#but this is getting ridiculous
batnbreakfast · 13 days
Urghhhhhh… 1.5 hours of an audiobook, one herbal tea, and 5mg melatonin into the night and I’m still wide awake while similarly bone tired.
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princessmuk · 3 months
Man, I don’t know what I’m gonna do if this site goes to shit. I deleted Twitter ages ago, Instagram is shit, TikTok is an actual hellscape and I only have the app to watch things my mom sends me, Reddit is insane, Facebook steals data and is old af, Pinterest is just masquerading as social media, Discord servers are intimidating, and any other site that seems cool costs money to join. I’ve been thinking about maybe making my own website but that would be more for sharing my creative endeavors, not for being social and interacting with fandom.
If anyone has suggestions, feel free to tell me. And to my mutuals and followers: Don’t hesitate to DM me your contact info if you think there’s a chance you’ll leave the site. Discord works best for one-on-one convos, but I’ve also got WhatsApp, Skype, email, and texting ofc.
If anyone wants to add me on Discord, my username is princessmuk, same as on here. Just lmk what your tumblr @ is so I don’t think you’re a spam bot lol.
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
we all talk abt oblivious mike but mfin will is so out of it with this man sometimes
mikes like hey will :DDDDDD i am having so soso many problems with el :( i dont think we can come back from this fight that we had. u hear that??? I DONT THINK WE CAN COME BACK FROM IT (pls tell me to break up w her pls tell me to break up w her pls tell me to break up w her)
and wills just like. Dw i am bob the builder so ur gonna be fine :) (guys he will never love me ill be alone forever woe is me)
mikes like hey im going to apologise to u unprompted and take full accountability for anything i did that upset u while also being full on offended if u try to take any responsibility for our arguments<333 i do not do this for anyone else. esp not my gf. who i have had a fight i cant come back from with.
and wills all aw hes such a good bestie<3 he loves el sm tho DDDD':
mike looks at his mouth constantly to the point that it is obvious to the audience, but will WHO IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM WATCHING HIS EYES MOVE DOWN is like nope nothing to see here hes so straight :((((
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b-rainlet · 4 months
This is gonna stay between you and me but like, why are M*rvel Fans....actually fans of these movies??
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rapidhighway · 1 year
This girl has been trying to get into the workshop for like 5 hours now but i guess she doesn't want anyone in the room while she works. She's been here to check if I'm still here like 6 times now it's almost 2 am I'm still here I'm so sorry TOT
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inkbotkowalski · 9 months
The "for you" tab is now showing me posts by people I'm already following, thereby completely defeating its purpose.
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blu-wingz · 10 months
Most of my favorite pieces of media have fucking divorce arcs/situations and I'm SICK OF IT
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spookyscribe · 2 years
🍂 writing update 🍂
I started writing a secret novella with my co-author yesterday. I’m still chipping away at Beasts of London, though I’ve hit quite a snag with a character’s underdeveloped motivation. In addition, my laptop is crashing… yes, the old laptop my husband gave me when my other two crashed this year!
I am going on vacation soon (for 1-year wedding anniversary/my birthday), and I’m hoping my laptop can be fixed before I leave so I can write when I have downtime.
Anyway, the weather has been crisp and lovely! This is my favorite season.
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thebleuspider · 1 year
Dear Porn Blogs/Bots,
Stop following me in droves. I've already had to block at least ten of you in the past two or three days.
Sincerely, Me
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dizzying-faust · 1 year
Personally, I find the whole Cuphead and Hazbin Hotel rivalry on twitter kinda stupid. Apart from the fact that both shows have no connection aside from Hell and Satan existing, Lucifer and the Devil would probably be best friends if the two met.
Cuphead stans acting like the Devil would hate Luci are just projecting their hate for HH when he would probably be joining him in making bets on which of their fandoms would crumble first.
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paganinpurple · 2 years
Want a laugh? End of lunch as I went to get the student I was supporting to class, one of the guys from the tradesmen courses asked for my number.
He looked about 21/22. Had to tell him I was old enough to be his mum 😂
And a couple of weeks ago, I was buying a bottle of cider (alcoholic by default in the UK. Kind of thing you keep in the house for a casual drink after work) and I got asked for ID.
You only need to be 18 to buy alcohol and they're only supposed to challenge you if you look under 25!
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holisticfansstuff · 2 years
Why is everyone in love with Finn?
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Sure, let's judge a man by his tattoos instead of his actions and words. How very 19th century of you.
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littlemizzlinguistics · 6 months
Studying linguistics is actually so wonderful because when you explain youth slang to older professors, instead of complaining about how "your generation can't speak right/ you're butchering the language" they light up and go “really? That’s so wonderful! What an innovative construction! Isn't language wonderful?"
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Kids on the internet now a days are literally wild.. like when I was 12 and on the internet, i was lying out my asshole I was telling people about my kids and my wife. I was talking to them about taxes and how I miss my college days.....now 12 year Olds are out here telling their AGE?!?! OR REAL NAME?!??! I was literally fucking Garry that worked at staples and had 2 children for like 4 years...
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jinaxxo · 7 months
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the dunmeshi party if i were to be the lord of the dungeon.. just a glimpse into my dark reality..
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