#but other than that it's only comedy
almoststedytimetravel · 9 months
The best thing about ignoring (most) of the child characters in fates is that I can give them parents solely for the comedic potential of the pairing without sabotaging a unit I want to use.
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phoenixkaptain · 3 days
I love the relationship between Ra’s and Tim in the Red Robin run because it reads fundamentally as an unrequited crush. Between an old man who is so rich he will never spend all his wealth, a man who is considered to be charming in the same way a snake is, a man who is more powerful than the majority of other villains just on the strength of his legacy alone.
A seventeen-year-old boy who has not slept in three days since the last time someone drugged him, has not showered in three weeks unless you count being thrown into a river, has not cleaned his room since he was three and his parents still payed attention to him.
And when I tell you which one has the crush on the other, that’s it, that’s the ultimate punchline, DC may never reach these peaks of comedy ever again.
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inamindfarfaraway · 5 months
I love that we're getting focus on Chris Rodriguez early in the TV show, so that we have time to get invested in him before he a) betrays the camp and b) is driven so insane that only Dionysus can cure him. Knowing him beforehand will also make his relationship with Clarrisse, friendship and romance, feel more interesting.
What other cool, fun, not-heartbreaking characters will the show give more attention and depth? Silena Beauregarde? Charlie Beckendorf? Micheal Yew? Castor and Pollux? I can't wait!
#can you imagine the gut punch of having castor and pollux be recurring minor characters#always together#the classic either very similar or very different twins trope#with jokes about dionysus being their dad and more insight into that awkward relationship#that's their shtick like the stoll brothers except the comedy premise is 'mr d is their dad' which really does write itself#they're well-established as both part of the camp's normal and one of those 'two-in-one' side character duos#then after over three seasons of this castor dies in battle#and we don't see the death but when we next see pollux castor just. isn't there#and we Know#only one thing could have separated those two and it looks like pollux is missing at least an arm (and hurts accordingly)#and when we next see dionysus he's exactly as broken as a father who's lost a son would be#so different from how we've seen any other god emote about their children#and it sinks in that he actually was present in castor's life for years and now that's gone#it isn't 'well the view from olympus is different now and my name is stained with failure. drat' but the weight of#'he won't sit at my table tomorrow' 'he will never play pinocle with me again even though it bores him because he secretly likes me'#and so on and on and on forever#because he's never coming back. we will never see castor AND pollux again#enjoy your fantasy series kids! war is worse than hell because it hurts the undeserving!#pjo tv show#pjo tv series#pjo disney+#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#pjo
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einsatzzz · 6 days
art time-lapse of this piece that i posted in IG b4 to try out doing reels. i really like how this turned out overall plus "yasashii suisei" (link for eng tl) really fit the vibes so im queueing this here too
#khr#khre#khr oc#oniyanagi#hibari kyoya#ninomiya kanako#oc#hibakana#einart#tags yapping abt hibakana ahead 🫡#the quote that inspired this one still lives rent-free in my brain#“my alone feels so good i'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude”#both of them are the type of people who likes to move on their own and dislikes being restricted#and they thrive that way without needing to look out for things like social cues/other's perceptions/the will of a “majority”#there's this certain type of independence that i rlly admire for each of these two characters#if they don't feel comfortable with a person#or if the person's company does not spark any joy#as much as their peace and quiet does#then why would they even hang out and spend/invest time with them amirite? theyre not abt that fake life#nowadays its very common for me to hear abt boomers asking ppl when they're gonna get an s/o or marriage#or just others forcing ppl to conform with the social norms and what's considered as “normal”#so these two rlly bring me a lot of comfort#on their own; if i were to depict them on separate stories#khre aside and just considering khr; idt id ship hibari with anyone; he would be my a-spec king icon idol and legend who does wtv he wants🫶#kana too mdbxndbddjbd her previous version b4 this had another oc/canon ship but i don't rlly fck with that anymore (still funny tho)#(i realized that that previous ship rlly held her back character-wise---)#(but their (potential/established) platonic relationships with other characters are so *chef kiss* tho--working hard on brainstorming that)#on the other hand i started shipping hibakana for the comedy of their dynamic lmao (it should be around b4 sou & i reached kokuyo arc)#“wouldn't it be funny if---”#its just a joke there's supposed to be an “/hj” somewhere there i didn't know they would suit e/o's characters & personality this much wtf
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neolxzr · 7 months
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theyre just chillin
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biblionerd07 · 1 month
I tried watching some of the Ian/Mickey scenes from season 11 and it made me ill. These are IMPOSTERS. That is not Ian and Mickey!! Especially Mickey!!! Look at how they massacred my boy. But one of the most frustrating parts is that if you watch the deleted scenes it shows that someone in that writers’ room DID know how to write Ian and Mickey but the producers or whoever makes that decision were like “nah, no meaningful conversations that show how much they love and respect each other and are working on their relationship. These fans who’ve been watching the characters struggle for a decade want them to continuously argue and beat the shit out of each other and act like they hate each other!”
#John wells if I ever catch you#there were a very few small spots of goodness and I credit ONLY Noel and cam for that#they were doing their level best#some of the things they had coming out of Mickey’s mouth made me want to drive my head through a wall#in what world am I supposed to believe Mickey was getting blow jobs from other guys#and making a joke out of Ian’s bipolar????#like the one time they remembered they even wrote Ian as bipolar and it was for a shitty line where Mickey throws it in his face#it feels like every season is a whole new show and not connected at all to the others#and then it starts feeling like every EPISODE is a whole new show that’s not connected#why was there like a goofy soundtrack as Mickey’s literal Nazi abusive rapist father moved in next door#Noel was giving us everything and they made a joke out of it#and then they made a joke out of Mickey being conflicted and crying after terry died??????????#I want to kill them#Ian saying frank was worse than terry????? girl in what world??????#Mickey was NEVER insecure about bottoming and he was always adamant about how much he loved it but suddenly it’s an issue#from ‘liking what I like don’t make me a bitch’ back when he could barely LOOK at Ian to…this#also Ian used to be very sweet even when he was being stubborn and self-righteous and even violent#but they really lost his sweetness#and I know it wasn’t just cam growing up bc there were glimpses of it in the way he chose to have Ian move and hold onto Mickey#but the writers seemed hell bent on all of the characters being so horrible to each other#in the early seasons they could sometimes be cruel and selfish even to each other but underneath it all they loved each other#and it feels like when they decided to lean solely into goofy comedy that lost that#it’s just sad to see a show that started so good end so badly#I’ve seen people talking about a spinoff with Ian and Mickey and I don’t even fucking want it with these writers#maybe if cam and Noel were producers and got to choose the storylines#they’re the only ones I trust
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dullahandyke · 20 days
didnt even touch on the sandra lynn stuff int he tags of the last post bcos if i talk about her im liable to explode. get behind me, middle-aged divorced woman proficient in archery
#wasnt around for sy as it aired but ive seen the remnants of the liveblogging and its so foul#the genuine misogyny....#saw someone claim gilear was a better parent than her and i had to turn off my computer#i know we all love gilear and hes been tbh redeemed by comedy where sandra lynn doesnt get that#but like. be serious.#that tonal shift in difference of how gilear and sandra lynn are received is wicked interesting to me#and like pre-emptive disclaimer this isnt Gilear Problematic I Want Discourse. im just thinkin thoughts here#the way fy episode 1 gilear actively left his wife n daughter and calls her a demon even if he doesnt mean it that way#but then fig/emily takes an interest in him and from there hes a radically different character whos just kind of. pathetic.#im hesitant to call it flanderization because initial gilear only got like 10 minutes of screentime before wet cat gilear took the stage#but like. in ep1 both faeth parents are shown as equally flawed and on an even narrative playing field#which is then upset as fig latches onto gilear as a comedic force and hes not as much 'dad with tense relationship to daughter he disowned'#as 'guy the pcs do bits with'. esp in fy he doesnt do much but let fig live in his apartment sometimes#(and if u rlly wanna analyse u could say something abt her basically taking care of him instead of the other way around)#this then rlly impacts sandra lynn! bcos now fig has One tense parental relationship to rest all her angst on#and where gilear gets bits. sandra lynn really doesnt get much spotlight until the prison sequence#and the lack of focus on sandra lynn Is lampshaded in-universe and i like the resolution#and then u get to sy where sandra lynn gets as much spotlight as gilear but she doesnt have his comedic shield#so instead she has the dramatic spotlight and both the story and the characters are weirdly obsessed w her sex life#and yeah i know im an aro autist maybe i take cheating a bit lightly. but its in the same category as the 'zelda is mad at gorgug' shit#shes made a spectacle but because shes not gilear and society has notions about sex she gets judged for it#like something abt gilear disowning fig getting dropped while sandra lynn is scrutinised so much rlly rubs me the wrong way#she is FLAWED that is what THE JAIL EP WAS ABOUT!!!#she is TRYING arguably more than GILEAR but she doesnt have the absolution of rule of funny to fall back on#i go insane. i go insane#post not mentioning jy bcos i havent seen it. once again middle-aged divorced women proficient in archery get behind me ill protect u
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abirdie · 3 months
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Gael García Bernal in Me estás matando, Susana (2016, dir. Roberto Sneider)
(these gifs also feature Verónica Echegui)
Gifs are all 540px wide so you can click to see larger.
[other gael filmography gifsets]
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enzymedevice · 5 months
Okay I couldn’t find a post about it so I’ll make my own and say this is my favourite Crow cover of all time, the Hastings exclusive variant to The Crow: Death and Rebirth #1:
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(I stole this image from this eBay listing because it’s clear and information on a lithograph of the full uncropped painting can be found here.)
Just. Look at him. With an emotionless face he cries opaque white tears onto his gleaming cleavage. He is wrapped in but the most bedraggled sheet ever painted. How did it get so crumpled? Did it exit the grave with him? The crow in the background watches on, oddly bemused. I am drawn back to Eric's cleavage again. He looks like a Joestar. I can’t tear my gaze from this image.
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ghost--bot · 8 months
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listen. listen to me............ i'm not normal i'm not
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ft. whiteboard drawings from a character building exercise during rehearsal
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dare-g · 4 months
We've been watching JoJo for the first time 8 episodes in and idk I feel pretty indifferent about it?
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akkivee · 7 months
sasara spraying samatoki with a watergun and them fighting over the maneki neko pun will never not be funny like they've never stopped being idiots with one another ALSO SAMAKUU NATION THRIVING LETS GO LETS GO LETS GO
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rei saying this as if they didn’t rule over ikebukuro while arguing over whether or not sasara is funny lmao!!!!
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ytptennis · 5 days
mulcahy having a crisis of faith at the same time klinger's having a gender crisis & they both set their paraphernalia on fire in a fit of mania (✿◕‿◕✿)
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margle · 1 month
it's genuinely mind boggling to me how someone can make a list of their favourite musicians/artists/authors and not include a single woman. how?? i just dont understand. you have to be actively avoiding them at this point.
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izzystizzys · 2 months
the usual izzy gets surprised by not having had menopause yet and a baby trope but adding in a twist: it happens pre-canon and by the time he gets unceremoniously dumped off the ship, he’s known for at least a month
just. increasingly tense izzy, who not only has to deal with not being able to keep anything in his body and worse nausea than he had even in his first week on a ship, but also can’t sleep marinating in the familiar coldness between him and ed that suddenly grates all over again. who’s forced to contend with the idea that something might finally force them out of this stalemate, and he doesn’t know if he wants that really or what outcome scares him the most, and it makes him pissier than a rabid cat soaking wet most days
and then it happens anyways, in an entirely different way that didn’t even require izzy to voice all of his fears and lay bare their problems, because stede fucking bonnet did that with his mere presence. no need to admit to his fear of being abandoned now, is there, is all he can think bitterly over a mug of fucking water of all things in jackie’z.
#ofmd fic idea#edizzy#kind of#my steddyhands loving brain wants it to end up there but idk how#in my angstridden mind this can go several ways#obvs he still sees jack and obvs the prick knows immediately#now: does jack run off and tattle or stay and help?#either way in my mind izzy has lost all will to fight his way back to ed’s side via navy fuckeries in this#discovering he has other priorities than ed now is a shock to him more than anyone#anyways option one jack still makes it onto the revenge drunkenly ripping ed a new one in the most incomprehensibly strange way#halfway through he’s like oops you’re not supposed to know that izzy’s pregnant!#ed: izzy’s pregnant????#jack (sweating): i didn’t say that#which brings on a merry goose chase because izzy is a wanted man in his own right#and also not in the mood to talk to anyone#option two: jack does NOT scurry off to the revenge#i envisage ed still going ham in this bcs one he discovers functioning without izzy’s shit and two there were issues there brewing already#years later the crew (slowly but steadily piecing itself together) raids a ship and finds a screaming five-year-old in its brig#completely impossible to miss that she is an exact carbon copy of ed from the hair down to the scowl and eyes and-#well it’s very unsettling is all#as are the promises that if they don’t help her her papa will disembowel them all#‘a toddler should not know that word!!!’ lucius insists#meanwhile izzy going insane having temporarily commandeered jack’s current ship in search of his beloved daughter#comedy of errors type thing where the revenge crew are forced to become temporary babysitters to the absolute hellion raised by izzy hands#truly only he could create such horrors (affectionate)
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tamaharu · 2 years
What isekai are you reading if you don’t mind me asking?
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okay... but youre not allowed to make fun of me... its called "50 tea recipes from the duchess." korean woman gets fired, gets isekai'd into the body of a duchess who is timid to the point of patheticness and everybody fuckin hates her. is like uggghh well i dont care if im hated as long as i have my special interest: TEA. and with her autistic girl swag (label pending) she makes both the society and her cold intimidating husband love her. 70% of it is her infodumping about tea to the delight of everyone around her.
#ask me no questions and ill tell you no lies#started reading it on tapas bc i was bored and it was free. embarrassingly got invested.#more uhh romance isekai? rather than like an action based one. its cute enough. not really groundbreaking but i like the FL.#we did manage to achieve a conversation between the protag and her body swapped soul so that was fun.#generally i dont support ppl who go on abt art that they only engage w for mindless fun or whatever bc theyre usually talking abt fuckin.#idk marvel movies or the latest army propaganda films or whatever. and generally the media they talk abt verges to harmful.#but i am an avid supporter of reading dumb shit you know is silly. all art has value including stupid stuff.#other dumb stuff ive read: at least two ~sexier~ manga/manhwa. former had surprisingly decent world building.#latter had an INCREDIBLY TOXIC cast of characters. it was absolutely fascinating.#those are the more embarrassing ones and the ones i WONT be dropping titles for.#others include furry shoujo isekai; aromantic shoujo; mousou telepathy (ive mentioned that before)#gag comedy where a dude gets ~magicked~ into a girls body but the joke is hes so lazy that he doesnt give a shit (mood)#stupid bl manga with a hot fat character who is very much the main object of desire#a lot of it is manga/manhwa bc its easier to get into something kinda dumb if its bolstered by having nice visuals rather than like a book#or whatever where you have to slog through it with your imagination alone. even when reading 'dumb' art i try to engage it properly bc i#very sincerely believe that every story has some form of meaning if youre just willing to engage with it#(<- plot of orv btw for an ACTUALLY good story)#like i said the sexi manga has surprisingly good worldbuilding. the toxic story the sexu manhwa was telling was earnestly fascinating.#idk! sorry i know you were just looking for the name but while i do consider it just kinda silly its broader impact has a deep effect on me#this is why i love orv❤️ please read orv. while i already had these fond feelings prior to reading orv it really cemented it for me.#oh and i read romance novels sometimes. i like stuff thats cute and silly! idk. youve been on my blog you can see my icon this isnt news.
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