#but they're also definitely insane
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
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um alex??? just WHAT is your tongue doing??
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tennessoui · 4 months
Number 19 for the prompt thing. The parents meeting because of their kids. I’m kinda imagining Korkie being like a tutor/school reading buddy for the twins or something but you can just ignore that if it doesn’t match your thoughts on it.
hello!! i thought back as much as i could, and i don't think i actually did this prompt the first time around a couple of years ago, so there's nothing to link to save for the prompt list!
i stuck with korkie as obi-wan's kid and the twins as anakin's, but made the kids the same age and then took...a few more liberties with the prompt haha
(19. parents meeting while taking their kids to class) (sort of)
“Leia, baby, why do you always decide to get into fights at school when it’s my week with you?” Anakin asks the steering wheel as he buckles himself in and turns over the engine. “They’re going to start thinking I’m raising a truant. Then they’re going to start asking about your home life, then they’re going to bring in experts to ask me more questions, then Padmé’s parents are going to throw their considerable legal weight around and get my partial custody revoked and then where will we be? Is that what you want? To only see me on your birthday and Christmas?”
Anakin pauses and reconsiders. Knowing his daughter, she may very well only want to see him for birthdays and Christmases. It would mean double the presents.
Thankfully the silence of the car doesn’t offer much in the way of constructive critique.
At a red light, he puts his head down on the steering wheel for a long enough moment that the car behind him honks when the light changes to green.
“They’re going to stop letting me leave work to come get you,” Anakin mutters a few minutes later as he turns the car into the school’s parking lot. “I have a partner meeting in thirty minutes that I really can’t miss, baby. Can’t you at least schedule your schoolyard fights around my calendar?”
It’s all rather pointless, but it feels good to grumble and bitch in the time it takes him to leave his office and arrive at the school, before he has to put on his adult face and demeanor to sit through another round of We’re Worried Your Five Year Old Is Too Violent As She Seems To View The Monkey Bars As Sacrificial Zones.
“Maybe she’d like hockey,” he says under his breath as he grabs his jacket from the other seat and swings it over his suit. It’s fucking freezing already, not even December. It’s indecent, that’s what it is. Surely a place as cold as this has a peewee hockey team in need of another angry little girl.
“Thank you,” he says when a woman holds the door open for him on her way out the building.
He’s stil sort of freaked out that the elementary school his children are going to is fancy enough to have an entrance hallway with a chandelier hanging from the ceilingk, but it’s not him that’s paying for their private school education that doesn’t offer discounts for all the collective hours they’ll spend napping on the floors.
To the immediate left of the door is the receptionist’s desk—behind her, the nurse’s room. He’s quite familiar with both. Mrs. Whitsdale even waves when she sees him, which means, unfortunately, she’s just made the shortlist of people Anakin needs to make Christmas cookies for. She joins the ranks of everyone else that’s been made to deal with his son and daughter in the tumultuous year after the divorce.
“Hi, ma’am,” he says dutifully, sticking his head into the receptionist area. “Do I need to sign in or can I just go up?”
She waves him away. “I’ve already got you, sweetheart. You’re late anyway, they’re waiting for you upstairs.”
“You’re a miracle amongst men,” he calls out as he turns instead to the right of the door and up the old staircase that leads to the principal’s office. This is also a route he is incredibly familiar with.
How can he be late? He practically flew here on light feet and broken speed limits. It’s enough to take his mood from bad to worse, which isn’t optimal for a meeting with the principal of the school when it’s his kid who caused the fight. Anakin’s role is to nonconfrontational, contrite to the point of groveling—because he knows his daughter won’t. 
That’s already hard enough when he’s feeling normal. It’s practically impossible when he’s feeling foul.
But Padmé did always say Leia got her stubbornness and temper from Anakin.
Anakin’s always said Leia never really had a chance considering who her parents are. 
After all, someone threw a hairdryer at the hotel mirror before they got divorced and it wasn’t Anakin. But he’s not stupid enough to even think that when Padmé’s around.
The big oak door at the end of the hallway on the second floor is elaborate, looks heavy, and stays closed. He knows that this is the headmaster’s office, but he’s never seen the guy around. He doesn’t even know what the guy does. What’s a headmaster of an elementary school doing every day? 
It’s an elementary school.
But, again. Anakin’s not paying for all this pomp and circumstance.
He takes another right instead, down the corridor in the opposite direction to the principal’s office. The door’s left ajar, and Anakin knocks politely before entering at the call to.
A couple of things bring him up short as soon as he steps into the room. For one thing, it’s not Principal Cinoff behind the desk, but a stranger who has the remnants of a three-piece suit on, jacket hanging neatly on a coat rack in the corner of the room. His vest is a deep red that should do nothing but drain his complexion—all pasty white skin, freckled and sun-starved, paired with his reddish hair and beard. It doesn’t, which is unfair to the point of duplicity. Or–something.
The way he’s sitting at the desk, hands spread wide on the wood and shoulders back, leaves no doubt in Anakin’s mind that the stranger is in a position of power here at the school. And probably in, like. Life. He looks like the kind of guy who gets his groceries on discount even without providing a loyalty card. He also looks like the kind of guy the system bends to accommodate. As a lawyer, Anakin is offended and deeply disturbed. That’s why his stomach does two or three flips in quick succession when they make eye contact.
The stranger’s eyes are cool and focused as they run over Anakin, and he gives him a perfunctory incline of his head. At least his eyes are warmer when they fall to the kids in front of him. 
And that’s the other thing that shocks him.
The amount of children in front of the desk. One pouting ginger kid off to the side, arms crossed and staring down at his light-up sneakers.
And then two very familiar heads of hair on the other side. 
“Luke?” He asks before he can stop himself, surprise dripping from his tone. “What are you doing here?”
At this rate, he’s going to give his daughter a complex, he knows it.
But Luke has never been in trouble before. Sure, they’re only five, and it’s only been three months of school, but in that time, Anakin’s been called down here six times to deal with Leia-related emergencies. He’s always imagined that meanwhile, Luke was in his classroom, chewing on crayons or diligently helping the teacher pass out homework assignments.
The stand-in principal coughs slightly and rises. “Ah, Mr. Skywalker-Amidala. Thank you for being able to join us today.”
Anakin scowls automatically before schooling his face into something far more diplomatic and pleasant when his children whirl around in their seats to look at him. The last thing he needs is for his children to think they can sneer at authority figures, given that he’s one of their main authority figures. 
Luke leaves his chair to hug onto his leg, pressing his small face into the fabric of his pants, presumably seeking comfort and also to wipe his face dry of tears and snot.
Anakin puts a hand on his head and strokes through his hair, darting a curious glance at Leia, who has turned around to glare forward again, arms crossed over her chest.
“It’s just Skywalker, actually,” he tells the stranger. “Amidala is their mother.”
The man’s eyebrow goes up and he picks up a pen to make a note on the papers before him. An actual note. Regarding Anakin’s divorce. “Ah, apologies then,” he says. “Our contact list notes you as the father, Skywalker-Amidala, and their mother as Amidala-Organa.”
Anakin squints, trying to decide if the stranger is just trying to correct a clerical error in the school’s records or fishing for gossip. He gives him the benefit of the doubt. “Amidala is their mother, recently remarried to Organa. Organas. And she’s always been better at remembering to file paperwork than I am.”
The stranger keeps his face admirably placid. “Ah,” he says. “Well, Mr. Skywalker. Should we begin?”
“Uh,” he says. “What about the other parent?”
The stranger blinks at him, both eyebrows raised. “I’m a widower.”
“Uh,” he says. “I meant…” he gestures at the other child, the surly looking ginger kid.
“I’m afraid it will just be us, Mr. Skywalker,” the stranger says. “Please, sit.”
Anakin sits, and Luke is quick to scramble up into his lap with a very plaintative, “I didn’t really mean to.”
“So at recess today, the children were playing on the swings,” the stranger who must be the principal for the day says. “And—”
“Sorry,” Anakin interrupts. “Can I get your name please? I was expecting Principal Cinoff.”
The man pauses. “Sheri has been put on sudden maternity-leave a few months early,” he says. “For the next couple of weeks, I’ll be dual-hatting as both principal and headmaster while we continue to search for a temporary replacement.” He raises an eyebrow at Anakin. Anakin really doesn’t appreciate that. “This was in an email the school sent out to all the parents recently.”
“Yes, well,” Anakin says. “I get a lot of emails.”
The man looks unimpressed. “I encourage you to prioritize the communications from your children’s learning institute.”
Anakin bristles. What a dick. Who the fuck says learning institute?
“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” he asks in his best unimpressed voice.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” the man’s unimpressed voice is ten times more chilling than Anakin’s, which is also not fair. “Please, call me Dr. Kenobi.” Anakin scowls. “I appreciate the fact that you feel as though you can cover the extremely busy roles of both headmaster and principal of an elementary school, but I would really rather wait until the other parent gets here so we can most productively discuss the altercation, Mr. Kenobi.”
“Please, Mr. Skywalker,” Kenobi says. “Leave the litigation to the court rooms, we—”
“It’s Esquire, actually.”
Kenobi’s face grows very pinched around the mouth and eyebrows. Anakin feels a vicious thrill course through him even as his stomach flips again.
“I suppose I should have made it clearer at the beginning of this session,” Kenobi says, tone dripping in you idiot. “This is my son, Korkie.”
Anakin’s mouth falls open. His immediate thought is, of course, Korkie Kenobi? And he thought Luke and Leia were too cutesy for twin names.
“Korkie is a family name,” Kenobi adds rather dryly. “My late wife’s grandfather’s.”
Anakin doubts that’s even true. He bets it’s not actually, that Kenobi just plays the dead wife card to get out of judgemental questions about his naming abilities.
But then another, worse thought occurs to Anakin. “Wait a second, you can’t be the parent and the principal!”
“I assure you, I am impartial.”
“Like hel—heck you are!” Anakin straightens in his seat and Luke lets out a grumble, clinging tightly to his front. “I demand a different authority.” “No,” Kenobi says firmly, as if the matter is at rest. This, of course, is absolutely infuriating.
“It’s unfair bias and I will not see either of my children punished in a tyrannical and self-serving institution—”
Kenobi pinches at the bridge of his nose. “Mr. Skywalker, unless you would like to have me call Mrs. Cinoff away from her pre-mature baby, I am the best option this school has. Please. Settle down.”
“Dad,” Leia says, “I don’t want to miss reading time.”
Anakin breathes out in disgust. Shitty, overpriced private school. This sort of thing would never happen at a publicly funded school.
“The fact of the matter is that Luke pushed Korkie off the swings,” Kenobi says with a stern look at both Luke and Anakin. He holds up his hand when Anakin opens his mouth. “An incident that many were witness to. And before you make an accusation, there were many witnesses who were not on the school’s payroll, Mr. Skywalker.”
Anakin closes his mouth sullenly.
“Korkie could have been very hurt, Luke,” Kenobi says, clasping his hands in front of him and looking down at Anakin’s son. “He was swinging pretty fast when you pushed him, and he could have broken his ankle in the fall.”
Luke’s bottom lip trembles. “I didn’t want to hurt him,” he mumbles, turning his face back into Anakin’s sleeve. “He was being mean. I just wanted him to stop.” “I wasn’t!” Korkie cries, sitting straight in his chair for the first time since Anakin’s arrived. “I wasn’t being mean, dad!” “You said Leia’s hair looks like cinnamon buns on her head!” Luke shouts back, pushing away from Anakin’s arms to glare at the other boy. 
Anakin winces. When it’s Padmé’s turn with the kids, Leia always turns up to school with elaborately braided hair, twisted on top of her head in elegant formations that look effortlessly pretty. He knows that’s not Padmé’s work, but he also can’t figure out if Breha or Bail is responsible. It’s not something he wants to ask.
The fanciest Anakin can do, after all, is two buns on either side of Leia’s head. 
That do, truth be told, look rather like cinnamon rolls.
“Ah,” Kenobi says. “I believe I understand the miscommunication here. Korkie, would you like to tell the Skywalkers what you meant when you told Luke that Leia’s hair looked like cinnamon buns?”
If possible, the kid turns even more red, blushing furiously. “I really like cinnamon buns,” he mutters, crossing his arms tighter. “They’re my favorite.”
“He’s started asking for them for breakfast several times a week,” Kenobi tells Anakin with a smile lingering around his lips. “I’ve been wondering why.”
Anakin isn’t sure he likes the explanation. Sure, Korkie can have whatever sort of crush on his daughter that he wants to have, but likening her hair to cinnamon buns isn’t very kind, and he’s pretty sure that if someone else was the judge in this trial, they wouldn’t be so quick to justify the other boy’s words.
Luke seems to agree with him. “Your hair looks like carrots,” he snaps, crossing his arms.
Because Anakin is an intelligent adult who understands that making enemies with the headmaster’s son isn’t the best move, he adds on the Skywalker family’s behalf, “Luke loves carrots.”
Luke, in fact, hates carrots. 
“There is still the matter of Luke pushing Korkie off the swing,” Kenobi says, eyebrows raised like he understands exactly what’s going unsaid here. “We do not encourage physical violence of any sort here, and it was dangerous. Korkie could have been hurt much more badly than a scraped knee.”
The words are very serious and grave, and Luke wilts under the headmaster-principal-father’s disappointed stare. Anakin bristles.
“Well, it’s his first infraction,” he says. “And he was sticking up for his sister. I think that’s fair. He won’t do it again.”
“Hm,” Kenobi says, pushing papers aside and pulling out a glossy leaflet. “Now, I cannot force you to consider this, but I noticed that neither Luke nor Leia are currently enrolled in any of our extracurriculars.”
“They’re five.”
“We have many on offer at Jedi Prepatory School,” Kenobi continues as if Anakin hasn’t said anything. “And I wanted to highlight our peewee hockey league. I think both Leia and Luke would enjoy the rigorous schedule, and they may…benefit from the…structure it offers. And team activity.”
Anakin glowers. He can read between the lines. Kenobi’s just called his parenting style structureless and lazy. It makes him want to grab the pamphlet and rip it to shreds in front of him. “I would have to talk about it with their mother,” he says stiffly instead.
“Of course,” Kenobi says cheerfully. “When you do, please give Bail and Breha my well-wishes as well. It’s been far too long since I’ve had the time to see them, given how exhastingly busy it is to be the headmaster and principal of an elementary school.”
“Right,” Anakin grits out. “Yeah. I’ll let my ex-wife’s new partners know.”
Kenobi’s smile is all teeth. “I look forward to seeing you in the rink, Mr. Skywalker Esquire. My son plays on the team.”
Anakin wonders if there’s another peewee hockey team he can have his kids join. Just so they can beat Jedi Prepatory school and then laugh in Korkie and Dr. Kenobi’s faces.
Yeah. That sounds really nice.
He’ll look when he gets back to work.
This takes priority.
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f1-stuff · 2 years
Austin GP ‘22 // Name the US states
Charles: *excessive praising* “Good apex! I like this, Picasso! Little oversteer, but we like it like that! Beautifuuull! Good rotation in exit...oooh-” Carlos: “Connecticut!”
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crownspeaksblog · 6 months
One of my favorite (if not my favorite) admissions of love in fiction is Mark Darcys "i like you very much, just as you are" from Bridget Jones's Diary.
He tells her that he likes her but she interrupts him with oh apart from all of these awful things sbout me and starts listing things and mark just hits her with "just as you are"... not thinner, or better, or smarter, or more polite or more organized or successful.. just as she is, with all of her mess and imperfections, just as she fucking is!
The lyric "I've loved him, since he was born" during ed and stedes reunion is so "i like you very much, just as you are"!!!
Ed and stede are two people who've felt/been unloved for so much of their lives, childhood and adulthood. They (and even the world) hate parts of themselves, parts of themselves that the other absolutely fucking ADORES about them! They've loved eachother since they were born! They love who the other was, who the other is and who the other will be! Just as they are!!
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irregularbillcipher · 9 months
having a normal one about brad and birdie again
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#no spoilers for definitive edition here because i haven't played definitive joyful yet and haven't gotten any new birdie content in painful#lisa rpg#i know that half the things i say about birdie are looking Too Far Into It#but also they give us another bearded b-named addiction riddled wreck ruining his life because he's haunted by the deaths of young family#members he feels he should have protected (one of whom even committed suicide) and you expect me NOT to go 'wait that sounds familiar'#honestly the 'like/love' parallel really gets to me because it's so throwaway and i don't know why it's THERE#terry and buzzo say that (and ofc lisa originates it) but that makes SENSE#they're both categorized as someone deeply devoted to someone in the armstrong family. ofc that parallel is made#but why BIRDIE#brad's shirt pattern when he's young is the same pattern as birdie's poncho too#god it's not even just brad#dustin's least favorite thing being 'letting people down' and birdie's being 'being a failure' ESP. with the context of his children like#and (prefacing this by saying i do NOT think birdie was at all the type of father marty was) there's even similarities to marty#like you're telling me the companion who visually looks most like marty is *checks notes* the alcoholic single dad whose kid killed themsel#like there are so many weird things that are canon traits of the armstrong family that you can also see in birdie it's WILD#i'm not even saying i think any of this is THAT intentional or deliberate. like i think having fathers that failed their children on brad's#team is an obvious and deliberate choice but i don't think all this minutia w/birdie was intentional. i acknowledge i'm a lil insane#(birdie has rosy cheeks like marty because they're both drunk. fly also has the same shirt pattern so it's recusing assets. i get it)#there's just a weird amount to pick at if you want to
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queerbeverage · 26 days
Hey so turns out cuddling with a fellow cute trans person can actually fix you & make you feel soso happy!
Definitely recommend to everyone. Doesn't matter if they're platonic cuddles or more sexual, just holding someone close & being held is amazing.
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plushie-lovey · 2 months
Its official, I went thru my plushies. There's so many of them I decided to keep 😭 3 boxes and 2 trashbags worth (ran out of boxes). And there's 2 trashbags full of plush that are going to be resold/donated.
Also these guys are getting a home with my friend
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a-wins-a-win · 3 months
unpopular opinion?? maybe?
Matt & Ivy have a really interesting dynamic!! both pre- and post-canon!! with or without romantic undertones!! either reciprocal or one-sided!!
and obviously it has to be handled with a particular level of care/respect BUT I think if we allowed them enough grace there is space to explore a really interesting possibility for that relationship.
#obviously Matt is not ENTITLED to Ivy - im absolutely not saying that at all#and he definitely did a lot of things extremely wrong and Ivy doesn’t HAVE to forgive him - she doesn't even have to *like* him#and in many stagings she actually doesn’t at all! even pre-canon she isn't into him on a *platonic* level - which i love for her#but I also think that - misguided & clumsy about it though he was - Matt is genuinely trying his best to see her as a person.#an idealized version of a person yes. but a person nonetheless.#which is what Ivy wants from Jason (and tbf he sees her as a person also but it’s an obviously different situation)#and while you can't force romantic compatibility (that was like. the whole point.) in some versions of the show they're not-quite-dating#- in varying types of “situationship” with varying levels of commitment. so it's not insane to me to say hey#maybe they need time to stabilize themselves and figure out who they are again after the events of the show. but maybe a couple years -#- down the line they reconnect and they're both in a better place & maybe this time it can all work out.#idk I think I just see a lot of people write it off entirely - and they’re well within their rights to do so don’t get me wrong#but I don’t think it’s fair necessarily to put them in the ‘doomed to fail’ category#wow okay I care about them as a pair more than I realised#tldr; give Matt & Ivy and their relationship dynamic the grace + complexity they deserve#mouse talks bapo#bare a pop opera#Ivy Robinson#Matt Lloyd#[as a side note - sometimes I think about queer Matt & transmasc Ivy & the interesting concept of their potential boyfriendism]
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binch-i-might-be · 6 days
I've been packing my shit for tomorrow but because it's only for one night (a little over 24 hours all in all), I only managed to fill up the smallest one of my packing cubes. and it's making me nervous because WHAT am I forgetting here......
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applexi · 8 months
guuuh a way out is such a great game, incredibly niche title that everyone should actually check out - like seriously. why didn't I pick up on this game when everyone was still posting about it... 5 years ago....
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 8 months
this is such an indulgent au I made for myself that's not even related to selfshipping but i love to imagine the dexholders in a filipino school setting where some of the kids are part of the class officers and this is definitely based on my irl experiences with my old class when I was elementary to... freshman. <3
#ill just ramble in the tags from here on out#the class batch counts from the kanto to the hoenn dexholders - since they're all the most tied to one another#the officer list might change but the ones ive definitely settled were like#blue. he's the president of the class - he's quiet smart but handsome and would be a teacher's pet because he's also oak's grandson#red is vice president - he's a goofy compared to blue but he still has that vibe of someone you can absolutely rely on (and he does it)#would sometimes get told off by blue for being too carefree with his duties but they still go well together as a duo#i think i wrote secretary for crystal!! since crystal would definitely have a lot of biodata on her pokemon#it's only natrual that she'd be pretty good at being a secretary#in my class being a secretary means to keep track of students' attendances and names - basically writing a lot of things!#she's the smartest i like to think shes probably in the same ranking as blue (high honor students)#red is around the middle#green is the treasurer! (i was the treasurer last school year actually)#now i know this ones such a wild one because green is noctorious for being a good thief but that also means you cant outsmart her with money#and she's sure to keep the money safe. maybe she would spend the money secretly for her personal wants but she refills the amount she paid#<- i totally did that. nobody from my class knows me here so i can say this with full confidence AKSJSJAJJSJSJD#except its not for personal its for emergency LMAO like getting plete for tricycle n shit#looking at my notes apparently i wrote that sapphire and gold should be sergeants - i mean. i mean they can do the job but like#they're also kinda. insane so like - that's gonna be funny#sergeants are supposed to watch for their classmate's misconduct or stop anyone from fighting or whatever#that's all i wrote - i left the rest blank#about sapphire - i totally see her in my old classmate who was crazy about anime boys (except its franticshipping)#she's aggressive (to boys especially) but she also gets super UWU OMG KYAA BOYS <3 bitch THAT'S LITERALLY SAPPHIRE AND RUBY#that girl also acts tsundere at times so like. yeah you're sapphire coded girlie#ok thats all....#i kept this au to myself for like 2 months now PGPPTPTPTPGTP#pokespe hours#🍀 jil's rambling
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curiosityforstars · 8 months
Insanely funny to me how everyone who works at Princeton Plainsboro acts like House has held them at gun point at made them do the awful things they do. Like sure, he's pushed them towards being worse, he definitely brings out the worst in people, but they do have the option of saying no. Half the time, all he can really do is be more of an asshole. None of them want to admit that he just gives them an excuse to be awful, because then they'd just be admitting that all of them suck.
#house md#literally they're all just awful people. which. people are nuanced and good and evil are too simple to define people blah blah blah#but they are all so! bad!#they just get to conveniently blame all of it on House.#Maybe the fellows have the most justification in this because he's their boss.#but they are also crazy! so.#anyone else would've quit i swear.#all other hospitals would be like oh you quit.. (or were fired)... why? OH you worked for Dr. house? i hate that dude totally understandable#but like Cuddy and Wilson? they have no excuse! House just makes them look better so they seem normal and then they enable him and you#realize thag actually all 3 of them need help and none of them should hold positions of power.#(cuddy is the best of them but she's not totally great)#Wilson yells at House and gets upset when#House exhibits normal behavior of his#and then turns around and continues to enable him#Cuddy yells at House and acts like she keeps him on for the hospital#and then also enables him and breaks laws for him and does not stop his insanity! when she does she proceeds to cave!#and then they all turn to House and tell him he's an awful person who is definitely lying about his chronic pain from his disability and#he ruins everyone's life with his assholery and addiction#as if they don't put themselves there day after day#like damn all of y'all suck. House may bring out the worst in them but it doesn't even take that much#(i firmly believe the fellows would just be like that. House is not soley responsible for their behavior)#they'd all be fired from a better hospital though! Cuddy is the reason for all this idc how good House is. she couldve and shouldve#fired him.#anyways.#ik y'all like to talk about how Wilson looks like Mr. nice guy next to House to hide his own issues#but that's true of alllll of them#its great none of them should ever work in a hospital.
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Thoughts on childe in the new archon quest 👀
man i didn't realize how much i've missed him. even without my bias Childe's such a fun character and has room for so many cool interactions. i wasn't surprised at all when he got arrested that seems like a very Childe thing to do, also the fact that he was going to ACCEPT THE CHARGES IN ORDER TO DUEL CLORINDE HE'S SO FUNNY. i've been using the korean dub lately and all the VAs did a phenomenal job too, Childe getting dragged off to literal prison is the most hysterical thing EVER
also ok, hear me out. i know Childe attributed his mood swings and the loss of control over his Vision to his connection to the Abyss, but honestly my mind immediately went to the Sinthe potion, since one of the side effects is losing control of emotions which might be tied to his Vision. not sure which one it'll end up being but either way it'll be interesting!!
i have one complaint about the Archon Quest tho and that comes with Childe's fight scene
nothing against Neuvillette obviously, i know he lowkey had to knock Childe out but MAN i have been moth-deprived for so long and i am In Agony
and yes the Archon Quest made me come up with a bunch of brainrot for Childe and Foul Legacy what about it
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wheucto · 1 year
ii au where (nearly) everyone on the show is just some kind of abnormal being
#wheucto#wheucto speaks#inanimate insanity#ii au#i'm feeling brave actually.#i say nearly because like. maybe one normal person per season or something#ok some ideas:#fan as the internet#paper as a created being who was made by someone drawing onto an inanimate piece of paper#paintbrush as themself. they're already abnormal enough. though you could add more information than has fire powers#nickel as someone who can act out a 'role' consistently for as long as he needs to#<- kind of inspired by the fact theres a nickel in bfdi and people sometimes hc them as the same person#also this means he probably has identity issues because he's always acting as someone else and has no true identity#trophy as a cryptid. because he absolutely believes in them and is a cryptid hunter himself#turns out the cryptid was inside him all alonf#oj as not normal. idk what but that man needs to be abnormal. he would hate it so much it would torment him i need it to happen#also it would definitely be character development or whatever. idk#maybe some kind of eldritch creature? idk? really powerful?#also test tube as not normal but bc she doesnt believe in them. different kind of i need (character) to be abnormal#the floor as the island and eldritch being. obviously#silver spoon as normal.#screw you richboy!!! *does absolutely nothing to you*#lightbulb as cyborg cause i saw a hc abt that before and it was good#suitcase with infinite storage or something. if you go inside her you'll enter suitcase space#goo as um. maybe a colonial organism. like of microbes or something.#tea kettle as mother in a kind of cryptid way. she appears behind you if you do something she disapproves of.#mermaid lifering but like the kind where you have to touch water to become a mermaid#or the kind where touching water will make you a mermaid#yinyang as two ancient spirits sharing a body. which is an object for some reason?#maybe cabby as a knowledge spirit
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quickhacked · 2 months
Here, have a wild card 🤲
For a pairing you want to talk about, but don't often get to: 💛🤎🍬🥡
pairing asks!
💛 What are their favorite activites to do together?
so cassidy and reid used to be together a few years back in their maxtac days! it was not the healthiest relationship of all time but they had their moments, and most of their favorite activities together revolved around just hanging out together in the same space without worrying about work for a bit. watching movies together, both reading a book and occasionally ranting about something that was happening in the chapter, going on a trip to the grocery store and running some other errands, stuff like that :^)
🤎 How do they comfort each other?
cassidy always wanted to comfort reid through physical touch, despite it hurting himself because of his fucked up nervous system. he knew that holding reid helped calm him down instantly and wanted to be there for him, but reid simply never let cassidy that close :( he didn't want to show weakness, even in the comfort of their own home, which often resulted into reid pushing cassidy away and attempting to work through something all by himself which he really wasn't that good at
reid wasn't great at comforting cassidy, mainly because he always got uncomfortable whenever people seemed upset. the best he could do was sit with cassidy and try to get him to talk about it, talk him through what was upsetting him and try to rationalize it, to ground cassidy and leave him less in his own head about it. and it helped to a degree; just in general having reid close already helped a lot but cassidy was too scared to ask for that, and he could've really used the comfort of a hug or a kiss but he knew reid wouldn't give him that so he never asked for that either :(
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
this one is fun because literally nobody supported their relationship LMAO obviously their families were out of the picture with cassidy's family being dead since he was 8 and reid having cut ties with his own family after he left home, but also neither of them really had any friends (reid has some maxtac colleagues he hung out with from time to time, and cassidy was simply not liked on the workfloor on account of him being too soft for the special ops force). their colleagues mostly just didn't care about their relationship but whenever they were faced with it would mostly just roll their eyes at it and move on with their day
🥡 What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
very similar to their favorite activities answer i think!! reid often got home late from work after already having visited a bar or two and would either go back to work instantly or just go to bed, but on rare occasions he would join cassidy on the couch and they'd watch a tv show together (not even a good one but something they could complain about together) :^) usually on their own side of the couch though. but sometimes if it was cold in the apartment reid would curl up against cassidy instead and also eventually fall asleep there, and cassidy would carry him to bed and then fall asleep with his arm wrapped around reid instead of at the own side of his bed. those really were his favorite kind of nights
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
do you. have any charisk fic recommendations. i’m so close to shipping them but i’m on the fence tbh
no tbh, i just ship the hyperspecific, highly self catering version of charisk that only exists in my brain
#it's a very weird slightly codependent.. thing. especially on frisk's end#because i was working off of the premise that they must have been abandoned and so very lonely before climbing the mountain#so having chara by their side constantly would've been of tremendous comfort to them and they would get more than a little attached#while chara is basically haunting the underground. constantly wanting to do things again and again and again because they can't let go#(neutral runs basically)#and frisk being so attached to them that they go along. as long as they can stick together#world's least stable 12 year olds#it's not even like i ship them in a kissy smoochie way it's not romantic#but it's definitely more than platonic too y'know. VERY codependent#but also the main appeal to me is the inherent tragedy of it. because in genocide chara becomes stronger and stronger#until frisk is fully put aside as they become aware of and interested in US. players#while in pacifist chara finally lets go and stops haunting the story... and frisk. who has to go on and live their own life#and while they DO have a support system and a new family with them. it's still gonna be a pretty big blow on them#especially since chara holds the SAVE file and the power to reset (even if they did manage it together throughout the game)#and now they're gone. like either way there's no ending where they break the loop AND they stay together#and that concept just makes me insane and is. so underrated. or at least i haven't seen anything with that premise yet#answered asks#hcs
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