#but tell me 5 is *not* kris
illdothehotvoice · 7 months
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I may have just realized having pink hair means i have to buy a wig in my natural hair color in the style i usually cut it if I want to cosplay kris again
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seventhemaverick · 7 months
Astro Observations 🌱
Disclaimer: This is my first Astrology post! I tried to do this earlier this year but tumblr lagged and it deleted all of my hard work lol. But now I’ve gained the courage to give it another go! I’m not a professional astrologer. I just study it in depth when I have time. Still very much a beginner. Please be kind and if I’m misinformed let me know! If you want to repost my work please credit me. This also has personal opinions in here don’t take it too seriously babes!
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🌾 I don’t typically think Leo’s and Scorpios go together romantically BUT any other relationship outside of that exudes power team. For ex: Kylie and Kris Jenner. Scorpios are known to love power and Leo’s love the spotlight! Kylie was bound to be a favorite after her « ugly duckling » phase. Kylie rolls in the dough and Kris keeps that empire going. I’ve seen many Scorpio parents with Leo kids and they really seem to love them the most lol
Let’s talk about underdeveloped placements real quick!
🌿 Having a parent that is toxic or underdeveloped and has placements that fall into your second house can obliterate your self worth. ESPECIALLY if you have planets in that house and their placements are exactly conjunct 0° or 1-3°.
🌾 If your mars sign is exactly square one of your parents mars or 1-5° orb… 🌚 take the steps to move out if you haven’t already it’s for the best.
🌿 Capricorn moons I wish I could hug all of you. You had to grow up so fast and got handed some of the worst cards. But nevertheless resilience is your middle name. As you age things will get easier if you stand on business! Integrity is key.
🌾 I know libras are known to be superficial or whatever and I’m kinda one of them lol. I literally live off of aesthetics and I typically have nice skin but when I have a massive break out? I literally want to hide until they’re gone. My stress is next level when I don’t look my best.. I’m also a Leo Venus 😅 in the tenth house at that and have cancelled plans when I look and feel shitty.
🌿 All of the air signs almost always value intellectual stimulation first from their partner. Someone they can have great rapport, banter with. Someone that’s witty and knows a wide variety of subjects or has many interests is very hot. Sagittarius is the air sign of the fire signs so I’ll loop them in on this too.
If we lost any zodiac element, it would bring chaos to the entire world.
🌾 Air brings logic and reasoning, water brings compassion and empathy, earth brings grounding and patience, fire brings passion and vitality. Life is about interconnectedness.
🌿 I remember reading a blog that the gods put the constellation of Libra in between Virgo and Scorpio because they were too much alike and it’s so true lol. Both signs can be so compulsive and it’s overwhelming from what I’ve heard from Virgo and Scorpio placements. I can also see this easy going equivalence being the case for Sagittarius being in between Scorpio and Capricorn. The benefics happy go luckies in between the malefics drained and over it.
🌾… moon 3rd house overlay is addictive especially combined with 7th/8th/12th overlays in that synastry. I don’t think I can ever do that again unless we both have it overlaying each others charts. Someone’s moon in your 3rd house, their mind fascinates you and it’s easy to communicate with them you feel seen and heard. You dream about them, you think about them all the freaking time. It is the most annoying thing because why are you taking up my brain space like that bro? I had this with someone and I still think about them it’s been over for quite some time now. Another person that’s in love with me, my moon falls into their 3rd house and they tell me how much they think about me and day dream about me. I had said issue of daydreaming with the other guy. 2/10 would not recommend unless moon person is developed.
🌿 When the moon transits your first house you’re more likely to be more emotional and make drastic changes to your physical features! When Doja Cat shaved her head the moon was transiting her first house and I literally did mine the next day when it was transiting my first house.
🌾 Opinion but I love Pisces placements they are so helpful and loving when developed. I think the underdeveloped ones are too but they expect something out of it where the developed ones are just really selfless. I’m a Pisces Stan! I have so many in my life lol I have no Pisces placements. My 5H is in Pisces lol
🌿 Degree theory is that gworl. It helps you relate to the planet and it’s placement more depending on what the degree rules. For example I was dating a Sagittarius Venus in the 9th house at the 9° and he embodied that free spirited nature of Sag Venus fr. Another example, you can be a Pisces Venus but it’s in your first house at the first degree and the way you love embodies a more aries way of loving. Fiery, passionate a bit aggressive but very deep and tender to the core.
🌾 I’ve also heard the theory of when you reach the age of certain degrees of the placements you have you unlock that placements characteristics. Something significant happens to you during that age or you might master that placement regarding the planet and house placement.
🌿 The degree of your rising sign is more than likely the age of something significant happen in your physical life/to you physically. This is tea y’all.
🌾 You most likely share placements or degrees in your chart with your siblings. My sister is a Scorpio sun, Aries rising, Virgo moon and I’m a Libra sun, Scorpio rising, Aries moon. If I was born two days earlier I would’ve been a Virgo sun and if she was born one or two days later she would’ve been a Libra moon. So I think thats pretty cool. We’re also both Venus dominant and she has a Libra stellium 💗. You really choose your family for your next life lol like that’s so crazy to me.
🌿 Ima say dis with my chest. STOP doing wrong by Saturn ruled placements!!! Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius in traditional astrology and we cannot forget about its exalted sign in Libra. As a Libra, I receive karma with the quickness but also people that have done wrong by me their quality of life decreases and or whichever house Saturn is in their chart is deeply affected in the worst ways.. daddy Saturn don’t play bout his! Be fair and follow the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
🌾 Having heavy Sagittarius placements in your chart makes you open to learn different languages or different cultures.. just always wanting to learn. Whatever house it’s in you want to master in life.
🌿 The mutables Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces love their niches, they are the teachers and preachers of the zodiac.
🌾 Geminis have the gift of gab more than any other zodiac. Sagittarius could possibly go toe to toe with them
🌿 If anyone ever tries to degrade you for studying astrology and eggs you on to prove this practice to be true, get their birth info and read them their Chiron sign and house placement. Hit ‘em where it hurts!
🌾 Scorpio and Libra placements are usually the generational trauma breakers of their family. Honorable mention- Saturns children, Capricorn and Aquarius
🌿 An undeveloped Capricorn placement that enters your life is literally satan reincarnated to torture you for whatever you did wrong in your past life. And I (if u were raised around Christianity) believe Jesus was a Pisces/Aries! I can argue about this all day! In tarot Capricorn rules the devil! Like hellooooo
🌾 Sixth house/Virgo placements are pretty good at taking care of pets and plants. They feel the most sane around nature and animals.
🌿 Personal planets harmoniously aspected to Neptune make the person seem very angelic like. Very soft souls, earth angels. Hard aspects have people having an even more distorted projection of you.
🌾 Personal planets harmoniously aspected or not to Uranus gives you that shock factor some people will be repelled and some people will be very intrigued.
🌿 Aries placements especially sun and moon are really loyal! I’m talking mostly platonically. Once they see you as their person they are truly ride or die.
🌾 Cancer placements can be one of the most loving and giving when developed. Some spiteful mfs when underdeveloped omg.
🌿 I realize cancer placement women get treated with the cutest romantic gestures. I think they lovers want to do these things for them because they give off ethereal or princess vibes but they’re also real nasty in the sheets lol
🌾 Cancers don’t really get a bad rep even when they do shady things. For example: Selena Gomez when she dated Abel even tho she was cool with Bella was super weird. And I think a lot of people forgot how Kevin hart cheated on his wife like it was nothing lol. Ariana grande with the donuts and now the Ethan thing chileee. It’s like they get a second of backlash and then everyone adores them again lol.
🌿 Having a grand trine in your chart can make you so damn lazy in the houses those planets/figures are in 🥹🥲. It’s crazy cuz that talent(s) will come natural to you and you’ll over look it! Please don’t.
🌾 Grand squares are TOUGH but it pushes you to break cycles and overcome so much in your life. Same with t-squares
🌱 Astrology is really a map. It shows you which path you can take and where you can end up when you include discernment and discipline into your daily life. It’s never an excuse to behave the way you do. Ultimately it helps us reach our most aligned and enlighten self! I hope you all enjoyed. 🌱
Idk why I can’t figure out how to delete this question thing so let’s do a cute lil questionnaire!
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stellarsagittarius · 8 months
👶✨️ 5th House: Your Children in Astrology✨️👶
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[PS. Personal readings are open. If you wanna book one, check out the pinned post on my blog 💕🙏.]
Masterlist: All my posts in one place
The fifth house in astrology is associated with creativity, pleasure and children. It's also the house of good fortune, basically all the good and fun things in life that excites your inner child.
By looking at our fifth house we can understand how our children are like or how they are going to be like in the future when we have them.
What to look for:
For this, check your 5th House, and it's ruling planet. Then check what sign the ruling planet is in, then check what that sign is ruled by.
For example, I have Aries 5th House (Aries is ruled by Mars). My Mars is in Pisces. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, therefore my two children significators are Mars and Jupiter. So I will read about Aries, Pisces, but also pay close attention to Scorpio and Sagittarius. Since these four signs are most likely to be present in the big three of my children, and along with that, Aries, specifically (my fifth house sign) will tell me about their core personalities.
Here are the signs and their rulers:
1. Aries/Scorpio - Mars
2. Taurus/Libra - Venus
3. Gemini/Virgo - Mercury
4. Cancer - Moon
5. Leo - Sun
6. Sagittarius/Pisces - Jupiter
7. Capricorn/Aquarius - Saturn
(You can scroll and read about your signs but I have included a few examples of the people I have studied so far. You are welcome to read that for cool insights, if not, then your welcome to skip it.)
Kris Jenner - Capricorn 5th House (Saturn), Saturn is in Scorpio (Ruled by Mars). Therefore her children are going to have Mars or Saturn in their big three.
Robert Kardashian - Taurus 5th House (Venus), Venus in Aquarius (Ruled by Saturn). Children going to have Saturn and Venus.
Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner - Pisces 5th House (Jupiter), Jupiter in Capricorn (Ruled by Saturn). His kids gonna have Jupiter or Saturn in their big three.
Kris and Robert's children (Saturn, Venus or Mars ruled):
Kourtney Kardashian (Capricorn Moon, Aries Sun, Mars and Mercury) - Saturn and Mars
Kim Kardashian (Libra Sun, Saturn, Jupiter) - Venus (she has Jupiter ruled Rising and Moon, but her natal Jupiter is closely conjunct her natal Saturn!)
Khloe Kardashian (Aquarius rising, Saturn in Scorpio) - Saturn and Mars
Rob Kardashian (Aquarius rising, Libra Moon) - Saturn and Venus
Kris and Caitlyn/Bruce's children (Saturn, Jupiter or Mars ruled):
Kendall Jenner (Aries Rising and Moon, Scorpio Sun) Mars
Kylie Jenner (Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Moon) Saturn and Mars
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Aries 5th House
Your children are likely to be robust and full of energy. These children are the ones who cannot be tied to one particular thing. They will need constant change in the scenery or simply a lot of hobbies that keep their high energy going. These kids grow up to be the leaders and independent individuals, due to their pioneering personalities. As kids, they are likely to take charge of their activities and would want to go into something with full force. They are also likely to be very impulsive and might ask super unfiltered questions. If they like something, they are going in. They won't wait or sit around imagining or thinking anything. So yes, even though these kids need to be monitored 24/7 as toddlers, you can always give them hobbies so that you can catch a breath! Due to their unwavering levels of energy, with proper attention from you and practical knowledge given to them, they will learn how to stay safe and stand up for themselves. Also, these kids are likely to be the ones who stand up for their friends and the things/facts they truly care about. Going to give their arguments with full passion. Give them a proper schedule so that they can direct their endless levels of energies in a meaningful way. Engaging in high energy sports is one of the best ways to keep them smiling and enjoying their time.
Taurus in 5th House
When Taurus graces the 5th House, your children embody the essence of stability and determination. Taureans are the sturdy oak trees of the zodiac, rooted in their interests and pursuits. These kids possess an unwavering dedication to their chosen activities, and once they find something they love, they are in it for the long haul. Persistence is their key attribute. Expect them to gravitate towards hobbies that yield tangible results, such as art, music, or gardening, where they can witness their progress over time. Their creative endeavors may not be as fast-paced or flashy as some others kids, but they carry an enduring quality that promises long-term growth and achievement. However, it's important to note that their Taurean stubbornness can occasionally manifest when they refuse to budge from their chosen path. These kids are likely gonna do good when you give them a solid system to follow for their everyday activities, so that they can move ahead while sustaining their energy and not getting frustrated with things not working out while going about their day. Engage in practical hobbies with them such as baking or gardening or dancing, and you will see them effortlessly making use of their five senses.
Gemini in 5th House
Your children are going to be the epitome of curiosity. They are akin to butterflies, fluttering from one interest to another with remarkable agility. These youngsters thrive in environments that stimulate their ever-active minds. Books, puzzles, and social interactions are their playgrounds of choice, where they can indulge their need for learning. It's a common sight to see them exploring various hobbies and activities, switching from one to another just as quickly as well. Their unending curiosity translates into a constant stream of questions, so be prepared to keep up with their intellectual inquiries and try to engage in productive discussions with them. These little whirlwinds of energy are constantly questioning everything. While fire sign kids play war and chase, earth sign kids play cooking and shopping, and water sign kids love to bond with their friends first and foremost, air sign kids, especially Gemini, will pretend to sip tea and gossip about everything with their friends. Make sure they have an environment that supports their need for information, and not suffocate them by shutting them off. And don't fabricate anything.. they will always find out somehow. They have their sources, lmfao (I can confirm, I was a Gemini kid.)
Cancer 5th House
Alright, buckle up because we're talking about the super receptive and moody sign, and these kiddos are an emotional rollercoaster, but adorable nonetheless. Your little ones are like a sea of feelings, and they're not afraid to let you know it. These children are basically walking heart emojis. They'll laugh with you, cry with you, and sometimes, you won't even know why they're crying, but they will. Expect a whole lot of nurturing going on. These kids are the caretakers of their playgroup. They'll make sure everyone has a band-aid and a hug when they fall down. They've got this natural motherly or fatherly vibe, even if they're just kids themselves. Don't be surprised if they're a bit attached to you as parents. As toddlers, they are the type to want to sleep in your bed longer than you'd like or cling to your leg when you drop them off at school. It's their way of saying, "I love you, don't leave me!" But don't worry; they'll grow out of it, eventually. Creativity is where they shine, and they'll put their heart and soul into any artistic endeavor. Give them some crayons and watch them create a masterpiece or give them a musical instrument, and they'll compose a symphony of emotions. They value the warmth of their home and their parents, so make sure to be their rock whenever they need you.
Leo 5th House
These kids are born to be stars, in their own amazing way. These little lions are all about the spotlight. From the moment they can talk, they'll demand your attention, and they're going to get it one way or another. Cause they are just amazing. Expect your living room to be their personal stage. They'll put on shows, dress up in crazy costumes, and they'll insist on being the one in charge of everything. They are also very creative, so you will see them experimenting in all the hobbies they take up. You'll hear them say, "Look at me!" a lot, and trust me you won't have a choice. In their early stages, you need to give them encouragement for whatever they do, no matter how silly it is, as it will bring out their natural confidence. These kids believe they can conquer the world, and they'll make sure you know it. Encourage their creativity, and they'll thrive. Drama, dance, art – they'll excel in anything that lets them express themselves. But don't mistake their fiery spirit for being bossy. They're natural leaders, and also very caring. These kids have a heart of pure gold, and they like it when they can make other smile because of them. Plus, they're fiercely loyal. If their buddies are in trouble, these kiddos will charge to the rescue, cape and all. Make sure you don't, directly or indirectly, dim their lights by not appreciating them for who they are or imposing yourself onto them too much.
Virgo 5th House
Get ready for some organized chaos because Virgo in the 5th House means you've got some seriously detail-oriented kids on your hands. These little ones have a knack for spotting the tiniest speck of dust in a room and a love for having everything in order. They're the kids who'll color-code their crayons and arrange their toys by size and type. Expect them to correct your grammar and tell you when you've missed a spot while cleaning. But hey, it's all in the name of perfection! They may not be the most outwardly expressive, but their love is in the details so that they can create a good functional space for things. They also have a natural caregiving tendency so you will catch them being quite gentle with a lot of things. They'll show you they care by helping out, whether it's folding laundry or picking up after themselves without being asked. Their creative streak leans toward precision – think intricate drawings, meticulous crafts, and carefully crafted stories. They'll analyze everything before making a move, so don't expect them to jump into things without a plan. Always try to give them practical knowledge of things around the house or even outside the house. When things are looking right to them they will be super fun, but when they see something not going the way they want, they can become very nagging and picky.
Libra 5th House
These kids bring an essence of charm into your life. These kids are little diplomats in the making, smoothing out conflicts with clever words. Blessed with an amazing ability for judging situations and people, you might find them giving side-eyes quite often when they don't like something. They've got a strong sense of fairness and justice, so you will always find them measuring if whatever you are giving to their siblings and themselves is equal in quantity or not. They'll say, "That's not fair!" more times than you can count, because they are kids and kids deserve all the love in the world. But same goes for others, if they see someone getting less than them, they will start to feel charitable. Creativity is their jam, and they'll love anything that allows them to express their artistic side. A thing for fashion and beauty is also running in them all the time. They'll shine in group activities. These kiddos have an innate desire to make everyone around them happy, and they're excellent at reading people through the way people express their likes and dislikes. They'll be the first to offer a kind word when someone's feeling down. Decision-making might take a while. They'll weigh every option meticulously, trying to find the perfect balance. Don't rush them; it's all part of their quest for equilibrium and beauty in everything they do.
Scorpio 5th House
You've got some seriously passionate and mysterious kids on your hands. These little Scorpios are the tiny inspectors, always digging for the truth, even if it's hidden in the most obscure places. They're not the ones to share their feelings openly with anyone, but their emotions run very deep. As toddlers and babies they are going to be extremely attached to you (their primary care-givers) and will be fiercely loyal as well. (I have a 3 year old Scorpio sun, Cancer rising cousin and he is so possessive over his mama's belongings, lmao). You'll need to be a mind reader to understand what's going on beneath the surface. And don't be surprised if they give you that knowing look, as if they've seen the secrets of the universe. Creativity for them is all about delving into all things mysterious. They'll explore the depths of their imagination fearlessly. These kids are fiercely loyal to their friends and family. If someone messes with a person they care about, they better watch out because these kids got a sting that can rival an actual scorpion's. They'll defend their loved ones with a passion that's both admirable and a little scary. Make sure you respect their need for closeness, because these kids won't likely intermingle and be super social with just anyone they meet. But these kids are also very kind and have a good spot for being emphatic to other people.
Sagittarius 5th House
These kids bring a WILD sense of adventure and curiosity into your family. They are little explorers, always asking, "What's next?" Creativity for them is all about freedom. They'll love to write, draw, or dance, but it has to be on their terms. Don't be surprised if they're unconventional and experimental in their artistic pursuits. These kiddos are truth-seekers, and they'll question everything. Expect lots of "Why?" and "How?" questions. Expose them to meaningful art or hobbies, and they will have a stable ground to construct their life upon. You can always teach them things, but they will have to actually live that experience to know what the lesson truly is. So never ever hold them back. They're on a quest for knowledge, and they won't stop until they've satisfied their curiosity (which is probably never gonna happen, lol). Independence is their core quality. As parents, you'll have to give them room to spread their wings and explore the world on their terms. They'll make mistakes along the way, but that's how they learn and grow. So allow them to ask and develop their own belief system over time. Give them practical knowledge so they can know how to navigate the world, because a lot of Sagittarians tend to be a bit detached from material pursuits. The best advice is to grow with them. Teach them but also learn from them. And give them plenty of love too, because they aren't as emotionally expressive, so you may never know.
Capricorn in 5th House
These kids are mini-adults from day one, and they've got their eyes set on climbing the ladder of success, even if it's a ladder made of Legos. They'll be the ones who organize their toys into a meticulously planned system, complete with spreadsheets and color-coded charts. These little Capricorns are all about structure and discipline, and they'll thrive on routine. Creativity for them is a bit more serious. They'll lean toward traditional arts like painting or music, and they'll take it very seriously. Expect to see them practicing their instrument or perfecting their art skills with a lot of dedication. When they have their eyes set on something, they are going to give everything to achieve it, so you have to be aware that they aren't getting frustrated or overly obsessed over a result. Responsibility is their middle name. These kids are the ones who'll do little tasks over the house and make sure everyone's on time for things. Don't be surprised if they're a bit reserved with their emotions. They're not big on grand displays of affection, but they'll show their love through actions. They'll be there to support you and their friends when it matters most. As parents, you'll need to encourage their creativity while also allowing them to have some fun. They can be a bit too serious at times, so don't forget to let them be kids and enjoy the simpler things in life. Allow them to discover a purpose that will help them direct their energy in a more meaningful and long term way.
Aquarius in 5th House
Get ready for some quirky and independent parenting because Aquarius kids means you've got some unique and unconventional personalities on your hands. These Aquarian kids are little rebels with a cause. Creativity for them knows no boundaries as well. They'll invent their own games, create fantastical worlds, and challenge the norms of art and expression. You can expect some avant-garde masterpieces and out-of-this-world ideas. These are super independence kids. They'll want to do things their own way, and they'll question authority like it's a sport. These kids are natural inventors and innovators and they'll tinker with gadgets, build contraptions, and dream up solutions to problems you didn't even know existed. Encourage their curiosity, and who knows what they might create. Emotionally, they can be a bit detached at times. They're not the most touchy-feely, but they'll show their love by being there for you and their friends when it really matters. They've got a humanitarian streak and will stand up for what's right. And ususally, they won't be taking a no for an answer. As parents, you'll need to give them the freedom to explore their ideas and express themselves in their own unique way. They're not ones to follow the crowd, and that's a good thing because they're here to change the world. Believe in them and appreciate their unique nature, it will encourage their confidence a lot.
Pisces in 5th House
These kids are like living fairy tales. Creativity is their superpower. They'll spend hours lost in their own little world, drawing, painting, or writing stories that transport you to magical realms. With these kids, the key is to become an imaginative child yourself. Encourage their artistic pursuits, and you'll be amazed at what they create. Emotions run deep for these little Pisceans. They're incredibly empathetic and sensitive, so be prepared for them to pick up on your feelings and offer a shoulder to cry on, even if they're just kids. They're natural storytellers, and they'll spin elaborate tales with vivid imagination. Bedtime stories will be an adventure, and they'll have an uncanny ability to make even the most ordinary events sound enchanting. They are also very adventurous, having this curious nature for whatever they have their eyes on. These kids are the ones who rescue injured animals and bring home stray cats. They've got a heart as big as the ocean, and they'll want to help anyone in need. Teach them to channel their compassion in positive ways. As parents, you'll need to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their creativity to flourish. They might be a bit disorganized, so help them find ways to stay grounded and focused. They are often very kind natured and empathetic kids, so always teach them the importance of boundaries and consent.
Stay tuned for more astrology content. Thanks for reading 🏹✨️!
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squidpedia · 4 months
Hello! Real Quick:
Reposting my art to other sites is fine, but please do ask for permission in messages! PFP’s don’t need permission, just include credit in bio please
Anything goes with my inbox. Drawing requests are ok (but i am unlikely to accept oc requests, sorry!!) As long as its not appropriate or rude its alright and try not to spam please. I am,,,,,, definitely not gonna be able to respond to everything at this point, so no guarantees you’ll get a responce. Sometimes I am too busy, tired, or just plain slow so I apologize but I’m trying my best
Making stuff based off my art and designs is totally fine, as always please give credit and pleaseeeeeeeeeeee please please please pretty please tag me i would be so sad if i didnt get to see🥺
Anyways hi I’m Pedia, I mostly make comics but every now and then I crank out an impulse animatic that I made probably when I was supposed to be studying for a test because I lack any and all impulse control.
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Clover’s Memories (ongoing) (YES IM STILL WORKING ON IT I PROMMY :,,,,,,,,,,,,,] ):
Part 1 /// Part 2 /// Part 3 /// Part 3.5 Coming Soon (status: coloring + backgrounds in progress, making small amounts of progress a day at a time! Trying to pace myself) // Part 4 // Interlude // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // An Ending
Clover’s Hat (post revive au)
Part 1 /// Part 2 /// Bonus
Kanako Integrity Duo (really short mini doodle comics)
Reconciliation // Introductions // Downtime // Ceroba // Chujin // Telepathy
Kris and Clover Interaction // Clover’s Sacrifice // Frisk vs. Clover’s POV // Clover Tells Martlet a Secret // Who’s Your Friend? // Pipe Down // Family Visit // Unwell // Letter // Humor // Gamer // They
oh and by the way. If you like omori, toh, zelda, or splatoon I also have my sideblog @squidpedias-fanart for posting stuff for that. I can’t promise I’ll post there very often, this blog is still where I post the most frequently, but if you like that stuff, maybe go take a peak?
If you’re interested in any fantasy stories i also have these funny comics called @an-unconscious-effort-comic and @dragontry-comic that im still working on
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famemonsterrr · 6 months
Astrological observations part 20.
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! This is 20th blog with observations and I’m so shocked I haven’t give up yet. Pliz for the love of mercury be gentle with me cause English isn’t my second language and I’m trying my best with vocabulary and grammar. Lastly these are my opinion and what I have experienced in my life don’t take it personally!
༘⋆ having earth sign placements means stress and anxiety for everything (send you love)
༘⋆ Leo moons must be the least confident placements because Leo is in the planet of emotions and so any criticism will crush them. Pliz be gentle with Leo moons:(
༘⋆ y’all think that Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces aren’t easy to keep and they will change many lovers but I will tell you that you aren’t special enough to keep them. If they actually fall in love with you then they won’t leave even if Satan tries to bribe them.
༘⋆ Having libra/gemini moon is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I will talk about the curse of feeling a lot but you can’t decide what to feel…yeah you can talk ur emotions but truly u can’t even pick anything to feel. Also having your moon in your 3rd house is actually the same thing as having libra or Gemini.
༘⋆ Capricorn men are the men who look really good with glasses and elegant library college style. Prove me wrong hihihi
༘⋆ and speaking of male Capricorns. I want someone to explain to me why they look like they have lived 20 lives in the span of 5 years? Like Capricorn men change so much…and it’s really scary. If not the most chameleon type of sign.
༘⋆ everyone can say that they had a messy life or they messed up a lot…but not like Gemini,Aries,Pisces and Sagittarius did. These people they have done the most stupid shit ever and then BOOM one day they decide that have grow up and need to fix their lives. (It’s never too late babes)
༘⋆ in the subject of men (which I don’t like as much) I have to tell you that the men who looked the most beautiful are libra and Taurus men. Like they are so eye candies.
༘⋆ and the last capricorn observation but I true love u guys and also I want to know why you are talented and know so many things? Like I have noticed that so many male Capricorns are so talented and can talk about everything. Like they can paint, draw, play music, sing, act and they are so funny and charismatic…women? Literally goddesses.
༘⋆ I was watching the office and the line that Ryan says "I’m keeping a list of everyone who wrongs me" is the most Scorpio and Leo thing I have ever seen.
༘⋆ I have been around with a lot of Pisces and honestly they all so social butterfly (expect me who dislikes people for some reason) I don’t know why people think we are shy and introverts?
༘⋆ okay but I have noticed that people who are okay with nudity and consider it as freedom are the people who have heavy Aries, Scorpio, libra and Sagittarius placements.
༘⋆ mercury usually doesn’t really show about love but since it’s the planet about thoughts, it actually shows how you think about love or when do you like someone. For example Aquarius mercuries they know damn well when they like someone and they act accordingly (of course that can be influenced from other love related planets)
༘⋆ I love seeing the “Kris Kross” between 2 peoples charts. Like if you have a lot of the same zodiac signs but in opposite placements (like having Pisces sun with Aquarius Venus and they have Aquarius sun with Pisces Venus) then consider this a win and really positive for a relationship of course aespects are important as well. Now I can’t say the same thing in friendship synastry…the most crazy combinations can happen there
That’s all babes <3
My masterlist if you care to read more my other blogs.
Thank you soooo much for liking my posts and give me support to keep writing. Really greatful for it 🫶🏻
Stay healthy,happy and peaceful in these dark times we living.
Send u a lot of love 🫶🏻
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vse-kar-vem · 2 months
jo members ranked by how well i think they would use chopsticks, if they were at my house and eating with my family
5. jure 😞 i think he'd try!! but he doesn't have the delicate hand necessarily </3 he'd use them and end up getting so little food to his mouth and making a mess .. we'd probably end up offering him a spoon and fork 😭 but 10/10 for effort!! also he would sooo stick them upright into his rice my grandmother would be offended 😭
4. bojan. he's a cultured boy!!! he's seen chopsticks before!!! but probably only used them at like western style asian buffets </3 he'd value efficiency over method and use them as skewers for everything rather than picking stuff up 😭 but hey it works .. his hold is probably slightly wonky. if he became a frequent guest i'd tell him to invest in these :
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3. nace gives foreign cuisine enjoyer to me .. he probably does eat with chopsticks when the oppurtunity arises. like average, decent ability. maybe drops things every now and then but like near to his bowl so it doesn't matter. versatile, picks things up and stabs if necessary
2. kris (not just because i like to the think the best of my gf). he's a quarter asian, probably a decent chopstick maneuverer, can pick up a fishball without just stabbing a chopstick into it like a stake into a vampire (they're slippery mfs). he still needs a spoon for rice though
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1) jan. i think he's only one here who wouldn't "cross arms" with people while reaching across the table to get something (etiquette). can probably 爬飯 (shovel rice into ones mouth w chopsticks) like a mf, not a grain on the table (i'm really bad at that 😭). imo he has the delicacy and tact needed... he probably doesn't use them often but he's gifted.
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putaposyinyourhair · 11 months
Slowly but Also Like All at Once
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
noah diaz x mirage (the ship of dreams or whatever that old bitch said in titanic)
warnings : reek gets his own flirt on, noah is tired™️, and breanna diaz is here but she ain't here to play
side note: this fic is also on ao3!
Noah’s kind of glad that as soon as he has the apartment door unlocked, Reek shoves him aside and barges his way inside like he owns the place. Because not a second later, a chancla comes flying across the room and slaps into the wall not one foot away from Reek’s head— the poor guy freezing up immediately, his eyes wide.
“Ma!” Noah admonishes, pocketing his keys and pushing past Reek so he can set down his box of electronics atop the short bookcase his ma insists on using as a foyer table. “You can’t just be whippin’ those around! You’re gonna seriously injure somebody that ain’t me one of these days.”
His ma has both her hands over her mouth, like she recognizes her mistake too, and when she lowers them, Noah can see she has the decency to at least look sheepish about nearly clocking his friend with her slipper. Still, it doesn’t stop her from also outright glaring at him— like it’s his fault.
“Pero escuché tu voz, so I thought it was you, and you deserve it,” she snaps at him pointedly, before she looks to Reek. “Reek, honey, I’m so sor—” she cuts herself off with a sharp gasp at the sight of all the blood on the lower half of Reek’s face.
“What the hell happened?” she demands instead, clearly concerned. Although the concern doesn’t last very long. Because she seems quick to come to her own conclusions and narrows her eyes at the both of them.
“You boys weren’t out gettin’ into trouble, were you? I swear to God, you two are gonna—”
The loud slam of a door sounds from down the hall.
“Is that Sonic?” Kris cries, rushing into the room like the namesake should be his instead.
Noah grins widely, toeing off his sneakers and simultaneously slipping off his backpack— letting it fall to the floor beside the bookcase with a small thud— just in time to catch his little brother who comes flying at him and nearly knocks the breath straight out of him with what feels like the world’s tightest hug.
“You missed it!” Kris proclaims eagerly, pulling back only far enough to look up at Noah. “I almost beat Bowser! I was so close!”
“Damn, really?” Noah inquires, reaching up to ruffle the kid’s curls affectionately. “That’s cool, bro. Just a few more tries and you gon’ get his ass. I know it.”
Kris beams and pulls away completely, releasing Noah, before he looks over at Reek and frowns, one brow arching.
“Who beat the shit out of you?” he queries openly.
“Language, Kris!” their ma shouts from the kitchen, where she’s already gathered some napkins and is bent over under the kitchen sink, probably looking for that bottle of rubbing alcohol they keep down there. “Reek, sweetie, come over here so we can get your face cleaned up.”
Reek relaxes— his momentary stupor fading— and his lips curl up into a dreamy sort of smile as he kicks off his sneakers then floats across the room to lean against the kitchen table.
Noah narrows his eyes at the other man, already knowing where this is going.
Noah’s ma slaps Reek’s knees open so she can step in between them to be able to reach his face— she’s already kicking up a fuss, telling Reek he has to take better care of himself— and Reek, of course, can’t help the self-satisfied little smirk he shoots in Noah’s direction.
Noah’s hands ball into fists at his sides.
“You hit on my mama one time today man, just one, and I’m throwing your ass out the window,” Noah warns him. Because, unfortunately, it’s a thing.
Reek, the absolute bastard, swears that one day he’s going to bag Breanna Diaz.
Which is absurd.
The only way that’s ever going to happen is if it’s right over Noah’s dead body.
“Ay, Noah, don’t be ridiculous,” his ma chastises casually, shaking her head as she dabs at Reek’s nose with a wad of wet napkins— completely oblivious to the fact that Reek is practically preening under her care. “Reek, how did this happen?”
Before Reek can respond, Kris looks up at Noah with a frown.
“And why didn’t you come home for dinner last night?” he questions. Their ma scoffs.
“You mean why he didn’t come home at all,” she points out, glancing over with a look on her face that clearly reads as disapproval. “You could at least call, mijo.”
Noah releases a sharp sigh, his shoulders drooping as he deflates under the weight of the guilt.
Kris wanders away from him, sauntering over to their ma and Reek so he can get a closer look at the damage on Reek’s face.
“I know, ma,” Noah acquiesces, defeated and exhausted, even as he reaches up behind his neck to grab at the collar of his Henley so he can pull it off— he’s been wearing it for over twenty-four hours at this point, and all he really wants is a shower. “I’m sorry. I just… I got caught up.”
His ma looks over for a second, both brows arched, before she returns to the task at hand.
“Ooh,” Kris teases. “Is it a girl? It’s a girl, isn’t it? What’s her name?”
Noah rolls his eyes at his baby brother’s antics, reaching down to unbuckle his belt and laughing when his ma presses a napkin soaked in rubbing alcohol to Reek’s nose, pulling an incredibly high-pitched yelp from the man’s throat.
Reek narrows his eyes at Noah.
“Oh, you think that’s funny, huh?”
Noah grins crookedly at him, his shirt and belt clutched in one hand.
“It’s hilarious, dude.”
The slow menacing look-and-smirk combination that distorts Reek’s face is quite frankly terrifying and Noah stills, tensing.
Reek leans back, just slightly, and his gaze slides over to Kris.
“Nah, li’l man, there ain’t no girl,” he drawls wickedly. “Our boy Noah over here, he’s a man of taste. He’s got a preference for something different; little metal, some rubber, six cylinders.”
Noah wants to wrangle his thick ass neck with his bare hands.
Kris’ lips purse to the side, his forehead scrunching— clearly bewildered.
“For the last time, man,” Noah snaps. “I didn’t fu—” he cuts himself off with a sharp inhale, throwing his hands into the air— completely done with trying to deny it any further— before he exhales at length.
Reek’s just going to believe what he wants anyway. Fuck it.
Noah’s ma glances over at him again, one perfectly plucked brow arched in question.
“I’ma go shower,” Noah decides, then points a long finger at Reek. “You better not still be in my damn house by the time I get out. I swear to God, bro.” He crosses the room and pretends not to hear Kris asking Reek what he meant by metal, rubber, and cylinders.
“Ay, mijo, por qué eres tan grosero?” his ma calls after him as he goes, and Noah does his best to not react when he hears her add on a quieter, “Well, there’s clearly no girl. He wouldn’t have a stick up his ass if he was seein’ any action.”
Reek’s raucous laughter echoes down the hall, following Noah right into the bathroom.
Noah slams the door closed behind him.
“Carajo, Noah! Don’t be slammin’ doors in my house!”
Noah huffs, dropping his shirt into the hamper that’s wedged in between the toilet and the sink— where it’s not supposed to be, because Kris has a habit of getting up during the night to piss, and being half-asleep, he drips all over the place. It’s nasty. His little brother’s kind of a slob but being the baby, their ma just keeps letting him get away with it.
Noah hangs his belt off of one of the hooks behind the door before he turns to the mirrored vanity cabinet and takes a second to study his reflection.
His curls are wild and he’s pretty sure he can still spot sand in there. The bags under his eyes are puffy and a slightly deeper color than usual and— Noah leans in closer— his lips look like they’ve been bitten raw, no doubt courtesy of the wild rollercoaster ride of emotions he’d experienced overnight.
All in all, he looks like shit.
With an utterly drained sigh, Noah slips out of both his jeans and boxer briefs and tosses them into the hamper as well, before he throws open the shower curtain and steps into the bathtub.
He showers rather quickly— which is kind of a miracle because he’d honestly thought getting all the sand out of his hair would take a lot longer. He washes up in a sort of automatic way, his hands and body going through the motions, while his mind wanders.
He finds himself going over every single moment of the last twenty-four hours with a fine-toothed comb. From heading into the garage the day before, wondering if he’d ever see his mech friend again. To Mirage’s sudden miraculous return— which Noah can still hardly believe even happened. To spending the night with the bot on that beach in Long Island under the lighthouse.
And getting the chance to meet Ratchet. Noah makes a mental note to thank the medic when or even if he gets the chance.
Ratchet had managed to do what Noah couldn’t; fix Mirage.
Ratchet had been the one to right Noah’s colossal fuck-up with the plate he’d cracked in half.
Ratchet had given him his best friend back.
Noah owes him a lot.
His mind shifts then, turning his attention to the metaphorical elephant in the room; the offer to join the autobots on their, hopefully simple, scouting mission to Colorado.
He purposely ignores the tiny voice in the back of his head— the one that, obnoxiously, sounds like Reek— that tries to remind him the mission isn’t the only metaphorical elephant in the room.
There’s also the matter of Mirage’s completely spontaneous flirting.
Because, yeah, Noah can definitely recognize it for what it is now. He might not have any game himself but he’s not that dense.
Plus, Reek had clearly read and interpreted it as just so— coming to the assumption after hearing just one of Mirage’s lines.
The man had badgered Noah the whole way up to the apartment over it; over whether or not Noah had ‘fucked the car.’
He’s honestly more surprised over the fact that the man had managed to go straight from ‘the car talks’ to ‘did you fuck it, Noah’ than over the fact that Reek apparently has zero issues with Noah theoretically fucking a car.
Which is wild. Especially seeing as Reek is completely unaware that the aforementioned car is actually a twelve foot alien.
But he’s not thinking about any of that though.
No. He’s thinking about whether or not he’s ready to drop everything— drop his entire life, not that he really has much going on at the moment— to go on an impromptu road trip with a bunch of aliens. To the Rockies. To possibly locate another alien. One that may or may not be one of the bad guys.
“Fuck,” Noah sighs, reaching out to turn off the water.
He wonders when his life got so complicated.
Unbidden, a vivid image of Mirage fucking with him as he’d tried to jimmy the lock and open the door on the Porsche simultaneously comes to mind.
That’s when.
Noah pulls a towel out of the bathroom closet— a blue one because his ma has them color-coordinated and assigned; Noah’s are blue, Kris’ are green, and hers are red. The woman’s surprisingly laid back about a lot of stuff— for example, Kris being an utter slob— but bathroom linens are not one of them.
Noah’s not sure why and at this point in his life, he’s kind of scared to ask. It’s easier to just roll with it.
He dries off then wraps his towel around his waist and steps back over to the mirror so he can try and get his curls under control. If he doesn’t, they’ll just dry up all frizzy and crazy. And he hates it when that happens. Because he’s kind of lazy and he won’t bother trying to fix it, he’ll just wear a cap over it every time he steps out of the house until he washes his hair again.
When he’s satisfied, Noah turns and steps out of the bathroom.
“Damn, mami, that’s cold,” he instantly hears— Reek’s voice coming from the kitchen. “Why you gotta do me like that?”
The asshole is still in his house, hitting on his ma. The kitchen’s out of view from where Noah’s standing just outside the bathroom so he can’t see his friend but he narrows his eyes in that general direction anyway.
Then, an idea pops into his head. And his lips curl.
“Reek, man if you don’t get yo’ ass outta my house, I’ma tell Rosie from downstairs about your special friendship with that white girl from Staten Island!”
He hears an abrupt thud from the kitchen and watches gleefully as Reek trips his way across the room, apologizing to his ma and telling her he has to go because he thinks he, ‘left the stove on.’
Noah grins when the front door slams, signifying the other man’s departure. Then he spins around and strolls languidly into his bedroom, lips pursed smugly. He shuts his bedroom door behind him with a foot so he can change into a fresh pair of boxer briefs then throws on a random pair of basketball shorts and a wife beater, before immediately throwing himself face first onto his bed, groaning loudly as his body relaxes into the mattress.
He gazes up at the stuff on his wall— his Wu-Tang Clan poster and his vinyl sleeves— for a moment. 
But he must fall asleep immediately after that because one second he’s blinking at the Puerto Rican flag on his wall and the next, he’s waking up on his side, facing the bedroom door, after hearing his name be called in a low sort of hiss.
Kris is standing underneath the frame of his bedroom door, staring at him with a sort of apprehensive look on his face. He keeps glancing back over his shoulder to his own room every other second.
“Hmm?” Noah slurs, still half-asleep and struggling to keep his eyes open. “Wassup, Tails?”
Kris’ wide-eyed gaze snaps back over to him.
“Dude, Knuckles is in my room.”
Noah groans, lifting a hand to wave the kid away.
“That don’t even make no sense, Kris,” he grunts out. “He wouldn’t fit.” With that said, Noah pulls his pillow out from beneath his face and covers his head with it, hoping his little brother will take it for what it is; a dismissal.
“He says he’s taking you to Colorado?”
It takes a second for Kris’ words to register.
But when they do, Noah’s pretty sure he sets the world record for the fastest anyone’s ever jumped out of bed
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extrovedteen · 6 months
I’m glad to see that you guys have enjoyed part 1! With that being said, here is part two! Make sure to read PART 1 beforehand instead of Chapter One as I have added a lot more to it! Enjoy!
Warning: ANGST & Friends with Benefits.
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The next morning, you both woke up in the trunk of Colby’s car, where you had fallen asleep the morning before, you squinted your eyes shut as the sun shined brightly into the rear window. You looked over at Colby who was still asleep and smiled remembering the events from the night before, you truly didn’t regret a thing, apart from maybe not telling him that you were a virgin.
Before you knew it, Colby’s eyes were open and looking up at you, looking at him. You quickly looked away and he chuckled ‘watching me sleep, bunny?” He asked.
You tried to play it innocent, ‘we have to get back. I gotta get home to film.’
‘Wait’ he said dominantly, pulling you closer to him and kissing you passionately ‘Now say good morning’ He instructed.
‘Good morning’ You said, following his instructions.
‘Good Girl, Good morning’ he replied back before looking deeply into your eyes ‘You’re so beautiful’ He said before rubbing his hands over your shoulders and handing you your clothes from the morning before ‘Get dressed and I’ll take you home’ He added, doing so himself.
You got dressed, instantly wanting to get home to shower and put on something more comfortable than a dress.
Eventually, the two of you were up front and he passed you your phone to put music into. You noticed your notifications
Kris: Where are you and Colby?
Celina: Don’t tell me you were taken by the ghosts?
Kris: We’re genuinely worried, please reply.
Celina: Y/N?
Alongside 15 missed calls 5 from Celina, 10 from Kris.
‘They’re worried about us’ You told Colby who chuckled, the sound filling the car.
It was contagious so you also started laughing before replying
Y/N: Hey! Everything’s okay, just grabbed food late last night because I hadn’t eaten and we fell asleep in the car, on our way now.
Celina: IN THE CAR?!
Kris: They totally did it right?
Celina: Yeah, totally.
Kris: DID YOU?
Y/N: …
Celina: OH MY GOD
Kris: Tell us everything! Our Y/N isn’t a virgin anymore.
Y/N: I will fill you guys in on everything later!
You replied, Colby holding your freehand, you looked over at him with the biggest smile.
Before you knew it, the two of you were back at Celina’s
‘I had a good night’ You admitted, looking over at him.
‘Me too, I’ll see you again soon.’ He told you before leaning in for another kiss before you got out of the car.
Sam was ready to go home so they headed off straight away, after saying their goodbyes of course.
You went to the toilet before having a shower, and you had noticed blood when you wiped and realised it was because you ‘popped your cherry’ you had a shower, scrubbing your body and then getting ready for the day and changing into the hoodie that Colby had given you to wear as well as a pair of leggings that you had brought with you, knowing you’d be sleeping over.
As soon as you got out, Kris and Celina were at the door, wanting to know about what happened last night and so you filled them in on every detail.
‘I’m so proud of you! I’ve always shipped you and Colby personally’ Kris admitted, glad that you had lost your virginity to the right person.
‘I second that’s Celina said in agreement, before adding ‘But you should have told him you were a virgin’
You nodded ‘I know, I just didn’t want to ruin the moment’
They understood, but you came to the conclusion that you would have to tell him.
After talking, you went home and noticed a message from Colby, you both having swapped numbers last night when you were talking.
Colby: We only just met but like, you’re pretty fucking dope and that’s terrifying, cause I keep getting hurt but I am happy and I am happy ‘cause I was with you. just laying there wondering if kissing you was right, I was so nervous, I’m never nervous I’m scared that because we click so well, you’ll be able to hurt me so well.
You looked at the message, your heart fluttering at the words.
Colby: You curled up into me and I felt your emotions swallow mine, and I felt how vulnerable you were and how scared but comfortable at the same time you were, and I just wanted to hide you away from the world, and hide you away from everything that hurts. I wanted to hide you away from me.
You kept reading the messages as they came through, not knowing how to reply. You had never made anyone feel like this before, and you had never felt this way about anyone before and you didn’t know what to do, you didn’t know the right way to respond, seeing him so vulnerable through the messages made you fearful of losing this connection.
Colby: You and I curled up into one being, and there was more intimacy in our fingertips than sex could ever give. This is above terrifying, It’s like next level shit hahahahaha
You swooned at that, although you guys had eventually lead to sex that night, he was right. The sexual tension was there since the start, since holding hands and even since the very first time you guys had met.
Y/N: I really like you, Colby. But I’m so scared of getting hurt and I’ve never really done this before, I don’t know what the right thing is to say.
You admitted trying to match how vulnerable he was being, you owed him that much.
Colby: That’s why I wanted to hide you away from me, ‘Cause if I can understand you, then I know how to hurt you. I already know how to hurt you.
That sentence scared you, deeply. But you couldn’t stay away you wanted to be his puppy, you wanted to be his doormat.
Y/N: You’re a writer, truly. I never would have thought anyone would feel this way about me, and here you are.
Colby: High Colby is a writer apparently. If we’re doing this, can we do this slowly spend the time making sure the vibe stays strong. Like, really just do this properly. Be friends first before anything else ‘Cause we haven’t hung out, or just done our hobbies, and I wanna make sure that shit slaps too. Fuuuuuuck I should have spoken to you about this when I wasn’t high, this is complicated AF.
You laughed at the ending of that, and shook your head. Truly, feeling all giddy.
Colby: Talking sober is hard, cause the feelings all blend together.
You let him finish typing before replying
Y/N: I agree, I want to take our time and truly develop our friendship and who we are as people together before doing this. I don’t want to ruin this connection that we have, you’re far too important to me now.
You wanted to say that you were a virgin, but you were so scared you’d ruin this, so you didn’t.
A few days passed, You and Colby hadn’t seen each other, despite you wanting more attention from him.
You were hanging out with Adelaine today, the two of you were going into the city and doing some Christmas Shopping. It was the first time you had seen her since Vlogmas Day One and now it was Vlogmas Day Four.
‘Hey Guy’s! What’s up It’s Y/N!’ You spoke into your camera, ‘It’s Vlogmas Day Four! And Today Adelaine and I are going into the city to do some Christmas shopping and I think Adelaine wants to do this Tik-Tok trend, so we might make some Tik-Tok’s’ You chuckled.
When you picked up Adelaine the two of you sat in the car for a bit, as Adelaine showed you what Tik-Tok trends she wanted to create that day, both of your cameras were rolling when she showed you the trend where people would be dressed up in loungewear with the song put your head on my shoulder and then it would change into the song streets and the person would be wearing sexy clothing and turn the lights off, leaving a silhouette of themselves. You got into the trend, knowing that Colby would love to see you do that and so you nodded your head ‘Hell yes!’ You grinned, until she swiped to the next video the name reading ‘Colby Brock’ and he was with another girl, you read the time stamp ‘2 days ago’ and your grin disappeared, your heart started to race as you watched the events unfold on the screen- it took two seconds for your heart to be completely shattered.
You knew you couldn’t cry because Adelaine would instantly know and you’d have to tell her your secret, you couldn’t lose your best friend so you tried to hold your emotions in, as best as you could.
‘Isn’t Colby, so hot?’ Adelaine asked.
You instantly broke down, you could no longer breath, you took Adelaines phone and went into his Tik-Tok seeing multiple videos of the two of them, including one where they did the ‘two best friends in a room they might kiss, yes we will’ and then they made out on Camera, this was the one that broke you the most.
‘Y/N?’ Adelaine asked, seeing your face turn red and your eyes brimming with tears.
‘What’s going on?’ She asked, concern in her voice. You gave her back her phone as you held your head in your lap, bringing your knees to your chest and rocking back and forth.
‘I can’t, I can’t’ you repeated over and over again.
Adelaine held you, letting you cry it out.
After calming down, you had found the girls instagram ‘Amber Scholl’ and dm’d her about it, wanting to hear the truth from her.
Y/N: Hey, Sorry to bother you. My name is Y/N and I am kinda seeing Colby, I saw the videos on his Tik-Tok and I just wanted to ask if you guys were still together?
Amber: What? Yeah we are… What do you mean you’re kinda seeing my boyfriend?
Y/N: We slept together a few nights ago, and he told me he really liked me, he said he just wanted to be friends for now though.
Amber: Oh my gosh! Thank you for letting me know… I can’t believe he’d do this to me…
Y/N: I’m sorry I had to break the news to you.
Amber: I just talked to him about it and he apologised to me and said it was the biggest mistake he had ever made, sorry girl.
‘I can’t believe him!’ She shrieked when you finally told your best friend of seven years, everything.
‘I’m sorry I kept it all a secret for so long’ You tried, she just shook her head.
‘I get it, I’m just glad that you told me now’ you were so relieved to hear her say that.
You pulled her in for a hug, and decided to message Kris and Celina about everything when you saw a message from Colby
Colby: Hey Bunny, did you want to come watch a movie with me this weekend?
You couldn’t believe that he was asking you out on a date when he was clearly already with someone else, you ignored his message although it was obviously seen.
Colby: Leaving me on seen?
He asked after a few minutes, your emotions started to get more intense and you were more likely to react so you called the group chat between Kris and Celina and told them everything, to say they were pissed off alongside you would be an understatement but they were also really happy that you had told Adelaine and so the four of you had planned to have a sleep over later that night to get your mind off everything.
You and Adelaine still went into the city, and you carried on with your day as if nothing had happened, you even still wanted to do that trend, more so just to rub it in Colby’s face.
You went Christmas shopping and then went to the store to buy snacks for the sleep over before going home, recording everything in the process. You all decided to turn it into a Secret Santa as well, and you had gotten Celina and decided to get her a mug that had ‘Spooky Boo’ written on it, obviously left over from Halloween but as that was her username you knew she’d love it.
The sleepover was going amazing, you had done the secret santa gift exchange- Celina loved her gift and Adelaine had gotten you and bought you some weed, knowing you’d need it after everything you went through earlier that day, You had ordered Taco Bell for dinner and were watching Mean Girls and doing facials, just a bit of self-care when there was a knock on the door.
Celina went to answer it as the sleepover was at her house, and you instantly knew the voice especially when he walked past her despite her saying ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea-‘ of course he didn’t listen.
Colby was at Celina’s house, standing in the hallway and just staring at you whilst you had a green face. You were annoyed that he was crashing the sleepover but even more so that he had the upper hand seeing you in a face mask.
‘What are you doing here?’ You asked him, annoyed.
‘I wanted to see you, and I could tell from your snapchat that you were here’ He explained, ‘What did I do wrong?’ He asked you.
This truly made your blood boil.
‘’Cause I found out that you held her’ You yelled at him, having enough of the constant lying and playing the victim, gaslighting.
‘What?’ He asked, confused.
‘I found out that you held her!’ You said louder.
‘Who?’ He was still playing dumb.
‘I found out that you held her in your arms when she told me’ You said, why should you say her name. He should just know.
‘Amber?’ He asked you
‘I’m trying to be the big person in this, but you’re sorry to her and she feels like it’ You spoke loudly as you walked up to him.
‘I hate all your songs!’ You said remembering how you both met.
‘I hate all your clothes!’ You said throwing the XLPR hoodie at him that still smelt like him.
‘I hate all your girlfriends! And I hate how you moan!’ You groaned.
‘Even if you were lying, I STILL had my fun.’ You admitted.
‘Oh, Oh even if you two fucked, I still had my fun!’ You yelled, you swore you wouldn’t cry in front of him so you ran upstairs, Kris and Adelaine following you both giving Colby death glares.
‘I think it’s better if you just leave’ Celina told him, Colby was obviously one of Celina’s best friends but so were you and this was your time with her, ‘You really hurt her Colby, she was a virgin.’ She told him.
Colby instantly felt bad, but he couldn’t believe that you hadn’t told him that ‘I didn’t know…’ He whispered, looking up the stairs.
‘Just… tell her I’m sorry’ He tried, before walking out of the door. Sam had been standing away from the door but listening into everything.
‘You aren’t going to tell them the truth?’ Sam asked, Amber was Colby’s ex and she had found out Colby was seeing someone new and so she posted a drafted video of the two of them, in fact all of the videos that you had seen that day were all drafts.
‘She’s really hurt’ Colby sighed, ‘Apparently Amber told her I apologised to her.’
‘Amber is lying-‘ Sam tried, Colby just shook his head and walked back to the car.
You looked out of the window seeing Colby and Sam get in and drive off, you instantly started crying again.
‘If the garden were smaller, I’d imagine you’d want me.’ You thought outloud, you saw Amber’s body and you knew your bodies looked so different, maybe her body was better… smaller.
You hated Colby for what he did to you, but that didn’t mean you didn’t miss him, you felt so dumb for missing him. It had been one full week since your sleepover at Celina’s and you had just put yourself into your work, into your Vlogmas videos. It was hard to film but your fans were counting on you to post daily so you did.
You still wanted to be Colby’s puppy, you still wanted your head in his lap, you wanted him to scold you if only to hear him speak. You truly would do anything for him and you knew just how bad this was for you. But still, you waited for him to reach out to you, but he never did. You could imagine the two of you doing things that only lovers do and wondered if he did too, but then you were painfully reminded that he already had a girlfriend to do those things with.
And so you turned to weed, and got absolutely greened out, you also drank almost a full bottle of tequila to yourself, hurting. It might have seemed stupid but the two of you had the strongest connection, and you couldn’t imagine yourself with anyone else. You cried your eyes out and went live, yep you went live.
‘Hey guys, sorry I’m sorry…’ You started.
Your fans started to come in fast, almost reaching 5k views in less then 5 minutes.
‘I need to tell you the truth about something’
You also saw comments rolling in
User1234: What is going on? Are you okay?
User:2345: y/n is so pretty!
User:3456: Is she drunk?
Colby Brock: Don’t do this, I’ll call you.
You saw his message and instantly your heart fluttered, he could still do that to you even after this and before you could say anything else Colby was written across the screen, he was in fact calling you.
‘Y/N, Can I come over and explain?’ He asked, you sighed. Hearing his voice was truly all that you needed, and at that point you didn’t care if he had a girlfriend you needed to feel him against your skin, you needed him to hold you.
‘Please?’ He begged, his voice making your heart skip a beat.
‘Yes, please.’ You said as you started crying, hard.
You told him your address and with that he was on his way to you and you were back on live, but you turned it off and switched your phone off, waiting for him to arrive.
I’m actually low-key proud of this! Also Next song will be Eat It Too and it’ll be much more wholesome I promise!
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a-heart-attack-ow · 3 months
The Arrangement. Part Seven
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Part 5
Part 6
Part 7: **NSFW/Unedited**
His clenched jaw was the first thing I noticed when I got called into his home office. I had no idea when he'd returned home or why he'd felt it necessary to have Sam come and fetch me for a meeting, but I could feel my anger boiling beneath the surface of my skin, in my veins as I stared back at my husband. Colby Brock stood before me in all black, a tank top that showed off his muscular arms and his half-sleeve tattoo, paired with a pair of black skinny jeans. Beads of water pooled at the base of his dark locks that hung in his face. He'd clearly just returned home given the state of his hair, the water fresh from the downpour outside. Our house had lost power hours ago because of the storm. Now all we had was the dim light of the candles to accompany us. It had been two whole weeks that he'd been away from me. Two whole weeks that he'd been traveling for 'business'. Business that I hadn't been given any information on. He'd left in the middle of the night, with only a note on my pillow for an indication that he'd gone. He'd not bothered to call or text at that time. He'd truly left me high and dry. 
But now he stood before me. Jaw clenched, eyes narrowed as he stared into my soul. A part of me wanted to slap him for leaving me the way he did. After that night we had dinner with his parents. After I swore to him that I would always be there for him. He'd told me he loved me but disappeared into the night without so much as a second glance. I fold my arms across my chest as I stare at him, the tension thick in the air around us. I don't speak as I study him. I don't say a word as his eyes look me up and down in quiet appreciation. I'd spent the last two weeks with Kris and Celina, planning which charity events we'd be hosting on behalf of the Brock Family Estate. I'd thrown myself into work because I couldn't think of him. I couldn't think of how he'd left me. So I focused on work, working out, and reading up on what things my husband had been up to with his gang of drug traffickers. Thanks to Sam, I had all the knowledge I needed about their 'business'. Colby throws a smirk my way when he takes in what I'm wearing. The deep v-neck of my long-sleeved, red top. It was form-fitting and paired with a higher-waisted black skater skirt. The skirt was short and the sight of my bare legs caught his attention. 
He looks like he wants to devour me and a part of me wants to let him. But I'm so angry that I can't. 
Colby knows I'm angry, his smirk growing as he takes a step around his desk, his pale blue eyes never leaving me for a second. His left hand lingers on top of his desk, his fingers lightly gliding over the cherry wood. My eyes catch his wedding band as it hits the candlelight. When he takes a step forward, I take a step back, my back brushing the closed door behind me. My reaction to him doesn't phase him a bit as he chuckles darkly. 
"I heard you were a good girl while I was gone..."
His voice is so deep, so needy that it sends a shiver up my spine. He notices the way my body reacts to only his voice, the way I have to physically clench my thighs together to keep myself composed. All I can think about is him buried inside of me. All I can think about is the dirty things he'd whisper in my ear. All I can think about is that I've had to pleasure myself for the past two weeks and my hands just couldn't do it the way his hands could. 
"...Oh no, is my baby mad that I left her on her own for two weeks?"
He asks when he sees my facial expression remain unchanged. Even though he knows every fiber of my being wants him, no matter how angry I am. I don't speak and I don't move as he ponders what to do next. The dark amusement on his face tells me that he's as aroused by seeing me as I am by seeing him. Since we'd gotten married we'd never spent a night apart. And while I understand that he's not always going to be home all of the time, a part of me wished he'd left differently. That he'd communicated without just leaving me. I didn't want to be clingy, I just wanted to be treated like a normal wife would be. A wife that a husband speaks to about basic things like business trips. I shudder to think of what it would've been like if we had children together. How would our children react to their father just disappearing in the middle of the night? Colby strides across the room to meet me, taking a mere five strides to reach me. He glances down at me, his wet hair remaining on his face as he studies me. I peer up at him and attempt to hold my ground as I try not to let his 5'11' frame intimidate my 5'0' frame. His hands rest on the door behind me, on either side of my head. He is focused on me, but I keep my eyes forward on his chest. 
"Do I need to fuck an answer out of you my love?"
He asks, his voice deepening as he uses a hand to force me to look up at him, his grip firm on my chin. Once I look at him, I feel my stomach flip. His handsome face and the desire etched into it made me weak. It made me want to forget why I'd been so frustrated in the first place. It made me wet without him even touching me. 
I start, my voice giving me away immediately. There's a breathiness to my voice, a willingness to surrender nearly outranking any logic that I might've had before. It's a tone that causes him to laugh once more, a dark chuckle that seems pleased by my reaction. 
"... You can't just leave without a proper goodbye and then come home and act like nothing happened."
I practically moan the words as his hand moves from my jaw, his fingertips tracing down my neck. I feel him guide my head to the side as he leans down to kiss my exposed neck. Slow and sloppy kisses are placed along my skin gently, almost like a nonverbal apology. The sensation of his lips on me causes me to close my eyes for a moment, chills appearing on my arms as he uses his tongue to start marking me. My breathing immediately becomes erratic as he does this and I have to physically focus on not sounding too frenzied. I didn't want him to think he'd won this argument, even if he did set my body on fire with desperate need. I can feel the mark forming on my skin as he sucks, groaning against me. His hands trace over mine slowly as he uncrosses my arms and instead pins them to the door behind me, restraining me. 
"I left you a note."
He rasps as he guides his lips from my skin. For a moment he stares at his handiwork. The smirk grows when he sees the deep purple mark he's left on my skin. I turn my head when I realize he's finished with my neck, my gaze meeting his. 
"The note said, 'I'll be home later' Cole. That's not a proper goodbye."
When I speak, he chuckles once more. His lips trace mine and he hums in response. There's a quiet contemplation for a moment as he mentally decides what he wants to do next, his grip on my arms remaining firm. It feels like a slow form of torture as I wait for him to decide what to do. A part of me wants to talk this out, but a bigger part of me wants to make up for our two weeks apart. Out of pure impatience, I pushed my lips against his, no longer able to have him so close without getting what I needed. He kissed me back with an eagerness that matched my own, my body still restrained under his touch. He kisses me with such love and attentiveness that had been missing when we'd first gotten together. Gone were the days of deepened kisses that felt like constricting lust. He groans against me as I feel his body press up against mine. I can feel how hard he is and instantly I know that I need him inside of me as soon as possible. 
Needing air, we break the kiss, our eyes clouded with desire when we look at each other. His chest heaves up and down as he studies me. Without saying a word, Colby pulls my arms up above my head. Holding both of my wrists down with one hand as he uses the other to trace the inside of my thigh. His index finger slowly creeps up further and further up my thigh with cruel intentions. His eyes never move from my face, not even when he reaches my soaked sex. A look of surprise moves over his face as he starts to trace my clit.
“You’re a naughty girl Mrs. Brock. Not wearing any underwear in such a short skirt.” 
He starts to tease my clit, slowly as he watches me closely. He gets a deep satisfaction as he focuses on how much his fingertips pleasure me. He uses his thumb and his index finger to rub my clit while his middle finger carefully dips inside of me. My eyes close as he starts pumping his finger in and out of me. He chuckles to himself as he moves his lips back to mine. Kissing me deeply until we’re both out of breath. 
“I should punish you for walking around here without any panties. For wearing such a short skirt while doing so. Anyone could’ve seen you, Emilia. Anyone could’ve seen this…”
He pauses to push his finger a little deeper inside of me. 
“... Sweet little pussy…” Once more, he pushes his finger in as deeply as he can. A sensation that feels so good it makes my head spin.
“... My sweet little pussy.”
He finishes speaking as he adds another finger, a moan escaping me when he does. He knows exactly how to move his fingertips for maximum satisfaction. He only has to thrust his fingers inside of me a few more times before my walls start to tighten around his fingers. 
I whimper as his movements grow more relentless. Nearing my body closer to the edge. 
“... I’m gonna cum.” 
I finish as he finger fucks me over the edge. I cum around his fingertips. I feel breathless as I feel myself relax. My chest rises and falls in quick succession. He stares down at me in hunger as he withdraws his fingers from me. He doesn’t look away as he brings his fingers to his lips licking them clean. His look of satisfaction grows as he tastes me. Watching him is enough to make me wet again. He removes his other hand from my arms which are still above my head. With my arms back at my sides I study my husband closely. My eyes flicker down to his hardened cock, but when I think to touch him, he stops me. Instead, he guides me forward. I don’t speak as I let him maneuver me wherever he wants me. He bends me over at his desk. There’s a silence that hangs in the air around us. For a moment I feel his gaze on me, debating what he wants to do with me first. I don’t speak as I wait in anticipation for him to make a move. The only thing that breaks through the silence is the sound of his pants zipper being pulled down as he takes off his pants. His hands trace my ass cheeks, as he slides my skirt up so my ass is fully on display. He hums as he studies me, placing his hands on either side of my hips. I feel his hardened cock tease my folds from behind. A sensation that causes my breathing to hitch, the anticipation causing my core to ache with desperate need. 
“You know, I’ve thought about fucking you over this desk non-stop for the past two weeks.” 
He pulls my ass in against him, his cock slowly sliding inside of me. He pauses once he’s inside of me, letting my body adjust to him for a moment. I feel so full with him inside of me, my core eager for his movement. Colby pulls back and starts to thrust inside of me, slowly at first. Painfully slow. I want the friction as he fucks me. I want him to fuck me senseless, but when I go to ask him to go faster he chuckles. 
“Baby, be patient.” 
He groans as he thrusts inside of me at his own slow pace. His breathing, ragged as the sound of my ass slapping against him fills the silence. His fingers grip me tighter as my core flutters against him. Even going slower, I still felt myself nearing the edge for the second time tonight. The second he feels this, he groans again. This time he thrusts deeper, the angle of his cock hitting new depths within me. I moan as he does this, his grip tighter on my hips, tighter than before. I half hope that there will be a bruise when he does this some sort of proof of how thoroughly he fucked me. 
He starts thrusting faster inside of me, my ass is flush against him as he leans forward and whispers.
“I’m going to cum inside of you. I’m going to fill my baby up and let her know how sorry I am for leaving her behind.”
I moan once more, my core tightening around him. Without saying another word he thrusts one final time and we cum together. When he does, my eyes flutter closed, my body at peace as his cock twitches inside of me. He spills into me deeply as he holds my ass in place. Lifting me up slightly so his cum doesn’t pool out of me. We remained together like this for several minutes, his lips kissing up my spine.
“I am sorry Emilia.” He groans, pulling out of me. Leaving me exposed once more. I feel his cum escape me once he’s no longer able to keep me in place. I feel his seed spill down my inner thighs and my legs suddenly struggle to stand. It takes me several seconds to catch my breath, but when I do I force myself to look over at my husband. His blue eyes focus on me closely, smirking at me while I pull my skirt back to where it had been. He pulls his pants back on as I glare up at him before poking his black tank top-covered chest. 
“Next time you need to talk to me. I understand if you need to leave, but a fucking note? A note that barely gave me any clue about what was going on? Not okay.” My tone is more playful than the expression on my face. A tone that makes him smile. He leans down to kiss my forehead and sighs. 
“I had to make an emergency delivery overseas. I didn’t want to wake you up in the middle of the night. You were sleeping so peacefully after that awful dinner with my parents. I just didn’t want to bother you and I couldn’t talk about it over text or on the phone.”
I focus on him and sigh. I knew that something had to have happened for him to have left the way that he did. But that didn’t mean I had to like how he left me. He’d said he didn’t want any more secrets between us, but he’d kept me in the dark about this entire delivery. 
“We need a safe word for unexpected deliveries. You could write it down and then I will know for next time.” 
Colby looks down at me, his gaze is soft as he smiles at my words. He nods, arms reaching out to wrap me in an embrace. I’d forgiven him the moment that I first laid eyes on him. I knew and he knew it too. I couldn’t stay mad at him forever. I just didn’t have it in me.  He holds me tightly against him. 
“How about, the next time something like this happens, our safe word is avocado?”
I can’t help but laugh at his words, my arms also wrapping around him. We hold each other, our laughter filling the room. 
“Avocado? Sounds perfect.” 
I whisper against his chest, nuzzling him. The last two weeks without him had been hard. I’d missed just being near him, holding him close, and getting to just breathe him in. Over the duration of our marriage, he’d become a comfort to me. A soothing presence that just felt right. I’d missed the little things he did. The way his glasses framed his face when he was working at his desk. The way he smiled whenever Sam came over for dinner. How he’d read his emails in bed next to me as I fell asleep. It was all of the little things that made up our relationship that made me truly happy he was home. 
He kisses the top of my head sweetly, his fingers running through my long black hair. I don’t want to let go of him. I don’t want it to end, but I do pull back to look at him, and when I do I find his blue eyes looking down at me in appreciation. 
“I read your plans for the charity project you’ve been working on with Kris and Celina. I am so proud of you…”
I feel my cheeks redden at his words. I sent him an email with my plans yesterday. I didn’t realize he’d taken the time to read it over. His smile grows when he notices the blush forming on my face. 
“... It’s going to be good for you to do what you love. You care about the community and helping people in need. I can’t wait to see you flourish.”
I look at my husband and feel so grateful that he’s telling me this. That he’s accepting me for who I am. For the first time since arriving here I felt comfortable enough to be myself. Looking in his eyes, I can tell he wants to say something else, but when he goes to speak a loud, feverish knock on the door interrupts him. The person behind the door doesn’t wait for a response, instead, they open the door. 
Sam’s voice rasps. I can tell by the sound of his voice that something is wrong and Colby knows it too. Sam is breathing breathlessly, sweat on his forehead. Colby immediately lets go of me and pushes me behind him as he looks at Sam. His body is tense but when Sam speaks next, Colby’s body seems to go completely stiff. 
“... A package was delivered and when I checked it…” Sam pauses, his face seeming to whiten at the mental recollection of what he’d seen. Whatever he’d seen, it was bad. 
“... I found a severed ear…” This time when Sam pauses he looks at me, sympathy finding its place on his face. It’s then that I feel my stomach turn. I know instantly that the ear must’ve belonged to my father. I can see it on Sam’s face, the fear of having to tell me. The fear of hurting me by telling me that my only surviving blood relative was hurt. 
“... It’s your dad’s ear, Emilia. There was a note attached to the ear, addressed to both of you from our parents. They’re giving you one month to get off your birth control, so your body can have the time it needs to adjust before you and Colby have children. You have one month to do this and get a doctor’s note for proof before Mom and Dad send another part of your dad.” 
Colby looks back at me, actual fear in his eyes as he studies me. I don’t speak as a silent tear goes down my cheek. I knew that the family I married into were awful human beings but I had no idea they’d go to this extreme to force my compliance. For a moment I’d forgotten that I was a chess piece, but they’d thoroughly reminded me tonight. 
I was nothing more than a breeding mare for the Brock Family Estate and any potential heirs I could give. 
Nothing more. Nothing less. 
And there wasn’t a fucking thing I could do about it.
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fuckthemforthis · 5 months
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Maribor recap or long rambling, some pics and trying to make sense in my head:
1. Thank you @chibi-chellist again for reaching out, it meant a lot not to be alone! Rambling about the boys is so much better in person and when it's not one-sided. I enjoyed meeting you and sharing experiences! 💕
2. Kaj pa Ester? is one of the cringiest things I've recently seen, especially dialog wise haha BUT it is also funny and kinda cute. Very teenage-y I guess, with too much lots of kissing and parties for which scenes they used some terrible modern cajke music (like use the good old soul ripping ones that don't mention Elon Musk... teenagers today smh). Anyway, I wouldn't mind it being longer and better developed in the emotional areas which you see they scratched but need deepening to give an actual sense of plot and sense to the movie. Could be due to the fact it was supposed to be a show first tho. However, I couldn't see Bojan's personality, mannerisms or gestures so in that sense I feel he did a great job acting 👏
And THE SCENE. Oh boy. Less sad and more frustrated bojerking. Putting shame aside to admit I would love to have it available on demand, especially for some ragged breathing appreciation...
3. Bought and tried Jan's fav cookies, yaay! They're really soft and don't crumble so I approve and will enjoy. I'm sure sentimental reasons are definitely a big part of why he named them as favorite and when I think about it they really suit him but there are better Slovenian cookies like almost any from Težak bakery in Zreče.
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4. Half the venue were teenagers or parents with anything between 4 to 12 year olds. I was surrounded. And since I sat a few rows above the backstage entrance, kids all tried reaching for them as they were going off stage and among all the girls there was an 8 (?) year old boy who reached out and Bojan gave him a high-five... and lemme tell you I very much dislike kids but the way that boy turned and excitedly smiled melted my icy heart.
5. Third concert of theirs, third time on Jan's side. And I think Kris somehow knows & takes revenge by not singing NGVOT whenever I'm in the audience 😔
Well Krisko, princess dear, no photos of you 😝
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6. Found it adorable how as ASTP was starting, Nace went to drink some water, took his bottle and clinked it against Jure's 🥂
7. Love that Maks was there again, I like the guy. At some point during the concert he was leaning on the fence above me taking pics and I missed half a song watching him work 🙈
8. As I was behind the loudspeakers, I heard Bojan's singing fine, but talking barely because it was often too distorted. What I did hear was him saying we came there for a workout to burn all the cookie calories from the last few days... and boy are you on the wrong track because I came back home with four different packs of cookies 🍪
9. Band dad Niko's daughter was with him watching the concert from next to the stage and he danced with her and it was adorable. The existence of good dads baffles my poor unloved ass...
10. We all know how in the setlist there's a connection between Padam and Demoni because Bojan even sometimes said "and when we fall they come", but I realised the chain starts with Dopamin. First you get a dopamine rush and feel like flying but soon you experience a crash because your body used up all the good stuff and then comes the falling and the demons (and then you go back to someone so the demons would go away but that someone just plays you again - if I wanna extend it to Katrina). Yes it's kind of a concert - post concert sadness - concert rinse&repeat metaphor
11. Janči had problems with his pedalboard for the first two or three songs, he and Kiki spent minutes fiddling with it trying to get it to work. Poor guy can't catch a break.
12. So yeah, the last point is based on Jan being sick, but it's actually about the main reason I like them so much - the connection, love and care they share.
I realised Jan wasn't okay during the concert so Bojan just confirmed it for me. He obviously still slayed, and he went to play at the front a lot, but there were telling moments.
A) When Bojan came to Jan at one point and rubbed his back in a very non performative way, squeezing at his shoulder and whispering something.
B) When Jan plopped down during Padam I thought "not when he usually goes down, is he okay?" and then Bojan leaned down to stroke his hair.
C) The most telling of all, when he sat down during Umazane misli. I kept looking at him, ignoring the left-front-right karaoke. He looked so tired and off, put his head in his hands and then Kiki gave him a bottle of water. When Nace turned around and noticed him like that, he smiled encouragingly and told him it's okay three times (yep they were close enough to read lips) and that's when I was 100% sure something was wrong and he was either feeling off emotionally or sick. He then got up, went to the front, played his ass off and only when he was walking back was it visable again for a moment how empty his expression was.
D) Jure coming to comfort him and cheer him up as soon as he could lift his ass away from those drums, leading him to the front where in the end Jan turned out to be the one stroking Nace's back in a "yeah it's okay" kinda way
E) As they were leaving for the final time, someone gave Jan a wrapped present he looked actually happy about and he threw back a pick but it fell where the person couldn't reach so Nace took over making sure the person gets it.
That's it. They are all utterly beautiful. And anyone who knows me, knows I use that word to describe people first and foremost on the inside. Beautiful.
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toriluvsnickwayne · 1 month
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Getting Hooked
Chapter 5
Hook x Reader
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Tyler's POV
I made my way over to the bar, my heart racing with excitement. I had to get to know this girl, and I had to make her mine.
As I approached, she looked up and caught my eye. She smiled, and I felt my heart skip a beat.
"Hey," I said, leaning against the bar beside her. "You're quite the dancer."
She laughed, and I loved the sound of it. "Thanks," she said. "I was just letting loose."
"I can tell," I said, grinning. "You looked amazing out there."
She blushed, and I loved the way her cheeks flushed pink.
"Thanks," she said again. "I'm Y/N, by the way.
"Tyler," I said, holding out my hand.
She took it, and our palms touched. I felt a spark of electricity, and I knew I was in trouble.
"It's nice to meet you, Y/N," I said, holding her hand for a little too long.
She smiled, and I knew I had her attention.
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I was taken aback when Tyler came over to talk to me. I had been trying to get his attention all night, but I wasn't expecting him to actually come over and introduce himself.
As we talked, I couldn't help but notice how charming and confident he was. He had a way of making me feel like I was the only person in the room, and I found myself getting lost in his eyes.
But as we shook hands, I felt a spark of electricity that caught me off guard. It was like my body was reacting to his touch without my permission.
I smiled and tried to play it cool, but inside, I was freaking out. What was going on? And why did I feel like I was in trouble?
Tyler's POV
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I walked over to the guys, grinning from ear to ear. "Dudes, you won't believe what just happened," I said, barely containing my excitement.
Andretti, Anthony, Darius, and Dante all turned to me, curiosity written across their faces. "What's up, man?" Andretti asked.
"I just met the most amazing girl," I said, still feeling the spark from our handshake. "Y/N, her name is. And let me tell you, she's incredible."
The guys all started bombarding me with questions. "What's she like?" Anthony asked.
"Is she hot?" Darius chimed in.
"Did you get her number?" Dante asked, winking.
Andretti just chuckled. "Well, well, well. Looks like Tyler's finally fallen."
I laughed, trying to defend myself. "Hey, guys, I'm just excited, okay? She's really special."
But they wouldn't let up. "Special?" Anthony repeated. "What does that even mean?"
I sighed, feeling a little overwhelmed. "It means she's smart, funny, and beautiful. And we had an amazing connection."
The guys all nodded, still grinning. "We get it, man," Andretti said. "You're whipped."
I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help smiling. Maybe I was whipped, but it felt amazing.
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I rushed over to the girls, barely containing my excitement. "Oh my gosh, you guys, I just met the most amazing guy!" I said, bubbling with enthusiasm.
Julia, Kris, Willow, and Skye all turned to me, eyes wide with curiosity.
"Who is he?" Julia asked.
"What's his name?" Kris chimed in.
"Is he cute?" Willow asked, giggling.
"Did you get his number?" Skye asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Is he funny?" Julia asked.
"Does he have a cute smile?" Kris asked.
"Did you guys dance together?" Willow asked.
"Does he have a good voice?" Skye asked.
I laughed, trying to answer their rapid-fire questions. "His name is Tyler, and yes, he's absolutely adorable! We talked for a bit, and I got his number. He's funny, charming, and has an amazing smile. We didn't dance together, but we had a great conversation!"
The girls all nodded, still grinning. "We're so happy for you, Y/N!" Julia said.
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Author’s Note: Hey yall! I know I normally put out parts every other day but I could resist posting a few chapters since today the cold hearted handsome devils birthday. 🥳 I will go back to my normal posting schedule after this and u guys will j get 3 days of posts in a row! Yay for yall. Hope yall r enojting the story so far 💋. Lots of love- Tori
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sparkles-oflight · 7 months
Considering Bojan (and Kris!) is a language master:
Edit: But then tell me which languages 😭 It's fun reading about it
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
Great job creating a Chara that is neither in an Underswap AU or is looking like they want to kill me. Chara has always been my favorite characters, even though they don't talk much about them. I was so happy once I learned that Kris is just an alternate version of Chara. But anyway Chara had one of the best AU's ever, (drunk Chara) and I can't wait to see what new things Chara faces. Also if you see Chara tell them I said "Hi."
Haha thanks. I started to truly love Chara so much more as a character the more I made my comic (in cannon and out). They don't speak much at all, but their impact is interesting :)
and um- i'm not sure about the implications that Kris is Chara. But you do you. 👍
"Drunk Chara". Oh gosh I remember seeing that ask blog some years ago. Ngl i thought it was very good...at least I think? its been at least 5 years.
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rosetta-j-stone · 2 months
Tumblr media
Buckle up guys, gals and non-binary pals, it's BoJere Tour Bus Renuion time <3
"...Bojan was tentatively asking me if I would join him on the tour bus" - Kris arches an eyebrow as he reads this part of the latest interview with Jere on his phone screen.
Tentatively? Seriously? Since when has Bojan done ANYTHING tentatively? Bojan is about as tentative as a- as a puppy. Which is why Kris has to watch him and "Nine Lives" Jure like a hawk.
Not for the first time, Kris is glad he doesn't have pets.
Turtles might be OK, he supposes.
Nace seems to think so.
Anyway, he's clearly going to have to talk to Bojan about this.
"Hey, Bojan, remind me: what are the rules of this tour?"
Bojan rolls his eyes. Like Kris doesn't know. Like Kris didn't write them. Like Kris didn't give him two copies (just in case). He shrugs.
"Let's see...what happens on the tour bus stays on the tour bus?"
Kris chucks a pillow at him. He ducks.
"That is the exact opposite of Rule 5 and you know it"
Ugh, he's in one of those moods. Bojan briefly considers throwing the pillow back, but decides against it.
"Rule 5? What were the other 4?" He grins. "Wait, don't tell me. They're all the same rule, just with different names."
Kris refuses to take this bait, unfortunately.
"Rule 5 is - as you very well know - No Sex On The Tour Bus"
How is he capitalising every letter of that stupid rule just saying it, Bojan wonders.
"Right, and why are you bringing up that rule with me? Shouldn't you be reminding...ooh, I don't know...your fellow guitarists of that one?"
Kris folds his arms and Bojan knows he shouldn't push it but he can't help himself.
"Or does it not apply if both parties are band members? Kinda discriminatory Krisko. Does this mean I have to start sleeping with Jure again?" He grins, gives Kris a suggestive look. "Or-"
Kris gives him a don't-even-think-about-it look in response - spoilsport - and thrusts his phone at him.
Ooh, it's an interview with Jere...
OK, Jere has obviously said something.
Yep. Kris has highlighted it. Of course he has.
He reads the offending sentence, rereads it, laughs, looks up.
"Oh come on Kris, this is just Jerč-Jere messing around. He probably said it because he knew it would get attention. Although" he feels obliged to point out, because joke or no joke this slander will not stand: "it was actually HIM asking ME if he could-"
Kris sighs the deep sigh of the terminally exasperated.
"Look, I don't care who asked who, your boyfriend-"
"-NOT my boyfriend actually but do carry on"
Kris doesn't even bat an eyelid.
"Whatever he is, he's NOT coming on the bus. In EITHER sense. There's barely enough room for the five of us as it is"
He gestures to the admittedly cramped living quarters they've somehow got used to sharing. Bojan can see his point, even if he is making it in the most insufferable way possible. He sighs.
"FINE. No Sex On The Tour Bus"
Kris looks at him.
He's such a Boy Scout sometimes. Bojan can't resist saluting as he replies.
"Yes, Mr-If-I-Can't-Get-Laid-Neither-Can-Anyone-Else, I promise"
And he runs off before Kris can find anything else to throw at him.
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: Hey
BikBik: Hey
BikBik: What happen?
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: Kris read your interview. I had to promise him I wouldn't smuggle you onto the tour bus.
BikBik: : (
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: I know, it sucks. No reenacting this for us
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: <video file: UKTourChaChaCha">
BikBik: <gif: "SadDavidTennant">
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: <gif: "SadDavidTennant">
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: ...
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: Anyway, I think we're both off Krisko's Christmas card list this year.
BikBik: ...
BikBik: OK but still on Christmas present list, yesyes?
BikBik: Still on track for visit from...Grandfather Walrus?
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: ...Grandfather Walrus?
BikBik: Is not correct? I put "Dedek Mrož" into Google Translate and-
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: OH
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: OMB
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: X D
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: DEDEK MRAZ
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: BRB DYING OF LAUGHTER
BikBik: ...
BikBik: ...
BikBik: F**k you Bojan X D
Jere is laughing as he puts his phone down, he can't help laughing whenever he interacts with Bojan, but he's soon serious again.
Yes, he ABSOLUTELY said that to that reporter because he knew they'd eat it up.
He was hoping that he and Bojan would-
You know.
But Bojan has made a promise, and his Bojan doesn't break promises.
So Jere is going to have to...get creative.
He grins.
He's always enjoyed a challenge.
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izpira-se-zlato · 2 months
Munich, 26.03.24
Gig report! Can’t believe this tour is almost over :o In true Joler Ot fashion I am writing this while our train is losing a broken carriage so we're picking up delays. Fun.
The queue was. Insane. I just. Boggle at how we went from the chill Berlin and Hamburg and Leipzig queues to this.
The actual queueing was pretty chill regardless, thankfully
There was a whole-ass. Like. Tumblr meetup? Not like, planned, but I met (at various points) @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare, @nyx-aira, @itskrejsaitsparty, @j-restlessgeek, @lovvecherrymotion, @thisismyobsessionnow, @zadig-fate, @mogoce-nocoj and probably more because my brain is a sieve. So wild to just meet these people irl, you know?
My place in the queue was right in front of the person who sold Kris and me our EA tickets, which I thought was super funny
Kris was technically way further ahead of me but traded her place with a teenager whose only gig on this tour was this one and who was super bummed by someone cutting in line in front of them, and instead joined me further back and jfc we had so, so much fun. So glad I didn't have to be all alone. Gigs are more fun with friends, as it turns out (who woulda thunk)
I got a lot of short messages for my gig memory book 😊
I'm actually out of I 💛 Hojan and medium Hojan stickers. And I think tall Hojan stickers? So there's an end in sight 😂
super late gig start (EA doors was at 19:00)
The Munich venue is tiny and so Kris and I were… 7th or 8th row Jance side. I saw pretty well for the soundcheck, but after general doors a tall girl with two friends pushed her way in front of us (cutting in from the side) and severely limited my view… until a queue friend asked if we wanted to swap places bc she's taller and also wanted to be next to her friend (who was another tall person in front of us). So Kris and I went on Jan-side kinda in front of the speakers and it was a really great view 😊(thank you again)
We got NGVOT (no Kris version) and Vem da greš for soundcheck
Jance played each others' instruments (again). Well. I think Jan played Nace's bass while Nace either touched the dials or the tremolo. I hate them
there was also another Jance moment that got such a homophobojan from Kris I had to laugh. I think Jance were playing their instruments at each other at that moment? Kris was just "jfc guys" from his expression
Sector 5 were so, so good from our spot. Finally heard the lyrics again (I heard only the drums and maybe a bit of the guitar in Cologne). Sound-wise, our spot was excellent ngl.
I'll definitely miss them. If they have a concert in Berlin I can swing (or come by where I live), I'll definitely go. But yeah, I really grew to like them! (also they're babies. like. 21. They all studied music in Berlin, which is where they met. And the guitarist used to do parcour for several years which is why he did a backflip on stage each show)
they were definitely adopted into the family with glasses given to them (they kept falling off Mika's face so the guitarist, Johann, put them on and looked slej) and people singing along and just. The vibes were great. You could also definitely tell they'd settled into the stage compared to Berlin (which was their first gig for JO)
JC Stewart 🥰
I really grew to like his set, if he ever comes near where I live, I'll go for sure
I still don't understand the timeline of the boys meeting JC tho. It doesn't make sense. According to JC, Conor introduced them at the end of last year, but I'm pretty sure they didn't have time to be in the UK. At least not all five of them
Kris and I attempted to speak JC's jokes at the same time as him. It worked worryingly well
Actual gig was Katrina opener
Jan in only a leather jacket, worn open?? Maybe Bojan was right and they did run out of shirts xD boys have you heard of the concept of a laundry machine?
Nace in a simple white shirt, tucked into his pants. Jfc. Truly starting to be Nace girlie (gn) period
Kris wore a half collar underneath a sweater vest which was a look. What kind of look? I'm still not sure, if I'm honest
Jure in the sleeveless jeans vest and otherwise topless. I caught glimpses of him and hnnng
Bojan was also there ig
well. There was a small girl in the audience (on her mom's shoulders) of around. 7 or 8 years? So we got a whole lot of heart-eyes-Bojan
the girl sang UM and Bojan pulled her onto the stage (no Bojan in the audience bc of the speakers)
no idea how long UM lasted bc I put stuff on Instagram in the meantime
we got Barve 😭 I screamed so much and was so happy and gaaaah. I love this song so so much. And of course Bojan did the Ju-re Ma-ček! (and so did the audience)
we got Schlager 😭 Bluza my beloved where are you
tho tbf they look so fucking happy playing that song
Nace almost went to his knees in front of Jan twice (at least)
they also did that "leaning against each other"-thing again
I didn't film a lot bc I was too busy vibing, though I did take a bunch of pictures
Fairy!Bojan. Or as @itskreisjaitsparty put it on tumblr: Prinzessing Lilifee at home
People threw stuff on stage like a crown with a veil attached and sparkly glasses and so Bojan went, "Kris, you have to put on everything they've thrown at you!" and Kris did
Nace got heart-shaped glasses with rainbow studding and tried to show Jan immediately but Jan was busy 😂
The atmosphere of the gig was really, really good
The girls next to us started bawling during Barve iirc and just. Didn't stop. The cute security guard near us (who I think recognised me from the December Strom gig) shared amused glances with me bc the girls were kinda adorable. At least that's how I chose to interpret their expression
someone fainted ahead of us. Though not badly enough to be removed, just sat down for a while while the security guard stood, well, guard and had the girl drink something
It was actually so freeing not to be not in the very front but off to the side. We had space to dance and make snarky/funny comments at each other and just laugh
I got a Vita wave! She was shooting from behind the merch table, which was up two stairs from where I was, and so I kept glancing back, and just before she made her way into the crowd to shoot from there, she waved at me :D
They got food (Trolli gummi bears 😂) and Nace fed Kris two of them. I didn't catch the moment on video but it was so cute
After the gig, we talked a bunch to the Sector 5 guys. They're kinda adorable
JO left immediately without even saying goodbye to the Sector 5 guys. Guess Bojan wasn't the only one out late last night (it was a bit disappointing because Munich didn't get them last time, either)
we still stayed and talked to each other a whole bunch well after it was clear JO had left -- chatted with Mika (Sector 5 singer) a bit more, and then just the tumblr girlies
as we turned to leave for Astrid's hotel room (just like last time) well after the band had left (just like last time), I said, "well, at least this time they won't have reason to tag me on IG" (unlike last time), only to open my phone to a tag from Jan bc he restoried my pic😂 collecting yet more twinning moments from Jance ig
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185northgower · 18 days
For the kiss prompts, how about 36 for JuKris? 💛🩵✨️👀
Thank you so much for this prompt! I have a love/hate relationship with JuKris but ultimately it's mostly fun to write!
Thank you so much also to anyone who's sent me more prompts, I'm slowly (5-500 business days, pls keep that in mind) working my way through them (and other loose ends and new plotbunnies...)
Hope you enjoy :)
(You'll also be able to find this fic (and many more) on AO3)
Jure entered the studio, a tray with 5 coffees and a bag of delicious smelling, fresh pastries in the other. 
“I ended up going to that other bakery…” he started, quickly swallowing the rest of his sentence when he became aware of the tense atmosphere in the room.
“I. Said. It’s. Fine.” came Kris’ clipped voice, “I can do this.” 
Jan raised his hands in surrender, stomped over to the sofa across the room and heavily plopped down next to Bojan, slumping into his side, head resting on the smaller man’s shoulder. 
The singer wrapped his arm around Jan and carded his fingers through the guitarist’s hair.
Jure quietly put the drinks and pastries down on the shelf next to him and scanned the room for Nace. 
The bassist was leaning against the wall on the far side of the room, phone in hand but gaze on Jure. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders, clearly out of his depth as well.
Kris was still sitting hunched over the laptop that was open on a chair in front of him, phone in hand while he huffed and narrowed his eyes at whatever search result he’d pulled up. 
When Jure had left the studio about half an hour before, Kris had been on the phone, and from what Jure had gathered they needed to rebook their accommodation for their next two gigs on short notice. 
It was seemingly not going smoothly.
While he was still watching the younger man who was openly scowling at his phone now, Bojan piped up from the couch with “Really, Krisko, you could let us help you…” 
Kris, Nace and Jure all looked to where Bojan was already further slumping into the sofa.
“Which part of ‘just let me do this’ did you not get, Boki?” Kris asked and Nace threw Bojan a sympathetic look before going back to scrolling on his phone.
Kris swivelled back around and typed even more aggressively into the laptop.
Jure pursed his lips and wandered over to the shelf closest to Kris, inspecting the books for a moment. Then he very casually stepped behind the younger man and brought his arms around his shoulders, placing a kiss to the top of his head, soft hair tickling his face.
Kris turned around, presumably to scowl at him, but Jure simply stepped around him, plopping down right in the younger man’s lap. 
He smiled at the guitarist’s disgruntled face and pressed a short kiss to his lips, pulling back briefly to see how Kris was narrowing his eyes at him, probably about to tell him off for interrupting but Jure simply moved back in, pressing another kiss to his lips.
After a beat, Kris’ lips moved hesitantly against his own, arms wrapping around Jure’s waist and dragging up his spine in a familiar slide. 
Jure grinned into the kiss as Kris’ lips fell open with a tiny moan, the soft sound making Jure trail his hands up to tangle in the soft hair at the nape of the younger man’s neck, his eyes sliding shut. 
He hummed, making the guitarist tilt his head a little to the side and enjoyed the way Kris pulled him closer against his chest, hands sliding up under Jure’s t-shirt to knead at the muscles in his back. 
When Jure felt the man in his arms relax he started trailing kisses towards his ear, nipping at the earlobe and saying in a low voice, “So are you gonna let us help you now?” 
Kris made a sound in the back of his throat before taking a deep breath. 
“We have to have this sorted before tonight,” he said in a low voice, pressing his face into the crook of Jure’s neck.
“Okay,” Jure pressed a kiss to his temple, “tell us what we’re looking for and we can sort this, okay?” 
When Kris nodded and moved in to kiss him again Jure looked over the younger man’s shoulder to where Nace had joined Jan and Bojan on the couch. He got two eager thumbs ups and an agreeing nod.
He let his eyes slide shut again, enjoying the way Kris was clinging to him, enjoying the familiar slide of their mouths for another moment before they’d have to attempt to sort this.
If you want to send me more prompts I'll love you forever I'd be very happy about that and you can use this list to do so! :)
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