#but music and dance i could maybe do?
do-rey-me · 10 months
(bilbo being possessed by the ring voice) why shouldn't i? why shouldnt i start learning a new instrument?
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mrspockify · 7 months
I feel like I can’t picture Mario learning and playing an instrument, like whenever I imagine him being musical it’s always with him preferring to sing, but then I don’t know how this would translate into my interpretation of mute Mario 💀
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listen and think of them pls
#Have I posted these all here before? Yes. Should you all still emo cry circle jam to them yes so do so#Get in bitch we’re diving back into Boreo feels (for writing purposes so yn it’s fiiiine it’s healthy even to emo sometimes right?)#He asks as if it’s change a thing if it wasnt#Lmfaooo okay but listen listen I plan the sad music first theeeen my dance music and workout#I get emo feels out after I promie fr I do it smooth brain style big smov brain haver I am! Okay!#boreo#boris pavlikovsky#the goldfinch#tgf#theo decker#theodore decker#theo i’m not gay decker#donna tartt#boreo music#And hey hey I included a song to end on that will help you “life… eh?” It because for me is Boris getting high w/Potter#Spotify#Also bedroom ceiling song UGHHH could just see sm to that aibsejwudhbsjf not emo about it actually how perfect it is and and#Def don’t imagine them both talking to their moms when they get drunk or high enough not to judge themselves about it#Asking them for guidance maybe just in their heads at first but the more they’re stressed the more they just can’t push off the want stuck#In their throat to just fucking ask them out loud till one night they just let out all slurred and embarrassed in the dark of their room#Omfg I miiiight need to have thiiiis in Forget about Kotku fuckkn hellllll#5seconds later I’m like yes no I will I think lol I need happy endings for my boys always and wasn’t sure how I would get there but thiiis#Mmmmm it’s giving me ideas in making that idea ages back I got from that Russian Facebook post I shared of writing love letters to someone#Sleeping cause you can’t tell em that rn and I just hmmmm *meme of ghoul boys*:IVE CONNECTED THE DOTS my brain: you ain’t connect shit
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
style savvy styling star went OFF with the fact that you could replay the idol music sequences with your own character and outfit lipsyncing to it. every game with character customization and in-engine music videos NEEDS to let you do this
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razzle-zazzle · 3 months
*looks at your tags* nice, nice—
Sometimes you have an idea so so wild but with so much interesting thematic potential that you then have no choice but to try and figure out how to make it work 🤷‍♀️
Anyway 💅 still working on the how but basically the AU is as described: Branch's fleshy magic Troll heart is gone and in its place is a prosthetic one he made himself. Smth smth a Troll's music is their magic and their magic is their music and smth smth you can remove a Troll's magic by removing their heart (assuming they survive, which they normally wouldn't, but Branch is nice and insane and good at clinging onto life like that). So the AU focuses on the issues that arise from having a heart cobbled together from the materials he could find and the sort of disconnect from the world around him due to the loss of the heart he was born with. Again it doesn't make much sense but it's fun to think about so 🤷‍♀️
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Positivity moment y’all! My confidence, ability, and fun with dancing have improved so much since my surgery, and I think I may be finally to the point where I’m ready to share my choreography with people 😊
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woodnrust · 6 months
I should treat myself <- does not have the time nor money to treat myself
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rainbluealoekitten · 8 months
i genuinely feel so bad for my ex's gf though because she's out here posting on her insta that it's their 3 month anniversary but boyo is making me playlists with unrequited love songs and posts stuff about being nostalgic about when we were dating, keeps complimenting how i look, and literally yesterday was telling me he still has the sticker we stole from the library where we held hands and cuddled like. he's such an important friend to me but really i guess i will have to cut him off (again) bc i thought we were both over this but apparently not and it's just going to hurt a lot of people if i don't
#also in all honesty i am scared that i will do something stupid without realising it or while in a not very lucid state#like once after we broke up i let him fall asleep on me around 4am then we watched the sun rise together until i finally left to find#my own bed#like i knew i shouldn't be doing that but i hadn't slept in over 24 hours and#he was so sad and so was i and i just needed someone but he just needed me. and we really did seem like we could but perfect#but yk what this relationship has taught me a lot and still does because to him? we should have been soulmates and i get why#i mean we read the same poetry and cry at the same music and he loves it when i infodump about greek mythology and i love it when he sends#pictures of his cats and our art is so desperate for another person to See Us and we danced in the rain once#and it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life#but it's never going to be right and idk he can't accept that i don't and never will and never have loved him. i'm sorry it seems perfect#but it's a good reflection moment for me too in all honesty yk#bc the boy i'm obsessed with also could have been someone fated for me i mean#what's the chance we live on the same street twice despite having travelled the world?#what's the chance he and i-both very private and solitary individuals-immediately felt we could confide in each other?#but apparently that doesn't mean shit to him#and idk maybe he's also just as sorry and as apologetic and maybe even a little#heartbroken over it#just like i am w my ex but. idk#i do not know#anyways once i get the motivation to write a full novel then it's over for everyone#until then you get my shitty journal musings#blue screams into the void
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pepprs · 1 year
having some time alone in the hotel this week (which is abt to end bc we’re moving back home tmrrw even though the renovation isn’t finished 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪) and being able to have the bedroom to myself has made me think rebellious thoughts my family would be very offended over. like maybe i listened to less and less music these last few years due in part to the fact that ive spentmore time at home than i used to and i also lived on campus w roommates in a very uncomfortable arrangement and im unable to move freely about the cabin when im living w other ppl whose needs don’t align w mine and so ive just gotten used to not having all of my needs met and always being the person to take the short end of the stick…. but i actually need to be able to sing and dance and draw and do whatever and when im alone (which is almost never) im able to do that and that’s actually legit and as important as anyone else’s needs in a space i share w them. idk if i worded that well but yeah
#like yes it’s definitely that ive been depressed… but maybe that dynamic creates the depression. you know?#purrs#delete later#not to say this bc it’s BLASPHEMOUS but i was also thinking abt this in the context of my bday. i was happiest in the moments where i was ei#either alone (dancing / singing / whatever and doing karaoke w mtself at 2am LOLLLL and just enjoying having peace and quiet and being able#to do what i wanted) or at work (around ppl i choose to be with in a place i choose to be in). any time i was around my family i was#agitated and annoyed and maybe some of it has to do w the renovation and the fact that we were at home for like 4 hrs moving furniture bc of#the renovation but also… maybe it’s just i don’t enjoy spending ng time w them as much as i do other things. like passively spending time at#around them bc there’s ALWAYS noise or conversation or bickering or whatever. and also in part bc i share my bday w my twin sister so its#not actually *my* day it’s ours and we’re lumped together and treated as a unit and my parents have expectations abt that and whatever. idk.#i don’t want to be / sound selfish or ungrateful for my family or whatever bc being a twin has its perks and my family situation could be so#much worse and it’s not like i had a horrible birthday or it wasn’t acknowledged or whatever. but my point is… what if… there will come a#point in my life… where the majority of things i do / people im around / aspects of my environment are things i get to choose or at the very#least have a say in. what if someday my birthday can just be my birthday and not OUR birthday(which again is the evilest most horrible thing#i have ever said in my life i know i know i know but ummmmm being a twin has dealt some significant psychological damage to me and i am#still figuring out how to be an independent person and how to determine who i am outside of the context of that relationship which most ppl#at this age / stage in life have already had years to do). idk what i was saying i lost the thread but basically: i love having alone time#where i am truly alone and i get to sing and dance and make music and eat and whatever without being yelled at or having to be quiet or#getting overstimulated. and that is not to say that i do not appreciate company or would not want to live with other people. i think im#actually kind of an ambivert now where i used to be very extroverted. but i think my biggest thing is choice. i value choice so so so much.#which is ironic in some ways bc here i am not wanting to like mess up the original layout of my acnh island… idk. it’s situational but i thi#think w the big stuff choicemeans so much to me. and i wish that was more okay to my family than it is bc asserting myself and growing into#my independence has been and will continue to be an extremely painful and unpleasant process bc no one is happy w it lol. ok ive been talkin#talking A LOT more than i thought i would and i still have more thoughts but i need to stop and keep packing out the hotel lol. bye#‘being a twin has its perks’ sounds so terrible omg. i meant that like.. it is a gift to be a twin and i love my sister. AND there are parts#of it that fucking suck ass and hopefully those parts will recede once we are living separate lives and have gotten distance from dynamics
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xcziel · 10 months
i seriously think maybe covid DID do something to my brain, but it was ... somehow winding back the clock to the time when i cared about music??????
cut bc of personal rambling
like i haven't listened to the radio in YEARS
i used to be all up on everything popular music as much as i could in my teens (no internet) and then in my 20s i had subscriptions to spin and alternative press and i worked in a store where i could access rolling stone or billboard at will etc.
(this is after i went through a period of being desperately poor, so like the mid 90s was just radio i had no money)
but like in the last ten, fifteen years i had just gotten ... tired of everything i heard, couldn't be bothered to look for more music really. i still lived my favorites but i hadn't added more than maybe ten songs to my library (other than cdrama tracks lol) in as many years it seems like
and then for some reason last year i started picking up the occasional new song i liked again
maybe it's having a place to live where i can play music out loud? but i lived the the same place back when i enjoyed music and dancing around the apartment and then when i didn't ...
i really don't know, but this spring/summer i have downloaded and *listened to* more music in six months than in the last twenty years probably
stuff that i *could* have heard the first time around but only now am i interested - i just don't get it.
maybe the thing about covid messing with the brain and memory storage is right and for some reason it like, cleared the cache on my music storage in my brain and now there's more room?
like i am still incredibly picky and not all listening to like *everything* but i am still enjoying it a LOT
it's just weird for me personally to hear a song and go 'oh hey i LIKE that i need to hear it again' and i find i worry that my interest will just ... turn itself off again
so far though it is SO nice
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Hey y’all! Weird question time! Well. It’s not actually that weird a question, but I like starting question posts off that way lol Do you have any recommendation for warmups before exercising? Cooldowns would also be good, but I’m especially looking for warmups, because with POTS I’m supposed to do gentle exercise but I’m really, really bad at exercising gently. Yoga tanks my blood pressure*, I can’t go for walks because of the heat and the pollen, and I am extremely terrible at sticking to a low speed on a treadmill or stationary bike. I really enjoy exercising with a punching bag, but I am SO BAD at starting slowly, so I think having a separate warm up might help? *that might not be a POTS thing? I also have some adrenal issues, and high intensity exercise like using the punching bag or (in the past) long dance rehearsals for musical theater seem to act like a forced reset for my adrenal issues. Idk why it works, but high intensity exercise is great for my blood pressure and terrible for my heart rate, and yoga is great for my heart rate and extremely terrible for my blood pressure
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somethingshifted · 1 year
still reading stuff and it's putting into perspective how when times change advertising routes change. not everything is my cup of tea (tiktok/discord especially so) but i mean, the way i found gorillaz was from their 19-2000 game. surely that is oriented towards kids, even hewlett's own words from 2008 reflect that
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so i keep this in mind while catching up
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deaconsleatherpants · 2 years
things I need to find out in Educators S3: what does Jarred do when school's out of session? what are his other hobbies?
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busylilbee · 2 years
I just remembered that I once got called up to the office of the community theatre I volunteered at and got asked if my brother could sing at all and if my mom was available for the upcoming show.
Because my mom is East Asian and my brother and I are half. And they literally could not find any Asian people at all to fill the 3 Asian parts in the show.
#spoiler alert my brother could not do it#like he had the abilify to do it hut it was too stressful#so the 2 chinese boy roles were played by 2 at least partly hispanic kids#i think#i only knew one of them and idk his exact heritage but it definitely wasnt anywhere in asia lol#my mom did agree to do the mom part#she just had to run on stage at the end and call her 2 sons names and they ran happily to her#whats HILARIOUS is that we were going to be out of town for the last 3 shows#so not only did we have to find people to fill our backstage roles#but also the tall 20 something white costume designer filled my moms role as the chinese mother#yes the musical was thoroughly modern millie#i forget this happened and then remember and laugh#this is what happens when you need to fill ethnic roles in the american south i guess#i cant believe in our whole city they couldnt find a single asian boy to play one of those parts#maybe they just didnt ask around enough#bc 3 of my brothers friends were fully east asian or at least looked it#but to be fair that was not the norm#most asians in that city were indian or filipino#anyways this production was hilarious and when i remember how i got called up and strategically asked about my brothers abilities#i laugh#i was like#i mean yes he CAN sing and dance bc we were in a performing troupe in elementary school for a few years#but he is currently a deeply stressed and anxious teenager so#dont get your hopes up#personal#i miss that theatre though it was really fun
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1-ufo · 3 months
I feel like I can understand the way Matt Bellamy’s brain works in terms of music creation.
It wouldn’t shock me at all if he ever came out and said that he just hears music in his head like almost all of the time or hears it if he closes his eyes.
Because as an artist I can close my eyes and see color combinations a lot. I close my eyes as I’m going to sleep and ideas just float across my proverbial vision so clearly. I can look at things irl and overlay or imagination “enhance” the colors of it. Make that blue a little more purple. Give that tan a pinkish tinge. Beautify the ordinary right in my head and almost nearly before my eyes.
And I think, had I been better at music, had I been able to learn to count music to have a more innate rhythmic understanding of the stuff that I’d be able to do the same thing with music because every once in awhile, I DO do that with music.
It’s rare. Really really rare. But every once in awhile I will wake up from a dream in which my brain magically composed a song out of nothing. A song that does not exist in the real world. And almost always slips away as I wake up but it’s there long enough for me to realize exactly what happened and it always astounds me because I certainly spent many years in music. Learning piano and playing in an orchestra, but I’ve always felt there’s something in me that is blocked in that department by just the way that my body, my being, IS. I’ve radically accepted that when numbers get involved in anything even in the simplest of ways, which to be sure, is an absolute when it comes to music even in an instinctual way, I am slightly disabled in the brain by it.
I practiced music a lot. I picked almost all of it up by ear, similar to the way he also learned. I can read music but I can’t really sight read. I can read the notes but I can’t read the rhythm until I hear it first. Rhythmic clapping exercises don’t tend to help me very much. And in playing in groups I do tend to come in a fraction of a second late, which is unnoticeable to almost anyone when you’re playing in groups.
Yet despite this disability I still chaired quite high in the upper level orchestra at our school. I qualified for the regional orchestra that had the best of the best in region (though in that department my disabilities placed me where I truly belonged. The back of second violin lol. I was simply too busy between school, dance practice and work to put in the practice needed to get up to that level with only four practice sessions before the performance which we played at the intended pace as the music was written. I was truly an imposter in my orchestra class that got away with a lot from my by ear talent. Fully admitted that.)
But knowing that my brain is, on a rare occasion, capable of creating full compositions like that- I feel like it MUST come as easily to someone like Matt Bellamy as colors come to me. Right?
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thschei · 4 months
Translation here
Ah... with an unseen arm he wrings their necks... That 《fantôme de rêve》 (phantom of a dream) Is merely a fragile, damaged ego... Drowning in ruthless lucidity, when he drinks and drinks...  He stumbles about The miniature château (castle) of an attic. Ah... with an unseen arm searing with pain... That 《fantôme dolour》 (phantom pain) Drifts away in cheap liquor, allowing him to sleep... Du vin… du champagne… du l'eau de vie… Wine… champagne… brandy… Racing on horseback… Like the vision of a nightmare… With auburn hair billowing all around… He brandishes the Reaper's scythe and swings— Harvesting heads… Like the vision of a windmill… With scarlet flowers blooming in all directions... Emboldened by a single guiding principle— Cloaked within the thinly veiled darkness... He awakens only to find That he's still in a dream (nightmare). His life depraved into one of drinking and lunacy, Trapped within a cycle of repeating pain. A scar in the shape of a cross marring the left cheek;  With blazing auburn hair and eyes of maroon— His arm aches to kill— His 『unseen arm』 burns to kill that man! Who is the assailant and who is the sufferer...? Hunt down the Reaper and bury him... "I'll kill you!" The man lunged at him unexpectedly, Gripping the epee noir (black sword) And the sang (fluid) Splattered everywhere like pinot noir (red wine) In the act of pushing it in… Offering up the flower, "bonsoir" (good night) In the act of pulling it out... Bringing light to the song, "au revoir" (farewell) The name of the man who collapsed is Laurant. The name of the man who escaped is Laurencin... And yet another Laurant… Simply stood at the scene in stunned silence... Who is the assailant And who is the sufferer...? Victims upon victims, added to the pile. Turning round and round, The revolving windmill of hatred… Swinging up and falling down, like wild, dancing flames...
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