle of talking about what we've gotten done today as we carefully wash our hair. When she sees us drying our hair and thoroughly combing it out, her eyes widen slightly.
"Oh my, you're using rinsham? ...Does that mean...?" "Yep!" says Maïne. "Tomorrow, we get to go to Miss Corinna's house."
Mom, when she hears this, immediately tells me and Maïne that we're on dinner duty today and starts washing her hair. Since we definitely understand that she wants to make herself as pretty as possible before meeting with Miss Corinna, Maïne and I just shrug at each other and give up our seats.
"I'm going to wear the new summer dress you just finished making for me tomorrow," I say to Mom. "Good idea. That'll keep you cool, and you look good in it, too."
The cloth that we didn't need to use to make Maïne's dress has turned into a new summer dress for me, instead. Unlike Maïne, I'm actually growing healthily, so I'm always getting too big for my clothes really quickly.
There wasn't enough cloth to make the entire dress, so the skirt part was actually sewn together patchwork-style out of a few different colors of cloth in order to be long enough. It wound up looking like it's decorative, so it looks really cute. It's my favorite dress.
I wonder if Miss Corinna is going to think it looks cute, too?
The next day, the three of us leave the house fairly early, making sure that we'll be able to get there in time even going at Maïne's walking speed. As we pass through the central plaza and enter the north side of town, the clothes of the people around us start to get more colorful, and I start seeing people who are wearing clothes with lots of cloth. Since it's rare for me to come to the north part of town, I look down self-consciously at my own clothes, wondering if I'm sticking out too much. When I look up at Mom, I see that she looks a little worried about how other people are looking at her too. Maïne, however, doesn't look the least bit worried. In fact, she seems really energetic! She's still really slow, though.
"Miss Corinna's house is right above Mister Benno's shop," she says.
When she says that, it starts to make sense. Mom and I have only heard Maïne talk about these things. We haven't seen them ourselves. Maïne, though, comes this way with Lutz a lot. There's no way she'd be worried.
"Oh no, how should I introduce myself?" says Mom. "You could start with 'it's nice to meet you', right?" says Maïne. "Then maybe something like 'thank you for inviting us here'? And then when you meet Mister Benno and Mister Mark, you could say 'thank you for looking after my daughter', I think."
Maïne immediately has an answer ready for our very stressed-out Mom. We don't usually need to formally introduce ourselves, but maybe when working at the gates or at a shop, this is the kind of thing you need to be able to bring out immediately, I wonder? She didn't hesitate at all.
"Maïne, how about me? How do I introduce yourself?" "Just put on your cutest smile!" she says, beaming. "I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be happy if you smile and say how much you've been looking forward to meeting them."
Mom and I start practicing our introductions as we walk. Maïne watches us, looking amused. Since she's wearing her apprentice's clothes, she really blends in here, unlike me and Mom. I suddenly feel like there's a side of her that we don't know about. It's a strange, uncomfortable, almost frustrating sort of feeling.
"Miss Corinna, hello~!"
Maïne is completely unperturbed as she knocks on the door. Mom and I, on the other hand, are not. With every floor we passed as we climbed the stairs, Mom started shivering more and more, and I couldn't stop my legs from wobbling with every step.
Wait a bit, Maïne! I'm still not ready!
Before I have a chance to settle my nerves, the door opens. "Maïne, hello, come in!" says Corinna. She looks up at us. "You must be Maïne's mother and sister. Welcome! I'm Corinna. Please, come in."
The door has opened to reveal a beautiful, charming woman. She is way younger and prettier than I even imagined. Her glossy, pale, cream-colored hair shines like moonlight, and her thin, gentle eyes are a gray that gleams like silver as she looks at us with the kindest expression. Even though her colors are make her look almost ephemeral, she also has a really good figure. The parts of her that are supposed to stick out stick way out, and her waist is very narrow. Her body is the womanly ideal.
"Miss Corinna, it's nice to meet you," says Mom. "My name is Eva; I'm Maïne's mother. Thank you very much for inviting us here today."
Mom delivers her rehearsed introduction, slightly bending her knees and lowering her chest in a small curtsey. I copy what she did, and introduce myself too.
"It's nice to meet you, Miss Corinna! My name's Tuuli. I've been really looking forward to coming here. I'm happy I get to meet you!" "I've been looking forward to meeting you as well. When I saw Maïne's dress, even from far away, it stood out a lot to me. I thought I definitely had to see it up close. Sorry if I'm being a little selfish, calling you all the way out here."
Corinna's gentle smile is infectious, and I can't stop myself from smiling too. Her smile is as warm as a clear spring day.
"Please, wait here for a moment. I'll go get some tea ready."
The room that Miss Corinna brings us to looks like it's a room that she uses for work, filled with embroidered cloth and samples of the clothing that she's made. There's so many decorations, this is a really wonderful-looking room. There's a couple of tables in the room; one in the middle, that looks like it's for talking, and one off to the side that looks like it's for working. The table we've got in our kitchen that we use for literally everything doesn't even come close.
Aaaaaa!! This is so amazing~!
Both Mom and me can't keep our eyes off of all of the clothing set up around the room and the colorful tapestries hung up on the walls. I never thought that I'd ever see something this beautiful. I slowly spin around, taking it all in, one thing at a time. Every single thing is sewn neatly, colored brilliantly, richly decorated, and sewn into designs that are completely different from anything I've ever worn. I sigh in complete wonder, looking at these decorations.
"So pretty..." I murmur. "how in the world do I learn how to make things like this? I'd never think to make any of these designs. Is it really just practice?" "Skill is very important, yeah," says Maïne. "but if you want to come up ideas like those, looking at lots of good examples is just as important, too."
I wasn't expecting her to say anything, so I turn to look at her. She seems tired, sitting all alone in her chair, legs lazily dangling as she looks at me with her golden eyes.
"What do you mean?" "If you're not paying attention to what rich people are wearing, what kind of fads and trends there are, and so on, then you won't have any ideas like this. Miss Corinna was born into money, so she's naturally surrounded by good examples. That's why she knows about what's good to make." "So, then, it's impossible for me?"
I slump my shoulders, having been told that I can never get there no matter how hard I try. Maïne, though, shakes her head, saying "no, that's not it."
"I know that going to the forest on your days off is still really important, but whenever you can, you should head past the central plaza and take a walk in the northern parts of town. There's lots of rich people walking around there, and there's lots of shops where those kinds of people shop, you know? Lots of different kinds of clothes on display. If you compare them, then you can figure out what kinds of colors and designs are fashionable right now, and use those as reference, I think."
On my days off, I've been going to the forest, but have never gone to the north part of town. I actually think I can count the number of times I've gone north past the central plaza on one hand. I hadn't realized that going someplace where rich people are would be a good source of information about the kinds of things rich people liked to wear.
"And then, the patterns on these tapestries and the flowers on this embroidery... this is all stuff you can find in the forest, you know? If you take a good look around you at things like that, when you have to come up with a design I'm sure you'll think of something useful." "...Okay. I'll try that!"
It looks like Maïne looks at this clothing and these decorations completely differently compared to me. I wonder if the difference between me, who was swept away by how pretty everything is, and her is the difference between a craftswoman and a merchant? I try to keep my feelings in check as I stare intently at Miss Corinna's work, focusing on trying to find some sort of new technique that I can borrow, even how I am now.
"Oh my, Tuuli," says Miss Corinna, entering the room with a servant woman in tow. "I'm a little embarrassed that you're looking so closely." "I never see clothes like this anywhere, so I don't get any chance to look at them like this. I'm an apprentice seamstress, but they still don't let me work on big things like clothing yet..."
Lately, I've finally started to be given work to do on small accessories and stitchery in places that won't be noticed, but I'm still a long ways away from being able to make clothes all by myself.
"Practicing the basics is very important! You need to be able to make a nice, straight stitch if you want to make beautiful clothing." "I'll try my hardest! Um, Miss Corinna? How did you sew this part here?" "Oh, this? Well..."
As the servant woman sets up some tea and sweets on the table, Miss Corinna explains a few things about the various pieces of clothing around the room. At some point, Mom joins in, listening along with me. Maïne is the only one left out, looking uninterested as she sits at the table.
"Please, eat!" "Thank you very much."
At Miss Corinna's urging, I take a sip of tea. It's amazing, completely unlike the tea we drink at home. It feels like the flavor's spreading out all through my mouth.
"This is really good!" "I'm glad that you like it," says Miss Corinna, smiling sweetly.
I glance at my family to see if they agree. Mom's making a face that looks like she thinks it's good, but can't stop thinking about how much it costs, and Maïne has her eyes closed, entranced by the flavor.
"Please, have some of this too."
Miss Corinna pushes a plate towards me, on which is a pastry made of a thin, bread-like dough topped with fruit and honey. I pick up a slice of it, then take a bite.
Hmmm, it's good, but compared to this I like the recipes that Maïne's been teaching me even better.
A little while ago, Maïne went to Frieda's house to teach her a recipe, and came back with a bag of sugar in exchange. Then she started teaching me how to make all sorts of sweets I'd never even heard of, like "crepes", "compote", and "pseudo-cookies". She even says that when it gets colder out she wants to make something called "pudding", but it seems like it needs to be cooled so it won't work during the summer. She also put some fruit, some sugar, and some alcohol in a pot and sealed it up. She says that she's making something that'll be full of summer flavor by the time winter comes around. I can't wait!
"This is delicious, and so sweet," says Maïne, taking another bite. "I'm so envious that you can use so much honey on these..." Corinna smiles wryly. "If that's how you feel, why don't you buy some yourself? You've certainly made Benno bitter enough to afford it." "I'm keeping my workshop's funds separate from my own personal spending money."
After we finish eating, we immediately take out Maïne's dress. Mom and Maïne show it to Miss Corinna, and they explain all the alterations that we made. Miss Corinna picks it up and looks over it carefully, inspecting the backs of the seams and rolling up the hems.
"I never would have guessed this was an alteration," she says. "It would have been much easier to make something from scratch," agrees Maïne.
As Maïne explains, Miss Corinna writes something on a little wooden board. She looks just like Maïne does when she's writing on her slate or on her paper. I start to wonder if maybe I should learn how to read and write, too. Being able to write like that is actually kinda cool, I think.
"And this is the hairpin, hm..." murmurs Miss Corinna, picking up the hairpin. The strands of small white flowers sway as she turns it over in her hands. "This is the first time I've seen anything like it." "I made the big white one here," I say, proudly. "Oh! It's very beautiful, Tuuli," she replies.
Being praised by Miss Corinna makes my heart melt.
She traces a pale fingertip along the flower. "This hairpin is really beautiful. ...I think I might want to make ones like these at my workshop; would that be alright?"
She smiles, gently tilting her head. This is the most amazingly astounding thing that could possibly happen. I hadn't even dreamed that Miss Corinna would like the hairpin so much that she'd want to make something like it herself! Overjoyed, I open my mouth, ready to say "Of course!!", but before the words leave my mouth Maïne shakes her head.
"There are terms," she says. I choke. "M... Ma... Maïne?!"
I absolutely can not believe that Maïne, after having finally been called all the way out to Miss Corinna's house, would make demands! My eyes nearly pop out of my head. Maïne looks at me, raising her hand to calm me down.
"These hairpins are our winter's handiwork, one of our most important sources of income. We can't just give away permission to anyone we want. No matter how much they say they want to make it, if they don't buy the rights to do so, then that only hurts us."
Maïne's words are like cold water thrown in my face. It's true, these hairpins are a very, very good source of income for us. I suddenly remember just how much money we'd made last winter, and lose interest in stopping her.
"Alright, then, please talk with my brother about that."
Miss Corinna rings a bell. The servant lady appears, and Miss Corinna tells her to go get her brother. Soon, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Corinna, I got your message, what's... Ah, you must be Maïne's family? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Benno, Corinna's older brother."
So, then, is this the Mister Benno that's done so much for Maïne?
His light, curly hair, the color of milk tea, frames his kind looking face and his reddish-brown eyes. The way he smiles so sociably makes him look very much like Miss Corinna, and his easy, friendly introduction leaves me with the impression that he's a very good person.
"I'm Eva, Maïne's mother. Thank you for looking after my daughter." "I'm Tuuli! Hello."
My mother introduces herself, and I frantically follow suit. Mister Benno smiles broadly, nodding at the two of us in turn, then looks down at Maïne, quirking an eyebrow.
"Maïne, what is it this time?" "A request from Miss Corinna. She wants the rights to make my hairpins. How much are you willing to buy them for?" "Business, then?" "Business, sir."
Benno nods, and his demeanor changes in a single, terrifying instant. As soon as a truly merchant-like expression appears on his face, the gentle air about him disappears entirely. With a thud, he sits down roughly in a chair across from Maïne, a fierce glint in his eyes as he stares at her.
"This much," he says, holding up several fingers. Maïne scoffs. "I certainly can't sell it for that little. I'd rather take this to Freida instead."
Even though she is seated directly in front of Benno, who is giving off a terrifyingly menacing air, Maïne's expression doesn't flicker in the slightest bit as she turns down his offer like it's the most obvious thing to do. Instead, she looks like she might even be a little gleeful when faced with this competition.
"We've already decided that the things Maïne's Workshop makes would be sold through Lutz, haven't we?" "The things Maïne's Workshop makes, correct? That doesn't include recipes or rights, you know?" "You cheeky little...!"
Benno's exasperated shout causes Mom and I, who are still seated at the same table as these two, to flinch back in shock. Maïne, however, just smiles sweetly, tilting her head curiously to the side.
"Oh, speaking of which, Mister Benno! How much did you decide you're selling rinsham for? I had a chat with Freida, and it seems that when it comes to the rights for a completely new product that has no other competition, prices should start at no lower than a large gold coin, shouldn't they? I think I might have been selling my ideas to you for very reasonable rates! Hee hee hee~..."
I'd heard her talk about it before, but this is the first time I've seen Maïne working as a merchant. I know that hearing about it and seeing it are two entirely different things, but seeing her dealing evenly with such a terrifying adult is leaving me completely dumbfounded.
What do I do? My little sister's scary...
At home, she's always worn out, she gets sick whenever she tries to do any work, and she's just as useless at helping around the house as she's always been, so this is the first time I've seen her take such an active, prominent role in something. I'm honestly shocked. I know she'd been aiming to become an apprentice merchant at Mister Benno's shop and gave it up because her health wouldn't allow it, but I wonder if she'd really wanted to stick with it? This really seems to suit her.
"This will take a while," says Miss Corinna, standing up suddenly. "Please, come this way." "Huh? ...Huh?"
Corinna beckons us over to the table on the edge of the room. Mom and I exchange a look, then quietly stand up and follow her. I'm worried about Maïne, but even if we stayed with her, it really didn't feel like there was anything we could do to help her.
"My brother looks like he's enjoying himself very much, so it'll probably take a while," she says quietly, looking at the other table. "...That said, I'm really impressed by Maïne, how she's able to negotiate with my brother like that."
This is the first time I've ever realized how amazing Maïne can be. I'm her older sister, but I didn't know anything about this until just now.
"How about we leave the merchants' talk to those two, and have our own discussion about sewing? Remind me, we'd been talking about how I shaped this skirt to drape like it does, right?" "Oh, yes! Please."
While the other table works their way through their haggling, a lively conversation about sewing grows at our table as we sip our tea. Miss Corinna kindly explains to us a lot about the kinds of styles and decorations that are currently in fashion with the nobility. It seems like there are a lot of different methods for sewing things, because she's mentioning names of things that, even when I hear them clearly, don't bring to mind anything that would help change the shape of a skirt. These are words that I would never hear at the workshop, no matter how much I talked with coworkers, and Miss Corinna is mentioning them one right after the others.
"What's that there?"
Whenever I have a question, Miss Corinna kindly answers it for me. I'm happy, but I'm also feeling a little ashamed. I've been working as an apprentice for a whole year now. I didn't think that I had so much left to learn. I'm fully realizing that just asking questions isn't going to be enough. If I don't put a lot of effort into practice and study, I'm never going to get to make any clothes for the customers.
"This is a kind of dress that is only just starting to come into fashion," she says, gesturing at a dress that's shown promptly in the center of a display.
It looks like the kind of dress that a noblewoman would wear to a fancy tea party. The cloth is glossy, the thread is fine, and the embroidery added here and there is simply splendid, and I can't help but sigh in admiration.
"It's lovely," I say. "But, I can't believe that you'd need a whole dress just for one use. It seems like it's a huge waste of money to me..." "Ah, you might be right. But think about it this way: when we sleep, when we go out, when we do dirty work... we have different kinds of clothes for different kinds of situations, don't we? When you have more money, then the situations you need different clothes for get more and more specific." "Huh..."
Suddenly, there's a loud clatter from the other table, as if someone had stood up very forcefully. When I look over in shock, I see that both Maïne and Mister Benno have stood up and are staring right at each other, with only the table providing any separation between them.
"You're not the slightest bit cute anymore, girl." "It's all thanks to your training, sir." "Hmph, maybe I gave you too much advice..." "Ah, but making sure you gather information from several sources so that you can be as accurate as possible is one of the fundamental principles of being a merchant, isn't it?"
The two of them shake hands, exchanging rueful smiles. It somehow feels like there is something dark lurking behind each of them that they're keeping restrained.
Yep, I don't think I could ever be a merchant, is the only thought that crosses my mind when I look at the two of them.
Maïne glances restlessly around the room, looking for us. When she spots us, she rushes over.
"We made a deal," she says as she gets closer, "so Mom, please teach Miss Corinna how to make the hairpins."
She grabs a cup of tea, which has grown cold by now, thanking Miss Corinna for bringing it out.
"Ahh... my throat got really dry." "Good work," says Corinna. "May I ask, how much did you settle on? I'll be deciding how much I sell them for based on that."
Maïne glances nervously at me and Mom, then quickly holds up a few fingers for Miss Corinna to see. Miss Corinna gasps slightly as she looks at Maïne's outstretched fingers. This must be some sort of merchant-specific sign, I think. I can't help but get a little annoyed, since I have no idea what it actually means.
"We've decided that you'll make hairpins at your workshop for one year, and during that time you'll have a total monopoly on selling them." "Even still, I'm impressed that you managed to get that much out of my brother."
Corinna really does seem impressed when she looks at Maïne. It seems like that finger sign translates to a particular amount of money.
"Hey, Maïne," I say. "How much is that?"
I'm legitimately curious as to how much the rights to make these hairpins might actually cost. When I ask, though, Maïne suddenly looks extremely troubled. She glances at Mom, then at Miss Corinna, then lets out a quiet moan.
"You can't say how much?" "I mean, it's a perfectly reasonable price..." she says. "It's not like I can't say it, but I really don't want to..."
I keep pestering her, despite how pained she's sounding. Eventually, she gives in, not even bothering to hide how reluctant she's feeling.
"...One large and seven small gold coins," she mutters. "What?! Did you say gold coins?!"
I'd thought that it was going to be expensive, but I'd been thinking that it was going to be a couple big silver coins. I was off by two entire digits, and the shock of it crashes into my brain like a bullet. My jaw drops, and Mom's eyes nearly bulge out of her skull.
"It sounds like a lot of money," she says, frantically waving her hands, "but it really is a fair price for selling the rights to something. I mean, this was Mister Benno. I really didn't rip him off! Also, these funds are for Maïne's Workshop, so it's not like this is my own money!"
No matter how desperately she's chucking out excuse after excuse, I can't believe at all that Maïne could have so calmly been dealing with a pile of money that huge.
I mean, these are large gold coins, right? It doesn't matter that she's insisting it's not her own money, but just how much does she have?! Is she secretly really amazing?! Wouldn't it be way better for her to be in business instead of going to the temple?
As I sit there, overwhelmed by the realization that not only do I have a long, long way to go with my sewing, but also that my little sister is actually amazing, our visit to Miss Corinna's house comes to a close.
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insomniac-arrest · 7 years
show: adventure time (miniseries: islands)
pairing: Frieda x Susan, bubbline
summary: Susan and Freida end up back in Ooo and Susan is a little worried about their relationship, she asks Princess Bubblegum (& Marceline) for advice.
A/N: hey, this is based off the AT miniseries (you can watch it here) and has spoilers. I highly recommend ‘Islands’ if you haven’t seen it already! It’s some of the shows best work I think.
Susan didn’t plan to go back to Ooo, in fact, one part of her had decided to never go back again.
Enough had happened there, and enough that she didn’t want to relive.
Nonetheless, a violent storm hit their ship like a punch to the gut, a gust as strong as a swing push from God sent them whirling off course.
It had been a year or so, but Susan recognized the bit of land almost right away. Freida looked at their GPS and rose her eyebrows, the slow smile- the one like a butterfly unfurling its damp wings for the first time, comes across her face, “Isn’t that Ooo?”
Susan furrows her brow, “I...Think so.” Frieda made a thoughtful noise and touched the back of Susan’s chair, “Isn’t that where you spent like, years? With that kid you came to the islands with.” Susan tried not to frown too deeply, it was also where her brain had been fried and she had spent some time going berzerk. Not great.
On the other hand, Freida looked interested, “There really no humans there, all just other talking stuff.” The other woman pondered, “Hey! And I could meet your old friends.” It was almost teasing, she had already realized Susan would need some convincing- and the redhead knew she would probably win.
Susan sighs, “We can visit the people I used to live with I suppose. Or um,” Susan rubs her upper lip, “Some kingdoms of Ooo if you want.” “Ooh,” Freida says not unironically, Susan rolls her eyes but turns back to her.
“They have a library princess and a hotdog princess.” Susan gives her own smile, “We could punch some monsters on the way even.” Freida gives her a frank look, “You can do the punching.” She kisses her on the cheek and Susan could have blushed her way into oblivion. “I just wanna see what’s out there.”
Susan was still getting to used to this.
Susan showed her around Ooo after they landed their ship and fixed the haul with duct tape and some spit after it was still a little battered.
Freida said they’d need a new engine transistor soon, but that shouldn’t be too hard, Susan smiles and she really couldn’t stop herself from staring. Her little dog hat flopping up and down and hands fiddling with the wires in the depths of their craft.
There was grease across her nose.
Susan stops her, because she really had to, honestly, and she told her she would just start showing her around, there was a lot to see.
Susan takes her to a talking stream, the witch’s donut garden (it turns out you can steal them if you’re real careful) and ends up punching some rough-boy robbers in a desert on a picnic. Not a bad time.
Freida is just as excited as she had always been, starting a little collection of singing mushrooms, cool rocks and a toy that told you your future every time you squeezed it hard enough.
Freida was laughing and choking the poor thing as it’s little face bulged out, it’s flat voice speaks: “You will not get dysentery in the next 2 to 4 days... Congratulations.” Susan thinks it may be a little annoyed with them.
Susan stokes the fire and Freida rips open a food packet with her teeth and squeezes the doll again, “You will make a new friend. They will sell you a new shirt, but it won’t be new. They slept in it, there is a mustard stain on the back. It’s a ripoff.” Freida raises an eyebrow and Susan laughs a little, “Okay.” Freida says slowly as she licks up some goop from her hand.
Susan shakes her head, “Come on, put ‘er down, try my green tea.” She smiles and Freida shrugs,
“One more, one more.” She squeezes the doll again, Susan could almost hear it sigh, it takes a long time to respond.
“You will find love.” Both of their eyes go huge, faces slack and Susan coughs after a moment, Freida quickly puts the doll down.
She settles down to eat with her, “Okay, we’ve checked out most the places out here, even that treasure cave that just makes you cry. What’s in that direction?” She asks curiously as she points to the north.
Susan hums and pours her tea into little cups they found, “The Ice Kingdom, it’s always winter and it’s ruled by the Ice King.” Freida sits up a little straighter, “Ice huh... Can we go there?” Susan frowns and shakes her head, making herself a little angry thinking about it. “He’s always trying to steal pretty girls, we shouldn’t go.” Considering the very idea made her want to punch him. “He’s a dillweed. I don’t want you locked in his lame cages.”
Freida blinked at her, mouth a little open, “Pretty girls?”
Susan spills some tea out over her lap from the little pot they were using, she ignores the burn on her leg. “And uh, that ways the Candy Kingdom! And Finn’s house.” She says quickly and points west.
Freida looked outward, “A candy kingdom?” Her face lit up into an excited smile, the butterfly wings one, Susan shivers. “Awesome. Can you eat it?”
Freida always did like things like toys (making them), kids game and candy.
Susan drinks her tea nervously, “No, the people are candy, can’t really eat them. Or you shouldn’t.” She says thoughtfully.
“Even better,” She was bouncing up and down, “Candy people, that’s like, ten types of impossible algebra.”
Susan’s mouth pulls sideways, a lingering sense of guilt piles up in her gut. “It’s...not a great place. We should do another dungeon run with Finn.” Images of herself ravaging the land and threatening the confectionary people flash behind Susan’s eyes. “I don’t think you’d like it.” Freida’s face visibly falls, “I dunno. I’m, I mean, interested.” Freida offered an imploring smile. “We could make a day trip of it, a little one.” Susan shifts uncomfortably, her nose wrinkling. “No.”
A little annoyed dent forms above Frida's eyes, “Why?” Susan didn’t want to answer that just quite yet, she just grunts and looks away. “It’s bungus Freida, just trust me.” Freida tensed, “I could just take a peak. See for myself- candy people Susan!” She said once more excitedly.
Susan’s blood pressure rose, “No!” Going back meant memories of Dr. Gross, of losing it with her brain going pissy.
“Come on Su,” She almost pleads, confusion stirring in her brown eyes. “Drop it.” She hisses, “I told you, you won’t...like it.” At least, she might not like what she hears about Susan.
“Maybe I should find that out for myself.” She responds coldly and then sniffs, “We don’t have to do everything together anyway, I can go by myself.” Freida got up without finishing her tea and grumbled loudly all the way back to her sleeping bag.
They didn’t sleep next to each other that night.
Susan ends up walking beside her through the fields the next day anyway.
“You don’t have to come with me.” Freida grouched moodily as they walked.
Susan looked away, “I want to... I said I’d show you the world.” She tried to be conciliatory, but Frieda makes a dismissive little noise and they walk in silence.
Susan bows her head, their first fight and it was her fault.
They arrive awkwardly at the Candy Kingdom, Freida is instantly delighted (‘candy! Made of people, or the other way around’), she always did want to see stuff, all sorts of stuff.
Princess Bubblegum was unfortunately around and showed them all over the little candy city. She was a regular hostess with whatever royalty had that made them gracious.
But it was still like nothing had happened, or maybe PB had already forgotten, her Kingdom got wrecked a lot she figured. That fact doesn’t stop her bad mood
Susan followed them around glumly and Freida was got lost in the little houses and tasting whatever it was the butler brought them.
Susan sighs and watches her closely, despite everything her heart still swelled when she saw her dancing around some weird new thing or hands gingerly going over unfamiliar texture. Susan was in over her head.
Freida eventually goes on some sort of banana guard tour and Susan has some room to think. And sometime alone with Bubblegum, who was in the corner of one of the common rooms with a notebook out. She was scribbling in it and Susan wonders if she forgot she was there.
Susan watches her closely, Bubblegum was an overworking monarch with questionable morals. But she was also a princess. A really smart one, she had to know something, didn’t she?
Susan crossed her arms and pursed her lips, thirty minutes pass, Bubblegum is engrossed with whatever it is, eventually taking out some beakers and ‘hmm’ing to herself.
Susan formulates her question, “What do you think about relationships?” It could have been phrased better. Bubblegum almost drops her glass beaker.
Her eyes go wide, “What?” “You know,” Susan turns her face up, “You’re pretty old,” Bubblegum scowls, “You’ve had relationships.” Bubblegum's mouth falls open, it almost worth it to see her lose some composure. Susan leans toward her when the silence becomes too long. “Please.” Bubblegum mumbles to herself, “I mean, infatuation and love are chemically occurrences in the brain, on top of stress from daily life and diet it could mean, um, I mean relationships, hmm.” Susan gives her a pointed look and Bubblegum cringes.
“Okay. Yeah. One sec.” Bubblegum says in resignation and rings a little bell, “Peps.” A little man arrives at the door, “Get someone who, uh, understands relationships.”
The Peppermint Butler doesn’t seem phased by the request and disappears quickly, Susan and Bubblegum stare at each other.
“Soooo,” Bubblegum scratches her chin, “What’s up? You and uh, that girl.” “Freida,” Susan says with a bored tone.
“Yeah, yes,” Bubblegum nodded, “Nice, so you and her…?” Susan sighs deeply, luckily a figure arrives at the door. “Peps,” Bubblegum raises her eyebrows, “That was quick, don’t tell me it’s a banana guard or Finn... I love the guy but he doesn’t have a great track record.” Peppermint shakes his head and steps aside, “She was just hanging around outside.” Marceline The Vampire Queen, if Susan remembers right, floats into the room with her hands behind her head, Bubblegum gives her a stern, questioning look.
“What? It’s almost night, visiting isn’t a crime.” Marceline says back. Bubblegum hit her forward with her palm, “Of course. Of course, this would happen.” “Okay...” Marceline glances around the room curiously, “Oh Susan, you’re back, cool.” Marceline goes to fist-bump her and Susan returns it. “How’s it going?”
Susan shrugs, “You know. Traveling.”
“Nice,” Marceline nods approvingly, “What’re you doing up in Candy Kingdom biz? Peps said guys needed help.” Bubblegum shakes her head and interrupts. “Nothing. You can’t help.” Susan looks between them, since she had a brain, two eyes, and listened to at least a little talk she put it all together, “You two were a thing.” She says flatly, “What do you recommend for relationships?” She might as well try. Marceline’s eyes go wide and Bubblegum looked at the vampire flatly, “I told you.”
Marceline clears her throat and then clears it again, “Uh, any reason for this?” Her gray cheeks were a little red.
Susan blink but Bubblegum gets to it first, “She came in with a girl.”
“Ooooh,” Marceline’s face morphed into something sly, “That’s how it is.” Susan huffed and looked away, Marceline leaned forward, “She cute?”
Susan flushed even harder, “Yes...And if you can’t help then, okay.” She went to get up.
Marceline glances at Bubblegum, “No, no it’s cool dude,” Marceline floats over to seat and Bubblegum awkwardly joins her on the pink couch in the room.
The air is thick with stiffness, Susan is now invested in seeing what they come up with.
Bubblegum blinks, tightening her ponytail and sitting straight-backed, “Communication.” She says clearly, “You have to talk about how you feel and-”
Marceline elbows her roughly, “She doesn’t want that textbook talk Bonnie, she wants the real talk.”
Bubblegum crosses her arms and scowls at the vampire, rubbing her side, “What’s your ‘real’ talk?”
Marceline bounces her eyebrows up and down and Susan pays attention, Marceline briefly licks her lips, “Don’t let it get boring.” “Oh my glob,” Bubblegum looked decidedly up at the ceiling and curses.
“What? I’m not bashing you, it was never boring B.”
Bubblegum looked back at her lap, “It’s not all rollercoasters and pillow talk though. You can’t just...always be together. Responsi-”
“Pfft,” Marceline interrupted, “Not that again. Look, Susan, do what you want, if you can’t make it work then you can’t make it work.” Susan frowns and looks between them, “That’s not true.” She says resolutely, slowly, “You have to work at it.” She couldn’t believe she was teaching them this, they slouched down on the couch, “I mean, I want to make it work.” She suddenly wanted to see Freida right then and there. Marceline looked slightly uncomfortable, “That’s, that’s fair.” Bubblegum looked at her lap, “Yeah.” She breathed gently, Marceline sat stark-upright.
“Physicality!” She burst out, “See that’s the deal, you’ve got to seal the deal.” Susan figured she wanted to change the subject.
Susan bites her lip, “Okay.” She takes note, “I guess we haven’t done that yet.”
Marceline nods earnestly, her head bobbing her head up and down in a hurry. “Romance them and junk, then bend her back real deep and do the kiss-dip.” Marceline narrowed her eyes, “With tongue.” Bubblegum's mouth fell open, “Marceline that’s obscene.” Marceline pouted, “Blah, blah, sure Bonnie... It’s not like that worked on you anyway.” Bubblegum wrinkled her nose, “I didn’t say like that…” She seemed off put by herself, she turns back to Susan after an awkward pause. “Whatever. Just say you're sorry if something went wrong and maybe, maybe,” She blushed a deep red, Marceline seemed to pay attention. “And maybe the kiss thing.” “Uh-huh,” Susan was ready to leave, she was feeling a lot better about her relationship after seeing these two. She was a little embarrassed for them.
Marceline kicked Bubblegum gently, “Should we show her? She looks new to the whole thing.” Susan makes a face. “No!” Bubblegum threw her hands in the air, “Of course not, we can’t show her.”
Marceline gave a half-smile, “Just ‘cause you’re a goody-goody doesn’t mean Susan should suffer for it.” Susan felt very invisible at that moment. Bubblegum was rising to the bait, “I’m not.” Marceline wiggled her eyebrows, “Is that a no?” Bubblegum mechanically took Marceline’s face in her hands, she suddenly made hard eye contact with Susan. “Watch the angle of my head and how I avoid bumping noses.” Bubblegum took Marceline’s face, who looked genuinely elated, Bubblegum pushed their mouths together. It looked awkward, PB appearing a little too focused and force, nonetheless, Marceline flipped their positions and kissed her down into the couch- a little more natural. 
Susan literally got back up as soon as possible and snuck out of the room as they made out like emotionally-stunted teenagers on the couch.
So that was unhelpful.
Susan found Freida playing king of the mountain with the banana guards on a low hill, the guards were falling over themselves and Freida was cackling on the very top.
“Hey,” Susan waved immediately, Freida pushed her red bangs back into her hat and grimaced at her, Susan flinches. “I’m sorry.” She says immediately.
Freida tilts her head to the side, “Don’t have to-”
“I want to do everything with you,” Susan tried to climb the hill after her, pushing the banana guards away easily as they tried to bombard her, “But I had some bad memories here. I didn’t want to tell you...my brain went all wonky from the implant.” She sighs, “I hurt some people.” Frieda’s face goes soft, maybe the very first thing Bubblegum said was not so off.
Her lips turn up butterfly smile, that one. “Sue. Ohmystuff, why didn’t you say so?” She touches Susan’s face, Susan leans into it. “I wouldn’t be mad. You’re like you’re my favorite person here.” She beams. Susan looks down at her delicately, she was so small. “Favorite person where?” “Everywhere!”
Susan laughs and spins her around, Freida yelps but lets herself be swept up with a low “Noooo.”
They laugh until Frieda struggles down, standing on top of Susan’s feet as her hair fell loosely around her face and the light played over her eyelashes like fairy dust. Susan’s entire chest flutters, she can’t help it, she dips her, leaning her back on the little hill and pressing closer. “I’m King of the mound.” She whispers.
“What?” Freida seems dazed.
“You’re feet are off.” Freida’s mouth fell open and she threw her hands up, “No fair.” Susan shrugs and dips down, “Losers have to kiss.”
Freida gets a twinkle in her eye, “Good thing that’s both of us.” she wraps her arms around Susan’s neck and pulls, she hauls her down for a messy kiss, deep and thorough with the gentlest bite.
Susan grins into it and her heart bangs like a drum in her chest, dang.
Freida eventually pushes her off the hill and Susan cries out in surprise, the other girl pushes her down to kiss again. It’s like a dream, a heady one.
“Bon!” She eventually hears the voice Marceline call from the castle window, “They totally went for it.” Susan rolls her eyes, but gives her a quick thumbs up, “Woooo!” Marceline cheers, her shoulders bare and face lit up.
“Marcy, get back in here.” Susan watches the vampire get yanked away from the window, Susan shakes her head and lets the confused piece of gum and vampire figure it out. She looks back to the girl in her arms.
“Let’s get out of here.”
They stand up and Freida takes her hand, “I suppose, alright, I hear we have places to go.” She winks, “I’d like to see it all.” Susan nuzzles her neck, “I’d like to take you there.” Freida huffs as they walk, “Don’t be cheesy.” Susan picks her up bridles and carries her, “I’m not hearing a no.” She carries her back to their ship and Susan at least feels a little more done, a little more ready to leave. Frieda sits on her lap when Ooo becomes a speck in the distance and they keep flying.
She finds a mechanical note from Bubblegum in the ship, it justs says ‘good luck.′
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Four Easy Ways to Kickstart a Social Media Detox in 2020
At the start of the twenty-tens, your wristwatch couldn’t talk to you, Instagram was just on the brink of launching and comparing yourself to your “followers” was hardly a concept. And now, social media rules our lives in this digitally-saturated world we find ourselves in. That being said, as we settle into a new decade, people are yearning for ways to unplug and rediscover the things this world has to offer beyond our screens. According to Pinterest’s report of top trends to try in 2020, which is based off of growth in search volumes, interest in a social media detox is up a huge 314 per cent.
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Put yourself first for 2020. Finding balance is a top cultural theme for 2020 ⚖️ ⁣ ⁣ 📌: Link in bio to see all the trends on our #Pinterest100 site
A post shared by Pinterest (@pinterest) on Jan 16, 2020 at 4:50pm PST
Social worker and psychotherapist Melissa Fellin tells FASHION that when people are routinely looking at social media, their self esteem and self confidence take a hit. “Social media is just another media source that is influencing people’s self image,” she shares, adding that digital devices are isolating, “leading people to feel lonely even though they feel connected.” Constant exposure to social media is also one of the root causes of anxiety, stress and burnout.
The solution? Take a step back from your devices and connect with the tangible world around you. Here are some tips to get your own digital detox underway:
Replace the habit
Fellin says that the main point of a digital detox is to get you out of the habit of using your devices. To stay on track, find something positive to replace those digital moments with. For example, spending your commute immersed in a book will pass the time much faster than aimlessly toggling between apps.
Get creative
Reflecting on experiences with her child and adult clients alike, Fellin says people are more creative when they step away from social channels and digital devices. “They are better able to use their imagination, they’re more creative in their lives and they start to be pro social — going out, playing, doing things that they normally wouldn’t do because they were already doing [a version of] it online.” Yep, you heard it right… this is your time to take that adult dance class or head out to paint night.
Pursue human connection
If you rely on your devices to connect with others, Fellin suggests making a conscious effort to hold meetings IRL or see friends and family as this will take you outside of your bubble. If you don’t have any companionships in your area, joining classes and groups in the community is the easiest way to make some.
Embrace low-key down time
With so much going on in the world, it’s easy to feel lonely and bored in the confines of your home. However, it is worth considering that this fabricated connection to the outside world via your devices really isn’t giving you much, as Fellin alluded to earlier. Tune into your thoughts and appreciate your down time with journaling, kitchen experiments or a challenging puzzle. The end-result is drastically more satisfying.
And if embarking on a digital detox still seems daunting, get inspired by celebs like Lizzo, who, with boss-like energy, ditched Twitter at the start of this year.
Yeah I can’t do this Twitter shit no more.. too many trolls… ✌🏾
I’ll be back when I feel like it.
— Feelin Good As Hell (@lizzo) January 6, 2020
This Pinterest trend didn’t come out of nowhere, however, as certain celebrities really made the case for Instagram absences in 2019. Selena Gomez, the fifth most followed Instagram user, shared her relationship with the app on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan last June, revealing that she doesn’t have it downloaded to her phone. “It’s just become really unhealthy, I think personally, for young people including myself, to spend all of their time fixating on all these comments and letting this stuff in,” the 27-year-old star shared, explaining that if she wants to share something she will use someone else’s phone. “It was affecting me, it would make me depressed, it would make me feel [bad] about myself. I’d look at my body differently.”
Another user who recognized the need for an Instagram break is actress Freida Pinto, who, upon her return to the platform last summer, outlined the benefits she encountered during her hiatus.
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(Part 2 of 2) So, In that time off some wonderful things happened: 1. I read more books. 2. I slept an undisturbed 7 to 8 hrs every night. 3. I had more time to workout meditate and plan my meals right. 4. I didn't get headaches and motion sickness from scrolling in moving cars. 5. I was more curious about the details of the current affairs and not just headlines. 6. I didn't fall into that deep dark hole that starts with a photo of your bestie on a holiday and a wasted hour later ends up on an account of cute golden retrievers doing cute things.(although those retrievers did brighten up my day often) 7. I stopped getting drawn into ads and buying more than I needed. 8. I was a lot more clueless on who wore what, ate what, kissed who..and my gosh I am happy to be clueless again! 9. My phone battery stayed alive longer. Woohoo! 10. I now know all the hues that I might have missed that come to make Cory's beautiful blue eyes! 😍 So here I am…Making an appearance on this platform but this time very aware of what I want to put out on it and more importantly what I certainly don't want to take from it. I do enjoy sharing my thoughts and views, especially when they are positive and can inspire on a public platform. But I still plan on sleeping 8 hrs undisturbed every night with lowered cortisol levels. Wouldn't trade that for blue light exposure before bedtime ever again! I am sharing my story with you because I know there is a large majority out there who relate and if any of you are planning on going/have gone on a real insta detox or have found that using this platform meaningfully and positively, maybe even sparingly has bettered your life. Then I highly recommed it and… Congratulations! Until next time Love and positive vibes FP … 📸: @go_dwells
A post shared by Freida Pinto (@freidapinto) on Jul 12, 2019 at 9:35am PDT
Considering everyone’s experience is different, you may not feel the need to get rid of social media altogether. Instead find success in cautiously curating what you consume. “Some people decide to only follow people they know, or they’ll decide to delete, block or unfollow people that they feel are giving them negativity and are making them feel bad about themselves,” Fellin adds. The message is clear: choose your own adventure, based on your own happiness. Likes be damned.
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The post Four Easy Ways to Kickstart a Social Media Detox in 2020 appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Four Easy Ways to Kickstart a Social Media Detox in 2020 published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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