#but probably even they would say it's an exaggeration
erwinsvow · 2 days
Heeeey, Shea. How are you?
I just wanted you to know I love your stories. Kook trio reader and shy reader are my favorite. 
I know that's not how it went, but I really think in another universe, Rafe would have trouble getting to date shy!reader because she just wouldn't realize he was flirting hard with her. Maybe a bit of self esteeming issues or because she's inexperiente. But, anyway, I see her being completely oblivious about all his efforts and being like "he's so nice, guys. No, he would never flirt with me. You guys are insane" and everyone else would be like "girl... what?".  
Thank you for your stories, they keep me smiling. <3
- T.
hi t!!! thank you so so much for your kind words, it means so much. i am so glad you love the different readers on this blog! i think your idea is so cute and funny, it suits them perfectly. here's a little bit based on what you sent and i hope you enjoy ♡
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since the day you had met rafe—truly met him, not counting the multiple instances where you had passed him in tannyhill attached to sarah's hip when he hadn't even realized you'd been there—you had been a little confused about the newfound attention he was giving you.
you felt it was strange. sarah was always going on and on about how mean rafe was, how badly he treated others and how he never spared a minute to talk to anyone. but she must have been exaggerating. right?
the rafe that you were becoming more and more acquainted with was nothing of the sort. from the time he had driven you home a few weeks ago to now, he had been nothing but nice—offering you a ride everytime you were at tannyhill, asking if you wanted anything when he was on his way out. he even went out of his way to find you at the country club, stopping to say hi even if it was in the middle of one of his golf matches.
it was nice. it was really nice. everything sarah had told you about him seemed to be completely wrong, but then you realized it. rafe was probably trying to be a better brother, and starting with being nice to sarah's friends was likely a good jumping off place.
with this notion firmly stuck in your mind, you proceeded to go about your days, smiling sweetly at rafe when he was being so nice and reminding yourself to tell sarah—her brother was making a big effort, and it deserved to be recognized.
"did i see rafe walk away from the course to say hi to you?" sarah asks, and you look up at her, a little surprised. you hadn't brought it up yet, and in all honestly, didn't know when you would.
your other girl friends look a little closer at you—surprise evident on their faces too. you hate being the center of attention but somehow it feels even worse like this—they're all getting the wrong impression.
"yes.. he's being very nice. i think he's trying to make it up to you, y'know, for being mean like you say he is."
"by being nice to you?"
"by being nice to all of us," you add quickly, looking at the other girls, waiting for them to pitch in.
"he's never been nice to me."
"i don't think he's even ever said hi to me."
"so how exactly has he been nice to you?" sarah asks, and you feel your face burn. they still have the wrong impression and you have no idea how you'll correct them.
"well not much," you lie, clearing your throat. "he just gave me a ride home a few times. and he said hi a couple times here. and got me a soda from the gas station the other day."
"not much?" your friend questions.
"he never asks me what i want from the gas station-" you interrupt sarah, eager to make sure they stop speculating.
"he was just being nice. it was nothing, i-"
"what's next?" sarah asks, cocking her head at you. "don't tell me, he lets you pick the music in his car?" she laughs, and the others do too, but you stare back at her blankly.
"just once or twice," you mumble, suddenly finding your drink and the misty glass far too interesting.
"oh my god. he's totally flirting with you." you whip your head up so fast you think you got whiplash.
"you're insane. that is so not what this is. he was just being nice."
"if any other guy did this, you'd be picturing your future wedding-"
"it's not just any other guy, it's sarah's brother. do you see the kind of girls he goes out with? that's how i know he's being nice, i'm nothing like them-"
you feel incredibly flustered, face hot and playing with your hands like you do when you get nervous. your friends are laughing, and though you know it's not at you, you still hate the feeling, feeling like you might burst from the intensity of the emotions you're experiencing right now. first and foremost—the fact that maybe rafe wasn't just being nice to you.
"yeah?" you hear, though you don't look up. "then why's he walking over here right now?"
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coupranghae808 · 23 hours
Birthday Blues
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Pairing: Seungcheol x f.reader
Genre: Fluff, angst
Warning: Slight cursing, birthday blue depression
Summary: Seungcheol is always on time to self-congratulate himself on his birthday, you'd imagine he would do the same for others, except his timing wasn't perfect on Carat's birthday or even your birthday. But how can you rely on him to remember your birthday if he doesn't know?
A/N: This is my first ff, so bear with me y’all
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The first year dating Seungcheol was a strange yet overwhelming journey, to say the least. As sweet as the first dates, first kisses, first "I love yous," first intimacy, and first everything, together really tested your small inexperienced heart, but as your first boyfriend, Seungcheol did everything in his power to ease the journey. I mean that's what the first year is all about, right? Getting to know each other and building trust on an intimate level. One fact that you learned about Seungcheol throughout your relationship was that Seungcheol always tends to be on standby minutes before his birthday to receive early birthday messages. In fact, the first couple weeks you two started dating, his brothers all warned you if you failed to congratulate him at midnight on the dot, he would become a sulky monster against you until the end of existence. Although they make it sound like an over exaggeration, sulky Seungcheol is truly a force to be reckoned with. It's not every day he gets showered in love and attention, so he always expects special treatment on his special day. You'd imagine he would do the same for others, except his timing wasn't perfect on Carat's birthday or even your birthday. But how can you rely on him to remember your birthday if he doesn't know?
The morning sunshine peeked through the windows, waking you from deep slumber. Tossing and turning in Seungcheol bed, hoping for early snuggles, your eyes opened, and you realized you were all alone in the empty bed. He must've left early for work It's not the best way to start the day, but you weren't going to let this ruin your day. The day immediately started with a phone call, not from Seungcheol but none other than your mother herself.
"Aw thank you mom-"
Meanwhile, in the distance, Kkuma's ears perk up to the sound of your voice and dashes towards your end of the bed. She interrupts your conversation with sweet (aggressive) kisses; you have to calm her down with gentle pats brushing through her white fur.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Y/N! Happy birthday to you!"
"Wow, again thanks mom. That's all really sweet to say at 7 am."
"Oh please, can't I just celebrate my kid? It feels like just yesterday you were crying and screaming like a baby and now your__ years old. Gosh. Anyways, hopefully my gift arrives safely in the mail today. Any plans today? Maybe with that boyfriend of yours? Hmmm?"
Of course. Ever since you revealed your newfound partner to people, your mom especially, constantly pesters for any details about him or your relationship. However, dating a worldwide idol doesn't make your relationship any easier, so both of you agreed to be careful about what you share while protecting each other.
"His name is Seungcheol, and no, he hasn't mentioned anything to me, so I'll probably go on with my usual day."
"Ehhh? No, I'm sure he has something in mind like a surprise! *Gasp* How romantic would that be!?"
"Yeah sure. Look mom, I should really get going for today. Thanks for the birthday wishes."
"Yes, yes! Go on, come visit soon sweetie!"
"Alright, Love you-"
*Call Ended*
… Wow, for one who loves to yap, she was quick to end the call
You turned your attention back to Kkuma and cupped her fluffy tiny head in your hands.
"Do you think dad knows about today?" You asked.
There was a moment of silence as if she was seriously contemplating the question until she licked your nose as a pity response.
"Yeah, I'm not sure either. I'll try to ignore it, I suppose."
The mixed internal conflict running in your mind was condensed and released in the form of a heavy sign. Indulging in the peaceful hour, your eyes wander around his room, which eventually lands on the clock, reading 7:30 am!!
"Shit! How is it already 7:30? I'm going to be late- oh sorry hun."
The commute from Seungcheol place to your work only takes 15 minutes, but that wasn't even enough time to get ready. Kkuma, who becomes slightly concerned, watches you running left and right across Seungcheol’s place like a crazy maniac. It was a race against the clock, and there was only time for you to wash, dress, and gather your belongings. You miraculously managed to arrive in the nick of time. However, the moment you parked yourself dark storm clouds began to shroud the sky, and all your efforts to look put together were drenched, all in vain, by the cursed rain. To make matters worse, you misplaced your key card, which locked you out of the building.
Darn, I must've forgotten it back at Seungcheol's place. I almost made it too. Now what?
Sulking on your forgetfulness, you slowly approached the front doors, where you had to negotiate access into the building with security. To the security guards, you seem like an insane freak straight out of a horror film. It took several calls to your department to finally convince them. Once inside, you received several puzzled stares passing by as you trudged your way up the office. You finally arrived 30 minutes late to your desk only to soon be summoned by your authorities for a stern lecturing. You sat obediently through a literal bully session for your incompetence, selfishness, and inactive efforts that discourages your teams to meet deadlines. You've clearly seen better days before. Despite the cursed mishaps, you mask your disheartened feelings with a brave face and push forward. You mentally longed for Seungcheol to comfort you through this humiliating moment. Right on cue, when you attempted to contact him, your phone was on the verge of death, and you just so happened to forget your phone charger behind. *PerfecT*.
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Meanwhile, in the practice rooms of HYBE INSIGHT, the seventeen members rehearsed their dance routine once more in preparation for their next comeback. After the dance coach instructed a 10-minute break, the members sat huddled together and took a moment to organize a celebratory party (but really an excuse to drink).
"This might be last minute, but why don't we have the party tonight? We could do it after practice at Mingyu and Wonwoo’s place." Hoshi exclaims.
"What dude? Just because I can cook multiple servings doesn't mean I'm gonna serve all your hungry asses," Mingyu argues. "Let's just go out to that new restaurant down the road."
"Oh, that sounds better! What’s the place called again? I'll get reservations ready," Seungcheol says as he searches for his phone.
"But Hyung, I thought you'd be busy tonight?" Seungkwan assumes with a confused face. This news alters all the members' attention towards him. Together their curiosity pierced Seungcheol for answers.
"Uh, nope. Why would you think that?
"Today is (insert bdate) right? I’m pretty sure that’s her birthday, so I figured you guys were going to celebrate."
"Birthday… I had no idea. She never said anything about a birthday." Seungcheol pauses in disbelief.
"What are you serious? You forgot?" Vernon hissed as he knocked him back into reality.
"Wait no, she never told me about her birthday. I need to call her."
His fingers fidgets through his phone to search for your contact. Seconds go by, and the ringtone eventually reaches voicemail. He hits the messages app in panic and spams texts nonstop, but there is still no response.
"Guys I think I really fucked up, she isn't responding back to me," Seungcheol whined while running his head through his hair. "What do I do now?"
"Hey, calm down it's not entirely too late, just-"
" Alright boys, break time is over now. Let's get in position for the last set." Seungcheol eyes widen
"I've got an idea hyung, let's get this over with so we can get out sooner."
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After work, you stepped outside the building as the last person to finish. You had to work overtime to compensate for your tardiness this morning. You don't overlook the dark empty scenery before you. You let the cold breeze carry you toward your car and slump into your seat. This rarely isolated atmosphere allowed you to shed a few tears before you started your engine. You were well aware of your chronic case of birthday blues, yet each birthday seems worse than the last. Although you don't mind the attention people typically receive on their birthday, it breaks your heart knowing that most people in your life don't acknowledge you. You obviously can't blame Seungcheol; it was a miscommunication on your part, but you can help to feel unworthy, especially from the heck of a day you had. You just remind yourself that the day is finally over and you can ignore it like a regular old day.
You debated whether you should head straight home or back to Seungcheol place. Every fiber in your body wanted to return home, but you realized you still needed to pick up some essential items you had left behind after learning from your rookie mistakes today. You had no idea of Seungcheol's whereabouts; for all you could tell, he could still be practicing with the boys, asleep, or at home waiting for you. You prayed that wasn't the case because you weren't sure if you were emotionally prepared to confront and mask your weak self.
I'm just going to grab my stuff then leave without him knowing. Yeah… that's the plan
You stand facing Seungcheol's door and take a deep breath before entering. You glance up at the ceiling asking the universe for this impending fate to be in your favor for once. Once you stepped inside, the room was completely dark. There was a faint illumination from another room that piqued your interest. You silently slipped off your shoes and found a trail of rose petals on the floor leading to the light.
" Kkuma, no! Don't eat the roses, those are for Y/Nie. She should be here at any moment…*sigh* I hope she's safe." Seungcheol trembled while making some sort of commotion in the kitchen.
Now that you know Seungcheol is home, you wonder if it's too late to abort the mission, but your conscience reasoned that there is no turning back now. You haven't seen Seungcheol at all today, and he is expecting you. You tread carefully over the roses, following to the end of the trail and witness a sight to behold.
A candle-lit room with a soft romantic tune and the sweet aroma of all your favorite dishes traveled across the kitchen. Despite the pilling dishes in the sink, you realized his place was more polished than you remembered, decorated in fact. The dining table was set almost exactly similar to an elegant restaurant with wine, dinnerware, flowers, and even more candles. Then your attention averts to the man on the ground being all loving and affectionate with his daughter. She barks to alert your presence and struggles to escape her father's embrace.
"Hey…" he said breathlessly. He immediately stands and rushes to your side. You both stare lovingly until his arms engulf you in a warm hug.
"I missed you," he breaks the silence without letting go of you. "You didn't respond to any of my calls… l'm-"
Before he could finish his thought, you knew you had to clear the air.
"Yeah. Sorry, I had a bit of a rough day, and I left my charger here before I left for work," you release the hug to show him your inactive phone when you stare back at his gentle eyes. "So, My phone was basically dead the whole day."
"Oh…" He realizes. He struggles to find the right words to phrase his next thought.
"Look, babe. I'm not gonna pretend with you, especially when I *deep sigh* completely forgot your birthday. I'm so sorry." His voice cracked softly as he spoke the last sentence. He tilts his head up to hide his tears from rolling down his face.
"Oh, how did you uh, find out?" you stuttered.
"You were hiding it from me?"
" No I-"you left a sigh and avoided his eyes. "It's complicated, I didn't purposefully hide it from you… You see I don't exactly have a great relationship with my birthday. I don't know; I just always seem to dread the day because each year, I'm reminded I'm getting older and there’s still so much I haven’t accomplished… It makes me feel like a failure every time. When I was younger, every time I invited people to celebrate my birthday, I always felt guilty for forcing them into a party they would rather not be wasting time at, so I always found myself lonely on my birthday… I guess that's why I rarely tell people about my birthday."
You look back at Seungcheol's bloodshot eyes staring into you whilst he processes your words. His intense stare made you quiver and shrink in size. Before you could look away, Seungcheol slumped his head on your shoulder, and you could feel his hot tears staining your skin.
"You- How dare those shitty people make you hate yourself on YOUR DAY." You laugh in between your tears. Seungcheol takes a deep breath and kisses your tears. "Look I get it growing up sucks, but you can't be so hard on yourself. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, so it breaks my heart that you think that lowly of yourself."
You both probably spent a good minute hugging each other to digest each other's words when a soft beeping alarm from the oven catches both your attention. Seungcheol smiles and runs his hands from your shoulders to your hands, dragging you to the sound.
"I might not be the best first boyfriend, but I couldn't let the day end without celebrating it with my girl, so I, uh, tried to make you a cake and set up this special dinner."
He swears he saw the whole universe in your eyes when your eyes sparkled at his words. Together, you decorated the cake, danced hysterically to the music, sipped on wine, and dined with take-out before feasting dessert. All the early inconveniences that ruined you initially washed away with Seungcheol. Now Seungcheol lights the candles on the cake while singing to you.
" Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Y/N, Happy birthday to you~ Make a wish."
You clasped your hands together while taking a few seconds carefully deciding your precious wish. Once you mentally lock it in, you blow the flames out and watch the smoke dissipate between you and Seungcheol.
" What did you wish for?"
"I can't say if I want it to come true hmm?"
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
Friends Don't
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Summary: Harry and Gabriella have been good friends for a few years. But neither of them knows the feelings the other has.
Warnings: Just some smut at the end. 18+ ONLY.
Word Count: 7.8k
A/N: Inspired by the song by Maddie & Tae. Real Harry x OC. Written in first person. Originally posted in 2020.
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"Gabs..." I faintly heard in the distance as thick strands of sleep threatened to pull from my heavy eyelids. I thought I was still dreaming, so I rolled over, hoping to continue the fantastic scenario I was already starting to forget.
"Gabby," I heard again, much clearer this time, and I knew I was no longer on the red carpet next to my new BFFs Lizzo and Alexa Chung.
A hand tapped me on my shoulder, and with a groan, I lifted my comforter over my head, hoping to return to flashing lights and high heels, but for which event I was unsure.
"GABRIELLA!" the determined voice shouted, pulling the covers from my grip and forcing me to blink several times.
"What the fuck?" I pouted, finally realizing the light was not from cameras but from my roommate's cell phone.
"God, you sleep like the dead!" exclaimed Angie. "I can't believe you can't hear your phone."
"I have it on vibrate," I muttered sleepily, my eyes still mere slits as I tried to reach for my cell on my nightstand.
"So, I can hear it from the bathroom!" my roommate continued. "It's been going off for like the last fucking hour! Somebody's obviously trying to get a hold of you."
"You've been in the bathroom for an hour?" I asked smugly, knowing she had been exaggerating in typical Angie fashion. I didn't need to look at her to know she was rolling her eyes.
"Oh!" I sounded when I inspected the screen. "It's Harry!"
With a huff, Angie crossed her arms. "Doesn't he know some people sleep at night?"
"He's in London," I told her. "It's already morning there."
"Even worse," she spat. "He's famous but still doesn't know about time differences."
"Shh," I waved her off as I tried to listen to the voicemail Harry had left. With another look of disgust, Angie turned for the bathroom that separated our rooms.
"G'night, Gabs. Tell your boyfriend to get a watch," I heard her say before shutting the door behind her.
Shaking my head, I caught the tail end of Harry's message, then played it back once more.
"Gabs, it's me!" he greeted, sounding chipper. I sometimes hated him for his effortless ability to be pleasant before 10AM. "I just...wanted to talk to you. You're probably asleep, sorry. Sometimes I forget. Give me a ring if you're still awake though. 'Bye."
Though that was the only voicemail he'd left, I had three missed calls from him, and two texts.
Hey! Are you there?
Call me when you get this.
Eager to hear what news Harry had to tell me, I pressed the screen to call his number. He answered after the first ring.
"There you are!" he announced.
"Here I am," I giggled, sitting up in bed. I wasn't sure why, but I always seemed to sit up when talking to Harry, like it was an important meeting. I suppose in a way, it was. Conversations with him, though usually light-hearted were some of my favorites, and I liked to give them my full attention.
"Did I wake you?" he asked.
"No, Angie did," I jabbed. "To tell me my phone was ringing."
"Oh, shit," Harry groaned. "Sorry, love."
I laughed. "No worries. What's up?"
"Not much. 'm leaving for the airport soon."
"Oh!" I sounded. "I thought you were flying to LA tomorrow."
"Nope, today."
"Wait..." I shook my head. "It is tomorrow there."
I heard Harry's low chuckle as I mentally cursed my stupidity. Angie would be happy to know Harry was not the only one who had a lack of time zone knowledge.
"So what else?" I inquired. "Anything exciting?"
"No, not really."
"No?" I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Why'd you call?"
"I dunno..." Harry paused. "Just felt like saying hi."
"Oh," I felt my heart jump in my chest.
"I just missed you."
"Oh," I said just above a whisper. "I miss you too."
I heard Harry hum softly which only managed to send butterflies to my stomach.
Harry and I had been friends for a while. When I had only been living in LA for a little over a year, I had lucked out on getting invited to my first celebrity party through a friend of an acquaintance. Though I'd spent most of the evening ducking behind plants and drinking more than my share of vodka, I had managed to meet a handful of people, including Harry Styles and his One Direction bandmates. Through the years Harry and I had managed to stay in touch and form a long-lasting friendship for which I had a large fondness. I never told him I used to have a massive crush on him, however, as I didn't want to lose what we had.
"I have work to do when I get to LA," Harry said, "but then I have two days off. We should...hang out, yeah?"
"Yeah," I breathed, then cleared my throat. "Yeah, that sounds good."
"Great." I could literally hear his smile through the phone, as if that's possible. "I'll let you get back to sleep. I'll call you when I get in, okay?"
"Sweet dreams, Gabby."
"Goodnight, Harry."
Disconnecting the call, I returned my phone to the nightstand and crawled back under the covers. I laid awake for Lord knows how long, wondering why Harry had decided to call me in the middle of the night just to say hi. Even if he had forgotten about the time zones, he had never done that before. More than likely he would have waited until he was in LA, and it would have been a quick text to ask if I wanted to meet him somewhere for coffee or drinks. We were only friends, after all, not...together.
Somehow, the heavy cloud of sleep finally fell over me again and I was taken back to dreamland. This time, however, I didn't dream about a red carpet event or my wishful buddies Alexa and Lizzo. This time...I dreamt of green eyes and brown curls, soft lips curled up to meet dimples and inked skin on arms that held me close. And I only wished I wouldn't wake up.
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"Gaaaabbyyyy!" Harry shouted into the phone. "How are you, love?"
I laughed, recognizing my friend's drunken voice. One thing I loved about Harry, he was a happy drunk.
"I'm okay, Harry, where are you?"
"I dunno," he said matter of factly. "Some party. I forget who it's for."
"Jeez, must be nice," I quipped.
"Honestly, I wish you were here with me. It would be more fun."
I chuckled again. "I doubt that."
"I don't. Why aren't you here?" he asked with a slight pout in his tone.
"I wasn't invited."
"Oh yeah. Sorry. I should have invited you. You could have been my date."
While his words made my stomach flip, I knew he didn't mean them literally.
Since Harry had been back in LA, we'd hung out together almost every free chance he'd gotten. We'd had lunch and dinner together a couple of days in a row, went shopping to a string of vintage shops that were his favorites, and he even let me check out a studio where he was putting some finishing touches on a song he was working on. When he'd leisurely mentioned going to a party this weekend, I had only let the possibility that he'd ask me to go flitter through my mind briefly before dismissing it. He was a busy musician and celebrity, and certainly under no obligation to bring me as a tag along to such an event. I hadn't even bothered to ask him for whom it was, or if it was entertainment or charity related.
Just then I heard another male voice greeting Harry, and Harry saying "Hey, man!" They exchanged a few more words until Harry returned with a cordial and unnecessary apology.
"Well, it sounds like you're having fun," I commented.
"Eh, party's starting to die down," said Harry. "Think I might leave soon. Can I come by yours?"
"Mine?" I gulped. "Um...what for?"
"Mmm...so I can see you?"
"Well...I mean..." I stumbled, my eyes darting around my room and landing on the unmade bed and pile of clothes in the chair, the collection of empty water bottles on my nightstand and dresser. I hadn't bothered to put a stitch of make-up on that day, and I was wearing an old sweatshirt and shorts, my hair up in a loose bun.
"I wasn't really prepared for company," I continued. "And you just saw me the other day..."
I heard Harry giggle and for a second I thought he might be pulling my leg.
"Never mind. That was a dumb idea. It's late," he said.
"Yeah, it is." I sighed, not a hundred percent sure if it was relief or disappointment.
"Are you going to bed soon?"
"Then I'll say goodnight," Harry offered softly.
"Call you tomorrow?"
"Of course," I grinned, unable to stop it if I tried. "Please don't drive, okay?"
Harry giggled again. "Wouldn't dream of it."
"Good," I said.
"I have a driver. But I like that you care about me, Gabs."
I bit my lip, grateful he couldn't see my face. "Goodnight, Harry. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
"Goodnight, Gabby. I love- I mean, talk to you tomorrow."
My hand shook as I disconnected the call. Was he about to say...? Nah. My friend had had a few too many and was feeling good. That's all it was. Right?
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"So, what do you think?" Harry asked me.
He'd brought me to the studio again after a late breakfast where he'd told me the song he'd been working on was finally finished and he wanted me to hear it. I sat on the leather sofa behind him while he sat at the soundboard. I'd listened to almost the entire song with my eyes closed, letting the music surround me and fill my senses. When the song ended, I wanted to pop my eyes open and scream to him how amazing and wonderfully talented he was, but instead I bit my tongue and decided on a different approach.
"Not bad," I commented, straight faced.
Taken aback, Harry frowned. I watched his nose twitch before he scratched it, then looked away from me and back again.
"Not bad?"
"Yeah, it's a pretty good song." This time, I couldn't look him in the eye, so I brought my foot up to my other leg and pretended to inspect my shoelace. "I like it."
"You're shitting me, right?" he asked, using a phrase he'd heard me use far too often.
Unable to contain my composure any longer, I burst out laughing, throwing my hands up.
"Of course I am, Harry! Are you fucking kidding? It's incredible! You're incredible!"
I saw Harry's chest fall as he let out a breath.
"God, you had me for a second," he chuckled, shaking his head.
"Okay, okay, let's be real," I offered, waving my hands in front of me. "You're like off the charts good, alright? That's a given."
"Pppfff" Harry sounded, rolling his eyes.
"No, no, it's true. And you know it. Pretty much anything you put out is going to be great. But..."
When I didn't continue, Harry lifted a brow. "But what?"
"But this..." I raised my shoulders and held out my hands, "I don't know, it's like you just keep getting better. You can't lose. Everything you reach for, you achieve it. And I'm so fucking proud of you."
I could feel myself starting to get a little choked up at my own words, knowing they were absolutely true. Harry rose from his chair then and sat next to me on the sofa. He looked me in the eye as the most gorgeous smile spread across his face and he held out his arms. With no other words spoken, I turned and leaned into him, letting him pull me into a warm hug.
"Thanks, baby," he murmured against my hair.
At least, I thought he said baby. He might have said Gabby, and I've been known to get the two confused before. I didn't think I heard the Gab part though, and I might have just been hearing what I wanted to. Regardless, my insides were a mess when he pulled back and kissed my cheek. His gaze was mesmerizing as he continued to look me in the eye, and for a moment I hoped he would inch just a bit closer so our lips would touch.
I caught the corners of his mouth moving as he lifted a hand from my back to brush away a strand of hair from my face. My own hands were still at his waist from the hug that seemed to linger between us until I heard a noise and I jumped. The door to the soundbooth opened and I looked up to see Tyler.
"Oh, hey there Gabby, didn't know you were coming today."
"Just wanted her opinion on the track we finished," Harry explained for me as I tried to gather myself.
"Oh yeah? What'd ya think?" asked Tyler.
"Phenomenal, of course," I replied, catching Harry's smirk out of the corner of my eye. I was glad he didn't mention my teasing.
"Well, consider yourself lucky," said Tyler. "You're the first person to hear it."
"I am?" I asked incredulously. Then I looked at Harry. "You didn't tell me that!"
Harry shrugged, his smirk turning into a grin.
"And here I thought I was being sly and cheeky."
Harry laughed then, took my hand and rose from the couch, pulling me with him. We both exchanged goodbyes with Tyler, Harry stating he'd be back later that evening. It wasn't until we got outside to his car that I noticed he was still holding my hand.
"What was that?" I inquired.
"Wha'?" he glared at me innocently.
"You let me hear your finished song before anyone else?"
"Yeah. Thought you'd like it."
"Well, of course I did, but that's beside the point," I argued.
Stepping closer to me so that I was trapped between him and the car, Harry reached in his pocket with his free hand and pulled out his keys, his eyes locked with mine the entire time.
"And what's the point, Gabs?" he asked low, pressing the key fob.
"Nothing. Just that it's...special."
A grin grew on Harry's handsome face again, hitting a nerve I hadn't felt before.
"Exactly," he agreed, finally releasing my hand to reach around and open the car door for me.
Staring at him for a moment, I reluctantly climbed inside, locking my seatbelt when he shut the door and walked around to his side.
We drove in silence for what felt like an eternity until I broke the tension and said something.
"Thank you, Harry."
"You're welcome," he said.
"You're right, it was very special. I just wasn't expecting to be the first. Not even your mom or sister, or any of your other friends have heard it yet?"
"Nope. Only Jeffrey and Tyler and the band."
"Oh," I mouthed, feeling the butterflies again.
"I only just put it on my phone. But I wanted you to hear it in the studio since you were with me when we were finishing it. So actually, you got to hear it even before it was complete."
"Yeah, but that was just a snippet," I remarked. I wasn't sure where I was going with this. I wasn't trying to argue with him. I just couldn't fathom being the first person he wanted to hear his new music.
"Anyway," I added. "It was very nice of you to share it with me. I feel special."
With another grin, Harry reached across the console and patted my leg. I nearly came unglued when his fingers lingered a little longer and brushed my upper thigh. Electricity shot up my spine and I had to bite my lip to keep from gasping for air.
I must have been gazing out the window when Harry decided to disturb the silence and turn on the radio. I hummed along to a familiar song until I noticed Harry was getting off the freeway, a couple of exits before mine.
"Are we going somewhere else?" I asked, looking at him for the first time since he'd touched me.
"No," he shook his head. "Just thought I'd go this way."
"But...we'll hit way more lights," I said.
Harry chuckled. "You have somewhere to be?"
"No," I furrowed my brow. "It's just...longer."
"Sometimes longer is better."
I stared at his profile for a moment before I started laughing, which soon turned into a cackle. I had to cover my mouth so keep from sounding like a goofy hyena. As I was leaning over, I felt a hand on my back.
"Take it easy, love, it wasn't that funny," conveyed Harry, although I could hear the humor in his voice.
"I know, but I can't stop laughing," I croaked.
"Breathe, babe!"
Harry rubbed my back as I tried to catch my breath, but his babe remark wasn't helping.
"Need me to pull over?"
"No..." I gasped, sitting up. "No, I'm fine now."
Pushing my hair from my face, I tried my best to keep the giggles at bay. Then I took a deep breath and let it out.
"Sorry, Gabs," said Harry. "Didn't mean to get you going there. I just meant sometimes it's nice to take the long way home."
"Oh. Oh! Duh!" I blushed.
Harry smiled, turning up the radio. We sang along to an old Van Morrison song that just seemed to fit the mood for the day. When the next song started, Harry turned the radio down again and cleared his throat.
"So I have another party to attend this weekend," he stated.
"Oh yeah? Are you planning on drunk calling me again?" I jabbed.
"No," Harry laughed, turning down my block. "I was hoping you'd come with me."
"Oh. Really?" Taken off guard, I had no idea what else to say.
"Yeah. Will you?"
"Um...is it...like super fancy? Do I need a new dress...?"
"No, no, it's really casual. It's on the beach, actually. In Malibu. And um...it's overnight."
"Oh!" Damn. I wasn't sure I was prepared for a beach party. A rich, celebrity beach party. A formal event I could manage, maybe. I could fake my way through smiles and photo-ops, small talk and mingling. But casual celebrity parties made me uneasy. And overnight? With Harry?
"You don't...you don't think I'll be...out of place?" I asked.
"What? No. Gabs, you're the friendliest person I know, are you shitting me?"
I couldn't help but laugh at his use of my phrase again. Sometimes he was so fucking cute, and I wanted to kick myself for not allowing myself to notice it earlier. But at the same time I wanted to kick myself for noticing it now.
We pulled up to a red light, and Harry turned to look at me. "Please say yes. I'd love it if you went with me."
If the light hadn't changed, I would have gotten lost in his pleading eyes right then. Instead, as he shifted gears and accelerated, I sighed and gave in to his request.
"Okay. I'll go."
"Yay!" Harry exclaimed, reaching for my hand and giving it a squeeze. "We'll have a great time."
When we arrived at my place, Harry walked me up to my door while giving me more details about the Malibu party. Angie was in the kitchen making some of her famous oatmeal raisin cookies, of which Harry could not resist. I finally sent him off with four more to take home with him and a reassurance I would go to the party.
"Just making sure," he grinned against the door frame, playing with his keys. "I have to give them a plus one, and I just think I'd have more fun with you than Jeffrey."
"Jeff's not going?" I teased, dismissing the first part of his comment.
"Eh..." Harry tilted his head. "He'll probably manage snagging himself an invite."
I pursed my lips before giving in to his humor. "Bye, Harry."
"Okay girl," I heard Angie say from the kitchen after I shut the door. "Spill it."
"Spill what?" I asked, grabbing my second cookie from the plate.
"The tea. You sure have been spending a lot of time with Harry lately."
"He's fun to hang out with," I said with a mouthful of cookie.
"Oh c'mon. I know I tease you about him and call him your boyfriend. But is there something going on between you for real?"
"No!" I replied a little too hastily, swallowing hard. "You know we're just friends."
"Well I thought you were," she said. "And you say you are, but does he know that?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Gabby. Friends don't walk you up to your apartment and stick around for another twenty minutes and keep making excuses not to leave."
"You had cookies," I remarked.
"Gabs! Don't be blind! I heard him saying something about a party."
"Yeah...he invited me to one this weekend."
"His party?"
"No. I'm not sure whose it is. I just know it's in Malibu at some enormous beach house where there's rooms for all of us to sleep over."
Her jaw dropping, Angie wiped her hands on a dishtowel and dropped it on the counter. "Uh huh."
"It doesn't mean anything," I rolled my eyes.
"Okie doke. If you say so."
My roommate gave me the side eye as I walked down the hall to my room. Shutting the door, I leaned against it, wondering if she was right. Had my instincts been correct? Was this more than friendship? Or was I overthinking it and setting myself up to be heartbroken?
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I stood outside on the porch beside the wooden railing, overlooking the beach. It was really beautiful this time of day. While a warm breeze still whipped my hair around me, the sun was beginning to announce its descending on the horizon.
The party had turned out to be even more than I'd imagined. While just the house I was standing in was probably the biggest beach house I'd ever been to, the two on either side were also members of the party's location, each complete with their own bar on the veranda. I'd never been to anything so fancy in my life, and in my simple white sundress I felt a little out of place. I'd mentioned my concern to Harry shortly after we'd arrived, but he assured me it was fine, and I looked beautiful. I'd gotten chills when he told me that, and not from the breeze, but when he'd noticed me shivering, he offered to get a sweater from my suitcase to which I declined.
"There you are," I heard behind me.
I turned my neck to see Harry approaching, the look of delight on his face.
"Was wondering where you'd gone," he said, offering me the drink in his hand.
I shook my head. "I'm sticking with beer tonight, and I'm taking a break for now."
"Alright," his smile faltered. "You okay?"
"Mmm, I'm fine," I nodded. "Just, sometimes sunshine and alcohol don't mix well with me, so I'm taking it easy."
"I understand. Speaking of the sun..." he gestured toward the sky that was starting to turn a bright orange just above the waves.
"So pretty, isn't it?" I commented.
"Beautiful," I heard him say, although from my peripheral view, it didn't seem like he was looking at the beach. When I looked up at him, he grinned like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"I mean, yeah," he said, stirring the tiny straw in his drink. "This is my favorite time of the day."
We stood side by side as the sun became a golden half orb behind the ocean, and the beach became all aglow with strings of lights from the houses.
"Wanna take a walk before it gets too dark?" Harry asked, holding out his hand.
I took it hesitantly, following him down the steps and onto the sand. When we reached the damp shore, I removed my sandals so they wouldn't get muddy, holding them by the strap with my finger. My dress, though not long enough to reach my ankles, still came past my knees, so I had to lift it with my other hand, giving me no free hand to hold Harry's.
"Here, Gabs," he said, offering to hold my shoes.
With a smile, I accepted, taking his other hand once again. We strolled down the beach leisurely, our arms swinging between us. I teased him a couple of times, threatening to kick water on him, but when he lifted me up and spun me around, I knew my tricks had come to an end.
"Okay, okay, Uncle!" I screamed.
When he finally set me back down, I gave him a playful punch in the arm.
"Meanie," I said, picking up the hem of my dress that had almost gotten soiled.
"You might as well let that down, babe, you know you're gonna get wet," Harry laughed.
"Only if you plan on pushing me into the ocean!" I protested.
"Is that a dare?" He grinned his Cheshire cat smile, and I ran for it.
I was almost to the house when he caught up with me, but I suspected he had given me a head start. I squealed when his arms trapped me and he spun me around again, aiming for the water.
"Harry Edward Styles, let me down!" I shouted.
I never felt so relieved to feel warm sand beneath my feet than I did in that moment. Breathing heavily, I glared up at him, his eyes dancing with laughter.
"You're an ass," I remarked with disdain.
"Aw Gabs. I wouldn't have actually done it. You know me."
I narrowed my eyes. "I thought I did."
I started to head for the house, but Harry stopped me, standing in front of me. "Gabriella. C'mon, I was joking. I thought I was just going along with your game. I'm sorry."
I took a deep breath. "Okay."
Stepping closer to me, he brushed his hand against my bare arm. "I would never do anything to deliberately hurt you, or embarrass you. You mean too much to me. I was just having fun. That's why we're here, right?"
My face softened and I nodded.
"Forgive me, love?"
"'kay," I said softly.
"Alright," he beamed, handing me my shoes. "Let's go have a drink."
Harry and I sat at the bar outside of the main house. We had a great time chatting with each other, reminiscing, talking to some of Harry's friends. About an hour into it, however, although the alcohol was keeping my blood warm, the chill of the breeze was starting to get to me, so Harry left to retrieve my sweater. When he returned, he surprised me by having one of his own, nearly the same color as mine. I giggled when I saw him, but I also felt touched. I wasn't exactly sure if he did it on purpose so I wouldn't feel out of place, or if he was chilly too and didn't mind that we matched. Either way, I found it adorable, and I couldn't help but notice the gentle way he held my sweater open so I could slip my arms through before he rubbed my shoulders with his hands.
"Thanks," I whispered.
"Any time," he leaned into my ear and whispered back.
The stool next to me ended up occupied while he was away, but being the generous guy he was, Harry didn't ask for it back and in fact insisted that the other woman sit there. So instead, he just stood next to me.
Something was apparent. I was completely confused. I had started to...feel things. More than friendship feelings. I was dizzy and not just because of the beer. I was seeing Harry in a different light, more than just the silly crush I'd had before. And I couldn't help but think he might feel the same. The problem was, I wasn't a hundred percent certain, and I didn't want to look like a fool if I just came out and asked. So I decided to take a different approach.
"So...confession time," I swallowed, setting my empty beer glass on the counter and swinging my legs underneath the bar to face him.
"Confession?" he teased with a smirk, his eyebrow raised in question.
"Yep," I nodded a little too eagerly.
"Alright," he grinned wider, leaning against the bar.
I had to contain my composure as he looked absolutely gorgeous, his hair windswept, his lips full and inviting, and I knew that one more sip of alcohol might possibly have caused me to leap from my barstool and give him more than the confession I had in mind.
"Remember when we met?" I asked.
"I do," Harry nodded.
"You had the long hair then," I commented, making hand gestures next to my face to imply long, cascading curls.
Harry chuckled, his shoulders shaking as I caught a glimpse of his cross necklace dancing in the middle of his chest. "Yeah."
"I used to have such a major crush on you," I blurted.
With a tilt of his head, Harry looked at me. I considered for a second that I'd made a horrible mistake by telling him. Surely he was confused that I'd made such a confession. We were friends in his eyes and always had been, nothing more. He was probably trying his best to think of a nice way to let me down, to tell me he'd never had similar feelings about me, or worse, that I shouldn't have such feelings for him, like a young schoolgirl with a crush on her older brother's friend. I suddenly wanted to take back my words, to pretend I hadn't said them, but Harry surprised me with his next question.
"Used to?" he asked.
"Well, yeah," I laughed nervously.
"Oh." Harry shifted on his feet and began to finger the napkin underneath his glass. "Why didn't you tell me?"
I made a sound and I shrugged. "You were...well, you were hot, and I couldn't believe you actually wanted to talk to me. But then we became close friends so..."
My words trailed off, but I figured Harry knew what I meant. Inspecting the contents of his glass, he swirled it around before lifting it to his lips and setting it back down. I watched him as my stomach flipped and he ran his free hand through his hair.
"I'm really glad we became so close," he said.
"Me too," I smiled.
"I like being your friend, Gabs," Harry added, turning to face me again, his grin mimicking mine for a second before it faltered and he shook his head. "I reckon I have a confession to make, too."
"You do?" I raised a brow, shifting on my stool.
"I've had a massive crush on you as well," he stated.
I gasped, nearly choking. "You did?"
His eyes blinking slowly, Harry stepped closer to me. Or at least, it seemed like he did, even though there was little space between us at it was.
"Did...still do," he confessed, his voice so low it was barely audible.
My one word came out like my last breath, and I quickly felt like I needed oxygen. Harry was looking at me intently, standing so close, he was practically between my legs. The noise and chatter surrounding us was blatant, but time seemed to freeze as we stared at each other, Harry's confession whirling around us like clouds of smoke.
"I wasn't quite sure how to tell you," he finally said.
My eyes still wide, I glared at him incredulously. "For...how long?"
Harry shrugged just as the bartender returned with our drink refills. Suddenly realizing how thirsty I was, I eagerly picked up my glass and took a long chug of beer. I didn't miss the tiny smirk on Harry's face before he lifted his own glass and I wiped my apparent beer foam mustache from my lips with the back of my hand.
"Since...since we met?" I asked, urging Harry to continue as I set the glass back down.
"Oh, I dunno, Gabs," he shrugged again. "I mean, I fancied you then, definitely. But not in the way..."
"In the way...what?"
"In the...feelings kind of way," said Harry.
"There's a difference?" I asked, only half teasing.
"Well, of course," he grinned, his dimples reappearing on his cheeks. "I hadn't gotten to know you yet."
"Probably in the same way you fancied me," he added.
"Anyway, I..." he looked down, scratching his nose. "I kinda thought you knew. At least, at one time."
"When?" I asked, flabbergasted. Here I had been nervous about confessing my feelings for him, and I'd never even considered he'd had feelings for me all along, not just recently.
"Last year. Your birthday. And then New Year's."
My jaw dropped as I easily recalled both of those occasions, but had no memory of him giving me any idea he'd liked me as more than a friend. Sure, he'd given me an expensive gift, and we'd gotten pretty wasted on New Year's Eve and I'd let him crash at my place...
"I had no idea!" I exclaimed.
"Well..." Harry smirked, lifting his glass again. "I reckon I'm not very good at giving hints then. But it's...out in the open now."
"Harry..." I mouthed.
With another smile, he threw back the rest of his cocktail and set the empty glass on the bar.
"Kinda wish now I'd told you sooner," he said. "Seeing as you used to have a thing for me, too."
"Not used to," I admitted.
"I still do, too," I said. "Still have a thing for you, I mean. Or a crush, or whatever. No, not a crush, that seems so juvenile. Oh my God, Harry, I'm so stupid!"
Harry chuckled, his eyes squinting the way I liked that made him look so handsome and childlike at the same time.
"Slow down, love," he offered, placing his hand on my arm.
"I'm so dumb, Harry," I groaned. I could feel the effects from the alcohol now, but I knew my feelings were honest and not beer induced. "I've been making excuses. I was wondering why you were doing certain things, like calling me in the middle of the night or standing close to me. Playing me your song and inviting me to this party. I worried I was overthinking it all. Like there was no way you liked me in that way. We're just good friends. But now..."
"Now?" His eyes studied my face, waiting for my response as both of his hands took mine, bringing them to his chest.
"Now I know you do."
"Yes I do, Gabriella."
I wanted to grab him and kiss him right then and there, and I would have if the woman behind him hadn't bumped into him and reminded me where we were.
"C'mere," I urged, rising from my stool and taking his hand.
I pulled him to the steps that led to the beach and we walked until I found a dark enough spot where I knew we were out of earshot. Then I turned around and wrapped my arms around him. Without a word, Harry leaned down and kissed me softly, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter and my insides light up like dynamite. Then he deepened the kiss, our tongues dancing in rhythm with my heartbeat.
"Baby..." Harry groaned after our long kiss, his forehead pressed against mine.
"I...I heard you call me that earlier," I said as I traced his mouth with my fingertip. "I thought I was lying to myself."
"Not a lie, baby," he assured me. "I guess some of my hints did get through."
I smiled up at him and licked my lips.
"Kiss me again, Harry," I begged, "so I know I'm not dreaming."
"You're certainly not," Harry said low before pressing his lips to mine again.
We kissed like that on the beach for a long time, the noise of the party worlds away, the crash of the waves in the distance.
"Harry..." I whispered when we came up for air. "I know we're at a party and everything...but...I'd really like to be alone with you right now."
"I think that can be arranged," he agreed.
Not bothering to say goodnight to his friends at the main house, he took my hand and led me to the smaller house on the left, the one in which we were staying. With a quick wave to a handful of people on the porch, we made our way through the back doors and up the stairs. Stopping in the hallway, Harry grinned at me.
"Yours or mine?" he asked cheekily.
"Shut up and get in there," I quipped, pushing him towards our room.
When he opened the door, I eyed the two beds.
"Seems like such a waste," I commented as I followed him to the bed he chose, kicking off my shoes.
"Could have been worse," said Harry as he sat on the bed. "I could have asked for separate rooms."
"Oh, so you were expecting to get some tonight?" I teased as I sensually unbuttoned my cardigan and dropped it.
"No baby," he replied, pulling me to stand between his knees, his green eyes sincere. "Just hoping."
With a gentle smile, I leaned forward and took his face in my hands. I looked at him for a few moments, studying his gorgeous face before kissing his soft, warm lips. It was as though a fire had ignited within me, and I couldn't get enough. I felt his hands on my hips then, trying to pull up the sides of my dress. I heard a pout sound from his throat as I separated our mouths, but his face lit up when he realized what I was doing. Grabbing the hem of my dress, I pulled it up and over my head, letting it fall to the floor. Another sound vibrated from Harry's chest before he slid his hands up my sides and rose from the bed.
In one swift motion, he pulled both his sweater and shirt over his head, not bothering to separate the two. I had seen him shirtless before, but somehow this time was different. I wanted to trace every tattoo, kiss the little patch of hair on his chest and lick a long trail down his belly. My mouth began to water knowing I had the opportunity. I watched him unbutton his pants next, causing my heart to beat faster. I must have been biting my lip in anticipation because Harry chuckled low then, lifting his finger to pry my lip from my teeth.
"You're so sexy," he declared.
"Yeah," he nodded, his eyebrows raised in confirmation. "I've wanted to suck on that bottom lip for a long time."
"God, you're gonna drive me crazy, aren't you?"
Harry laughed harder. "That's the plan."
Unable to control myself, I crashed into his lips again, tangling my fingers in his hair. He moaned against my mouth while his hands found the clasp of my bra, letting the straps fall down my shoulders. I released my grip on his hair so that the bra could drop to the floor and within seconds, my naked breasts were covered by his hands.
This time it was my turn to moan. One thing about Harry that I was perfectly aware of, other than his talent and cheekiness, was that he had amazing hands. When we'd first gotten to know each other, I would sometimes stare at them. And after I started thinking of him in a new way recently, it was not uncommon for me to fantasize about them. Feeling them touch my tender, bare skin was like nothing I'd ever dreamed. I could already feel the wetness between my thighs, and I felt light-headed.
"Harry..." I heard the sound come from my lips before I opened my eyes to see his staring back at me.
"Let's go to the bed, love," he announced.
In my...somewhat mediocre...experience, I was never sure of the protocol for turning down the bed for sex. I was pleasantly surprised, however, when I saw Harry grab the quilt and pull it down to the foot of the bed.
"C'mere, baby," he beckoned as he laid down.
A tiny spark of nerves shivered down my spine as I slowly crawled onto the bed beside him. He reached for me, pulling me against his body and kissing me passionately.
"I don't want this to be awkward," he whispered. "So you let me know if it doesn't feel right and you wanna stop."
"No," I shook my head. "No, it's not awkward at all. I'm just a little nervous, I guess."
"Let me help you relax then," he said. "Tell me how I can help."
His hand slid down my hip as I stared into his eyes. His fingers slipped underneath the lace side of my panties and I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath.
"How's that feel?" I heard him ask, his calloused fingertips lightly stroking the skin across my hip.
"Very nice," I breathed.
His hand moved slightly underneath the lace and I suddenly felt his fingers approach the area I needed him most. Another breath hitched in my throat as he began to touch me. With each moan of response I gave him, he continued, moving in circles with his fingertip.
"How's that, baby?"
"Mmmnnn...yes..." was all I could manage to say before he chuckled again. Shifting onto my back, I opened my legs wider so he had better access. Harry, however, had other ideas. Pulling his hand from my panties, he crawled up on his knees, his face inches from mine.
"I wanna taste you, Gabriella," he declared.
I threw my head back and whispered to the headboard as Harry pulled down my lace underwear. "Fuck, yes."
While my insides were still shaking, I no longer felt nervous. I already knew what his hands could do in just a few minutes. Now I was eager to feel his mouth on me.
Harry was one to take his time, never in a rush for anything, and this was no exception. He left soft kisses on my stomach and pubic bone, then lifting my thighs, he left kisses there as well. I was nearly ready to explode by the time I finally felt his tongue on me, and even then, he took his time.
Harry seemed to catch my clues as well, knowing when to speed up or slow down, learning my body and how much I could take. As I could feel myself reaching my climax, he lifted my hips with his hands, and as I came, he slowed gently before lowering me back down and kissing my thighs once again. My body trembled slightly as he laid his head on my thigh and hummed, waiting patiently for me to come down.
"God, you're beautiful," I heard him murmur as he crawled up my body again, his hands on my breasts.
I tasted myself on his tongue as he kissed me before he shimmied down and took my nipples into his mouth. I moaned again at the sensation, unable to control my urge to feel him inside me.
"Still nervous?" he asked me with a smirk.
I laughed out loud. "Not at all."
"Good," he chuckled. "'Cause I wanna fuck you so bad."
I laughed again, throwing my arm over my eyes.
"Too much?" I heard him ask as I felt the bed shift.
"No," I replied, lowering my arm as I saw him remove his underwear and reach in his bag for a condom. "I have a feeling there's no such thing as too much with you."
He laughed then, returning to the bed. "I guess we'll find out."
I bit my lip at both his cheeky remark and the anticipation. Lifting my knees, I watched him scoot between them. The initial pressure and sting was immediately replaced with immense pleasure as he filled me and began to thrust. Perhaps the aftershock of his oral treatment hadn't completely worn off, because it didn't take long before I was moaning and gasping underneath him. And I certainly was not alone because Harry's moans soon began to mimic mine, and he whined my name.
"Holy shit, you feel so good," I cried.
"Yeah, baby, fuck," he growled. "I'm close already."
I'd always thought the concept of coming together ridiculous, if not impossible. But with Harry, I wanted it. I even begged for it.
"Come with me, Harry," I called out, my legs wrapped around his waist and my hands holding onto his back for dear life.
"Fuck, yes."
And with one more thrust, it happened.
Fireworks, bottle rockets, shooting stars...all the silly cliches I'd read in books...they weren't fiction. Mind-blowing sex is real.
We laid in bed staring at the ceiling while our breaths evened out, then took turns in the bathroom. When I returned, I was surprised to see Harry with the sheet and quilt pulled up to his butterfly tattoo, two votive candles lit on the nightstand.
"Oh nice," I commented. "Where'd the candles come from?"
"They were here," he answered, his voice lower than usual. "In the table. It had been my plan to light them when...I mean if...we came up here. But I forgot."
"God Harry..." I mused as I crawled into bed beside him.
"You just..."
With a wide grin, he chuckled, his adorable dimples dipping in his cheeks as he pulled me to him once again. "What, baby?"
"We're not friends anymore," I remarked.
"We're not?"
"No. Friends don't...do this," I said, brushing my fingers through his curls. "And definitely not what we just did."
"We're still friends, Gabs," Harry replied. "Just...a different kind."
"A better kind...I hope."
"Hmm," I nodded. "Just do me a favor and don't break my heart."
"That's not part of the plan," he shook his head.
"Good. 'Cause I already kinda love you."
Lifting himself up on his elbow, Harry raised a brow. "Just kinda?"
"Well...you know...because we were already so close..."
With a glorious smile, Harry lowered his head to kiss my nose, then my lips.
"I love you too, baby," he said.
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Hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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i keep seeing screenrant articles and stuff (most recently) that are all "*gasp!* the toymaker has fixed continuity in doctor who by saying that actually it's all a mash up of different timelines!" and every time i'm just like yeah???? that isn't new that's literally the entire show
#el speaks#doctor who#dw 60th#google has long since figured out what I'm into#(apparently it's doctor who and archaeology and quantum mechanics in case you were wondering)#and i am occasionally a sucker for that specific kind of clickbait that's like#NEW STUDY SUGGESTS UNIVERSE MAY ACTUALLY BE TWICE AS OLD AS WE THOUGHT#where you can just take one look at the headline and go#nah#nah that's preeeeeeeetty obviously a massive exaggeration of conclusions made by a single preprint#maybe a chance that the authors would agree with the headline because they're going a little out there#but probably even they would say it's an exaggeration#the REAL exciting stem headlines are like#we found the first aperiodic monotile (it's shaped like a hat)#that's when you know you've found the good stuff#(the actual headlines about that were much less funny but I don't remember any examples because they weren't very interesting)#sometimes less interesting headlines = more interesting stories#but also sometimes i just want to read some dumb shit that's completely nonsensical but also 100% completely benign#because you know what? sometimes ya just gotta get way too into string theory and that's fine#fringe physics beliefs generally have utterly no impact on one's actual relationship to the world around them#and anyway how big can the overlap between people who care about this shit and people who believe this shit be?#wait what am i talking about now? i started out talking about doctor who#oh well#that's what the internet is for
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feroluce · 6 days
For some weird reason, I've always been fascinated by how wildly different Sampo operates in the Underground vs the Overworld.
Sampo is present in both places and even in official sources, he's not really counted as one side or the other- now that the theory has been confirmed in-game, he's generally just lumped in with the Masked Fools.
But there really is a big difference!
Probably the most obvious and well known instance of Sampo's...business practices *cough burglary and fraud COUGH* in the Overworld is from the Belobog Museum event. In it, you don't find out Sampo is the main culprit until near the end, because Pela has to set up a sting just to catch him in the act. And that sting is necessary all because the initial suspect they arrested, Norbert, had pretty much no idea of his partner's identity. Sampo wouldn't even speak to him face-to-face.
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And whereas Sampo is normally very pleasant and friendly with the trailblazer...when he thinks he's talking to Norbert here, he straight up says that they are NOT friends. Like he really shuts that shit DOWN.
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There's also an Overworld NPC, Chavez, who heads the "Dark Blue Scam Support Group." And he. Really really really does not like Sampo fjkdasjklfdj
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Chavez clearly wants Sampo caught, and has literally no positive feelings about him. So. Why call it the Dark Blue Scam? Why not just out him by name? Chavez obviously doesn't give a single shit about Sampo's dignity or privacy. But he never once refers to him as "Sampo," and even the pamphlets he passes out make no mention of it. No one in the entire support group seems to know how to identify him or how to refer to him except by his hair color. If the trailblazer says his name, Chavez reacts as though he's never heard it before.
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(I've seen people say this means Sampo Koski is an alias and not his real name? But Ray pointed this out, and honestly I agree; even the Fools call him Sampo, after all. I think it's just that Chavez never knew Sampo's name in the first place, and given his immense distrust, immediately assumes it's an alias.)
And then there's his characters stories, where he proceeds to pull off a heist in the Overworld while in disguise as Brughel Poisson the entire time. Literally his own stories don't mention Sampo's name even once.
So anyway, all this shows that when he's up in the Overworld working cons, Sampo is incredibly slippery and secretive about his identity. The only people who seem to know him are Pela, Serval, and Gepard. He doesn't get close to anyone else, and is even surprisingly unfriendly. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his face. He has zero qualms about backstabbing or double-crossing, and even plans for it in some cases.
Meanwhile, down in the Underground, I'm pretty sure literally the worst thing we hear of him doing is scalping tickets in front of the Fight Club. Which isn't even illegal in a lot of places (although it's certainly a dick move).
In Hook's companion quest, a vagrant miner steals Fersman's equipment and tries to sell it to Sampo. Even before the trailblazer and Hook jump in and out the vagrant as a thief, Sampo hesitates to buy it because it sounds like stolen goods, which he doesn't want any part of.
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Even knowing that a geomarrow detector is rare and incredibly valuable in the mines, Sampo makes no attempt to double-cross Hook or profit off of her loss, and even tells her who to go to to get it fixed.
And my favorite example of Sampo in the Underground is the Survival Wisdom adventure mission. In it, Sampo starts up a business with Peak, another miner. And like. In wild contrast to all the cons he pulls above ground, Sampo is actually super nice and helpful here.
Just the same as with Hook's quest, Sampo talks to Peak face-to-face, with no disguises or barriers. When the trailblazer finds them, they're just in the Great Mine, no secretive meeting places. Peak knows Sampo, is familiar with him, and calls him by name. It's not even a con! There's nothing illegal going on; it really is just a business partnership. Peak is more than happy with their deal, he's even pretty enthusiastic about it, because thanks to Sampo he can now make enough money to get by while also accommodating his chronic fatigue.
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The only person Sampo lies to in this whole ordeal is the trailblazer, who he manipulates into getting Peak's mining equipment back from the vagrants that stole it in the first place. And when it's done, he rewards them with a legit treasure map.
So when he's working in the Underground, Sampo is MUCH more upright and lawful. Part of this is probably to do with his "business" model- Sampo only takes advantage of the wealthy, and poverty runs rampant in the Underground. When he charges Peak an extra 30% (the same percentage he charges Norbert as a consultation fee in the museum heists- Sampo seems to go by percentage instead of a flat rate, which means his prices are more fair for lower incomes) for carelessly losing their supply, Peak literally starts counting out pocket change.
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Dude's working for pennies and good will down there dknsmdmd
And you can twist this into a Robin Hood thing if you want- Sampo IS technically working to feed orphans and heal the sick. He says himself he's more than happy to make up the shortfall between the greedy and the marginalized- I mean he says it in the shadiest way possible, but I doubt the people benefiting from his work really care that he's a slimeball if it means they can survive another day. Even the two heists he pulls in his character stories are literally just him stealing absurd amounts of food.
Personally though I think it is solely because of Natasha, and Sampo is hilariously well-behaved specifically for her, because she keeps him on a short leash JSKZJMSMSKS
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sonknuxadow · 29 days
just remembered that back in 2018 a few months before idw sonic had actually started they revealed tangles design a bit early and people were already saying she was gay just from looking at her and were getting the typical backlash of "omg not everything has to be gay stop saying every character is gay shes probably straight" . anyway i think thats really funny to look back at considering . everything
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 8 months
I always smh at people who dub Jason as “whiny” “and therefore ooc” in tt 29. If you died and all everyone did was taint your legacy, and not a single person remembered you fondly or deemed you worthy of commemoration after your death, wouldn’t you be a bit upset too?
#the only thing that was ooc about Jason there was all the shit talking the other characters were doing about him.#and some of the things Jason said about himself because he left whatever small amounts of self esteem he actually had back in his grave#he was very cooperative shy and clever with the titans in the 80s#it’s not enough that his own father told him to his face that he is a product of his own problems#everyone he knew and had good working relationships with just completely shut him out and turned their backs#even if you don’t mean it/it’s more complicated than that#if someone you knew died but now you got a chance to tell them what you couldn’t wouldn’t you at least muster up an ‘I’m glad you’re back’#apparently not lol#kelseethe#it’s the fact that people label him *being upset* as ‘illogical’ or stupid that irks me#I was talking with a mutual about this too but#if a female character did exactly his actions#I don’t think people would be so quick to stomp all over her and call her weak/overbearing/hysterical#or to give her the dismissive patronizing eye roll treatment#even though they deemed her actions to be exaggerated/misdirected/an outburst by any standard#they’d probably say she’s written like an actual human and that she resonates with a lot of people haha#he evaded all their security systems and effectively took down anyone who was present in the tower.#I’d say his skills are pretty in-character.#the idea that men can get emotional is just not palatable to you people just admit it#if it isn’t silent brooding stoic manpain you people will projectile vomit all over it and call it ‘bad characterization’
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ezraphobicsoup · 6 months
can i please request a fun fact about anything ever
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makerofmadness · 2 months
Update on Town Square:
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I got in and it is fun :3 you can just like. Choose a cookie to mess around as. I decided to be Alchemist.
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Except apparently there's ALCHEMIST CONTENT IN THIS UPDATE??????? and I don't know how to get to it 😭😭 I saw someone else ask that in the middle of running around the square and I just. Started circling them dndjdjdjdnmd
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Btw just wanted to highlight these parts of the title screen since I didn't really show my appreciation for them earlier.
(also also I love Granola Cookie already just-)
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 7 months
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beeapocalypse · 8 months
trying to craft a funger oc like aughhhh i can see him i can picture him in my head right now [image of the most off putting little man possible]
#he does not have a name yet but he DOES have a vague concept. author from the eastern union who got drafted into the military and--#--met another guy during the 1 week he had b4 getting shipped out to basic training. they immediately develop a WAY intense relationship--#--and constantly send letters to each other. author is a total chickenshit and comes to cope w the violence of war thru--#--alcoholism and a complete retreat into his obsession w the other man. gets a couple wires crossed and has his lust morph into more + more#--violent fantasies that the other man plays along w bc its Fun+Wild (at its core its the authors desire for CONTROL. if hes the one--#--bringing the pain then hes safe. even better if its with the single person in existence he feels like he can trust during that--#--period of time). manages to live throughout the rest of the war and rushes back to his lover. spends a slowly degrading week w him where-#--the man comes to realize what he thought of as simple metaphor+exaggeration was TRUE desire from the author + the author flounders--#--without the then expected+familiar terror day in and day out. culminates in the man demanding the author leave and never try to contact--#--him again (saying their romance was wild and exciting and unlike anything hed ever experienced but the only good way it couldve ended--#--was if the author died out on the front and forever left him Wanting without the actual reality of those desires realized) and the--#--author either tries to shoot himself or the man (fails to do so. lol) b4 running off to the first train out of town. worlds messiest guy#ya it leans a bit into samarie territory but hes fun. his theoretical ending b would probably have smth to do w sylvian worship + marriages#even more vague idea for his moonscorched form is a sopping wet pathetic red wolf ('red wolf' being one of the mans terms of endearment--#--thru their wartime love letters) w its legs tangled up in barbed wire so it has to drag itself around. red bc its incredibly--#--thin skin (<-- do you get it .) splits and bleeds thru with every movement. a lot of whining and incoherent babbling as it hesitates to--#--ACTUALLY attack anybody. should have some cock horror element but ive no ideas on that front LOL#skill ideas are persistence predator (more melee damage dealt the less mind hes got- a backstory choice where he focuses entirely on the--#--love letters rather than splitting focus on his on-pause career with short stories) and an unnamed one playing into his terror/lust deal-#--where he gets a buff to either melee damage or speed when his phobia is active. want to come up with at least one more though#mmmaybe him being an author doesnt play that well into his concept as a whole but hes my strangeguy so whatever
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
One of my favorite things about DimiClaude is how Claude would be going into their relationship not knowing affection and love, but Dimi is so outspoken about his compliments and often can't even help himself when he's being extra kind. For someone who didn't ever get to hear all these kind things before it'd be so crazy to Claude to suddenly have someone always having good things to say about him and being so honest about his thoughts.
I think it's really sweet for Claude to be able to have someone dote on him and openly and easily express love for him, but also, Dimi really can be extremely blunt with his honesty and his feelings so I think Claude would quickly realize he's not even lying or just trying to make Claude feel better, but that he actually expresses what he's really thinking.
Since Claude is good at playing things off so I think for a little while he'd be able to avoid acting so flabbergasted by Dimi's sincerity, but eventually he'd be like holy shit he still hasn't stopped fawning over me. It'd be so weird for him for a while but he'd also really love it and be incredibly happy that someone is so genuine toward him and always has nice things to say.
I also think it'd be really cute for Dimi to learn from Claude about how to relax more and joke more. Dimi literally tells Alois in their supports that people tell him he lacks humor, and it'd be so cute to see him start to naturally ease into humor because of the time he's spent with Claude.
LISTEN. It's just so cute to me that Dimi can learn to have fun and Claude can learn what it's like to be loved, and not just loved but also openly told how his partner feels about him, and so earnestly that Claude can't even doubt that Dimi is just exaggerating. Imo they give each other qualities that the other really needs and wants and they can do it seamlessly. ;_;
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syncrovoid-presents · 10 months
I am. Not dead. BUT will be gone for a like a day or few because the stuff at work did not! want! to! work!
Which I'd another way of saying that I finally was able to get free after working 34 consecutive hours in a row. The day prior I got 1 hour of sleep and that is all after 5 days of 10 or 11 hour work days.
I am so sleepy. I am taking tomorrow off and probably going to sleep right through it. Anywho cheers everyone!! I am going to go to the shadow realm now @:P
#syncrovoid.txt#delete later#maybe??#the one coworjer that has been helping as best he can is now calling me a cyborg haha! it is funny#but strange because before i was officially hired the supervisor (lead programmer) said i was#i was like a robot and if i had been perfect there'd be no difference#<- this was his notes when i finished my (payless) practicum there that lead to me being hired before graduating#ironically the new guy (hes been around half a year lol) was one of the only other people that graduated from my course#none of us ever met but it is cool!! and he did a lot to help out over this week of nonstop work#<- okay i KNOW someone will say “hey. you know you could have stopped right?”#but consider. i have very bad body awareness so i dont notice much impact from sleep deprivation and also i would feel so guilty @:(#and also consider!! i have either earned a hefty paycheck of the redt of the week off so like. capitalism yay?????#<- i do not support capitalism#ALSO sleep deprivation is SOOO silly because i get hyper! i feel like i get more and more energy and my brain doesnt stop thinking!#i have had a grand total of 3 hours of sleep in the past uhhh 4 days??#it is so silly!! but probably not good for me#but i CAN confirm to you that when websites say it takes 3 days of no sleep to start hallucinating they are exaggerating#it takes at least 5 or a week with only 1 or 2 hours sleep#even then it is so minor.#weirdest sleep deprivation hallucinations ive had was where every second time i blinked the world was overlayed with a different one#it has happened twice and it is literally and without exageration the STRANGEST feeling in the world. in the universe even#it is like you are flickering btween two realms that occupy the same physical space but from two different theoretical spaces#if that makes sense??#the first time it happened it was at a huge school sleep over and every few moments the gym full of sleeping bags and other peeps#would transform into all the chill monsters just living their life. like monsters in terms of not looking human nor like any earthly creatur#but not mentally monsters. it was like a towns square sort of thing? so they were rushing about and coming in and out the doors#second time it happened i was like 14 and in the back of an overstuffed car with a friend and their mom and we were in the middle of nowhere#forest for hours and hours longer still. slept on the side of the road lol. but it was like very so often huge huge giants would step over#the trees. all you could see was the somewhat woody-scaly texture of these massive massive poles or legs or whatever#slowly moving over the forest and walking around. looking up into the sky they just faded away too tall to see
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cassmouse · 3 months
Okay. Okay okay okay so I am very very close to the end of Bunny I probably should be finishing it but this is so obscenely horrifying, hallucinogenic and absolutely fucking devastating that I can't physically bring myself to
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guitar-anon · 4 months
was trying to think about how allison would tell someone to bake a cake cause of that one post and its actually really funny
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
always think its funny when people are into a particular rpf ship but get antagonistic/hostile/morally superior towards other rpf ships like girl we are all in the same house here
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