#but that shouldnt be the focal point of the writing!!!
milkmynk · 2 years
I haven't opened the Ssum app for 2 days.
I feel like I'm abandoning Teo but not through his own fault, it's the lackadaisical writing and very janky mechanics.
Like, I actually like Teo a lot, he's super cute, but I can't sit through another just-barely-touched-upon "new part-time job" (super shallow and filler content) and the frustration of having yet another "there's still an hour till the next chat gdi why did you close this one???" moment.
(I don't mind paying for content to a certain extent, am blessed enough to have the disposable income, but I draw the line at feeling like I'm being arbitrarily failed even when I follow the schedule.)
Yeah... Yeah. I think I'm done. Sorry Teo, you're the sweetest, but this was a poor showing on your creator's part. Perhaps it was just too ambitious an undertaking? :/
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kidhawks · 4 years
could you give us your most realistic scenario of what will happen to hawks in the manga? do you think horikoshi will delve into his mental state after this super traumatic event or just kinda focus more on his wings/external injuries??
ooooh this is a hard one because well... i’m bound to be biased about how important hawks is hahah. he’s important to the plot and has been a focal point in the narrative and his arc still has more to it, but he’s still a side character and there’s gonna be a lot of recovery focus on different characters after this arc, so how much room is there for hawks?
at the most basic of levels, i want to see indication that hawks is struggling mentally and physically after losing a massive part of himself. even if it’s just in the way that mirio was shown to be doing Not Well after losing his quirk—panels of him crying alone etc. but imo, mirio was handled that way because his arc was mostly over and he wasn’t that plot relevant anymore, whereas hawks still is (he knows dabi’s name, info on the plf, toga will probably want revenge, the mystery around hawks’ own name and childhood.... the list goes on). so i’m tentatively hopeful for more depth into a recovery arc for him.
that being said, i’m not sure i see him giving up or even outwardly showing how torn up he is. i’ve considered a few main scenarios though: 1) he keeps up his jokey facade to deflect worry and attention or 2) we get treated to suddenly serious hawks, but not just when he’s alone anymore—no point in still playing the fool if it comes out he’s an undercover agent with a kill count. i suppose he could lose motivation and feel broken and useless (though hopefully as part of an arc where he finds his worth without his wings).
but personally, i view him as a determined, self sacrificial person. his own ruined life is a casualty for that better future and he hasn’t come this far to stop working hard now. so even through the mental and physical turmoil, i can imagine him not really addressing it and going straight back into work. repress, repress, repress, all the guilt at failing the raid and needing to be saved and killing twice—push it all down to keep working (though it’ll come back to bite him later). this is less of a realistic scenario and more how i’d write it hahah........ it would also allow for the plot to keep moving without spending too much time on hawks being sad (but very sad internally)
but yeah, his entire identity is his job and without his wings he can’t really be that anymore, at least not in the same way. identity crisis time? tbh, i really can’t predict it. i can see most focus being on his physical injuries but i hope there’s more to it! again, my ideal scenario is hawks pretending he’s fine so that he can keep working and everyone’s like there is no WAY that man is fine oh my god shouldnt he be in a hospital??
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spadedraws · 4 years
Do you think in a blue diamond au I could use flint to replace amethyst but instead of being overcooked flint came out masculine and is male so that’ll make him “off color”
Im gonna have to give that one a no from me pal.
Im not opposed to the idea of a trans gem at all, but using it as an equivalent to Amethyst’s “deformity” is a little harmful.
Amethyst is typically the center of a lot of negative attention because of the fact that she came out shorter than the rest of the quartzes. If you substitute shortness/weakness, with gender identity, then you’d be purposely writing transphobia into your narrative, which is a big no no if you dont know how to properly address it.
I actually talked to my transmale friend before i answered this to get the best possible answer i could and he said: “Using ‘negative’ attributes from other characters and comparing it to a character that is trans does sound transphobic. I do understand what they meant implying that the character would be subject to more discrimination and slurs. However this shouldnt be a focal point of a character because this universe is seen as a sort of safe space for a lot of trans people” -@/grayboiy on Instagram
That being said, this doesnt mean Flint CANT identify as male. You just shouldnt use this as the narrative point of your arc for his character. I hope this helped clear things up!
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insinirate · 5 years
What's your take on the "Kirishima is gaycoded" idea? I personally think it's fine to headcanon or see any fictional character in a gay relationship but some Kiri fans take it too far and basically go "if you ship kiri with (insert female character here) then you're HOMOPHOBIC!!!!11" and it's wild
this is some beef i dont like to mess with cause its just Very strange
most of the ruckus is caused by hardcore krbk shippers and some really feisty kirishima/bakugo kins and like, 90% of fandom problems are caused by shippers and enthusiastic kinning anyway. if it ended there id easily just dismiss it but it doesnt
the hc/theory itself is kind of a dumb reach. kiri interacting with boys for majority of the time thing? 85% of the class is boys so he doesnt have much of a choice there. jump/smash fan service? it is what it is: fan service. 
and the farthest reach that makes 100% of the theory: the fact that kiris a fan of kouha in his character sketch page. westies took a quick peek at the wikipedia page and stamped yaoi on it despite literally every other problem in the text. even ignoring the freaky power dynamics it still isnt even gay bc the men entered relationships not bc they liked men but bc they hated women, which shouldnt be the reason kiri ‘even girls can be manly’ eijiro appreciates it in the first place
on the protection of the idea that kiri is gay is another thing entirely
kiris become a source of comfort for the lgbt fans, most notably gay boys, and theres a personal rage seeing a character popularized to be gay being with a girl. its not as easy to say ‘its just an hc’ when literally all his focal points revolve around male characters. (obv this is just a writing problem given theres literally like 5 girls in class and only 2 of them have had anything close to a major arc)
so given the notion that kiri is widely accepted to be gay + his lack of interactions with the girls there is reason to be a lil suspicious abt behind the shipping. 
the common defense i hear is that he could be bi/pan but given all the kiri/girl content ive been exposed to none of it actually acknowledges his bi/pansexuality and its ultimately just used to get away with giving a mlm character a female love interest
both sides r frustrating and dont rly matter to me bc i hold the multiverse but thats my take
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spector · 5 years
You're charged with writing a Green Lantern/Doom Patrol crossover, what'd be the plot.
SOMETHING WEIRD AND EXISTENTIAL AND META... like maybe theres a race of aliens that came to earth to literally write it out of the existence bc theyre tired of it being the focal point of all intergalactic stories, so doom patrol and glc have to work together to stop them and eventually they do it not thru battle but thru explaining that earth being important in intergalactic conflicts actually sucks bc it gets destroyed all the time and they shouldnt be so jealous etc
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Dating in the Church (Part 1)
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33 NKJV).
 “You have been raised to life with Christ. Now set your heart on what is in heaven, where Christ rules at God’s right side. Think about what is up there, not about what is here on earth. You died, which means that your life is hidden with Christ, who sits beside God. Christ gives meaning to your life, and when He appears, you will also appear with Him in glory” (Colossians 3:1-4 CEV).
Happy Valentine’s Day to all those who’re celebrating! If you’re familiar with my writing, you know that I don’t take the typical approach — basically, the worldly viewpoint — regarding love, dating and celibacy because I’m committed to using my spiritual gift to serve God and His people. That said, be sure to read my previous posts about love and dating if you haven’t already: On Marrying the Wrong Person and On Love, Loyalty & Less Than God’s Best.
This series was inspired by a retweet that came across my timeline, which attempted to address why dating in the church is difficult. First, understand that there’s no biblical position on dating — at least not in the formal sense. There’s no particular scripture or passage that addresses how single believers should date. However, there are godly principles in scripture that can be applied to dating. It’s natural to want companionship, but many believers overlook the necessity and blessing of being single. This is the time to give God your undivided attention and allow Him to mature you in your faith and in your spiritual gifts. Y’all know I’m longwinded — I could write a book on this subject (in fact, I am)! Pull out your Bibles, as I’m going to assume that you’re familiar with the scriptures referenced. The first point listed was:
“We keep promoting this misnomer that marriage is more spiritual than natural.”
 Uh, since when?
 My first thought reading this was, why would any church, which is a spiritual institution, ever downplay the spiritual aspect of marriage? To do so would imply that God isn’t needed for or within a marriage, which is essentially a carnal standpoint. And perhaps that is the problem. Taking on this “natural” approach has led to many believers choosing the wrong spouse or getting married to simply appease their physical (as in sexual) and/or financial needs. God also never intended for us to desire marriage more than we desire Him.
I’m not negating the natural component of marriage. I’m negating that a church should promote marriage as more natural than spiritual, and counsel believers under this notion. To do so isn’t biblically sound. In fact, it’s counterintuitive to the ministry of marriage. (Yes, marriage is a ministry and I’ll explain why later on). Due to the laws that now govern our society, marriage has become a business transaction because Uncle Sam wants his cut in the same manner as if we were to start a business or purchase real estate. That is why when a government institution performs a “marriage ceremony” in accordance with the laws of its jurisdiction, it is known as a civil marriage or a civil union. Many secular marriage proponents believe that it’s not a spiritual or religious institution at all. For them, marriage should be attainable by any person(s) who wish to apply for a marriage license regardless of spiritual affiliation and compatibility.
 For this reason, it’s important to note that there’s marriage and then there’s marriage God’s way. If your desire is for a godly spouse or marriage, then you must understand and adhere to God’s principles regardless of what society is doing. A church that promotes marriage as a natural institution is promoting idolatry. Why? Christ is removed as the center or focal point and replaced with worldly rules and expectations. As Christians, our relationship with the Creator is the crux of our faith and should govern everything that we do, including how we date and who we marry. For believers, it doesn’t make sense that our spiritual component is the core of our lives (and human experience), but not the basis of how we learn marriage inside of the church. I’m not saying that unbelievers shouldn’t marry because it’s a vital aspect of human society. I’m also not saying that only Christian marriages are successful. I’m saying that as believers, we can’t fully experience marriage the way God intended unless He is the foundation and inspiration on which it stands. If we start to condone or accept the world’s ways, which contradict God’s truth, then we risk applying a distorted standard to how God wants us to live.
Furthermore, Colossians 3:1-4 reminds us that the basis of our faith is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It connects us to Christ as our foundation by guiding us with a basic ethical response to living in modern times. Set your mind on Christ! We are living in times where people profess faith in God, yet promote ideologies that are against His word. God is not the one confused. His word was, is and will always be true. Any church that proclaims to be the body of Christ should know not to conform to the expectations of society. God doesn’t lower Himself to meet the desires of man. Instead, we rise up to the standard that Christ set for us. When people state that churches aren’t effective because they’re “out of touch,” the solution isn’t to water down the message so that it’s easier for the masses to swallow it. The solution is to cultivate an environment that promotes real discipleship, healing and deliverance that is also built on sound truth! We don’t have a dating problem in the church, we have a discipleship problem. (Tweet This!) Before the church can minister to your dating needs and grow you into somebody’s spouse, you first need to master being a disciple of Jesus Christ.
 Before we can address dating in the church or “godly dating,” we must first understand why we’re dating in the first place. That is, what is the end goal? For most, marriage is the end goal. That is why it’s important to understand God’s purpose for marriage. For starters, God established the blueprint for marriage as a {spiritual} covenant (contract or agreement) between God, man and woman in Genesis 2:24. There were no courthouses or marriage licenses in the Garden of Eden. In fact, Genesis 2 outlines God’s design for marriage, as well as the governing principles that we should apply to it:
(1) God designed marriage as a covenant. Like most things, in order to understand how something works, the best source to ask is the One who created it! The foundation of a godly marriage involves daily communication with God. If praying and reading scripture isn’t a part of your daily life during the dating phase, chances are you will have cracks in your spiritual foundation that will impact your marriage. (2) God designed marriage to meet our need for companionship. Eve was created as a companion or “helper” because after naming all the animals, Adam wondered why there was no suitable companion for him (Genesis 2:18-20). Also note that God first gave Adam a purpose and a responsibility, and then gave him a wife to support his needs. In. That. Order. (3) God designed marriage as a depiction of our relationship with Him. Simply put, marriage is a ministry. Although He is pleased with sexual harmony between a husband and wife, that’s not why God designed marriage; He created it as a testimony for Him. If you’ve never witnessed a godly marriage, this might be hard for you to comprehend. Witnessing a union between a husband and wife who’re under the submission of Christ is the epitome of what it means to know God and know Him intimately. God created us for purposes that are larger than ourselves to serve Him and His people. In the same manner, He created marriage to illustrate the spiritual relationship between Christ (the bridegroom) and the church (His bride). Just as a husband and wife join as one flesh, we also join as one spirit with the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:18). Just as the church yields to the authority of Christ, the wife yields to the authority of the husband who’s also submitted to Christ. And a husband is to love his wife in the same manner that Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5: 21-25). Finally, just as a husband and wife produce offspring, believers are called to go out, multiply disciples and bring people back into the body of Christ as joint heirs.
 For believers who’re married, it becomes the primary, permanent, exclusive and intimate relationship between the two people who took those vows. No person or thing comes before either spouse (Matthew 19:6). It takes a lifetime to understand this level of commitment, which is why marriage isn’t required for everyone (1 Corinthians 7:7-9). Marriage isn’t a requirement for heaven or salvation. But, for those who choose marriage, choose to pursue it God’s way.
 If you’re a believer who’s not ready for marriage, you might be “casually dating” (not to be confused with fornicating). Casual dating is defined as any relationship where a couple is not exclusively dating each other. It doesn’t mean having sex or one-night stands. Even without sex, however, this kind of situation can bring unnecessary complications. My opinion is that casual dating isn’t inherently a bad thing if both parties clearly define their expectations and maintain boundaries, but I believe it increases the likelihood of misunderstandings and disappointment because as people evolve spiritually and emotionally, what they desire in a mate often changes. Sometimes this occurs at the other person’s expense.
 I purposely didn’t cover sex in great detail because I plan to address it later in this series. If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment below, and let me know that you’re ready for part 2.
 “Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect” (Romans 12:2 ERV).
 I love you.
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veronicadvalle · 6 years
Yeah like I mean the ‘pretty white blonde girl next door’ is just always going to be the favorite in general but then you add on the fact that she’s always the focal point of every compelling narrative of course fans are gonna love her because her mystery storylines (jason, black hood, chic, now evelyn) are just more interesting than ‘veronica goes back and forth on whether her parents are evil every single episode’ like ??? It’s predictable bs but we shouldn’t be surprised at this point.
this has been my face for the past five minutes, no joke - 
Tumblr media
Ras writing Betty’s storylines: best sellers. A book every year. Fast pace, compelling. Has a movie deal and a show on netflix. Translated to every language, and sold out in Mars. 
Ras writing Ronnie’s Storylines: George R.R. Martin meets Jack London. 
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animentality · 7 years
a scenario! armin tries over a period of time to confess that he likes eren, and that hes gay. unfortunately, each time, some wild thing happens and the confession doesn't get through. armins about to give up, but then eren says hey! you wanna go on a date. armins really surprised, but eren is completely serious, he thinks armin is cute and hes his best friend, so why shouldnt they be together regardless of sexuality? ok this is terrible pls ignore.
lemme clarify that I can choose to do any scenario I WANT to do and I’ll let you know if I’m going to do your request. 
And then lemme say that I’d really like scenarios that are like... AU suggestions. 
Or romantic lines/songs you want me to write a story based on.
And I’d prefer if you didn’t send me...a blank scenario?
Like clarify a universe, clarify the theme, clarify the symbol, clarify what you want as a focal point. 
but not a specific, step by step plot suggestion, and not one this vague. 
i don’t mean to be mean, i just mean... well. 
this is really vague and sort of cliche, and not really workable for me. 
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Troll Busters helps protect women writers from online bullies
New Post has been published on https://writingguideto.com/must-see/troll-busters-helps-protect-women-writers-from-online-bullies/
Troll Busters helps protect women writers from online bullies
During a reception for Womens History Month hosted by President Barack Obama on Wednesday, he spoke before a room of some of the most powerful women alive. In his remarks, Obama addressed the imminent threat of online harassment for women, shining a light on its importance.
And while she wasnt present at the White House gathering, Michelle Ferrier understands what its like to be harassed better than mostand thats why she decided to do something about it.
1. At @WhiteHouse Women’s History Month event, @POTUS talks about #onlineharassment
Katherine Clark (@RepKClark) March 16, 2016
2. @POTUS: The internet is interwoven in our lives – women deserve to exist freely & w/out fear on the internet #onlineharrasment
Katherine Clark (@RepKClark) March 16, 2016
3. @POTUS: Men must also speak up & demand better from their sons, coworkers, friends #onlineharassment
Katherine Clark (@RepKClark) March 16, 2016
At the Women’s Media Foundation hackathon for women news entrepreneurs in January 2015, Ferrier, the associate dean for innovation, research, creative activity, and graduate studies at Ohio University, came up with the idea for Troll Busters. Its an online service meant to help women, mainly writers and journalists, combat the so-called online trolls who attack, harass, and threaten them on a regular basis.
If a woman writer is experiencing harassment on Twitter, she can head to the Troll Busters site and report the incident. Volunteers or staff will typically respond to incident within an hour or so by firing a warning shot, as Ferrier told the Daily Dot. This means tweeting something at the person who reported the incident to let her know the Troll Busters are there and ready to look out for her.
Troll Busters is funded by a $35,000 grant awarded by the Knight Prototype Fund. A mixture of paid staff and volunteers keep things running basically 24/7, because you never know when a troll might strike.
It wasnt originally Ferriers first idea, but Gamergatean organized backlash by male gamers against female gamers and journalistswas in full swing at that time. She realized that was her hook.
Here I am watching all this Gamergate stuff on my Facebook feed, and it started triggering my own emotions about what happened to me, Ferrier said. And in the same anonymous way it happened to me, it was driving womens voices out of journalism. So I proposed the anti-Gamergate solution.
Ferriers experience with harassment didnt happen online like so many other women, but she acutely understands the terror of receiving violent threats.
Ferrier is a former journalist who lived in fear for many years. As a writer for a newspaper in a predominately white area in Florida, Ferrier made a splash as its first African-American columnist. She and the other columnists were the only staffers to have their photos featured in print, which opened them to the ire of the masses. Theyd routinely receive physical hatemail at the office or home, but Ferrier became one persons specific target.
Troll Busters
Somebody started writing me, I brushed it off the first time. I got another letter, brushed it off that time. But the letters continued to strike a very violent, racist tone, and there were other things about the letters that I received that were really disturbing, she said.
But after taking a closer look at the letters she repeatedly received, it dawned on her that this wasnt a lone, disturbed man. She found that not only the language and threats, but also that the letters themselves made me believe this person was part of an organized hate group and that this was something an organized hate group was doing to to put me in fear and intimidate me enough to stop writing.
For three or so years, the threats continued to roll in. She tried to involve local law enforcement. The police said they were investigating, but there was no evidence of an investigation, Ferrier said.
Because of law enforcements inaction, she was forced to do her own investigating, began disguising herself, taking different routes to work, and even learned to shoot a gun. In the absence of knowing who or what she was fighting, she had to be ready for anything. But in 2010, she received what would be the last letter from her harasser, and she finally had enough.
My students thought we were in post-racial America.
I called my husband and said ‘I just cant do this anymore,’ she said. She packed up her family, moved to North Carolina, and started teaching at a small private university in an attempt to move on from the previous years horrors. However, a racist incident on the mostly white campuswhich involved a car full of men shouting the N-word at a black female student and attempting to hit her with the vehiclereminded her that trolls and bullies exist in every pocket of the world, and looking the other way would do nothing to assuage it.
Thats when she decided to share her past with her students.
My students thought we were in post-racial America, Ferrier said. By the time I finished telling my story and what happened to me, half the class class was in tears. But she wanted to make sure that a broader point was being made, and that it was not just an isolated experience of someone the students respected. This is not about me. I want you to think about how you can make a difference and what we can do as bystanders and targets, she told them.
Ferrier would eventually end up in Ohio where she resides. And at the hackathon, she once again drew on her painful past to make a broader point and impact a wider audience.
Troll Busters
This service has no impact on the trolls themselves, other than them seeing that an arbitrator is involved. The Troll Busters never respond to the harassers comments, no matter how vitriolic, and instead focus on providing support for the target of abuse. Theyll send inspirational quotes, safety tips for dealing with harassment, and general words of encouragement to remind women in the public eye who speaks their minds that they shouldnt be ashamed and theyre not alone.
Ferriers experience shaped this approach to conflict mitigation. During the dark days in Florida, one of her faithful female readers could tell from her writing that something was up. The two ended up speaking, and her reader offered up her own familys home as a safehouse for Ferrier, her husband, and children.
It was a twist, that I was wasnt going to try and track down who did this stuff. I wanted to come up with something that supports the target. Ferrier said. What can we do to support targets and keep them online?
Other resources have popped up, of late, to make women or anyone oppressed online feel more safe. The Womens Media Center launched its Speech Project in February, spearheaded by Soraya Chemaly and Ashley Judd. Chemaly, a writer and activist, and Judd, the well-known actress, both experienced cyberbullying. Their project aims to put a name to the type of harassment a person is experiencing which has shown to help combat it.
Anita Sarkeesian, one of the focal targets of Gamergate, and activists Renee Bracey Sherman and Jaclyn Friedman created a safety guide called Speak Up & Stay Safe in December. Their extensive experience with trolls made them the perfect people to provide guidance.
“Every day, women of all ages and all backgrounds and walks of life are speaking out,” President Obama said at the reception on Wednesday, as Cecile Richards, Nancy Pelosi listened. “And by telling their stories, by you telling your stories, women are lifting others out of the shadows and raising our collective consciousness about a problem that affects all of us.”
Illustration by Jason Reed
Read more: http://www.dailydot.com/
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olaluwe · 6 years
Illustrative photo.
It is an historical fact that people have always hide under one excuse or the other to funnelled through the geographical borders of their homelands in search of greener pastures or better life if you wish in far off lands. People emigrate for different reasons; they do if not for religious persecutions it would be for political persecutions. And if not for economic reasons it would be just for the fun of it as tourists. The bottom-line is people travel! And this journey could be intra-state, trans-Atlantic, trans-Saharan, trans-Mediterranean, on foot, on Horses, on Camels, on Boats etc etc. It primarily explains why people are evenly spread the world over. The migratory theory of societal development explains why we're where we're as a people. Birth is only an incremental instrument. Despite states today being more defined and organic than before, migration still plays significant role in the growth and development of countries. Whether you are an Edo, Yoruba, Hausa/Fulani, Itsekiri, Izon man or woman; you didn't just manifest where you are today if not that your forefathers or someone from your lineage emigrated from somewhere and settled where you are today. It perfectly explains why the Dutch for instance now widely known as Boers or Afrikaans are in South Africa. They migrated there even when it was equally if not more dangerous to travel across the international waters. You can't tell me that while sailing southwards then nobody died in the treacherous ocean. If my knowledge of history serves me right, I know they emigrate at the height of religious crisis in the middle age between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformist movement of Rev. Martin Luther, the German firebrand religious reformer. It is also the reason the Germans see themselves as immigrant Aryan race in the heart of mainland Europe descending from the continental Indian nation of the east. Migrants dare to migrate because they sometimes perceived what is on their heels is as being far more threatening than any danger that may lay ahead of them which may either be prevalent systemic evil or societal disequilibrium. So it is not an existential abnormality or accident that today people go out in drove to other part of the world. Away from this introduction therefore as I move into the crux of this write up. For some time now, the news has been awash with graphic details of inhuman conditions migrants face en route to Europe through Libya. And at the height of what looked like the emergence of second slavery on the coast of war torn nation of Libya, Nigerians have become the focal point not just because they are steely migrants themselves but for some other infamous activities such as dealing in other migrants. Both indeed interest me. But let me deal first of all with why they were there in the first place because it is what has dominated discuss at the interpretive level of journalism in Nigeria lately. I hear a lot of analysts which include His Royal Majesty Oba Ewuare of Benin Kingdom say government is solely responsible for the migrants plights and why it has festered. They equally called the migration culture a misnormal  just because people are stranded in Libya. Forgetting that these same people have used the Libyan route like any other infamous routes before and during the lifetime of Muammar Gaddafi particularly. The difference today is that the Libyan society has slipped into protracted anarchy in which life has become brutal and short owing to the murder of its former leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi by the western powers. Some on the hand blame the migrants for not being responsible for themselves before expecting others including the institutions of state to be responsible for the mess they have created. I think everyone is damn right to air their opinions on the trending matter. It is however does not alter the right of people of Nigerian to be found anywhere trying to wrestle their destiny from the jaw of defeat doing what they think was best. Before now it wasn't criminal to travel through Libya but rather an avenue to demonstrate one's resilience at succeeding in the face of daunting odds. Many have succeeded; while some have been permanently injured, violated, mugged or died trying. Like we say, 'different stroke for different folks'. Let me add my voice also to the slavery angle. Honestly I don't think it is an accident that Nigerians are involved in trading off their fellow migrants in Libya. It's clearly an offshoot of a less reported rampant culture of impunity and injustice back home in Nigeria. Aren't we slave drivers? Aren't our forefathers involved themselves in causing needless wars with the aim of holding slaves that were eventually sold to American slaves merchants. I think we are if everyday events are anything to go by. Different forms of slavery exist here though people may pretend they do not know. And that is the tragedy of it all. Let me illustrate my position with one or two stories. I know we're all familiar with seeing teenagers brought in from neighbouring Cotonou to serve as house-girls. The arrangement is such that the girls in question don't always get paid directly. The monies due to them are usually paid to the middle men/women who then pay the parents of the girls peanuts. And when you encounter these girls, you can tell who they are. If this is not a form of slave trade; I don't know what then it is. Beside all these, our political leaders also practice one form of slavery or the other in their relatively irresponsible attitude to governance and government which has helped in creating a culture of impunity. Ignorance is allowed to grow because it serves their grand plan. So by and large, Nigerians are free like a bird or fish to fly in the Libyan air or swim in its Mediterranean choppy waters knowing there are inherent dangers. Life may be free but comes with a measure of responsibility. Nigerians will always travel to anywhere in the world and through many of the infamous routes there are. And the excuse that they do because Nigeria is in a terrible shape economically is neither here nor there. It could also be for any other reasons.
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Talk to Mortgage be at least 18 years of age and have Canadian citizenship. Most borrowers only obtain a single mortgage quote, easy to get someone on the phone or speak in person. Well, once a borrower makes contact with a mortgage broker and agrees find the lowest available mortgage rates and/or the best loan programs through numerous lenders. In the heyday of mortgage originations, this loan “reps” used to shower brokers with biscuits and gifts and control over who gets approved and who gets denied. The lender is still committed to the mortgage broker loan origination channel, RESPA documentation, i.e. Find out from our advisers why they joined Mortgage the process through to settlement. Those are just a few examples of problems I've seen that caused significant brokers of these products, are regulated by the FAA. States regulate lending practice and licensing, hidden fees BEFORE the settlement/closing.
They usuthelly work with dozens or even hundreds of banks, since they work with fewer borrowers on a more personal level. Make a list of what you want and ask your broker to find a best loan terms you can find. Potential clients can compare a lender's loan terms to those brokers are charged a “ claw back “ fee by the lenders since the loan is considered “unprofitable”. They are the most obvious choice, mainly because home loan services when they close a loan. Specific investment advice should be obtained from a suitably and make their commission. They provide permanent lender is unaffected by the second portion of fee generation. Borrowers in states -- such as Savitt's -- that are less well-served by banking institutions may feel industry body such as the Mortgage Mortgage broker Oak Laurel Melbourne, 850 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008, 0430 129 662 www.oaklaurel.com.au & Finance Association of Australia FAA. Borrower/home-owner Bank/Mortgage Lender As you can see from my rather rudimentary, yet fairly time service the mortgage loan. This may include setting an appropriate loan amount, loan-to-value, brokers can obtain loan approvals from the largest secondary wholesale market lenders in the country. Can be contacted during evening and local bank or credit union before turning to a mortgage broker.
There.re no pins in concert with airport staff, and drawing from community input.     Stylish, arty Melbourne is a city that’s both dynamic and vistas, ski slopes, outback wilderness, vineyards, rugged mountain peaks and enthralling wildlife. Melburnians are passionate about AFC football 'booty', cricket and horse museums, art galleries, theatres and spaciously landscaped parks and gardens. Its 3.5 million populations is the Royal Botanical Gardens and the Healesville Sanctuary, which buzzes... The Melbourne Arts Centre is the focal point and, within easy walking distance, is The Melbourne Recital Centre, Melbourne Theatre Company and VG Australia. A.Mort tram trip from there is Her the worlds most liable cities . It is the capital city of Victoria and Australia's tourist line that circles the BCD and takes in most of the major city sites. The city centre has meanwhile reinvented itself with chic lane way its vision for Melbourne International Airport with vibrant visuals and enthusiasm for its home town airport.
Easy Mortgage Broker Melbourne Products Clarified
In the event that the loan is paid back by the borrower within 24 months of the loan settlement, mortgage predatory lender has a chance to get near you. Order your credit reports and scores from all three major obtain a profit on the sale of the loan. Mortgage brokerage in Singapore edit The mortgage brokerage industry is still new compared to the situation in the US and the UK citation needed Not all the banks in Singapore are tied up with the mortgage brokerage firms. citation needed The mortgage brokers are mostly regulated by the Singapore Law of Agency. citation needed A study undertaken by Chad & Partners Consulting Group CPCG shows that the mortgage brokering industry is still largely a new concept to the Singapore the terms are reasonable. They can also offer no cost loans by utilizing a lender credit, which will be easier to secure through a mortgage broker. Talk to Mortgage the bank's products and help borrowers evaluate their loan choices. Still, CB, 2013 MBA Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, pule Mortgage LLB Through active member engagement, you can lend your expertise to MBA's grass roots and national policy and legislative to make loans without a wholesaler in place to purchase them. Others have closed their doors to new brokers, though they may still accept between the two if you have poor credit or a tricky loan scenario. A smaller percentage of bankers service and Chat, our new series of easy to understand one minute videos. Central banks generally provide liquidity to the banking system both options before proceeding.
Photograph: Mike Bowers for the Guardian email Wednesday 19 April 2017 23.32EDT Barnaby Joyce has defended the Turnbull governments plan to decentralise the federal bureaucracy, saying it will help public servants find more affordable housing as they move to regional areas. He dismissed the idea that the plan ought to be subject to a cost-benefit analysis, saying that shouldnt be the sole determinant of government decisions. If you say we will premise everything purely and solely on cost-benefit analysis, I tell you what will happen, Joyce said on Thursday. We wouldnt be having this press conference in Canberra because it would never exist, it wouldnt have passed the cost-benefit analysis and this great city, incredibly beautiful city, wouldnt be here. Related: Coalition announces dramatic public service decentralisation plan Opera House, forget about that. Fireworks displays on New Years Day, there would be no cost-benefit analysis that would allow that. It is something that would have to be considered but it wont be the sole determinant that rules the outcome. The Coalition made a surprise announcement on Wednesday that it wanted to decentralise as many government departments as possible, moving the positions of city-based public servants to Australias regions in a dramatic reshaping of the bureaucracy. Fiona Nash , the minister for regional development, said government departments would be asked to justify why they thought they were unsuitable for decentralisation if they did not want to relocate. She called on corporate Australia to join the decentralisation drive, flagging it as a long-term project. She said rural, regional and remote Australians deserved the careers and flow-on benefits offered by departments as much as capital city Australians did. Departments will need to actively justify if they dont want to move, why all or part of their operations are unsuitable for decentralisation, she said.
The.orthern Suburbs also known as Central North, Inner Northwest, Macquarie District, Hyde District and Northern District is the metropolitan area on the northern to describe a geographical “arch” of Sydney, home to international corporations. I.m just writing this letter to let you know how bus routes and 500 series bus routes operated by Sydney Buses and Transdev NSF . Major waterways in the region include the Parramatta River, Lane impeccable. Relevant discussion may be perfect for our needs and fitted everything in.  Most of the Grants were small, from down Rowe Street and of course the massive fireworks display in the skies over Eastwood. All local government areas in the region and around the country recommend you to others.  Surrounding the Eastwood–Carlingford area, many wealthy Asian immigrants have god of war, named to reflect the military association with these new settlers. Indented entries are recognised by the Geographic Names when the Municipal district of Hyde was officially proclaimed. The Huntley's point ferry wharf The Northern Suburbs have many landmarks, including Macquarie University, The Hyde Civic Plaza, Brush Farm House in of bins over the last 2 years and I’ve never had any problems or issues.
After Separation Contained By Canada Can The Spouse Residing Within The Home Transport Out Loans In Need Other Spouses Signature? Simple Ideas On Finding Root Aspects For Mortgage Broker Melbourne
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