#but what about his parents? why is his brother in jail😭😭😭😭?
kaiiscottage · 5 months
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Little Matakara and his brother since i haven’t seen anyone post them yet <3
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jewbeloved · 1 year
This sounds weird but I had a dream where I adopted butters and now i NEED this to be a fic 😭
Platonic ofc, Bonus points if it contains fluff ❤️
Butters being adopted by the reader 🧑‍🍼💖🌺
This will be marked as platonic since the reader is 17-18 in this.
Warnings: Mentions of running away.
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Butters Scotch 🌕
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This happened at the time Butters ran away from his home. You were in highschool and soon to be in college while Butters was still in Elementary.
Butters ran away because he was sick and tired of his parents grounding him for no reasons and such. The only place Butters could think of going to was your house.
You always take care of Butters whenever he came to you for comfort and venting. He always saw you as a big sister/brother/sibling.
You also protected him from bullies and defend him whenever his parents yell at him. (Which resulted in his parents not liking you- but you didn't care anyways)
You were in the middle of making yourself some dinner when you heard knocking on your door.
You opened the door and looked down to see Butters with his backpack and a suitcase.
"(Name)...? Do you mind if I stay here for the night?"
"Sure you can Butters, but what's with the backpack and the suitcase? Is something wrong?", You asked as Butters sat down on your couch after he placed his back and suitcase on the floor.
"I....", Butters started while tears were forming his eyes.
"I ran away from home....I can't take it any longer (Name).....I can't handle my parents anymore..."
You gave Butters a hug as you let him continue.
"Actually....I want to stay here forever....I don't want to go back to my parents....but I assume they will call the cops to look for me....", Butters sniffled as you wiped away his tears.
"If you need somewhere to stay Butters, you can stay at my place as long as you want...I understand....", You pulled Butters closed to your chest as he gave you a hug as well while crying into your shirt.
"Thanks (Name).... you're so kind...and way better than my parents....it does make me wish you were my parent instead...."
You thought about it for a min.
"If me being your new parent makes you feel happy then so be it Butters...I will take care of you from now on...", Butters began to calm down as sparkles were in his eyes.
"Really?! thank you (Name)!! Thank you thank you thank you!", You giggled as you saw how happy Butters was.
Butters began to start living with you from now on as you became his caretaker and parent.
Linda and Stephen were shocked to see that their son has ran away (It took them 4 days to figure it out LMAO).
When they called the cops, the police came to investigate you first since Butter's parents knew that their son liked hanging around you.
You and Butters told the cops everything and the reason why Butters had run away. After all of that was finished, Linda and Stephen were outraged to see you being Butters new parent.
You and Butters were happy when the cops began to take Butters parents to jail.
It was time for Butters to start his new life with a new and better parent...💛💛💛💛
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hidden-poet · 11 days
BESTIE I jumped when I saw a new tag in the warnings… 👀
And I am so late again 😂 but let’s get started 😈
Can I just say… the way you wrote about her time at the mountains, gave me such vivid scenery of the rocky mountains with the cold mountain air. You literally have such a gift of giving a girl all her 5 senses when it comes to reading this masterful world you have created for us!
Well… it’s clear as day that our girl is suffering a bit of Stockholm Syndrome here. She misses being held tight by Coryo, she grew into that habit with him. And when she told Edmund to wrap his arm around her tighter and it not being enough or even comparable to the way Coryo holds her… and now she can’t fall asleep without him 😭
“I want it to be you. Not him.” - Yeah… about that…
Oh our girl wants it BAD with Edmund 😂 she is really out here desperate and fighting for his touch and affection and ouch! He just denied her lmfao 😂 but we know why he did what he did! He’s such a sweetheart for wanting her to heal first and do the deed at the right time and place 🥹🩷
“Coriolanus had made you feel desirable. He performed extraordinary measures just for a kiss.” - Yep! Coryo really messed her up 😂 (in a good way ofc)
You’d rather be Edmund’s doormat than Coriolanus' bride. - Oh! 😳
I’m sorry but I died when Edmund brought her flowers and started apologizing and beg her to not be angry at him because it literally reminds me of my own parents 😂 literally my dad does something that pisses off my mom and she is giving him the silent treatment until he apologizes 😂
You almost don't recognize him. His hair had grown out, and he wore an expensive red coat instead of his Commander uniform. - AHHH THIS MADE ME BLUSH LIKE AN IDIOT 😂 EEEEK I KNEW HIS HAIR WOULD GROW OUT IN THIS CHAPTER 🤩
Okay now back to the serious stuff!
Edmunds death was absolutely HEARTBREAKING 💔 the way it was written… I started crying for him and his poor mother and little brother 😭 that was definitely such a tragic turn to the story! Okay, now I know why you had to keep Edmund alive at the beginning of the story 😂
“Kiss your mother goodbye, and let’s go.” - DUDE 😑 you didn’t even let her take a breath and you just grabbed her by the hair and took her away from her family and home 😑 our poor girl's mom 😭separated from her AGAIN! I’m just glad her mom and brother are alive tho!
“Mum,” was all you could call out as you pass her. - MY HEART 💔
Coryo is definitely colder now. Especially with the way he’s treating her. No shock there tho.
Dude just shoved her into a booth without any consideration 😂
“Enough,” he tells you. - yes, daddy! But also… really dude? 😑
It was actually so sad seeing her watch from the window being forced to leave her home behind forever 😭
I love how she told him off about him ruining her life and taking everything away from her! LIKE YOU TELL HIM QUEEN 👸
And of course he grabbed her jaw and pushed her head back against the glass 😂 daddy, chill!
“Your mother has joined your brother in the District 12 jail. I would be very careful what you say to me. Did you think this was a game? Did you think I wouldn’t search for you? Wouldn’t find you?” - No, I knew you would hunt me down and catch me which is why I ran in the first place. I am such a whore for a game of cat and mouse 😈
“Whatever this is, it’s finished.” - WHAT A FUCKING DICK. 😑
“You do the slightest thing to displease me and your family will follow Edmund.” - “Do you understand me?” - YES, SIR 🫡
I love how he flinches when she calls him Commander 😂
“You’re still there,” - really dude? 😑
When she quickly stood up before he came to grab her 😂 like jeez, let the girl take a breather 🙄
Damn the bedroom and bathroom is niceee and luxurious, I feel so pampered already. And he really had everything prepared for her to enter the Capitol! She’ll be fine 😂
‘‘Take your clothes off.” Coriolanus demanded. - you come and take it off me 😈
Poor girl thought he was gonna take her right then and there 🥹 I on the hand would not mind one bit 👀
I find it so funny and adorable at how mad he gets when she doesn’t listen to him and he has to forcefully take initiative with her 😂 I would love for this man to yank my clothes off and push me into the shower whilst joining me 😫
I love how he pulls her back under when she moves 😭
Now girl, you know how much of a whore I am with your shower scenes, it is soooo HOT 🫠💦 I just love how he cleans her with the sponge 😫
“Look at you,” he mutters. He scrubs the sponge under your nails to get rid of the dirt that had caked under them. - I would just suck his dick right there.
Damn baby boy needs to chill ✋ he’s going to peel her skin off with scrubbing her so hard 😂 i hate scrubbing my body when i shower and i could literally feel the harsh scrubbing on my skin when i read this lmfao - BUT it was still so hot when he was scrubbing her whole body, especially the when he crouches down and does her thighs and right back up and resting on her hip ughhh 💦
“I am so angry at you,” he said softly. You feel the hand on your throat tighten. - *nervously smiling and trying not to giggle at the same time* 😫
“How could you do that to me?’’ He lifts his head off of you to look you in the eye. - I can't 😑
“Augustus has been opening hospitals and amongst the Capitol people, while I have been chasing you around District 12. Do you have any idea how that made me look?’’ - no but i bet you looked really hot, daddy 🙄
“You’re sorry? Not good enough.” - this man 🤦‍♀️
“I don’t feel as if I have won. I feel as if I have been betrayed.” - omg his ego is soooo bruised rn i can’t with him 😂
When she started sobbing about him killing Edmund and punching his shoulder had me crying 💔😭
“I let him live once. Remember?” - 😑😑😑 - “What made you think I would make the same mistake twice?” - actually… yes 😂 - “Edmund was a good man.” - “And now he’s a dead man.” - 😳😳😳
He clearly is not having it with her this time. This time he means business and is not as ‘nice’ as he was before 😂
“You did,” you wait for him to elaborate as he dresses in his pajamas, “Your letter to your brother. People disappear all the time up there.” - OH SHIT THIS FUCKING SMART MOTHERFUCKER 😳 OH NO SHE MUST FEEL SO MUCH GUILT RN NOOOO
“You know why I can trust you? Because I have your family locked in a cage.” - THE WAY I WAS AT A LOSS FOR WORDS 😳
Well at least he wrapped his arms tightly around her when he went to bed! And our girl finally falling asleep easily after months in HIS grasp only 😈
Aweee he propped a pillow for her so she could sit up 😭
“I have some work to do. Interviews and thank you letters. So, if you decide to come out be quiet.” - No.
Okay the jacket situation. I got so scared when he suddenly came in and demanded the jacket because we all know he’s just gonna throw it out the train like it’s nothing. And her begging him to let her keep it was honestly so heartbreaking 💔 it was also like watching these two play tug of war over the jacket 😂 she’s so cute for trying to keep the jacket safe. Man he’s so rough with her too 😈 and of course he hits her again after she gave was forced to give him the jacket 😭
This man is so crazy that he smacks her and then brings her tea the next minute 😂 but also… my baby is so cute, but just a psychopath 😭
“They tell me you didn’t have lunch either. Is that your plan? To starve yourself to death before we reach the Capitol?” - Jeez, I wonder why this girl is not eating…? 🤔
“Well I do. I have lots of plans, and you’re through with delaying them. So Sit up and drink your tea.” - oookay 🙄😈
I just love that he helps her sit up!
“You look so different.” - IDK WHY THIS MADE ME BLUSH 🥰
“I am still the same.” - Oh, you mean a psychopath? Then yes, yes you are! A more cold and confident version but i ain’t complaining 😈
“What would you know? You never bothered to get to know me.” - DAMN 😳 she really didn't tho
“Think, think, think. What have I told you about thinking? You’re no good at it. I’ll do it. Now drink your tea.” - I THINK I JUST CAME. AGAIN.
Idk why i started laughing so much when she asked if she'll ever go back to 12 and he just flat out says "No." 😂
“I want that tea finished before I get back.” - YES, SIR 🫡
She’s so cute and REAL for pouring it down the sink lol
He literally treats her like a doll 😂 moving her around, dressing her up and brushing her hair!
Okay why is this man so rough with the hair brushing? 😂 but he’s also so sweet when massages the spot he hurt 🥹🩷 - “That wouldn’t have happened if you had gotten up at some point.” - and now he scolds us 😑
“There will be cameras when we step off the train. Fashion is very important in the Capitol. You’ll have to get used to not wearing the same dress every day.” - OKAY. RUDE 😑
So hot how he placed a kiss on the back of her shoulder 😫
I can’t imagine how much of a culture shock she has right now. This is a whole new world for her! Poor girl is just so overwhelmed and so out of her element 😭
Ahhh Coryo always having a tight hold on this girl 😫
THE FIRST THING THIS MAN DOES... IS GET MARRIED? She was soooo freaked out too 😭
“Yes. Marriage. Now sign the paper.” His hand curls around yours so you don’t drop the pen. - but…? but...? He is so impatient with her now 😂 I feel so bad for her like give my girl a break 😭
Daddy is so cold and has 0 sympathy for her 😈
“You’ve robbed the Capitol of the wedding of the year, truly!” - OH FUCK YOU, DUDE!
“I think the Capitol will survive.” - YES QUEEN 👸
Idk why I laughed when she started sobbing at the guys excitement for marrying the two of them 😂
“Forgive her. The journey was long.” - 😑😑
At least he has some decency with wiping away her tears, but still has the audacity to tell her to stop crying 😂 and he keeps saying ‘we’re home, our home’ BOY THIS AIN’T HER HOME AND YOU KNOW IT! QUIT IT WITH DELUSIONS 👿
Baby boy is so excited and happy to be finally home with his family 🥹
“Don’t just stand there, child. Come forward, let me take a look at you.” - Oh how I love Grandma’am! I'm actually surprised Grandma’am doesn't hate her because she is District. Especially the last one 😂
Our girl was so overwhelmed by everything happening all at once, that she fainted 😭 Edmund, her mom and brother, her home, the Capitol, the wedding!
When she wakes up in panic and Coryo quickly pulled her towards him 😂 baby boy is still scared she’ll run away from him 😭
When he keeps saying that’s she’s alright and safe… boy 🙄
My god he’s so needy when she’s panicking and trying to push him away and he just retaliates by grabbing her wrists and forcing them 😂
I feel so bad for our girl. She’s traumatized by Edmunds death and is so scared and just wants to go home 😭
Ngl tho it’s really hot how he just pushed her body towards his chest and just started cradling her tightly in his grasp so she feels asleep in it 😫
Aweee Grandma’am and Tigris are so oblivious to their favorite boys psychotic tendencies 😂
Baby boy wanting to wear at least one thing that she had a hand in 🥹and not him tearing off his buttons so she could make it brand new again 😂 ughhh he’s soooo needy for her nurture 😫
If you performed an action in the way he wanted, he would give you updates on your family. - Oh, he's sweet but a psycho.... a little bit psycho…
From what you gathered, they were fed and allowed an hour outside together. - this is so sad :(
At least our girl is getting pampered and wearing a wedding-like gown… but this man didn't even compliment on how beautiful she looks, only focused on himself in the mirror 🙄
“Just a few more hours and you’ll be looking at the President of Panam.” - SO HE’S FINALLY FUCKING US TONIGHT?
“Shouldn’t I be the one shaking?” he jokes. - boy… you know damn well you’re for sure winning 🙄
He’s so pouty when she doesn't want to go 😂
“Do I need to remind you that your performance tonight is crucial to your family's survival?” - You know, he’s really starting to piss me off 😑
When he tells her to tell him if anyone mentions she's District and I'm like... yeah... and the person who mentions it will suddenly just disappear without a trace 😂
“As first lady of Panem, you’ll be required to attend performances like these from time to time. I need to know I can trust you not to embarrass me when you do.” - embarrass you…? 😑
I said this before but she is probably so overwhelmed by everything. The crowd, the flashing lights, the scenery, Panem and the new look. This new world is all just so much for her.
Coriolanus leans down to whisper in your ear, “All you have to do is sit down next to Tigris and smile. Can you do that?” - Yes, daddy.
DADDY HAS WON PANEM. President Coriolonus Snow… we salute you 🙇‍♀️
Umm…? Is girly really thinking about making a run for it, right now? Babe, there is no freedom even if you made it to the streets 😂especially with your NEW elected President aka your HUSBAND 😂you gots to STAY PUT.
Look our new President baby boo being scared and making sure not to lose his wife in the crowd 🥹 and so he has to hold on tight to the point of breaking her wrist 😂
He looks back to check on you one or two times but never opens his mouth. - how nice 😑
Confetti had been hidden in his curls. You focused on counting the pieces. - i swear this is so me 😂 I will dissociate from everything and everyone and focus on someones hair and count the confetti pieces on it lmfao
I see his ego has been boosted ever since he grew out his hair and is not the Commander anymore 😂
Oh what i would do to have this man push me up against an elevator wall and assault my lips 😫
HE ACTUALLY PROMISED HER THE APPLE PIE DRINK!!! MY HEART OH MY GOD THE CUTIE PATOOTIE 🥹🩷 so hot that he snatched her fourth one away! He needs her to stay somewhat alert, for later… 😈
“She’s fine, Tigris. I’ll bring her home with me.” - yeah… he want’s ya’ll asleep by the time he gets home so he could fuck his girl without any interruptions 😈
boy leave her alone and let her hug your damn cousin without you squeezing her hand 😭
“You were very well behaved.” - anything for you, daddy 😫
“Snow always lands on top,” he talks softly as he gazes out to the city. - he indeed does, especially on top of me 😈
Now this man is going down on her in the backseat 😂 so so hot tho 🔥 and when he hits her thigh to be quite ughhh 😫 and look at our girl go with grabbing his hair while he’s going at it 👏
Edmund was barely cold in the ground and here you were, being eaten out by the man who killed him. - oh… well yeah… ANYWAY 😃
When the driver opens the door and Coryo quickly pulls it back shut 😂
He pockets her panties? 🥵
Okay It’s actually happening right now… let me compose myself before I get into this beautiful scene 😫 I legit got wet again trying to type this out 😂
Uh oh, when he kisses her past the normal amount she knows what’s about to happen…
“Please, just give this to me. Don’t make me take it.’’ - baby boy… none of this is consensual 😂 I also love how he drags her by the wrists 😫
I go crazy when a guy kisses your hip 😫
“Shut up,” it was less of a command and more of a plea, “Please, shut up.” -  I just came… SOOOO MUCH 🫠💦
“It’s alright. I’ll take care of you.” - ABOUT TIME!
When he finally goes into her… i became a rabid animal, hungry for more 💦😫
“It’ll only hurt for a little bit,” - i don’t care how bad it hurts, do whatever you want to me 🫠💦 i am your little fuckdoll 😫
Coriolanus tried his best to remain slow, but as he got lost in his own lust, he forgot about your pain. - of course he did 😂 and i love it! As long as he’s inside me, i don’t care about the bruising pain he’s causing me 😫 aaaand the kissing her the whole damn time my godddd!!
“Ah,” he grunts. - I just came again… 🫠💦
Poor girl is so overstimulated rn tho 😂
So hot how he cages his arms around her head and drags a finger down on her face. He really really enjoyed himself here and is on top of the world (literally) 😂
“Welcome to the Capitol, Mrs. Snow. - And thank you, daddy.
Okay. Based on everything that has happened, she seems like she’ll get used to this new life and settle. Because she already had some sort of Stockholm Syndrome up in the mountains when comparing him and Edmund. And I do wonder if he’ll ever move her mom and brother up to the Capitol…
BESTIE!! I know I went too crazy with this one but it’s because it is so well deserved and my god when I tell you I read this at least six times (no joke). What an amazing chapter!! And you know how much of a whore I am for long chapters and this was literally *chefs kiss*
I am so sad that there is only one more chapter left 🥹🩷 but at least we still have S. Lands on Top (I can’t wait for our sass queen Mabel to return, because I missed her way too much) and I saw you’re doing another Coryo fic 👀 AND a Billy the Kid one (super excited for that one because I know it’s gonna be sooo sooo good)!!
As always you smash it ❤️
I actually feel so bad for the reader. Not only is she in an entirely new world (as you said) but the person who brought her is acting like a dick towards her.
Coriolanus has gotten every thing he wanted. He’s back with his family in the capitol with his girl. His president! Married! Mans on a high right now.
You could see him become ‘nicer’ by the end of the chapter but I don’t think he will ever fully trust her again.
You’re the first one to pick up on the driver and the door 🫡 he didn’t want the driver to see the reader in that’s state.
Did you like the part where he hummed the song his mother used to sing? I thought it was so cute that he used to sing it when he was academic under pressure 😭😭
One thing I did pick up on is that you like dark dark fiction 😈😈😈 I think you’ll really like the next chapter of S.lands on top……
So glad you liked this chapter!
I’ll see you in the next chapter of S.lands on top!
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Vincenzo: Episode 16
the law enforcement in this show is so unserious like just move out the way atp 😭
Vincenzo fugitive era !!!
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also exactly !!! like the law is pretty much babel at this point. might as well as skip the jail time
the contract killers and gangs they send to this building are so unserious like why do you pause everytime you bump into someone or give them time to throw a punch back at you 💀 0/5 stars service
but get him goon man !!!
help this dumbass contract killer is fighting with his mask off
get him goon man
ngl super worried about the mom
stop hitting my goon in the face??? I'm tired of seeing my man get punched
Get em park saeroyiiii
yes!!! punch him goon man
is that the goon's car lmaooo i love him
Vincenzo thinks he's beginning to like the goon?
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I knew Mr. Oh was going to die after getting that life card
Vincenzo fugitive era over
you don't want to model but you did hold the globe! lmao sneaky model slay
AWWW they're getting a family portrait
does the mom already know? if not this portrait shoot should definitely have her picking up on hints 😭
the tears in their eyes. my babies fr 😭 that's family ❤️
please just face each other and hug my precious family
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oh the actor really ate this up
the tone shift from that to the evil CEO brothers
the building's about to blow oh nooo, junior CEO brother if you wanted to stop the madness here's your chance. TELL THEM.
A baby on the way too. Oh if you do something now Evil CEO i will catch you through the screen. it's just episode 16 😭😭😭
Gas lady, count your days 😭
oh my god did the younger brother send fire brigade !?!!!
Ofc he caught the watch
it's the younger brother isn't it !!!
NOOO why didn't you duck
aaah fuck they got his mom
he looks so adorable in that jacket! cutie
someone love him a little omg 😟
the mom's gonna go oh lord.
GET AWAY FROM HER EVIL CEO GET AWAY. I'll kill you actually 🤩
he's looking at his mom's pictures with him while that loser talks to his mom
Aunty get away 😭😭😭
when i finally get to the fictional world him and the lawyer lady are first on my hit list (it's a long list but county your days)
junior CEO will never be accepted in this group 💀 get out of the country babe
Dobongsu, Mr. Queen and now this WHAT IS WRONG with KDrama hospital security I'm so serious ?!!!
oh no no no
neither of them got to say what they wanted to their parents
the audacity to smile and cackle i am so sick of these two evil bitches
they're slow dancing ?!!???
Little brother at least punch your brother like i hate him so bad i might cry out of sheer anger 😭
lmaooo the audacity to call out the Wusang guy when you were slow dancing with the other brother after orchestrating a murder 3 seconds ago
exactly vincenzo. one of these two needs to die TODAY
you're so brave and chill about killing people 😭 i hope both of you die soon <3
please tell me she's gone
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rarepears · 2 years
Your SY vlogger au reminded me how much I love social media aus 😭 but it also raises the question how shen yuan gets back for dinner?? Like can he just go between worlds when ever he wants or…? Cause like, I also like the idea of his siblings making fun of him for bagging the OP protagonist and being the last to know how gay he is lol (and what’s bout SQH?)
Shen Yuan the PIWD Xianxia Vlogger post
Okay, so this is the "Happily Ever After" part of the Scumbag Villain plot and now that the whole plot has gone completely off track and can no longer be rescued, the system is focused on getting rid of plotholes in the worldbuilding and history. So Shen Yuan does that by vlogging and adding more "worldbuilding" (aka telling the history of the xianxia world and going to visit/interview the girls who would had become Luo Binghe's harem in another life) for the readers to consume - that's why the system provides camera equipment and exports footage to Shen Yuan's brothers to edit and post.
The system rewards Shen Yuan plenty of points due to Shen Yuan's vlogging - the points are based on views, interactions (comments, follows, donations, etc.) And with Shen Yuan's business-oriented brothers who are experts (or can hire experts) at marketing, entertainment, and fulfilling Shen Yuan's wants... Well, it's no surprise Shen Yuan becomes one of the top video content-makers in China quickly.
Originally Shen Yuan went back home to visit him family via his hubby's sword, but with Luo Bingge's visit and Luo Bingmei's subsequently destruction of Xin Mo, Shen Yuan uses the System to move between worlds. Shen Yuan argues with the system that he can better fulfil plot holes if he can interact with the readers! Meet and greets! Collaborations with other video-content makers!
And if Shen Yuan uses the visit to also cram in some family time... (And said family time includes brainstorming with his gege's on how to further bully the system into providing more benefits... Surely the system isn't a black labor system that won't even let its employee Shen Yuan take breaks and visit home? Paid vacation is a thing!)
Sometimes to visit home, Shen Yuan has to use points if he can't cram in some business deals related to his vlogging. But either way, Shen Yuan is able to arrange to regularly visit his siblings and parents.
Luo Binghe tags along of course.
As for Shang Qinghua, given his demeanor (easy to bully, a people pleaser) and background (poor and can only rely on himself for money), he either doesn't have parents (ahem orphan) or has a very very bad relationship with his parents. He also spent more time in the xianxia universe, having been living there since he was a baby rather than transmigrating into an already established cultivator's body like Shen Yuan. So he isn't missing modern China as much - he uses Shen Yuan like a Door Dash driver to pick up modern snacks and stuff and sometimes tags along Shen Yuan's visits to the Modern World for vacation, but otherwise, he's good. Mobei Jun visited once and never wanted to return to Modern China, which also, uh, feed into Shang Qinghua's disinterest.
(Should had brought to Mobei Jun to Russia or Antarctica where there's like nobody around and the weather is nice and cold! That way Mobei Jun wouldn't had landed himself in jail for punching a car for "attacking" Shang Qinghua.)
Shang Qinghua still complains about how the system is unfairly biased to Shen Yuan though. Why didn't he get the offer to be a vlogger?! But nooooooooo.
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
I’m rewatching Peacemaker and noticed two things in episode 3 “Better Goff Dead” that pretty much got glossed over completely on the show.
Granted, Vigilante did say both things pretty dismissively, which was a direct contrast to how serious his words were.
First, what he tells Chris while in Goff’s basement:
Chris: “Hey. Aren’t you Gut Chase’s younger brother? The one who was playing DnD all the time?”
Adrian: “Since then I've turned my body into an instrument of vengeance."
And then there’s the after credits scene for the episode.
Harcourt: “If you fuck up this mission, I will kill your fucking family.”
Vigilante, laughing: “Okay, good luck. A little late for that. You guys got beer?”
By the complete lack of reaction Chris has to any of this, I’m guessing something happened to Adrian he hadn’t heard of. They all talked about Adrian’s parents and brother as if they were still alive.
Based on that, I think they are going to give that portion of comic book Adrian Chase’s backstory to Peacemaker’s Adrian Chase. Which is he became Vigilante after his wife and young kids were killed. He’s 31 as of this year according to his arrest record, which made him 27 when Peacemaker went to jail. 27 is more than old enough in the DC Universe to have had a spouse and kids, and lost them both to criminals. Hell, my husband and I were 22 and 21 respectively when we had our son.
This really explains why he has such a zero tolerance policy for crime. And also explains his hyper fixation with Chris. It seems like he has switched the role of BFF from his significant other to Chris in order to hold on. Remember how crushed he seemed when Chris said he isn’t his best friend?
That’s my theory, anyway. What do y’all think? And who wants to start taking bets now on how much we are going to lose our minds when we find out his tragic backstory? 😭😭😭
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alwayzraven · 2 years
Kardeşlerim ep 36
So Emir is in a coma now and the doctor said that he is not doing great. His mom of course reported Oglucan to the police. The next day the police showed up at school and arrested him. Aybike was so sad and Berk tried to comfort her.
Berk: "I am so sorry about Oglucan but I am sure whatever happened, it's gonna be resolved in the end. What can I do for you??? please tell me. I will do whatever I can but please don't tell me to stay still and do nothing. Just tell me please"
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Aybike: "Can you hug me??"
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THEN HE HUGGED HER AND KISSED HER HEAD AND SAID: "it will pass, sweetheart, it will pass" 😭😭
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Tolga and Kaan were talking shit in the cafeteria. Them calling someone else "savage" is SO RICH. What a bunch of psychos 🙄 Omer of course couldn't control himself when they started talking about Oglucan and he tried to punch Kaan except that Doruk protected him. Omer hurt his hand and Doruk's nose was bleeding. I love that Harika was worried about Omer and I am so glad she is on their side now ❤️️
Later, Kaan told Nebahet and Ajkif about what happened with Doruk and Omer even though Doruk told him not to tell them but of course being the trash he is, he couldn't keep his promise. I don't understand the sudden hate Kaan has for Omer ??? Anyway, the next day the parents complained to the school about Oglucan and about how the kids are violent so they want them to be expelled.
Resul wasn't supposed to come to the meeting I think, but Harika called him and told him everything so he came. I LOVE HER 😂😂
Resul:”How is your brother Aybike? Did you get a lawyer??”
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She was surprised that he knew her name but then she smiled and said “yes we found a lawyer”
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He probably asked her about the lawyer because he wanted to help them.
He said to the parents: "You have every right to feel uncomfortable, this is a democratic country and that is why Mr Burak (the school’s director) let us inform the accounting department that if anyone is uncomfortable with our four friends over here, they can transfer their children from our school. We will not keep anyone against their will, everyone is free to go"  💀💀
JKHSDFJKSHFJKSDHF THIS WAS SO FUNNY. They were all nodding thinking he was on their side but then he said you can get your kids out of here  and I will help you  💀💀
Doruk and Berk were waiting outside.
Aybike: “Your dad is truly a king”
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Berk: “Who? My dad?”
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Asiye told him about how his dad sided with them. Aybike: "We thanked him but thank him on our behalf again, please" Berk: "okay, I will"
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Resul:"You're welcome son, I only did the right thing"
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Berk: "I didn't expect you to do that, you surprised me, thank you again"
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Resul: "You're welcome. They wronged the kids and I just couldn’t let them do that. Let's have a father-son meal, what do you think? and you can also invite Aybike"
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Berk: "Aybike??"
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Resul: "Yes" Berk: "I mean..I don't know"
Resul: “😏 😏 😏 ”
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Resul: "okay you decide and then let me know. I have a meeting right now, I will see you later" Berk: "How does he know about Aybike??"
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So Berk has one parent who is doing everything not to ruin his relationship meanwhile the other parent is doing the opposite 😂😂
Back to Oglucan, he was transported to prison and Omer and Aybike went to visit him but Harika was there and wanted to visit him however, since she is not family, they can't allow her to visit him. Oglucan asked Omer where Aybike was and Omer said she was in the bathroom and then this happened  😂😂
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Oglucan held her hands calling her “my sister, my sister" 😂 Omer said that the guard is looking at them so they shouldn't go overboard and Oglucan asked him if he was jealous lool
These two are so adorable and I can’t wait for them to become besties ❤️️❤️️
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So ilknur managed to convince her sister to drop the charges and Oglucan is going to be released from jail. But of course she asked Sengul to give her Emel in exchange of that. Sis really asked her to give her Emel like she was asking to borrow some shoes 🙄. Sengul of course agreed to that and gave her Emel without telling Asiye and Omer.
By the way, to pay the lawyer’s fees, Orhan had to borrow money from someone and I think it was like a loan shark. He warned him that it’s not gonna end well if he doesn’t pay on time and I guess he will not be able to pay on time. Sooo are they finally going to kidnap Aybike  😂😂??
In the trailer, everyone is outside taking pictures. This must be a homework given by professor Feliz. Istg she always pairs the couples together, it's like she knows and I love her for that. Because of her we got to see stage director Berk. 
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Anyway, Omer and Asiye ofc couldn't find Emel at home. Someone said: "she was kidnapped", I couldn't tell who said that but now the police will be involved and everyone is looking for Emel, including Berk and Doruk. ilknur took some luggage with her so I wonder if she took Emel somewhere else in the country or if she went aboard with her. Also, I noticed that we didn't see any scenes with Ayla, Sengul and Berk so I am guessing the one they filmed this week was for ep 37. Maybe they will show it in the second trailer.
Anyway, it was a good episode overall. I know there weren't a lot of Ayber scenes but it's understandable, the focus of the episode was Oglucan.
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